#eating dirt every day for nutrients
elonomhblog · 1 month
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how to reduce acne (and what is acne)
acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. it typically results in whiteheads, blackheads or pimples that can appear on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. acne is most prevalent among teens but can affect people of all ages. several factors contribute to acne, such as excess oil production, buildup of dead skin cells, bacterial growth and inflammation.
acne is not inherently 'bad' but it is a source of discomfort for many people. while acne itself is not a bad thing, it can lead to potential complications if not managed properly, such as scarring or emotional distress.
when reading this post, it is important to remember that everyone's skin is different and what works for one person may not work for another. i'd like to add that i am not a dermatologist, and this post is written with my own experience in mind as well as research online.
reducing acne involves a combination of skincare practices and lifestyle adjustments. here are some recommended actions:
properly wash your face cleanse your face twice daily to remove excess oil, sweat and dirt. some common face washing mistakes include using the wrong cleanser, over-washing your face, under-washing your face, the wrong water temperature and using a dirty washcloth. don't worry if this all seems confusing, here's a post on how to properly wash your face.
know your skin type use products suitable for your skin type only--oily, dry, combination or sensitive. you can find this out by visiting a dermatologist or (alternatively) researching the skin types and seeing which best matches your skin.
moisturise moisturiser curbs dryness, which balances oil production in your face and therefore helps to prevent acne. choose a non-comedogenic moisturiser to not clog your pores.
consider over-the-counter treatments think about acne treatments with ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
stay hydrated drink plenty of water to maintain skin hydration. good hydration helps to maintain skin elasticity, supports the skin's protective functions and prevents sunburn, sensitivity and oiliness. women should drink about 2.7L of fluids every day (including water, other beverages and food).
limit makeup use minimal makeup and ensure that it is non-comedogenic. don't stop wearing makeup if it is something you enjoy, however, try to limit it in acne-strong areas.
don't touch your face this is a big one, and yet so many people do it. keep your hands away from your face to prevent the spread of bacteria. seriously, you use your hands for so much--you don't want the germs of everything you've touched on your face.
limit sun exposure protect your skin with appropriate sunscreen. and remember to re-apply! limiting sun exposure also reduces skin cancer risk. balance is key, though, because the sun is necessary for vitamin d production and maintaining circadian rhythms.
exercise regularly physical activity can help reduce stress, which may contribute to acne.
enjoy a healthy diet eating a well-balanced diet can support skin health. consider reducing dairy and high glycemic foods. a diet with a low glycemic index may help balance hormone levels, which is the same effect when insulin spikes occur less. essential nutrients promote skin health and help to repair and maintain the skin barrier.
invest in stress management find ways to reduce stress, such as journaling or going for a walk. stress can worsen acne. this is because, under stress, the body's healing process slows down, meaning acne can take longer to heal and become more severe. stress hormones can also increase oil production, leading to clogged pores.
(images are from pinterest)
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loveandleases · 9 months
So! Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, the MC, or energy drinks to get the ROs up in the morning? What's the drink of choice?
Just throw MC right in the middle, that's right. Because people are craving Cam X MC X Ardent in my ask box. Below the cut~
❤️ Cam - Coffee, total black coffee. The stronger the better. MC would easily wake hi.... I mean Cam would never think that. denial It tastes like dirt but it really jolts his system. Cam sleeps like the dead.
💙 G - Tea please, green. Actual green tea. Not this sugared-down crap. A nice warm cup is all it takes. G likes to take their mornings easy. Get used to the day. Oh but the tea has to be made very specific, and in the right cup, and...
💚 Kara - It has to be an iced vanilla latte with almond milk. (Her drink ends up being like 67% sugar. Kara has a sugar high every morning, every single morning. Sorry office co-workers.
💛 M - ju hua cha (Chrysanthemum Tea), it is very high in nutrients/many health nutrients. Since M doesn't eat the best, they ensure to drink some every morning.
💜 Isaac - First protein shake, then energy drinks all the way. It won't just be a morning thing, they'll have another in 2 hours. Then like 3 hours after that. (way too many). Their dad yells at them about it, but Isaac is still chugging.
🖤 Ardent - Whatever is in the fridge. (lbh mc would more than be enough). The first thing he does when getting up is feed/water Cupid. Attempt to give her belly scratches and shower. He could be awake for an hour and still be "waking up".
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timidxtempted · 4 months
It's never just a carrot.
I was standing in my kitchen this morning looking out at the garden. The only bed that I can really see from that vantage point is the carrot bed. That's not a complaint, the carrot bed is actually my favourite one.
I like carrots. Always have.
They're delicious pretty much any way you eat them. Lots of good things for the body. Easy to hide in food for people who (for whatever reason) don't like veggies. Honestly, one of the first things I remember wanting to grow when I thought of trying to grow anything.
It turns out that growing carrots is a lot more complex than I thought it was going to be just from reading about it. Like most things, lived experience often veers off the course of what the research tells you.
Is your soil fertile? Is it balanced? What are the boundaries of the space you are growing? What are your favoured varieties? Will they grow well together? Do you have enough light? Do you have enough shade? Are you ready to dedicate yourself to watering, and to fertilizing and pest control?
Are you ready to do the work?
Make no mistake, it is work. The carrots in a garden don't just appear for your use with zero - or low - effort. Lots of work before you get to partake. It's hard work that needs to be consistently done. If that effort isn't maintained, the crop won't be very fruitful and you might not have them when you need them; alternately, your carrot won't be viable - it might just wither in the ground.
But you! You did the work.
You learned as you went, made adjustments... hardest of all - you learned that you didn't have to tend the garden all by yourself.
Good for you!
