#dva advocate
The "Fix" for 6v6
"6v6 this, 5v5 that. How do we fix this? Can it be fixed? I long for the days of OW1-"
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Alright! Alright.
I am a shameless 6v6 advocate (an Oldhead, if you will) and miss the days of double Tank that expressly allowed me to work with a Teammate to keep my squishies alive-
-or feed my brains out charging the front lines as a giant 9f armoured mess of a german yelling "Beer!" just before I'm flayed by focus fire.
That very specific feeling is a microcosm of all that it meant to Tank in a game like Overwatch. It is a feeling that celebrated the comforts and joys of limited engagement onto the enemy, so that you could provide maximum protection and safeguarding for your team.
There's nothing quite like pulling off a Winston Bubble-Nuke, Earthshattering a nano'ing Genji in your backline for the split second he's forced to touch the ground, or Halting some poor schmuck off the map as Orisa (the only vaguely enjoyable mechanic out of her Overwatch 1 kit).
And when I say "There's nothing" I genuinely mean, nothing.
None of that made the transfer over to Overwatch 2 for a variety of reasons. Damage Mitigation resources just can't be spent in those flashy ways anymore, while Support abilities make a mockery of every Earthshatter you might throw out there.
And Halt? Well that's just not in the game anymore.
This is Nostalgia, mind you. Nothing to be done there, beyond reminisce. A bit of the old ways while I dribble around looking for my first rocking chair and the inevitable shotgun to be wielded against future zombies/mutants/guvernmints on my lawn-
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-except that would just keep my awake for the next few years trying to appease the Neurodivergence, screaming about pattern recognition and Game Design using as many firing neurons as possible.
How to Build out a proper 6v6 Foundation:
The following is a small list of foundational changes from which, a Development Team could easily explore a re-structured 6v6 format that would also account for re-works and re-designs of varying quality.
(Or at least, the sorts of re-designs and re-works I would personally love to see but, would require this foundation to be possible.)
Each of these is meant to work in conjunction with one another, relaxing the more restrictive elements of the game to return a lot of the design potential needed to make really creative and engaging hero designs. Too much of that potential is locked up in large health, healing, and (potential) damage values.
(Note: Beyond the below changes, removing any and all Role Passives while reverting the Season 9 changes, except for the projectile sizes, would be necessary for any of this to work as intended.)
Let's get stuck in:
1 - Decrease Hitboxes for Hero models
This one is fairly simple. Reduce visual clutter by decreasing the over all volume of hitboxes within any given match. This would include not just the hitboxes of the Heroes themselves, but also any deployables and visual effects for abilities they would have.
It would not need to be drastic.
5% for Supports, DPS, and Junkerqueen (except for those whose hitboxes are already small I.E - Kiriko, Baby Dva, Illari, and Tracer).
10% for all other Tanks.
Maintaining the projectile size increase from Season 9 + reducing overall Hitboxes, allows for body shot potential to remain relatively easy, while increasing Critical Shot difficulty slightly.
2 - Provide all Heroes with 'Squishy' Health
Rather than attempt to reduce Tank Health (which promotes a lopsided degree of survival across individual Tanks), all Heroes in every Role should be given somewhere between 50 - 250 standard health
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This sets a firm, reflexive, understanding whenever a hero is vulnerable; either by operating in a vulnerable state to begin with in the case of many DPS and most Supports?
Or by damaging a Tank enough to put that Tank into their vulnerable or 'Squishy' health.
If all heroes can be measured inside the Squishy range, then every player in a given match has the potential to calculate the use of resources and values necessary to secure an elimination. Tanks are no longer relegated to such an extreme separation in Health states that they require their own separate calculations from enemies and allies.
With standard health universalized, Tanks are now free to be Tanks based on what type of Damage Adjustment Health they have (Armour, Shield, Overhealth, etc.)
Turn Overhealth into a Damage Adjustment Health type as well (call it Resilience or something) and give it to any Tank that uses Healing as a sustain mechanic (Roadhog, Junkerqueen, Mauga, any future Tanks with Healing Sustain).
