#doi uncommon
moiteneia · 23 days
Eu estou sem AUs fofinhas pra ler ~pfvr me recomendem ~ então, estarei contribuindo, espero que goste:
AU Guapoverso, mas versão policiais! (inspirado em B99): ☾
r!Roier é um dos melhores detetives da delegacia G99, não havia nenhum caso que não demorasse para solucionar ou encontrar uma resposta...Porém, havia um mistério que ele nunca foi capaz de resolver: como amadurecer? Ele vivia no antigo apartamento de seu avô, acumulando dívidas dos impostos atrasados, sempre estava atrasado e sempre acabava com problemas por não cuidar de si mesmo e, bom, por não seguir as regras (especialmente de vestimenta, pelo Santo Pepito quem gosta de usar gravata? Além do mais, os casacos de couro dele eram bem mais descolados).
Já g!Cell faz tudo seguindo as regras, competindo sempre com r!Roier pelo maior número de casos resolvidos, ele estava decidido em se tornar o servidor mais novo da história da polícia a chegar no cargo de capitão. O único problema? Ele não sabia a hora de parar. Virava noites estudando, pegava casos ao mesmo tempo e não era incomum encontrá-lo dormindo em algum canto escondido da delegacia - para não ter que sair de lá ou ele se enchia de cafeína ou dormia alguns poucos minutos por ali.
Bom, decidido a juntar o útil ao agradável, o capitão g!Philza decidiu juntar os dois para ser uma dupla, o que ele não esperava era que dali eles encontrariam muitas respostas além daquelas que precisavam para o caso.
r!Roier iria descobrir que g!Cell não é um completo chato, mas que sabia se divertir, além de o fazer ver que haviam muitas coisas na vida além das piadas, valia a pena prestar atenção às vezes e ler os casos com cuidado, ainda mais com alguém que o sabia fazer rir. E g!Cell veria que seu colega não era *só* um completo idiota, mas...Era alguém que ele poderia contar e estar junto de verdade, r!Roier não iria trair a sua confiança nem o abandonar para fazer todo trabalho, eles era o seu parceiro.
I'm out of cute AUs to read ~please recommend them ~ so I'll be contributing, I hope you like it:
AU Guapoverso, but police version! (inspired by B99): ☾
r!Roier is one of the best detectives at the G99 police station, there was no case that didn't take long to solve or find an answer... However, there was a mystery that he was never able to solve: how to mature? He lived in his grandfather's old apartment, accumulating debts from back taxes, he was always late and always ended up in trouble for not taking care of himself and, well, for not following the rules (especially regarding clothing, for Santo Pepito, who likes to wear tie? Besides, his leather coats were much cooler).
Now g!Cell does everything by the rules, always competing with r!Roier for the most cases solved, he was determined to become the youngest employee in the history of the police to reach the position of captain. The only problem? He didn't know when to stop. He spent all night studying, taking on cases at the same time and it wasn't uncommon to find him sleeping in some hidden corner of the police station - so he wouldn't have to leave there or he would fill up on caffeine or sleep for a few minutes there.
Well, determined to combine the useful with the pleasant, Captain g!Philza decided to bring the two together to be a duo. What he didn't expect was that from there they would find many answers besides those they needed for the case.
r!Roier would discover that g!Cell is not a complete bore, but that he knew how to have fun, in addition to making him see that there were many things in life besides jokes, it was worth paying attention sometimes and reading the cases carefully, even more so with someone who knew how to make him laugh. And g!Cell would see that his colleague wasn't *just* a complete idiot, but...He was someone he could truly count on and be with, r!Roier wouldn't betray his trust or abandon him to do all the work, he is his partner.
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morrak · 4 months
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 138
In much the same spirit as Part 134, this week (or my week, at least) concerns itself with search filters for citation databases. Some of this might seem familiar if you happen to have caught that entry, though on the whole this is probably slightly less crunchy.
Glanville, Julie et al. “Which are the most sensitive search filters to identify randomized controlled trials in MEDLINE?.” Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA vol. 108,4 (2020): 556-563. doi:10.5195/jmla.2020.912
You can find the full text for free on the relevant PubMed Central entry.
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The How
Hand searching, if you can believe it. I want to say I found this in Library and Information Science Abstracts, but it's been a while — I can't remember whether JMLA is indexed there and I don't suppose you'll come after me if I don't check mid-sentence. One such database. Like most other things, they're all the same except when they aren't.
The Text
Conducting and publishing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is a thing a lot of people care a lot about. You can picture the result as a kind of bibliographic slurry — I'm avoiding the word slush, which might also fit but would require a different kind of post entirely — that needs processing and post-processing to yield anything very useful. Squeezing citations out of a database in a validated and reproducible manner is the work of search filters. In their simplest form, these are nothing more than strings to be copied and pasted into website search bars.
Filters for RCTs have been around for several decades, but the most widely used were published by an organization called Cochrane in 2008 as an update to an even older set (mostly from 1994). This paper tests those and 36 others — attempts to update or meet different needs than the Cochrane filters — against a pool of 29,428 studies that the authors suggest they all ought to retrieve. The major result is a table of filter performance in sensitivity (that is, recall), precision, and f-score (something like an average of the previous two metrics).
Mechanically this is very simple, but practically it would've been a heroic slog. Identifying a few filters to test is the work of an hour; scrubbing the MEDLINE database with them is a short afternoon; wrangling clean citation files and tabulating performance across this many options is just silly. This sort of review is very uncommon for a reason.
I should note that two of these authors, Glanville and Dooley, had one of their own filters adapted by Cochrane for a special update of their handbook in 2019. This is, it won't surprise you to know, a very small field. People who do this work tend to do a lot of it.
