#edible garnish
clairehoneybee · 2 years
The Edible Flower Garden - Petal to Plate
The Edible Flower Garden – Petal to Plate
Edible flowers are frequently for sale at farmer’s markets but most people are hesitant to take the plunge and actually eat them. Garnishes – yes, but actually eating flowers??? For most people that is a different story. But flowers can add a lot to the flavor as well as  appeal of a dish.  Go to Squash Blossom Recipes  to see what you can do with squash blossoms.  In researching this post, I…
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humhowellujah · 3 months
i'm drunk off two lavender martinis what the fuck do you MEAN dan and phil went on a step by step recreation of their japan trip as a part of a HONEYMOON episode for their sims. be so fr rn be so serious please. dan howell you have 4 minutes to respond . phil, keep it up babygirl. lavender martini recipe in the tags
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aurora-inscribe · 10 months
How to Grow Microgreens at Home
Growing your own microgreens is a rewarding experience that can provide you with a consistent supply of fresh, flavorful, and nutrient-dense greens. Not only are microgreens easy to grow at home, but they are also a cost-effective way to ensure that you have access to healthy produce year-round. 
Microgreens are the young seedlings of vegetables and herbs that are harvested when they are just a few inches tall. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. Plus, they add a burst of flavor and color to salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and other dishes. 
Starting your own microgreens garden is an excellent way to incorporate more fresh produce into your diet while also reducing your carbon footprint. By growing your own greens at home, you can avoid the environmental costs associated with transporting food long distances and packaging it in plastic. 
In addition to being environmentally friendly and nutritious, growing microgreens is also an enjoyable hobby that can be done indoors or outdoors. Whether you have limited space or live in an apartment without access to a garden plot, you can still enjoy the benefits of gardening by starting a microgreens garden on your windowsill or balcony. 
In this blog post, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to start your own microgreens garden. We will cover everything from choosing the right container and growing medium to selecting seeds and harvesting your microgreens. By following our guide, you'll be able to grow fresh greens in as little as 7-14 days! So let's get started on creating your very own homegrown microgreens garden. 
Choosing the Right Container and Growing Medium 
When it comes to growing microgreens, choosing the right container and growing medium is crucial for the success of your garden. The container should be at least 2 inches deep and have drainage holes to prevent water-logging. You can use a variety of containers such as plastic or wooden trays, shallow pots, or even recycled containers like egg cartons or yogurt cups. 
The growing medium you choose should be lightweight, sterile, and have good water retention. This is important because microgreens have delicate roots that need oxygen to grow properly. Some good options for growing mediums include peat moss, coconut coir, or vermiculite. 
Peat moss is a popular choice for many gardeners because it is readily available and affordable. It has excellent water retention properties and provides good aeration for the roots. However, peat moss is not a sustainable resource and can contribute to environmental degradation. 
Coconut coir is an eco-friendly alternative to peat moss that is made from the fibers of coconut husks. It has similar properties to peat moss but is more sustainable and renewable. Coconut coir also has natural anti-fungal properties that help prevent diseases in your microgreens. 
Vermiculite is another option for a growing medium that has good water retention properties. It is made from expanded mica minerals and provides good aeration for the roots. However, vermiculite can be expensive compared to other options and may not be readily available in all areas. 
In addition to these growing mediums, you can also mix them together to create your own custom blend that suits your needs. For example, mixing equal parts of peat moss and vermiculite creates a well-balanced growing medium that provides both good water retention and aeration. 
Selecting the Seeds 
When it comes to selecting the right seeds for your microgreens garden, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, it's important to choose seeds that are specifically labeled for microgreens. These seeds have been selected and treated with care to ensure that they will grow into healthy, flavorful greens that are perfect for eating. 
Some popular options for microgreen seeds include arugula, broccoli, radish, and sunflower. Each of these varieties offers its own unique flavor profile and nutritional benefits. Arugula has a spicy taste that pairs well with salads and sandwiches, while broccoli microgreens are packed with vitamins A and C. Radish microgreens add a peppery kick to any dish, and sunflower microgreens have a nutty flavor that is perfect for snacking. 
In addition to choosing the right type of seed, it's also important to consider the quantity of seeds you'll need for your container. As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to use about 1-2 tablespoons of seeds per container, depending on the size of the container. It's important not to overcrowd the seeds in your container as this can lead to poor growth and even mold. 
By carefully selecting the right type and quantity of seeds for your microgreens garden, you can ensure a bountiful harvest of fresh, nutrient-dense greens that are perfect for incorporating into your favorite meals. 
Sowing the Seeds and Watering Them 
Once you have chosen your container and growing medium, it's time to sow the seeds. The first step is to sprinkle the seeds evenly over the growing medium. Make sure that you don't overcrowd the container as this can lead to poor germination and growth. 
