#dove cameron users
foreverautumn89 · 2 years
Can't stop thinking of Boyfriend by Dove Cameron when thinking about Byergrove [because of Stonathan]:
Headcanon for Byergrove: Just to be clear, I LOVE Stonathan and always will. It was my first ST ship and it is my favorite one and I love Steve, so don't take offense to this; in certain parts I'm only trying to get into Billy's mindset and show his perspective on it, its not my own personal opinion about Steve.
Jonathan and Billy meet when Max and Will become close. Max feels alone and like an outsider in her own friend group and Will feels the same way, so when Max realizes, she quickly connects with Will and they become besties [and El is included in their best friend group of course].
Billy and Jonathan both had abusive dads and would understand what the other is going through. Billy would finally feel like he could connect to someone and would appreciate Jonathan's existance alone. While Jonathan would finally have a friend who understands and appreciates him [which Jonathan really needs considering he is hated by most people in Hawkins just for being a Byers]. Since Jonathan is wiser and has been overcoming that abuse all on his own, he'd be the one helping Billy through his, not the other way around, but its ok because he likes feeling needed and wanted.
Jonathan would give Billy one of his famous speeches and instantly get through to him in a way no one else has before and Billy would keep coming back for more speeches, not entirely sure why.
Jonathan would show Billy how to be a supportive older brother to Max like how he is to Will whether he actually shows him how or Billy sees Jonathan and Will together and how they interact and changes how things are between him and Max. Jonathan inspires Billy to be better. If Jonathan was abused and can be a great big brother to his younger sibling than why can't he? Jonathan makes him a better person.
Billy continues his rivalry with Steve by going after Jonathan/flirting with him all the time especially when Steve is around. He automatically scoffs when he learns that Jonathan is dating someone like Steve Harrington of all people when Jonathan could be with someone much better: him [obviously]. Steve couldn't possibly understand Jonathan or protect him from people [Billy would know] and before they got together, Steve had been bullying him for the last decade. Billy never bullied Jonathan for years like Steve had, so he'd instantly be one up on Steve. Plus, Billy knows hes better looking and superior to Steve in every conceivable way.
When Billy finally meets Jonathan, he is kind of surprised. Hes heard a lot about Jonathan from around school and especially from Tommy H., but Jonathan isn't anything like they said he was. It was a lot of insults and badmouthing coming from their classmates, but from Billy's perspective Jonathan was the only worthwhile person in this shitty town besides Karen and he knew Jonathan would thrive in a place like California which was better than Hawkins in every way. Jonathan had no filter, he used dark humour, and was sarcastic as hell and Billy liked that. Jonathan was the only person who could genuinely make him laugh. Jonathan was fun to talk to and hang out with. Billy decided Jonathan not having any friends wasn't because of the reasons that Tommy H claimed, but it was due to the fact that the people in Hawkins are just a bunch of shitheads and wouldn't know something good if it smacked them right in the face.
He still talks to Karen Wheeler [for one reason or another] When Jonathan's name is brought up, Karen makes it clear that she absolutely adores Jonathan. When she tells Billy about Jonathan she sings his praises and Billy trusts Karen's judgement a lot more than what the rest of Hawkins has been saying. Billy sees the good in Jonathan that hardly anyone else does and knows Jonathan is too good for Hawkins and finds it laughable that the people of Hawkins think about it the other way around.
Jonathan and Billy bond over sharing their love of music together and they get a lot closer while babysitting Will, El, and Max together because they are a handful. El with her powers and Will with his sass and Max just being a badass in general.
Billy will openly flirt with Jonathan whenever he sees him no matter who is around and that includes Steve.
Billy reminds Steve often enough that the moment he trips up and messes things up with Jonathan [like goes back to Nancy and leaves Jonathan behind] that he'll be there waiting to take Jonathan off his hands.
Billy is overly protective of Jonathan and would kick Lonnie's ass when he came around Jonathan or any of his family again.
Billy NEEDS someone who will worship and praise him in bed, which Jonathan happily does without being told or asked.
When he takes Jonathan's shirt off and sees the scars and Jonathan just says 'Lonnie' dismissively and in explaination of where they came from, Billy makes sure to kiss every scar as if to heal them.
Billy really loves certain things about Jonathan like how he gives these inspiring speeches about morality and the importance of love. He loves that Jonathan will cover his mouth with his hand while hes laughing softly about something. But the thing he especially especially loves about Jonathan is that hes full of surprises like the fact that Jonathan has a long list of kinks, will beg him to do stuff to him in bed, and asks for Billy to tie him to the bed.
