#double tsumu because he's been on the brain
joyaphoria · 1 year
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with the flowers (23)
part twenty-three: the final chapter.
pairing: suna x f!reader
summary: if a teacher had been the one to catch suna dangling on the edge of inarizaki’s roof, he definitely would’ve been in trouble. except it wasn’t a teacher that caught him, it was you—the school whore. yea, he’s starting to wish it was a teacher.
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it’s an image trapped within his mind.
the shock that gets him first, that has him stumbling backwards, his heart thumping in his ears, his pupils getting bigger, smaller, bigger.
then he’s on his knees, and the smell of lavender is suddenly too strong as he doubles over and throws up, the flowers crumpled beneath his knees.
“what the fuck, what the fuck?” and he’s mumbling it over and over, his chest heaving as his eyes remain on the soil beneath him, never once daring to look up.
he doesn’t know how long he knelt there, watching the dirt, until someone behind him screamed. it was even longer until he heard the faint sounds of police sirens in the distance.
suna rintarou was stuck in the void.
going to school had never been a struggle for suna.
his mom understood enough why he wanted to stay home, but a week is longer then necessary, she said. in a year, you’re gonna wish you didn’t stay home and sulk during finals.
even then, suna hadn’t listened to her. it wasn’t until she’d gone so low as to say, “y/n wouldn’t want you to fail in school because of her” did he react.
and as much as suna had yelled at his mom, throwing plates and breaking vases, he knew that she was right. you had said it yourself; don’t cry over me, rin.
fuck, he thinks. i look like my fucking dad.
but now people are watching him, and not in a good way. they aren’t staring because he’s incredibly hot, and they want to climb all over him, but because he isn’t wearing his facade.
his usual bored expression is now fully-resting, his eyes daring, a warning to those who would be willing to come up and speak to him. to ask him to confirm what’s been on the news for over a week now.
he turns to glare at those who stare too long, and they quickly take interest in their shoes.
he can only do so much though, because the moment he’s seated at his desk, the talking starts.
i heard he fucked that whore.
you mean the same whore that-
yes! but don’t say it out loud.
suna takes out his books, placing them on his desk.
say what? that she-
suna’s body freezes as the image resurfaces in his mind, and the bile rises in his throat. his mind is all over the place, and all he wants to do is shut it off. his vision is blurry, his head light but heavy at the same time, and he’s loosing feeling in his limbs.
the world is heavy. the world is gone. his chest has become a void.
he doesn’t realize he’s on the floor until his name is being called, and someone is shaking his shoulder. he claws at his chest, panic over taking him as he swears that his shirt is getting tighter and tighter. he’s gasping for breath, wondering if this is how it’s gonna happen.
is this how he’s gonna go out?
but then someone with an abnormal accent is calling his name over and over, repeatedly requesting his attention. “rin?”
his vision focuses on tsumu’s damaged locks, hovering over him as he waves a hand over sunas face. when he finds him responsive, he looks back up to his right, shouting at another student to go and fetch the school nurse, quicker.
suna’s lip trembles, and he brings a hand to cover his face when he finds the light far too blinding. “did you hear, tsumu?” he mumbles, wincing at the throbbing in his head. “did you hear what happened?”
“i know, rin, just stay with me yea? yer head made some pretty rough contact with the floor,” he explains, urging the students to move faster, to ‘find out why the fuck the nurse is takin so damn long’.
“i wasn’t enough for her, i’m never enough for anyone,” suna sniffles, aware of the thick fog settling over his brain, a feathery light feeling overcoming him. 
“yer enough fer me,” atsumu teases, and if suna werent so heavily dazed, he’d think that was panic lacing the cocky facade that the faux blonde usually wore.
“i thought she loved me,” rin whispers, finding that he was an awful lot more tired than he thought.
“no — keep your eyes open, suna!” atsumu shrieks with all the panic of a child. “shit- yer head, it-it’s — someone get that fucking nurse! for fucks sake why are ya guys standing around? do something! FUCKING MOVE—”
why couldn’t he be enough?
its the middle of the night, the next time he hears you. your voice comes from his window, but suna doesnt open it. he knows. he knows.
“i miss you, rin,” you say, your voice muffled by the glass, “let me in, please.”
no, he thinks. he’s not going to. he’s never going to let anyone in ever again. he’s past that, and hes tired of getting hurt.
but he couldnt let you in anyways, no matter how bad he wanted to. its all in his head, isnt it? you aren’t really here. you’re gone, and he can never have you back.
then again, did he ever really have you?
suna was already overcome by guilt as is, because he skipped the funeral. for about a week now, he ignored the phone when hanako called, and refused to answer the door when she showed up at his house. he doesn’t know if it’s because she was just desperate to get her hands on the journal you left for him, or if she was just very, very concerned, but he was positive that it was absolutely the former.
even if she did manage to get a hold of him, suna would never give it up. he felt oddly possessive of the tear stained journal, something that you left for him and him alone. it felt too intimate to give away, no matter the situation. he didn’t want to let it go. it felt like the only kind of proof he had to say that you were real; that what happened between you guys, was real. 
he’s lost enough. he won’t lose this.
another two days later, suna’a fallen into a sort of routine when it comes to the knock on his bedroom door, signalling another visit from hanako, though for what, he’s not sure.
unlike usual, his door simply opens, and suna has to take a second to recognize the woman that proceeded to enter his room. your mother.
“i hope you don’t mind, suna,” she enters politely, and he slumps backwards onto his bed. “your mom let me in.”
he’s seen pictures of her before, both on your accord, and by the pictures framed around the house, but the lady that entered suna’s room looked different.
it’s as if she aged multiple years, her face twisted into a frown that suna was sure she must’ve slept in. she wears a pair of grey scrubs, and has a large paper bag in hand.
but god, she lost her kid. he couldn’t even begin to imagine how horrible it must’ve been for her.
suddenly he’s racked with guilt for ignoring hanako, so caught up in his own feelings and mood that he didn’t stop to think that they definitely had it worse.
“i’m not gonna stay long, if that's alright,” she smiles, sitting down on the edge of his bed as if she were his mother, showing up to comfort him.
a sort of uncomfortable silence settles over the two of them, before she leans down to pick the bag back up off the floor, and pulls out a familiar beige toned sweater, with forest green sleeves. he sits up straighter then, and it doesn't go unnoticed by your mother, who chuckles, an almost pained sound.
"i take it it's yours," she asks, though it sounds more like a confirmation than a question. "i figured it might be."
she places it down on his bed next to her, and suna has to hold himself back from picking it up and holding it to his nose, to search for the smallest hint of you, if anything at all.
your mother goes quiet, then asks, "who were you to my daughter, suna?"
the hairs on the back of his neck rise up, and his posture loosens slightly. all this time, all the denial of being anything to you, all the fear of accepting you until it was too late, it makes him question everything.
does he really deserve to claim you now? because you're gone, does that make it okay? it feels so wrong, so disgusting to only want to accept you because it would be even worse to turn away a girl that he knew wasn't going to come back.
"you were friends, right?" she interrupts, and when suna looks at her, he feels his heart drop. its fear, and dread. the face of a mother who has less than an ounce of hope left, begging him to lie to her if it means it'll be what she wants to hear.
"my baby, she never brought anyone home. never talked about girl friends or making plans. i—" she hesitates, and looks away just as suna catches sight of a teardrop making its way down her face. "i was never there for her, and, and i'm so afraid that she was alone, that nobody was there for her, and then, then i heard you've been coming around and i hoped, i hoped it meant that she had someone, she, she..."
but she's right. you were alone, you didn't have any friends, and the one friend you did have rejected you constantly, and made you feel like you were a taboo to be hidden. suna is so overcome with hurt and guilt, that he has to wince to fully stop himself from bending over and concealing the pain in his chest. right now, there's someone who means a whole lot more.
"she wasn't alone, ma'am. she did keep to herself a lot, but she had a few friends. i and a few guys on the volleyball team, aswell as a few in her class. i promise, y/n meant a lot to all of us."
she nods then and stands up, making her way to the door before turning around. "thank you, suna," she whispers, just loud enough for him to hear. "i know you're hurting with us, and i'm thankful that my baby had you at her side."
she nods her head slowly, but when suna meets eyes with her again, he sees it. understanding. she knows the truth, knows that he's lying, but she wants that. he knows just as much that the only thing that will get them through this is a lie, one that will free them of the guilt that would only kill them alongside the grief.
they're all liars. they're all ignorant, and suna realizes that he's just the same. they're gonna tell themselves that they did their best and it was meant to happen, because the only thing worse than losing someone, is the painful awareness that you possibly played a part in their downfall.
she looks away and walks out, shutting the door behind her. suna picks up the sweater almost instantly, pressing it hard against his nose, his bottom lip trembling when hes met with the plain scent of laundry detergent. tears begin to pool in his eyes as he continuously, feverly presses his nose all over the sweater, so so hopeful that there's something, anything to—
he folds into himself and wails out, the pain in his chest overcoming him as he bears the weight of another lie he's engraved into the graveyard of his heart, another painful understanding that you're not coming back, and you've left him with nothing.
it's two weeks later that suna finds himself on that roof again, the one from the very beginning, where he supposedly saved your life by first saving his own.
he wonders now, if the universe is like that: oddly contradicting. if he really, really tells himself that he's going to jump but ends up not doing it, will it save your soul? will you go to heaven or whatever good is waiting on the other side?
he sits on the edge, sighing deeply, inhaling the scent of fresh air. if he pretends to jump but stays, will it save you again? if he jumped off but caught the ledge, would you claw your way out of your grave to hug him, to congratulate him on saving his life?
he contemplates it, really does, but he knew from the start he wouldn't. he never trusted himself with anything, and he found it insane that you really put your life in his hands that day, that you let him blindly decide if you would see the next day.
he doesn't want to think of the consequences if he were to mess this up, so he gets up and steps away from the ledge, turning and walking back to the roof door. he doesn't want to make any more decisions. he doesn't want to decide who lives and dies, who stays or comes back. this time, it's your turn.
he's already saved you once, so maybe this time he's going to let you save him.
he decides then, to tell himself another lie. that if it were that day again, and suna were instead the one watching you tease the ledge, putting his life in the hands of the school whore, that you would've done what he did. you would've turned around and saved his life, and he would've been wholly indebted to you.
it's the last lie he will engrave on his heart, the last lie that will get him through the grief and pain. the last lie he will tattoo onto his soul, that will push him to live his life under the illusion that he owes it to you.
he'll find you again one day, and thank you for allowing him to believe that lie; for carrying the weight of his guilt and shame, even in your grave, for as alone as you always were, you will continue to be.
