#dragon magic
lillysilvermoon · 1 month
I feel so happy and so so grateful right now. I can't express in words how happy I am, you know when you feel like you could explode of how happy you are? That's me. I am starting a whole new chapter I'm my practice, it's very clear to me me that the path I was supposed to walk ended and now a new one is starting, and I'm so thankful because I learned so much - and I will learn even more in the future - and... I just have this hunger for knowledge, and to really just know. About everything.
I'm happy that my deities are here, I'm happy new arrived here - hello Apollo and dragons 🫶🏻 - and... I'm grateful, I prayed and was asked and I have so many things to share here, places I went I'm the astral that I want to tell, things I learned and I think will be helpful.
But this is all to say: thank you, Hades, Nyx, Selene, Apollo and dragons. For be here, for help me, for teaching me. I truly love you all. Thank you, so much.
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alchemy-of-spirit · 1 year
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Aurora Borealis Dragons
In Chinese mythology it’s said that the northern lights are the flames of the dragons fighting for the balance of good and evil.
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
Bringing Out Your Inner Dragon
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This was something I crafted alongside my dragon companions that I thought others might find valuable. It's designed to utilize the energy we associate with dragons, find that within ourselves, and bring it to the surface for a boost of confidence, self-control, and awareness of our inner power. This can also be used in a dragon copinglink kind of way if desired.
What You'll Need
A candle
Dragon's Blood/Breath Incense
A bathtub
Any meditation tools you prefer (I'm using an accupressure mat and prayer beads)
Optional: Anything dragon-y you'd like to include to help create the atmosphere! This could be things like dragon figurines, ambient music, wearing special jewelry, whatever helps get you into that headspace. If you add more candles, just make sure the main candle stands out from the rest.
Start drawing your bath. Add whatever bath salts/melts/bubbles you like, just keep in mind you'll be putting your head under the water later. Set the ambiance.
While the bath is filling, light your candle and incense. In whatever words feel right to you, call dragon energy forward into the space to help guide you. Any dragon guides/companions/etc you'd like to invoke can also be invited here.
Imagine the bath like it's the fluid inside of an egg. Your egg! Let your wash clean you inside and out, then sit back and relax. Close your eyes and focus on the breath. You're in this egg, slowly forming and gathering yourself. This is the time to think about what being a dragon means to you, what it looks like for you specifically, the precise way that your dragon energy feels. Take as long as you need to answer these questions honestly.
Once you're ready, submerge yourself (if you can't submerge your whole body don't worry, just try to get your head.) Take a few beats to really center this idea in your mind, then emerge once you're ready to "hatch." Drain the bath and dry yourself.
From this point forward, treat yourself as if you are a dragon! Do what feels right, move and express yourself freely. Speak or roar if you want. Just let it come out the way it wants to. (Try to avoid eating anything, though, since that's very grounding and we want to maintain this headspace.)
Once you're ready to wrap up, it's time to meditate again. It's fine and normal for your mind to wander, just gently try to keep at least a piece of your focus on the breath. We're letting this energy sort of settle into place. If you've invoked any dragons to assist you, feel for what messages they have for you.
Time to wrap up. Wiggle your toes, open your eyes, and start grounding. If you'd like to extinguish your dragon candle, be sure to thank it before doing so. Thank any dragon helpers and leave them some kind of offering as a thank you.
If you try this, let me know how it goes for you!! I'd love to hear peoples' results.
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liminalwings · 4 months
Greenery of the Draconic Persuasion
When you think of dragons and plants associated with them, what’s the first thing you think of? Most likely Dragon’s Blood, but what other plants out there are also associated with dragons? This is more of an overview rather than a suggestion of “use these plants”, because some of them really just… aren’t all pleasant to work with, but still have a fascinating history. 
Dragon’s Blood
Still good to go over the big one we all know. Dracaena is a genus of trees that is noted for having certain members, such as Dracaena draco and Dracaena cinnabari, that bleed a red resin when cut; this resin is referred to as ‘Dragon’s Blood’. The name of this genus comes from the Greek ‘drakaina’, which is the name for a female dragon. It has also been tied to the myth of Heracles, particularly the 11th task and the dragon Ladon, by some interpretations Ladon is the dragon guarding the tree or is the tree; by others, the Dracaena springs from Ladon’s blood when slain. 