Billy is the dominant/top and is very protective of Jonathan and doesn't think anyone else is worthy of being with Jonathan except for him because well…Billy Hargrove knows hes amazing and hes the only one great enough to be worthy of Jonathan Byers.
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de madelyn dubois para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando curaduría, restauración y conservación de bienes artísticos en st. ignatius of laconi y ha sido asignade a la mansión cuatro. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
NOVITA, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: novita pronombres: ella / suya edad: +24 país / zona horaria: argentina / gmt -3 triggers:  incesto, non-con, racismo, pedofilia. ¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones?: si ¿algo que agregar?: todo está precioso ♥
nombre completo: madelyn dubois faceclaim: dove cameron pronombres: ella / suya edad: 25 años fecha de cumpleaños: 30 de septiembre de 1997 lugar de proveniencia: burdeos, francia descripción psicológica: carismática, responsable, independiente, impulsiva, reservada descripción física: apariencia. mide 1.57, tiene ojos verdes y lleva el cabello rubio. tatuajes: uno dos tres  perforaciones: uno historia: UNO. matrimonio dubois pendía de un hilo cuando noticia de embarazo llegó. suceso catalogado como imprevisto, pareció dar una nueva luz a un vinculo casi quebrado, como si llegada de la pequeña fuese algún tipo de salvación. a pesar de esfuerzos por mantenerse juntos, entre discusiones acaloradas y un sinfín de descansos en camas separadas, la palabra divorcio apareció cuando maddie tenía cinco años.
DOS. custodia quedó en manos de progenitora, aunque habilidad de crianza era algo de lo que carecía y, por lo tanto, comenzó a notarse tan pronto como papeles quedaron firmados. exceso de bebida se convirtió en una costumbre, dejar a la niña bajo el cuidado de otros parecía una solución buena cuando noches se tornaban demasiado largas, cuando vuelta a su hogar era a horarios inadecuados y en un estado deplorable. estadías en casa de su abuelo fueron cada vez más prolongadas y, a los siete años, finalmente se volvió su residencia permanente, buscando ofrecerle un techo estable, un futuro ligeramente prometedor.
TRES. crecimiento fue difícil pero no imposible, relación con su madre se evaporó poco a poco, acabando por perder contacto con ella antes de entrar en la secundaria. fue en su adolescencia que incursionó en el arte gracias a las aficiones de su abuelo, quien se encargó de hacerle conocer cada museo de la ciudad y otros tantos importantes dentro de su país de origen. comenzó a dibujar, despertando cierto interés,  pero práctica no fue suficiente para tomar aquello como algo diferente a un pasatiempo.
CUATRO. formación académica no es algo que pensara con mucho detenimiento, casi abandonando idea antes de siquiera considerarla. sin embargo, fueros deseos de su abuelo por asegurarle un futuro los que acabaron siendo un factor determinante, llevándola a postular en diferentes lugares y, como consecuente, recibiendo una beca de st. mary magdalene.
dato adicional opcional: ELIMINADO POR LA ADMINISTRACIÓN.
¿estudiante matriculado o becado?: becado facultad: st. ignatius of laconi carrera: curaduría, restauración y conservación de bienes artísticos año de curso: tercero extracurriculares: miembro del club de mandarín, miembro del club de ruso, miembro del club de pintura. ¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? puede escoger más de una: ELIMINADO POR LA ADMINISTRACIÓN.
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clvhq · 2 years
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se ha visto a vittoria caputo desfilando por las calles y boulevares de parís, pero no hemos llegado a ver si es de pronto buena o mala fortuna la que le persigue. ¿tu sí? ¡anímate a descubrir cuál es!
ache, ¡bienvenide a cestlaviehq! nos encanta que seas parte de nuestro proyecto y esperamos que el buen juicio sea parte de tu camino dentro del mismo y si no… bueno, ¡así es la vida! recuerda que tienes 24 hs para hacernos saber cuál será la cuenta de tu personaje y que, en caso de necesitarlo, puedes pedir más tiempo.
out of character.
nombre / pseudónimo: ache.
pronombres: she/her.
edad: 22.
país / zona horaria: gmt-5.
triggers: racismo, xenofobia, gordofobia, homofobia, incesto.
user de discord:@ache jiji ( no será publicado, pero se tendrá en cuenta para poder agregarles al canal del grupal. )
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable?: sipi
¿algo que agregar?: ya comí gracias eiffel
in character.
nombre completo: vittoria “tori” caputo.
pronombres: she/her.
faceclaim: dove cameron.
fecha de cumpleaños: 10 de agosto.
edad: 23 años.
ocupación: perforadora/aprendíz de tatuador. ( en caso de estar desempleade o ser estudiante también debe ser aclarado en este ítem. )
descripción psicológica:
+ambiciosa, independiente y sociable.