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— finishes this story literally exactly two years later.. sorry
— reblog, reply & ask, i will see them all !! (well mostly the asks but yeah)
— thank you so much for all the never ending patience and support with this story, for putting up with my horrible schedule and two year hiatus.. love u guys frl
— reminder that if you want angst like this,, to check out my tags in my navi, i have a tag designated to my angst works, as well as a tag dedicated to drabbles, which are mostly angst looll
taglist: @hotaruaizawa @its-the-aerieljeane @yourlocalbabybird @bakudummy @sunahyejin @satorinnie @lilith412426 @zukoslosthishonor @rintarovibes @m01kaya @rinsangel @iicherrycore @kamalymaly @lmaosuna @whorefornoodles @anngelllla @ohrintarou @call-me-lulu @imeowforu @tsuksdinonugget @namyari @bakugouswh0r3 @theblueslytherin @daphnxy @qualitygiantshoepsychic @akaashis-wife @maadaaaaaaa-blog @kachuuha @mysticstrawberryballoon @msbybrainrot @littlecatfairy @ken6ma @bruhmoment23 @opulentix @trashy-simp @starylust @goob-4546 @angsty-microwave @kiritokunuwu @fandomsgotmefucked @plusultra2dwhore @koifish69 @dontdodrugskiddos-69 @dazaisfavgf @art-junkie-13 @newestromantics @strawberryzos @jojowantstocry @rietvellld @blueberry-thinks @kuryoomi @jeanlsvs
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natriae · 2 years
Atsumu x f reader
cw// she/her pronouns used, angst, lack of trust, yelling, breaking up, feelings of insecurity, slight suna x reader
not edited sorry lol
part 1 of 2
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“‘Tsumu i’m serious, can’t u see the way she looks at you. I hate it,”
“baby she doesn’t like me! WHAT DON’T YOU GET! we are just friends nothing more,”
“Well i think that me telling you i’m uncomfortable with it so many times you would tell her to back off,” y/n took a deep breath in trying to hold back the lump caught in her throat.
This isn’t the first argument they’ve had over how women acted around Atsumu…mainly Azumi. Hopefully it’s the last because after seeing Atsumu privately talk with Azumi at the bar last night you wanted this to end. Trying not to think the worse, you wanted Atsumu’s take of what truly happen, and hopefully get across how you don’t appreciate someone more beautiful, sexy, and perfect to be touching and flirting with your boyfriend. It has always been hard being Atsumu’s girlfriend. Everywhere you turned it’s like a sign was telling you you don’t deserve him. Fan’s comments and the beautiful women that surround him. He could have anyone why would he choose you.
You had been trying to express your all, but it was still hard for you. It was your first relationship, and of course it had to turn out like this. You crying to the man you wanted to give every part of you too, and what does he have to say…
“Well maybe i’m not the problem ,and you’re just being insecure,” Atsumu retorted. The flood gates opened. The silence that loomed in the once lively kitchen could no longer be found. Just the sounds of a heart breaking filled the space.
“W-What,” y/n hushly responded. As if she spoke even a little bit louder everything would fall apart. Tears blurred her vision, and her pounding head kept her from noticing Atsumu’s coos after realizing what he said. Everything in her brain told her to go. Stupid her for thinking she could be his one and only. “i-i think we need to stop,”
“yes yes thats a great idea you know i didn’t mean it like that sweetie,” it came out a bit rushed but Atsumu was relieved that the argument was over. Oh was he wrong.
“no…no i mean us. I-I really can’t do this anymore,” y/n responded though heavy breaths. Grabbing her keys, and ignoring Atsumu’s protest and whines she headed to the door. Attempting to hold her composition she said, “i’ll pick up what i left here tomorrow,” and woth that she was gone. Atsumu couldn’t bring himself to move to shocked at the situation.
On the walk home y/n let everything go all the tears and pain. Ignoring the stares of on lookers she continued to let it out. Was she embarrassed yes, but she couldn’t hold it any longer.
“hey! Y/N! Y/N,” hearing a voice call for her she turned around looking for it. She knew that voice. A voice she felt guilty for hearing. “hey-eh you okay? what happened? Where’s Atsumu?” Suna questioned after seeing her tear streaked face. Shaking her head at him she continued walked back to her apartment. Maybe he would leave her alone if she remained unresponsive. “okay be that way, but im walking you home,” Suna said walking just one step behind her. Of course Suna wouldn’t leave her around. His friend was obviously hurt, and he couldn’t let her be alone right now. If Suna was anything it was a great friend. He would be there with you though thick and thin.
Once in the apartment y/n expect Suna to leave, but he didn’t. “i’m staying till you eat something if you like it or not,” Suna said as his hand was pressed against the door. Why did she even bother she knew Suna was gonna stay anyway. It’s just who he was. “okay can u talk to me now,” Suna asked once on the couch.
Taking a deep breath y/n finally spoke a small, shaky sentence. “Atsumu and I broke up,”.
“WHAT,” Suna had to take a double take on that one. Before he could even speak another word y/n continued.
“and i feel really guilty that you’re here, because Atsumu always felt jealous when we hung out because he thought i would leave for you..a-and don’t get me wrong i love his possessiveness, but i just don’t understand why he can be possessive of me, but i can’t for him,” rambling on y/n couldn’t stop the word for exiting her mouth. All the thoughts she’s been holding in her head. “and he can’t even listen to me when i say this very pretty girl clearly has a crush on him. He just lets her flirt and flirt, and i think he’s just gonna leave me for her, and now that were broken up im sure he will. We never even kissed let alone sex im sure he doesn’t see me in that way. No one does-“
“whoa whoa WHOA pause. You and Atsumu broke up. Okay got that. Atsumu’s jealous of me. Got that. But you think you’re not good enough for him. DON’T GOT THAT. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happen to him .he’s just being stupid. We will take a break from me being your therapist for food,”
~~2 hours later~~
Suna’s POV
“goodnight y/n stay safe. Call me,” I said slowly closing the door. Turning to the right to go down the apartment building’s steps i see a figure i most definitely didn’t wanna see right now.
“what are you doing here,” Atsumu said thought gritted teeth.
“whoa whoa whoa don’t get you’re panties in a bunch. I’m making sure you’re girlfriend eats, and is safe. You can have her,” Attempting to walk passed the blond, but i feel a hand on my chest. Looking up i see Atsumu attempting to put on the most serious face he could muster at the moment. Knowing the twin for so long i can tell he’s one word away from shattering. “hey. It it makes you feel any better i have my eyes on someone else,”. After what felt like several minutes pass Atsumu took a deep breath though his nose and let me pass. I began my journey down the steps, but i knew I needed to say one more thing. “Atsumu”
“she’s the most loyal girl i’ve ever met. You got lucky. Don’t lose her. I’m serious,”
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I plan to make a part two soon
i daydream a lot to escape and this was one i came up with after listening to “jealous, jealous”
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watevermelon · 3 years
✧ MSBY Soulmate!Atsumu x Reader
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➳ Summary: You knew all about his personality, whether through the rumor vine or the numerous warnings your friends gave you. But there was no avoiding it - he was your soulmate after all.
➳ fluff; mutual pining; small jealousy; slight angst with a happy ending ➳ Navigation
When he first met you, Atsumu hadn’t wanted to hear it.
This was in the prime of his life, being scouted for a Division 1 volleyball team was his life-goal and the only thing standing in his way was the upcoming Olympics. Which, of course, he was rumored to be included on as well.
Even back in high school, there were tons of fans and girls alike who would willingly fall to his feet. Regardless of his reputation, they were eager to share a single night despite knowing it would probably be their last. And Atsumu reveled in the excitement of the attention, feeding off the cheers and shallow admiration many threw at him both on the court and in the bedroom.
Atsumu didn’t want a soulmate, someone whom he was shackled to for the rest of his life.
No, initially he didn’t want you.
As for you, the feeling was mutual to a degree. Soulmates were a touchy topic for many, conversations about colors and contrast was something you could not personally relate to. The moment you met your soulmate, it was described to you as suddenly bathing your entire life in color.
A part of you was curious about your soulmate, where he was in the world, what was he doing and who he was with. But never had you centered your life around it, more like a passive curiosity that you hoped would one day be satiated.
You were a student of Inarizaki during its prime, the members of the volleyball team very popular among the student body. You had made acquaintances with Osamu and Suna through one or two classes, but never were you particularly close to them.
Your close friends often warned you about the leader of their trio anyway - Atsumu Miya and his drove of fuckboy energy. 
There was no doubt that the twin had multiple fan-clubs and obsessive flings surrounding him. You remembered once feeling sympathetic for his soulmate - thinking about how hard it would be to get him to saddle down to a single person. Especially, with the way he lived his life, it seemed the setter could care less about the concept of soulmates to begin with.
No, Atsumu would be a terrible soulmate for whoever was unfortunately linked to him by the red string of fate.
And while he was admittedly very handsome, you did not particularly care about the setter to actively reach out to him.
Besides, it was not like he even knew who you were to begin with.
The years went by and any thoughts you had about the setter were filed away in the quiet recesses of your mind, only appearing once in a while when Miya  Atsumu showed up on some article or newspaper cover for something regarding volleyball. You were silently proud of his accomplishments and representing your school and perfecture, achieving his dream and all, but hadn’t particularly cared about him in the first place.
That was all until one day, you walked into Onigiri Miya years later.
Even though Osamu was the quieter twin, he either had a good memory or was oddly sentimental, since he remembered your name immediately when you took a seat at the bar.
“I see the years have treated ya well.” Osamu started casually, almost making you blush at how the twin could say something like that as if totally normal between old friends. “How’ve ya been doin’?”
“I’ve been working in the city, just something temporary while I finish grad school.”
“Ah, you’ve always been smart.” He complimented.
“Nothing compared to you though.” You countered, “You look really happy doing this. And you have a few branches opening, I heard.”
“Keepin’ tabs on me?” He baited.
“Just like hearing about the success of our classmates.” You shrugged.
You were sure Osamu had something sassy to say back to you before he got called away by another customer. He motioned for you to stay as he walked to the other side. 
Your eyes followed him for a few seconds, watching how despite working around food constantly, he still had an athletic build after all these years. 
(Really, the dude was built like a dorito chip.)
And while you would have liked to stay and flirt with the pretty onigiri twin, a similar voice started from the door. A light chime signaling the front door opening, you heard a greeting toward Osamu, making you turn in your seat in interest.
Only to double-over in surprise as your world was suddenly too bright.
You had no time, not even seconds to get your bearings. Your life of white and black tones was suddenly full - the table covers were black and red, the plants at the windowsill were green with different arrangements of orange. You took in your surroundings quickly, soaking up colors for the first time in your life.
It seemed the other man was just as surprised, cursing as he went before you lifted your eyes simultaneously to look each other in the eyes once more.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Atsumu asked under his breath, but you heard it all the same.
What on earth could you possibly say to that?
Within seconds, the situation was whirling around in your brain that this was possibly the worst possible moment of your life.