Do note, however, that the majority of Dragon’s Blood resin on the market these days comes from a different genus of tree entirely, Calamus dracunculus (formerly Daemonorops draco and Calamus draco), while other genera of trees also exude a red resin that may also be referred to as Dragon’s Blood, all technically having different properties. The tree that was believed to be originally used and written about, Dracaena cinnabari of Socotra, is rated ‘vulnerable’ on its conservation status, while Dracaena draco is listed as ‘endangered’. Calamus draco meanwhile does not seem to be threatened. 
This collective of red resins do have a long history of use in medicine, art, and ritual in various cultures. The most frequent magical uses of the resin are as an incense for protection or cleansing, and dissolved in alcohol as a magical ink. With how many different trees act as a source of ‘dragon’s blood’, it is good to keep in mind that different species may vary in terms of magical/energetic traits, and that the attraction to Dragon’s Blood as a magical component could be considered these days to be more based on symbolism and human-given attributes. 
Artemisia dracunculus, or “Little Dragon of Artemis”, often referred to as just “dragon” in Swedish and Dutch and, in the past, German; a name that was given for the appearance of its coiled roots, or likening the shape of the leaves to dragon tongues. It is in the same genus as Mugwort, Wormwood, and Sagebrush, and French Tarragon is most frequently used for culinary purposes with a somewhat licorice-like flavor. It was believed, per Pliny the Elder, that Tarragon would ward away dragons and venomous serpents (unproven of course) and could cure snakebite (also unproven). There aren’t many historic magical uses otherwise, though some modern witchcraft practices have given it associations with protection, banishment, and healing. Scientifically, it has been proven effective at repelling insects and as a mosquito larvicidal, effectively combating the spread of malaria through less environmentally-hazardous means. 
Antirrhinum majus, also referred to as ‘toadflax’, ‘dog flower’, ‘dragon flower’. It is so named because of the flower’s appearance, which is likened to a dragon’s snout that opens and closes when squeezed laterally. They come in a wonderful range of colors and, like other dragon-associated plants, are considered to be protective: in Medieval Europe, they were believed to protect from witches and ill magic, and were planted near castle gates or hung above cribs to ward off evil spirits. They were also used as a charm against falsehood, and in flower language symbolized ‘truth-telling’. The skull-like seed pods have commonly been worn to protect from curses and other bewitchments. 
Dragon Arum
Dracunculus vulgaris, also referred to as dragon lily, vampire lily, devil’s tongue, and, in its native Greece, drakondia. Like its larger cousin, the Titan arum, it is not a flower most people would be including in a nice bouquet, with respect to its fragrance being like that of rotting meat to attract flies as pollinators. Like Tarragon, not only does it share the same Latin “little dragon” name, it was also believed to ward away serpents(also also unproven), though some sources also claim that it generates serpents (flies attract other critters that snakes eat, so yeah I could see that as a conclusion). It is also one of many in the Arum family that can produce heat (thermogenesis), reaching about 65°F/18°C, which is used to lure flies to the flower for pollination. These unique physical properties can lend themselves to equally interesting potential magical associations. 
Dragon Root/Green Dragon
Arisaema dracontium is a plant native to North America. All parts of the plant are highly toxic to humans when eaten raw due to the presence of Calcium oxalate. I am including it here only to show the range of dragon-associated plants and do not necessarily advocate its use. Though historically, it has in fact been used as medicine, especially as an abortifacient and to stimulate menstrual flow. 
This is by no means an exhaustive list of plants with dragon-inspired names, as can be seen here. But for those wanting to include draconic plants in their practice but can’t afford or can’t find a place to obtain dragon’s blood, or otherwise want to avoid using it, there are comparatively more easily-obtained alternatives at your local stores, such as Tarragon, Dragonfruit, and Snapdragons, or perhaps another native species local to you. Just make sure to do your research and know if cautions must be taken, what the physical attributes are, and if a plant is endangered or not. 