-caprichosa, desconfiada y egoísta.
headcanons sobre el personaje:
uno. tori desde muy temprana edad ha sido apegada a su madre, siempre ha tenido esta noción que debe cuidarla y permanecer abrazada a su falda e incluso entre todo eso, jamás logró tener una conexión con lo que le apasionaba a su progenitora. siempre pensó que tenía que esforzarse y hacer lo posible para darle una vida extraordinaria.
dos. igual no tarda mucho en que la fémina encuentre algo propio, porque le costaba pensar en conformarse con lo que generaba progenitora, necesitaba más porque pensaba que le mundo se lo debía por todas las faltas que tenía a nivel material. en la secundaria no destacó como estudiante de honor, no le encontraba el sentido porque la mayoría del tiempo tenía la cabeza en las nubes, cuadernos llenos de bocetos y mente dispersa en notas que todavía no tocaba por no tener conocimiento alguno.
tres. la profesora de música nota el interés de la fémina y es la primera que decide darle la oportunidad, enseñándole a tocar guitarra. vittoria por años se refugia en ala que ofrece mentora, alimentándose de seguridad que esta misma le da al punto que cree que genuinamente sería un rostro que estaría en todas las revistas, una voz que reconocerías en la radio y lo más lejos que pudo llegar la fémina fue a trabajar como asistente de un productor en una disquera local.
cuatro. tw: mención a sustancia ilicitas y a muerte. cuando eres joven y un poco ingenua, no tienes muy claro cuando te estás empujando a ti misma a un abismo y eso es exactamente lo que le pasó a vittoria. productor siempre la llenó de falsa esperanza, probablemente le interesaba nada más usarla y luego desecharla como muñeca de trapo y es por eso que la condeno a un bucle donde lo único que podía recordar fue cuando su progenitora la encontró casi sin vida en el baño. productor se hizo cargo de todos los gastos por el escandalo que podría presentar para su nombre, pero tori claramente no fue la misma después de eso.
cinco. sueños fueron aplastados y se llenó de verguenza, se fue de su casa apenas se recuperó con el dinero ahorrado durante sus años trabajando; esto mismo la llevó a comprarse su primera máquina y empezar a trabajar como perforadora en un estudio de tatuajes. vive con otra persona que trabaja en el mismo estudio y siente que de alguna forma su vida se acomodó porque siente estabilidad, además de eso, está limpia.
seis. nunca abandonó del todo la música, ocasionalmente se presenta en el bar que frecuenta como solista y sus redes sociales están repletas de su trabajo como aprendiz de tatuaje y con uno que otro cover acústico.
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imnameimswrld · 3 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 || 𝗝𝗝 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . jungkook x popstar!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : bullied for being "immature" , y/n goes dark for a whole year, before returning with a new sound, and a whole different aesthetic, and the world is shocked to find just who's been by her side through it all ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . smau ! ❫
━━ ❪ warnings: none ❫
━━ ❪ fc: dove cameron ❫
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liked by zendaya, thv, and 2 334 224 others
ynusername sunday vibes 🌻
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user pretty !
user jesus, you're not in Disney Channel anore girl, grow tf up.
user ...you know you're not 16 anymore right ? 🤭
user this girl NEEDS to start acting her age or istg
⤿ user wdym ???
⤿ user first of all she's been blonde since her liv and maddies, and she's been all prissy princess when we all KNOW she ain't nothing like that. she needs to grow up, like, yesterday already.
⤿ user there's nothing wrong with her still being blonde tf, YOU should grow up.
user so no one is gonna talk about kim taehyung in the likes ? no ? okay...
one yeah later...
ynusername added to their story !
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liked by rkive, thv, and 2 987 224 others
ynusername hi loves, I'm back – alchemical out this Friday 🤍.
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user holy shit – MOMMY !?
uarmyhope 🔥🔥🔥
user JHOPE !? HELLO !?!
user okay can we PLEASE talk about how all of bts are in the likes ?? collab 👀
user yn in her reputation era we love to see it.
[ liked by ynusername ]
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liked by user, user335, and 656 others
ynupdates BREAKING NEWS GUYS !! Y/N was spotted out yesterday in Miami with... JEON JUNGKOOK FROM BTS !?!?!? I'm no kpop fan but what I do is, he is fine as hell, and look at our girl's smile !!!! I love seeing her happy.