Give Damage Adjustment Health different sound effects for when they take damage (metallic pings for Armour, digital 'woops' for Shields, etc.), to easily tell when dealing damage switches between the Tank's protective health and their Squishy health.
What this accomplishes:
Healers use less resources to get their Tanks back into their Damage Adjustment Health, increasing independence for Tanks and Supports both.
Tanks have significantly more Damage Adjustment Health, but, overall, less total Health (Rein would be 200 Health + 250armour = 450 Total Health).
Damage Mitigation design can be strengthened, improving Tank's active survival mechanics, rather than the boring/sustain of high health pools
Increased health consistency across all Roles, improves both player understanding and learning of the game's basics.
Reduced need for heavy handed CC/Debuff effects to punish Tanks.
3 - Universalize AoE Healing with Single Target
All Healing should have a percentage decrease, depending on how many Heroes are receiving healing from the same source.
Single Target healing will always receive 100% of the healing source
Ex. Ana Biotic Rifle or Mercy Healing Beam will always do 100% of their healing, before modifiers.
If a source of healing would affect multiple heroes, the source is reduced by 15% per target included in the Area of Effect.
Ex. Baptiste's Regenerative Burst would do 100% of the healing if no one but Baptiste is in the Area of Effect. It would do 85% with one(1) other Teammate in the AoE, and 70% if two(2) other teammates were in the AoE.
The lowest any healing could go (before modifiers) would be 50%.
Ult charge would remain largely unchanged, making AoE Healing's benefit fixed more on building more ult charge off of multiple heroes affected, while single target healing would benefit from higher healing output at source.
What this accomplishes:
Reflexive counterplay embedded in Damage vs. Healing values, further prioritizing of targets for both sides, that rewards good choices, positioning, and resource management.
Promotes the use of utility, alternative sustain mechanics, and survivability effects and their executions in non-Tanks.
Alleviates the stat creep of Healing, both in speed of application and total amount delivered.
And lastly (DPS players, the spoiled brats that they are, will probably hate this, but it's necessary):
4 - Turn Critical Modifiers into a Percentage based on Range (maybe, Travel Speed as well)
Critical hits will now be measured based on where a Hero's fall off range begins and provided a certain percentage based on that range (adjusted based on kit and Design Structure).
Falloff below 20 metres = 30 - 50% critical modifier
Falloff between 20 - 40 metres = 50 - 75% critical modifier
Falloff between 40 - 60 metres = 75 - 90% critical modifier
All damage output with Critical Option, will now be subject to the range at which the Hero doing the damage, operates at across all Roles.
Close ranged DPS (Reaper, Tracer, etc.), benefit from a larger critical hitbox on their opponent and do not need excessive critical damage to be a threat.
Longer ranged DPS, must hit a smaller critical hitbox on their opponent, rewarding higher critical damage for successful shots.
(Note: Projectiles will always be 100% of damage, due to travel speed and the more inconsistent nature of their application, though it might be worth testing this out using the above values as a range measurement)
What this accomplishes:
The lowering of Potential Damage, rather than Base Damage, strengthens access between lower level and higher level play, rewarding better positioning, game-sense, and non-mechanical knowledge, much earlier in the rankings.
Skillful play is segregated based on value extracted across Heroes (and Players) and their preferences, rather than on general optimization. Hero skill expression is much more rewarding, rather than Hero selection.
One-shots are heavily reduced to only the highest ends of Hero/Kit expression, allowing for significantly improved Kit Design for those heroes who relied on them to be useful (Widow, Hanzo, Roadhog, etc.)
Non-critical option Heroes no longer need excessive Damage output to compensate for the missing Potential Damage (Junkrat, Pharah, etc.).
Base Damage can be balanced across a wider range of numbers from patch to patch, hero to hero (no more 0.5 adjustments).
Damage Modifiers are now universalized with Critical hits as a total percentage, easing the calculations needed during fights.
Damage Amplification effects are far more tolerable for all heroes and can be much more easily balanced
Whew! A lot to work with, but overall, the above should be codable based on a variety of other examples that have already been included in the game at one point or another in it's history.