Next, gently press the seeds into the growing medium, but be careful not to bury them too deep. Microgreens need light to germinate, so if you cover them too much, they may not sprout. 
After sowing the seeds, it's important to water them properly. You can use a spray bottle or watering can to gently water the seeds. Be careful not to over-water them as this can cause fungal growth and rotting of the seeds. 
Keep an eye on the moisture level of your growing medium and make sure it stays moist but not waterlogged. Over-watering can also cause problems with mold growth and root rot. 
It's important to note that different types of microgreens have different requirements when it comes to seed spacing and depth, so be sure to check the instructions for your specific variety. 
By following these simple steps for sowing and watering your microgreen seeds, you'll be well on your way to a bountiful harvest of fresh greens in no time! 
Covering the Container and Placing It in a Warm, Dark Area 
After sowing your microgreen seeds, it's time to cover the container and place it in a warm, dark area. By doing this, you'll be creating a mini greenhouse that will help retain moisture and promote germination. There are several options for covering your container. You can use a lid if your container has one or plastic wrap if it doesn't. Ensure that whatever you use is transparent to allow light to penetrate through. 
Once covered, place the container in a warm and dark location such as a closet or cabinet. The ideal temperature range for most microgreens is between 60-75°F (15-24°C), so ensure that the room you choose falls within this range. Keep an eye on the seeds daily and mist them with water as needed to keep them moist. Be careful not to overwater them as this could cause mold growth. 
It's worth noting that some microgreens require different conditions during germination stages. For example, some seeds like sunflower require more light than others while others like cilantro prefer cooler temperatures around 50°F (10°C). Therefore, before starting your garden, research the specific requirements of the seeds you plan to grow. 
After a few days, depending on the variety of microgreens you're growing, you should start seeing sprouts emerge from the soil. At this point, it's time to uncover your container and move it into a sunny spot where they can receive adequate sunlight for photosynthesis. It's important to note that different varieties of microgreens require varying amounts of sunlight exposure; therefore, research each type before exposing them directly under sunlight. 
Harvesting Your Microgreens 
Harvesting your microgreens is an exciting and rewarding experience. Most microgreens will be ready to harvest in about 7-14 days, depending on the variety you choose. You can tell when they are ready by their height, which should be around 1-2 inches tall, and the development of their first set of true leaves. 
When it comes time to harvest your microgreens, use scissors or a sharp knife to cut them just above the soil line. Be sure to rinse them gently with water and pat them dry before using them in your favorite recipes. 
Growing your own microgreens is an easy and fun way to get fresh and healthy greens at home. By following our step-by-step guide, you can enjoy a steady supply of nutrient-dense greens that are perfect for salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and more. Not only will you save money by growing your own produce, but you'll also have the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your food comes from. So why not start your own microgreens garden today? 
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sorrowfulwill · 9 months
tbh I’ve probably eaten pesticide before when I used to pick clovers from my backyard and eat them
Clovers are edible btw just get them clean you don’t wanna end up like my pesticide eating ass
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fourthage · 2 years
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The borage is blooming!
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middle-name-queer · 1 year
Ideally I like to taste different aspects of a meal separately before enjoying them together. So say, I'm eating a salad, I'll try a plain leaf, a romain one. Then one of the little cranberries. Then a pepita. Then a piece of kale. Maybe then I'll try the dressing before mixing it all together.
I pass no judgements on the individual parts of the salad, I just want to establish in my mind what flavors come from where so when I eat them together I can differentiate between substances. I don't always do this if its food items I am already very familiar with or I'm short on time. I also don't always do this because I don't like when people notice and point it out. Sometimes I can do this covertly like when I'm preparing the meal or just my own plate. Say, I make a sandwich, with ingredients I am unsure I've tasted before, I just tear off little bits to eat before I finish stacking the sandwich components. I am a nor.al man.
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kcrossvine-art · 26 days
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Hi fellow adventurers!! Welcome to chapter 2! We're going to be attempting a nice lil fruit-focused quiche/frittata/pie thing. And yes, tomatoes are fruits.
Who says you cant eat totally normal things in a dungeon with definitely no monsters in them? 
You know what that means; Man-Eating Plant Tart!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Man-Eating Plant Tart?” YOU MIGHT ASKThe way its prepared in the show is akin to a frittata, but the crust is borrowed from quiche world.
Whole milk
Bell peppers
Cherry tomatoes
Pitted green olives
Thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
In the show they use leftover hotpot stock, slime, and mashed up fruit as the batter ingredients. Fruit mush is easy to work with but I couldn't find any stand-in for slime that would cook correctly into what they made in the show, and the hotpot stock is just not thick enough to carry the base. It is too many watery ingredients at once. Needing a thickening agent, both gelatin and agar agar were tried. It was edible but the texture was… gelatinous. Regular egg and milk will serve for our purposes.