The Object
Does what it ought to.
The Why, Though?
Because of my thesis, or rather the paper that turned into a proposal for it (or, more honestly, because I needed a tight bibliography for non-medical information retrieval wonks to justify the proposal in the first place). I don't have much to do with RCTs on any real scale, thank goodness, but I have lots of good reasons to want to reverse engineer the workflows that made this project possible.
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cadmusfly · 5 months
marshal pokemon au is on ao3 now
also soult time, highly inspired by @josefavomjaaga's posts on soult and the "roi nicolas" affair
Jean-de-Dieu Soult, as he proclaims, is no trainer of Pokémon. He is a trainer of men. He trains them with steely reserve to march and drill and obey the commands that will give them the world. 
But he will not deny the sheer usefulness of Pokémon. Who could? He would be a fool to deny the strengths and talents of these elemental beasts, they who have brought such glory to France and her Grande Armée.
The old ways of war were falling away. No more would one soldier fight with one Pokemon partner, all massed in unwieldy units of men. Pokémon were to be treated as soldiers in their own right; a natural progression of the ideals espoused in the Revolution.
But Soult himself had never quite bonded with the beasts. Many a soldier would die and had died for their partners, but he and the Pokémon he worked with were under no pretensions about the nature of their relationship. Professional and businesslike, from Skarmory's bird's eye view to Oranguru's psychic control, and that was how all of them preferred it.
Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra. Even if he was forced to divide the Portuguese through underhanded politics, even if his name was to be blackened with the accusations of treason, as long as he did all he could for those under his command and his orders - do your duty, come what may.
But there was no use ruminating on such things, not at this time of night in the dwindling candlelight, trying not to listen the sounds of his ADCs chattering about something irrelevant-
There was a metallic screech. A thud, scrabbling claws against wood.
Soult stood up. The chatter stopped.
Clattering into the room came Skarmory. This was not such an uncommon occurance- regularly did the iron bird bring urgent messages with her. But this time her beak was clamped around the scruff of a small squirming shape, and from his snout fell a piece of bread.
The ADCs came in after her, drawn by the sound of Something Happening.
"A fox!"
"So that is the thief stealing from our stores!"
With a voice as sharp as his Skarmory's, Soult snapped, "All of you, out. Except you two."
The humans cleared from the room. Skarmory fixed her yellow eye upon Soult's own, ruffling the bladed feathers of her wings noisily.
Said Soult, "You could have dealt with this matter on your own. You have done so in the past. Why bring this to my attention?"
The dark orange fox- the Nickit raised his head as best as he was able, squealing, though he did not let go of the bread in his mouth.
Soult should have just given the order to dispose of the brat. Skarmory would have obeyed it instantly, and Soult could return to his tasks. But something stayed his hand. 
He stared at the small fox. Finally, he said, curt yet quiet, "They think I am like you."
Whether the Nickit understood these words or not, he stopped his keening. Small eyes forever hiding a guilty glee refused to meet Soult's.
"They call me a plunderer and pillager," Soult said. "They compose... songs about my supposed ambitions, when all I am trying to do is survive."
Like a hungry fox in the night.
His laugh had no humour in it.
"Here is my proposal, little one," he said. "Stay with me, endure what I am forced to endure, be better than what they say. Or leave. It is no difference to me. Skarmory, let him go."
Nickit fell onto the floor, bread still in his little jaw. He looked up at Soult and tensed, ready to take flight.
The next day, the ADCs were amused to see that their taciturn Marshal was followed by a small orange shadow, still chewing on a bit of bread.
my thoughts on assigning pokemon teams to some of napoleon’s marshals
flipflopping back and forth on whether to dehumanise the pokemons by calling them "it" in internal narration or doing the french thing of gender all the things
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superlinguo · 2 years
New publication: The General Fact/Generic Factual in Yolmo and Tamang (Studies in Language)
The Yolmo evidential system includes a category for generally known facts. Things like lemons are sour or tea is sweet (in Nepal at least) are marked using the general fact evidential òŋge. The form òŋ is also the verb ‘to come’.
This evidential turns up in every dialect of Yolmo documented to date, but it doesn’t exist in any other Tibetic language, not the specific form, or the even the semantic category. There is one language with a similar category though, and that’s the variety of Tamang spoken near the Melamchi Yolmo villages. The Tamang form kha-pa covers similar evidential semantics, and is also based on the lexical verb ‘come’.
In this paper we look at these similar forms, and how the similarities between them and social history of the area indicates the Yolmo òŋge is likely a calque from the Tamang kha-pa. I’m very grateful to my colleagues Thomas Owen-Smith for working with me on this paper. Thomas was working on the documentation of this variety of Tamang while I was writing my thesis about Yolmo evidentiality. Chatting with him helped me make sense of this unique feature of Yolmo and I’m so happy we’ve turned our long conversations into a not very long paper setting out our analysis.
This paper examines the similarity of the Yolmo ‘general fact’ evidential and the ‘generic fact’ evidential in the Tamang dialect spoken in the valley of the Indrawati Khola. Yolmo òŋge is unlike any evidential attested in other Tibetic languages, but shares features with 1kha-pa in the local dialect of Tamang. Semantically, they both are used for situations that are generally known facts. Structurally, both are copulas with evidential functions that are formed using the lexical verb ‘come’. We argue that language contact between Tamang speakers of the Indrawati Khola area and Yolmo speakers in the Melamchi Valley led to the Yolmo language calquing the Tamang form. We illustrate these copulas and their relationship because grammaticalisation of copulas from a lexical verb ‘come’ is cross-linguistically uncommon.