As a foundation, this would serve to place the entire cast into a baseline state of
"Everyone can be vulnerable, everyone can be healed, every can do damage, but it's up to the Player to execute for the win."
All while maintaining their Role's preference for How to execute.
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jenforjustice · 3 years
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🔴🔴🔴🔴ANNOuNCEMENT 🔴🔴🔴🔴 Don’t forget!! Tonight is an open DV support group! If you’d like the zoom information, please send me a PM. If you or someone that you know may be interested, please forward the information. We are always welcome to supporting fellow survivors. Join other survivors and receive the support that we all need and deserve on a private zoom meeting. For more information, you can send a PM to myself or to Jennifer Coffin.💜 Here is a little background information on how this #survivorpreneur turned her pain into empowerment. Jennifer is a survivor, advocate, and writer. A turning point in her recovery was when she started talking to other survivors of domestic violence. Through conversation she was able to see the extent of what she had been a victim too and was able to finally give herself grace and see her strength and resilience. As she works with other survivors as an advocate, She sees a common theme, we try to survive and recover on our own. A side effect of abuse is isolation, and society makes us believe we should feel shame "for letting the abuse happen." The combination of these two things is torturous and makes the leaving, recovery and living process harder than it needs to be. There are millions of us fighting the same battle, the same shame, the same trauma and we are stronger in numbers. We started this meeting to connect survivors to each other. Through our shared experiences and battles we find healing, community, strength and resources to keep going. Please join us and help raise our collective voice. -Jennifer Coffin #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolencesupport #helpishere #togetherwestand #speakupspeaknow #survivorstrong #survivor #youArenotalone  #recoveryispossible #dvawareness #dvam #dvsurvivor #dv #dva #personalgrowth https://www.instagram.com/p/CHD78hRgaPT/?igshid=15z47l9xxd3uj
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anarchyatlas · 5 years
why can't ppl celebrate their boring white being revealed as gay w/o demanding that us lgbt poc celebrate too? sorry we don't feel represented by American super soldier who beats up brown people in his introduction video 😢
RIGHT???? RIGHT????? 
no we’re not obligated to be happy with this! “the two faces of overwatch are gay that should be enough” no its NOT! why not make dva, whos bunny symbol has been used in korea to advocate for women’s rights, also be a lesbian or bi or trans? Why not genji, who’s the go-to dudebro main, arguably more than soldier76, be gay? Why can’t lucio, who has a fucking skin with the bi colors, be bi???? of ALL the people to choose, they’re going to choose the man that looks like someone took bread and soaked it in water (with the personality to match that) to be gay? and we’re just supposed to be okay with that? blizzard’s racism isnt something that can be sidestepped and yet im being yelled at because “oh hes the face of overwatch hes like the mc ;;;;;;;;;;” shut UUUP
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avacservices · 2 years
Website: https://www.avac-services.com/
AVAC Services l Australia's only professional veterans advocacy service with DVA accredited and qualified advocates.
