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Earth-Numb; from ‘A Citrine Glimpse’, Ted Hughes//Black Sea at Night (1879), Ivan Aivazovsky
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virtuheaux · 11 days
Today is a sad day. My Nugget, my sweet precious nuggo boy is gone. R.I.P sweet boy
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
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Ted Hughes, Earth-Numb; from 'A Citrine Glimpse'
TEXT ID: And the moon in the bottom of the sea Was a shriek, a gouging The sea was like the hands and the hair Of the moon Whose shriek brought blood into the mouth And was the dumbness of blood And was the blackness of moonlight
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echowilds · 3 months
got 2/4 wisdom teeth removed today and the anesthetic is wearing off. everything is Bad
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astral-catastrophe · 4 months
I hate how this girl said I was her best friend.
Her best fucking friend in the whole fucking world.
Then the next I know. My simple question about her coming to a thing after class turned into an hours long argument over Snapchat because she was too much of a coward to say it in person. Or over text. A phone call. Snapchat. A place where her messages would be gone the second I saw them.
Then the way she switched between “you did nothing wrong” and. The “you did everything wrong”.
Then the. “Okay maybe I should have done a b and c.” But the phrasing and her perfectly posed self was a grab for me to immediately assure her she’s fine and did nothing wrong. I’ve seen her do it to others and explain it to me.
So I answered with a simple. “Yea. You should have.”
And so I stopped reaching out. It was always me who would reach out in the first place. So seeing that she won’t do the same and is clearly fine with her entire damned “friend group” angry with her over how she treated me? Everyone I showed her messages too said that no, I wasn’t crazy for seeing manipulation in her words. Because I was being actively manipulated through her sympathy pulls.
So. I was her best friend. But now that I told her how I felt about the crap she’s pulled, that’s five years down the drain.
Five years. Five whole years??
I meant so little to her that she would rather hang out with exclusively her boyfriend and not her actual friends, just because I’m me.
Just because I am who I am. Just because I decided I wouldn’t stand for any shit from anyone.
All because I asked if she was coming to something after school.
I hate the whole victim mentality stuff. Like. I can see. Did I say things I should not have? Oh probably, but did I say it in defense? Did I say it because I’ve been trying to live by my brutal honesty? Did I say it because I was tired of being treated like that? Did I say it because I’ve had too many awful friends?
Did I say all that because I hadn’t talked to someone who claimed to be my best friend in over a month because she wouldn’t make efforts to meet me halfway?
I spoke from a position of someone who wanted their friend back and only tried to defend themself.
Should I have told her that it’s upsetting that she never makes the effort to be around any of us anymore? I’m not sure.
But she shouldn’t have blown up on me for a simple question. She created a problem, singled herself out, then took out all her issues on me. We were best friends, as you claimed. So fucking explain why I haven’t properly seen or talked to you since the beginning of November, which was three ish weeks before this all went to hell. If we were best friends, you wouldn’t have abandoned me for a boy you’ve known for nine months now.
Nine months, verses five years. She wanted me as her maid of honor to her wedding with this guy. She wanted me to help wedding plan.
We’re still kids. I refuse to take part in that.
Especially since the last time I saw her it was in the hallway between classes. She excitedly came up to me, acting like nothing was wrong. My fight or flight kicked in and I booked it because the anxiety was so so high from an out of character moment.
But I hate myself for wondering if I want her back. I hate myself because no matter what I said the outcome would have been the same. Because no matter what I’ll do or could have done it’s always gonna be her boyfriend over me. I’m the second choice. The fallback.
Do I really want her back over the nights I’ve spent near hysterics. It’s almost five am and I’ve been up for hours anxiety ridden and thinking through so much.
Do I want her back after her manipulating me? Would I be able to look her in the eye without seeing the “I have an issue with you acting like I'm the bad person” and the “I know you do care. But I haven't heard a single fucking word until today” and the “And then you blowing up on me for not communicating. I stopped trying to communicate because when I do I barely get a response” ?
I communicated more to her than I did to anyone else. Anyone else. I dropped things I wanted to do to see her. I didn’t blow up. I only asked a simple question.
Am I horrible for asking a question, then defending myself when being accused of stuff that’s not true? Because oh man. I shouldn’t have said a word. Next time I’ll keep my silence because my words are too sharp and too true for people to handle.
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sklira · 10 months
Numb-Earth Linger | Portishead
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trans-xianxian · 9 months
all of my line art and coloring is fucking gone
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baddminton · 1 month
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mirrorvom · 1 month
Carve permanent grooves into
The skin of the earth,
And the rains
Run off
Disfigures natural landscapes,
Wearing them down over time.
Water is considered
A source of life
That every organism
Relies on in one way
Or the other,
And yet
It is when a volcano
When tectonic plates
Cause the earth to quiver,
To shake
That causes land
To be created.
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gregmarriage · 2 months
genuinely so fucked up right now, and so desperate to leave the house, that i would consider my pap smear, a holiday
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I blame barbie for my love of ballet shoes
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guess which elf im drawing with just this
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beemintty · 4 months
I don't really have a lot to say about the new year...
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nananarc · 11 months
Im in bed, was having a good time and enjoying a lot of feeling but then the thought of having to wake up and WORK..
My heart sank ..
Im so tired of this shit man...
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Ok so in relation to the previous post:
A customer (older butch lesbian(?)) flat-out told me (in a very kind, chill way) that I need to relax when I get off work and smoke some weed
I’m— [w h e E z e] god am I that tense-looking now? Djdjdjdjfjfjjdndjdndnd help
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aturnoftheearth · 2 years
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october is for lonesome dreams <3
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asexualjedi · 10 months
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Me when I’m asked if I want to join a journal. A few days after I submit my memo for the moot court try out and still have to do oral arguments the next month and having to give a response by Friday. Like truly I was like haha I won’t get in or if I do I’ll be able to choose the stuff all at once and see what I think I can do.
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