#edit: hello to everyone from the top of the death note tag. did not expect this to blow up this big but here we are
clmntne · 3 years
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had to share this note i woke up and wrote in the dead of night
97K notes · View notes
caysophia · 3 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (F) Crazy.
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Word Count-6225
(the reader is 5'7-5/8 so shes were an inch or two taller than the rest of the girls.)
Warning- Swearing And mention of death
Lightly Edited
3rd person
Dr.Reyes walked Y/n down the hall towards one of the concrete rooms. The sound of her shoes echoed along the halls. Dr.Reyes opened the door and gestured her in "here is your room, for now. You have some clothes on the bed with some toilet trees." Dr.Reyes said with a small smile, y/n walked into the room "What now, doctor?" y/n chuckled, she looked around. The room was slightly cold "Were going to monitor you. Make sure you don't lose control of your mutation." Reyes stated and y/n turned around and looked at her. Reyes closed the door closed with a slight slam.
I looked around the room, a few outfits sat on the green-colored bed 'I wonder what there's do around here.' i thought before I laughed "probably nothing but good girls.' and got changed.
I grabbed a pair of dark jeans and a black hoodie with a pair of slip-on shoes that were placed in the corner of the room. I fixed my hair and exited the room. The facility was big but not like a hospital. I walked to the end of the hall and took a left. I walked passed an open door and heard Reyes talking ' i guess this is the room?' and looked through the door slightly, 2 boys and 3 girls. They were sat in a half-circle on yoga mats.
"I'm not going to that, no way." I thought to myself and walked down the hall towards the exit/ entrance of this building. Reyes told me some directions but not a lot. I'll have to ask one of the people here. I walked up to the door and pushed on it, it didn't budge. I pushed it again still nothing "Open please." I yelled out to no one in particular. I heard the lock to the door open "well then..." and pushed open and walked outside. There was a church and then the main building with a fountain in the middle.
The gate was open, but you can tell there's a field around this place you can feel it. I walked towards the church, seeing a giant clock on the top "Could see I can break it and sit up there. That might be fun." I said out loud, see that there isn't anything to do here. I walked in the church and up the stairs to my right. The steel stairs shook a little as I walked up to them. I got to the top and climbed over the rail to get the clock platform.
I knocked on the wood, something my grandfather taught me to see if the wood was rotten or not. The wood sounded hollow, I kicked it and the bottom cracked. I started pulling out 2 pieces of the wood, just big enough for me to sit in and not get splinters.
I looked out of the clock tower, a concrete block sat in the middle of an old-looking basketball court. It had a giant chain and harness on it "What the fuck?" I said and sat down, my feet dangling off the edge.
"I wonder where the road leads to? There no cars here." I thought to myself as I looked around some more. There was a giant field surrounding the facility, and then a treeline so ways back.
I saw the 2 brunettes from the meeting earlier walk out of the main building, they seemed to be laughing at something waling towards the church. The two girls looked up and saw me and pointed up "Hey what are you doing up there?!" she yelled up at me, it was faint but I could still hear her "I'm god! you?" I yelled back down laughing, swinging my feet.
"No your not. Come down before you get hurt." The girl in the blue sweater yelled and I signed, standing up and walking down the stairs. I opened the church's main door open and the 2 girls were standing in front of it a few feet away. I smirked "Wow, you guys are younger. How old are you." I chuckled, the 2 were probably about an inch shorter than me.
The girl with long hair laughed "Your not much older. were both 16." the girl in the blueish black sweater nodded "You guys are children, You guys should be in fucking school... Or in alleyway doing graffiti and dumb shit like me at 16... I'm not a good influence " I drew off "Oh I'm y/n, I'm 17 btw. So you're not that younger I guess..."
The blue sweater smiled "Rahne." and she held out her hand, I shock head "No no no, I don't shake hands. Not anymore." I said in an anxious tone "Danielle, May I ask why?" Danielle crossed her arms over her chest "You'll learn one day. Not now." I smirked, "So who else is here?" I asked looking around, the outside is empty "Well you've met me and Rahne. Then you have Roberto, his family sent him here to be cured, Then Illyana She's not so nice, and Sam he's nice." Danielle answered.