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pharahlesbian · 7 years
Sorry to pop in here with negativity but i gotta agree with you, the new mercy ultimate feels really out of character for mercy, like, literally in Mercy's bio it says 'staunch advocate for peace', yet her ultimate turns her into a flying golden goddess with a fucking gun, idk what part of that implies shes a peaceful doctor who dislikes war
they're already nerfing the gun lmaooo but yeah i do agree that that specifically doesn't much fit into her official character description but also meta speaking it's a relief that she can actually like protect herself? and doesn't have to 100% rely on her teammates to keep her alive? like i know blizzard busts a nut talking about how much communication and working well together is the Essence Of Overwatch or whatever but the fact of the matter is when i just jump into quick play fuckin nobody ever communicates, im always the only one in chat, and no one ever thinks about me trailing behind them, and maybe my pharah didn't fucking realize i was behind her and she went into a building and now i have to float gracefully to my death. or maybe our dva panic ults in a tight corner, and the reinhardt she's fighting easily blocks it and kills both of us with two swings. or maybe that mei is spawn camping me and no matter how hard i press GROUP UP WITH ME no one fucking gets the hint. all real shit thats happened to me btw lmao! so i am pretty grateful that she can hold her own if she needs to. i've been a mercy main for a whole year now. Im Tired
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screametc · 7 years
also i really hope the devs are as careful and considerate with the dva and mercy reworks as they were with symmetras... like they really improved sym as a hero and made her so much more viable without changing her playstyle or her versatility (being able to play both passive and aggressive) too much AND without breaking the game, so i just hope they can achieve the same outcomes for my other two mains otherwise ill be :/
like i was such a staunch advocate for a mercy buff and/or rework but that was back when ana was the meta, so now that shes balanced i think all the healers are equally pretty viable... i understand res isnt fun to counter but even with invincibility so many mercy players are easily picked off or waste res “just to stay alive” and i feel like that balances her out well. plus it takes game sense to hide for a res so why punish players for that when their opponents should have enough game sense to flank as tracer or genji
and dva is tough to balance but i liked where she is now, people complain so much about defense matrix but she can only store 4 seconds worth of it at a time so i dont see the issue. once again it takes game sense and some skill to be able to manage your matrix so you can get the most value out of it, so i think its unfair to punish the ability itself. but a new ability could be cool and i guess ill just have to wait and see, as long as they dont ruin the essence of what makes me love to play those heroes ill be cool
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royalretainer · 7 years
everyone trying to play down the mei short saying we need lore! because they expected a pharah short...we know a lot about pharah and blizzard would have done the same parts we alreay know. its not the character and let mei have this and if you really wanted anyone other than mei without lore you should be advocating for dva...
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O varanju iz ljubavi i varanju varanja radi
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Ljudi su opsjednuti varanjem, kad treba i kad ne treba. Prošle godine, ja u dugoj vezi, upoznam drugog čovjeka, čovjek me očara i kažem tadašnjem dečku: ''Mi prekidamo jer meni su se počeli sviđati drugi ljudi'' - ako mene pitate, najpošteniji prekid ikad jer do prijevare nije došlo. Počele odmah psovke, od spolnih organa do svetaca: ''Ti me već mjesecima varaš s tim idiotom!'' - ''Dušo, bivša dušo, ne varam te, nego sam čovjeka upoznala prije dva dana, vidjela sam ga prvi put u životu i ne znam je li uopće zainteresiran za mene nego te ostavljam jer nam veza nema smisla pošto mi je u glavi, kad sam upoznala tog čovjeka, zasviralo I know you I walked with you