Gawne, L. & T. Owen-Smith. 2022. The General Fact/Generic Factual in Yolmo and Tamang. Studies in Language. Issue number forthcoming. doi: 10.1075/sl.21049.gaw
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Makars’ Court.
Lawnmarket Royal Mile Edinburgh.
“The flesche is brukle, the Fend is sle Timor Mortis conturbat me.”                                                                   William Dunbar(circa1460–1520.)
Little is known of William Dunbar’s early life, but he was a Makar in the true sense of the word, as that is what he would have been known as in Scotland in the language of the 15/16th century.
William Dunbar was probably a relative of the Earls of Dunbar and March. He was educated at St Andrews University, from where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in 1477 and an MA two years later. He was ordained as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church some time later.
In the service of the King of Scotland, James IV, he was a member of diplomatic missions to Denmark and France in the early 1490s. In 1501 and 1502 he accompanied the Bishop of Moray on a visit to England to assist in the conclusion of a peace treaty and negotiations for the marriage of Henry VII’s daughter, Princess Margaret, to James IV.
etween 1500 and 1513 he was a court poet, receiving a modest pension, of which there is no record after 1513, the year in which James IV was slain at Flodden, but James V was an infant when his father died, and I have never heard pf a Regent making use of a court in the same way a King or Queen would.
Dunbar’s output was extensive in both volume and scope, covering works on religion and morality, courtly pieces and humorous and satirical poems, some quite personal.  The poetry he wrote to entertain the King, Queen, and his fellow courtiers includes A Dance in the Quenis Chalmer, The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins, and The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy, his part in a kind of poetic duel between him and William Kennedy, a fellow court poet from Ayrshire. 
He also wrote several petitions in verse to the King requesting a benefice, an endowed church office that provided a secure income, as well as one asking for a horse and another for a new suit of clothes. One of his best known poems is his Lament For The Makeris from where the quote is taken.
Dunbar’s poems offer vivid descriptions of late medieval society and were written with uncommon frankness and wit in the Middle Scots language of that period. To make them more intelligible, Selected Poems of William Dunbar: An Interlinear Translation, was published in 2010 by Lawrence Siegler. Dunbar enjoyed a high reputation both during his lifetime and after his death, Sir Walter Scott being a great admirer of his work.
The original poem is a form of “danse macabre”, or “dance of death,” in which people of all social classes are summoned by Death. The poem has a refrain: every fourth line is the Latin phrase “timor mortis conturbat me” (“the fear of death dismays me” so the lines translate to 
the flesh is frail; the Fiend runs free ... how the fear of Death dismays me!
Other poets get mentioned in the verse. most notably, in my opinion Blind Harry, who wrote the epic poem  he Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, which is shortoned to The Wallace, and  Andrew of Wyntoun, who has been mentioned in some of my post due his most famous work  Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland  ("Original Chronicle of Scotland"). The English poet,  Geoffrey Chaucer also get’s a mention.
Lament For The Makaris
I that in heill wes and gladnes, Am trublit now with gret seiknes, And feblit with infermite; Timor mortis conturbat me. Our plesance heir is all vane glory, This fals warld is bot transitory, The flesche is brukle, the Fend is sle; Timor mortis conturbat me. The stait of man dois change and vary, Now sound, now seik, now blith, now sary, Now dansand mery, now like to dee; Timor mortis conturbat me. No stait in erd heir standis sickir; As with the wynd wavis the wickir, Wavis this warldis vanite. Timor mortis conturbat me. On to the ded gois all estatis, Princis, prelotis, and potestatis, Baith riche and pur of al degre; Timor mortis conturbat me. He takis the knychtis in to feild, Anarmit under helme and scheild; Victour he is at all mellie; Timor mortis conturbat me. That strang unmercifull tyrand Takis, on the moderis breist sowkand, The bab full of benignite; Timor mortis conturbat me. He takis the campion in the stour, The capitane closit in the tour, The lady in bour full of bewte; Timor mortis conturbat me. He sparis no lord for his piscence, Na clerk for his intelligence; His awfull strak may no man fle; Timor mortis conturbat me. Art-magicianis, and astrologgis, Rethoris, logicianis, and theologgis, Thame helpis no conclusionis sle; Timor mortis conturbat me. In medicyne the most practicianis, Lechis, surrigianis, and phisicianis, Thame self fra ded may not supple; Timor mortis conturbat me. I se that makaris amang the laif Playis heir ther pageant, syne gois to graif; Sparit is nocht ther faculte; Timor mortis conturbat me. He hes done petuously devour, The noble Chaucer, of makaris flour, The Monk of Bery, and Gower, all thre; Timor mortis conturbat me. The gude Syr Hew of Eglintoun, And eik Heryot, and Wyntoun, He hes tane out of this cuntre; Timor mortis conturbat me. That scorpion fell hes done infek Maister Johne Clerk, and Jame Afflek, Fra balat making and tragidie; Timor mortis conturbat me. Holland and Barbour he hes berevit; Allace! that he nocht with us levit Schir Mungo Lokert of the Le; Timor mortis conturbat me. Clerk of Tranent eik he has tane, That maid the Anteris of Gawane; Schir Gilbert Hay endit hes he; Timor mortis conturbat me. He hes Blind Hary and Sandy Traill Slaine with his schour of mortall haill, Quhilk Patrik Johnestoun myght nocht fle; Timor mortis conturbat me. He hes reft Merseir his endite, That did in luf so lifly write, So schort, so quyk, of sentence hie; Timor mortis conturbat me. He hes tane Roull of Aberdene, And gentill Roull of Corstorphin; Two bettir fallowis did no man se; Timor mortis conturbat me. In Dumfermelyne he hes done roune With Maister Robert Henrisoun; Schir Johne the Ros enbrast hes he; Timor mortis conturbat me. And he hes now tane, last of aw, Gud gentill Stobo and Quintyne Schaw, Of quham all wichtis hes pete: Timor mortis conturbat me. Gud Maister Walter Kennedy In poynt of dede lyis veraly, Gret reuth it wer that so suld be; Timor mortis conturbat me. Sen he hes all my brether tane, He will nocht lat me lif alane, On forse I man his nyxt pray be; Timor mortis conturbat me. Sen for the deid remeid is none, Best is that we for dede dispone, Eftir our deid that lif may we; Timor mortis conturbat me.