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user HELLOOO !? my worlds colliding fr daamn
user y/n looks so happy omg 😭
user I am so here for this – if I see any toxic army coming for her istg
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liked by j.m, urarmyhope, and 10 224 787 others
abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz a lethal woman, but the best lover 🖤
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user JEON. JUNG. KOOK !?
user bro hasn't posted since 2022 😭
thv alchemical>>>>golden.
⤿ ynusername tae 😭
⤿ abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz wow...
user V PLS- 😭😭
user slide 3 DAMN 🥲
user a power couple fr.
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liked by thv, booboostewart.art, and 2 334 878 others
ynusername eternally greatful for your continuous love and support through the years baby 💋
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user YEARS !?
user y/n was at the ptd show in vegas !? holy shit they've been together for way longer than i expected.
uramyhope ynkook !!!
[ liked by ynusername ]
user they're actually so perfect for each other
user WAIT- y/n gets it seven days a week !?
⤿ user LMFAO 😭😭😭😭😭
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what my favorite men would call their s/o
including the sturniolos, obx men, simon riley, mgg, farleigh, ani, jake, johnnie, bucky, and steve
in order from usually to occasionally
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matt sturniolo
pretty simple
- baby (occasional babygirl)
- princess
- an occasional honey
- y/n/n
chris sturniolo
yet again pretty simple
- ma
-mama (i lowkey don’t like mamas, just mama😭)
- baby
- babe (even though i get the ick from this one)
nate doe
what i said earlier (he’s just like chris fr)
- ma (like most of the time)
- mama
- baby (boston accent version)
- princess
farleigh start
i don’t see him as much of a nickname user but..
- babygirl
- princess
- pretty girl
- y/n
simon “ghost” riley
proper british y’know
- poppet
- lovie
- poppy
- dove/dovie
spencer reid
also not much of a nickname user
- honey
- sweetheart
- darling
- buttercup (☹️)
matthew gray gubler
- lovie
- baby
- my heart
- honey
rafe cameron
- babydoll
- babygirl
- angel
- princess
- bunny
jj maybank
pretty simple i think
- mama
- princess
- baby (babe too☹️)
- my girl
john b routledge
cutie ones
- pup
- puppy
- baby
- princess
anakin skywalker
- babydoll
- my girl
- darling
- princess
jake webber
lowkey not a nickname guy either
- princess
- baby
- my girl
- y/n/n
johnnie guilbert
again not a nickname guy what the heck
- angel (cause of angel of death🙏)
- princess
- babydoll
- y/n/n (one that’s especially his for you though)
james “bucky”barnes
he’s a big nickname guy (variations of doll)
- doll
- dollface
- baby
- dollie
steve rogers
he’s like bucky fr
- princess
- angel
- honey
- sweetheart
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typologyastro · 1 year
MBTI & Astrology Observations
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🥀 1. Moon/Pluto aspects give off Ni, introverted intuition vibe. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Ni users may have Moon/Pluto aspects. They may indicate problems or a strong bond with their mother. Their emotions are intense. I've seen easy Moon/Pluto aspects (Trine, Sextile, Conjunction) are often INFJ, INTJ, ENFJ and ISFP.
Hard Moon/Pluto aspects have to learn to make peace with their intense feelings. One ENTJ I know personally has Moon Opposition Pluto. She has a complicated relationship with her mother and jealous tendency. ENTJs have inferior Fi so it's likely difficult for them to manage their intense feelings. They likely ignore their feelings or explode.
Another INFJ I know in real life has Moon Trine Pluto. His mother is feisty and strong. He loves and admires his mother. Women have big influence on him. He has a healing gift he may not realize in himself.
For example: Fujii Kaze (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Twice's Mina (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Madison Beer (ENFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Jodie Foster (INTJ, Moon Conjunction Pluto), BTS's Yoongi (INTJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto) The Weeknd (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Billie Eilish (ISFP, Moon Sextile Pluto) , Brad Pitt (ISFP, Moon Trine Pluto), Leonardo DiCaprio (ESFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Vanessa Hudgens (ESFP, Moon Trine Pluto)
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🥀 2. The next similar indicator is Scorpio Moon for Ni/Se users. I've often seen Ni + Te/Fi users (INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP and ESFP) have this placement. Another ENTJ I know personally has Scorpio Moon. He gives off a dangerous, mysterious and suspicious aura.
My explanation for Moon/Pluto aspects and Scorpio Moon give off strong Ni - introverted intuition is because I associate Ni with Pluto, Fe & Fi with Moon & Neptune.