once upon a dream". I ništa. Prođe neko vrijeme i ja se kao single osoba stvarno konačno spetljam s tim divnim čovjekom i bivši odmah počne s ispadima: ''Ja sam to znao od početka, ti si me varala s njim!'' Od tada je prošlo godinu dana, čak i više, ja sam već dva puta prekinula s tim divnim čovjekom i imam novog, i više sam no sigurna da onaj bivši koji već debelo spada u lanjski snijeg, baš kao i divni čovjek, i dalje sebi u glavi lamantira o tome kako sam ga varala. A stvarno nisam. Nadalje, hajdemo na jedan fast forward na ovu godinu, točnije na današnji dan. Imam novog dečka. Visokog. Pametnog. Prosijedog. Nebitno kakvog. Meni je lijep i dobar. Awww, how touching. Čak više nije ni novi dečko nego samo dečko jer to nešto divno i lijepo traje već koji mjesec pa je izgubio titulu novog i postao obični. Steady boyfriend. Upoznali smo se oboje kao single ljudi. ''Hoćeš čuti nešto najgluplje na svijetu?'' - pitala sam ga na našoj prvoj cugi. ''Hoću'' - kaže on, a ja: ''Sviđaš mi se''. Obično sam izravna kad mi se netko sviđa, ali how I work my works mysterious ways which some people like, and some don't - to nije poanta ove priče. Prošla dva ili tri mjeseca od toga i njegova od davnih dana bivša počinje vrištati: ''Ja idem na testiranje na spolne bolesti! Ti si me varao s tom blogerkom! Fuj!'' - draga, kaže se blogerica i ne, nije te varao sa mnom, u trenu kad te ostavljao nije znao da postojim. Zašto ljudi ne mogu prihvatiti da nisu uvijek ostavljeni zato što su nužno prevareni prethodno s nekim već da su ostavljeni jer ih je partneru simply dosta? Dosta njih kao njih, njihovih mana i vrlina koje su postale mane, njihove dosade, nedostatka ljubavi, dosta svađa, nepovjerenja, tenzija. Zar ne mogu prihvatiti da možda nisu jedno za drugo i da za to nije nužno kriva druga tj. treća osoba? Dalo bi se raspravljati da li je za moj prekid s početka priče kriv spomenuti divan čovjek. Ja tvrdim da nije već sam upoznavši ga samo uvidjela da there's plenty more fish in the sea iliti uvidjela sam razliku u čovjeku, toplinu u njegovim očima koju kod bivšeg već mjesecima nisam pronalazila... Krenimo sad na mračni dio priče, dio o stvarnim prijevarama koji ću podijeliti na varanje iz ljubavi (da!!) i varanje varanja radi. Shvaćam da je termin varanje iz ljubavi opako glup i da zvučim kao apsolutni idiot, ali pod to bih svrstala ovo: Bila sam u vezi, upoznala drugog tipa, s tim tipom prevarila dečka, varala ga tri dana ljubeći se po skrovitim parkovima i onda prijevaru priznala i dečka ostavila radi novog. Jer u novog sam se zaljubila. To je po meni varanje iz ljubavi, kad nam se osoba s kojom prevarimo stvarno istinski svidi - i kada ta prijevara znači pošten kraj postojeće veze. Slažete li se sa mnom? Vjerojatno ne jer riječ varanje i ljubav ne idu zajedno, ali ne nalazim bolji termin. Ono što želim reći jest da mi je ova vrsta prijevare nekako prihvatljiva. Takve stvari nosi život. Ne biramo u koga ćemo se zaljubiti i ponekad ne odabiremo najbolje trenutak u kojem ćemo pasti nekome u zagrljaj. Tu je i ono grozno varanje, ono gadljivo i degutantno, a to je varanje varanja radi s kojim nemam osobnog iskustva, ali vidim slučajeve oko sebe. Evo primjera poznanice koja je u navodno sretnoj vezi, planira brak sa svojim odabranikom, ali došla je na ljetovanje bez njega i prevarila ga, samo što ja znam, sa šest frajera. ''Kog briga'' - smije se ona: ''Ako on ne sazna kao da se i nije dogodilo''. U ime oca i sina i duha svetoga. Nisam neka puritanka, ali ovo ne razumijem. Čemu? Kakav je užitak širiti noge svaku drugu večer nepoznatoj osobi koju prvi put vidiš? To je varanje čisto varanja radi, samo da bi se učinio taj ružan čin. To je jeftino. Takvo ponašanje osudila bih i kod single osobe jer je cheap as fuck i nema smisla, tako se ne traži ljubav, a osobe koje to prakticiraju najčešće, tužno, ali istinito, misle da će tako naći upravo ljubav. Što reći kad to radi osoba koja tvrdi da je u sretnoj vezi i planira romantični odlazak na Vis sljedeći tjedan sa svojim kao majmunom izvaranim dečkom? Mene nitko i ništa ne može uvjeriti da se dotičnoj iz priče sviđa svih šest frajera kojima je u deset dana raširila noge. Slučajno sam dobra s jednim od njih, dečko je također u vezi i užasno mu je krivo što se to dogodilo. Shvaćam ga, popilo se preko boce gina i ''ljeto i more stara mangupa dva karte