You were soulmates that didn’t want each other - for opposite reasons, surely. You did not want to be with Atsumu since he was too much of a player to take the concept seriously and attempting anything with him would only result in heartache. And Atsumu didn’t want you because he surely had an endless amount of women he would rather be with.
“That’s what a girl wants to hear.” You countered as you crossed your arms.
You hadn't expected your first meeting with your soulmate to be met with expletives and it seemed Atsumu finally remembered a semblance of his manners.
“Sorry, ya caught me off-guard.” He started, “Now ain’t the greatest time for me.”
“Oh boy.” You murmured as you turned back in your seat at the bar, Atsumu taking the open one next to you.
“Wait, (L/N)? From Inarizaki?” Atsumu asked after he motioned toward Osamu in greeting.
“That’s me.” You formally introduced yourself, extending a hand out to him. He regarded you quietly before taking his phone out for you to take and put your number in.
“I knew it, I don’t forget a pretty face like yers after all.” Atsumu smoothly said. This was your soulmate and all you felt in response was resentment, thinking about all the women he probably used that line with. You handed him back his phone as he continued, “Wow, look at ya all grown up.”
“And look at you, a professional volleyball player.”
Atsumu looked at you with a critical eye, not one that you could really decipher, but it was clear he was looking at you very thoroughly. “Been to one’ve my games before?”
“Only a few times in high school.” You replied, facing his stare head-on as his smirk only widened. You weren’t sure what this was, but with a player like Atsumu, you were sure he was already sizing you up in a way you didn’t want.
Something told you that if you looked away, you would lose.
And so you held your ground, matching his intense stare as your onigiri meal waited for you at the bar-side.
Thankfully, his name was called out by his twin and Atsumu’s attention was grabbed away before you could break. 
“I didn’t know ya knew each other?” Osamu started as he returned, a glass in hand as he wiped it dry with a towel.
“We don’t.” You said instead.
Atsumu’s smirk tightened as he answered, “Just found out we’re soulmates, actually.”
Osamu put the glass down and turned to you, “'Tsumu fucking with me?”
“Unfortunately, no.” You answered.
“Unfortunately?” Atsumu emphasized as he turned to you more fully, the infuriating smirk still on his face for some reason, “I’ll have ya know that Imma great catch.”
“Debatable.” Osamu countered.
You laughed at his quip before looking at Atsumu, “Yeah, but I’m sure you don’t even want to be ‘caught,’ right?” You shot-back at the setter, “Unless you’re going to try to convince me that you still don’t want to entertain the droves of women at your feet?”
“Think ya have me all figured out?” Atsumu asked as he leaned closer to you, a quirked brow on his face. You looked toward Osamu who looked strangely amused, eyes going between you and Atsumu.
“I think I know enough to know why ‘now ain’t the greatest time’ for you.” You replied sassily as you shot back his first words to you, pushing at his chest to give back your personal space.
Atsumu just took your hand and put it in his own, calling your bluff. “Oh? Like how my time and attention are on Olympics while I’d rather treat my baby properly?”
“Oh god.” You said as you laughed.
You laughed.
To his face?
All the setter could think about was how interesting you were.
He had expected his soulmate to ‘fall at his feet’ as many had in the past. To cling to him for attention and to demand an exclusive shackle to them. But here you were: beautiful and independent and even physically pushing him away.
You grabbed your hand out of his light embrace and turned back to your food, smiling at what you thought was just another line he would feed to his other one-night stands. Atsumu bit his lip in frustration and looked briefly at Osamu, who was watching the two of you like his own personal source of humor.
If you were any other girl, Atsumu would wave you off. Say that he didn’t have time for one girl who didn’t care, he had dozens who would willingly take the spot instead. 
But you weren’t just any other girl, you were his soulmate.
And he could already feel the strange draw towards you.
Not even a few months ago he would scoff at the supposed soulmate bond. All the other members of the Black Jackals had found their other half and what they ranted on and on about made him sick. Bokuto somehow found a way to insert something about Akaashi at almost every conversation and Atsumu would constantly catch Hinata, even during midgame, staring at Kageyama.
They sickened him.
And yet somehow he now understood.
Seeing his soulmate before him, you were one of the first few people in a while that he felt like he had to prove himself to. There was probably an endless amount of expectation against him, he was sure. Being old classmates and seeing his name on a tabloid almost every other month would definitely do that.
And somehow only minutes into speaking to his soulmate, Atsumu wanted something different.
“I could always prove it to ya.” He shot toward you, making you laugh again. 
Alright, this shit ain’t gonna cut it.
Atsumu licked at his bottom lip before pulling your bar stool closer to his, relishing in the way your eyes widened in surprise as he did so. “Come on, ya lookin’ at yer soulmate. Just say what we both want and we can leave here together right now.”
You shot him back an incredulous expression, a challenging look in your eye as he put the ball in your court. It was strange to feed off the provocation of someone else; a new type of adrenaline in him as he wanted to get to know you.
“Sorry, but I’d rather not leave with a man who has hickies down his neck from some other woman.”
Atsumu almost felt himself click his tongue in frustration, but you were not exactly wrong. Just a few hours ago he was inside someone he couldn’t even name with a gun to his head, but that was a world before you.
A world before color and the sassy soulmate who seemed to want nothing to do with him. 
And while Atsumu wanted to prod a bit more, or at least get you to concede that he was the greatest option in the world, his phone rang out with Sakusa’s icon flashing on the screen.
Your eyes were drawn to the noise and you commented, “I’m sure you already have plans today anyway.”
Dashing that thought away, he lifted his phone to your eyes and showcased the proof to you. “Think again, my teammate is on the other line ready to chew my ass out.”
“Oh.” That shut you up, before shrugging and turning back to your food, “Well, I’ll see you around Atsumu.”
He leaned toward you, lips dropping beside your ear and lightly stating, “Keep ya schedule open this week.”
You hesitated for a second before saying, “Maybe.”
Atsumu answered the call and started gathering his things, his thoughts only half on Sakusa as the spiker complained about his cleaning habits in the locker room.
“We should probably exchange numbers again.” Osamu took out his phone, motioning it in your direction. 
You took it with a smile, to which Atsumu scowled and made a point of reminding his twin. “Yer better know she’s my soulmate.”
Osamu sighed outwardly and you just laughed adding, “And he’s the better twin afterall.”
Atsumu’s eyes darkened, phone completely forgotten as he took a step toward you, “I’ll remind you later who really is the better twin.”
He made it so easy to tease him, to challenge the world Atsumu built-up around him. You wanted to break it for some reason, to knock him down a peg for being stuck with a player as a soulmate.
And so you shot back, “I’d like to see you try.”
Atsumu smirked as his hand casually grazed up your thigh and squeezed at the skin there. “That’s a promise.”
He shot both of you goodbye’s before returning to his phone call and walking out the door. Atsumu had the last word for now, but you weren’t going to fall to his feet so easily. Turning back to Osamu was no help either, his expression amused as he watched the entire moment play-out.
“An here I was wantin’ to ask ya out.” Osamu stated plainly before shrugging as you sat still in your chair at the irony.
You expected that to be the last you’d see of Atsumu for a while - weeks or months or maybe even years as he entertained the long list of women that would be much easier to maintain than a soulmate.
He called you the next day, inviting you over for dinner and a movie before the weekend started.
You steeled your spine, telling yourself that the gorgeous setter was not going to get to you in a single night. He lived on the better side of Tokyo, just his zip-code alone was a flex of his wallet. And so when you reached his penthouse floor, you took a deep breath in the elevator before you entered his domain.
Again, you expected him to make good on his promise before, to make a move and prove to you that he was a playboy, asshole that you knew from high-school, but instead you had a pleasant first night.
Atsumu Miya entertained you with a home-cooked meal of all things, the two of you sat across from each other at his mahogany dining table.
“Who would’ve thought you would know how to cook well?”
“Ya know who my brother is?” Atsumu joked, “As if 'Samu will me live if I was an ass in the kitchen.”
“Of course, you’re just an ass in other places then.” You shot back, receiving a playful look of offense from the setter, before continuing. “But this tasted amazing, so thank you.”
Atsumu had that smirking expression on his face, like he was carefully watching you, picking you apart in his mind as he thought about the next ten moves in this strange game.
The setter put a hand on your knee under the table and you expected that to be the move, for it to slide up the rest of the way. But instead he tapped the area twice before he stood, grabbing your empty plates and motioning for you to go to the living room. 
“Why dont’cha get comfortable for the movie while I wash these?”
You weren’t disappointed, per se. 
Just surprised, if anything.
And the night continued on just as tamely, playful and even flirty banter between the two of you over the action movie that played out. At one point he draped a casual arm across the back of the couch, resting his hand on your shoulder and pulling you to lean against him.
You had witty banter back and forth and when the movie finally ended, Atsumu commented how it was getting late. Surprised again, you took the out and allowed him to call a car for you. Atsumu walked you down to the street and only when he was opening the door for you, did he lightly pull you at the waist to chastely move your lips together.
Lasting only seconds, he pulled away just as quickly and ushered you into the car and whispered in your ear, “See you soon, (F/N).
Everything you had expected of the playboy you thought you knew was shattered, no sudden move to get you on your back on his bedsheets. Yes, he still said plenty of flirty things to you, but he had yet to actually act on it. Was that simply a bluff before? Or was he playing a longer game to get you off the defensive?
“Yer so cute, (F/N).” Atsumu complimented you once as you lounged on his couch another day, “There are days I can barely keep my hands off ya.”
And before you could recognize how quickly your life was changing, that first initial date snowballed into more dates and somehow you had gotten to the point where you would visit his place fairly often. Whether for dinner or a simple hangout, it seemed Atsumu was keen on inserting himself into your life little by little.
And somewhere along the way, you started to doubt your earlier musings of a fuck boy with no regard for a soulmate. Maybe he had changed from high school? Or maybe, he had changed when he met you?
Or at least, that’s what you wanted to believe.
He had convinced you one night, when you came over for dinner or whatever it must have been, when it started to absolutely downpour outside. He insisted that he did not feel safe sending you home in this weather, to which you countered that you had travelled in worse.
That did little to subdue his worries and instead you found yourself in an oversized jersey getting tucked into his bed that night.
“What’s that face about?” He asked as you laid there together, bed sheets up to your shoulders as he placed an arm beneath your head.
“Nothing, just thinking.”
You thought the first time you’d ever see his bedsheets would be when he was inside of you, not tamely laying beside you and kissing your forehead goodnight. And when he pulled you closer to him, cuddling you to sleep that night, that was one of the safest times you had ever felt.
If this was just a game, if you were just another one of his girls, he would have made a move that night, right?
And so you believed that Atsumu was honestly as earnest in his actions as he said, trying to get to know you for you. Not because you were just another woman to put as a notch on his bedpost, but because he was genuinely interested in you.
That was until you saw the first dating scandal since you had met the setter.