So now that you have a gorgeous fucking crop of carrots, everything is wonderful and you can stop working so hard! Right? Everything is planted and look at all the lovely green growing up out of the ground... and "oh I have carrots here, I'm covered for all happy carrots, everything is great and I can kick my feet up because look at all the carrots!"
Mmmm.... Carrots. We are all set.
Hold up, hoes.
Lo and behold, one day you need a carrot while you're trying out a new recipe. You go and pull one out and it's the most wonderful, beautiful carrot and it's perfect and bright and full of nutrients and oh-so-good-for-us-ness... you talk about how excellent the conditions are for your carrot, and how healthy your garden is and eat together in happy-joyful-floaty, well earned satisfaction.
Enjoy your healthy garden!
Next time you are cooking up a storm, you suddenly need another carrot and you run to the garden to pull one and... it's ugly and twisted and there's dirt caked in a crack down the side of it and why does it look hairy? But that's the carrot you have and you use it because... you. need. a carrot.
This time, you discuss the garden conditions and the soil amendments. You make the choice to add and change and adjust and grow with your carrots... You let the fucking difficult carrot teach you how to cultivate a better garden. You share your meal, and it is made no less nurturing or nutritious by the ugly carrot; in fact, it is made even more delicious and fulfilling by the work you have put in to enhance your garden... by the choice to secure your future full of delectable, lovely carrots.
Each time you pull a carrot - be it perfect or ugly as hell, each time you talk about pulling a carrot, each time you tend to your carrots... you can make the choice to improve your garden as a whole. You can make the decision to apply what you have carrot-learned to how you handle other issues you might someday come up against with your lettuce, or your beans.
Hey, something just occurred to me...
Kinda the same with safewords, isn't it?
Who'd have thought that carrots and safewords would have so much in common?
Are you ready to do the work?
To prepare your soil? Plant your seeds? Tend your garden?
When you are ready... Use every single veggie or herb you pull... Every flower you pluck... to make your whole garden healthier, more nurturing...
Having to harvest your carrots is not a bad thing. Done with respect, with care, with mutually supportive intention, it serves to improve your garden.
Making it stronger. Resistant to pests.
Growing ever healthier and more resilient.
Get fucking filthy.
Garden safe(word)ly on.
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mediocreanomaly · 9 months
Domestic Legato Drabble
Authors note: *No one writing for Legato* me: “Fine...I’ll do it myself.” no in all honesty I just need to see more post with Legato actually happy and healthy for once, like this man has been through too much to be left in the dirt (╥﹏╥) 
(plus I had to feed the Legato enjoyers, there's like??? Hardly any drabbles for him, I was shocked when I found out!) Hope you all enjoy!
**Trigger Warnings: General Legato things, complicated relationship with hair, complicated relationship with food, complicated relationship with body, implied past s/a, implied past abuse**
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Legato changes when he leaves the Gung-Ho-Guns. Not all at once, in fact to an untrained eye he’s exactly the same, but to you it’s like looking at a completely different man.
It’s the hair that changes first. He doesn’t like it long you’ve come to learn, it reminds him of when he couldn’t cut it, of hands that weren’t yours grabbing fistfuls of it. So he keeps it right at his chin, no longer than that. You can tell when he needs a hair cut because he’ll be in a more irritable mood, he’s a bit too harsh and a little cruel. The second sign is the overstimulation. He’ll insist every light is too bright, every sound too loud, every fabric too scratchy, for some reason he never seems to guess that it’s his hair causing his distress. The final straw, if you have some how not yet caught onto his less than agreeable mood, is his own hands. He’ll grasp and ungrasp the strands, tugging at them as if it’ll make it go away. 
Days like this you gently grab his hands moving them away from where they claw against his scalp, then you guide him to the bathroom. Only then will it click for him what’s happening as he relaxes on the edge of the tub while you make quick work snipping away the pesky length that’s grown. It’s not exactly a clean cut, you had warned him on many occasions that you were not a hairstylist but you were the only one he trusted to do it, so you persisted none the less. Besides, he enjoyed the imperfect haircuts you gave him, he was tired of being treated like a doll, of being meticulously picked over and groomed. There was a sense of rebellion in hacking the blue hair off without care of how the end result looked, so he closes his eyes and finds a melody in the snipping of scissors. Then when you’re finished, He’ll look in the mirror, and with one hand, push his hair back. You remember the first time you woke up to him with his hair pulled out of his face, you hadn’t asked him about it. You knew better and you’re sure your heart would break if you were the reason those gold eyes were partly covered again, so instead you silently take in his new look then turn to sweep up the blue dusting your bathroom floor.
The next thing to change is his body, if only slightly. You had always known Legato liked to eat, it was rare to see him with out some sort of snack in his hand but you aren’t sure you really realized how complicated that relationship with food was until the two of you moved in together. The first meals you had made him had been gorged down as if he hadn’t eaten in days despite the fact you knew he had been fed just fine. Maybe it was a sort of control thing, after all there was so little he was used to being in control of, so maybe this was another act of rebellion. After awhile Legatos physique beings to shift, he’s fuller, thicker, he looks more whole, more complete. You actually begin wonder how he had originally managed to stay so slim with how much he ate. Perhaps it was the stress that restrained his body from keeping the nutrients it was given or possibly he had ran more missions for Knives then you had realized.
 This too, Legato enjoys. The extra meat and fat lining his body just confirms he is no longer who he once was. No longer an object to be oolged at, no longer a dog to starve, he simply is. With this realization along with the sense of peace he’s found in your household, his eating habits change. He still eats but now it’s with more care, as if savoring each flavor rather than consuming as much as possible. Sometimes if you watch him closely, you can see him dip his head slightly as if giving thanks. To whom you aren’t sure, he doesn't believe in god, but when he puts the fork in his mouth and quietly mutters, “...it’s good.” you think you might know the answer. 
