#ed and al vs mustang and his squad
ishvalan-alchemist · 1 year
Why I prefer FMA03 over Brotherhood.
Simply: How they treat the characters.
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I notice liking the character interactions much more in the first show. I found myself remembering Team mustang more in 03 than BH because they were kind of a goon squad. Yes, the tone of BH is more serious. But say Heyman or Havoc died, I wouldn't have cared as much. I can buy 'these guys are friends more in 03 because we see them goofing around and acting like friends more in 03.
We see Ed start out respecting Mustang in earlier episodes. A kid looking up to this military leader and wanting to impress him. Then realizing he's kind of a prick and letting egos clash.
Brotherhood drops in with the two already disliking each other. This isn't a bad thing, but I'm definitely more invested after seeing how Ed & Roy got to that point in their relationship. Furthermore, 03-Roy gets points for never putting his hands on Ed/a kid as BH-Roy does.
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Maes is introduced as Roy's friend calling him up to talk about his pregnant wife. From there, we see him as a skilled knife user, a new dad, a surrogate uncle figure to Ed & Al, the nerdy guy in the office that everyone is mildly annoyed by, and the right-hand man to Roy. All of this is over season 1. With his death closing out the season. The last image before the credits roll is Ed seeing his ghost.
BH tries to cram a lot of this in 10 episodes. That's nowhere near enough time for me to feel connected to this side character. He's been an overprotective dad, the nerdy guy in the office, and we see him use a knife 1 time in 1 scene. BH does better with giving his death closer (Roy vs Envy), but I didn't really care about Maes before they fridged him for Roy's development.
Nina is the same way to Ed & Al. In 03, I can buy that the Elrics saw her as a little sister because we see them interact much more across multiple episodes. In BH, it's all 1 episode.
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Paninya & Wirny's discussion in 03 feels more earned. The two talk about automail and how they view it all while Winry fixes her arm. This is after Ed scams a scammer that broke Paninya's automail. So while I do side with Ed on a personal level, I can understand where Winry's anger/disappointment is coming from in this episode. Also, this gives Paninya a chance to show her parkour skills under less 'happily committing a felony' reasons. If Paninya & Winry met again in 03, I'd be excited to see what else the two had to say or get into.
In BH, Paninya is just a thief who steals Ed's watch. Winry tells her to stop stealing and...she agrees. That's it. A 30-second speech was all it took. It's one of the most rushed scenes I've seen in any show and I genuinely hate it.
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Scar is the second biggest contrast I've seen of characters who're in both shows. Third, is Sheska whos a full character in 03 but is in 2 episodes in BH. The first is the next example I give after this one.
Anyway, Scar in 03 I absolutely can get behind. 03 as a show does everything to show the horrors of Ishval. From Roy & Alex's PTSD. To casual racism background characters have for Ishvalans. We see more Ishvalan characters outside of Scar so we have a fuller picture. He starts out as this guy cursed with the arm and just looking for answers. Falling back to religion at times and becoming calculated in his vengeance. Going from 'what do I do?' to leading a caravan saying 'here's what I need you to do'. He legitimately could've been the main character in his own story.
BH Scar is willing to throw down with a 12-year-old from the get-go. At times, it feels like he fights what the plot puts in front of him rather than seeking out a goal. I can buy this guy working with the military at the end of the show since 'the world is at stake'. But, just barely.
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The homunculi in 03 are humans that were brought back via alchemy. So, each of them can be killed if they're close to something from when they are alive. A body part, cloth, etc. It's much more personal when Izumi sees what would've been her biological kid joining the bad guys. Ed has to dig up the grave of his mom so he can defeat Sloth. It's so heavy and is one of my favorite moments in 03 with the colors of the sunset overshadowing Ed's face as he finds what he needs. It also makes the homunculi a threat with a weakness that ties into their origin. Manipulated by a villain who wants to live forever.
Meanwhile, in BH, the Homunculi are still interesting characters (except for Sloth). But they're just henchmen created for 1 immortal. With a weakness of:
"I figured it out. We just need to punch them really, really hard." - TFS Piccolo
I could keep going with more examples, but I feel as though that could come across as me 'hating' BH. Which I don't. I love both versions. But when I see 'Bh is better because it follows the manga', that means jack to me. Just because something is a more faithful adaptation, doesn't mean it's a better overall product.