For example: Epik High's Tablo (INTJ, Scorpio Moon), Lady Gaga (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Hayden Christensen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Taylor Monsen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Dove Cameron (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), The Weeknd (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Katy Perry (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Lisa (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Lily-Rose Depp (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Miley Cyrus (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Kylie Jenner (ESFP, Scorpio Moon)
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🥀 3. Blackpink's Lisa has Venus Trine Pluto. Kendall Jenner has Venus Conjunction Pluto. Blackpink's Jennie has Venus Square Pluto. They are known for their captivating and sexy beauty caused by Venus/Pluto aspects but how the audience feels about each of them can be totally different.
Lisa's passionate dance performances and doll-like appearance stand out in the crowd.
Kendal is the eptimote of how I envision a Venus/Pluto beauty looks like: sharp, tall, dark and mysterious.
Jennie has the most RBF, intimidating and edgy look out of the three. Her reputation is also the most polarizing.
Jennie seems to get hated the most. People mesmerize by Lisa and Kendal's beauty more while Jennie's face both attracts admirers and invokes hatred and jealousy the most. Venus/Pluto beauty generally creates strong impact on people. It's hard to forget their beauty.
It's fascinating to observe how easy and difficult aspects play out in real life. Easy Venus/Pluto aspects are more Venusian and hard Venus/Pluto aspects are more Plutonian.
Kendal is an ISTJ, Jennie is an ISFP and Lisa is an ESFP. They all have a Te/Fi axis.
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🥀 4. Dove Cameron was born one day before Blackpink's Jennie and they are both ISFPs and Scorpio Moon. Their chart are almost identical (without knowing their birth time).
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busanlist · 8 months
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ㅤㅤ 𓈒ㅤ★ㅤׅㅤ Olá & oi, jovem ouvinte!
Seja muito bem recebido (a) a primeira doação de capas e plots do projeto. Antes de começar a doação, irei dar play em uma mini apresentação sobre o projeto:
› o busanlist é um projeto do spirit fanfics com o intuito de trazer fanfics do nosso casal de Busan. Nossa temática é música, portanto o projeto irá trazer fanfics inspiradas em músicas – sendo a inspiração em letras, clipes ou na vibe da música.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ a abertura do projeto será no dia 13h10
Siga o post para ler mais & adotar capa e plot
1. Só pode adotar UMA CAPA + PLOT por usuário;
2. Você terá que seguir o projeto e as capitas para poder adotar. Vamos conferir, caso não esteja seguindo, não terá o que quer adotar;
3. Responda as mensagens que enviamos;
4. Iremos avaliar o seu perfil antes de tudo, escolheremos quem poderá adotar. Apenas para não ter perigo da pessoa não usar;
5. A capa e plot serão entregues via spirit fanfics;
6. Sua conta deverá ter pelo menos UM ANO, e estar na ativa;
7. Por favor, coloque os créditos da capa e do plot nas notas do autor;
8. Você tem DOIS MESES para usar a capa e o plot. A adm do projeto (ablha) te dará assistência no desenvolvimento do plot, caso precise;
9. Alterações que poderão ser feitas: user;
10. Capa e plot só poderão ser adotados juntos;
11. Preencha a fichinha e comente.
★ USER ›
(use a tag #busanlist doação na fic quando for postar)
1. CUPID › disponível | indisponível
capa by @trancyzp – plot by @ablha
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2. SLOW DOWN › disponível | indisponível
capa by @xxpujinxx – plot by @ablha
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3. MEMORIES › disponível | indisponível
capa by @trancyzp – plot by @ablha
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4. SUNDAY MORNING › disponível | indisponível
capa by @xxpujinxx – plot by @ablha
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5. BOYFRIEND › disponível | indisponível
capa by @trancyzp – plot by @ablha
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6. CRUSH › disponível | indisponível
capa by @xxpujinxx – plot by @ablha
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7. BEM-ME-QUER › disponível | indisponível
capa by @trancyzp – plot by @ablha
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8. COLADIN › disponível | indisponível
capa by @xxpujinxx – plot by @ablha
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9. THANK U, NEXT › disponível | indisponível
capa by @trancyzp – plot by @ablha
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10. LEVITATING › disponível | indisponível
capa by @xxpujinxx – plot by @ablha
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Então essa foi a nossa primeira doação, siga as regras certinho para poder adotar o que quiser. Logo, logo o busanlist estará dando play nas inscrições. Fique sempre atento ao nosso perfil no spirit.