The next complication was the crust- so in the show its made with the skins of fruit, straightforward yeah? Well. You see it also has to be 1. Thick enough to bake without burning 2. Harden through cooking to be sliced and held and 3. Inedible. Lotus leaves? Plantain leaves? Really thin gourds? I couldnt find any historical basis for a savory food cooked in this method, or similar method, with an intentionally inedible crust. I could find a few dishes which used leaves as their crust, but none that hardened during cooking and even less that used fruit skin. I chose sweet potato skin for its visual match and texture. It is edible, and it is not a fruit.
I hope youll forgive me for these 2 major deviations as i wanted to keep it looking how it does in the show while also ensuring it tastes good.
AND, “what does a Man-Eating Plant Tart taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKFluffy, airy, savory, salty.
The density of the eggs is offset by the crisp fruits
And the saltiness doesnt overpower the remnant fruit-sweetness
(If you eat the crust) the sweet potato brings this nice muted, smokey, flavor
Spongecake-esque in consistency
Would pair well with cranberry or strawberry juice
Would also pair well with a mellow hot sauce?
. You can use heavy cream instead of milk for a creamier batter . Roast the fruit longer to remove more liquid if too wet (and vice versa if too dry) . Smoked paprika, pepper flakes, cumin, garlic powder, and onion powder would taste good in the mixture
"A mixture of mashed up and cut up Man-Eating Plant fruit, slime and scorpion soup is poured into a pan lined with the flattened peel of the fruit and cooked before garnishing with some more fruit. Described as salty by the group."
From start to finish this recipe took 3-ish hours? Shredding the potatoes took the longest, so if you get them bagged itd be cut down. A very filling recipe and a good way to sneak veggies/fruits in if you have a hard time getting enough of those essential nutrients. The best advice i can give is to add salt/seasonings at every stage of the process, to build up layers. It makes a difference flavor-wise (even if its just salt). I advise against reheating if possible. The filling will make the crust soggy over time.
If you want to be closer to the cooking of the show, you could double the fruit amounts and mash them together while halving the amount of egg and milk. I hadnt tried due to budget reasons, but it should work with some finangling. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys with how todays recipe turned out <333
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do better, and what would you have done instead?
3 Eggs
13oz whole milk
2 bell peppers
2 small persimmons
140oz cherry tomatoes
12oz pitted green olives
34oz thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
Heat oven to 420f and grease a 9-inch pie pan.
Thinly slice (or shred) your sweet potatoes and squeeze out any excess moisture. Coat in olive oil, salt and pepper.
Press sweet potato mixture evenly into and up the sides of the pie pan.
Blind bake for roughly 25 minutes or until lightly golden-brown. No worries if the edges get crisp.
Remove pie pan from oven and set aside.
Core and chop up your bell peppers and persimmons. Coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Line out on a baking sheet, evenly spaced, and roast for roughly 20 minutes or until softened. (you can do this at the same time on a separate rack from the pie crust if you have room)
Remove the stems from your cherry tomatoes, and drain/dry your green olives if canned.
Bring a frying pan to medium heat with olive oil. Add the green olives and sautee until their skin texture starts dimpling. Add the cherry tomatoes and continue sauteeing for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Once the bell peppers, persimmons, cherry tomatoes, and green olives are all done, set aside to cool until just above room temp.
Lower the oven temperature to 350f.
In a mixing bowl combine your eggs and milk, add salt to taste. If you want other seasonings nows a good time!
Once uniform in color and texture, add your cooked fruit. Stir until evenly distributed.
Pour mixture into the potato pie crust.
Bake for roughly 40 minutes. The filling should be mostly firm, but wiggle *slightly* when you shake the pan.
Remove from oven and let rest for roughly 15 minutes before serving.
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Gold Hibiscus Flower Garnish
Gold Hibiscus Flower Garnish
I have done this before and it still took me a couple of times. Testing garnish floating questioning placement Gold Hibiscus Flower Garnish Ingredients 1 jar of hibiscus syrup with edible flowers 1 package of gold leaf sheet 1 bowl of room temperature water 1 bamboo skewer or toothpicks Method Fill a bowl with room temperature water. Separate one tissue paper gold sheet from the other…
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najia-cooks · 5 months
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[ID: A greenish-brown soup with an herb garnish in a bowl surrounded by a halved lemon, green cardamom pods, and bay leaves, followed by a close-up of the same soup. End ID]
شوربة الفريكة / Shorabat al-frika (Green wheat soup)
Frika (فَرِيكَة or فَرِيك; also transliterated "freekeh," "frikeh," or "farik"‎) is durum wheat harvested in the early spring, while the grain is green, unripe, and tender. Durum wheat, or semolina, is a different species of wheat than that which is ground to produce all-purpose flour (common wheat, or bread wheat); it is used to make couscous (كُسْكُس), bulghur (بلغور), and many types of pasta, and is widely consumed in North Africa, the Levant, and the Arabian peninsula. After harvest, unripe durum is sun-dried and then set ablaze in piles to burn off the straw and leave just the heads of wheat, resulting in a nutty, smoky flavor; the heads are then vigorously rubbed, traditionally by hand, to remove the bran. Frika is named after this last process; the word comes from the verb "فَرَكَ" "faraka," "to rub."