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envythepalmtree · 3 years
My thoughts on 03 and CoS
When I started watching 03, I came in with really high expectations. And I loved it!! Especially the first half - I loved the melancholy tone, the way they fleshed out the FMA world. That being said I have Opinions™️ which also includes some criticisms, as usual. Hearing things about 03 out of context definitely colored my expectations and perception of it. This is partly about the writing of 03, but partly about my own experience watching it.
I’ve been meaning to write and post this for about a month, but only got around to it just now, lol. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen it.
What I liked
- The way it took the stuff from the manga and made a completely different story was AMAZING. Far after the storyline diverged, seeing influences from the mangahood storyline and how they were taken in a completely different direction was super cool.
- The tone!! 03 felt much more personal, much more melancholic. We really get to see how traumatic events like the fight with Barry the Chopper effect Edward, and we see that he’s really just a child. A child in the military. I know “03 shows Ed as a child soldier” has been talked about a lot and that aspect of 03 really lived up to what I heard about.
- I loved the fillers!! The adaptations of the bonus comics were delightful to watch and really fleshed out the Mustang squad in a way that Brotherhood didn’t. Roy quoting the Art of War during the Fullmetal vs Flame episode was super cool, ties well with my Xingese Roy headcanons, and I’ll probably write a whole meta on that later.
- Even though I have some beef with the ending, which I’ll get to in a bit, it felt really special to me, personally, to see the characters hopeful and happy even after going through so much loss. I really like the message that sometimes, we do fail. Sometimes, what we’re chasing after is never meant to be ours. But we can learn to get up, and keep going. We can let go of that lost heaven.
What I didn’t
- I heard the line “My sympathy will not be spent on soldiers” out of context. I guess I expected it to be some badass line from Scar about why his anger towards the Amestrian state is valid and not something he needs to apologize for.
- Instead, that line was delivered by Scar right before committing an atrocity - sacrificing a huge number of soldiers for a philosopher’s stone, and placing a huge burden on a 14 year old boy by making Al’s body that stone without his permission. And Scar, after all he’s been through, didn’t get a happy ending. It wasn’t some badass thing, it was painted as tragic. I was really disappointed about where that line ended up and I’ll probably write a whole separate post about the lost potential of that line.
- Ed’s admitting that he has racial bias didn’t live up to my expectations. One of my biggest criticisms of mangahood has been the narrative’s stance towards race: “I think we should ignore race and treat each other as equals!” A common response I got was, “03 doesn’t do that! They actually have Ed admit that he has racial bias!”
- When that scene actually happened, I was thinking, “is that it? Is there more?” And yes, much of that disappointment likely came from me setting way-too-high expectations for the race themes of a shonen anime from 2003. It was such a short moment and didn’t feel as climactic or important as it should have been.
- Roy Mustang. Roy Mustang. The narrative expects us to sympathize with him, to like him, but I found it very hard. In mangahood, Roy’s goal to become Fuhrer and change the country for the better, to help the Ishvalans and make sure that a genocide like that never happens again, is a huge part of the show. In 03, it’s hinted at. Roy talks about becoming Fuhrer in the miniskirt episode, and it’s hinted that he has good intentions and wants to help the Ishvalans. But it’s not considered important.
- And then he completely throws that away.
- Reading things from 03 out of context, I somehow got the impression that Roy was going to quit the military after realizing that he doesn’t want to work within the system anymore. And I was thinking “omg that’s so cool! 03 actually has Roy renounce his ambitions and leave the military, because it’s the best way to help the Ishvalans!”
- Nope. That coup he stages? It’s not out of anger at how the Amestrian state treats its people. It’s not to avenge Ishval. It’s to avenge Maes Hughes, Roy’s friend.
- Having Roy stay in the military, but give up his rank, almost feels like a halfway point between two good ideas: Climbing the ranks to change the country, or leaving because he doesn't want to uphold a corrupt system. Maybe they could've made it work, but I wish they grappled with the implications of that more.
- adklsfaksldfhjks I’m very angry about this and this probably also needs its own post.
