#eddie telling buck he needs to chill tf out
pigstepmp3-moved · 5 years
OKAY but Buck wanting to have that surgery as soon as possible even though both Maddie and the Doctor say he should wait. He won't listen to them not even Bobby who Maddie calls hoping that he will talk some sense into him. Finally Maddie at the firehouse and talking to Chimmney and lets it slip. Eddie overhears and you bet your ass he went over to Buck's to sort him out/talk to him about it.
YEAH YEAH YEAH. buck just REFUSES to listen to reason. like, the sooner he can get in and get that surgery, the sooner he can heal from it, and the sooner he can go back to work (ideally). but as soon as eddie finds out about what bucks tryna do, like. hes not havin that at all. so he shows up at bucks place to have a Talk with him and convince him that like??? u need to wait and let ur leg heal???? time heals all wounds or w/e???? but buck jus kinda. breaks in front of him. bc he doesnt want to wait. hes already waited enough, and he already feels pathetic and annoying and useless as is, and if he has to be on bed rest any longer then hes gonna feel WORSE. but eddies just so gentle and sweet with him and tells him that its ok to just stay on bed rest to let it heal, and that nobody thinks hes pathetic or annoying or useless, they just think hes a victim of a really shitty circumstance. and OBVI eddie manages to convince buck to chill tf out eventually bc if theres anyone who can get to buck, its eddie
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