#dusk papyrus
capricioussun · 7 months
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Putting a different comment here bc I felt bad being mean to him he has lovely hands that look nothing like a dead spider he’s beautiful <3
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ivyprism · 7 days
The Cursed Beings: The Negativity Dragon (Dusk x Verbena)
Warning: Curses, death, etc, gods. Short af.
Dusk huffed as he moved through the jungle. His brothers were looking for their study buddy, who returned scratched and damaged. He passed through the woodland. He was more relaxed about the forest than anything else. It wasn't natural, but neither was he. So he wasn't afraid of it. He was just working hard, and it was a little unsettling. He cuts some vines out of his way.
He had to find her, of course, how else would he study this forest more? She had to still be here. She could not have left or at least he hoped she didn't.
"Hm… I'm presuming the plants here are growing faster since there are no animals to clear the way." Dusk breathes softly as he moves through. He looks about softly, sensing something, but is unsure what it is.
He walks with his hand pressed on the tree. It's too quiet, yet he knows there are animals within. He hasn't encountered anyone who doesn't appear to have predatory motives. Not that he is terrified of them; he can easily defeat them. He runs his hands along the trees. He looks around and comes to a stop when he notices a dragon-like figure moving through the woods. He knew who it was, it was her, and despite his judgment, he followed her. He had heard of her, but he did not know her name.
He glances around and travels through the woodland when he notices a human washing her skin. She has negativity dripping from her hands. He approaches close, and she tenses. Her eyes expand and dilate slightly with terror. She starts to back up.
"Hold on." Dusk rapidly reassures. The dragon stays still. Her eyes move slightly as he approaches. "Are you one of the cursed beings?" Dusk asks openly. The woman shifts slightly and moans.
"Yes, I am Verbena." The dragon approached and introduced herself. He had heard a lot about Verbena and read numerous myths about her. He gets closer, and Verbena moves out of his way. "Why are you here? It is not safe for someone to wander around here at random." Verbena hums softly as she turns away.
"We're doing research on these parts and you're one of the legends we're studying." Dusk hums while looking at her. Verbena glances away and leans into her palms. He examines her as she moves away from him.
"I am, but I'm not going to answer your questions." Verbena looks over at him. She moves her feet through the water. The lake became organically blackened due to the energy of the forest. Her wings conceal her form.
"I am not going to ask you too. Your tales appear to provide the answers I seek." Dusk glances away, and Verbena sighs slightly. She knew she was going to be known and cursed throughout the world. She had periodically forgotten her life, but it would occasionally return with time.
Verbena looks over and sees Elpis and Benoit watching ready to strike. She sighs as she closes her eyes and she leans her head back. She sighs as she looks away.
"You should go before the others come over," Verbena warns, but she sighs. She waves the skeletons away. The two leave, but not before giving Dusk a warning gaze.
"Are all three of you here? What happened to the local animal population?" Dusk asks, looking at her. Her true cursed form causes a light flicker. She looks over, her eyes glowing.
"Well, the gods intervened, and indeed, all three of us are present… This is the Forsaken Forest, our home." Verbena keeps her speech calm and quiet. It never wavers or changes. She stands up slowly as she looks at him.
"You three do know we're not leaving until we learn everything, right?" Dusk's voice remains calm and clear. Verbena sighs quietly and looks away. She looks back before closing her eyes.
"Yes, I do... But be careful where you step Dusk…" She tilts his chin with her hand. He didn't feel the fire since her purple eyes shone softly. "Or else, you will regret your decision." Verbena pulls her hand back as she returns to her cursed form and makes her way back into the jungle.
Dusk stared, his heart pounding quickly. The desire to assist his brothers in saving this forest and the cursed beings within blazed fiercely in his SOUL.
He would never let another hero or monster injure her again. He pledged to himself that he would not cease.
Part 1: The Cursed Beings: Manticore (Elpis x Reader)
Part 2: The Cursed Beings: Mantidrake (Benoit x Reader)
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dkniade · 1 year
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Scribbling without caring about quality is kinda fun
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✨️ An Encounter in a Marketplace ✨️
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It was meant to be a test of how my comic would look, but I ended up making it an actual piece.. BUT I DO NOT REGRET IT BC LOOK AT EM, THEYRE SO SILLY !!
Context behind this is that Dusk eventually makes his way to the Omega Timeline, where Ark was, and they met in the marketplace at Ark's small shop that he set up there!!
After realizing that Ark can see the creatures too, Dusk started asking a lot of questions and eventually got Ark to agree to help him in the search for his brother!! :Dc 🎉💫 [very short explanation]
[I like to believe there's a huge marketplace in the Omega Timeline that has a whole range of items and foods from different AUS, which I love to explore the idea of !! ]
All the sillies in this image belong to me [Ark, Dusk, Solar, and Eclipse] !! 🎉💫🌿🌤
Anywhoot, I hope yall have a lovely dayyy/nighttt!! 😋🎶🌤🎉💫
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maxmemer · 1 year
Woah new yearrrrr
*art dumps*
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See you next year
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the-bastards-box · 8 months
OC Time! Axe!
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Aka Loveverse Horror!