- Things in the second half of the show just didn’t feel as fleshed out. In Mangahood we got some time to grapple with the fact that Amestris was created by Father to be sacrificed, to grapple with the implications of that. In 03, that revelation came so close to the end that we just didn’t have time. I was left with so many QUESTIONS about the worldbuilding and parts of the plot, especially after CoS, and they didn’t get answered. I feel like a lot of my problems with 03 would be solved if they added a few episodes. It’d give them time to slow down to add more details, or even just give us an episode or three of Backstory.
- Details on Dante and Hohenheim controlling humanity behind the scenes?? They just. tell us that they destroyed entire civilizations like Xerxes.
- Where do Gluttony, Greed, etc come from? If they were created simply to serve Dante, does that mean they were all created after Hohenheim left her?
- Why was Greed imprisoned? Why does he refer to the other homunculi as his sworn enemies?
- Lust is described as the “third Lust.” Who were the other Lusts? Is each sin a position in Dante’s squad, a role that can be filled after the one holding it dies?
- Envy is 300 years old. What the hell were they doing for all that time? Much of their character is based off of resentment of Hohenheim for leaving them and Dante, but that happened extremely recently.
- Hohenheim mentions that alchemy is fueled by people’s deaths in the parallel world?? And it’s NEVER mentioned again??
- How does the portal work? Ed landed in 1910s London, then 1920s Germany. But the times match up in CoS, with the 2 year gap and everything.
- I didn’t understand where the opening flashback about the uranium bomb comes from. It’s implied that it happened in the time gap between Ed joining the military and the Liore arc, but iirc the guy with the bomb came from the other world. How did he get there? How come Ed and Al spend a couple years knowing that a parallel world exists but it’s never brought up?
- How did Ed meet Alfons and get involved in the rocket stuff?
- From one of the guys in the Thule society: “but Hohenheim’s sons are from Shamballa.” HOW DOES HE KNOW THAT?
aklsfhsdj that was long. Stay tuned for some more metas about 03, because your girl has Opinions.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
What does the manga add to Roy and Riza's relationship that the anime doesn't have? Asking out of curiosity since I'm an anime only and they're still one of my favourite pairs of all time!
Oh, ha, I didn’t specifically point to the manga because I have anything in particular against Brotherhood (…or 2003 for that matter) it’s just not my canon, and I’m used to specifying which version of FMA I mean when I talk about the series. I do have a list of petty grievances against Brotherhood, but there is nothing fundamentally altered between Roy and Riza.
I mean. Yes. A number of my petty grievances are related to them. And feel slightly less petty as thought is spent on them.
But I would need to go back and watch the anime scenes again to point out the specifics of why.
[many hours later]
(As a note about this post, since I guess I did make the choice of tagging it, this is heavily critical about some specific moments in the Brotherhood anime, but before I get started I want to emphasize that my problems, with the exception of an example that spans a volume, don’t cover even two minutes of video. These things exist, and they bug me, and I clearly have things to say about them, but Brotherhood is 64 episodes long. My impassioned hatred of a few choice features isn’t indicative of my overall feelings on the anime.
Essentially, this is me having fun whining. Not trying to set off landmines. I hope it proves enjoyable.)
So there is this scene change in the first five minutes of episode 19 that has my eternal hatred and I have no plans to ever forgive. That has been true since it aired, and it is still true here today, because I am insufferably stubborn.
(I actually did a session about it before. I’m probably going to repeat most of it, but have a link if it interests you.)
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That is not the dialogue the manga goes with.
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In the manga, Riza’s interaction with Roy is focused on “what the fuck were you thinking why are you here.” Both versions have the scene with her berating Mustang for endangering the mission to save her.
In the anime, the above screencaps are what follow. After giving him a hard time for showing up at all, she thanks him for saving her life. Sweet, I guess, except Roy fires back with a mission-focused response.
If I were doing an anime-only meta thing, something could be said about the hypocrisy of Roy playing hero only to lecture other people about concentrating on the mission, and it would just be another cute thing. I guess. If I were in a charitable mood maybe.
But this is the first anime adaptation I sat through properly, angsting about every twist and turn and change.
My grudges. They last.
In the manga, Mustang brings up the slightly more personal aspects of what has happened. The reason he runs after Hawkeye is that he just lost Hughes, he won’t lose her, and he loses his head entirely. They have the yelling session over it, and he basically yells back the equivalent of, “yeah yeah fine -sulk sulk sulk-”
They leave Fuery and Hayate behind, and we have the presented moment.