A staple in Palestine, shorabat al-frika (with diacritics, Levantine pronunciation: شُورَبَة الفْرِيكَة) is often eaten as an appetizer with the fast-breaking meal during Ramadan. It may contain nothing more than an onion, olive oil, frika, and water, but sometimes contains meat (usually chicken, but also beef or lamb), green chili peppers, and spices including cardamom, black pepper, bay leaves, turmeric, cumin, and seb'a baharat; some people today like to add chickpeas. Shorabat al-frika is often prepared with the chicken broth obtained by boiling chicken to make musakhkhan (مُسَخَّن), and served alongside it. It is a warming, filling, and earthy soup, with a complexity of flavor imparted by the frika itself: a fresh tartness due to the unripe grain, and a roasted aroma due to its harvesting process.
Shorabat al-frika is in keeping with a Palestinian food ethos of using simple, local ingredients to their fullest potential. Frika itself is sometimes thought to symbolize adaptability and resilience, as it was often eaten in times of scarcity when other crops were not yet ready to be harvested. Legend holds that it was discovered in a time of similar necessity: when villagers in the eastern Mediterannean tried to salvage a field of wheat that had been burned by ambushing soldiers, they found that the grain was still edible beneath the blackened chaff, having been saved from the fire by its moisture.
Frika, due to its centuries as a staple in Palestine, has also come to symbolize acceptance, Palestinian history, and connection to the land and community. In the Palestinian diaspora and amongst internally displaced people in Palestine, food is conceived of as a form of connection to homeland across distance; continuing to make Palestinian food, and remembering or using baladi ("native," "from my country") varieties of grains, produce, and herbs, is a link to the land and an expression of the hope to return.
By the same token, though, frika has come to represent Palestinian displacement and "cultural obliteration," per Rana Abdulla. One of the ways in which Israel rhetorically justifies its existence is by claiming sole ownership of an old, organically arising culture rooted in the land: the easiest way to do this is, of course, to rebrand what was already there. Food connects and combines language (in terminology and pronunciation), culture, history, climate, and land into one web of discourses, and is therefore a prime site for colonial myth-making and ideological nation-building. Thus a construction such as "Israeli freekeh" is, in fact, an intensely political one.
Nevertheless, frika continues its life as a symbol of connection, community, and resistance during adversity in Palestine. Nasser Abufarha, of the Palestine Fair Trade Association, noted in 2015 that more and more Palestinians across the West Bank were harvesting some of their wheat early to make frika, rather than relying on cheaper, imported rice. As of October 23 2023, and in defiance of an Israeli air raid which destroyed their kitchen in 2014, Jamil Abu Assi and his cousins were using frika, alongside lentils and rice, as staples in distributing food to thousands of refugees per day in Bani Suhaila, near Khan Younis. Others in the community donated ingredients or volunteered to distribute meals.
Support Palestinian resistance by contributing to Palestine Action's bail fund or to Palestine Legal's defence fund, or by attending court or making a sign to support the Elbit Eight.
1 cup (170g) frika baladia (فريكة بلدية), Levantine frika
4 cups water, or vegetarian chicken stock from concentrate
1 large yellow onion, chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 green chili pepper (فلفل أخضر حار), sliced (optional)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper (فلفل اسود)
5 cardamom pods (حب هال)
2 Mediterannean bay leaves (ورق غار)
250g chicken (or beef) substitute, torn or cubed (optional)
Salt, to taste
Parsley, to garnish
Halved lemon, to serve (optional)
I have kept the spices relatively simple, as most cooks do, to highlight the earthy end of the taste spectrum and to allow the flavor of the frika itself to come forward. Most people add at least cardamom and black pepper; many add bay leaves to this duo; turmeric is the next most common addition I have come across. I have seen a few people add cumin, coriander, or allspice.
Frika can be found in the grains section of your local halal grocery store (labelled "فريكة", “فريك" "freekeh" or "frikeh"). Look for something that specifies “roasted.”
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You may also be able to find frika at a speciality or health foods grocery store, but it might not have been fire-roasted as it is in the Levant. If your frika doesn't smell toasty, try roasting it in a dry pan on medium-heat for a few minutes until fragrant.
Frika may be found whole, cracked, or fine (نَاعِمَة‎ / na'ima). You may use any kind for this soup; most people use cracked or fine frika, because of its shorter cooking time. You can pulse whole frika a few times in a food processor or spice mill, until coarsely ground, if you prefer a fine texture but can't find fine frika.