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professionalmud · 7 months
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Dragon Magic book cover partial redraw
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og cover for reference
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artemisian-dragon · 9 months
New Tumblr but not new to Tumblr. Aiming to focus more on my craft so drop a follow or a heart if any of the following interest you:
Lady of Avalon
Traditional witchcraft
Appalachian folk magic
The Good Neighbors
I do also partake in fighting the oppressive system that is the entirety of the US
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panthera-dei · 5 months
IceWing Armor Protection Spell
This spell is inspired by the IceWing dragons from the series Wings of Fire. As such, I used dragon imagery and referenced the series when creating and casting this spell. However, it can be adapted to fit other influences.
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(image credit Wings of Fire wiki)
Casting the Spell
First, create some kind of drawing or other object to represent your scale mail armor. I chose to draw a page of scales in a very small pocket notepad with my special glitter gel pen. You can use anything you like, as long as it is meaningful to you.
Breathe in and blow out, deeply, and long, like the whistling of wind through the mountains at night. Do this 3 times. Focus on raising the energy of Ice and winter as you do.
Place your armor object on your altar or enchanting board or wherever you do your magic work. Place your hand over your armor object.
Say words like this (it's your choice what/whom to invoke, so long as they're meaningful to *you.* I chose 9 as a meaningful number as well):
By the Great Ice Dragon’s teeth, I enchant this armor.
By the snow and ice of Jotunheim and Niflheim, I enchant this armor.
By the whistling of the cold North Wind, I enchant this armor.
By the glaciers of the Arctic, I enchant this armor.
By the ice caves of Antarctica, I enchant this armor.
By the frozen land of the tundra, I enchant this armor.
By the diamonds glittering in the earth, I enchant this armor.
By the cold and stone upon the mountains, I enchant this armor.
By the might of dragons, I enchant this armor.
Say words like this that clearly channel the energy into your intention: “I enchant this armor to defend me and shield me at will. I have sacrificed time, energy, and [materials you used to create the object]. So too will the armor defend me. The armor will be hard and tough as diamonds and dragon scales, and will defend me from all harm. The cold and ice will repel any intruders who would wish to do me harm. From head to toe, I will be kept safe and warm inside the scales.”
Push all of the energy you've raised into the armor object.
Try to summon your new armor and see if it works! You should be able to summon it and release it on command.
Notes: So far, the spell seems to work in my limited tests. If I were going to do it again, I would invoke Prince Arctic or Whiteout (or maybe even Darkstalker himself) during the incantation.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Wait, dragon "magick" is closed? Literally every result that comes up when I Google it is DJ Conway, who I've heard secondhand is a less-than-reputable source.
He's a terrible source for everything he's written about, just so you're aware anon.
My friend Ciera over in @roottea says that a specific branch (Draconic Wicca) requires initiation after study, but it's not specialized to a particular demographic of people like Hoodoo and Voodoo/Vodou are; in addition, other forms of dragon magic are open. Given that she's an actual practitioner, I trust her more than anyone else.
Also, dragons as a concept aren't closed. There are dragons in all kinds of stories in many variations of limbs or no limbs. Overly Sarcastic Productions actually talks about dragons (from a writer's perspective) in Red's episode "Trope Talk: Dragons". It really shows just how many things we call dragons.
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meltinha · 9 months
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Trazendo pra cá o meu post da rede das fotos. Espero que gostem!
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starrydragonwitch · 1 year
What are Dragons?
So, what are dragons? Spirits? Creatures? Ghosts?
Dragons appear differently to everyone, and different dragons appear to different people. It’s like being in school or the office, there are people you know exist but hardly see, yet you are likely to at least have one closer friend or coworker.
There also isn’t a set belief about dragons. It could be that there are so many kinds of dragons, that all beliefs are true. Some believe dragons come from certain areas, some from different worlds or planes, others from here and died long ago but now are here as spirits. Some believe dragons have many levels of command, while some dragons have none. Some live in fantastical cities, others hang out on the couch. Some believe dragons of different colors have different powers, others don’t see a correlation.
