#dont expect this often i did like two other wips today
lesterlatte · 5 years
Cafè Crushes (Hensper)
Here I am with something completely new and unrelated to literally all my wips but I couldn't resist the temptation to write this. As I said this was just going to be a one shot but oh man am I going to continue with this as it was too fun to write!
I'm gonna tag a few people who may be interested but dont feel obligated to read this! Also if you want to / dont want to be tagged next time just let me know! @up-the-tube @sunbeameyes @bijerbear @youngbloodthekilljoy @ciara-knightly @max-thunderman
Jasper pulled the ends of his jumper over his hands in an attempt to keep himself warm as he made his way to meet his friend Charlotte at their local cafe. It had just turned October and Jaspers poor choice of clothing seemed to be biting him in the ass.
Slowly the small cafè came into view at the end of the street. Not only it's amazing drinks but also it's homely interior drew most of Swellview to visit it on a regular basis. Charlotte had been the one to find the place a few years back and ever since it had been their favourite spot to hang out other than Charlotte's house.
The Mancave, as the cafè is called, was run by a man by the name of Ray Manchester. This man, who most of the time acted more like a child for his age, was loved by everyone for his superior ability to make drinks. It was almost as if he had been making coffee and hot chocolate since birth and all of the drinks available were his own recipes or passed down from his family.
It was a fact that Ray often worked alone but sometimes you'd see one or two other employees helping to clean tables and so on but he had never trusted anyone else to work behind the counter.
Jasper pulled the door open, the sound of the small bell attached to the door gently ringing to announce his entrance to the small establishment. It only took him a moment to spot Charlotte sitting at a table at the back of the cafe and he made his way over.
"Look who finally decided to turn up" Charlotte teased as Japser put his bag down on one of the chairs at the table.
"You know I'm never on time Char do you honestly expect anything less from me?" This caused both of them to burst into laughter.
"Okay okay you're right. Go get yourself a drink I can tell you need it" Jasper chuckled lightly before turning to go back to the counter. As he set his eyes on the counter he noticed something. Someone else was behind the counter instead of Ray. Jasper instantly span back around to face Charlotte and whispered in her ear.
"Who is that behind the counter? I thought Ray didn't trust anyone else to work there?"
"Yeah I don't know who he is either but I'm gonna be honest here he's pretty damn good at his job. That's probably why Ray let him work there." Charlotte took a sip out of her Coffee and looked back to Jasper, who was now staring at the boy who was occupied serving someone a drink.
"Well go order something you idiot" he felt Charlotte push him forwards and saw her roll her eyes as he walked away. This boy must be as good as Charlotte had suggested otherwise there would be no way that he would be allowed to be doing what he is.
As he approached the counter he could finally get a good look at the boy. His face was drawn in concentration as he prepared a drink. His dirty blond hair was mostly pushed back but a few strands had fallen forward into his face which he continuously tried to huff out of the way to no avail. Jasper didn't notice that the boy had finished the last order and was looking at him, eyebrows knit with concern. 
"Sir.. are you alright?" The boy asked gently, pulling Jasper out of his reverie.
"Oh, yes! Sorry I just got lost in thought for a moment" he could feel the heat of a blush forming on his face as he tried to avoid eye contact.
"Phew okay I was worried for a moment you really seemed focused on whatever you were thinking about" Jasper looked back at him, slightly in shock. Did he not notice that he was staring right at him? Luck was definitely on his side if that was the case.
"Yeah…" Jasper said quietly.
"Okay so what can I get you?" The boy finally asked.
"Oh a hot chocolate would be nice, thanks" The boy instantly moved to start on the drink. He took this time to get another look at the boy but tried to make sure he didn't stare for too long. He finally got a glimpse of the boys name tag. So his name is Henry, huh? Jasper thought. To him that name definitely suited the boy.
Henry turned back to Japser, a cup of hot chocolate cupped in his hands. The drink was placed on the counter as Jasper passed the boy the money owed for the drink. He took the drink and gave a small thank you before quickly going back over to Charlotte.
"So…" Charlotte started, curiosity lacing her voice. Jasper shot his gaze up to her.
"What?" Charlotte just chuckled at her friend.
"That boy, huh?" Jasper felt the blush creeping back onto his features.
"W-what about him?"
"He's cute, isn't he?" This made Jasper nearly choke on his drink.
"I mean.. I guess he is a bit cute…" Charlotte shook her head gently before patting her friend on the shoulder.