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1. Heat olive oil in a large pot on medium. Add onion, a pinch of salt, cardamom pods, and bay leaves and fry, stirring occasionally, until the onion is golden brown.
2. Add the chili pepper and cook briefly until softened.
3. Add frika and black pepper and roast, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes until fragrant.
4. Add the water or stock and stir to combine. Bring to a fast simmer and cook, covered, about 50 minutes for whole frika and 20 minutes for ground, until fully cooked. Add additional water as necessary. The frika will still be chewy at the end of the cooking time.
5. Fry meat substitute of your choice in olive oil with salt, black pepper, and a optionally a pinch of Palestinian seven-spice, until browned. Add to soup and stir to combine. Taste the soup and add salt and more black pepper, if necessary.
6. Garnish with whole or chopped parsley and serve warm.
The meat is usually added to this soup just after the onions, and simmered along with the frika. You can do it this way if you like, but I have never found simmering to do the texture of meat substitutes any favors.
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knitmeapony · 2 months
Fake blood recipes
Hey fronds -- I've been meaning for years to put together my recipe book for all the kinds of make-it-in-the-kitchen fake blood that I have tweaked/perfected over the years.
For LARPers, theater nerds, prop makers, etc -- all using things that 1) you can buy in most standard grocery stores or 'health food' stores with maybe one exception 2) you can buy year-round 3) are generally safe to handle (ymmv with allergies, kids, pets, etc, but in general nothing toxic)
yes, SFX makeup is pretty freely obtainable these days, but there's something nice about the DIY and the quick and easy
So just off the top of my head I can write about the following -- any questions I might be missing? Any strong opinions?
(stick the word 'fake' in front of blood for all these):
standard corn syrup blood
honey and other syrup bloods for people with sensitivities to corn
blood that drinks well (using thickener, etc) even over several hours
blood that tastes good (cocktail garnishes, maybe some straight up cocktail and mocktail recipes)
blood that's not sweet (most are somehow sugar-syrup based, but there are vegetable juice based bloods that won't make your teeth ache)
blood isn't plain red -- good dye balances to use
allergy friendly food dyes
Examples of matchable color swatches of real blood in medical settings, spilled, dried, etc. -- clipped as pure color swatches so you don't have to have possibly uncomfortable pictures lying around
examples of blood variations (blood banks separate red cells from plasma for instance)
making 'other blood' -- edible ways of making green, blue, and glowing blood
Problems to solve:
blood that flows vs blood that dries nicely (the actual material)
blood that looks new/wet even when the material is dry
blood that looks old/dry/scabbed but is still comfortable to touch or wear
Permanent staining blood (for costumes, art projects etc) vs washable blood (for LARPs or stunts at halloween)
Blood that is thin and writes and sprays smoothly (I start with soy sauce, usually); recommended dip pens and brushes
Blood that makes good fingerprints and other shapes
Make your own blood capsules (mouth friendly and otherwise)
Maybe with an extra index on how to make blisters, bubos, and such just with things you can buy at your local drug store.
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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theblasianwitch · 1 year
So I've been spending the last few monthes reading, watching, walking, and just overall researching foraging safely and the types of plants in my area. Today was the first day with my spouse and son that I was able to identify some plants confidently... so of course with my direction we began foraging.
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It saddens me that one of the main motivators for foraging today is knowing that my neighbors and my mother in law would be getting their lawns mowed soon and most of what I gathered today would've been lost. People just don't know what they have.
We pay to remove plants, herbs and even fruits growing naturally in our lawns, only to go buy the same plants from our grocery stores.
Plants found:
Dandelion: the whole plant is edible if you can spot it from its copycat. The leaves can be used the same way as most greens, it's roots when dried can be used to brew Dandelion coffee, and the flowers can be used for tea and to make honey
Chives and Onions: a common herb and garnish its stalks grow back once cut. If left to grow long enough they absorb nutrients better and can produce bigger onions but for now these chives were found before being mowed over and the onions are quite small but very strong and flavorful
Dead nettle: this one was new to me learning about it near the end of winter and seeing the small purple flowers growing. The flowers and leaves droop downward almost making a closed umbrella shape. It can be eaten raw or cooked and is used in salads and smoothies for garnish and flavor. They are high in nutrients and vitamins. Left to grow in the sun the purple turns almost pinkish and the leaves get lighter but still useful
Pine (cones, needles and seeds): I didn't forage the cones or needles today cause I knew I'd be busy, but baby pinecones can be cooked and eaten and the needles when cleaned and placed into an airtight container with water and sugar make a soda. I managed to find a few seeds in some of the fallen cones and saved them to plants in our future home
That's what we foraged. We are waiting for some more plants to develop and managed to convince my mother in law to leave certain sections of the lawn left uncut as some plants are still just starting back. Plants were waiting on are plantains, honeysuckle, and violets. Some plants are still too early to identify.