su izmiješala'' kako bi rekla Vesna fucking Pisarović. Dečku je krivo. Jako krivo. Ovoj kojoj je on bio broj šest je sasvim svejedno jer za nju je grižnja savjesti umrla s Van Goghom. I sad dolazimo do dijela - priznati prijevaru ili ne? Dečko želi priznati svojoj djevojci, a ja kao devil's advocate kategorički vrištim ''Nemoj!!'' Zašto? Zar sam zla i podla? Ne, barem mislim da nisam nego samo tvrdim da ako je riječ o takvoj, nazovimo, slučajnoj prijevari koja ama baš ništa nije značila i ako žalite zbog toga, don't. Don't speak. Words can only do harm. Jednom sam priznala dečku takvu bezveznu prijevaru i on je to kvazi oprostio. Kažem kvazi jer nabijao mi je to na nos svaki put kad bih presolila pileći paprikaš. To priznanje je bilo suvišno. I zato dečku iz priče savjetujem da šuti i nek zaboravi kao da se nikad nije dogodilo. Jer ako stvarno nije značilo ništa, ako ne ukazuje na postojanje osjećaja prema ovoj s kojom je prevario ili pak na manjak osjećaja prema svojoj djevojci, bolje to prešutjeti jer se priznanjem neće postići ništa osim što će djevojku povrijediti i to se nikad, ali nikad neće prestati spominjati. Čemu? Ako je prijevara nešto značila, ja sam za priznanje u svakom slučaju, ali ako je to čin koji je prethodio stanju zvanom delirium tremens... Šuti. Za svačije dobro. Priznanjem bi čak mogao prouzročiti prekid, a  to nikako ne želi jer on istinski voli svoju djevojku. Sad će netko reći da kako se mogao upustiti u pijani seks s ovom čiji je broj šest ako voli svoju djevojku. Netko će reći da boca gina nije opravdanje. Ja ću reći da nitko od nas nije svet i reći ću da jako dobro znam kako boca jebenog gina može iskriviti pogled na stvari. Kočnice popuste. Nešto jako glupo se učini kao dobra ideja. Razgovor vodi dodirivanju, dodirivanje vodi seksu. Ujutro se probudiš i plačeš od jada. Gadiš se sam sebi. To je već dovoljna kazna za ovu suvišnu prijevaru i zato tvrdim da postojeću kvalitetnu vezu ne treba ugrožavati priznanjem. Jednom sam slučajno ukrala upaljač u supermarketu, spontano sam ga spremila u džep kaputa i na ulici shvatila da ga nisam platila. Htjela sam se vratiti unutra, ali ipak nisam. Jer jednostavno bi bilo glupo privlačiti pozornost na sebe zbog ''krađe'' koja zapravo nije krađa jer nisam uzela ništa vrijedno. Isto je i sa suvišnim seksom nakon boce gina. Ne znači ništa. Zaboravi i ne privlači pozornost na to. To je moje mišljenje. Ali što ja znam. Ja sam samo glupa blogerka... Read the full article
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mcreyes · 7 years
BLM is a terrorist group that advocates the killing of not only law enforcement but men, woman, and children of a specific culture and creed. Promoting fan art of DVa (of all people) wearing a tshirt to counter her new skin is reprehensible and utterly disgusting. And before you judge you can't assume what I am based on these facts and opinions stated. Many folks of many races have spoken out against BLM and their twisted message.
So ur white right
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liache · 7 years
ok look I don't mean to attack you or anything but according to the overwatch wiki, Rat is 25, while Hog is 48. I checked so I would know in the event Disc Horse went down. Just putting it out there that I'm slightly uncomfortable with the fact that it's a big gap with 25 at one end. However, you make a great effort to portray them in a healthy, loving relationship, Hog checking himself to make sure he wasn't doing anything harmful, Rat advocating for himself, ect.
i understand if ppl are uncomfortable bc of their own personal experiences wrt age gaps, but its when ppl try and make it seem like hog’s an automatic predator or rat’s too immature or mentally ill to possibly consent to a relationship like it, thats when we start having Problems. it’s different than if rat were like, 18 or 19, since there’s still some mental development going on that finally evens out in your early 20′s. that’s why im kinda uncomfortable w shipping dva with anyone (bc i remember being 19 and. i was Not fully an adult yet). but im gonna be 24 in a couple months and like. its amazing what 5-6 years does wrt mental/emotional maturity
also the only good rr content is the healthy loving stuff tbh. lots of mutual respect and explicitly stated consent and reassurance and boundaries n stuff.