› Gostaria de agradecer as meninas por se disponibilizarem a fazer essas capas maravilhosas, sem elas não teria doação. Cada um dos designs ficaram perfeitamente lindos, e combinaram muito com os plots. Dêem amor a elas em forma de agradecimento
administração do busanlist
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singsweetmelodies · 3 months
tagged by lovely @car-bo-hydrate to try this <3333
star sign: virgo
favourite holiday: new year
last meal: a hot mug of tea and some south african buttermilk rusks (comfort food breakfast!!! ❤️☕)
current favourite musician: probably taylor swift, but as always, it's hard to choose just one. OOOH! lately, dove cameron is high up on the list too
last music listened to: confetti (acoustic version) by little mix - LISTEN. ever since ms perrie edwards put out a tease that her solo music is coming soon, i have been on a big little mix high again, listening to all my old favourites and hyping myself up sooooo much for that perrie music drop 👀👀👀😍
last movie watched: my girlfriend and i rewatched shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings again last night for movie night <3 LOVE that movie, omfg. both my gf and i firmly declared all michelle yeoh's scenes our favourites 🤭
last tv show watched: you know, it's actually been really long since i've properly watched a TV show, so the answer to this is probably something silly like reruns of FRIENDS
last book/fic finished: 2 different answers here!! last book was iron flame by rebecca yarros (yes, i caved to all the hype and read it on the plane - yes, there were bits that pissed me off, but i mostly enjoyed it) and last fic was one of AO3 user venerat's landoscar masterpieces, "i'll kiss you first" <3
last book/fic abandoned: hmm... i tried to read this rom-com called "you & me: a mlm single dads romance" while on holiday in SA, and i just... couldn't make it more than 5 chapters in. the cringe (& the VERY american focus of... everything...) was just too much for me, especially because i tried to read this right after a super delightful wlw rom-com recommended to me by darling @duquesademiel. after that, this one just... couldn't compare. at all.
currently reading: well, i'm back to work, so my time for books has unfortunately dropped exponentially... all i'm actively reading rn is a bunch of f1 rpf fics, to be perfectly honest
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: "WHAT COULD CAUSE A SCANDAL IN THE REGENCY ERA" 🤣🤭
favourite online fandom memory: storytime sundays where we tell those long DM fics with @boxboxbrioche and @welightitup <3333
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: HMMM! i am mostly over all my old fandoms by now, to be fair, but if i really had to choose one... probably one direction?? because a proper resurgence would mean the reunion, right? (right?) ((so maybe i'm not quite as "over it" as i pretend 🤭))
favourite thing that you enjoyed that never had an active fandom: ohhhh, i can't think of a name immediately now, but it's definitely some or other book series that, if it had a fandom at all, was so tiny that i was practically the only person in it 🥲
tempting project that you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: LISTEN. i have had the most awful writer's block for months, and now that i can finally write again, somewhat, all that i want to write are the things that i should NOT be focusing on rn, because those things don't have deadlines but other things do *charles_wtf discord react*
prime example: about 2838474829 piarles smut WIPs and a/b/o and chussyverse explorations, instead of... my PWFE fic. some belated birthday fics. some celebration fics i promised nearly half a bloody YEAR ago. oops 😭😭 but, we'll get there. we will! just like this will be ferrari's year (i am delulu) xD
no idea who's done this yet and who hasn't, so i'm just going to tag some friends and hope i'm not double-tagging anyone - also, if i miss anyone, please feel free to say i tagged you anyway, because i'd love to see your answers <3 @boxboxbrioche @welightitup @hourcat @teamnick @sedicii @francophones @radiocheck, if any of you feel like giving this a go <3333
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deedala · 1 year
thanks for tagging me on this 10 songs/10 people tag game @mishervellous!
and now for a truly bizarre mix of songs i guess lol forgive my links im a weirdo apple music user
Flux - Ellie Goulding
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
Here With Me - Susie Suh x Robot Koch
We Go Down Together - Dove Cameron and Khalid
Poison Cup - M. Ward
Wall - James Droll
First in Flight - Don McCloskey
Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago - Soul Coughing
Ana - Pixies
Commissioning a Symphony in C - Cake
Okay and now tagging 10 folks!!! 👻 🖤
@maizzycakes @michellemisfit @salesmain @canticle-of-apotheosis @oopiejay5 @lalazeewrites @mechawaka @bawlbrayker @valhalhal @demareth
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userstuf · 3 months
ai mona voce tem um tumblr de users cheio de regras não pode user pra bts não pode user pra dove cameron não pode user pra fulano de tal, mega chato isso e infelizmente o teu tumblr é o único ativo. então assim, eu ACHO que voce deveria sim verificar se está disponível antes de postar pq poupa o tempo da pessoa que vai salvar e poupa o seu tb né, pq se for pra fazer um "trabalho" voluntário cheio de porquisse, nem faz.
então, fique a vontade pra fazer os users você mesma já que não tá satisfeita, pq o blog é um hobbie meu que eu faço do jeito que eu quiser. entendo a sua sugestão mas pra mim não é algo interessante fazer dessa forma, nem tudo é como vcs querem e ta tudo bem. todo tumblr tem regras, o meu não seria diferente.