"Interesting. Well then" I signed "So what's there to do here? It looks pretty empty and dead..." I said looking at the dead bushes around the entrance of the main building.
"Not really, we have the church, a commons room with a TV, Foosball table, And a mini library. We also have a pool, that's it." Rahne said before Dani could. I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth "So what was that meeting room thing you guys were in? Do you guys do that every day?" I asked the girls looking around, maybe for another place to climb.
"Pretty much. Its like group therapy. Except we have to do to get out of here, you can not go but you'll get out much later than expected." Rahne replied 'she's one of the nice kids. Both of them are.' i thought to myself before looking at the "How long are we here for? 3 months or 3 years?"
Danielle and Rahne looked at each other "Umm, we don't know. Rahne's been here for about 3, I've been here for 2 months." Dani said quietly. I nodded slowly and clicked my tongue "Fucking great. Well, I'm going to go and maybe fuck around and break something. See you, girls." I saluted and walked away 'this is fucking great' I yelled in my head.
3rd person
"Well then... She seems nice..." Danielle said as she watched Y/n walk away, Rahne smiled "Shes gonna get in trouble a lot... I can feel it." Dani nodded and the 2 walked to the field to hang out for the cool afternoon.
Y/n pushed the door open and bumped into someone "What the fuck. Watch it." A girl said from the other side, Y/n looked at her. The girl had long straight blonde hair and bangs "You watch it bitch. You're not scary." Y/n flipped her off and walked off laughing.
Illyana turned around and watched the girl walk away with her middle finger up "Bitch." and Went outside to tag the fountain or the back of the brick building.
Y/n took some turns before being called from down the hall "Y/n!" Reyes yelled to the girl and she turned around "Yeees" she drew out as the women walked closer. Reyes looked at her with a brow raised "Where were you this morning? I haven't been able to find you all day. You know you have to check in with me." the Doctor said in a stern voice. Y/n laughed "I was outside, duh. You have cameras all over and you couldn't find me?" She mocked "That's bullshit, Doctor and you know that."
Reyes signed "Am I going to have to assign you, someone, to walk you everywhere? Y/n." Y/n scoffed and looked at the women "What?" Reyes repeated herself s "Am I going to have to assign someone to watch you during the day?" Reyes put her hands in her pockets "Haha, ill just lock them in a room and leave." Reyes nodded and wrote something down on a note pad from her pocket "We will see about that, Mrs. L/n. But for now, you are confident for the rest of the night. My superiors believe you should not be out alone for now."
Y/n grinned "For what? hurting your feelings?" she mocked in a childish tone of voice, y/n laughed at Reye's facial expression "While you are here, you listen to me. okay, I am in charge here. Not you." Reyes asserted, glancing  up into Y/ns eyes  "Oh yeah?" Y/n said looking down at the doctor slightly getting close to her face "I've controlled people way stronger and bigger than you. You don't scare me, doctor. You're weak." Y/n had a devilish smirk on her face, one that could make a grown man cry.
"Confinement now. Sedation or free will. You choose, Y/n."  The Doctor said in a steady voice, y/n still close to her.
Y/n scoffed "Fine." and stepped back, The doctor let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The doctor nodded and stood behind the girl as she walked down the hall towards the concrete rooms"Lockdown, off." Reyes said and the gate opened up, and so did the doors.
Y/n pushed opened her assigned room and looked at the doctor "bye-bye." she teased and waved her fingers at the doctor. Reyes closed the door with a slam. Closing the opening on the top of the door.
Reyes turned from the door and walked down the hall, to go to her office and the camera room to check on the other mutants "Doctor Reyes!" Was heard from down the other hall, Reyes turned towards the voice, Rahne and Dani jogged towards her.