Lament for the Makaris ("Lament for the Makers") by William Dunbar [c. 1460-1530] loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch i who enjoyed good health and gladness am overwhelmed now by life’s terrible sickness and enfeebled with infirmity ... how the fear of Death dismays me! our presence here is mere vainglory; the false world is but transitory; the flesh is frail; the Fiend runs free ... how the fear of Death dismays me! the state of man is changeable: now sound, now sick, now blithe, now dull, now manic, now devoid of glee ... how the fear of Death dismays me! no state on earth stands here securely; as the wild wind shakes the willow tree, so wavers this world’s vanity ... how the fear of Death dismays me! Death leads the knights into the field (unarmored under helm and shield) sole Victor of each red mêlée ... how the fear of Death dismays me! that strange, despotic Beast tears from its mother’s breast the babe, full of benignity ... how the fear of Death dismays me! He takes the champion of the hour, the captain of the highest tower, the beautiful damsel in full flower ... how the fear of Death dismays me! He spares no lord for his elegance, nor clerk for his intelligence; His dreadful stroke no man can flee ... how the fear of Death dismays me! artist, magician, scientist, orator, debater, theologist, must all conclude, so too, as we: “how the fear of Death dismays me!” in medicine the most astute sawbones and surgeons all fall mute; they cannot save themselves, or flee ... how the fear of Death dismays me! i see the Makers among the unsaved; the greatest of Poets all go to the grave; He does not spare them their faculty ... how the fear of Death dismays me! i have seen the Monster pitilessly devour our noble Chaucer, poetry’s flower, and Lydgate and Gower (great Trinity!) ... how the fear of Death dismays me! since He has taken my brothers all, i know He will not let me live past the fall; His next prey will be—poor unfortunate me!— how the fear of Death dismays me! there is no remedy for Death; we all must prepare to relinquish breath so that after we die, we may be set free from “the fear of Death dismays me!”
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4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Immune System
While the mechanisms of immunity are complex and no one thing is going to suddenly make it work perfectly, there are lifestyle habits that create the balance the body needs for the immune system to function at its best. Let’s take a look at 4 things you can start implementing every day to drastically improve your overall health, including your immune function.
#1 Hydrate
While drinking water isn’t going to fight off germs, it is going to improve your body’s ability to do so. Without proper hydration, your body’s cells can’t do what they need to do to keep the body working as it should. Dehydration can have negative consequences on a variety of systems including digestion1, which is closely tied to immune function. A general rule of thumb is that you should be drinking half your bodyweight in ounces each day. That means that if you’re a 180 pound person, you should be taking in about 90 ounces of water a day. Pure water is better than juices and sodas, and don’t forget that soups and fresh fruits and vegetables provide quite a bit of water as well. If your urine is a clear, pale yellow, you’re most likely properly hydrated.
#2 Get Plenty of Sleep
There’s a reason you sleep a lot when you’re sick; your body needs rest in order to fight off that sickness. Even if you’re not actively experiencing symptoms of an illness, that doesn’t mean your body’s not fighting all kinds of battles under the surface. You’re regularly exposed to a plethora of pathogens and your body has an incredible ability to fend off most of them without you ever knowing it. But in order to do, your body has to be well rested. If you’re getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night, you’re more prone to illnesses like the common cold2.
#3 Eat More Whole Foods
Whole foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes all contain a wide variety of important vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that ward off inflammation and help your immune system function at its best3. The fiber in these is also crucial for your gut microbiome, a major factor in your immune system, so eat up.
#4 Lower Your Stress
Numerous studies have shown that long-term stress created activity within the body that ravaged the immune system4. In fact, these studies indicate that duration of stress, not severity, is the key factor. That means making the effort to keep your stress levels as low as possible, so be sure you’re committing to regular self-care, taking breaks when needed, and allowing your body and mind to get away from it all.
While we’re all going to get sick now and then, keeping your immune system working at its best is going to make that an uncommon occurrence and help you to fight off anything you do catch much faster and easier. So, if you don’t already, start implementing these positive lifestyle changes and take better care of your body today.
1 Popkin BM, D'Anci KE, Rosenberg IH.
Water, hydration, and health. Nutr Rev. 2010 Aug;68(8):439-58.
doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00304.x. PMID: 20646222; PMCID: PMC2908954.
2 Prather AA, Janicki-Deverts D, Hall MH, Cohen S.
Behaviorally Assessed Sleep and Susceptibility to the Common Cold.
Sleep. 2015 Sep 1;38(9):1353-9. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4968. PMID: 26118561; PMCID: PMC4531403.
3 Serafini M, Peluso I.
Functional Foods for Health: The Interrelated Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Role of Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices and Cocoa in Humans.
Curr Pharm Des. 2016;22(44):6701-6715. doi: 10.2174/1381612823666161123094235. PMID: 27881064; PMCID: PMC5427773.