Design Notes:
Very tall and fat
His blush is dark red
He has claws and sharp teeth
The hearts on his clothes are patches to fix up broken parts of his outfit
Character Notes:
His Papyrus is named Willow
Joined Dusk' gang because of an accident with Willow
Loves cooking and baking
In his free time joins cooking and baking competitions in different AUs
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Case Reports, like we're on a episode of house
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23M in Kenya, presenting with months of LOW, persistent fevers, and abdo fullness, found to have massive splenomegaly.
examination: massive splenomegaly (10 cm below costophrenic margin, and will definitely cross midline) and hepatomegaly
pancytopaenic on bloods, plt's down to 40s
diagnosis confirmed on BMAT (parasite seen)
normal HIV, liver and kidney function
Bodies seen on the BMAT below are part of the lifecycle of the parasite that is intracellular, hence you can see the macrophages/neutrophils loaded with them, even bursting
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What is it:
think of it when you get a patient with pancytopaenia and hepatosplenomegaly, who either traveled to or is in/from a tropical/subtropic region (where sand flies are)
cause - protozoa parasite Leishmania, transmitted by infected sandflies
Epidemio (when to consider it)
tropics, subtropics (South America, Asia, AFrica), Southern Europe
parasite, replicates intracellularly (Leishmania donovani)
transmitted in sand flies (can be unnoticeable and usually bite in dawn or dusk - evenings or night), can also be transmitted via needles/blood
more common in rural areas
I've simplified this, but is more extensively covered in StatPearls and Wiki (there's different species of Leish and sandflies that transmit it)
once bitten, the protozoa are phagocystosed by skin macrophages, which then becomes full of the "bodies" (part of the lifecycle). Eventually these burst to release more of the bodies that infect more macrophages
they eventually are spread via blood to liver/spleen/BM and LNs
Random history:
ancient, records of disease date back to Egyptian mummies from 3000 BC --> positive DNA amplication for Leishmania and on papyrus from 1500 BC
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multiple physicians from different times have described the disease, but it's named for 2 who described the parasite's intracellular ovoid body stage in smears from infected patients in India: Lt General William Boog Leishman and Captain Charles Donovan (Ronald Ross named the bodies after the 2 --> "Leishman Donovan bodies"
significant disease in Allied troops in Sicily in WWII, called "jericho buttons" (image on wiki from a WWI trooper serving in the middle east)
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Leishman: Scottish pathologist and British Army medical officer, later it's director general in the 20s, did extensive research into the parasite named for him by Sir Ronald Ross. He mistook the parasite he observed for trypanosomes (cause of Chagas in South America and African sleeping sickness in Africa)
Donovan: Irish parasitologist, medical officer in India, observed an epidemic across India just after the rebellion of 1857, discovered the "bodies" in spleen tissue as the causative agent for what the locals called "kala azar" (severe visceral leishmaniasis - see below)
Donovan also discovered the "bodies" of Klebsiella granulomatis, hence these too are named after him (cause of ulcerative granulomas)
It became scandalous as both wanted credit for the "discovery" of this newly identified organism. So Sir Ronald Ross named it for both of them.
Sir Ron, by the way, won a Nobel in Medicine for discovering that malaria is transmitted via mossies (this was also a source of scandal, he was meant to share it with another physician who he accused of fraud - and they never received the award)
finally, it was actually a Russian physician who identified it first, but well, he published in a little known Russian journal which was promptly forgotten.
Clinical features
cutaneous type vs visceral organ type (spleen, liver, bones)
From wiki
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can be asymptomatic
cutnaeous: can be there for years and resemble leprosy, causes an open chronic wound (most common), incubation 2-4 weeks on average (nodules at site of inoculation that eventually form ulcers), can heal spontaneously in 2-5 yrs
in diffuse cutaneous cases, can affect face, ears, extensor surfaces
can be muscosal = eg nasal symptoms/epistaxis, severe: perforated septum, this occurs in 1/3 after resolution of cutaenous symptoms (can be severe/lifte threatning, as it can affect vocal cords and cartilage, but oddly not bone)
visceral (incubation periods of up to years until immuncompromise): fever, weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly (spleen more than liver), pancytoaepnia, high total protein and low albumin with hypergammaglobulinaemia
this has seasonal peaks related to sandfly habits and humidity
interestingly it is an infective cause of massive splenomegaly, such that it crosses the midline
Extreme - but noticeable hepatosplenomgealy/abdo fullness, from medscape
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can be atypical in HIV co infected patients, LAD in seom regions like Africa
Kala azar = black fever in some severe cases (fatal due to secondary mycobacterial infection or bleeding), refers to damage fto spleen, liver and anaemia
serology not great (minimal humoral response to the parasite), so often requires histopath (tissue sample) for which BMAT is safest in visceral organ involvement
visualisation of amastigotes (or Leishman-Donovan bodies), as intracellular --> can be seen in macrophages (small round bodies) post Giemsa staining
PCR of DNA also possible (as done in the Egyptian mummies)
Image source:
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liposomal amphotericin B (holy shit strong stuff) in visceral, PO: miltefosine (caution in pregnancy), all have significant ADRs, or paromycin. however, mortality of 10% if visceral left untreated
mixed results with azoles
in HIV co infection - start the HAARTs! can improve survival, mortality is 30% in HIV patients
cutaneous: stibolgluconate (have never heard of these drugs) and megluaine antimoniate, but limited disease often spotnaeously gets cleared by the innate system
use DEET insect repellant at dawn and dusk
loose fitting clothing that covers all skin
no vaccine (were attempts at vaccinating dogs, which decreased rates)
sandflies are smaller than mossies, so requires small netting
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Differentials for hepatosplenomegaly
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WHO guidelines
CDC guidlelines
Wiki - Haven't covered pathophysio, but wiki does extensively
DermNet - great resource for all things derm, that my derm colleagues pointed out to me
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theninjamouse · 1 year
For the prompt :
“Don’t look down”- Silks!Shorster
“Squeeze my hand”-Shorster
“You remind me of someone”- Shorby OR between Shore and Papyrus, because IMAGINE him saying that to her at some point and she knows she can’t bring up Gaster but what the Fuck?