After that the changes come in the form of his personality. When Legato had first left he seemed...lost. There where times you’d find him around the house simply standing, as if waiting for a command and when he didn’t get one he’d focus on busy work, cleaning and recleaning the house. He wasn’t use to someone not telling him what to do or how to behave. At first this caused tension, he’d snap at you when things weren’t done the exact way he was taught, or argue over actives he’d deemed pointless. You never swayed though, you took the words in stride knowing they came out of stress rather than any real malice. In the end it payed off, because there were days when Legato simply did nothing. To an outsider this wasn’t anything to write home about, perhaps even normal, but to you it was progress. Days where Legato allowed himself the freedom to not get anything done, just because he didn’t feel like it. It felt foreign to him, sometimes he’d still get nervous expecting a voice to soon scold him for wasting time, but the only voice that ever came was yours, and only to speak sweet words into the air around him. So he’d put whatever tedious work he had had planned for the day aside knowing it would always be waiting for him tomorrow.
Finally came touch. This, was perhaps the biggest change in Legato. Ever since you met the man he’d kept you at an arms reach, even when you were dating. When he had confided his past to you one night, it was easy to understand why. You never pressed him on it, never attempted to push more than you should, you had been graced with having him by your side, why ruin it? Until one day the two of you had gone to the famers market together, needing to pick up some food from the stalls. You had begun to drift off, a stand of fresh fruits caught your eye which where rare on Gunsmoke, before you heard Legatos smooth voice say, “You shouldn’t wander, there's lots of people here today” as he guided you to the side with a firm hand on your back. You knew better than to ask him about it, you were sure it had taken a lot to even show such a display of affection but rest assured you were thinking about it for days. 
The next time followed only about a week later. You were upset, to be honest you can’t even remember what you were upset about now, it had simply been one of those days where when you come home all you want to do be mad. Legato watched you as you paced the kitchen going on about the sequence of minor bad things that had added up to your current bitter mood when your words were stopped short as you felt a hand slip into yours. You blink down at your intertwined hands, as if you weren’t 100% convinced it was happening before he simply said, “Go on” insisting you continue whatever rant you were on. Although, after this, everything that had upset you seemed to fizzle away into thin air. 
“I don’t...remember” you had said slightly embarrassed by the fact his touch had gotten to you so quickly. He had nodded and in turn offered you his story of what he had done for the day, holding your hand the entire time. Once Legatos small affections had become more frequent you found yourself more adventurous than before. The two of you were sat next to each other on the couch while Legato read a book, focused on the words as you busied yourself by studying his face. 
The curve of his nose, his jaw, his lips, his- 
“What?” Legato asked deadpan not looking up from his book as his flips the page. You are a little thrown off at being caught so obviously staring but you’ve come this far and don’t have much more to lose. 
“Can I touch your face?” you say it before you can really think of what the repercussions might be but instead you’re met with a slightly confused stare as he looks up.
“What?” he says again, this time with a bit more bafflement.
“Your face...I mean- can I hold your face in my hands?” you clarify. He watches you for a second as if trying to decide if you have ulterior motives or perhaps he’s just wondering why someone would want to do something like that at all, but he reluctantly nods setting his book down to see how this will play out. You carefully reach out and take his face in your hands, he’s warm. Obviously he’d be warm but for some reason it never fully clicked in your head how warm he would be until now. You run your thumbs gently under his gold eyes, he’s so close, you forget how pretty eyes are up close. You gently push the loose strands of his blue hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear and continue, softly tracing out the curves of his jaw, then cheek, then his nose, and finally you run a finger over his lips.
“Stop.” he says quickly. In an instant your hands are pulled back to you, scared you’ve pushed him too far.
“Sorry” You say weakly a bit ashamed of asking that of him but he shakes his head. “No it’s wasn’t bad” you look up surprised. 
“It wasn’t?”
 “No just...different. I needed a break is all” 
You nod understanding and relax once again against the couch.
“Maybe...tomorrow you could do it again.” he offers, and despite the fact he doesn't meet your gaze you know this is the most vulnerable he’s allowed himself to be in a long time. 
“I’d like that” you say softly, as a comfortable silence once again falls over the room. 
Legato changes when he leaves Gung-Ho-Guns. Not all at once, but even to an untrained eye you can just tell....it’s been for the better.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
I asked before but I think my ask disappeared, what are your tips for breeding isopods? Specifically, how do you keep your many many cups of isopods? What do they need to be happy in such a small space? (Specifically Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellio scaber)
I'm hoping to breed some of my current colony as I've been getting some interesting morphs (namely that orange one I sent in a while ago), and Australia isn't really somewhere where colour morphs are available - so I want to establish a hobbyist business in it to give other people interesting colour morphs here
Also if I can get them breeding I'm thinking of naming this colour morph "Phoenix"
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here is a typical 1/2qt cup setup: ventilated lid, a top layer of leaves to eat, enough bark hides to cover the floor, compacted soil that can’t be burrowed in easily. I offer chunks of vegetable and cuttlebone for nutrients, they’ll get whittled down over time and need to be replaced when eaten or molding. I also put in a reasonable amount of ~40% protein fish food every few days; it will mold if not eaten, so I only feed as much as they can eat in a night.
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as for amount of isopods, it’s a balance between the size of the cup, the surface area the bark can provide, and the size of the isopod. stacking bark can double the amount of available space, since most isopods will cling to bark rather than burrow. these young A. klugii are just about overpopulated after their last molt caused a very sudden growth spurt. I’ll probably be moving them to a tub in a couple days—cups really only work for about a year or less before you’ll need to move them to something larger.