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
hello!! tagged by @obsidianvibranium to spell out my user with song titles (got way too excited)
Lonely hearts club by marina Obsessions by marina Valley of the dolls by marina EVOL by marina Laika by mecano Y yo sigo aqui by paulina rubio Breakfast by dove cameron Affection by between friends Rabbit heart by florence and the machine NFWMB by hozier Emotional machine by marina Seventeen by marina
tagging anyone who wants to do this but particularly @sunflowergirl522 and @unstablecaffeinatedmind ,
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
059. miembro del club de mandarín.
060. miembro del club de ruso.
162. miembro del club de pintura.
¡gracias por unirte a condenados! esperamos el expediente de ingreso en las próximas 48 horas. en caso de necesitar tiempo adicional, no dudes en pedirlo.
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clvhq · 2 years
dove cameron queda reservada a nombre de ache* con un cupo en la familia caputo.
* reingreso de usuarie con nuevo personaje.
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waitingrose · 1 year
The Cast
◄Velestine Rose► ☼Alchemist/Healer/Mender ☼Well known in the Alchemical community and by the orphans in Ul'dah
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Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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◄Silone Thorne► 🕸Art Dealer/ Assassin("Spider") 🕸Known in darker circles. Contact for connections.
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Face Claim: Eiza González
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◄Aurorah Peace► ◘Heavy Aether user ◘Wanderer
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Face Claim: Lily Collins
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◄Mordecai Wolfe► ⚔Mercenary/Master At Arms aboard "The Siren" ⚔Has a lot of tattoos/markings
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Face Claim: Chris Wood
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teabookgremlin · 2 years
jackie x shauna playlist by me
it’s on apple music and i’m struggling to share it but here’s a list of songs and why. anyway this will be a hella long post bc i’m emotional and thinking about my girlies at 11 at night. i also have a tai x van playlist and a general yellowjackets playlist so i might do this for those at some point cause i like to talk lol
supercut by lorde: ok so the “in my head i do everything right/when you call we forgive and not fight” bit is like, yep that’s it. shauna spends her entire adult life in her head, wishing to redo their fight. also instagram user shipmvn made a FANTASTIC edit to this song you should go watch it (they actually led me to a fair amount of songs on this playlist)
the night we met by lord huron: “i had all of you, most of you, some and now none of you” thats it. that’s them
boyfriend by dove cameron: this song doesn’t entirely fit but like they would be better partners to each other than jeff was to either of them and also maybe if shauna had just realized she was in love with jackie they’d be alright
all too well (ten minute version) by taylor swift: “i still remember the first fall of snow/and how it glistened as it fell/i remember it all too well” this line just yeah, jackie died in the first fall of snow, shauna remembers everything about jackie and their relationship all too well
back to december by taylor swift: a song about feeling regret over lost love also again with the winter themes
ribs by lorde: the nostalgia, wishing to be back in childhood, when things were easier. i feel like some of the repeated lines are things that would run through shauna’s mind (or even jackie’s before her death) i.e. “i want ‘em back, i want ‘em back/the minds we had, the minds we had”
hurts like hell by fleurie: obviously lost love again, but there’s also a wish to keep the singer’s true feelings secret, as jackie and shauna did
how i get myself killed by indigo de souza: i feel like this song really represents jackie’s mental state as she falls apart especially after finding out about shauna and jeff
only love can hurt like this by paloma faith: i can see jackie’s death being the thing that makes shauna realize her true feelings for her
only friend by wallows: jackie just wants shauna to love her and care for her as much as she does her :(
haunted by taylor swift: not too deep here, just shauna being haunted by jackie 
i went too far by aurora: i think the idea of begging for love really fits jackie and shauna’s situation, then the loss felt in the song suits post-jackie popsicle
cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant: honestly just the line “you were only 17″ is just yeah “we were kids and it was awful”