"Yess girls?" she asked as the girls got closer, putting her hands in her pockets "Why did we just go into lockdown? is everything alright?" Rahne asked Reyes cleared her throat and thought for a second "Yes, everything is fine. Just a glitch..." she said was a gentle smile, trying to keep what just happened a secret "Oh, okay." Rahne nodded "Oh do you know where, umm what her name. Y/n is? we've been looking for her." Dani asked, Reyes, nodded slightly "Yes, umm. She just got done with the test. She in her room. She is to not be bothered for the rest of the night. Sorry girls."
Rahne and Dani nodded and Reyes walked away. Rahne and Dani watch the women walk away, and turn down the long hall.
I kicked the bottom of the door and walked towards the bed and sat down. The room was cold and the light flickered. I  laughed at the situation and fell back onto the hard bed under me "What the fuck!" I yelled looking at the peeling ceiling. I looked at the camera in the corner "Hello, doctor." I waved at the camera which had a red light now "I'm just gonna go to bed, I guess," I said with a yawn and turned away from the camera.
Next day
"It's 8:30, please start to get ready for the day. A required meeting is at 10:30. Everyone should be there." I heard Reyes talk from the speaker, I groaned and heard the speaker connected tot he camera in my room crack "Ill be there in 10 minutes to bring you to my office You'll be with me today until group." I herd Reyes say and sat up "you're kidding me... Am not a fucking kid!" I yelled and changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a long sleeve shirt, I tucked it into my jeans and put on the slide on sneakers I was wearing yesterday.
I fixed my hair and waited for Reyes to come down. A few minutes passed before I heard the lock to the door open and the door opened "Good morning, how did  you sleep?" Reyes asked me as I exited the room and closed the door behind me "Fine, Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked as we walked down the hall, Reyes nodded and we walked to the bathroom. Reyes stayed outside while I took my time. I do not want to be with these women today.
A few minutes later I exited the bathroom and Reyes mentioned down the hall. We walked to her office in silence. She opened the door I walked in "Why am I here?" I asked as I fell into the couch in front of her desk. She sat in her desk chair and looked up "Because of the incident yesterday. I am going to watch you for the first half of today, until the group. Then I am going to put you with one of the trusted mutants to watch you until I believe you can roam free. Do you understand?"
I looked at her "Who is it that gets to watch me?" I questioned looking at the bookcases around the room, She stopped typing on her computer and looked up "Sam Guthrie. He has agreed to be your, so-called 'keeper'. He will keep you calm and out of trouble, like yesterday you got into a small conflict with Illyana." she stated and looked again at her computer and started typing.
I sighed and leaned back on the couch, The room was light up by a lamp on her desk. The bookcases were filled with books and random Items, I guess from her higher-ups. The room also had file cabinets along one wall 'probably all of the other mutants that have come and go. Mines probably in there as well with the others...I'll have to get my hands on it.' I thought to myself.
The sound of typing and page-flipping were heard through the room. The woman was very focused on her work. Only leaving the room to go across the hall to check on cameras. An hour passed and it was time for the group. Reyes and I walked to the room, as Reyes ha to set up.
"You can sit there." Reyes pointed to the seat closest to the door and her, I rolled my eyes and dropped into the wooden chair. The room was filled with different types of Items, like yoga mats and an easel for painting.
The mutants all came at once like they had a meeting before coming, I waved to Dani and Rahne. Dani raised a brow "Why are you here so early?" she asked in a quiet tone as she walked to her seat, I gestured to Reyes and rolled my eyes. Rahne shook her head and took a seat, Reyes looked at the room "Hello, how is everyone?" She asked and took out her clipboard.
Good was muttered around the room "Whos the new girl?" the boy across from me asked, looking me up and down. Reyes nodded and gestured towards me "This is Y/n L/n. She came in 3 days ago." I waved and looked around.
The blonde from yesterday, who was holding a purple puppet glaring at me. I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes. There was also a boy right next to me, he had a cast and sleeve on and a grey sweatshirt with a hat.
"Why haven't we seen her ?" the guy  from across the room asked, Reyes, cleared her throat "Because Roberto, she is..." The woman thought for a second "She is more troublesome than my superiors anticipated." I chuckled and leaned back "Oh my."  