4 Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Gregory E. Miller
Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry
Psychological Bulletin 2004, Vol. 130, No. 4, 601–630
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hackernewsrobot · 1 month
Experience with an Uncommon Lisp (1986) [pdf]
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exploringislamjourney · 2 months
More Alleged Contradictions: #26
Are animals evil?
a. Yes (7:179, 7:166)
b. No (22:18)
c. Yes, the black dog is the devil (hadiths)
7:179: Indeed, We have destined many jinn and humans for Hell. They have hearts they do not understand with, eyes they do not see with, and ears they do not hear with. They are like cattle. In fact, they are even less guided! Such people are entirely heedless.
7:166: But when they stubbornly persisted in violation, We said to them, "Be disgraced apes!"
22:18: Doi you not see that to God bow down in submission all those in the heavens and all those on the earth, as well as the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, and all living beings, as well as many humans, while many are deserving of punishment. And whoever God disgraces, none can honour. Surely God does what He wills.
Footnote(s) for 7:166:
"327: Literally or metaphorically. See footnote for 2:65. [24: Although many scholars believe that these individuals were turned into real apes, others interpret this verse in a metaphorical sense. This style is not uncommon in the Quran..."
Footnote(s) 22:18:
"649: lit., prostrate. meaning, all beings submit to His Will."
The firs two are ways of comparison to the behavior of animals, not commentary on the animals, themselves. 22:18 backs up the idea that animals only act by God's Will since they don't have free will, as humans do. Since the hadiths aren't in the Quran, I'm tempted to say there aren't contradictions here, and move on. however, I think this requires some reflection, regardless.
I've seen where scholars say the hadith(s) about black dogs being the devil is fabricated. I've seen where the black dog is symbolic, and is another image used in place of the devil's actual appearance. I've also seen where someone in Mecca may have been bitten by a black dog---which may have been a hyena ("mountain dog")---, which was diseased. Since there was no way to tell the diseased from the healthy, all were killed to prevent the spread. Advice has been given online to not treat the hadiths like the Qiran---as holy writ, prescribed for every place at every time. This revolves back to the specific/General assignment to various passages of the Quran. With that being said, though, I find no contradiction, here.
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pangpingpong · 2 months
Latte itu menurutku harus pahit, karena hanya dibuat dari susu dan espresso. Ngerasa kaya alien pas nemu abang - abang barista bikin latte pakai sweetener. Hatiku kaya remuk berserakan (Lebay? I know)
padahal udah gue konfirm "Bang cuma susu sama espresso aja kan ya?" Terus doi kayanya kedistrek. Baiklah... besok-besok aku akan cari kopisyop lain yang bisa menyajikan latte sesuai standar resep yang kutahu (wkwkwk).
Secara umum, I like bitter coffee way too much than sweet coffee. Dan seharusnya kopi itu ya Pahit. Cuma, kan sebagai manusia uncommon di tengah manusia lain yang suka sama gula - sweetener - SKM, gue itu unpopular opinion jadinya. Padahal yang paham standarnya harusnya bisa ngejelasin, tiap ada yang pesen latte kalau it doesnt contain sweetener at all. And you can kindly ask the costumer, whether they prefer to add some syrup or sweetener in it or not.
Sempet mikir, apakah harus beli coffee machine, tapi sudahlah. Gue tidak punya waktu buat ngurusin maintenance coffee machine tsb. Gue prefer kopi instan yang tetep black dan tidak berampas (iykyk). Iya tahu, dia merk yg dukung isriwil. But, it is the best option for me and mba Nten. Order for food delivery often took much time and also money. Jadi kami berkesimpulan, gimana kalau kita pesen saja frother to make foam milk. Sudah. Ternyata solusinya sederhana.
Kalau ditanya, kenapa suka bitter, jawabannya adalah I dont know. I just know that coffee should be bitter, with another flavor such as floral, nutty, sweet or fresh. Selain, milk based, actually kalau lambungku fine - fine saja dan I have time, I prefer v60.
Aroma kopi dan rasanya bakalan beda, meskipun beans nya sama. Tergantung abang baristanya mau nyeduh tekniknya kekmana. Kadang ada yang keluar aroma dan flavornya, ada yang gak. Ada yang terlalu watery, ada yang terlalu bitter dan macam - macam. Ini semacam tes organoleptik, jadi ga ada beban. Just for fun, sekalian melatih sensori biar lebih sensitif.
Kalau sudah terbiasa dengan rasa asli makanan dan minuman, jadinya kita bakalan tahu kualitas bahan pangan yang dipakai. Dan, consnya kadang - kadang I expect too much when reading a menu wkwkwk.
Contohnya semalam gue baca menu strawberry tea. Ekspektasi gue itu adalah segelas fruit tea tapi ada stroberi fresh yang dicrunch setengah kasar or mereka pakai selai stroberi, dikasih es batu dan black tea atau oolong tea. Pas di konfirm ternyata mereka pakai yang udah serbuk. Bhaiquelah....
Maybe I expect too much dari sebuah menu seharga 20k. Padahal ya gue pikir dengan ekspektasi gue itu gak akan semahal itu. Emang bakalan time consuming sih, cuma secara quality bakalan top markotop sih wkwkwk. Again, unfulfilled expectation is bitter. Always~
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florasearlethirdyear · 6 months
RSA: Silk Technology
Silk: How Ethical And Sustainable Is It? (& Better Alternatives To Choose Instead):
Silk raises various ethical and sustainable issues. It’s also one of the most expensive fabrics, and owning silk clothing requires constant dry-cleaning. 
Silk is a natural fiber created by certain insects and arachnids to form their cocoons or webs. When all the silkworms have finished spinning their cocoons, silk producers place the cocoons in boiling water to dissolve the gum holding the cocoon together, killing the silkworm in the process.