little talks by of monsters and men: the artists describe this song as a conversation between someone and a dead loved one and i think that it just suits these girlies pretty well
cartwheel by lucy dacus: see the whole bit after “when you told me bout your first time”. it’s them, it’s literally them
seven by taylor swift: missing childhood innocence and love
prom queen by molly kate kestner: god save jackie [the prom queen]
that way by tate mcrae: thinking about the scene at the pep rally, yeah friends definitely don’t look at friends that way
one last time, please by dodie: shauna desperately wanting another chance, just one more night to make up, to tell jackie how she feels, to apologize
my tears ricochet by taylor swift: i picture this as being from dead jackie’s perspective, watching shauna deal with the grief
codependency by orla gartland: idk i just feel like it really represents why shauna started to resent jackie
i love you so by the walters: another fairly self explanatory one, i view it as a conversation between shauna and ghost jackie
visions of gideon by sufjan stevens: shauna kind of coming to a realization of exactly what she’s done, that jackie is gone and that it’s partially her fault
hard feelings/loveless by lorde: another lost love song full of regret and pain and wishing for a way to repair what was broken
older by gracie abrams: probably kind of in the woods, as they drift apart
your graduation by modern baseball: “i never though that i, oh i would see that day/when i’d just let you fo and walk away, walk away”
the way i loved you by taylor swift: adult shauna feeling unsatisfied with jeff and wishing that, despite the nature of her and jackie’s relationship, that she could go back to that and go back to it in a romantic sense
arms unfolding by dodie: so this reminds me of jackie’s dream as she dies
i’m trying by maisie peters: everything about their relationship is awful but jackie wants so badly to make it work and just i wanna scream
right where you left me by taylor swift: jackie is literally the girl who got frozen
this is not every song on the playlist just the ones i felt like talking about but yeah if anyone read this whole thing maybe you enjoyed it, idk i just wanted to get my thoughts out
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karatetaught · 1 year
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𝗠𝗨𝗡 :    𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺.    𝟮𝟴.    𝗴𝗺𝘁.    𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 / 𝗵𝗲.
private  &  highly  selective  multi - muse  of  the  karate  kid  &  cobra  kai  series.    mutuals  only,  21+  only.     please  note  all  muses  from  other  fandoms  have  been  placed  in  cobra  kai  verse  which  may  mean  their  canon  has  been  changed  ever  so  slightly  ;  feel  free  to  ask  any  questions  about  any  of  my  muses.    also since this is a new blog, i can only use beta editor & will likely mess up any legacy editors user formatting.     personals  do  not  interact.
guidelines / muse directory.    promo.    memes. blog roll.    mutuals may ask for discord.
BOBBY  BROWN  ,  fc : ron  thomas  ,  request  only  ,  former  cobra  kai. CHOZEN TOGUCHI , fc : yugi okumoto , request only , miyagi - do. DEENA  JOHNSON  ,  fc : kiana  maderia  ,  secondary  muse  ,  bio  ;  eagle  fang. DEMETRI  ALEXOPOULOS  ,  fc : gianni  decenzo  ,  tertiary  muse  ;  miyagi - do. DEVON  LEE  ,  fc : oona  o’brein  ,  request  only  ,  eagle  fang. ELI  ‘ HAWK ’  MOSKOWITZ  ,  fc : jacob bertrand  ,  secondary  muse  ;  miyagi - fang. HARLEY  FRASER  ,  fc : maya  hawke  ,  secondary  muse  ,  bio  ;  miyagi - do. JAKE  ANDERSON  ,  fc : tom  holland  ,  secondary  muse  ,  bio  ;  miyagi - do. JOHN  KREESE  ,  fc : martin  kove  ,  request  only  ;  cobra  kai  sensei. JOHNNY LAWRENCE , fc : william zabka , primary muse ; eagle fang sensei. KIMBERLY  ‘ KIMMY ’  BROWN  ,  fc : brie  larson  ,  secondary  muse  ,  bio  ;  unaffliated. MATILDE  ‘ MATI ’  ALVES  ,  fc : camilia  mendes ,  tertiary  muse  ,  bio  ;  cobra  kai. MICHAEL  ‘ MIKE ’  BARNES  ,  fc : sean  kanan  ,  tertiary  muse  ;  former  cobra  kai. MIGUEL  DIAZ  ,  fc : xolo  mariduena  ,  tertiary  muse  ;  eagle  fang. ROBBY  KEENE  ,  fc : tanner  buchanan  ,  primary  muse  ;  miyagi - do. ROXANNE  ‘ ROCKET ’  BLACK  ,  fc : sadie  sink  ,  tertiary  muse  ,  bio  ;  cobra  kai. SAMANTHA  LARUSSO  ,  fc : mary  mouser  ,  primary  muse  ;  miyagi - do. SPENCER  JENSEN  ,  fc : dove  cameron  ,  secondary  muse  ,  bio  ;  topanga  karate. TERRY  SILVER  ,  fc : thomas  ian  griffith  ,  primary  muse  ;  cobra  kai.  TORY  NICHOLS  ,  fc : peyton  list  ,  tertiary  muse  ;  cobra  kai.
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