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here’s one of my tiny cups for baby broods or a single pair of adults. pretty much the same as the above, just on a smaller scale. I’ve probably got another couple weeks with these ~40 albino Armadillidium nasatum before I should move them to a 1/4qt cup. these tiny cups don’t last long at all, but they’re convenient for monitoring isopod morphs for the first few weeks of life.
my reason for using compact soil is so that the substrate can be re-used. isopod poop will gather in a layer on the top, and is easily swept out with a paintbrush or water, leaving behind a clean floor (of course, be mindful of disease when re-using substrate!). in a cup setup, Porcellio & most other clinger/runner type isopods are fine on flat, hard dirt, and the frass layer is good enough for them to burrow in. Armadillidium tend to burrow deeper, so on top of their compact dirt I add a layer of loose granular dirt, gravel, or bark—composition isn’t important, but it gives them a place to nestle without digging up the compact part.
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I’ve swept some of the grit to the side to expose the compact dirt here. the babies will live in this and the adults may choose to make burrows to molt here.
the gritty layer can be sifted of frass and then re-used. of course, the compact dirt and the grit layer eventually ought to be changed out, but you can get a long lifespan out of them like this because they don’t get saturated with old frass like an entirely loose substrate would.
good luck with your projects! looking forward to updates on “Phoenix”
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balkanradfem · 11 months
On rain-related pests in the garden
So this year has decided to have one of the most rainy springs I've seen. It's been raining for a week and a half, and the prognosis is rain for another week. It reminds me of the first year of my gardening; we also had incessant rain for almost a month, and everyone was saying it was the absolute worst year for gardening yet. Me, who has not gardened ever before, thought it was the best year ever because I had garden produce like never before in my life (because I never gardened before), and was extremely pleased with it.
So, what does constant rain mean for gardening?
It means different things for different plants. Peas, for example, absolutely love it. Wet and cold is their ideal growing conditions, they're having a great time and growing visibly bigger every single day. Peppers are also having a great time! They love being watered and being watered constantly makes sure they'll produce some good roots. I've also noticed cabbage and kale doing very well in the rain, potatoes seem pleased, and all of the squash and the beans I've planted are coming out of the ground, and I'm guessing they're growing roots and waiting for sunshine to do better. Tomatoes, however, are not pleased at all. They're prone to getting sick if their leaves get water and then dirt on them, and since they're all small and close to the ground, they're getting dirty easily. They're also struggling to draw enough nutrients from the ground in the cold, so some are turning black, and others are a little frozen in time, just waiting until it's sunny again so they can grow.
There's a common problem in the community gardens, and people's gardens in general, where this much ran can cause a flood, meaning your plants can get their roots and stalks completely covered in water, and they do not enjoy or tolerate that. Plants that are drowning end up with their roots rotted away; it can happen to seeds as well, if they're completely underwater, they'll rot before managing to sprout.
There's another, equally big problem with this much rain – the slugs are thriving. Slugs have gotten into everyone's garden, and they're eating, well, almost everything in sight. I have had a good share of my baby bean plants eaten away, and I'm seeing big pieces of my baby cabbages missing. Beans seem to be their favourite, they're focused on annihilating them instantly, but they'll also happily eat strawberries when ripe, lettuce, cabbage, peppers, green beans, and anything that is pulled out of the ground and rotting. I actually found most of the slugs in my garden feasting on some old plants and weeds I pulled out that started rotting, there's something irresistible in it to slugs, apparently. So what can you do about slugs?
There's many tricks and methods commonly used and shared, like, put a container of beer in the ground, and they'll all drown in there. They can get picked off and eaten away by a specific variety of ducks. Some people will grow plants that are specifically alluring to slugs to distract them from their other garden produce, others will just go ahead and use diatomaceous earth or some kind of poison to get them to go away. I've never tried any of that; my true and tried method is picking the slugs off, and putting them somewhere else. It takes a lot of dedication and time, but it seems to work; if you're constantly in the garden and picking slugs away, they don't manage to reproduce, so you don't have to deal with their babies next year. With this much rain though, you'll get slugs no matter what you do, they can easily slide to your garden from any patch of grass nearby. Their eggs can also last for several years underground so eradicating them is completely impossible.
If you're trying to pick off your slugs, you need to know how to find them; slugs are not out there and eating your produce all day. They come out early morning, late evening, and after the rain stops. I will usually pick early morning or late evening to visit the garden, and pick them off once a day. It's good to remember to take some gloves so you do not have to deal with the slime (though apparently it's very healthy for the skin), and it's good to have a little container to put them in, so you can easily gather a lot before taking them away.
I found it's easier to find slugs if you're out there weeding and fertilizing, then you catch glimpses of them more easily than when you specifically go and look for slugs. We humans have the advantage of seeing the world from way higher above than slugs, and we tend to move a bit faster, so walking for 2-3 minutes and releasing slugs away from the garden, can disorient them from easily finding your garden again; it's likely they'll find something else to eat closer to their destination. I've never had slugs return in any significant number, it's more likely that you'll get new slugs who are just living closer to your garden.
From the book about 'pests' I've read recently, it's described that killing them largely does not work at all, because it's the food source for the animals that determines how fast they reproduce. So I don't think annihilation is possible, if you're creating a food source, they'll take it as a hint to reproduce at a higher rate, since resources are made available for them to do so. If you're introducing a species that is a predator, you have to count on that species reproducing massively as well, as you've put them in an environment with a large food source. Dislocating the food source, making it unavailable, or dislocating the animal that is eating your produce, so they can't find it again, could potentially hint them into slowing down reproduction, as they're not seeing any food source nearby, I think that's why this method works.
Another problem that is appearing in the garden as the result of the ongoing rain are ants. Ants by themselves are not that harmful to plants, but you know what they do? They'll farm leaf-lice on your plants. They'll find a plant and let lice put their eggs there and then guard the eggs and have bunch of lice eat all of your plants and it's terrible. So ants also need to get a little displaced and find somewhere else to build their farms other than your garden! I've not figured this one yet; I know you can mix 2 anthills in order to create an ant war and have them annihilate each other, but I don't want to make that kind of historical ant drama. I'll look into other options!