He had plenty of other scandals before this, many women had been attached to his name before, but never had you cared in the past because that was simply his reputation and you barely knew him. But now you had an active role in his life, how could you not know about some woman he was apparently also spending time with?
You did not want to believe some random tabloids over the trust of your soulmate. At least, that was until one day you overheard Atsumu on the phone with his twin.
“Listen, I took out (F/N) that first time cause ya told me to.”
That shit hurted.
The entire foundation of your relationship was based on the fact that his twin pressured him into getting to know you? Did Atsumu even want to get to know you in the first place? Was he really playing with your feelings this whole time?
You turned and went back to his living room, filing this away in your mind as you took a seat. If Atsumu didn’t actually want you in his life, then you would surely give him the space he wanted to begin with.
But you had missed the rest of that phone conversation.
“But I feel like I’ve already fallen for her. I don’t know, she’s different. Ya, ya. I know, I won’t fuck it up this time.”
And so you resolved to put between each other the space he wanted initially.
When you first met, he was pretty vocal about not wanting a soulmate at the time. But he had convinced you along the way, that maybe this was something the both of you wanted.
You were wrong.
Phone calls went ignored and you stopped replying to texts after a few curt replies. You needed distance if you were going to get over Miya Atsumu and his inevitable line of one-night stands.
Your soulmate was supposed to be the one person in the world who completed you, who understood you whole and made you feel loved. And while you were on the precipice of those feelings, it all quickly came crashing down with reality.
Atsumu Miya did not want you.
One night, as you were studying for grad-school, you were working on your part of the group project and were expecting a call any moment now from your other partners. 
When the phone rang out, you picked it up without regard to the name on the screen until it was too late.
“Hey, (F/N)? Haven’t heard from you in a while.” Atsumu’s voice started immediately and it was not like you could hang-up on him now.
“Sorry, I’ve been busy trying to make rent, y’know. Not everyone can be a world-renowned professional athlete.”
There was a small pause on his end before, “... you could always stay with me if you have financial problems.”
Why would he offer that? Just to make you suffer when he brought other women home?
“Don’t say things you’ll regret, haha.” You try to put back that earlier distance, “I’m sure you have a laundry list of girls who are eager to hear back from you after all.”
“What? (F/N), that’s not--”
You cut him off there, “Listen, I’m waiting on a couple people for a school thing. I’ll see you around, Miya-san.”
Where had he fucked up?
In the weeks Atsumu had gotten to know you, it was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that he hadn’t felt for anyone. It was like the unspoken bond crap that Kita had explained to him in high school or that Suna, who recently found his own soulmate, raved about was actually real.
For the first time in his life he wanted to spend time with a woman for longer than a single night. He wanted to bring you home, kiss you good morning, and possibly have a home with both your names on the mailbox.
And while not even a few months ago he would have scoffed at shit like that, Atsumu wanted it and felt that for the first time it was in his grasp.
So where did he go wrong?
The last thing he ever wanted to do was actually make you feel unwanted and he feared that his initial words might have sparked something within you.
It was no surprise when Atsumu showed up at your apartment unannounced the next day.
Not expecting any company, you waltzed over to the door, thinking it might be a package delivery, and opened it in your pajamas.
Atsumu walked right past you and into the living room, words striking with the specificity of a cobra. “Are you just fucking with me?”
You sputtered before closing the door, “What? 
He ran a stressed hand through his hair, but maintained eye-contact with you. “Yer my soulmate and I wanna get to know you. Am I alone in wantin’ this?”
“Shouldn’t I ask that of you?” You shot back, “You made it clear as day that you didn't want me as your soulmate to begin with!”
Atsumu sighed and took a step closer to you, closing the distance to lightly grab at your elbows. “For fucks sake, that was months ago. Don’t tell me that all that time together meant nothin’ to you?”
“Of course it meant something to me!” You exclaimed back, before pushing at his chest while he did not budge a single inch away. “Don’t act like I’m the one half-assed in this.”
He scowled back, “What is that suppos’ed to mean?”
You did not hesitate, "I know you only spent time with me because Osamu told you to.”
Atsumu recoiled in surprise and you took that as your escape, pushing his lingering hands away as you made for the kitchen. But the setter was out of his stupor quickly, trailing behind you.
“Fuck, what did ‘Samu tell you?”
“He didn’t have to tell me anything, I found out the truth myself.”
You could tell Atsumu’s stress level was skyrocketing, from the way his hair was mused without care and angled strangely in certain ways.
“Ya got it all wrong, it was just that first time!” Atsumu replied right behind you.
“What do you mean?”
“‘Samu was the one who told me to call ya the next day, but I was going to eventually ‘cause I wanted to get to know ya myself.”
You slowly took in his words, but it was hard to make any sort of decision with the setter right in front of you. A part of you, one that attributed it to the soulmate bond, was basically begging you to forgive him and wrap yourself in his embrace. That part wanted to feel those muscular arms around you once again, to feel safe in the arms of the one person in the universe meant for you.
But, afraid of getting hurt and without much argue left within you, you tossed back. “Yeah, eventually.”
Atsumu put a strong grip on your waist, holding you there in place before you could run away again.“‘Samu told me to, but I could’ave easily not done nothin’ that first night or any time after.”
You bit your lip at his words, Atsumu was laying all his cards on the table and he wanted a response from you. 
And he wanted it now.
“Please, ya know me better by now.” Atsumu turned you in place to face him, leaning down to whisper his words against your forehead. “I know Imma bad deal - I can’t imagine what ya thought of me back in high school and even earlier this year. I have a bad history and an even worse reputation.”
“But after just a few weeks, I don’t want ya out of my life ever again. Just hearin’ ya call me by my last name yesterday nearly killed me.” Atsumu continued, trailing his lips further down until your foreheads were touching, “Lets give this a try - a real one. Give me the chance to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”
You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the insistent inner tug on your heart and how the setter was encompassing all your thoughts. “Atsumu… I--”
“Stop overthinkin’.” He interrupted, “I don’t want to bombard you. But I promise I won’t ever purposely hurt you.”
You took in a harsh breath, wondering how on earth this could be the same Miya Atsumu who plagued your high school. He had changed, not just from then but from the short amount of time you had already shared together. Opening your eyes slowly, Atsumu was still clutching you around the waist, but his eyes were carefully scanning your expression.
You replied, leaning into his touch more as the smile on the setter’s face widened.
He did not waste a single moment, leaning down to capture your lips with his. You stood surprised for a second, before pushing up to meet his gentle touches. There was no sudden epiphany, no instant speech of undying love after. But there was no denying the harsh flutter intensifying after every inflamed touch. 
Your heart pounded hard in your chest as you leaned more into the setter, knees going weak as his tongue roamed your open mouth. Your only focus was on how soft he felt against your mouth, how addictive it was to have Atsumu invaded all your senses. From the intense smell of his cologne to the light tickle of his blond hair against your head, Atsumu was dominating your every feeling.
And so it was quite a surprise when Atsumu gave you one final peck, before moving to your forehead and placing a light butterfly kiss there and backing off entirely.
“Fuck, just look at you.” He commented as he leaned back, looking at you up and down. There was no doubt the sight that greeted him, you messy with drool, tousled hair, and rumpled clothing. “Even in your sheep pajamas, it’s hard for me to keep my hands off ya.”
Your blush intensified at his words, putting a playful hand on his chest and muttering a small, “Shut up.”
“Never.” He quipped back, putting another kiss on your forehead before pulling away, only your hands still joined. “Now let’s get your apartment packed.”
“What?” You asked, confused. Your mind was still nothing more than a cup of spilled milk after Atsumu had all but ravaged your senses.
He smiled before pulling you back to your living room. You followed wordlessly, his previous statements slowly pouring into your brain after the intense liplock. It was hard to focus on anything when the attractive setter was making a point to kiss you at an open chance.
“As in packed to move in with me.”
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cuddlesslut · 3 years
Part Six: Promises
Atsumu x fem reader, Suna x fem reader, Hinata x fem reader
A/N: Soooo at long last the reunion! So many emotions! I’m so stuck on who to root for!
Warnings: Angst, some fluff, slightly suggestive content
Part Five: Friends
Part Seven: Regrets
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You eyes opened to the sun peering through the curtain shining straight right into your face. You moved your hands to block the sun easeing the strain it caused on your eyes. You were groggy, and you back felt stiff. This definitely wasn’t your bed. You surveyed the area finally remembering, that’s right I’m at Suna’s house. You let out a yawn wiping the sleep from your eyes. That when you felt him move next to you. Yesterday the boys had come back from their loss at nationals. While they made the trip back you spent the whole day getting everything ready for your boyfriend’s return. You wanted to make him feel better so you went to the market that morning and spent your day making homemade sashimi with Fatty Tuna and some Onigiri with the left overs for you ,Tsumu and his twin. Although when he finally arrived home and saw you sitting on his door step he wasn’t very receptive.
“Hey there baby,” you gave him a quiet smile, you know he can’t be feeling to hot right now. You ignored the hurt you felt when he rolled his eyes at you.
“What are you doing here YN?” He sighed there was a slight annoyance to his tone. Again you brushed it to the side.
“I wanted to come be here for you, oh and I brought some food for you and Samu,” you presented the bag containing all of the goodies you had made for them.
Osamu’s eyes lit up at the word food quickly grabbing the bag out your hands “ohhh hell yeah I’m starving, mmmh thanks YN,” he said trying to stuff an Onigiri in his mouth before entering the Miya household. You laughed at his antics before turning your attention back to your boyfriend.
Atsumu stood there in front of you with a look of exhaustion etched on his face. “I was thinking maybe we could spend the evening together, maybe watch a movie, or just cuddle or really whatever you want,” you explained not sure what would be the best in this situation you weren’t used to having to comfort him after a loss.
He frowned “what I want is to be left alone I don’t have the energy to deal with you right now.”
You scoffed “ deal with me!” You questioned back suprised by his attitude.
“Yeah YN I really dont feel like putting up with your clinginess right now it’s annoying,” he huffed.
Your jaw dropped he had never spoke to you that way before. “Wow Okay Atsumu, I knew you were gunna be upset but that doesn’t mean you get to be a dick to me! Enjoy the food I’m going to leave it’s obvious I’m not wanted here,” you stated not standing to be talked like that.
You didn’t stick around to hear his response, you both needed to calm down at this point. You made your way down the street still fuming and ranting in your head “how dare he!” You thought! Ughhh you needed to calm down. You already knew the destination you were heading for. You had planned to save some of the snacks you had made and bring some home to Suna on your way home tonight. But now all the food was with Atsumu. You could feel your stomach growl. You let out a frustrated sigh stuspid Tsumu that was you meal too. You decide to stop at convenience store loading up on all of yours and the middle blockers favorite snacks.