"Y/n, why don't you introduce yourself? same to the rest of you." Reyes asked pointing her clipboard towards me, I sat up and pulled the sleeves of my shirt over my hands " I'm y/n, as you know... I'm here because I can control people like 'puppets' and drive them insane. Close to killing themselves... insane." I said in a quiet tone "Also, I'm here because I'm just fucking trouble."
Reyes looked over at me "Language, Y/n. Now everyone else introduces yourself." The room went quiet and Dani spoke up "Well you know me and Rahen." Dani said with a smile. Roberto looked up "I'm Roberto." I shook my head and looked at the blonde "Show and tell, sweetheart. What's your name."
The blonde looked at me and smiled "Your nightmare" I laughed, and took a deep breath "You're like a chihuahua. All bark and no bite. I asked for your name, not your coping mechanism." She gasped and gripped the purple dragon puppet "Her name is Illyana." The boy next to Me answered, I took a dramatic breath "Wow, The chihuahua couldn't talk for herself. Thank you 'Luck Combs." I heard him huff.
I heard a chuckled from across the room, it was Dani "Now, Mr.country. What is your name?" I said turning in my seat facing him 'Imma annoy the shit out of him. he seems fun.' He sighed and fixed his hat "My name is Sam." I nodded and gave a soft smile before turning back around facing Reyes with the most annoying smile I can.
"Now that everyone has introduced themselves. Were going to talk about the incident that leads us into where we are now."I rolled my eyes and zoned out, Already knowing 3 out of 5 incidents.
3rd person
"I killed 18 men." Y/n heard Illyana making her zone back in, "What else?" Reyes asked the girl "I killed them with my sword and Lockheed." She smirked with a strong voice. Reyes wrote down some notes and looked at the same "Sam what about you?" Y/n focused her attention on him, still looking at the floor. Sam shuffled in his seat "I got claustrophobic." y/n shifted in her seat a little, wanting to be able to hear him better "I... Freaked out, and blasted. Killing my dad and his team."
"Oh, shit..." Y/n muttered putting her hand on her face. Sam looked at her and then back at the floor "Y/n, why don't you share?"  Reyes asked the girl, y/n shook her head "No thanks." Reyes nodded and wrote down something on her page. A few more minutes went by before the meeting was over.
"Well, that wraps up today's meeting. Y/n and Sam, please stay behind for a moment. Everyone may leave, you're free for the day." Reyes stated and the room stood up, Y/n and sam stayed in their seats. Once the 4 left Reyes close the door "What is it? gonna lock me in a room again?" Y/n smirked standing up fixing her shirt.
"No, y/n. This is sam, the person I said volunteered to watch you?" Reyes said with a soft smile, Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose and turned towards sam "Well the aren't you lucky country boy." Reyes cleared her throat "Y/n. Be nice, this is your last chance." And with that Reyes left, probably going to her office or the camera room.
Sam stood up and fixed his sleeve "So what did you do? to you know, have to have someone to watch you?" sam asked as the two walked out of the room, Y/n chuckled "I threatened Reyes last night, told her that she was weak and that I've dealt with people stronger than her. I also got into a little conflict with Illyana the other day and apparently Reyes though it was a big deal."
The two turned the corner walking outside "What did you do to Illyana?" Sam questions, knowing that Illyana isn't hard to break. Y/n stopped walking and looked at him "I opened the door, I bumped into her. She told me to watch it, so I told her that she wasn't scared and flipped her off. That was it." Sam turned around and nodded slowly, rethinking his agreement with Dr.Reyes.
"Well then. Umm, I'm going to practice and your gonna stay out here on the wall, and try to not get in trouble?" Sam asked the girl I front on him, She smirked nodded"Fine, I can't promise though." and followed Sam to the concrete block. He took off his sweater and sleeve, Y/n watched to the church outside wall and stood against it. Sam hooked himself up and looked and y/n, she waved her hand to him and shook his head and prepared to blast off.