"Don't Look Down" Silks!Shorester
Warning! This scene could potentially show up in the fic, though it may be a little different, so minor spoilers for Silks and Lightning
You’re not sure why Gaster decided to tag along on the particular run Grillby had given you that evening. As far as runs go, it’s a simple one; take the plain bag to a specific location, find the keypad and drop it inside the container. But here he is, trailing after you as you make your way through the bustling streets. It’s nearing dusk and the evening crowds are in full swing. Checking your watch shows that the drop off spot is close and sure enough, you soon spot the building. It’s not the tallest one but still several stories high and about a block away. Time to get climbing. 
“I thought the whole point of me doing this was so you guys wouldn’t be seen dropping packages,” you say to him as you turn down an alley. Normally, you’d find a pipe to scale, but you’re not sure if Gaster would be able to keep up. The well dressed skeleton doesn’t peg you as one to regularly climb up buildings. There’s a ladder down this particular alley you’ve used before. It’s rusted, far beyond being up to code, but it’s served you before. 
“It’s important for Cinders not to be seen dropping packages,” he replies. “Besides, I’ve been curious about your process for runs for a while now.” 
“Well I can tell you I don’t usually spend this much time on the ground.” Ah there’s the ladder. You stop before it, tightening the straps of the backpack around your waist. You reach out and tug on the metal rung, which makes a grating noise, but holds. “All right then. Ready?”
Gaster’s red eyelights move up, up, up the ladder. “....Sure, why not?” 
That’s a good enough answer for you. You grip the ladder and start to climb. The texture is rough under your hands, rust making some of the edges sharp but compared to your usual ways of scaling buildings via window ledges and drain pipes, this is a cake walk. It’s not long before you reach the top of the building and hoist yourself up and over the ledge.  
Gaster takes a few more moments, moving slower than you. But once his skull pops up, he vaults over the edge with more agility than you would expect. He brushes his hands off, casually striding forward.
Alrighty then. 
The crossing is easier than most; down here, many of the buildings are so squished together it’s an easy process to either take the short jump down to the next building, or hoist yourself up when met with a higher wall. Gaster keeps up through it all, though he is oddly quiet. Focusing maybe. 
The first actual gap between the buildings comes up right as the lights of the city begin to overtake the fading violet of sunset. The rooftop you actually need is still one building down. You peer over the edge, the orange glow from the streets washing over your skin. A solid fall down but the distance across can’t be more than eight feet or so. A jump, but not the worst one you’ve made. Even better, there’s no lip to the roof, so you can give yourself a running start. 
Gaster makes a noise like clearing his throat. “So how do we get over this?” 
“We jump.” 
You glance at him. The lights in his eyes have shrunk to little pricks. Ah. “Not a heights guy?” 
He takes a long, deep breath. “Not anymore it seems.” 
There’s a flick of annoyance, tinged with pity. He had to know what he was getting into, following you up onto the rooftop, but even you understand that sometimes the vertigo of standing so far above the ground can seize you no matter how prepared you are. You could just tell him to wait here, but you don’t like to backtrack, just in case something is following.
“Hang on a sec,” you mutter, unbuckling your backpack and kneeling down. A quick dig and you’ve got the silver safety rope you keep on hand for emergencies. You look up at him, holding it up. “You can either go back, or I can use this to tether you to me. Which do you want to do?” 
It takes a him a moment to answer, with a visible effort to drag his eyes away from the glow of the street below. He blinks at your offer. “What if I were to fall?” 
“I’d catch you, duh.” You grin at him, hoping it helps to sooth the tightening anxiety you see around his sockets. “You’re a pain but I’m not gonna let you splat. Can you imagine the clean up?” 
There’s an odd expression on his face now. A grin, but one a little unsettlingly manic. “It’s quite the mess indeed.” 
You stand and gesture him close. “I’m guessing you’ve had a bad fall then,” you muse as you wrap the end of the rope around his waist a few times. Despite being a skeleton, there’s a little bit of mass to him, rather than just the space of an empty spine. Even so, he’s very thin and you give it a few extra loops to make sure it’s secure.
He doesn’t answer your question. Instead, he chuckles and lifts his brow. “You know your way around knots. Tie people up often?” 
You tug sharply on the rope, making him gasp quietly. “Don’t be gross or I will let you drop.” 
“Merely an observation,” he says mildly as you step back. He tugs on the rope himself as you swiftly wrap the other end around yourself and tie it up with a bowline knot before returning your backpack to it's place. 
“I’m a silks artist; of course I know knots. Can’t have the whole thing crashing down when I’m in the air. Now, are you going to keep stalling, or are we jumping?” 
He takes a deep breath, stepping to the side.