Using the dandelion greens tonight and making a pesto with some of them combined with the dead nettle and onions to use for a future pasta.
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morallyinept · 8 months
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Pedro Boys & Cocktails 🍹
More Pedro Boy fun! I've not included measurements because we all like our drinks at varying strengths, so you can tailor make them to your liking.
Drink responsibily folks! 🥴
Also, check out Drinkingpedro on IG for some amazing original drinks, inspired by Pedro & his characters. The account is super fun! Give them a follow. (This was some of my inspiration for this Pedro Boys Cocktail ramble.) Cheers! 🖤
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Francisco Morales - 'The Morales Muff Diving Experience' - Crown Royal whiskey, peach schnapps, peach puree, sour mix, lemonade. Open your legs, hermosa. Standard Heating Oil cap optional.
Oberyn Martell - 'The Skull Crusher' - Freshly squeezed blood oranges from Dorne (or your local grocery store if you're unable to sail to Westeros), vodka, lime juice, cointreau, blood orange pulp to top. You know, crushed brain chunks.
Ezra - 'The Wordy Birdie' - Vodka, tequila, white rum, gin, cointreau, lemon juice, simple syrup, Midori, soda water. Served with a case of looted Aurelac gems. Tastes even better with one arm - tingly. Loquacious rambling guaranteed.
Joel Miller - 'Molotov Cocktail' - Empy bottle, handkerchief doused in flammable liquid of choice, or whatever is avaliable when the world has gone to shit. Ignite. Launch at clickers. Watch them go boom. Instant mushroom soup. Nom.
Dieter Bravo - 'The Bola Hair Hold' - Brandy, vodka, absinthe, gin, whiskey, blackberry liqueur. Shake it all up and hope for the fucking best, although you will probably die. Make sure Bola is avaliable to hold your haaaaair as you weep into the fetid toilet bowl.
Javier Peña - 'The Loredo Legspreader' - Gin, lemongrass, lemongrass syrup, fresh lime juice, red Thai chilli to garnish. Serve with a cigarette and a sour resting bitch face. Sweaty pink shirt optional.
Marcus Moreno - 'The Upstaged Father' - Cherry vodka, lemonade, blue curaçao, coconut vodka, mango rum, grenadine, simple syrup, crushed ice, orange slices to garnish. Drink alone in a corner, daydreaming about your heyday as leader of The Heroics, before your 11 year old daughter stole your limelight. Bitters optional.
Pero Tovar - 'Black Powder' - Dark rum, dry vermouth, blackberry liqueur, splash of lime juice, blackberries to garnish. Serve on dry ice for that smokey effect. Then betray your closest friend.
Max Phillips - 'The Bloodsucking Bastard' - Chambord raspberry liqueur, cranberry juice, Prosecco or sparkling wine. Don't worry, these vamps don't sparkle. Vodka. Splash of lime juice. Place on a post-it note and serve to your boss. Brace yourself for imminent fangs.
Marcus Pike - 'The Boyfriend Cardigan' - Vanilla vodka, passion fruit liqueur, passion fruit puree, lime juice, vanilla simple syrup, Prosecco or sparkling wine. Serve to your sweetheart FBI boyfriend, the, very, very goody cop. Although, give him a few of these and then play some good cop/bad cop. It's cuffin' season afterall.
Comandante Veracruz - 'The Guerilla Freestyle' - Dark rum, Campari, orange curaçao, simple syrup, pineapple juice, freshly squeezed lime juice, pineapple wedges and leaves to serve. Use to barter for your freedom. Or not, whatever.
Din Djarin - 'The Space Daddy' - Gin, maraschino liqueur, Crème De Violette, fresh lemon juice, crushed ice and edible glitter for the swirly galaxy look. Might need to remove your helmet when consuming. Keep away from The Kid. This is the - hic! - way.
Silva - 'The Ol' Western BJ' - Irish cream liqueur, Kahlúa, Amaretto, whipped cream to top. Serve in a red bandana covered shot glass. Drink naked from the waist down.
Agent Whiskey - 'The Unfortunate Cowboy' - Bourbon whiskey, Southern Comfort, lemon and lime juice, watermelon juice. Do not operate mincing machinery whilst under the influence. Tuck your lasso in. Watch your step there, cowboy.
Dave York - 'The Suburban Murder Daddy' - Mezcal, sweet vermouth, Campari, soda water, splash of lime juice, orange peel twist to garnish. Drink quickly to tie up your loose ends. Try not to lose an eye in the process.
Javi G - 'The Paddington' - Fresh, warmed milk served in a glass. Marmalade sandwich on the side. Alcohol free. It's past Javi's bedtime. Sssh.