And that’s how you ended up where you are now. Laying down on his couch covered in his comforter with your best friends face snuggled up into your stomach. You giggled he looked adorable. Part of you really wanted snap a photo for proof. Suna was never the most affectionate when it came to anyone really, so to see him holding your waist close was so sweet. He looked so peaceful. You were so thankful for him. When you showed up at his door yesterday you were supposed to cheer him up but it seems it was more likely the other way around. Lost in thought you start running your fingers through his hair as he laid sleeping on your abdomen. He was always there for you and always put your feeling into account with anything you did together. He paid attention to the little details ,like how he had remembered yesterday that milk bread was your favorite, but he did that all the time always so analytical with everything. So you don’t think to much of it. It’s hard to stop yourself and if anyone EVER asked you , you would lie. But for a moment you imagined what it would be like if you were dating the withdrawn boy. You were quick to dismiss that idea though. It was wrong you love Atsumu you knew that and plus he was you best friend. Hell he was one of your boyfriends closest friends. Your smile dropped a little thinking about the setter. That’s right your boyfriend, that is if that what he still was. You weren’t mad anymore a little hurt yes but all the anger had disapatted. You understood he wasn’t in the best place and you weren’t going to let one fight break you up. But you couldn’t speak for him. Were you really that clingy? Did you annoy him that much? Did he still want to be with you? These intrusive thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. Huh speak of the devil.
Tsumu 💕 : hey babe.
Tsumu 💕: I know ur probably pissed u should be.
Tsumu 💕 : I’m so so sorry for being an ass yesterday. I was just so mad at myself for not doing enough at the match, but that doesn’t matter it was no excuse for how I treated you. I get it if you don’t want to deal with me anymore but I just want you to know you're not annoying I didn’t mean any of the shit I said I was just angry and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I promise it’ll never happen again please give me another chance I love you YN 🥺💕
You let out a sigh of relief. Looking back down at the boy laying next to you. He really was quite handsome, and so caring. He's going to make someone so happy one day.
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You’re not sure what brought that memory into your head at this moment but you push it to the side as Suna approached you. He looked like a man on a mission weaving threw the bar patrons. It was like if he didn’t reach you in time you’d disappear. You found your heart beating faster as we neared you. Soon enough he was standing in front of you with a look of disbelief etched on his normally stoic face.
You were nervous what should you say. What if he’s angry with you. You didn’t get much time to worry because as soon as the middle blocker confirmed you weren't a figment of his imagination he pulled you into his chest. His arms wrapping around you securely. You quickly melt into his embrace a sense of familiarity swarming over you.
“Where the hell have you been dumbass,” he choked out before quickly pulling his emotions back in. You laughed into his chest at his nickname for you.
“Sorry Suna I just had to leave I couldn’t be around him anymore,” you choked out. You removed yourself from his grasp moving back to your seat at the bar. You motioned for him to join you. You took a large gulp needing to calm your nerves.
“Look don’t apologize, you were going through a lot , hell I don’t know how I would react if I found out the person I loved was cheating on me for two years, I might committed murder,” he lets out a nervous laugh. Your brain freezes two years.... two years your mind just keeps repeating like it just can’t possibly process that information. You face drops, you turn to the bartender “ another shot of tequila please, uh make that a double,” lord knows you need it.
Suna looks at you eyes wide you had never been much of a drinker before ,at least not hard liquor, the most you ever drank were a glass or two of wine. So to see you finish off your mixed drink then proceed to down a double shot of tequila was a sight.
Your mind was swimming. As you paid out the bartender leaving a nice tip for the speedy service your mind ran in circles around the new information. You knew he had cheated on you for the eight months with Yuki and part of you figured it wasn’t the first time but TWO DAMN YEARS! You want to scream and break something like he couldn’t betray you anymore then Suna has to go tell you it was for hell of a lot longer than you had figured. You froze you brain caught on to one detail. Suna knew it was for two years and you didn’t. Did he know the whole damn time! Your brain couldn’t think rationally. You need to get out of here. It was to much the music was too loud, the place was to crowded, you felt like you couldn’t breath. You gave him a look of disgust before turning and walking away ready to leave this place.
Suna was shocked all of the sudden you looked at him your face full of pain. Before he could realize what was happening you were slipping through the crowd. Oh no he panics he just found you he couldn't let you slip away that easy. He wanted to know why you dropped him. He needed to know if he meant that little to you. So he started running after you calling your name. Luck was on his side tonight. Although you had been able to make it out the club and partially down the block he was able to catch you.
“YN wait , where are you going,” he asked desperately reaching for your wrist to stop you. You snatched your arm away from him angry.
“I’m going home Suna leave me alone,” you shout over you shoulder heading towards your apartment luckily it wasn’t too far. Although you could feel the alcohol start to settle in you knew you could still navigate your way home.
“ stop YN talk to me,” you ignored him and kept walking he let out a groan of frustration and started following you. It not like he had just downed two shots but he had plenty of drinks before he had found you. He was not expecting to have to go for a walk.
You look over your shoulder noticing he was following you. “Ughh leave me alone Suna,” you yell back to him, “stop following me!”
“Too bad I am walking with you till get home, I just watched you put back a lot of alcohol I know you can’t be sober so there is no way I’m letting you go by yourself! I’m walking with you I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” You sighed knowing there was no changing his mind. You looked forward continuing your trek home.
After that last outburst the rest of the walk was silent. Your mind was clouded. You wanted to cry so badly how could Suna act like he cared about you if he helped hide Atsumus betrayal from you. Maybe you were right maybe the friendship was a lie, maybe the connection was one sided. You could feel a swell of emotions in your chest. You denied it for long but you missed Suna. You missed your late night calls, you missed getting coffee , you missed forcing him to watch the newest episode of whatever anime you were watching, you missed hearing all about his games and being one of his number one fans, you missed sending memes, but most of all you missed how much he always seemed to be there when you needed him. But what if that was all just an act. What if ir was just a distraction from all the lies in your life. Before you knew it you were standing at you front door. You could feel his presence behind you unmoving.
“Goodbye Suna,” you huffed opening your door.
“STOP! YN please!” His voice broke. “Please don’t shut me out again! Talk to me!” You refused look back but if you did you’d see tears welling in his eyes holding on with all might trying not to spill over his heated cheeks. You looked at the entrance of your home every fiber in your body screaming at you to comfort him to reach out and hold him close, but you were so scared. So afraid to learn the truth.
“If our friendship ever meant anything to you please talk to me.” He voice so quiet like he was terrified of your response. You moved forward opening the door and stepping through the threshold. You could hear his sharp intake of air you could feel the pain radiating from him. You turned to him seeing Suna broken in a way you had never seen before. Not when he lost nationals, not when he lost his pet, not with any of his break ups. Your heart shattered at the sight. You looked into his eyes before opening you door wider for him to enter. You could see the relief rack through his body. Slowly as though he was unsure you’d change your mind at the last minute he stepped into your apartment. He tentatively took off his shoes before looking around your home studying every detail. You walk past him taking a seat on your couch you look down at the ground in front of you. You can feel the couch seat next to you shift under his weight his long legs entering your vision as you kept from looking up. You both sat in an uncomfortable silence both unsure were to start.
“So this is we’re you been all this time,” he let out a small laugh at the irony, “all that time I spent looking for you and here you were less then ten minutes away from me.”
Your face scrunched “ why would you look for me,” you asked letting your insecurities get the best of you.
He looked at you like you had just asked him if the sky was blue because to him that had to be stupidest question he had ever heard. You shifted uncomfortably under his stare you body now facing him. You head throbbing from the cluster of emotions and from the alcohol coursing throughout your body. You were sorta thankful for your inebriated state. You doubted you’d have the small amount of courage you have now with out it. Your attention turned back to the male sitting beside you.
“Because I care about you dumbass.”
“Oh really! Yeah it sure seemed like that! Two years he cheated on me for TWO YEARS!,” you started to feel heated the walls you had built around your emotions bursting at the seems. “ that’s news to me although at this point I’m not all that surprised, but still I was only aware that he had been cheating on me for eight months! So I just find it strange that you know it was for two years! Tell me Suna did you know the whole time and just let me sit there ignorant to his betrayal! I know you are his friend and that you’ve known him longer but still I thought our friendship meant something!” You aren’t sure when it started but tears were spilling down your cheeks. You looked into his eyes and saw pain. He was hurt that you thought he’d ever choose anyone over you.
He takes a deep breath steadying himself “I’m going to explain everything and I need you to please just listen to me,” he sighs looking to you for your response. You gave a small nod . He let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He rubs his hands over his face trying his best to calm his nerves.
“It was two weeks after your birthday,” he begins. “You weren’t answering your phone, it was so unusual for you to ignore me for that long no matter how busy you were you’d always call me and check up, so when I got no response I got scared you were angry with me ,so when I was meeting up with Osamu and he said he hadn’t heard from you either and that Atsumu wasn’t answering his phone neither we decided to stop by.” His face twitched with aggravation. “You can imagine our surprise to find the place a mess and Atsumu just sitting there in self pity. It became apparent that you weren’t there. When he said you left him Samu and I were shocked there was no way you’d just leave so we both knew something had to happen.” You could see Suna’s jaw clench and fist ball up grabbing at his pants. “When he finally broke and told us he cheated on you and you had caught him he came clean about the two years. I couldn’t hear anymore of his bullshit so I punched him and left.” Your eyes went wide. He punched him. “Osamu had to come outside and calm me down, I was so worried no one knew where you were and that ass was just sitting there feeling bad for himself!” He seethed. You placed your hand on his arm trying to calm him. It must have done the trick. He took a deep breath before looking straight into your eyes. “I honestly thought you knew how long, I didn’t know I promise you that,” he picked up your free hand holding it in his. “You should know I’d never choose him or anyone for that matter over you.”
Your heart felt like it stopped in that moment. “Why would you say that,” you asked breathless.
He let out a chuckle he brought his hand up to caress your face. You couldn’t stop yourself from pressing your cheek firmly into his palm. You heart started to quicken. There was a look in the middle blockers eyes that you had never noticed before although it looked so familiar like this was how he always looked at you and you were just to blind to notice. “I thought it would have been obvious by now,” you didn’t notice how close you had both become. His face was merely an inch or two away from yours. His eyes glanced down to your lips, you copy the motion. You can feel your cheeks heat. “ I’m in love with you,” he states his breath hiting you face. Before you knew it his lips were connected to yours.
You didn’t pull back enjoying the feeling of his lips. He snaked his hand behind your head holding the back of your neck securely. The kiss was slow but so full of passion. You felt a light lick of his tongue as he requested to deepen the kiss. You gladly obliged opening your mouth to his exploration. You snaked your hands into his hair adjusting your body to his. Slowly he leaned you back on the couch capturing you underneath him. He slid he’s free hand down grabbing ahold of your hip as your tongue danced together sensually. He gave a light squeez to your hip. Your lips disconnected as your head fell back while you let out a soft moan. He seized this opportunity to place delicate kisses under your jaw and down your neck before latching on to your neck. You legs spread allowing him closer access to you. The hand at you hip gently crept up your shirt before giving a tender clutch to your breast.