You gather up enough of the line to give yourself some slack, take a few steps back before bouncing on your heels. A moment of judging distance and then you run, feet tapping lightly on the rooftop before you give yourself a mighty push right on the edge. You sail forward, that terrifying weightlessness bringing the brightest grin to your face and then you’re on the other side, skipping forward with momentum. 
You spin, the adrenaline pumping blood through your veins like fire. “See!” You call over. “It’s just a leap, easy peasy!” 
Gaster’s sockets are wide, both hands clutching the rope. He cautiously edges forward, stare dropping to look at the five story drop. His skull is painted in the flickering light, like fire upon a stone.
“Hey.” You tug very lightly on the rope and he starts, head jerking up. “Don’t look down. Just look at me. I won’t let you fall.” 
He blinks once. Twice. He mutters something in that weird, glitchy language before he backs up and starts running. You brace yourself, arms lifting to catch him. He clears the gap easy and you grab him as he yelps and pitches forward. His fingers instinctively cling to you, gasping sharply.
You pat his back. “There you go! Not so bad, was it?” 
His laugh is strained. “I never want to do that again.” 
“Yeah, well, we’re gonna have to after the drop.” 
“....Stars damn it.” He’s still clinging to you. 
“Each time it gets easier, promise.” You let him cling. 
He lifts his skull, looking out over the city. It’s fully dark now and it glistens and sparkles with a magic all it’s own. “Well…I suppose the view is worth the terror.”
You follow his gaze. “It’s one of the reasons I do it,” you mutter. “Helps to clear your head, being up above it all.” 
“And you’re not scared of the fall?” 
“It’s not the fall I’m scared of.” It’s the landing. Returning back to reality. Up here, the problems are distant. 
Though, perhaps not so distant tonight. One of them is holding you, the grip now gentle. 
He smells nice. The thought hits you randomly, making the slow creep of color start up your face. “We gotta drop this,” you say loudly, clearing your throat and stepping back. “C’mon, plenty of time to enjoy the view later.” 
He releases you slowly and follows as you hurry your way over the rooftop.
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everyone submitted so far AND the amount of people who suggested them!!!!
the more people who suggest the same character the better chance they have of getting iiiinn,,
i only know like a few characters on this list that r canonically aro ( noisemaster , ash , lilith, etc ) sooo ill look into them all later i think . theres only like 40 submissions so far so like give me more competition!!! itll be funner to choose from
so far the characters with the most submissions ;
lilith toh ( 5 )
peridot su ( 4 )
papyrus ut ( 4 )
riz gukgak ( 3 )
ash ketchum ( 2 )
noisemaster cq ( 2 )
reigen arataka. ( 2 )
saiki k ( 2 )
sonic the hedgehog ( 2 )
bakugou katsuki mha ( 2 )
merida brave ( 2 )
elsa frozen ( 2 )
leo valdez heroes of olympus ( 2 )
hunter toh ( 2 )
willow park toh ( 2 )
luke julie and the phantoms ( 2 )
alana maxwell wolf359 ( 1 )
angel dust hazbin hotel ( 1 )
anne boonchuy amphibia ( 1 )
apollo justice ace attorney ( 1 )
ash ketchum pokemon ( 2 )
bakugou katsuki mha ( 2 )
captain rex clone wars ( 1 )
claude von riegan fire emblem ( 1 )
darius deamonne the owl house ( 1 )
duo duolingo ( 1 )
eberwolf the owl house ( 1 )
eda clawthorn the owl house ( 1 )
ed elric full metal alchemist ( 1 )
ekko arcane ( 1 )
emerald mask of shadows ( 1 )
elsa frozen ( 2 )
estella havisham great expectations ( 1 )
evie descendants ( 1 )
felicity montague book series ( 1 )
five hargreens ( 1 )
franken stein soul eater ( 1 )
futaba sakura persona 5 ( 1 )
garmadon ninjago ( 1 )
georgia warr loveless ( 1 )
girl with a pearl earring ( the fucking painting???? ) ( 1 )
grimm hollow knight ( 1 )
grover underwood percy jackson ( 1 )
hank j wimbleton madness combat ( 1 )
hearth magnus chase ( 1 )
hira hamada big hero 6 ( 1 )
hunter toh ( 2 )
ichika hoshino pjsk ( 1 )
inti inca mythology ( 1 )
isabelle animal crossing ( 1 )
jake english homestuck ( 1 )
jason grace heroes of olympus ( 1 )
jeff winger community ( 1 )
jinx arcane ( 1 )
kanade yoisaki pjsk ( 1 )
kipo oak ( 1 )
kozume kenma haikyuu ( 1 )
kurata tome mob psycho 100 ( 1 )
kurogiri mha ( 1 )
lapis lazuli steven universe ( 1 )
leo valdez heroes of olympus ( 2 )
lilith clawthorne the owl house ( 5 )
lord dominator ( i love her ) woy ( 1 )
lukas fire emblem ( 1 )
luke julie and the phantoms ( 2 )
luo binghe scum villians self saving system ( 1 )
marie splatoon ( 1 )
matt wii sports ( 1 )
me irl???? ( 1 )
mami tomoe madoka magica ( 1 )
merida brave ( 2 )
miles edgeworth ace attorney ( 1 )
mina ashido mha ( 1 )
mona narumi confession executive committee ( 1 )
murderbot murderbot diaries ( 1 )
narumi mona honeyworks ( 1 )
noisemaster cucumber quest??? my boy!!!!! ( 2 )
nora holleran red white and royal blue ( 1 )
papyrus undertale ( 4 )
peridot steven universe ( 4 )
queen deltarune ( 1 )
raphael santiago ( 1 )
reigen arataka mob psycho 100. ( 2 )
riz gukgak dimension 20 fantasy high ( 2 )
romano de luca friends with solitude ( 1 )
saiki k ( 2 )
sans undertale ( 1 )
serizawa katsuya mob psycho 100 ( 1 )
shima sousuke skip to loafer ( 1 )