Maxwell Lord - 'The Booty Clap' - Amaretto almond liqueur, Alizé Gold Passion liqueur, Hennessey Cognac. Shaking your booty like this whilst drinking is compulsory:
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Pedro Pascal - 'Purple Rain, d'uh' - Vodka, gin, blue curaçao, splash of cherry sourz, grenadine, lemonade, lemon juice. Try not to blub whilst dancing in the purple rain.
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hey-august · 5 months
It's not always a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake (Buggy x GN!reader)
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Gif from monikanarnia
Description: Late one night you find Buggy in the kitchen growing increasingly distressed over dessert.
Word count: ~1.2k
A/N: One shot fluff with an established relationship. Gender neutral reader, no use of Y/N, pronouns, or physical descriptions. Based on OPLA buggy. Not beta read. Hope you like this! Let me know if you see any errors or typos. ♡
Warnings: Some light profanity, but that's about it!
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Lured by the sounds of activity at a time when most of the ship was asleep, you peered into the kitchen and finally found the person you were looking for. Buggy was hunched over the center island, deeply focused on the cake in front of him. He finished spreading the frosting and stepped back to observe his work. The scowl on his face and annoyed muttering were clear signals that he wasn’t satisfied. Despite being an artist, cake decorating was not his usual medium and it showed. Based on the amount of flour on his vest, pants, bandana, and in his hair, baking was also not his forte. 
Buggy ran a knife along the top of the cake, attempting to smooth out the white frosting. Instead the sweet coating stuck to the knife and lifted up to expose the bare cake underneath, as if he had wounded the confection. Trying to hold in the anger that wanted to burst from his mouth, Buggy’s fists flew to his head and he turned in place, stomping on the floor. Shouting was guaranteed to wake someone up and Buggy did not need anyone to see the absolute failure in front of him.
His glare flitted between the marred cake and the knife still in his hand before he flung the offending utensil towards the other side of the kitchen. The resounding clang caused him to flinch. He hoped it wasn’t loud enough to attract attention. A few heavy moments later, Buggy sighed and leaned over the cake. From where you were, you couldn’t tell if the weight in his rounded shoulders was from anger or disappointment. But you knew Buggy well enough that he wouldn’t give up yet. And you were right. 
With a cautious hand, Buggy began tapping at the lumpy frosting, nudging it into place. His gentle, feather-light touches showed a level of restraint and artistry that could only rival Michaelangelo chipping away marble, intent at bringing out the beauty only his fingertips could find. Finally satisfied with the coverage, Buggy assessed his work again. Despite being slightly worse than it was before the frosting incident, he was afraid of making an irreparable mistake. There wasn’t any more flour or sugar left in the kitchen. This wasn’t the first cake he baked. Or the second. But this was the first one that was fluffy and edible. Maybe if he decorated the cake with other things, the streaky, lumpy, crumby coating wouldn’t stand out as much.
Buggy stalked around the kitchen, rummaging in the cabinets and digging through drawers, looking for ingredients that were worthy of garnishing his confection composition. His frustration grew with each cabinet and drawer he opened and slammed shut. When he finally ripped open the fridge door he was greeted with the perfect gems, signaling the end of his kitchen treasure hunt. His greedy pirate hands pulled out some ruby red cherries. Buggy gave them a quick rinse in the sink and popped one in his mouth, finding satisfaction in the sharp snap and sweet juice from the ripe fruit. 
Moments later, the fruit adorned the top perimeter of the cake, each one nested carefully into the frosting. Buggy stared thoughtfully at the cake as he fiddled with the last cherry, lightly rolling it on the table with his finger. With an air of hesitation, he placed the red orb in the center of the cake. No one else would second guess the placement, but the pirate clown was overly sensitive about anything that could be mocking the one feature he had trouble accepting about himself. A feature that you never shied away from. If anything, you adored it. And while he couldn’t love his own nose, knowing you did filled him with warmth. You always brought brightness and sunshine to his dark and twisted world.
As you watched Buggy stare at the finished product with an expression you couldn’t see clearly, your interest got the better of you. The kitchen door released a tattling creak when you tried to gain a better view of the kitchen show. Thankfully Buggy did not have his knives on hand, but the glare he threw at the entrance was sharp enough to sting. His face softened when he realized it was you, before hardening back into a scowl that was equal parts annoyed at being interrupted and embarrassed that you found him.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” he chided, sending his hands over to push you out and close the door. Anticipating that he would do that, you ducked the flying appendages and slipped inside.
“I could say the same about you.” Buggy knew your comment was true. Despite being the captain, the kitchen was not his usual scene. “What are you up to anyways?”
Despite the innocent tone behind your question, the twinkling in your eyes told Buggy that you already knew the answer. You walked closer and looked at the cake, missing the wince that flashed on Buggy’s face. It looked alright, but it was not at all like he envisioned.