“Suna!” You mewled.
He gave a soft nip at your neck “say my name love,” he requested his voice heavy with want. He tweaked your nipple through the fabric of your bra.
“Ahh Rintarou,” you moaned. Your fingers gripping at the black strands of his hair your back arching up into his touch.
You could feel him smile into your neck. “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of hearing that,” he recapture your lips into a searing kiss as he rolled his hips into yours bringing another whimper forth. You were lost in the feeling of his presence. It was so calming and warm. You felt so comfortable in his arms like this was something you had done a thousand times. Your want for oxygen is sacrificed for the feeling of him pressed into your body. This was different than anything else. It was like he was trying to pour all of his love into this moment. Everything moving slowly as though he wanted to take his time with you. Nothing was hurried or fueled by lust. It was so unlike anything you experienced with Atsumu, or with .....
“Stop,” you breathed disconnecting your lips sitting up trying to create some distance between your bodies. He moved back worried. Cautious of his next move not wanting to scare you away.
“I’m sorry did I hurt you? did I move to fast? I’m sorry YN,” he stammered out.
“Shh Rin, it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong it’s me,” he gave a small smile loving hearing you call him by his given name. That smile was quickly replaced with a questioning look.
You calmed yourself trying to figure out how to explain your situation. “Rin I can’t do this right now it’s not okay.... there’s someone,” his face dropped.
“Your dating someone,” you could see the fear on his face.
“Well no we’re not dating... it complicated.”
He could start to figure out what you were referring to, he’s not naive. But still he wanted to allow you to explain it.
“Ah this is kind of embarrassing ugh,” you hid your face in your hands.
“It’s okay YN you can tell me anything,” he looked at you reassuring, he needed to know the truth about the situation. He could only hope it wasn’t to serious.
“Well ,” you took a deep breath “ there’s this guy, he’s my friend,” you add “ he and I are uhh well we sleep together, it’s been going on for two months now,” you search his face for any judgment yet you find none. You continue “ I just don’t feel right continuing with what we were doing.”
He shook his head while he searched for his next words. “So you aren’t dating but you don’t feel right being with someone else,” he questions.
“I won’t lie to Rin it’s complicated, I’m fairly certain I was falling for him, but there’s just so much going on and now this with you it’s a lot.” You give him a small smile. “I’m not sure we’re my head is at. I don’t want to make any mistakes that could ruin everything with you and how we move forward, I also have a lot to think about.”
“I understand that but I hope you understand why I’m hesitant, I’m afraid you’ll drop me again and you’ll be gone from me again,” he looked up at you. “I need to know YN, please tell me why did you cut me out of your life?”
You sighed grabbing his hands holding then tightly in your own. “Rin it was so hard, when he betrayed me it felt as though I’d lost the place I called home, like everything I knew was a lie, it terrified me at the idea that everything was a lie, even us, I don’t think I’d survived if I found out that what we have was nothing. So it was easier to push you and everyone else away, I was scared. I also couldn’t stand the idea of Atsumu being in any part of my life, and I still don’t that’s why I’m still so nervous letting you back in, I’m still not ready to face him.”
“I would cut him completely out of my life for you YN, anything you ask and I do it! You could ask for the moon and I’d find a way.” A soft giggle left your lips at his proclamation.
“I could never ask that of you, that’d include Osamu and he’s your closest friend, I couldn’t do that. And I’m not asking you to cut anyone out.... I just need some time,please understand that. These feeling I have for you are so strong but I want to sort them out before we move forward.” You looked him directly in the eyes. “I promise you Rin I will not drop you again, I don’t want you out of my life.” He nodded.
“Okay, I understand and I’ll give you time, but you have to give me your new number,” he smiled at you. You laughed smiling up at him. God how he missed that smile. You traded numbers, before you walked him to the door.
“Goodnight Rin,” you smiled.
“Goodnight love,” he replied leaning down stealing one more kiss. You looked up at him surprised. “What I promised I’d give you time, I never said I wasn’t going to prove to you in that time just how much I love you,” he grinned that sly smile before slipping out your door. Just like earlier that day you slid down your door sitting on the floor letiting out a sigh, except now you had a multitude of new problems. But right now all you could think of was sleep. You were exhausted.
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bubbleteaa · 4 years
➴ D o u b l e  t r o u b l e
double trouble;; fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: Miya Atsumu x fem!pregnant reader, Miya Osamu x fem!pregnant reader genres: fluff, Atsumu being a dumbass w/c: 1.1K (HOW?? WTFFF AKJSDS) a/n: thanks for the request anon! And thank you for your words, I love you!<3
Summary: Their s/o has a surprise for him. And after a time, they realize that it is no longer a surprise, but two surprises.
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Miya Atsumu;;
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• He would think that you are joking, though. • “Nice one, bae. Ya think yar smar’, don’t cha? Think again” • “Atsumu, I’m serious” • “C’mon bae, ya can’t be serious. Ya wanna laugh” • But you were awfully serious. With a pregnancy test between your tiny hands. • And then he realizes that you are not joking. • If you weren’t his s/o, he would legit run away. • “Well, that was a nice fuck. I just rememba that I don’t like kids, see ya” • But you are his s/o. So, he would be in shock. His eyes stick on yours, analyzing what he could say without making you mad nor frustrated. • “I guess my dick issa miracle maker, righ’?” • It sounded better in his head. • He knows he fucked up a little bit the air in the room with his comment. So he just walks towards you and hugs you tightly, his face bidding in the crook of your neck. You tremble a little because of his actions, but you just let yourself in between his softness and affection. • “I’m happy, ya know” he mutters against your hot skin, smiling lightly “I’m truly happy” • “I’m happy, too” your words kisses his dyed hair, one of your hands still grabbing the pregnancy test, the other one caressing the strands of his hair “I love you” • “I love ya too” he closes his eyes, imagining yourself with a baby. His baby “And to our little one, too”
• “My dick is really a miracle maker, bae” • It must be really a joke, maybe the doctor was clearly blind and instead of another head, it was just an incredible big hand, or feet or a second brain. • But, fate seems to love twins. Too much. • “Yes, there are clearly two of them” your obstetrician looks at you with a playfully smile “Twin twins” • Atsumu is happy. Like, tooooo happy. He convinces himself that he is some kind of a fertility ancient god and that his mission in the Earth is to have twin twins for at least three times. • “I’m so cool bae” •  And he would be also very, very, very clingy towards the babies. And would spoil them without even know the gender. •  “Lemme see my cutie pies” •  “We needa buy ‘em some matchin’ clothes” •  “If we have gals, they would never date a guy” •  “I wish we could have gals, bae. They would be as cute as ya” •  “Imagine two lil’ Y/n’s running in the park bae” •  And he would like to have boys, too. •  “Wait, I know I say whatavaout’ gals but think about boys” •  “One spiker and one setter” •  “Omg I have to call Samu, wait bae” •  He will brag to everyone about the news. He will legit post at least the same picture of the ultransound 10 times on his social media. • ”OMG LOOK AT MA BABIES ARENT THEY COOL???????” •  “Just here to remind ya I’ll be father :D” •  “You wish you could have the life I have, loser” •  At the end of the day, he would always lay at your side and put his head on your lap, looking at your belly, smiling. • He would always run his hand carefully over your skin, feeling them quick from time to time. Sometimes his eyes would cry a little bit for the future you hold in your body. •  The future he wanted with you. •  “But they are a true miracle, my love”
Miya Osamu;;
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• Superior twin. •  He would probably know about your pregnancy before you. • Like, he legit is the one that cooks for you at 2 a.m., How was he not going to know it? •  “Samu?” •  “Yeah?” • “I’m pregnant” • Unlike Atsumu, he doesn't think it's a joke, nor does he make any out-of-order comments regarding the news. She just smiles lightly at you and caresses the crown of your head. • “I already knew it, though” he mentions you after a while, looking you in the eye. He smiles slightly and press a chaste kiss on your lips "I was just waiting for you to confirm it" • “I have to talk to Tsumu, tho. I just won a bet” • “Bet?” • “Yeah, I’m the one who is getting marry first and having a child first” •  Yes the mf will propose to you. I stan that. KJSHDJSA •  You blink for several minutes analyzing the situation. His hands are on your belly “What?” • “I want to spend the rest of my life with you and with our baby” •  It’s impossible to say no to that, tho.
• Now, he didn’t see this coming. • But i’s quite funny, ngl. • As always, he was accompanying you to appointments with the obstetrician. Both of you were calm, especially since it hadn't been long since the last visit. It was just an impromptu date because you said that your hip hurt a lot, and honestly, Osamu wouldn't risk anything happening to you or your baby. • But yeye, now something happened to you and your baby. • They multiplied. • And now there are two of em. • “Is that another head?”  • “Oh, yes. It seems that you are having twins” •  “Like twin twins???” • “Uh, probably. Mr. Miya, you have a twin twin, right?” • What a coincidence see ya in there lil samu and tsumu. • Now, prepare yourself for OVER OVER PROTECTING OSAMU. • “Don’t carry that, ya will hurt my onigiris” • “Y/N. Go to sleep, our babies needs to rest” • “Sit”, “Yer feet hurts, ya can’t lie to me”, “Yar goin’ to the bed now”, “Ya dontcha need to go out, do ya? Of course no” • He cares just too much. • sPoiLES YOU AND THE BABIES TO THE CORE. • “Samu, I’m hungry” • “Watcha want bae?”  • And he will cook you everything. Even if he run out of ingredients, he would call Tsumu or someone to bring him some-because he will NEVER leave you alone at home-.  • “I need more katsuobushi and panko, go get me some” • “Oh hello to ya too Samu, how is my favourite bro-” • “Tsumu, just brin’ me the ingredients and stfu” • The babies WILL HAVE matching clothes. Don’t even try to stop him.  • Cute nicknames for the babies? Bet. • “Oni and Giri will love this, bae” •  “Wait, how did you call them?????” • Anyway, he will be very careful with you. Even when you cuddle. He will try his best to not harm you or make you uncomfortable. • “Is this position alrigh’, bae?” •  “I can change if ya don’ feel fine” • “Please lemme know if you feel comfortable” • Kisses. On. Your. Tummy. • Like. A. Lot. • HE LOVES WHEN THEY KICK YOUR TUMMY. HE LEGIT FALLS MORE AND MORE IN LOVE AHHHH IM SOFTTT. • “They are moving”  • “Yeah, they know their daddy is here, they just love you too much” • He would smile so brightly that your heart will do UWU UWU UWU.  • “I love them more” • He is just the perfect dad:( you can’t change my mind.