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riverofrainbows · 4 months
What gets me about the people that are really into skincare is the severity of the measures they use. I don't doubt that some of them have really bad skin problems, but a lot of them (especially since it became such big of a trend) have perfectly average good skin.
They're always like "here is a mask to really draw out the dirt in your pores" girl what dirt i thought you triple cleansed every morning and evening and never touch your face and change your pillow case every two days.
"here is a three step product combo to really lock in that moisture on your dried out skin" what exactly are the toner facemist serum fluid cream and sun screen doing then. Which you praised just two videos before to make your skin sooo moist and plump. How is your skin dried out if you apply 5 products to hydrate it every morning and evening.
"Here is how i as a dermatologist make sure to get no sun damage on my flight first of all i immediately shut the window screen" you act like 5 minutes of sunlight to watch the plane take off will turn you into a wrinkly pile of dust. You aren't a vampire but you sure aren't alive if you avoid watching the clouds even for a minute just so you look a little less old when you're 70.
"hi today I'm doing my biyearly chemical peel to give my skin a nice reset it always feels soo smooth afterwards " bestie what does it need to reset from i thought you had a perfect routine since you made 5 tutorials and an amazon storefront about it. Do you really think burning off the upper layer of your skin is a regular sort of thing you should promote to need? Do you really not feel the dystopia of normalising this sort of thing as the new base effort of skin care? Where did the cucumber slices go?
And it's quite similar to the way people really into food related wellness talk about their things.
"Here is a juice cleanse to really draw out the toxins in you" bestie i thought you ate "clean" so what toxins. What toxins please tell me.
"i always boil my wood spoons in baking soda water look at all the dirt coming out" you are just dissolving the wood stop making people scared of everything.
"I really need to get my daily vitamins in so here is a meal just boasting with vitamins" for every meal? You need to get in 1000% of your daily recommended intake of all vitamins for every meal? Why are you deficient of vitamins anyway you eat 'superfoods' for every single meal you have on your 15 "what i eat in a day"s.
"here is some unregulated supplements from my amazon storefront to heal your gut also do not eat anything with more than five ingredients don't eat anything you can't pronounce these processed foods are toxic and made of chemicals " what is in the supplements. What is in them i thought processed food was evil. How will they heal my gut is there a study what is in them what is in the supplements.
"Hi I'm getting a vitamin b and fluid infusion to have that extra boost of energy for my upcoming beach vacation" i thought you had the perfect energising diet soo full of nutrients and drank 4 litres of water a day what do you need infusions for that's just average bodily needs since you did not mention this as a medical treatment you were recommended? Why are you telling average healthy people that eating and drinking isn't enough anymore?
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alright time to write more about my precious fruit of the harvest instead of washing the dishes right away.
So obviously, I like watermelon a lot. I've since decided that it is my favorite food even though most of the time people are asking what your favorite meal is when they ask your favorite food. If I could eat watermelon as every meal I certainly would. If it was nutritious enough to survive off of only watermelon, I would. I can eat watermelon nonstop and eat enough for it to replace a meal. So, watermelon is my favorite food as it is the superior thing to eat. I made up the name "strange watermelon" when I was in middle school and was making an animal jam account with my friend. I got addicted to animal jam for a while and I liked the name for an online presence so I kept it. I don't think I'd ever explained my tumblr username before so there is the origins. The name "strangewatermelon" was taken, so I just made it a little different. I am the strangest, all the other iterations will never be as strange. where was I going with this? Oh yeah. I grew a watermelon in my backyard garden.
so. As the days became hotter and I went into marching band season, the watermelon seeds that I had planted long ago began to grow. The vines grew long and unruly. The flowers bloomed. And the first watermelon in the yard came to be. I got really exited about it and took a photo when I discovered it. About the size I imagine a kidney would be, and shaped like one too. So. After about a week that one died. It shriveled up, and I was a bit too busy to give extra care, so it was gone. then I discovered another. And another. Two small ones on the same vine. On a windy day, one of them snapped off. It was for the best, as two right next to each other wouldn't work out well when it was such a small garden with limited nutrients. And then the winner appeared
a fruit began to grow right next to the concrete. It became snug in there, so the wind wouldn't knock it around. And that baby just grew and grew. Only a month after I saw the first flowers, I had this huge fruit. I have written too muchc on this post. I fear that the people will grow bored. If you read this, let me know. So this huhe friit was the most beautiful thing ever. And cutting it off the vine felt sinful. But it had to be done if I wanted to get to eat it before the bugs. there was a spider and a centipede that were both living underneath the watermelon when I moved it. I suppose the spider kept away the bugs that wanted to eat the fruit. I don't know much about centipedes. So after cutting at the vine and finally getting it off, I wiped the big dirt and any bugs that might be there with a rag, and carried the harvest inside. There. I took a photo with it, then I washed it in the sink and with a rag, and finally threw her down on the table to be cut. Upon cutting, I couldn't stop admiring the beauty of it all. The beautiful green stripes, the interior bright red, the way the seeds just fell out easily and left little hollow spots in the flesh. The swirls in the flesh. This fruit grew from the dirt, the sun, and the rain. The bugs and creatures that I saw invading my other vegetable plants spared this fruit to let it grow large and unbothered. I've never grown anything so big. And even though I tried to keep the weeding up and the watering constant, as time went on I just gave up. But today I went weeding again and I pulled up all the invading grasses, I felt bad for them, but I kept going. And then I got to see this gorgeous fruit that came from it all. It was so sweet
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nancypullen · 1 year
It’s been a lovely couple of days and that’s mostly due to being able to play in the dirt.  It’s hard for me to remember that we’re not on Tennessee time anymore and I can’t rush the planting and blooming schedule.  If I’m being honest, I tried to rush it in Tennessee too and I was always the lady running out in a nightgown to cover tender plants to protect them from a late spring frost.  Having said all that, I’m ready.  Seeds have been sown, shrubs planted, soil prepared for bedding plants, and I’ve got an itchy trowel hand.  I need some red vinca and everything else will fall into place.  Send a wish into the universe that my Zinnia seeds all pop up.  They’ve never failed me in the past but I’m having to learn about new dirt.  In Tennessee I had to learn all sorts of tricks for growing things in clay. Now I have sandier soil.  Clay holds moisture, sand does not. The flowers beds I don’t worry about, I’ve added plenty of good soil and nutrients to those. Crossing my fingers that everything bursts into bloom and makes us the prettiest house on the street.  I love this time of year, all of the planning and hoping and little victories - that’s good for my soul.