What you believe could rely on your own gifts and the individual dragons that you meet.
With myself, the dragons that I know exist on their own plane of existence that is partially merged with ours. Their world affects ours, and our world affects theirs. That is why they are invested in helping protect our world and the people that they see is similar to them in some way.
The closest thing to an heirarchy among the dragons that I know is the difference between student, teacher, and experienced teacher. The most experienced dragons are called “Great” plus their name. Like, “Great Blizzard-Wing”. The students and other teachers are simply known by their names and possibly titles in their jobs. Like, “StormCaller Passion” or “MountainWatcher Rock-Column”. Commonly though, I’ll just call them by their names. Passion, Rock-column, Blizzy (Blizzard-Wing). With their permission, of course. Many will also give me nicknames to share with others, yet ask me to use a completely different name for them. So, some of the dragons I know, I also know many names for. Names I share, names I don’t, and titles.
And the dragons that I know live in cities, towns, villages, and beyond. I’ve met one that enjoyed just living among the stars and didn’t want to feel the grounding power of Earth.
There is a little bit of a color correlation to powers, with the dragons that I know. It’s not always the case, sometimes a dragon of a different color can have a different strength. Just like us human witches, people often use Red and Orange as colors of fire, but you may also see Blue, Green, and even White fire.
And finally, the dragons I know are alive. I don’t believe they died, this is just how they were born. Some people may encounter other dragons, spirits of dragons who once lived, but the dragons I know were born as they are. I’ll keep an eye out for spirits of dragons though. I know that human and other creature ghosts exist, so it makes sense there would be dragon ghosts as well.
Feel free to send me any questions about dragons, and I’ll see what I can do. Like I said, people will see them differently - maybe even because of the different individual dragons we meet. So, my answers may not be the same as what you encounter.
But that’s great!
Everyone who meets dragons can add to the information pool of what we know about them. And I love hearing others’ experiences with these fantastic beings if you have anything to share. Heck, if you have a dragon witch tumblr, feel free to let me know and I’ll give you a follow.
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alchemy-of-spirit · 1 year
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Ostara Dragons💐🐉
The dragons of spring are awakening to perform their duties of laying their eggs & assisting the earth in her rebirth.
This is the time to be manifesting and planting your seeds both physically and spiritually
Care for your dreams as the dragons care for their eggs; keep your space clean, protect your home & give them lots of love
To honor them do your spring cleaning, put flowers on the Altar & connect with the egg archetype
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
I'm going to start talking more about spirit work and dragon work on here to give things a healthy change of pace. If you have any questions related to that feel free to send them in! Written spells in the works and other fun surprises on the way
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liminalwings · 2 years
Building Your Draconic Path
Whether you're a witchy veteran or someone coming into magical work for the very first time, you might be absolutely lost when it comes to starting work with dragons. While I have no intention of telling others how to walk their path, I do feel that a loose guide to help you start building your own framework would be beneficial. Note that this is written for those who wish to work with dragons as beings, rather than dragons as a symbol or ideal, so being able to communicate with them might be important. Also, if you're someone who already has a solid practice in place that does not center around working with dragons, it's not necessary to abandon it and rebuild everything from the ground up; you absolutely can work with dragons within your already existing framework. And even if you don’t have one, it’s alright to just dive in and start working with them. This is for those who want something a little more involved. 
The first step is to ask yourself why you want to work with dragons. Is it just because you think they’re cool and powerful? Is it something you’ve heard about from someone else and you’ve been curious about it for a while? Is it something you’ve had an inexplicable pull toward? Are you someone who has already had an encounter with a dragon and feel like this is the next logical step? 
Analyze yourself. Ask the hard questions. What are your strengths and weaknesses, what knowledge do you lack? Do the research. Being honest with yourself will get you where you want to go much faster. Also keep an open mind, not because "everything's valid uwu", but because internalizing what others say, taking it at face value as 'fact', can keep you from picking up information meant for you as part of your UPG. 