"You're so smitten its unreal"
"What? No I'm not where would you get that idea from?... I don't even know him"
"But your face and the fact you were staring at him says otherwise. Also you can always try to get to know him? He seems nice enough"
"No. No way am I going to start a conversation with him. I'll just start talking nonsense"
"Fine but think about it, alright?" Jasper chuckled and reluctantly agreed.
"Anyways let's finish up and go to that shop down the street you've been dying to visit" they both smiled as they went back to finishing their drinks.
The next day Jasper decided to go back to the cafè to see if Henry was working again. Charlotte was busy and he knew he would just stay in bed if he didnt at least try get out the house and seeing Henry again could be considered a bonus.
The small bell chimed as he walked up to the counter. He saw Henry wiping down one of the small surfaces behind said counter as their eyes made contact. Henry offered him a bright smile as he came over to where Jasper was standing. How on earth could someone's smile be this infectious?
"Hi, you're the guy from yesterday, right?" Henry asked. Jasper froze because Henry remembered him? Oh my god?
"Um, yeah" Jasper stuttered before awkwardly laughing.
"What was your name? I don't think I caught it last time"
"Oh my names Jasper" Henry offered a small nod at his reply.
"Well, Jasper, what can I get you today?" Henry smiled gently at him, leaning on the counter as he waited for a response.
"Another hot chocolate, please" Jasper finally responded. With a bigger smile Henry turned away to prepare his order and Jasper silently cursed at himself. He was truly embarrassing himself at this point. 
Within minutes, Henry turned back to him with his drink and offered it to Jasper who took it with slightly shaking hands. The two boys made eye contact which turned into what could only be interpreted as a staring contest. Henry broke the moment with an awkward cough before quickly going back to cleaning the surface. Jasper just managed to catch the light blush that had appeared on the boys cheeks and he smiled. Maybe Jasper should make an effort to talk to this boy if he ever gained the confidence to do so.
Jasper continued to come back every day either tried to occupy himself until he felt his eyes wander to watch Henry work. Over the days Jasper had managed to learn a little bit about the boy but they had still been unable to hold a proper conversation.
As Jasper was finishing his drink for the day he got up and started to wonder to the door before he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned only to be greeted with Henry who was shyly smiling at him. Quickly Henry grabbed his hand and placed a small piece of paper in it before moving back behind the counter. Jasper looked at Henry then down to the small piece of paper before opening it. Written was a sequence of numbers. He looked back up at Henry who was now busy with making a drink. He smiled before turning to leave the cafè. 
As he stepped outside it finally hit him. Henry had just given him his number. Jasper freaked out for a moment before looking down at the number. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket before quickly typing the number into his phone and saving it as a contact. He opened it and started at the keyboard. He opted to send a simple message.
Jasper: Hi its Jasper from the Cafè
It was stupidly straightforward but he was sure he'd mess things up if he said anything else.
It only took a couple of minutes before he got a response.
Henry: Hi! Sorry I rushed off after giving you my number, I could feel Ray glaring at me from the back haha
Jasper chucked at that response and looked back at the cafe. He could vaguely see Henry put his phone down and continue to work, a smile visible even from that distance.
Yep. Luck was definitely on his side.
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Him... Part 2 (Jake x MC)
Summery: What starts out as a normal weekend, finishes with Jake learning the truth about his and MC’s love child. What MC decides will change her and their son’s life.
I woke up to the sound of a loud knock on the door. I could hear Diego running to go answer the door.
“Diego how many times do I have to say not answer the door without me!”
I quickly get up and grab my dressing gown. I run down stairs where I see my son standing by the door trying to look through the peep hole while standing on a chair.
“Mum, its some blond guy. What’s he doing here?”
“Diego go have breakfast then brush your teeth. You have a play date in 20 minutes.”
Once Diego had left I fully composed myself and opened the door. There he was just as he had always been, well mostly.
“Jake, you’ve had a hair cut.”
“Great observation skills like always. Not what I came here for.”
“So why are you here then?”
I could feel myself blushing. He looked as great as ever, even better with the short hair. I shake my head and pull myself out of my thoughts.
“I was hoping I could treat you to breakfast out?”
He wasn’t nervous, he was calm and relaxed. Staring at me with his blue eyes and a smile playing on his lips.
“I would love to, but I will have to leave the house in-”
I look at the clock and gasp when I see the time.
“Shit, I have to leave now. Diego are you ready we have to go now!”
“I’m right here.”
“Okay wait right here I just going to go get dressed. Umm Jake maybe after I drop Diego off we can have breakfast, it won’t take long.”