Y/n watched sam as he launched into the air, right when he did. Y/n ran into the church and up to the clock, the wood was replaced with a tarp which she held up and sat where she had on her first day. She watched Sam fly through the air, the bright orange light that followed him. Sam went around a few more times before he started going off track, he crashed into the ground and Y/n flinched as she heard the crash, sam flew back into the air and crashed into the concrete a few more times before stopping.
Y/n Jaw dropped as she watched the boy lay on the ground for a few seconds before standing back up "I thought I was messed up." she muttered to herself as sam Unbuckled  the harness from his torso and looked at the wall y/n was at before he blasted "Y/N!" Sam yelled for the girl and she held in a laugh swinging her feet, hitting the brick, Y/n watched sam look around while putting his sweatshirt on and sleeve.
Sam looked up at the church and saw y/n sitting in the clock "I told you not to leave the wall, come down here." He yelled up to the girl and she laughed "Ask nicely." she yelled down to him, he shook his head and rubbed his face with his right hand "Can you PLEASE! come down?" He yelled up, drawing out the 'please', Y/n stood up and walked down to the boy.
Sam stood a few feet in front of the door waiting for the girl. Y/n walk out and laughed "You look like a dad who just saw his daughter's boyfriend." she said holding her stomach laughing, After a few moments y/n stopped and took a deep breath fixing her hair. Sam shook his head at the girl with a small smile "you are... something." She smirked and walk to the boy glancing up at him "Its called trauma, sweetheart." and flicked his hat. He rolled his eyes and fixed his hat and nodded.
The two stood close to each other for a few moments before Y/n spoke up "So those crashes you tool, you need medical attention or?" Y/n asked stepping back from Sam, looking at his eye which was turned red. He shook his head "No, I'm fine. Thanks."
The two stood in silence before y/n started to walk away from him towards the cemetery behind the church "Where are you going?" Sam asked catching up to the girl, she laughs "Looking around. I have only seen a little bit of the main building and whatever you can see from the church. So, Sam is going to come with me and walk around while I get familiar with the place. Okay?" Y/n looked at Sam and winked "Okay." Sam agreed and the two walked around in silence for a while, Y/n taking a moment at a few graves to look at them and push away weeds covering them.
Y/n ran towards the giant greenfield looking at the tree line among it "DO you ever wonder what's behind it?" Y/n asked sam as she kicked off her sneakers letting them fall to the grass. Sam walked to her side "Yeah who wouldn't, also what are you doing?" Sam asked looking at the now barefoot girl.
She stared at him "What does it look like? Imma runs down the hill, with no shoes on. Possibly fall and hurt myself but imma have fun. With or with you." And with that y/n ran down the hill laughing. The grass wasn't so long that she could trip on it but it was long enough to not be able to see rocks. Y/n tripped slightly but caught her footing and continued down. She got to the bottom and danced around, Sam watching her from above.
Y/n did a few spins and fell to the ground on her back. Sam sat down on the grass where he was standing. Y/n took some deep breaths and let the world stop spinning before sitting up. Y/n looked up the hill and saw sam sitting there looking at the sky, distracted.
Y/n stood up and slowly walked up the hill and sat down next to him "What you looking at." Y/n said getting close to his ear, Sam flinched "dear lord. The sky, you?" Sam Chuckled glancing at the girl who had moved away from him "You. Because I'm stuck with you for a while."  Y/n said as she leaned on her hand looking at sam.
Y/n and Sam sat on top of the hill for a while in silence, the two were strangers and had nothing in common that they knew of. But they both felt like they could trust each other. The sky started turning orange and sam stood up and gave y/n his right hand "Come on, we got a go in." sam said as Y/n took his hand he lifted her "Is there a crew few or something?" Y/n asked as she brushed her butt off due to grass.
"No, not really, only in the morning. But we have to eat, and then the group will probably go to hang out in the attic later."Sam said and y/n nodded "Okay." Sam walked in front of Y/n as the went to the main building. sam opened the door for y/n "What a gentleman." Y/n Joked and walked through, the door closed and locked. Y/n turned to sam "So where is the cafe?" Sam pointed down the hall "Down there, Its not a hard building to find yourself around. It's just a matter of knowing which door is the right one."  Y/n nodded and followed sam.