Speaking of which, keep a journal. It doesn't have to be fancy, it's not expressly a Book of Shadows or a grimoire, and it doesn't have to be physical, it just has to be some sort of log for you to keep notes. You can write down your thoughts regarding the path you're taking, but mainly it's to keep track of the information you gain, especially any channeled information or UPG, or any signs you may notice. Being able to return to these tidbits over time is extremely helpful, and you might find that some things no longer feel correct 5-10 months or years down the road, while other things remain solidly true; a changing, growing belief or system is not a bad thing, and re-examining and being able to let go of things you no longer vibe with is a healthy practice. Also, being able to refer back to your notes while doing research can occasionally have some fascinating results, especially if something a dragon told you somehow ends up in a bit of lore. Rare, but it can happen. 
Why research?
Besides learning the basics of spellcraft so we can stop repeating ourselves ad infinitum every time someone new appears, there is a rich and varied amount of dragon lore in the world, some of it symbolic, some of it spiritual, and some of it quite revealing of human nature when faced with the unknown. You may end up being someone who works best with Earth Mythology archetype dragons better than individuals from the astral/elsewhere, and knowing these myths would be quite important, especially the different variations of even the same myth through time or between cultures. Learning the lore can also help you tap into draconic energy. You also want to have practical and sound knowledge of any tools or materials you may be drawn to work with, especially in the case of herbs in which non-magical, medical knowledge is crucial if you're going to be using them for more than symbolic or energetic oomph in ritual. 
And yes, you can read what dragon magick books are out there to get a feel for what systems others have made. Do they use tools that you could see being useful to your own practice? Do you disagree with the specific beings/rulers they call on, but agree with other correspondences they use? Do they use a code/creed that you largely like? There's nothing wrong with adapting them, as long as it's not something being pulled from any sort of closed culture; seeing as how the vast majority of dragon magick systems are flavorings of Wicca or ceremonial magick, that shouldn't be too much of an issue outside of what those systems themselves might be guilty of. 
If you're not simply adapting an already existing system, you should determine the nature of your work, and the relationship between you and the dragons you work with. Some people are not comfortable with spellwork as found in Wicca and other modern pagan paths, but are okay with energy work and prayer. This is absolutely fine and something that is compatible with working with dragons. Some prefer using a Wicca/modern witchcraft-based system, with dragons as co-practitioners. Are the dragons you work with only peers, or is it more of a master-student situation? Are the dragons okay with you calling on them as friends any time? Or are they your deity, and receive offerings from you? 
These are answers you have to figure out as you build your bond with your dragons and communicate with them. Sometimes, they will have more say in what you do than you expect and be very particular about what you include. It may be things like "use this tool", "use this herb", or can even be things like following rules they give you, within reason. This includes whether or not some sort of oath or initiation is even necessary. Other times, the dragons you work with may not care about any of these things and will work with you as long as you respect them, leaving the precise methods to you and what you're comfortable with. This even includes elements: while the most common elemental model tends to be earth/air/fire/water(/spirit), this may not be the one you end up working with.
It's also good to remember that dragons are incredibly varied, just like people. Dragons can be deceptive, they can lie or tell half-truths or lie by omission, they can mean you harm and be malicious jerks, but like the people you meet every day, these are going to be the minority. I don't point this out to scare anyone off, but because a lot of information out there will try to tell you that all dragons ever only work for the highest good, and even the non-New Age sector will often tell you that dragons operate on a code of honor. This is not an absolute truth. Therefore, it is not necessary for your path to have a set of rules governing your behavior. You don't have to never lie again or the dragons will call you a sinner and abandon you. This is also why common sense, discernment, and knowing how to protect yourself is important. That said, drama with dragons is fairly uncommon, at least in my experience.
Okay, but how do I build my practice?
Decide how much structure you actually want in your practice. Do you want more ritual trappings, or are you wanting something a little more 'low-spoon' friendly and casual? Are there days that you feel should be recognized as sacred on your path? Is every day sacred and magical? Having certain days of note can help you to refocus on your path throughout the year, and it doesn't have to be the Wiccan sabbats; I know at least a handful of practitioners even observe Dragon Appreciation Day (January 16th, celebrates dragons in literature and art), or World Dragon Day (an inconsistent date in October, and established largely by 'lightworkers').