“Sure, just call me.”
I watch as he leaves. I quickly get dressed and drive Diego to his friends place. After which I call Jake.
“Hey princess.”
“Hey, wanna grab that breakfast now.”
“Definitely, meet me at the south beach cafe.”
“Okay see you in 5.”
When I arrive it takes no time at all to spot  him. I walk over and take a seat across from him.
“So what are you going to have? I’m starving.”
“I already ordered.”
“I told the waiter what I wanted to eat. Also I remembered what your favorite was.”
I think my expression gave away my shock.
“It’s still the same as before. I can change it if you want something-”
“No it hasn’t changed. I just can’t believe you could still remember after all this time.”
“Well I tried to forget about you, about all of it. I couldn’t and so that’s when I tried fighting for a way to see you again. A way to clear my name.”
He held my hand in his and looked at me deeply. As if he knew what I was thinking.
“I’m glad you were able to clear your name.”
The waitor brought out the food and settled it on the table snapping both of us out of our moment. We sat there eating and talking about how we had been since we last talked.
“It’s only been three days.”
“Yeah so?”
“Well should I expect you to show unannounced more often?”
“Maybe. Actually I was wondering what you and the kid were doing tomorrow, I heard there was this little fesitval happening and thought maybe we could go together. I would really like to meet Diego, see how much he takes after you?”
I nearly chocked on my food but kept myself composed. What was I going to say. I guess one outing wouldn’t hurt but I don’t know if they should meet. I suppose they could meet and not need to know.
“I’d enjoy that very much, and I think Diego would as well.”
I could see how much Jake lit up at those words. We spent the rest of the day together. It was an amazing day, we went for a walk along the beach, had lunch together, went on a bit of an adventure exploring the city. We parted ways with an embrace before I had to pick up Diego. The next morning I got up early to have a shower and get dressed. Diego and myself were in the middle of eating when Jake arrived.
*knock, knock, knock*
“Hello?! Princess?!”
“The doors unlocked, come in!”
“Hey, you look…”
“Like a mum. I mean the jeans and cotton shirt. Not to mention the messy bun and flats.”
“Wow, I feel so special. Thank you.”
“Mum, I finished my food.”
“Okay go brush your teeth and put your shoes on. Then we are leaving.”
As Diego left I started clearing the table.
“Need a hand?”
“No I’m fine.”
“So this is what it’s like for you now. No more running away from sabar-toothed tigers. All school, play dates, and cleaning up someone elses mess.”
“You don’t want to see kids birthday parties if you think this is a handful.”
I laughed when I said it but hearing his comment made me realise I made the right decision. He couldn’t handle parenthood. But today wasnt about dwelling on issues but about having fun, reconnecting, and even though they didn’t know it, some father son bonding.
“Okay, I’m ready!”
“Okay lets go.”
Jake drove us to the festival. Diego was so excited. It was a great seeing how much Diego and Jake got along, and it nearly broke my heart. After the long and exhausting day we all went back to my place. I helped Deigo get ready for bed and tucked him in.
“Yes sweetie?”
“Where’s my dad? All of the kids at my school know who their dad is. You never talk about him. All you say is that you don’t need a dad to be happy.”
“Diego, a lot of other boys and girls don’t have dads. All you need to know is that he is a good man. Just like him, you are strong, brave and don’t let anything get in your way. If he could, he would be here with you.”
“Why can’t he be here?”
“A lot of reasons. Ones for another day, now it’s time to go sleep. We had a big day and you have school in the morning. Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight mum.”
I kissed his forehead and walked towards the door. Trying to hold back the wanting to burst into tears. I closed the door behind me and started to sob while leaning against the wall.
“Brave and Strong, huh? Seems you have a type.”
I quickly wipped the tears from my eyes before facing him. I saw the concern and sadness on his face.
“MC, I know what you said before but-”
“Not here, lets go downstairs.”
I walked into the kitchen, Jake following close behind. I grabbed a bottle of vodka, which I keep for moments like these. I poured two drinks handing one to the man standing in front of me. After finishing my second drink and pouring my third I returned my gaze to Jake.
“MC? Am I Diegos father?”
I stare at him trying to speak but words unable to leave my mouth. I am barely able to breath. I feel like my legs are going to give out under me.
“MC, I know you said I wasn’t, but the time frame lines up and what you said just then to Diego, it makes me think that maybe there is a chance that I could be his-”
“You are. Your Diegos biological father.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I found out two months before we got off La Huerta. I knew that even if we did somehow get back home, yours was in Costa Rice and mine was back in the US. So I made the best decision I could. Not to tell you. I knew it would be impossible for us to be a stable family unit, and thats all I wanted for my child. I’m sorry if I hurt you, I just wanted to protect both of you.”