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Aside from playing in the dirt, I’ve been painting again. I picked up a very ugly cupboard at auction for two dollars.
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It’s heavy and solid, so the bones are good.  I don’t know why they’d put a pressed wood top on such a sturdy cabinet, but it’s fine for my purposes.  I may have to cut a little strip of trim for the front, but that’s easy enough. A little wood glue and you’re in business. Anyway, I cleaned her off and removed that ugly hardware.
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Bet I could make some witchy Halloween jewelry out of those.
I’ll be using this for extra storage in my craft room and probably sitting my Cricut on top of it.  Since it’s going in that room, I decided to use the leftover paint from my desk rather than buy new.  I had plenty, why spend more?
I got the first coat on and let it dry.
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I went back and touched up spots that I missed and then let it dry. Today I put on the second coat, let it dry, and attached new hardware.
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Much better.
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Two bucks for the cabinet, some paint that I already had, and just under ten dollars for the handles. Twelve dollars total for some pretty craft storage is a WIN!  It still seems a bit plain to me and you know I like lots of foo-foo and fuss.  I may have to add some roses.  I’m definitely adding roses. Speaking of roses, it’s almost KENTUCKY DERBY TIME!  I look forward to the run for the roses every spring.  I’ve spent the last few weeks tracking horses, checking points, reading lineage charts, and still making my pick based on names and silks.  Although there are gray horses (my favorite!) in this year’s race, I’ve actually picked a bay.  I’m going with Practical Move.  The name reminds me of Practical Magic (a favorite movie),and the trainer and the owners have great backstories.  I’ll probably regret it. Practical Move is the youngest horse in the field, his jockey is 0 for 1 in the derby, his trainer is 0 for 2, but this horse has never finished out of the top three. Dare I hope?  Right now I think his odds are 14-1 which isn’t bad at all.  Could be worse.  They’ll draw for post position on May 1st and that can hurt the chances of even the best horse.  I think the smart money is on Forte, there’s a lot of fuss over him and he’s been winning, winning, and winning.  I just don’t get a good vibe. How many times have we seen the favorite fail to cross the finish line first?  Plenty.  I may eat these words on May 6th, but I gotta’ go with my gut.  If I don’t, then I have to do math (points, odds,etc) and I’ll do just about anything to avoid math. Besides, who can resist a horse whose parents are named Practical Joke and Ack Naughty?  Not me.
Alright, bringing this nonsense to a close.  The mister is upstairs on a Zoom photography club meeting, so I’m going to go soak in a bubble bath and read for a while. Fresh air and turning the dirt makes me tired.  Maybe it’s the pasta dish I made for dinner.  We rarely eat pasta and now I remember why.  It’s heavy in the tummy.  Definitely having salads for dinner tomorrow. That’s all from me. Go have a lovely evening. Have a treat, watch your favorite show, lose yourself in a wonderful book, or just sit outside and count stars. Feed your soul something good. Sending out lots of love tonight, enough for everyone. Getcha’ some. Stay safe, stay well, XOXO, Nancy
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faethfulrabbit · 2 years
🌱 Basil Genovese // Plant Information !🌱
✨Ocimum basilicum - Lamiacae; herb of the mint family !
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Care Information
Bloom Time: Late Summer
Height Range: Up to 24 to 30 inches
Space Range: Stretches out about 12 to 18 inches
Lowest Tolerable Temp: Around 40° to 50°
✨ Planting * takes 5 to 10 days to germinate, though I’ve been luck enough to get it in 3 !
Garden - Does best being planted in late spring/early summer.
Indoor - Basil enjoys a well aerated and roomy pot!
✨ Lighting * direct lighting is needed !
Minimum Hours - 6 to 8 hours
Maximum Hours - Around 10 hours
In my experience basil seems to enjoy being warm.
✨ Soil and Watering
When to water - New seedlings need steady watering for a few weeks, 2 to 3 for those who enjoy specific details ! Afterwards, its best to water when you notice it drying out or shivering.
Humidity - Humidity can be a great way to help in basil’s growth, keeping it between a 40-60% humidity level is best. However its not a need for planting, I’ve done well growing them without a humidity box!
Best type of,, dirt - A light, nutrient packed, and well drained soil.
✨ Fertilizing and Pruning
Feeding - Just like a humidity box, fertilizer is not a constant requirement for basil but it does help! A 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 ratio of a NPK mixture (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) is considered best. Basil should be fed every month or so.
Pruning and harvesting - Use. Sharp. Clean. Tools. I know some people prefer to pinch leaves off, but using tools can minimize the chance of damage. When harvesting basil, make sure to do so from the top down- a good rule of thumb is to never take more than half of what it has to offer.
✨ Uses & Warnings * dont take my word alone, I highly urge you to do your own research to find out what is safe for you.