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randybenedict · 5 years
New psychological intervention could improve health of women experiencing domestic abuse
Training domestic violence and abuse advocates to deliver psychological support to women experiencing DVA could significantly improve the health of those affected. from The Medical News https://ift.tt/2raIPjs
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deepfinds-blog · 5 years
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Psychological intervention proves ‘life-changing’ for women experiencing domestic abuse Training domestic violence and abuse (DVA) advocates to deliver psychological support to women experiencing DVA could significantly improve the health of those affected.
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robynchill · 7 years
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💜 TODAY!!! SET A REMINDER FOR 6PM EST!!! 💜 . Tune in to "Mind Healing Conversations" as I sit down with Sonya Garth for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Sonya has a strong story of survival and she will share about her fight as an advocate, dating relationships, as well as honor the life of her beautiful daughter, Davia. Listen in so you can find out how you can get involved in the #TeamDavia movement! . 🔊 We broadcast LIVE on ElevationsRadio.com at 6pm EST! You can also listen via the TuneIn App! . ☎ We will also open the phone lines for Q & A at 440-252-0518, so feel free to call in and join the conversation! . #domesticviolence #dva #advocacy #healthyrelationships #saferelationships #relationships #dating #datingadvice #love #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #codependency #internetradio #radio #podcast #talkshow #encouragement #empowerment #women #livestream #soulcare #teamdavia #mindbodysoul #MHCRadio (at Robyn C. Hill Counseling and Professional Development Services)
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/john-oliver-eviscerates-one-of-warren-buffetts-favorite-companies/
John Oliver eviscerates one of Warren Buffett's favorite companies
John Oliver eviscerates one of Warren Buffett’s favorite companies – May. 15, 2017
One of Warren Buffett’s favorite stocks has just been attacked by HBO comedian John Oliver.
DaVita (DVA) operates dialysis centers, and Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway owns a nearly 20% stake in the company. It was the subject of a scathing 24-minute long segment on Sunday’s “Last Week Tonight.”
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Oliver accuses DaVita of pushing patients to continue receiving long and expensive dialysis treatments instead of having kidney transplants, which could eliminate the need for dialysis.
Four staffers of Oliver’s show went undercover to informational “Kidney Smart” classes at DaVita centers.
In several cases, the staffers were urged to get dialysis over a transplant — even though transplants tend to lead to longer survival rates for those suffering from kidney disease.
Oliver played footage of DaVita CEO Kent Thiry comparing the assembly-line type nature of dialysis centers to Taco Bell and other fast food chains. Oliver said Thiry owed Taco Bell an apology.
Oliver also referred to Thiry as a “showboating musketeer” who “dresses like an idiot” and made fun of his love of the Leonardo DiCaprio film “The Man in the Iron Mask.” (It is a comedy show after all.)
But Oliver ended his segment with a plea to viewers to donate their kidneys and other organs.
He even suggested the hashtag #whenidietakemykidneys, which trended on Twitter Sunday night and Monday morning. (HBO is a sister company of CNNMoney. Both are owned by Time Warner.)
But a spokesperson for DaVita said in a statement to CNNMoney that “we are proud of our differentiated clinical outcomes, our teammates’ dedication to patient care and our strong culture.”
DaVita added that “our teammates are passionate about delivering high-quality patient care and enabling our patients to live fulfilling lives.”
“We will continue to advocate for our patients and invest in our teammates and our culture,” the company said.
Fresenius (FMS), a German-based owner of dialysis companies that was also mentioned on the show, was not immediately available for comment. Shares of both companies fell Monday though.
Related: Buffett talks about ‘huge, huge, huge error’ at Wells Fargo
Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway was not available for comment either. But the stock has been a loser for Buffett lately, falling 12% over the past year.
And DaVita, which is the 12th largest holding of Berkshire Hathaway, is the latest Buffett investment to come under fire for controversial practices.
One of Buffett’s biggest investments is in Wells Fargo (WFC), the scandal-ridden bank that set up fake accounts.
Berkshire also owns shares of airlines United (UAL), American (AAL) and Delta (DAL), all of which are dealing with PR nightmares after videos surfaced of employees having confrontations with passengers.
CNNMoney (New York) First published May 15, 2017: 2:11 PM ET
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