#don't get it
star-star-space-stuff · 5 months
Amok Time from Stonn's Perspective
There is this line in the episode that many people find totally iconic:
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And don't get me wrong, I agree - it is a good line. But it's also so very, very wrong in context?
Put yourself into Stonn's perspective for a moment:
He loves T'Pring, and she tells him that she loves him as well, but she is engaged to this guy.
She has not spoken to him for ages, he has all but abandoned life on Vulcan for a career in Starfleet and because he is half-human, he may never enter Pon Farr at all. Except one day he does, and you are totally expecting one of two things to happen:
a) T'Pring marries him and your affair is over.
b) She challenges and chooses you as champion - which has a 61.54% chance of ending in your death because the guy is a soldier with combat training and experience. (This is the way kal-if-fee is supposed to work, btw.)
Except neither of those things happen because your girlfriend is brilliant and awesome and loves you very much and finds a way to keep you safe and to be with you no matter what.
And then the guy says that to you.
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And you realize that he understands nothing - that T'Pring does not prefer you for logical reasons but because she loves you. And that she just made you the most perfect love declaration imaginable.
But you're Vulcan, and the situation is already awkward enough, and T'pring evidently does not need you to fight for her honour, so you say nothing.
And then everyone sees you and your future wife as the villain because she did not want to sleep with a guy that apparently everyone else wants to sleep with. Not gonna lie, I'd be mad.
Except Stonn is probably too busy eating p*ssy to think about Spock.
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londondziban · 13 days
I'll never understand caring about show/movie "leaks"
not like bts pics, cuz that's cool. no, I'm talking about plot leaks
like, even if the leaks aren't lies (which, come on, they 100% are), why would you want to know before the piece of media comes out? wouldn't that ruin the joy of watching something for the first time? why do you want it spoiled when you could find out in real time and experience the excitement of seeing something brand new?
maybe it's just a me thing but I hate supposed plot leaks and avoid them at all cost
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jollofhome · 5 months
so I took this stupid test because i wanted to spite them
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I probably shouldn't ever click youtube ads
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So, they got it right,
for I am neither.
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mekkatoniks · 10 months
Do all of the people who lowkey rag on and giggle at MacDen because "Dennis hates Mac's guts" and blah blah blah ever get tired of being boring as fuck. Is that all you get out of Mac and Dennis like helloooooo, it drives me crazy sometimes someone needs to lock me up before I do something drastic (spam their mentions with walls of text about the intricacies of their dynamic).
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prophetmuhammad · 5 months
The body positivity movement is insane sometimes remember when ariana grande suddenly went from being skinny to being visibly anorexic and anyone who noticed was accused of "toxic weight shaming" 🤪
Like be so fucking forreal right now Eugenia Cooney's mum was accused of all sorts for trying to stop her from being sectioned yet you're not even allowed to notice Ariana Grande is anorexic now??? Until when?? Does she have to scare people like the skeleton queen does for us to acknowledge the obvious???
I don't think she should be ashamed because of her mental illness luv I think she should be ashamed because she's a professional homewrecker
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Literally who let any of us run a library
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barbieaiden · 11 months
i really hate how critical people are of book characters tbh, like a character can be a horrible person and still be compelling as a character
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monstersqueen · 7 months
really how the fuck do people come to the conclusion that anything in dark era went according to ango's plan ?????
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I don't get next in fashion's obsession with daniel. dude's making the plainest, dullest outfits, and he's made it so far in the show. like the arctic outfits were so ugly, and they're all fawning over how amazing it is??????
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satoshy12 · 2 years
Okay i ask, What is wrong with people that think that after his parents did try or even vivisect him as Phantom. He would stay with them. I mean really, not even a 14 is is that stupid. If he returns he is asking for it.
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footballandfiasco · 2 years
will the commentators ever stop talking trash about timo? like, what do you want? for him to stop playing?
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no-i-cant-decide · 1 year
Last night my mom decided to tell me about a phone call she had with her cousin recently where said cousin was saying transphobic shit (typical bathroom pervert argument 🙄) and I wish my mom had at least some self awareness because she went on to tell me how she tried to explain how harmful and wrong that type of thinking is while simultaneously defending her cousin because "she grew up and lives in a really small town so she doesn't know better" and immediately transitioned into telling me about a relative at a funeral she went to last week who she "thought was trans" because they physically appeared masc but was wearing femme clothing, but concluded that they couldn't be because they went by a masculine name even though she didn't bother to interact with this person at all
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jannyyet · 1 year
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Inbox says 3 but there are only 2 asks in there 🧐
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lvsid · 2 years
Ya know sometimes I talk with my non-lesbian friends and it becomes shockingly clear how they don't know what it's like.
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