Cooking ; Basil is most commonly used in cooking ! Especially italian dishes. Both the leaves and flowers are edible, however the flowers hold a more packed basil flavor. Warning; Basil is safe to eat however in non-food quantities it can be very unsafe. Especially for pregnant people, people nursing, and toddlers/babies. Basil oils/extracts may also interact with medications.
Herbal Infusions/Teas ; The same warning as cooking remains, be conscious of the quantities you consume, and the medications it can interfere with. That aside however, brewing basil or even its flowers in hot water can be great !
Burning or Incense ; You can dry leaves in a window sill or upside down in bundles. Make sure you’re using a fire safe container to hold and catch the burning ashes. Be careful to avoid inhalation and only burn it in a well ventilated space.
Plant Buddies
✨ Good - These dynamics benefit each other! Plant them together for different effects.
Asparagus ; Basil and asparagus can attract ladybugs, which may help in controlling aphid infestations. Basil can also be used to protect asparagus from asparagus beetles.
Borage ; Improves the flavor and growth of basil ! Borage is a great edible plant that aids in repelling pests of other plants, but also assisting other plants develop better disease resistance. On top of all of that, it’s a pollinators favorite !
Chamomile ; Enhance basil’s essential oils, and by extension its taste.
Tomato ; Basil is great with deterring the tomato hornworm, but on top of that, both plants have been shown to better each other’s taste and yield.
Peppers ; Peppers and basil share the same bond as tomatoes and basil. Not only do they enhance each other, basil is great for protecting peppers from hungry pests.
Root Vegetables ; While this dynamic is only one way, its good to know that basil helps protect the leafy tops of most root vegetables when planted around them !
Marigolds ; Both work together to create an effective pest repellent using aroma.
Anise ; Just like chamomile, anise helps basil produce essential oils and with it better taste.
✨ Bad - Not exactly friendly with one another.
Cucumber ; Because cucumber is a plant that contains a high content if water, anything it’s planted with will affect its taste. Basil is known to make cucumber taste unsavory.
Fennel & Rue ; Both fennel and rue are notorious for stunting the plants near them.
Mint ; Mint is a selfish plant.
Thank you for reading through this post ! I’ll be posting the second half with Spiritual History and Correspondences soon as well !
🌱 My Garden Life
🌱 The Spruce Eats; Basil Flower Uses
🌱 Masterclass; Basil Companion Planting
🌱 Seeds & Grain; Companion Planting
🌱 RxList Basil Uses and Side Effects *this may be about “Holy Basil” however i still consider the information important knowledge.
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nasamatgroup · 6 days
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To condition or not to condition, to oil or not to oil - when it comes to your hair you'll find all kinds of advice. Mothers' will tell you to "oil your hair" while your hair dresser will recommend the new IT thing "hair spa, Moroccan oil, strengthening not rebonding and all." Before you pick your choice of treatment, here are a few things you must know. Maintaining your hair is relatively easy once you know how to care for it. Since protein makes up hair, maintaining a healthy diet and good hygiene are crucial to having gorgeous locks. Properly washing and conditioning your hair is the first step towards having beautiful hair. Next, discover healthy methods for drying and styling your hair. Lastly, to promote healthy hair, adopt new, healthier lifestyle choices.
The two most crucial components of a healthy diet are iron and protein, and these are the first steps in taking care of your hair. The body's fastest-growing cells, the hair cells are also the first to suffer when you overeat or experience other deficiencies because they are not necessary for survival.
Incorporate as many iron-rich foods as you can into your diet, such as leafy greens, seafood, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and cereals. It is recommended by doctors that you take about 12 mg of iron per day. Additionally, since protein is what gives your hair strength, you need it. Add complete proteins—such as those found in cheese, milk, soy, lentils, peas, quinoa, and yogurt—that are also high in amino acids.
1. Regular Washing:
Wash your hair regularly to remove dirt, oil, and product buildup. The frequency of washing depends on your hair type—oily hair may need more frequent washing than dry hair.
How often you wash your hair should be based on how much oil your scalp produces.
If your scalp is oily, you may need to wash it as often as once a day.
If you have chemically treated hair, your hair may be drier, so you may want to washit less frequently.
As you get older, your scalp makes less oil, so you may not need to shampoo as often. But if you see flakes in your hair, you may not be shampooing enough. This can lead to dandruff and other scalp diseases.
2. Use the Right Shampoo and Conditioner:
Select a shampoo and conditioner based on the type of hair you have. For instance, use a moisturising shampoo and conditioner if your hair is dry. When washing your hair, concentrate on cleaning primarily the scalp, rather than washing the entire length of hair. Washing only your hair can create flyaway hair that is dull and coarse.
3. Avoid Hot Water:
Hot water can strip hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Instead, wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water. Hot water can strip the protective oils that act as a natural conditioner. And your hair's natural shine can disappear. This doesn't mean you have to suffer through cold showers to avoid dull hair. Instead, use lukewarm water to wash your hair. Pamper the scalp by massaging it while you shampoo.
4. Be Gentle While Washing:
To increase blood flow to your scalp while you wash, gently massage it; however, don't be too rough as this could harm your hair. take the time to massage your scalp with gentle pressure, sans nails, for about 3 minutes. Aim for the same kind of pressure a stylist uses when they wash your hair and give you a scalp massage.
5. Trim Regularly:
Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to get rid of split ends. Split ends form when the hair is damaged due to heat styling, pollution, smoking, stress and so on. Trimming does not magically make the hair grow faster. Hair growth happens at the scalp level, but trimming ensures healthy hair.