Silk has a worse environmental impact than synthetic fabrics, and it has a huge global warming potential:
Boiling the water to cook the cocoons takes enormous amounts of energy and water.
It contributes to the pollution of groundwaters and may cause serious environmental issues, such as eutrophication. Eutrophication leads to the spread of harmful algae in the environment and usually causes dead zones.
A lot of toxic chemicals, including dyes, are usually used during silk production, and untreated waters are regularly dumped into waterways.
Another ethical issue is that child labor is not uncommon in the silk industry.
Ethical Options:
Used silk fabrics have been reused and recycled into new ones, and it is done without the ethical and sustainable issues of producing virgin silk.
Lotus silk is made by spinning the long roots of the lotus flower. Lotus plants are grown without pesticides and require very little water. 
Other silk-like fabrics you can find are pineapple silk and banana silk. Both are made as a by-product of the fruit industry, so they're very sustainable fabrics, saving waste and resources. 
Cactus silk is made using a subspecies of succulents that need very little water and no chemicals to grow. 
The brand Bolt Threads also created "spider" silk. However, it is not made using spiders but by fermenting yeast, water and sugar, and it's very similar to real spider silk. I have contacted Bolt Threads for further insight.
Astoul, E. (2023). Silk: How Ethical And Sustainable Is It? (& Better Alternatives To Choose Instead). [online]. Available from: https://www.sustainably-chic.com/blog/what-is-silk [Accessed 04/11/2023]
Influence of silk clothing therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis:
'One general trigger factor of AD is physical irritation, e.g. by harsh textile fibers'.
'Silk clothing can be considered as an attractive option in textiles-based therapy for AD due to their hygienic properties. Particularly, the thread fibers of silk are strong and consist of filaments with a rounded shape, resulting in excellent smooth fibers that do not cause scratching, friction, or irritate the skin.'
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'The use of pure silk as a clothing-based therapy generated an appearance of good skin, increased the level of comfort, and improved the quality of life of patients significantly during the management of AD symptoms. Taken together, our investigation demonstrated that this clothing can be used as an advisable non-pharmacological therapy for controlling the severity of AD'.
Hung MH, Sartika D, Chang SJ, Chen SJ, Wang CC, Hung YJ, Cherng JH, Chiu YK. (2019). Influence of silk clothing therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis. Dermatol Reports. Vol. 11. No.2. doi: 10.4081/dr.2019.8176.
Silk textile with antimicrobial AEM5772/5 (Dermasilk): a pilot study with positive influence on acne vulgaris on the back:
'The use of special silk textiles (Dermasilk) has shown positive effects on chronic inflammatory diseases like lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, atopic dermatitis, diabetic ulcerations, and vulvovaginal candidiasis'.
Antifungal and antibacterial ability
'Photographic documentation before and after 6 weeks showed a clinically significant reduction in acne lesions on the back without any concomitant treatment or change in lifestyle and living conditions'.
Schaunig C, Kopera D. (2017). Silk textile with antimicrobial AEM5772/5 (Dermasilk): a pilot study with positive influence on acne vulgaris on the back. Int J Dermatol. Vol.56. No.5. pp.589-591. doi: 10.1111/ijd.13541.
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cavenewstimes · 11 months
Subtle cell states resolved in single-cell data
2023-05-17 00:00:00Subtle cell states dealt with in single-cell informationNature Biotechnology, Published online: 17 May 2023; doi:10.1038/ s41587-023-01797-6SEACells determines unusual cell states in big datasets, making it possible for atlas-scale research studies … SEACells determines uncommon cell states in big datasets, allowing atlas-scale research studies. Massive-scale profiling of cell…
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entomoblog · 1 year
[Case reports] Tiques, cafards, scarabées, araignées, termites et autres bestioles peuvent élire domicile dans l'oreille
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Tiques, cafards, scarabées, araignées, termites et autres bestioles � peuvent élire domicile dans l'oreille. La lecture de ce billet de blog est susceptible de provoquer la survenue de démangeaisons persistantes du conduit auditif externe � https://t.co/BY7jEElh69 [Rediff] pic.twitter.com/LcgCWMuJPY
— Marc Gozlan (@MarcGozlan) April 7, 2023
"Dans le système médical, certains cas cliniques sont considérés comme particulièrement insolites."
  Marc Gozlan sur Twitter, 22.03.2023 https://twitter.com/MarcGozlan/status/1638641688783495171
  "De New York à Paris, les médecins qui enquêtent sur ces patients hors norme sont les auteurs de 'case reports'. Voici leurs histoires."
Marc Gozlan (@MarcGozlan) April 7, 2023
De twitter.com
  "Tiques, cafards, scarabées, araignées, termites et autres bestioles 🪳 peuvent élire domicile dans l'oreille. La lecture de ce billet de blog est susceptible de provoquer la survenue de démangeaisons persistantes du conduit auditif externe 👉 https://t.co/BY7jEElh69 [Rediff] https://t.co/LcgCWMuJPY" https://twitter.com/MarcGozlan/status/1644273388804874241
  [Image] Vue au microscope de la tique femelle (Haemaphysalis longicornis) retirée du conduit auditif externe d’une fille de 9 ans. (A) Vue dorsale (grossissement 8x). (B) Vue ventrale (grossissement 8x). (C) Capitulum (partie antérieure de la tique, porteuse des pièces buccales), grossissement 32x. (D) Pattes de la tique (grossissement 16x). Choi JY, et al. Ann Dermatol. 2018 Jun;30(3):348-350.