“It looks good. The cherries were a great idea,” you said in earnest.
“Don’t lie,” Buggy snipped. Agitation bristled in his body, feeling scratchy and uncomfortable. Every muscle was fighting the impulse to throw out the cake and act like he hadn’t wasted hours creating something so far below his usual standards. 
“It’s awful! A disgrace! The shitty frosting isn’t smooth and it’s full of crumbs. It’s too sweet and I used all the sugar so I can’t make more.” The tirade increased in pitch as he continued, the tension in his body constricting his throat. The frown on your face slowed his monologue.
“Are you serious? This looks like one of those cakes you buy at a high end patisserie in the fancy part of town. People pay a lot of money for rustic cakes and fresh fruit.” Flattery was always guaranteed to uplift Buggy when he was in a bad mood, but these were genuine compliments that you shared with such conviction and admiration. A flush crept across Buggy’s face and tickled his ears at the intensity and sincerity of your praise.
“O-of course! I knew that, I just wasn’t sure if it was your style.” Yeah, sure, that’s what he actually meant.
“So it’s for me?”
“Who else would I do this for?” He responded quickly, since you already knew the cake was yours.
“I was going to give it to you later, but you ruined the surprise,” Buggy continued, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. He slid the cake towards you and finished with a surprisingly gentle, “happy birthday.”
Although he was supposed to be showering you with gifts on your birthday, the radiant smile you gave was definitely a gift to him. He couldn’t tell if he wanted to look away from the brightness or continue staring into the sun, in awe of the radiance.
“Thank you, I love it,” you said, the words heavy with appreciation. Buggy watched as you plucked the cherry from the center of the cake and popped it into your mouth with a wink, feeling as though his heart was replaced with a bumbling moth, fluttering everywhere and bumping into everything. It was probably drawn to your brilliance, just as he was.
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teabutmakeitazure · 10 months
Do you think anyone in the phantom troupe can cook? I think chrollo can but he overestimates his skill and thinks his cooking is comparable to Gordon Ramsey when it’s just not ☹️💔
I am cooking as I write this (waiting for the meat to cook) so I shall critique them as best I can
Phinks: He has what one would call enmity with a stove. The most he can cook is instant food like instant noodles or those instant mac and cheese packs. It's not a matter of him being unable to, he just doesn't bother since it's boring. If you're that worried about eating takeout so often, you're free to cook something yourself. At least the instant foods taste fine. You have the kitchen all to yourself and you're free to do as you please partially because he thinks it's cute you're feeding him.
Feitan: Banish him from the kitchen. He knows the recipes. He knows what ingredients to use. He knows everything, but the food somehow always turns out weird. One of the parts he never understands is how much salt to use. Most of the time the meat is undercooked and the rest is overcooked. Doesn't understand why you need to bother so much with the flavour. He followed the recipe in his own way, and the product is edible. Sure, it smells a little burnt and the curry is too dilute and maybe he put in too much salt but he can make soup just fine so just stick with that if it bothers you so much. Also an enemy of instant foods. Can't even make noodles.
Chrollo: Just because he's well read he thinks he makes good food. I don't think any of them grew up learning any culinary skills, so whatever he knows is through recipe books or cooking channels if he ever came across those when bored. The only dish he can make without it seeming like a punishment to eat is pasta. And that's because he uses store bought sauces and just mixes those with boiled pastas (an enemy of the Italians). Anything other than that and you think you would rather endure his psychological punishments than endure eating food that certainly shouldn't taste this salty or have black pepper on it as garnishing. He thinks he cooks decently, but you beg to differ. At least he allows you to cook if you've been behaving.
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foodshowxyz · 10 days
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Matcha Cheesecake Recipe
1 1/2 cups cookie crumbs (such as graham crackers or chocolate cookies)
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups cream cheese, room temperature
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons matcha green tea powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Whipped cream
Matcha powder for dusting
Edible flowers (like daisies)
Small fresh leaves for garnish
Prepare the Crust:
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
Mix cookie crumbs with melted butter and sugar in a bowl until well combined.
Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool.
Make the Filling:
Reduce the oven temperature to 325°F (165°C).
In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add sugar and beat until combined.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then mix in sour cream, flour, matcha powder, and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth and even in color.
Bake the Cheesecake:
Pour the filling over the cooled crust and smooth the top with a spatula.
Bake for about 45 minutes, or until the edges are set but the center is slightly wobbly.
Turn off the oven, open the door slightly, and let the cheesecake cool inside for 1 hour to prevent cracks.
After the cheesecake has cooled, refrigerate it for at least 4 hours, or overnight.
Before serving, remove the cheesecake from the pan and transfer it to a serving plate.
Pipe whipped cream on top, dust with matcha powder, and garnish with edible flowers and fresh leaves.
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