。・:*˚:✧。 C h e e s e  c u l t : @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @from-left-to-write @akaashit-baeji  @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma  @kawanisshi @milkandc00kiez  @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @kawaiikraykray @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @hakueishirei​ @pineapplekween​ @estherwritess​ @keiji-n​ @achoohq​ @badlywritten-hq​ @mochibeaa​ @oinkanna​ @chxrry-wxne​ @spudicide​ @airybby​ @asranomical​ @karmasuna​
。・:*˚:✧。 G e n e r a l  m a s t e r l i s t: @trashys-things​ @softforshigi​ @groundzeroagency​ @edensxgarden​ @pm4gal​  @yams046​ @thatfanfictionwriter​
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nekomapi · 3 years
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aesthetic: a halloween carnival with your besties
(may be reposting this from last year cause it needs more love and is still ON MY BRAIN)
👻 👻 👻
Daichi, Suga & Asahi
Asahi’s stomach is in knots as you enter the haunted house. This isn't lost on Suga and for some reason he just can't miss this opportunity. Humming to himself and nonchalantly eating his pink cotton candy, he sneaks up behind the gentle giant and during a quiet moment... screams bloody murder while gripping Asahi’s shoulder hard. Asahi jumps, his hand grasping his heart in terror, panting wildly. Suga doubles over in wild laughter, slapping his back. “Give the poor guy a break, Suga.” Daichi teases as you both are trailing behind the pair. Outwardly he seems unaffected by the eerie attraction, but your arm is linked with his and you can feel his body tense up with each corner you turn. He looks over to check on you and flashes a thin smile, lightly squeezing your arm to reassure you, though you think it might have been more reassuring to him. You also catch him keeping his eyes partially closed for most of the walk, probably to attempt blocking out some of the scares.
Tanaka & Noya
This pair couldn’t act tougher as you enter the haunted house, both puffing out their chests and declaring them as your protectors. After 30 seconds, they’ve already lost their composure and a costumed ghoul sends Noya flying into Tanaka’s arms, your modern day Shaggy and Scooby Doo. Their terror immediately fades off once they exit and spot a BBQ’d meat stand. After sharing multiple orders of skewers, you all proceed to ride every single rollercoaster, front row and screaming your faces off. You stumble upon a crowd of people at the "Test Your Strength" game and notice Yamamoto accepting challengers to beat his score. Tanaka smirks as he steps up.
Iwa & Oikawa 
Half of the night consists of Tooru being a tease to all his fangirls near the kissing booth. You and Iwa roll your eyes and have a blast passing the time playing paintball. You both sneak out of the field with your paintball guns and use them to pelt a few right into Tooru’s ass during a selfie he's taking with a few girls. He lets out a strangled yelp, and upon spotting you, playfully sticks out his tongue and hastily excuses himself from his fans. You and Iwa chase him to the other side of the carnival, straight into a line for ice cream. He buys you both one and you all eat your waffle cones on the ferris wheel. Tooru mentions how he can’t help being so popular and proclaims you both were just jealous everyone else was taking his attention. You and Iwa look at each-other, remembering your earlier conversation and knowing exactly the best way to shut him up. You dare him to volunteer for the Pie-in-the-Face booth. Laughing on the way, his pride accepts the challenge because,” Who would ever want to do such a thing to this beautiful face, Y/N-channnnnnnn?” He chokes immediately on his words once Iwa brings up the first motivated customer, Ushijima. Tendou sticks his head out from behind him and lifts his fingers in a peace sign. “Suuuuup, bitches.”
Kuroo & Kenma
You set up your blanket on the lawn for the horror film marathon. Kenma’s backpack was full of beer and snacks, not to mention the copious amounts of kettle corn you bought at the stand. You and Kuroo cuddle up in a blanket, getting wasted and reciting every line to the movie Scream. A few blankets away, Yaku keeps yelling at you to shut up and you proceed to throw kernels at him throughout the film, ducking under the blanket each time even though he obviously knows it’s you two. Kenma sips on a beer as he plays his nintendo switch, glancing up once in a while during a loud scare scene. When the movies over, you grab churros and Tets gives you a piggyback ride when your feet start to ache. Every girl eyes him down and you playfully smack the back of his head when he decides to make a joke about it. You beg Kenma to play some IRL carnival/arcade games with you and he obliges, winning an abundance of stuffed animals that you both make Tets carry around for you. 
Suna, Atsumu, Osamu 
Tsumu breathes a sigh of relief after finding refuge in the corn maze from his screaming fan club; he admits to be more terrified of them than any of the other haunted attractions. Samu eats his homemade onigiri and bickers back and forth with Tsumu on which direction they should go. You and Rin are very unconcerned as you pass the time smoking a joint he pulled out immediately upon starting the maze. You hang on his arm and play a word association game that Tsumu finds obnoxious because, “it’s not funny at all, yer both just high as a kite,” and you two endlessly snicker at yourselves. A surprising, yet also unsurprising discovery in the middle of the maze is Terushima. He's laying against some hay, tongue deep with some girl who works at the carnival. “Thatta boy, T.” You slap his back as you walk by, Samu’s face wrinkled in disgust and Tsumu laughs, internally cheering about how it’s one less girl for him to worry about.
Bokuto & Akaashi: 
Kou insisted that you all wear costumes. Akaashi went as a zombie and it took you a few hours to help them both apply face make-up, Kou’s skeleton taking the longest. That’s why you immediately face-palmed when he decides to play bobbing for apples about ten minutes upon entering. You and Akaashi couldn’t help but crack up as he had to walk around the rest of the carnival with flat hair and makeup smeared all over his face. You all get your fortunes read but immediately realize it was a bad idea when Kou absolutely freaks out from the ominous reading he received from the fortune teller. He spends a half hour sulking, spitting out incredibly dark ideas of what she might have meant and you and Akaashi scramble to find ways to cheer him up. The remedy? Bumper cars. You leave later that night, a bag of goldfish in tow that he won you at Ring Toss. Kou insists you name them both after him.
Tsukishima & Tadashi:
As much as you hate leaving the petting zoo, it is even more impossible to pull Yamaguchi away. Watching him snuggle the bunnies is making your heart sing, but your moment is quickly interrupted by Tsukki’s signature chuckles. The reason? He’s just witnessed Kageyama get bitten by a goat. You and Yamaguchi get matching face paintings and pick pumpkins in the patch to carve while Tsukki zones out listening to his headphones while chewing on strands of a funnel cake.
ICYMI. Shoyo will not stop freaking out about how much taller he can make himself look in the funhouse mirrors.
FYI, Sakusa left you on read at your invitation. There is not enough Purell to get him to a carnival and how dare you suggest such an idea.
🎃 xo n.pi
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shingia · 3 years
Hi hi i saw the weekly event on your blog from some other blog
Is it okay if i request one with osamu and with 😳 emote
Thank you for doing my request 👀
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heyy !! no problem, i gladly wrote it <333 flustered osamu is a very inspiring concept 😌
⇢ since valentine’s day is still pretty recent, i kinda went with this idea, hope you’ll like it !
⇢ osamu x gn! reader | word count : 0.7K
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on this morning of february 14, the students of inarizaki could be divided in three distinct groups.
the lucky ones with designated valentines, smitten significant others from whom they knew they would get at least one gift. the hopeful ones, those who were dreaming about a special someone confessing their undying love for them with a rose. and the so-called revolutionists, who refused to give in to capitalism by participating in this commercialized absurdity.
and then there was osamu. who had tried to pretend to be sick in hope that he’d get to stay in bed all day. but his brother had tried to trick their mom too many times already, she was not falling for it anymore.
« ya look like shit » atsumu told him as they got off the bus.
osamu’s only answer was a shrug as he shoved his hands in his warm pockets. of course he looked like shit, he had not slept a wink. suna’s words from yesterday had been spiraling in his brain all night :
« dude, i heard them talk. it’s all planned ! they’re gonna confess to atsumu tomorrow »
so yeah, sure, osamu looked like shit - but he did not have anyone to look good for. unlike you, who had probably spent an extra thirty minutes getting ready tomorrow.
he could not blame you, confessing to atsumu was probably nerve-racking ; and there was always the fear of rejection. the same fear that made it impossible for him to confess his love for you after about a year spent admiring you from afar, and hoping he would once get to call you his.
since suna had not heard when you were planning on talking to atsumu, osamu decided that it would be safer for him to just avoid his brother all day. because the last thing he wanted was to witness this heart-wrenching scene with his own eyes.
your first period was starting in about 10 minutes, so the hallways were still empty and quiet : just what osamu was looking for. a short moment of peace before his brother would come running to tell him about your incredible confession, and how you were now officially dating. maybe suna would even show him a video...
but, against all odds, it was you who came running towards him, and he started praying that you were not coming for advice.
« ya talked to tsumu ? » he asked, shoulder leaning against the wall.
« i did. he told me you’d be here » you panted, breathing made difficult by both the running and the lump in your throat.
it did not take more words than this for osamu to stand up straight. because why on earth would you be there with him when you knew atsumu was outside ?
« listen, uh... » you started, your weigh shifting from one foot to the other. « it’s probably very obvious but i’m actually terrified right now, so i’ll be quick... i really, really like you. and i have liked you for quite some time actually »
and you punctuated your sentence with a relieved sigh. it was worse than what you had planned on saying, but it least it was done. you were not in control of anything anymore, the ball was in his court.
if you had not told him that you were terrified, osamu would have probably asked you to repeat everything from a to z. his eyes were wide, and he was pretty sure that his cheeks were not that hot ten seconds ago. but his mouth was still shut, and you felt the need to fill in this long silence.
« i know confessing on valentine’s day is horribly cliché but... i feel like i needed a special occasion to get this off my chest an- »
« would ya like to go with me on the most cliché date ever ? » he blurted out, mouth dry from stress.
whatever this meant, an ecstatic ‘yes’ slipped out of your lips the second he was done talking. maybe too ecstatic ?
« thanks for being braver than me » he sheepishly chuckled, his hand nervously resting on his neck.
osamu might have seemed stressed in the outside... but in reality he was only showing half of the consuming anxiousness he felt on the inside. which only doubled in intensity when you left a gentle kiss on his cheek before walking away.
it was terribly silly, but osamu felt the irrespressible urge to follow you, like he never wanted to leave your side ever again.
of course he tried to shake the thought ; but like the feeling of your lips against his skin, it lingered long after you had gone - leaving him smiling at an empty corridor, but feeling like the happiest man on earth.
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saintobio · 3 years
I haven’t stopped thinking about what Aran said about Z’s in Ch 3:
So, from the initial bite, the infection will spread to the host’s brain in eight hours. Within those eight hours, they may still act as human as they can even if their body and their appearance are slowly disintegrating.