  Pour en savoir plus :
Kasle D, Waldman E.  Images in clinical medicine. Tick Attached to the Tympanic Membrane. N Engl J Med. 2019 May 2;380(18):1761. doi: 10.1056/NEJMicm1812049
Arnold A, Arnold W. Images in clinical medicine. A tickling in the ear. N Engl J Med. 2012 Sep 20;367(12):e17. doi: 10.1056/NEJMicm1114612
Choi JY, Cho BK, Lee YB, Yu DS, Jun BC, Lee IY, Kim JW. An Uncommon Presentation of Human Otoacariasis by Haemaphysalis longicornis. Ann Dermatol. 2018 Jun;30(3):348-350. doi: 10.5021/ad.2018.30.3.348
Supiyaphun P, Sukumanpaiboon P. Acute otalgia: a case report of mature termite in the middle ear. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2000 Jan;27(1):77-8. doi: 10.1016/S0385-8146(99)00035-8
Erkalp K, Kalekoğlu Erkalp N, Ozdemir H. Acute otalgia during sleep (live insect in the ear): a case report. Agri. 2009 Jan;21(1):36-8. PMID:19357999
Antonelli PJ, Ahmadi A, Prevatt A. Insecticidal activity of common reagents for insect foreign bodies of the ear. Laryngoscope. 2001 Jan;111(1):15-20.PMID:11192884
Autre cas médical insolite récent
  Des médecins découvrent un cafard dans le vagin d'une femme, 10.04.2023 https://www.pourquoidocteur.fr/Articles/Question-d-actu/42912-Des-medecins-decouvrent-cafard-vagin-d-une-femme
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  → Quand une bestiole s’installe dans votre oreille - De www.nejm.org - 11 mai 2019, 09:34
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yellowpuppet · 1 year
@notgettingpaidenough dialed: “It’s just a scratch? If I believed it every time someone told me that, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.” //hello!
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It  wasn't  uncommon  for  Doi  to  miss  the  severity  of  an  injury.  Getting  hurt  was  a  daily  routine  for  themselves  and  their  friends.  It  was  weird  to  not  get  hurt.  As  twisted  as  that  was.  They  knew  no  different  so  they  craved  no  better  for  themselves.  
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Eyes  travelling  down  to  the  open  gash  in  their  arm  they  look  back  up,  a  smile  in  their  voice.
⋆★    ❝    It's  okay!  It's  going  to  be  normal  again  soon!  ❞  It  was  spoken  as  though  it  was  less  of  a  consolation  and  more  as  though  it  was  an  indisputable  fact.  Where  stuffing  and  fluff  should  have  been,  blood  and  gore  seems  to  ooze  freely,  trickling  down  their  arm.
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jandercover · 1 year
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janvier 2023 - it’s not just me, it’s everybody
j'aime bien l'idée d'écrire pour figer le temps, donc j'ai décidé de m'atteler à cette tâche que je procrastine depuis un moment pour récolter mes pensées et surtout avoir un historique de ce que je fais, écoute, regarde et lis. ce qui m'inspire :)
ce que j'ai fait?
j’ai déménagé à los angeles en décembre, donc j’ai profité de la nouvelle année pour trouver une jolie maison avec terrasse et petit jardin qui surplombe la ville. jamais je n’aurais imaginé habiter à un endroit comme ça, et je suis vraiment reconnaissante d’être tombé sur cette annonce zillow d’une maison mal rangée avec des photos obscures. j’étais très loin de m’imaginer que je pourrais y emménager mais, elle est là et j’y suis, avec mes nombreuses valises et livres dont je n’ai pas réussi à me séparer.
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autre fait important, j’ai eu 30 ans! et pour l’occasion, j’ai eu la chance d’avoir la visite des ami.e.s parisien.ne.s. le chaos de l’installation s’est fait vite oublié grace a nos activités, et ca m’a fait du bien de prendre des vacances, malgré la pluie et le temps californien parfois curieux. la rechute après que les ami.e.s soient partis était difficile je dois dire, j’ai toujours l’impression de perdre une partie de moi alors qu’ils sont à un facetime. mais j’aime bien l’idée que la distance n’ai pas changé nos relations, et qu’on soit assez chanceux pour se rendre visite d’un pays à l’autre.
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ce que j’ai regardé?

j’ai vraiment apprécié la série fleischman is in trouble, qui parle d’un homme fraîchement divorcé, mais de beaucoup plus que ça ensuite. le premier épisode ne me préparait pas du tout à ça, et j’ai été agréablement surprise par le sujet. claire danes y est vraiment impressionnante et le cast entier s’inscrit bien dans toute l’histoire.
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« she was alternatively panicked that the time was going by and angry it didn’t go by faster »
j’ai aussi commencé les trois premiers épisodes de the last of us. pour avoir regardé des playthrough du jeu, je trouvais que la série était bien trop identique au contenu du jeu, sans interprétation ni personnalité vraiment différente (un peu comme une cover de chanson qui sonne beaucoup trop comme une copie que l’original), mais le troisième épisode a marqué un tournant. j’ai adoré qu’ils élèvent la série vers un nouvel arc narratif inattendu, beau et honnête. je vais longtemps penser à cet épisode je crois. est ce que "long long time" de linda rondstadt sera un nouveau "running up that hill"?
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« i used to hate the world and i was happy when everyone died, but i was wrong because there was one person worth saving »
ce que j’ai écouté?
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le dernier album de weyes blood, dont le titre de cet article s'inspire et le dernier phoenix
le podcast if books could kill sur men are from mars, women are from venus sous les recommendations de victoire
le podcast de mel, send me the link sur les corecore videos
ce que j’ai lu?
j’ai commencé le livre de rick rubin, the creative act: a way of being. j’en suis qu’au début mais j’apprécie vraiment sa manière de parler de l’acte créatif. c'est un très beau livre et sans doute un ouvrage qu'on aimerait découvrir plusieurs fois pour la première fois.