silco arcane ( 1 )
someone/anonymous our dreams at dusk ( 1 )
sonic the hedgehog ( 2 )
spyro the dragon psx ( 1 )
sweet capn and k_k deltarune ( 1 )
tangent when i was a teenage exocolonist ( 1 )
tsubomi takane mob psycho 100 ( 1 )
tulip olsen infinity train ( 1 )
watergirl fireboy and watergirl ( 1 )
willow park the owl house ( 2 )
wolf kipo and the age of wonderbeasts ( 1 )
yuya yu gi oh ( 1 )
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jazz-kitty · 1 year
was too lazy to draw all of them so have what i think some reborn characters wore for halloween in one big post. not spoilers i just dont like having a wall of text with no warning
victoria’s hatsune miku, cain’s going as fern, fern’s kokichi ouma, cal is papyrus, blake is sans, florinia’s a mad scientist [julia bought her the costume and she didnt want her to waste her money], and julia is frankenstein. already drew those getting those out of the way
ame is a headless horseman &’s got a jackolantern for a head on this very spooky evening
protagonist is conveniently a sheet ghost that covers their entire body and face so you can’t tell which protagonist it is
shelly is technically going as a bee but everyone was so worried she was gonna catch a cold she’s bundeled up in a thick jacket and scarf and hat and gloves so you can’t really tell what she’s wearing to begin with. its the thought that counts though
shade is going as an anime boy. he’s wearing one of those shitty plastic masks with the big anime eyes on them and nothing else
aya and hardy are matching in lycanroc onesies- aya’s midnight and hardy’s dusk
serra was going as a playboy bunny but fuck is it cold in spinel town. she’s wearing sweatpants and a jacket over her costume and also staying home and also not handing out candy to any kids. she’s just serving cunt on her couch in her freezer of a home
anna is going as a mawile with a home made costume that she spent way too long on
noel is wearing orange pajama pants instead of his normal black pants and called it a costume. anna gave him a cheap halloween themed headband to go along with it. he won halloween
samson is dressed as alistasia, alistasia is dressed like ciel, ciel is dressed like terra, and SOMEONE didn’t get the memo. not naming names. terra is a stilt spirit
adrienn is going as a fairy :-) simple but like cmon. tell me xe wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to wear pink mesh wings
titania’s a cowboy. man i dont even have a reason. but she’s a cowboy
amaria is a pirate. i have a little bit more justification for this one with her whole water deal going on. but mostly just because the universe needs her to be a pirate
laura’s a kanto raichu and worked long and hard on making a fitting dress and make up for it. saphira’s just wearing a pikachu headband with red cheeks laura painted on. charlotte is in a pichu onesie and also inexplicably covered in fake blood
bennet is an alolan raichu :3c he made his costume with laura
zero isn’t dressed up because he gets too uncomfortable in halloween costumes, but he put his umbreon in a spider costume and carries her around to show off his specialist shining star the whole day
taka is just wearing a skeleton tshirt. underneath his sweater. so no one can see it. ace tried to get full matching costumes for the two but he flopped over on the carpet like a cat and wouldn’t get up
ace couldn’t get taka to wear a costume but still wanted to match, so now they’re going as taka. if taka had killer eyeliner
no one’s really sure what heather is supposed to be, but she keeps biting into fake blood packets and got a 7 dollar plastic battle axe from party city she hits everyone unapollegetically with.
elias puts on cat ears. solaris tells him to take them off. elias does not take them off
arclight is a classic vampire- victorian era looking suit, fake teeth, the whole nine yards. this vampire in specific is also wearing neon pink shutter shades and glowsticks
lumi is dressed as a miscellaneous disney princess- albeit one that is also wearing a jacket. no way is she getting away with short sleeves in ametrine. 
eve is wearing a headband with antenna on them and says she’s an alien.
correction: lumi is an alien disney princess. she wanted to match with eve
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capricioussun · 5 months
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More old art ft Dusk <3
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ivyprism · 2 months
My Outcode Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, killing, violence, etc.
Tusche - Ink Sans (Variant)
Personality: Tusche once awoke in the antivoid with his brother as a baby's bones. He has no remembrance of his AU before waking up. He became the universe's guardian because he was committed to safeguarding his sibling. He is a gentle and sweet skeleton who strives to do the right thing, but he is often misguided. He is terrified and apprehensive when he feels numb and wants to avoid getting dust on his hands. He can be a little naughty and cruel, but it's not intentional. He appreciates the creators and wants to know more about them. He enjoys pranking people, but not very often.
Appearance: Tusche has a bunch of dried ink bloches on his bones. He has creative changing eyelights. He also has a tan scarf that has rainbow ends.