Sam and Y/n entered the Cafeteria, Y/n saw Danielle and Rahne and walked towards them and sat down. Sam going to a random table in the room.
I and Sam entered the Cafeteria, I saw Rahne and Danielle and Went to there table. I Waved and sat down"Hey! How are you guys." I asked as I sat down, the two girls smiled "Were fine, you?" Rahne responded with a smile, Dani nodded and smiled Taking a small bite of food.
"I'm fine, first full day here so..." I shrugged my shoulders, Danielle raised her brow "why did Reyes need you and sam  group?" Dani asked, I smiled and sighed "Apparently, I'm more then what her higher-ups though. So, Reyes asked sam to be the 'watcher' of me. It's my last chance or I guess I get sent somewhere else?" I explained to Dani "So You and Sam basically have to hang out all day, Just to make sure you don't get in trouble?" Dani asked and I nodded.
We talked some more about each other's day/ life before coming here while the two girls ate, I had gotten up and grabbed an apple "Are you going to the attic tonight?" Rahne asked and I raised a brow "I guess, I mean why not." I responded and Dani smiled "Oh your in for a surprise." I rolled my eyes and laughed "I bet, It can't be that bad."
"So how you liking Sam?" Rahne asked I shrugged "He's nice, I mean he's a good boy. And I'm not good, I'm trouble so." I started glancing over at Sam who was talking Roberto. Rahen chuckled "A Trouble maker paired with a good guy. What could go wrong?" Dani smirked at y/n " Very little, actually. I and he literally sat on the hill for like 30 minutes in silence." I laughed and so did Dani.
3rd person
A few minuted pass, Dani And Rahne had returned their trays and y/n had thrown away the apple "You wanna come to the common room with us until we all go to the attic?" Rahne asked as they returned,  Y/n nodded "Yeah sure." Y/n stood up and went to walk out with the 2 girls "Wait hold up, Never mind ill meet you there." Y/n said and stopped waving to the girls and walked over to sam.
"What you doing?" Y/n  said as she sat down at the table sam was at reading a book, sam looked up "Waiting for you. You done?" He asked marking and closing his book, Y/n nodded "Yeah, wanna go to the common room?" Y/n said as she stood up pointing to the door, Sam nodded "Okay, Come on." Sam and Y/n left the Cafe, Roberto washing dishes in the room.
The two entered the small room, Y/n jumped over the couch next to Dani and Rahne "Hello!" Y/n laughed and the girls waved continuing to watch the movie. A few minutes passed and Roberto knocked on the door "Come on attic time."
Rahne and Dani stood up, and y/n turned off the tv standing up and walking out of the room with the group. Roberto and Illyana up front basically running. the group went to the staircase and went up, the room smelled like old wood and dust. Y/n waled up the stairs and saw a wooden chair with wheel, an old gurney, with a stool next to it, and another table in the middle and on the side.
Illyana Walked tot eh back of the room pulling out an old briefcase, and opened it up. Y/n saw what it was "Oh, a lie detector test. wonderful." y/n said as she poked sams arm, Sam shrugged and sat on the stool next to Y/n who was on the table. Dani sat next to Y/n and Rahne sat next to the test.
"Whos going first?" Sam asked and Illyana smirked "Roberto?"Roberto got in the chair and Rahne hooked him up. After he got asked his question he got out and sam jumped in the chair Rahne hooking him up and such "Whos gonna ask?" Dani asked, Illyana spoke up "What's up with you and Y/n?" Y/n looked at the blonde and then at sam.
"Nothing, why?" Sam responded Rahne nodded "He's telling the truth." Rahne said to Illyana "Then why were you with her all day?" Y/n laughed at Illyana's question, Illyana faced her "What are you a stalker?" Y/n laughed at her, Illyana looked at sam "So..." Sam looked at y/n and cracked his knuckles "I was assigned to supervisor her. That's it." Rahne looked at the graph "Truth." Illyana nodded and looked at y/n "Your turn, new girl get in the chair."