“I get it.”
“Thank you.”
“So what’s going to happen now?”
“Nothing. He has grown up for the past five years without you. I am not going to just dump this news on him. I would prefer for you to settle into you life before we even consider you hanging around him. When and if you do build a stable environment we can talk about you getting to know him. When and if there comes a time I feel it wouldn’t cause him any harm and I can trust you to be a responsible parent we can tell him the truth.”
“Okay. Well when would I be able to start spending time with him?”
“Once I know that you aren’t running. That you have a secure job, a home, and that you aren’t going to get close to him and then disappear.”
“Okay. Why didn’t you think we couldn’t have a stable family unit?”
“Jake, you weren’t even allowed in the country I lived.”
“Yes but after finishing college we could have been together.”
“Yeah, and you were an emotional wreck. Nightmares every night about Mike and your time in the military. How were you supposed to raise a child when all you did was drink your meals.”
I looked at his sad eyes, it was so hard to look at him. But I had to be strong for Diego.
“Jake after everything you have been through, I dont know if you ready to be around a child, let alone a parent. After seeing you with him today, and him asking about you I am willing to try this in due time. But I do have one other condition.”
“What is it?”
“I need you to start seeing a pychologist. Some one who can help you.”
“Is that really necessary, Princess?”
“It’s either that or you never see your son again.”
“Okay. I’ll make an appointment by Monday.”
“Thank you.”
“What about us?”
“What do you mean?”
“I love you MC, and I think you love me.”
“What are you saying?”
“Can we try us again? When I settle into my life of course. But I want to be able to have a family with you and Diego.”
“Jake, I’m just so used to being alone. I learnt to live without you. Just Diego and I. Do you realise just how much you are distorting life by being here. It won’t be like it was on La Huerta. That adrenaline is gone. Life doesn’t get any more exiting than it did today. Everyday is getting up, having breakfast, dropping Diego off at school, go to work, pick Diego up, cook dinner, then repeat. Can you do that? Yes or no, because I dont want to waist my time if you can’t.”
“I don’t know if I can do the playdates and birthday parties but I do want to be apart of my son’s life. I want to be with you, your the reason why I fought to be a free man. But like you said I need to get myself sorted. Then we can work on us.”
“Jake I would prefer if you focused on being a father, not a partner. If you stick around long enough for Diego, then we can work on us.”
“Okay. Well thank you for telling me. I know this wasn’t easy and I have come in like a hurricane.”
“Yeah you tend to wreak havoc wherever you go.”
We both laughed but we were both completely drained. While finishing our drinks we talked about what we had planned for the week. He is looking for an apartment and a job. I have work Monday to Friday.
“Well it’s getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow morning, I better head up stairs to bed.”
“Yeah I’ll leave you to it. Maybe we can catch up for drinks on Friday? You can see how I’m settling down that way.”
“Okay, just text me the time and place.”
“Well I’ll just let myself out.”
I walked him to the front door. He was half way out when he turned around.
“Take care of yourself okay.”
“You too.”
“Goodnight, Princess.”
I closed the door and dragged myself to bed. I was worrying about everything that could go wrong. At least if things don’t work out, Diego doesn’t even need to know about Jake. But for now, there’s no need to worry, Jake needs to focus on himself for now, so he can be a good father.
Jake and myself caught up that Friday. He found an apartment close by from Diego and I. He was also able to find a job as a pilot. We kept catching up every Friday for four months straight. Him spending time with Diego and I when we could. Then one Friday when Diego was at a sleep over, Jake came home with me.  He spent the night, it was just like all those times before. Just as heated and filled with passion. I think that the alcohol played a large part in that. The next day Jake came with Diego and myself on an outing and it was great. Its been six months since that night when Jake learnt he was a father. Jake has been able to build a stable environment for Diego that one day I hope he could be permanently apart of. For now I still don’t want to tell Diego the truth but am more comfortable letting the two of them spend quality time without myself present. Jake and myself have also started dating over the past couple months. Some people might not consider one meal a week as dating but thats how it started out for us. Its all I can handle at the moment. I am still a single mum with a 5 year old. Its not as if all my worries have gone as well. I am still worried that one day Jake will disappear on us or break down from all the heart ache over the years. But I am starting to have hope. Hope that we could some day have a life together, as a family.
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