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Acrylic - Inktale Papyrus (Variant)
Personality: Raised by his brother, he has no desire to know his former AU. He, like his brother, is a prankster and mischievous skeleton. He works hard and is willing to fight people if necessary. He spends his free time painting and blending acrylic paints. He enjoys reading writers' works. He is a bit of a dirty painter, frequently getting paint on himself. To his brother's dismay, he avoids generating problems by spending the most of his time with Virus. He thinks creators are cool and hopes to meet as many as possible. He primarily talks and sketches. He chooses his fights very carefully.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with acrylic paint on him and ink.
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Lenovo - Errortale Sans (Variant)
Personality: Lenovo awoke in the anti-void with a younger brother not long after Tusche did. They created a fierce competition with the colorful skeleton. He's a nasty, merciless skeleton. He shows little interest in the AUs. He is ferocious and protective of his loved ones, despite his icy and harsh exterior. He despises being touched without first asking permission. He prefers to be alone and makes few acquaintances; when he does, it is entirely inadvertent. He may build and destroy, but he primarily destroys. He recognizes the need of maintaining a balance and makes an effort to do so.
Appearance: He also has a blue scarf on his neck. He has blue marks on his cheeks. His jacket has ripped and resewn patches.
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Virus - Error Papyrus (Variant)
Personality: He is a cold and aloof skeleton, but he is incredibly curious. He gets easily lost and lacks sense of direction. He's mainly interested in meeting new people and speaking with them. He feels nervous around others and dislikes social events. Mostly, he has a tense connection with his brother. He is inquisitive about many minor details and adores and admires the AUs, whom he would prefer not to damage if possible. He also guarantees that his sibling never tampers with particular items. He also enjoys crocheting. He contributes to Lenovo's fight. He doesn't care to learn about his old au.
Appearance: He is a tall skeleton with orange markings on his face.
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Bliss - Dream Sans
Personality: A very kindhearted and sensitive SOUL, working to make amends with his sibling. He feels terribly sorry, but he knows that he cannot blame himself because he was unable to protect his brother from the locals and was unaware of the cruelty. He is working hard to make apologies and bring his brother back into the light. He understands he will never see his brother again, but he expects to see a resemblance of him. He isn't afraid to hurt people in order to protect his loved ones and wishes to stop his brother, but he recognizes that he requires negativity as much as optimism to survive.
Appearance: He has gold spots all over his bones and he has freckles. He also has wings, but he prefers they stay hidden.
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Dusk - Nightmare Sans
Personality: A nasty and cold-hearted man who, in reality, is really loving and not as frigid as he appears. He adores his brother but can't forgive him. He's not sure why he can't let go of something Bliss couldn't stop, but just thinking about it makes him angry, and his main dread is revisiting the terror of what happened to him with the people. He bears profound anger toward Bliss. Despite appearances, he can be really nice and has a soft spot for some children. He knows he needs negativity to survive, therefore he thrives on it with the help of his group.
Appearance: Dusk is a goop skeleton, but it's entirely optional. He prefers to be in his goop state to intimidate and scare off foes and only shows his normal passive side to his partner.
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Comet - Dream Papyrus
Personality: He's a cheerful, eager skeleton. He adores his family and wishes to mend the rifts among his brothers. He is gentle, kind, and caring. But don't be fooled: he can and will flirt with you till you're red-faced. He genuinely cares for his brothers and will go to great lengths to protect them. On the other hand, he is typically shy and withdrawn because he is not a fan of inflicting harm on others. He is constantly looking at the stars and enjoys drawing. He enjoys creating his fantasies and doing his best to look after his siblings. He truly cares about each of them and simply wants to help them.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has golden positivity on his torso. He has wings that he hides. Comet has a simple small scar on his left cheekbone.
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Umbra - Nightmare Papyrus
Personality: He has a rough yet frigid personality. He is a modest yet powerful man who adores his friends and family. He often looks after his brothers and his loved ones. However, he is on the verge of becoming enemies with certain individuals. He is soft, pleasant, and flirtatious, but he is genuine. He may not have as much goop as his brother, but he does have some. It's only that it's hard to see and just affects his torso. He typically keeps it buried until absolutely necessary. He adores his brothers and avoids getting involved in the quarrel between them.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster who has a large chunk of negativity goop on his torso and arms. He also has a scar on his left eye that is diagonal.
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Spiro - Killer Sans
Personality: Killer is thoughtful. He works hard and is really flirtatious. He really adores battles. He adores killing and inflicting pain on others. He defends his loved ones when necessary, and he is not hesitant to go for the throat. He despises being insulted and is a typically bad character who will fight till the end. He is more at ease with the truce and is more willing to make friends. He feels genuinely sorry for what he has done (deep down) and is quite unstable depending on the scenario, but he learns to push through it. He strives to ignore and dismiss any remaining thoughts of guilt.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with a large scar on his left eye. He has black markings on below his eyes.
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Dagger - Dust Sans
Personality: He is a very sorry and rather disturbed individual. When someone attempts to touch his brother's scarf, he becomes aggressive and upset. He is overcome with remorse and struggles to get through the day. He can be homicidal and has a grudge toward the bulk of mankind (particularly genocide perpetrators). He is refraining from causing harm to others as part of a truce. He doesn't admit it, but he does occasionally envy others. He is working to get through his guilt and anger. He is learning to deal with what he has done.
Appearance: He has a void face and a scar on his left eye.