Going to assist Riza is not the Proper choice for the military operation they’re running. It was a dangerous thing for Roy to have done, and she rightfully calls him on it. But he does it because he cares, and the fact that he cares is why all these people follow him. He’s a hopeless, idealistic dreamer at heart. His squad is loyal to him because he’s loyal to them.
Roy Mustang is a damn softy.
In the anime, Riza’s the one to call attention back to the whole life-saving motive. In the manga, it’s Roy.
In the anime, when it comes up, Roy dismisses it.
In the manga, when it comes up, Riza apologizes for worrying him.
It’s a small moment, but small moments are allowed to matter, and when small moments are changed, it leaves a bigger impact than if they were just left alone.
In the anime, this exchange, plus Hawkeye’s smile after, suggests that the sentimentality of the relationship comes primarily from her. Riza’s the one having her heart warmed when they have a job to do.
…That’s a slightly meaner way to put it than the scene perhaps deserves, but there is no unfair bitterness like unfair bitterness towards Brotherhood for me. Whining about this adaptation is a thing I do, despite honestly loving the majority.
Anyway, in the manga, the scene is both of them putting legwork into their dynamic. Hawkeye yells at Mustang for showing up out of sentiment, but when he expresses that sentiment in the aftermath, she expresses understanding of his perspective. He did a stupid thing, but they’re a team, and both at ease with their interplay.
In the anime, stop talking Hawkeye, don’t you know we have a job.
The manga is a conversation, the anime is putting a wall up to prevent that conversation. Especially annoying is that the character putting the wall up is the one who initiates the conversation in the manga. The anime drags Mustang back from his emotional openness and pushes Hawkeye to be more so, then provides a dismissal of her acting that way.
Besides being an inverse plus a step back for their relationship, it. also just feels kind of sexist. Instead of the man talking about feelings, the woman is. When the man talks about his feelings, it’s greeted with understanding and respect, when the woman talks about her feelings, it’s greeted with the instruction to put it somewhere else.
The fact that they changed it bothers me, because the way it is in the manga is great. It’s one of many small moments Roy and Riza have where they are shown to respect and care for each other.
The anime version doesn’t add anything, and lessens the mutuality of that bond.
I snarl in its general direction.
The other change that springs to mind is of a similar cloth.
Mustang and Hawkeye encounter the Elrics before they’re aware of Hughes’ death, and Mustang makes up a story about Hughes retiring in the country with his family so that they won’t go looking for him.
Hawkeye greets this with the face of judgment. “Why are you treating him like a child all of a sudden?” He’s never shied from giving Ed adult responsibilities before. This is a blatant lie. Roy says they don’t need any further obstacles to their journey.
A few moments pass. In silence, in the manga. In the anime, Riza points out that they’re going to find out someday. Then…
“…Who am I trying to kid?”
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(Funimation, the heck is with some of your translation choices. Did you just keep the simulcast version for the official DVD subs?)
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So there are a few things. The most obvious difference is the dialogue changes. Hawkeye is more insistent about how the Elrics will find out at some point, then after Mustang makes his character commentary, she calls it cruel instead of sighing and moving on to the next topic.
The other most obvious change is that Mustang smiles after calling himself soft in the anime.
These all sort of play together.
In the manga, Hawkeye is just as judgmental as she is in the anime, but she allows Mustang the space to dwell on his choices for himself. She asks him one question about how he’s treating Edward, then they walk in silence, her disapproval creating a tangible aura.
It isn’t simply Hawkeye judging him. He’s judging himself. In the anime it comes off as a, “tee-hee, what a silly softhearted boi I am.” So in the anime, she vocally objects to what he’s doing.
In the manga, Mustang takes in his inability to break the news to the Elrics as the emotional flaw that it is, and Hawkeye lets him off the hook. He doesn’t need a lecture; he knows his shortcomings. It’s not great, but he’s the kind of person who doesn’t want to tell Ed and Al that Hughes is dead because Hughes tried to help them.
Again, Mustang’s softness is part of what endears him to his crew. It is not always a good trait. Sometimes, as in this case, it’s actively causing problems. But it is who he is.