In short, reflect on everything that draws you to this path, everything that makes you feel closer to dragons, to your own power, and use what inspires you as your building blocks. It's okay to incorporate things that may be seen by others as 'cringey', because this is for you, and is all private unless you choose to share with others. As well, this is merely the beginning steps and nothing final; like anything else in life, your path will grow with you and be refined as you learn more. This might seem like a lot of footwork and effort, especially if you're coming to this bright-eyed and exuberant, but anything worth doing takes some level of personal investment.
Can… can I give my path a cool name?
Absolutely. You can also not call your path anything. Unless you're planning on sharing your UPG and whatever structure you decide to make, it's really not necessary. There are so many "draconic paths" and groups already floating around out there that it can be nice to differentiate. Because of the nature of UPG and how much of it makes up modern dragon magick, there really isn't "one true draconic path". 
The TL;DR Bullet List of Things to Consider
Why? What are your goals with this path?
How do you want to connect and work with dragons?
What do you want to incorporate? What inspires you about this path?
Take notes and do your homework.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
What is your opinion on dragon magic? Firstly, I thank you very much for giving me the resources on my post! I've still got what I call Catholic anxiety but it's just a lot of conditioning I need to grow out of. Secondly I have made a connection with a dragon and I feel quite comfortable with dragons but I am excited to learn for you. I know there isn't a lot of info about dragon magic and working with dragons our there. Any thoughts or maybe resources? A friend recommended Dancing with Dragons by D.J Conway.
You're very welcome! A lot of us in the community struggle with moving past the systems and beliefs we were raised in. When I was going through that part of my journey, it was other witches here on tumblr that gave me guidance. I'm just paying it forward. 😊
I don't really have an opinion on dragon magic, but I will say that if you're going to read ANYTHING by D.J. Conway, take it with a heaping helping of salt and fact-check everything. Conway's work is kind of known for misinformation and personal speculation presented as fact. That doesn't mean their books are worthless; it just means that you'll need to read critically.
Apart from the magical angle, reading up on the various permutations of dragons that exist in world mythology is always fun! And it might give you some ideas, or at the very least some really cool books to read.
Hope this helps!
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aikoiya · 1 year
Draconic Crystomagic Infusion Magic
I imagine that, aside from dracomagy, dragons would also be very adept at crystomagy.
Which would be the magical use of crystals, jewels, & gemstones, whether by infusing them with some sort of spell, using them as arcane foci, or something else entirely.
I mean, dragons hoard, so why not make gems part of their power?
For example; I heard that the gem on Freakshow's staff (Danny Phantom) was Red Obsidian & looking into it, I can see how it could become what it did.
"Dark Obsidian captivates negative energy from the environment and blocks psychic attack as well as negative spiritual influences. It stimulates the throat and root chakras, making it a top stone for urging exploration of the spiritual realms. Peoples on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) made multipurpose tools called mata’a for food preparation and cultivation. They also chose Obsidian as the pupils of the eyes in their famous Moai (statues) to endow them with authority and a spiritual essence."
"In Mesoamerica, they were conduits for supernatural forces; to the Maya, specifically, they were a means to communicate with otherworld entities, and to others they were a portal to realms that could be seen but not interacted with."
My thoughts are that, these qualities are normally passive in gems & that it takes magical empowerment to really bring them out. Which is something a dragon crystomagist can do. Especially ones skilled in infusion.
Another example are citrines. Citrine absorbs negative energy & turns it into positive energy, but never needs cleaning or purifying. So, that translates to being an extremely good, almost solar powered, magical generator component when empowered by a skilled infuser.
I also remember having thoughts on John of God Quartz, being a Phantom Quartz with Citrine inside it. Something about being even better for transmuting energy & using it.
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epplebloom-blog · 2 years
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First round of Lunattack concept updates! The idea is a monster girl fighting game which takes place on Crescent island, the night of the Moon Goddess’s festival.
Maria, the demigod, daughter of the white god
Reina, the manananggal
Tao, the dragon mage
Haneul, the Kumiho
Kagami, the Yuki Onna
Chocolat, the witch
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