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Wraith - Phantom! Dust Papyrus
Personality: He is a relatively cheery and serene skeleton. He maintains Dagger cool and appears to have a deep hatred of violence. He truly cares about his brothers and will go to great measures to protect them. His emotions have been softened by his death, yet he still feels them and wants his brother would let go. He cares about his sibling and is continuously concerned about him. He is stern and frigid when it comes to direct threats, yet he does his best to believe in others. He believes in humanity, but reluctantly.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with a large scar on his chest. You can touch him, but he's cold to the touch.
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Ink Sans by Mye Bi (Comyet) Error Sans by Lover of Piggies Dreamtale by Jokublog Killer Sans by Rahafwabas Dusttale Sans by Ask-DustTale
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star-sara · 1 year
🌹 masterpost 2
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¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sara y te diré ¡Bienvenido/a a mi blog!
Te agradezco que te pases por mi Masterpost
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Soy alguien que ama los Ships raros y poco conocidos, me gusta mucho dibujar, escuchar música, escribir y ¡Crear! (Demasiado diría yo x,D)
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Soy la creadora de UnderTumblr/DanceKiller AU/CandyVerse/Justiciarverse/UnderHöllee/UnderObey/Collapsetale
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Otros blog → @justiciarverse-oficial / @sara-myutaus-ideas
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¡Si quieres preguntar hazlo sin miedo!
Personajes ya emparejados: Taken
Personajes que están reservados/destinados para alguien: Reserved
🎉 Mis Fanchilds 🍭
1. Brix (BirdCross) Taken
2. Falling Star (OuterKiller)
3. Roxana (HorrorCross)
4. Yúmén (NegaOcean) Taken
5. Olyu (BirdError) Taken
6. Adabella (Glitch!Sans×BettyNoir)
7. Skørhed (DustCross) Taken
8. Nerón (Phantom!Papyrus×X!Chara) Reserved
9. Daila (SlenderJeff) Taken
10. Brightness [rediseño] (NightOuter) Taken
11. Dark Glow (NightOuter) Taken
12. Drealler (DreamKiller)
13. Dreamer (DreamKiller)
14. Stawoz [rediseño] (GanzStrawberryNightmare) Taken
15. Coffee (HumanCcino×CrillSans) Taken
16. Resak (DeathFresh) Taken
17. Cookie (EpicCross) Reserved
18. Kylie (EpicCross)
19. Aaron (ScienceFell) Taken
20. Bullet (MafiaKiller) Reserved(?
21. Luxuriós (MafiaLust) Taken
22. Sol (SwadMare) Taken
23. Cutting (Empireverse!Killer×Swap!Cross) Taken
24. Cristel (Bill404) Taken
25. Asher (Bill404) Taken
26. Nicolás (DustFell) Taken
27. Scream (NightFell)
28. Azariel (NegaOcean)
29. Aghat (ErrorClassic) Taken
30. Violetta (DustCross)
31. Melness [rediseño] (MelancholyGanz×StrawberryNightmare) Taken
32. Cecil (ColorCross)
33. Deangel (FatalReaper)
34. Randy (PaperGoth)
35. Ravient (RavenGradient)
36. Jayden (OffenderKao) Taken
37. José (Camibel)
38. Claudia (Camibel)
39. Jorge (Camibel)
40. Bell (FloralCafe/Flowerfell x Ccino) Taken
41. Seliva (HorrorDust)
42. Abriil (EpicGanz)
43. Glitxy (ErrorGanz)
44. Helen (Sarume)
45. Félix (Sarume)
46. Deceit (ShatteredInk) Taken
47. Archibald (Gz Papyton) Taken
48. Selena (DeathFresh)
49. Kiyomi (DeathFresh)
50. Amatista (Quantumtale!Sans×Core!Frisk)
51. Melocotón (GanzStrawberryNightmare)
52. Emilo (Jaja x Killer)
53. Pólux (OuterCross)
54. Francis (Mel×Ganz×StrawberryNightmare)
55. Melissa (Dusk x Dawn)
56. Zhàdàn (MafiaError)
57. Fabrizio (FarmCcino)
58. Jennifer (FarmCcino)
59. Akram (FarmCcino)
60. Panne (Shattered Dream x Error)
61. Gebrochen (Shattered Dream x Horror)
💫 Combos 💫
1. Red Moon (NightFell) Taken
2. Aurolia (NightFell) Taken
3. Álvaro (EpicCrossInk) Taken
4. Levana (BillMare)
5. Nirāśe (BillMare404)
🍼 Babys de mis Ships canon 🍼
• Javier (Stawoz x Shin)
• Mark y Erik (Melness x Crazy)
🍡 Versiones Alternas 🍡
1. Príncipe!Stawoz (AU/Reinos)
2. Cristel, Asher, Red Moon (No corrupto y corrupto), Aurolia (AU/Héroes)
3. Nerd!Melness (AU/Nerd And Jock)
4. Jock!Stawoz (AU/Nerd And Jock)
✨ Oc's propios ✨
1. Iris Smith (Creepypasta)
(Aquí su historia → Iris Smith origen)