Riza knows this, and she can let this failure pass with a sigh because Roy knows it too. The anime version has a smile when it’s nothing to smile over. The manga version is more, “hahaha… fuck.”
Roy and Riza know each other and themselves extraordinarily well. They might have the boundaries of superior and subordinate, but they are comfortable enough in their understanding of each other that they are allowed to be themselves. It’s the conversation thing. There is an undercurrent of figurative dialogue to their relationship that never stops.
When they do call each other out in the manga, it does not keep the conversation from flowing. It continues it. Both of the above changes take it to a stuttering halt in their scenes.
Then we have episode 30.
After which, I do not have memories specific enough to shout about things or know if there are things to shout about, but episode 30.
-screams forever and ever and ever-
-intersperses screams with tears of anguish-
From what I know of being an FMA fan, it is difficult to be an FMA fan without being passingly familiar with the debates of which version is better. Usually it’s Brotherhood vs. 2003. My personal, obviously right opinion, is that this is the wrong way to do it, and it should be manga vs. 2003, because really it’s an argument over which plot is better, and Brotherhood’s plot is the property of the manga.
I also think it’s impossible to really debate. The two series have different feels and themes. They are both extremely well done, meaning that which one you prefer comes down to personal preference.
I’m pretty sure people who bother to have those discussions could say a lot more on the topic, but that’s my general, broad stroke, very glossed-over perspective on it all.
I mention this because I think anyone who loves FMA should read volume fifteen of the manga. If you’re not a manga person, you don’t want to read 27 volumes of manga, yeah, understandable. You have your version of the story, enjoy it, you shouldn’t feel the need to read the original if you don’t want to. The idea that you have to pour every bit of content into your brain to be a good fan is pretty unhealthy.
But I recommend volume 15 regardless, because the anime does not come close to presenting its content. It is four chapters devoted to the Ishvalan War. Outside the framing device (Ed going to return Hawkeye’s gun and asking about what went down), the entire volume basically stands on its own.
It is a harrowing, intimate depiction of the genocide campaign. That is the focus of the entire volume.
Scar’s backstory is moved to an earlier section in the anime, and Mustang burning Hawkeye’s back is moved to the Envy fight, so this might be an unfair barb to throw, but I still want to say it. The anime covers this volume in one episode.
-goes back to screaming-
(Honestly though, some of the best fun I ever had in fandom came from being on a forum full of manga fans and all of us yelling our despair over Brotherhood’s choices. You would never believe that this anime was considered the gold standard of anything.)
But we’re here for Roy and Riza!
There’s only one thing that sincerely bothers me to pain of the irritation of the above. Most of my sulking is just why did they do this to my favorite volume. Mustang and Hawkeye’s stuff is mostly intact. Except when it isn’t.
Chronologically, the first complaint is that when Riza’s father collapses (dies), Mustang is alone with him. In the manga, the scene ends with a shot of Riza, watching, terrified, from the doorway.
Also known as the scene where Roy calls Riza by her first name.
-still screaming-
The cemetery scene is truncated. The anime jumps right into Roy and Riza discussing Roy becoming a soldier. The manga starts the scene out with the focus on funeral things. Roy asks if Riza has other family, and what she plans to do now.
After that, he offers her his number, and they get to talking about the military and Roy’s dream.
They also cut this.
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In the anime, Roy discusses his military life through the lens of Master Hawkeye’s opinion on it, asking if Riza is going to disapprove as well. Roy starts talking because he assumes that’s how she feels about it, and preemptively defends his perspective.
In the original, when Roy hands Riza his information, she asks, “For the rest of your life…?” It’s followed by the above panel.
Roy’s monologue about his aspirations and his dream for what he can do as a member of the military happens because Riza asks. Not directly, but her addition to the conversation prompts him to talk about his views, and he mentions that those views are why he studied alchemy. In other words, why he’s standing in front of a grave, awkwardly trying to talk to his dead master’s daughter.
Following that, the original pays more attention to the lead-up of Riza entrusting Roy with her father’s research. In the anime, she jumps straight from the ideals topic to asking if she can trust him with it.
In the manga, there’s that beat of contemplation after Roy brings up alchemy, and how his master didn’t teach him everything.