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« if you have an idea you’re excited about and you don’t bring it to life, it’s not uncommon for the idea to find its voice through another maker. this isn’t because the other artist stole your idea, but because the idea’s time has come. »
Pour celles et ceux qui ont lu jusqu'ici, merci 🙏
On se voit fin février,
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grahambender33 · 1 year
Architectural elements from the accommodating end with the co-chaperone p23 put together consumer holding as well as progression of your Hsp90 chaperone never-ending cycle.
05). Fluconazole-resistant yeast ranges were looked at for his or her inclination towards honeys. This study indicated that, inside vitro, these kinds of honeys had antifungal activity with the large power 80% (v/v) over these fluconazole-resistant stresses. Even more studies are currently forced to display if this type of antifungal task offers just about any specialized medical request.Uterine mullerian adenosarcoma with sarcomatous over growing (MASO), uncommon throughout premenopausal women, is often a exceptional version regarding uterine adenosarcomas seen as any sarcomatous piece constituting >25% with the tumor. Uterine MASO typically looks like any not cancerous, sticking out cervical polyp. Even so, in contrast to typical mullerian adenosarcomas (MAs), MASO can be a highly intense cancer, usually associated with a dangerous final result. Although rare within premenopausal girls, due to the higher aggressiveness as well as malignant prospective, uterine MASO should be thought about, during ladies of your young age using benign-appearing polypoid world, and treated aggressively during preliminary diagnosis at once. We existing thus selleck chemical a case of uterine MASO inside a 25-year-old girl with lung metastasis who had been misplaced to be able to follow-up first 30 days following the preliminary analysis was founded.Exciton localization inside ZnO/MgxZn1-xO huge water wells (QWs) may be looked at thoroughly with assorted ZnO properly dimensions for the preset Mg0.23Zn0.77O barrier peak. A strong exciton confinement is noted by having an implicit attachment to the actual built-in electric area that's computed to get Zero.Thirty-seven MV/cm. The exciton-phonon combining energy various substantially depending upon the particular levels of exciton localization using the service energy regarding 18-29 meV. The comfort system in ZnO/Mg0.23Zn0.77O QWs sets out to dominate when the exciton localization vitality is higher than the cold weather energy, k(N)T. This guitar rock band traits and powerful exciton localization throughout ZnO/Mg0.23Zn0.77O QWs are usually attributed to the opportunity fluctuations associated with the inhomogeneous widening, symbolized from the schematics. (H) The year 2010 National Initiate regarding Physics. [doi:15.1063/1.3452379]Alternative lifestyle history strategies offers critical variation for your long-term persistence of your family tree. Nonetheless, resource efficiency of which lineages may be complicated because each and every existence record mode could have diverse environment needs and might be susceptible to different enviromentally friendly perturbations. The Okla salamander (Eurycea tynerensis) will be native to the island for the Ozark Plateau regarding America, and has a couple of distinct existence record methods, biphasic (metamorphic) and also water (paedomorphic). Alternatives, these kinds of processes ended up regarded separate kinds and efficiency interest concentrated only upon paedomorphic communities. Many of us execute phylogenetic looks at in the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (Cytb) and atomic gene proopiomelanocortin (POMC) to evaluate habits associated with famous seclusion inside At the. tynerensis, as well as examination whether or not life record method will be arbitrarily allocated with respect to the phylogeny along with is important. Find about three divergent Cytb lineages as well as considerable adjustments inside POMC allele frequencies between your japanese, traditional western, and south western areas of the submission.
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sciencespies · 1 year
JWST has spotted bizarre rings of dust around a dying star
JWST has spotted bizarre rings of dust around a dying star
A strange star system with concentric rings of dust blowing out into space has been imaged in unprecedented detail by the James Webb Space Telescope
Space 12 October 2022
By Jonathan O’Callaghan
Concentric rings of dust spreading away from a star system called WR 140
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has observed a bizarre set of rings around an unusual star system, which may be evidence for carbon that formed planets like Earth across the cosmos.
The system, called WR 140, is located about 5600 light years from Earth and contains two stars. One is a Wolf-Rayet star – a massive star eight times our sun’s mass – at the end of its life, shedding material into space. Its companion is a supergiant star some 20 times more massive than our sun. Previous observations of the system had shown two rings of carbon-rich dust emitting from the stars, puffing out as they approach each other in their eight-year orbit.
Images taken by JWST in July, however, reveal much more detail. The telescope spied more than 17 rings of dust extending from the stars “almost like tree rings”, says Ryan Lau at the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab in Arizona who led the observations. The rings are not perfectly circular because of the angle from which we are observing the system and the orbits of the stars, making them seem almost artificial – but they are very much real.
“We’re essentially tracing out 130 years of this eight-year cycle of dust formation,” says Lau. “It blew us away. We didn’t expect to see that many rings.”
Star systems like this with concentric rings of dust are not too uncommon, says Lau. “There are maybe 15 that are known,” he says. However, none has been seen in as much detail as this. “There’s nothing really like WR 140 where you see those series of shells further out,” says Lau. “That’s where the power of JWST comes in.”
In total, the rings extend more than 10 trillion kilometres from the stars, or about 70,000 times the distance between Earth and the sun. “It’s the furthest distance we’ve seen Wolf-Rayet dust survive,” says Lau. That could have major implications for the formation of stars and planets like our own in the cosmos. “Wolf-Rayet stars could be an importance source of the carbon that formed our sun or Earth,” says Lau.
Journal reference: Nature Astronomy, DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01812-x
Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05155-5
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