2. Justiciary!Killer (Justiciarverse)
3. Justiciary!Error (Justiciarverse) Reserved
4. Thiago: ángel vengativo (Minipasta?)
5. Chicle!Killer (CandyVerse) Taken
6. Icy!Dust (CandyVerse) Taken
7. Oreo!Cross (CandyVerse)
8. Candy Apple!Horror (CandyVerse)
9. Cotton Candy!Error (CandyVerse) Taken
10. Cake!Nightmare (CandyVerse) Taken
11. Juice!Dream (CandyVerse) Taken
12. Frutaffy!Ganz (CandyVerse)
13. Pink Licorice!Melancholy (CandyVerse)
14. Piedad (Protectora del bosque)
15. Marshmallow!Reaper (Candyverse) Taken
16. Akui (Sirviente demonio de Melness)
17. Tumblr!Papyrus (UnderTumblr)
18. Dance!Killer (DanceKiller AU)
19. Justiciary!Murder (Justiciarverse)
20. Xtremes!Ink (Candyverse)
21. Cookie!Epic (Candyverse) Taken
22. Milk shake!Color (Candyverse)
23. Macaroon!Outer (Candyverse)
★ Ships canon (Fanchilds) ★
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con Kyoko_Luz (Wattpad)๑ஓ═════•°•
• Yume x Yúmén
• Olyu x Hinami
• Skørhed x Umi
• Daila x Alejandro
• Dark glow x Anexlli
• Stawoz x Shin
• Coffee x Takö
• Resak x Victoria
• Aaron x Flamy
• Luxuriós x Azami
• Sol x Yvonne
• Cutting x Karito
• Agnes x Cristel
• Asher x Mía
• Nicolás x Katsu
• Soldier x Aghat
• Red Moon x Sadashi
• Melness x Crazy
• Jayden x Yumi
• Archibald x Yurei
• Aurolia x Akira
• Álvaro x Kaede
• Deceit x Aiko
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @azulnadiasstuff═════•°•
• Sore x Brix
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @cimmerianbaby═════•°•
• Pencil x Brightness
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @the-creator-undertale-au═════•°•
• Pomme x Bell
♡ Ships canon (Pj's propios) ♡
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @the-creator-undertale-au═════•°•
• Chicle!Killer x WMC!Jaja
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @berrytales═════•°•
• Cotton Candy!Error x Blueberry!Berry
•°•═════ஓ๑Ships con @kai-drawnarts═════•°•
• Cookie!Epic x Marshmallow!Nadia
• Marshmallow!Reaper x Icy!Dust
• Cake!Nightmare x Juice!Dream
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🌤 Long Journey Ahead 🌤
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I adore this silly guy so much 😋💫‼️
I'm shocked there isn't that many Papyrus AUs tbh ⁉️
Dusk from Everlasting-Tale belongs to me !! 🌤🎉💫
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Tea!Lust, a loose concept.
(Just so you know, there's swearing, mentions of sex work and trauma, and discrimination in this!)
So, the idea of the AU is set in a post pacifist run by Frisk, and monsters are all on the surface.
Well, the humans were like, 'the funk?' But the government, who still knew about monsters, were like 'Yooo we TOTALLY didn't keep you trapped in there on purpose!... uh, peace?' So, monsters were able to live on the surface fairly easily, and legally.
The thing was, humans tended to see sex as taboo, especially outside of marriage. And, since nearly all the monsters were flirty, or lustful—humans tended to associate monsters with gross stuff, saw them as gross. So basically it was hard for them to get jobs and stuff, yeah...
Well Sans (Matcha) essentially said, fuck you, and put himself through school. Via selling hotdogs... and prostitution. (That comes into play later)
So as he spends four years in a community college, within that time monsters start getting more and more rights. Start settling down, and Toriel and Asgore even end up having another child! (Who won't be named for now)
Eventually, he graduates with a degree in psychology. (I do think Sans would make a hell of a psychologist, especially with the face reading)
And what does he do with it?
Well, gets licensed as a therapist, and then throws that out the window. Turns out, Sans doesn't appreciate the stigma around mental health, and how some people were afraid of therapists. Afraid to be judged, sent to psych wards, and he just wasn't having it.
So, he opened a café, specifically for trauma survivors and those struggling with mental health.
He ends up employing a lot of friends and family. Nice cream guy, Toriel, Papyrus, Muffet, Grillby, and Mettaton on weekends. The café was specifically designed to be accessible, and sensory friendly. It's opened at night, from dusk to dawn. (It's open at day, too, but not nearly as busy, and their mental health services aren't up)
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the-bastards-box · 1 year
Loveverse Characters Masterpost
List of all characters in Loveverse :)
Dusk (Nightmare)
Dawn (Dream)
Vista (Error)
Acrylic (Ink)
Necro (Reaper)
Gaia (Life!Toriel)
Finis (Reaper!Papyrus)
Shiv (Killer)
Axe (Horror)
Lint (Dust)
Oreo (Cross)
Berry (Blue/Swap)
Cinnamon (Stretch/Swap!Papyrus)
Phoenix (Geno)
Atom (Sci)
Neon (Fresh)
Crop (Farm)
Mocha (Ccino)
Cupid (Lust)
Willow (Horror!Papyrus)
Vanilla (Classic)
Chili (Fell)
Pepper (Fell!Papyrus)
Comet (Outer)
Calligraphy (Ink x Nightmare)
Creamer (Dust x Ccino)
De Leche (Ccino x Nightmare)
Ject (Sci x Fresh)
Micro (Sci x Fresh x Error)
Peri (Sci x Fresh)
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