Riza tells him that his dream sounds wonderful.
Another beat.
That’s when she tells him that her father did leave his alchemical secrets behind. Words about this are exchanged for a small number of panels.
In the anime, she asks Roy if she can entrust her father’s work (dream, values) to him. Directly after the dream dialogue.
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In the manga, when Roy tries to bring their discussion back to Riza’s father, and what he did with his research, Riza redirects him. It isn’t about her father. It’s about her, and by consequence, Roy, and how Roy’s dream inspires her.
“That dream… Can I entrust you with my back so that I can help make it come true?”
The anime severely underplays the significance of Riza offering her father’s research to Roy. They address it a little once Envy is being dealt with, but in the manga, all of the discussion of Riza watching Roy’s back is drawn from how Riza’s back is what’s given Roy the power to rise as far as he has.
It goes from maintextual subtext to subtextual subtext.
Also, the cuts to their conversation just plain means that there’s less of Roy and Riza interacting. The two of them are very, very young, standing in front of a grave and talking about ideals. The longer manga version allows the quality of their youthful awkwardness to truly shine.
The scene is dropped in the middle of the volume, whereas in the anime, it opens the Ishvalan flashback. There’s much to be examined about how that affects the emotional impact, but… geez that gets to be a lot of threads. Trying to go through all of the ways they crammed a whole volume into one episode is just going to make me dizzy.
Even if the theoretical focus of this post weren’t shipping, I’m not sure my brain would be up for that. There’s just so much going on, and the time allotted means it’s a Frankenstein job.
The one major difference for Roy and Riza, which I can’t believe they went with, and can’t believe my sad feelings every time I watch the episode and confirm yeah, they really went that way with it.
Why why why why why why why why must you hurt me this way.
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Riza walks up and says hi after noticing them because Hughes is babbling about his future wife.
The manga version does not. does not do that.
That’s not how it goes.
At all.
In the manga, Roy and Hughes run into each other on their break and start chilling together. Hughes gets a letter, does his excited babbling, Roy tells him to stop being a stereotypical red shirt, when suddenly
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Oh noes.
Roy and Hughes react as fast as they can, which might or might not end up fast enough, when a bullet goes through the Ishvalan’s brain.
There’s quiet for a moment, then Roy gets behind cover because oh no gunshot, and Hughes tells him to chill, it’s all good.
“We have the ‘hawk’s eye’ on our side. […] A real ace sharpshooter… who’s causing quite a stir in my circle of friends. She’s still in the academy but because she’s so skilled… they brought her to the front.”
Guess who.
Hughes and Roy, being the good people they are, go back to camp to thank the sniper for saving them. Hughes is his cheery self. Roy is not noticeably perturbed.
Then the sniper drops her hood and stands up.
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You could say I prefer the manga version. It has Riza being a badass, and adds to the shock they both have of seeing each other here.
Riza gets her own little horrified section of panels all about it.
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She was just helping out two soldiers. She didn’t realize until after she fired that one of them was Roy, and that he’s in this hell too.
The other thing that I enjoy about this particular sequence of panels is that in the manga, they come up a bit earlier. Throughout the manga, Ishval flashback panels are everywhere. As this scene is initially presented (Hawkeye looking at Mustang through her scope), many chapters earlier, it looks like maybe they’re on opposite sides.
Or maybe it’s just me who thinks that’s a thing.
In any case, it adds some serious drama to their reunion. In the anime, the drama is entirely that they are both here in this awful war. In the manga, a Mysterious Sniper saves Roy’s life and turns out to be his master’s daughter.
It’s just cooler, okay?
Their conversation when Riza becomes Roy’s aide is also truncated. Riza says her specialty is guns, because death doesn’t linger when you use them. Roy tells her, with what I feel is sympathy, that’s just a deception to make the work easier. She agrees, but because she’s decided that work is necessary, there we go.
I thought that would be my last thing, but now that I have volume fifteen open, I can’t help but go to the scene during the Envy stuff. I won’t touch the main scenes of that, though I’m sure there are changes, because this is already too long and I’ve officially gone through the things that personally affect my view of the anime, which… was, at some point, maybe, the point of the ask. ^^;
Basically, I will never stop if I go through everything, but in case it isn’t obvious, I really love the fifteenth volume, so to Envy we go.