Like why would you include this info (aside from world building and killing us with anxiety). This whole time I’ve been anxiously waiting for cues that Rin, Tsumu, Y/N or basically anyone from the group is infected. BUT THEN CH 8—
But even at that, something more was oddly different and you couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
Fakken Sophia was already infected by then 😫😫😫. If she put anyone else in danger imma cut a bitch (I know she ded but you know, double fucking tap).
Okey so now I’m back to concerned mode because what the hell happened in that moment of silence between Sophia and Rin? Did she like bit him and in turn infected him? Is like CH 9-10 going to span 8 hours of Rin slowly turning Z? 🥲🥲🥲 Because my heart can’t take the shit. Also if my twins and bb Kita are d word I will just sit in a corner and cry.
Cause like... Rin’s arc is closed. He found Sophia and he found out that the person who loved him all this time was Y/N. All that’s left is for Y/N’s arc to find resolution: find Asher. And Suna’s promise to help Y/N find Asher contributes to Y/N’s arc.
GAD. Asher is the end game. We’re in the end game now, fam. 🥲🥲🥲
— 🦈 Anon
shark anon pulling the receipts!! you’re smart i like that. actually thank you for putting aran’s explanation for everyone to see bc i was too lazy to find it 😹 also omg the arc!! yup, asher is definitely end game lol.
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dai-ou-sama · 4 years
Atsuhina; fluff fic. (Pt 2)
Atsumu disowning his emotions because he can’t deal, all the while spiralling down to a meltdown where he confesses to Hinata and it’s just fluff abuse.
Um ok, so this turned into somewhat of a crack fic bc Atsumu’s confession is just that ridiculous in my head. Here’s part 1!
 @resignedcatservant  I’m really happy you enjoyed pt 1, here’s the cont :)
Atsumu sauntered up to the stadium doors breezily, his movements as smooth and as lazy as usual. His earphones - airpods - were in, his hands were nestled in the pockets of his hoodie and he was feeling wonderful.
He’d spent the night after Bokuto’s ramble tossing and turning in his bed, alternating between lapses of silence in which he recalled and repeated past interactions with Hinata, and lapses of screeching into his pillow in mortification whenever an especially mortifying memory resurfaced, before thinking, “Well, it’s Shouyo-kun I’m thinkin’ about here. Isn’t that a justified reaction? Who wouldn’t have stopped an’ stared if they saw him laugh like that?” and “No, it’s okay. He couldn’t have noticed. Nobody would’a noticed me doing that.” Then he’d go back to thinking about Hinata, and the vicious cycle repeats. He ignored the fact that Bokuto, resident idiot #1 of MSBY Black Jackals, had told him that he and Sakusa had already noticed plenty of things. 
His internal turmoil had continued well into the night, until approximately four in the morning, when he’d gotten enough of himself and his thoughts (a previously unprecedented phenomenon, mind you) and slapped his face hard enough to yelp, then finally, finally passed out cold. 
Now, he was back at the stadium, and he was fine. He’d spent a good portion of day before the evening training session staunchly denying the existence of a thing called feelings, and he’d very much convinced himself he wasn’t feeling any kind of way at all. He pushed open the stadium doors and strode in, spotting his teammates at the other end of the court and offering them a lazy wave. Hinata hadn’t yet arrived, and when Atsumu settled down, he realised that he was really feeling quite alright. 
Bokuto might have exclaimed that he looked like death and asked if he was okay, and Sakusa might have added that he always looked like death anyway - but he was fine. When Hinata arrived and greeted them with a smile that was not unlike the sun, he was fine. So what if he found Hinata cute - big deal, he already knew that. He was even fine for a solid two hours of training beside Hinata, the time filled with shared banter and high-fives. Over the course of two hours, his heart had slowly retuned to an almost-normal rate and his stomach stopped flipping in odd ways. Basically, he thought he was handling all of it (it being the mess that was his feelings) quite professionally, and counted that as a win. He continued to be perfectly a-ok, until they began the practice matches, and he nailed a particularly fast set with Hinata.
“That one felt really good! It really went BAMMPF this time!” Hinata exclaimed as they exchanged a double-handed high-five, and Atsumu laughed, agreeing because it did feel really good. He turned back to the net, and the next set, the next successful point, was already running through his mind. Beside him, Hinata paused, and turned to look at Atsumu. “Ya’know, Atsumu-san, I’m really glad I get to play with you now. On this team. With everyone.” Atsumu was in the middle of a non-committal hum when he turned to face Hinata, his words hadn’t really registered in his mind yet because he was still thinking of the next-quick set, until of course, he had caught sight of Hinata’s expression and everything - his thoughts, breath, and heart - stuttered to a stop. 
Hinata’s smile now was different from the ones before. Those had been easy smiles, beaming and grinning that Atsumu had already been prepared to face, but this? This was softer, more tender and more intimate, and wow, he was not prepared for it. It really did not do Atsumu any favours.
That was very decidedly the moment Miya Atsumu’s internal system had glitched and crashed, and the thought of being not fine came back with a vengeance and slapped him in the face.
This was real. His feelings were real. He had a huge fucking crush on Hinata and he had never noticed. He noticed now. And instinctively, he knew he was not about to handle this epiphany well. Forget pretending to be okay, it was time to abort mission. He was about to act like the biggest moron in the world if he faced Hinata right now, and his narcissism would never let him live it down if he allowed it to happen. 
So what did he decide to do? Drop everything and run out of the stadium with his face in his hands, it seemed like. 
Was that really preferable to just losing his shit and embarrassing himself right there and then in the stadium? Hm. Debatable, but Miya Atsumu’s brain worked in wonderful ways.
Courtesy of Bokuto’s past meltdowns, Atsumu found his way to the storage room easily, and he marched in very robot-like before shoving himself between the safety mats to wallow in deeply-rooted, ever-growing self-hate. If there is a god, heavens please, just end me now and save me the mortification. This moment was never going to stop haunting him till the day he finally stepped into his grave, and it was definitely going to end up as his nightmares in the coming months.
God knows how long had passed before the door to the storage room creaked open, and by then, Atsumu’s soul was already half out of his body. He barely even noticed when the shuffling of footsteps stopped before him, and he kept his forehead pressed against his knees.
“Atsumu-san?” Hinata’s voice made him flinch a little, but beyond that he remained locked in position. “Are you okay?” 
Absolutely not.
“What’s wrong?”
In Atsumu’s mind, it was the entire world, apparently. But really, it was just his pride in shambles (for god knows what, honestly) and he really wanted to disappear right now.
There was a long pause of silence that made Atsumu wonder if Hinata had given up on the embarrassment that was Atsumu like he should, then -  “ATSUMU-SANNNNNN!” Hinata shouted right beside his ear, making him jump in his seat. Hinata took the chance to grab his face in both his hands and forced him to look up at him. “What’s wrong with you?”
Hinata was crouched right in front of Atsumu, face only inches away, cradling Atsumu’s face in both his hands. He stared straight into Atsumu’s eyes with an oddly determined look in his own. And Atsumu- Atsumu’s breath just caught, not for the first time that day. He wondered absentmindedly then if he looked like he was star-struck to others, because he certainly felt star-strucked - like the entire universe had just lit up around Hinata, the sun.
“...I’m in love with you.” Atsumu couldn’t have helped it, honestly. The words had slipped past his lips without his permission or notice, and he remained in awe of Hinata long after the words had been uttered still. Then slowly, Atsumu’s thoughts caught up with his words and...oh fuck.
Hinata froze. “What?”
Now Atsumu’s mind was racing. What the fuck did I just say. Oh my god, ‘Tsumu, I hate’cha so much. Ya’ should just die. Are ya’ an idiot? I should just laugh right now and pretend it was’a joke. Or maybe I should just die right now. Or kiss him. Or die. Or-
Instead, Atsumu just resigned to his fate. He looked away - and might’ve teared a little - and mumbled, “I said, I’m in love with you.” His face was burning, and he kind of felt like he wanted to cry because it had been a whole ass day of emotional confusion and he was just not built to handle things like this.
Hinata seemed dumbstruck for a while, then gradually, a blush crept up his cheeks - together with a grin. “You mean that?”
Atsumu’s gaze whipped back to Hinata, almost petulantly, and he said, “Of course I mean that, do ya’ think I wou-” His words were cut off by Hinata, who pressed his lips against Atsumu’s, and boy, if Atsumu thought he’d been seeing stars before, he was not prepared for this. Atsumu lowered his hands from round his legs and wrapped them around Hinata’s neck instead. Far too soon, Hinata pulled away, before laughing at the sight of Atsumu’s face. “I’m in love with you too.”
Atsumu.exe was not working. “...But why?”
Hinata looked at him, his nose and brows a little scrunched in confusion. Even in his daze, Atsumu couldn’t help but find it adorable. “What do you mean why?”
“Why would’cha ever like someone as embarrassin’ as me?”
Hinata looked at him wordlessly for a moment, as if he was exasperated, then he sighed and took Atsumu’s face in his hands again. Atsumu decided he really liked having his face in Hinata’s hands.
“Because you’re as dedicated and as committed to volleyball as one can get. Because I really like the way you laugh when you make a good set and it makes my heart go...gwaaaah. Because you look like you could take on the world when you’re performing well. Because you let me know I have more ways to play than one. Because you’re Atsumu; a total idiot and a dork as long as you’re off the court, but completely captivating when you’re on, and so much more. Do you really need me to go on right now? Because we’re going to have to stay here all night if I do.”
Atsumu was stunned, but he replied ‘yes’ automatically anyway, and earned himself a laugh, then a light smack on the arms, then a peck on the lips, before Hinata settled down in a more comfortable position and carried on. Atsumu thought that maybe, he didn’t hate himself all that much after all.
Epilogue things:
Atsumu entered the stadium with his arm around Hinata’s shoulder as he always did, completely immersed in the way he talked about his time in Brazil. When they reached the rest of their team at the other end of the court, Bokuto immediately shouted, “HEY, HEY, HEY!! You look like you’re doing fine today too, Tsum-tsum!”
Sakusa gagged from the side, eyebrows scrunched in disdain. “You look extra obnoxious today. Why the hell are you still smirking like that? Stop it, it looks dirty.”
Atsumu responded with an extremely smug, self-satisfied “hmph” then said, “As ya’ can see, Omi-kun, Bo-kun.” He gestured to Hinata, “I now have a boyfriend.”
Sakusa’s face just wilted further with disgust, but he gave up and turned away without further comment. It had already been two weeks since the idiot ran out of the stadium like a lunatic, two weeks, and he was still acting like it happened two hours ago. Sakusa just sighed, and prayed for patience.
Hahhhhhh finally, welcome to the end of the fic. I think the style here changed a lil’ from the first part but oh well. I hope you enjoyed reading about Atsumu losing his shit over feelings and about his shitshow of a confession (and a little POV from omi-kun at the vvvvv end) because it was a pretty fun word spew! 
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