6. Eat a Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet high in vitamins and minerals benefits your hair's general health. Incorporate foods rich in biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients vital to the health of your hair. The same nutritious foods that are good for your body promote stronger, healthier hair. Load up on salmon and nuts! Their protein and omega-3 fats help create a healthier scalp. Leafy vegetables, beans, and carrots are also good for your tresses. Beware of fad diets aimed at quick weight loss. They can starve your body of important nutrients, which can lead to brittle hair or hair loss.
7. Avoid Tight Hairstyles:
Ponytails and braids are great ways to showcase your personal style. But when they're too tight, they can break off hair and damage the roots. Wearing a tight style around the clock can even make your hair fall out. Set your hair free every night! For braided styles meant to last months, leave hair a little loose at the scalp. If you wear heavy extensions, give your hair a break after three months.
8. Stay Hydrated:
Internal hydration coupled with external hydration is the key to well-balanced and healthy hair. You may be using hydrating hair care products and oils, but drinking at least 3 litres of water everyday ensures good hair health.
We are recommends some of the products which helps to protect your hair.
1. Ayurve Alovera Oil
2. Ayurve castor Oil
3. Ayurve Sesame Oil
4. Ayurve Hair Oil
5. Ayurve Jasmin OIl
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susu-0 · 16 days
Skincare Habits, A Must-Read for Women!
To have great skin, you need not only stick to your skincare routine but also work on your lifestyle habits. Today, let's share some practical tips that will help you nurture envy-worthy skin with ease!
Cutting down on sugar is crucial. Excessive sugar intake can lead to dull skin, enlarged pores, and accelerated aging. Therefore, try to minimize your consumption of sweets and high-sugar fruits to restore your skin's natural glow.
Drinking lemon water daily is beneficial. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which can brighten your skin and promote intestinal movement to help detoxify your body. Remember to use warm water for your lemon drink, as hot water can destroy Vitamin C.
Having a regular water-drinking routine is key. Ensure you're drinking enough water every day, at regular intervals, to help maintain your skin's moisture and oil balance, making it smoother and more refined.
Eating plenty of fruits is also a great habit for skin health. Fruits are loaded with various vitamins and minerals that provide ample nutrition to your skin. Especially fruits high in Vitamin C, like kiwis and strawberries, can help lighten your skin.
Eating breakfast is equally important. Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day, supplying the energy and nutrients your body needs. Opt for foods rich in protein and fiber, such as oats and whole wheat bread, to maintain your skin's elasticity and luster.
Properly washing your face is a basic yet essential step in your skincare routine. Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type, use lukewarm water, and gently massage your face to remove dirt and oil, leaving your skin feeling fresh.
Paying attention to sun protection is vital for skin care. Ultraviolet rays are a major cause of skin aging and pigmentation.
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rkang2000 · 16 days
Skin Care
Certainly! Here are some general skincare tips that can help maintain healthy and radiant skin:
Cleanse Regularly: Cleansing your skin twice a day, in the morning and evening, helps remove dirt, oil, and impurities that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Use a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive) to avoid stripping natural oils.
Moisturize: Moisturizing is essential to keep your skin hydrated and supple. Choose a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type and apply it after cleansing, while your skin is still damp, to lock in moisture.
Use Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen with a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days. This helps prevent premature aging, sunburns, and reduces the risk of skin cancer.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Hydration helps maintain skin elasticity and promotes a healthy complexion.
Eat a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients that support skin health. Foods high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can help protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.
Get Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. During sleep, your body repairs and rejuvenates the skin, helping to maintain its overall health and appearance.
Limit Stress: Chronic stress can take a toll on your skin, leading to breakouts, dullness, and premature aging. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and improve skin health.
Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Smoking narrows blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, reducing blood flow and depriving the skin of oxygen and nutrients. Excessive alcohol consumption can also dehydrate the skin and contribute to premature aging.
Gentle Exfoliation: Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and promote cell turnover for a brighter complexion. However, avoid over-exfoliating, as it can irritate the skin and cause damage. Use a gentle exfoliant 2-3 times a week, depending on your skin's sensitivity.
Consult a Dermatologist: If you have specific skin concerns or persistent issues, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your skin type and condition.
Remember, consistency is key when it comes to skincare. Establishing a daily routine and sticking to it can help you achieve and maintain healthy, glowing skin over time.
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azdskinandmakeup · 2 months
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Certainly! Here are some simple beauty tips that can help enhance your natural beauty and promote healthy skin:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity. Hydration is crucial for healthy-looking skin.
Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sufficient sleep helps your skin repair and rejuvenate itself, leading to a refreshed and radiant complexion.
Cleanse Your Face Daily: Wash your face twice a day to remove dirt, oil, and impurities that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Use a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type.
Moisturize Regularly: Apply a moisturizer daily to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin to lock in moisture.
Use Sunscreen: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days. Sunscreen helps prevent premature aging, sunburn, and skin cancer.
Eat a Balanced Diet: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. A balanced diet provides essential vitamins and antioxidants that promote healthy skin.
Exercise Regularly: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to improve blood circulation, boost oxygen flow to the skin, and promote a healthy glow. Exercise also helps reduce stress, which can have a positive impact on your skin.
Practice Stress Management: Manage stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or spending time in nature. Chronic stress can contribute to skin issues like acne, eczema, or premature aging.
Remove Makeup Before Bed: Always remove makeup before going to bed to allow your skin to breathe and regenerate overnight. Use a gentle makeup remover or cleansing oil followed by a facial cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin.
Avoid Touching Your Face: Minimize touching your face throughout the day to prevent the transfer of bacteria and dirt from your hands to your skin. Touching your face can exacerbate acne and other skin issues.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to skincare. Stick to your skincare routine and give products time to work before expecting to see results.
Smile: A genuine smile can instantly brighten your face and make you appear more beautiful. Don't forget to smile often and radiate positivity!
Incorporating these simple beauty tips into your daily routine can help you achieve healthy, glowing skin and enhance your natural beauty.
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