Huh. They really didn’t alter much. The core’s all there. Because of the placement, Mustang gets docked a few lines, and he is rewarded one of Riza’s (about making the tattoo as illegible as possible) in return, but it’s basically the same, with the addition of Riza thanking him.
I have no particular feelings on that. The ending of the scene is different because it’s not intended to go with the rest of the Ishvalan War, and… I guess  I could manufacture some dislike over Riza expressing gratitude instead of the pure stubbornness the manga has. It distracts a little from why she’s asking those secrets to be burned off. They’re in a hell of their own creation. The soft thanks blurs the cutting edge.
Which isn’t to say I can’t have other problems with it.
As a manga reader who enjoyed Brotherhood as it was coming out, as well as someone who is writing this mostly from memory and going over only specific scenes, I have no way to ascertain how clear it is to anime fans what happens with Riza’s back and when. In the manga, it is excruciatingly clear that her father puts his research on her back, that is how Roy comes to have Flame Alchemy, and that is what Riza asks him to burn off.
Since that’s all in volume fifteen, the next twelve volumes are read with the understanding that before Riza is instructed to watch Roy’s back in case he falls, she offers him her back, and brings the ruin of Flame Alchemy to Ishval.
That history defines them. Their own choices plant them in that war, but Roy uses the alchemy she gives him out of hope for a better world to commit genocide. It’s a horrific weight on both of them, and his decision to have Riza, of all people, watch his back after the war?
Dude, it is such an amazing ship detail. Riza entrusts her back to Roy. He, in turn, entrusts his to her.
I get why it’s moved. Sort of. Given that volume fifteen is given one episode, I get why it’s moved. It’s most heavily relevant to Roy’s rampage against Envy.
However, I don’t think the power of knowing the depths of their connection earlier on can be understated. Roy and Riza’s devotion and synergy comes from watching their shared idealism burn the people they wanted to protect to a crisp, and their commitment to never letting that happen again. They create a hell through their good intentions. Having done that, they do not abandon their good intentions. They refine them and continue forward.
That is what binds them together. They rise from the ashes of their flames.
I do not, for the most part, think Brotherhood does them a major disservice. My gripes are pretty much all listed above, and my praises are endless.
But if you really love Roy and Riza, I’d seriously recommend reading the manga at some point, because there’s stuff the anime doesn’t bother with. AKA, yes, there is even more royai to be uncovered, don’t you want to seeeeee? :D :D
This kind of obviously grew past what you were initially asking, but I hope it serves a satisfactory answer regardless! Thanks for the opportunity to spam my love for these two!
…Through spamming my hate of stuff, but we’re ignoring that.
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hotwngz · 6 years
4, 7, 10, 11, and 16!
4. Edward or Alphonse? Why?yeah i feel like ed and al are a package deal but IG i will say ed. that kid consistently went harder than anybody and pushed thru insane injuries and setbacks by willpower and devotion to friends & family alone. ntm he had a significant impact on so many of the people that he met, he changed lives and brought together a lot of different people from different walks of life 2 form the best squads known to man. plus I appreciated that he was allowed 2 b angry w his dad, there was no forced forgiveness shit and also he got to sock him in the jaw lmfao stick it to the man. plus he literally beat truth so what else is there to say, he did that. 
7. Favorite location in their universe? Why?as if i was keeping track of any locations besides the big ones….a lot was happening i wasnt paying attention to where they were half the time.…. briggs was pretty but i wouldnt wanna live there id be freezing my ass off. resembool is the prettiest and probably most livable actually. damn. also i wanted to see Xing :/
10. Favorite opening?🤔the 5th one…sick af bt also that shit hurted after finishing the series :) 
11. Favorite member of Team Mustang?hawkeye. love a bad bitch
16. What’s your favorite episode and why?naturally the dublith episodes, when Ling shows up, the one where slug envy happens, when greedling happens, mustang vs envy was also dope even tho i didnt want that little bitch to die :(, and tbh every episode where greed fights bradley. &ALSO the ones where team greed is a thing. what an iconic gang, greed and ed + their new chimera dads. i wish we could have seen the antics while they were cruising around w/ greed “”in charge”” b4 that time skip
Fullmetal Alchemist asks!
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