#duchamp urinal
jellojolteon · 3 months
Honestly there's probably some really hilarious like. I dunno. The usage of polls on this site and their evolution in time could probably be turned into a sociological study
Reminds me of contemporary art in some sense actually so
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pikslasrce · 3 months
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left the other comment in because i like seeing him get roasted
HELP ME 😭😭😭 dont read the tags i got carried away
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synthient · 1 year
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Girl help. Film Twitter is calling it anti-intellectualism to poke fun at the Positivist Jamboree tweet
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coquelicoq · 10 months
le robert de poche: édicule n.m. 1. Dépendance d'un édifice religieux. 2. Petite construction édifiée sur la voie publique (kiosque, urinoir ...)
there has got to be something here that i'm missing. is there maybe some definition of "sur la voie publique" that could include, say, the inside of bathrooms, or am i to believe that in france it is usual to encounter urinals on the side of the road en plein air? because i've been to france and i don't remember any roadside urinals, but maybe i just wasn't paying attention.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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“You know what, I’m tired of Americans stereotyping all of Frenchmen as the ‘hon-hon-hon croissant’ Parisan type, it gets boring after a while. You do all know France has regional stereotypes like you have between the States and other countries?
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“...What ARE the stereotypes of my region nowadays?”
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“.....No specific mention of Avignon, but Phi and I fit to the letter otherwise. Merde.”
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prontaentrega · 2 years
por si a alguien le interesa o esta al pedo y quiere leer algo aca esta el blog con todos los textos de la catedra donde curse comunicacion y medios (UNA) hay textos sobre movimientos obreros argentinos, iluminismo, historia del arte contemporaneo, los medios de comunicación en latam y tal
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ormspryde · 2 years
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Today's birb, the red crowned crane. Was thinking about Duchamp's 'Nude Descending a Staircase' pretty heavily tonight, so this is my attempt at applying that to crane dancing. Despite how it looks, a lot of thought went into this one, and I like it even if nobody else does.
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transgenderboobs · 2 years
duchamp's urinal does indeed fill me with anger but not because of its like artistic merits or anything, only because when i was in art school i had to do so many godforsaken papers and analyses about it that seeing it now makes me see red
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eustochium · 2 years
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unfortunately, the right-wing twitter dweebs are doing modern art discourse again
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weepingchoir · 8 months
Every time some fash posts about Real Art vs Duchamp's Fountain it's like lol that urinal has been kicking your ass for a hundred years
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p-evvy · 11 hours
100 years since Duchamp's urinal and it's unreal how many people it left behind
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5teerpike · 1 year
Saying it again
AI is just a tool to make art with. It does not preclude you from digital Illustration, or creating a physical painting.
We cannot get trapped in an argument about what is & isn't art anymore. It's been done. Sometimes art is bad, unthoughtful, and sometimes it doesn't take skill to create.
None of this is stopping me from painting today, which I have been told is supposedly threatened by photography or computer programs. . .
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gregdotorg · 1 year
Did Brian Eno Really Piss In Duchamp's Fountain?
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