Y/n shook her head and waited for Sam to get out before sitting in it and Rahne hooked her up "Why are you here?"Illyana smirked moving the light into Y/n face, y/n flinched before answering "I drove a bunch of people insane, and controlled them like puppets to kill each other." Y/n sated in an  emotionless voice "They killed each other slow and bloody, while voices in their heads drove them deeper and deeper into the craziness." Y/n said as she looked at Illyana.
The line on the board was straight "Shes telling the truth." Rahne muttered out, Illyana looked at the girl "And why is sam assigned to watch you? You to crazy to be alone?" Illyana said the last part in a high pitch voice,  Y/n chuckled "Yeah, pretty much. Reyes Higher Ups said ' I am too much then they can handle.' So yeah your right, I am too crazy to be alone. That and I threatened Reyes the other day." she said with a smile, the room went silent.  all that was heard was the lie director writing the line on the screen.
Y/n pulled the wires and stuff off of her and got out of the chair "I'm going." she said and walked down the stairs sam got off of the stool and signed "Good job." he faked smiles and followed the Y/n.
Y/n ran down the stairs and opened the door with a slam, tears were building up and she really just wanted to break something. She speed-walked down the concrete brick wall, Sam opened the door and y/n was halfway down the hall "Y/n!" he yelled but not too loud, Y/n didn't stop but ran into the bathroom and locked the deadbolt on the door.
3rd Person(bathroom)
Y/n ran into the bathroom and locked the deadbolt on the door, the tears that had built up started to fall. Y/n fell down the cold cinderblock wall, Flashbacks of the incident purged her mind and they would stop. Y/n put my head and my knees and hoped it would stop, hitting the wall once in a while when they got bad.
A knock echoed through the room "Y/n?" a person from outside answered, Sam. Of course. she didn't move, fearing the people would be in the room with her, Sam knocked again "Y/n, open the door. You're fine." sam voice was muffled slightly. Y/N shakily stood up and unlocked the door she stepped back so sam could get in. Tears still falling and her breathing is ridged with the scenes playing in her head.
Sam slowly pushed open the door closing it behind him, Sam faced Y/n whos hands were covering her eyes, "Y/n, hey you're fine. Okay, it was an accident."  Sam said trying to help the girl but not really knowing what to do. Y/n latched on to sam and cried harder, Sam hugged her with his right arm his left one was still up against his torso. Sam slowly bent down leading the two to the floor, sam pulled y/n into his lap as he sat up against the metal door.
Sam rubbed Y/n back slowly trying to calm her down "Tell me whats going on, y/n." Sam said in a quiet voice and the girl cried, she choaked "They're killing each other and screaming, there's blood everywhere. I don't-" she stopped talking covering her ears "What are you hearing y/n? talk to me." Sam stated holding her a little tighter "Just so many voices, ones from the men and ones from my power. It just won't stop sam." she cried hitting her head lighting with her palm.
Sam grabbed her hand and pulled it to her side so she couldn't "Hey, listen to me ok?" Sam asked the girl rubbing small circles into her hand, she nodded "They aren't here. Its just flashbacks of the incident. Your gonna be okay." He told Y/n, as she calmed down a little bit.
This went on for a few minutes before y/n crying had stopped. Sam rocked side to side a little bit until he heard no more crying, Y/n wiped her eyes and Sam gave her a tissue from his jacket, Y/n chuckled and cleaned herself up "Thank you." Y/n muttered in a tired voice getting out of his lap and leaning up against the wall next to him.
"You're welcome, you good now? You want me to carry you to your room?" Sam asked looking at the puffy eye girl, she shook her head "No, it's fine." she covered her mouth and coughed lightly. She brought her knees up to her chest " you good?" Sam asked rubbing her back "I will be If this breakdown didn't alert Reyes." she chuckled and look at sam and smiled, sam chuckled "I think you're good.  the only thing in the bathroom is probably a microphone." the two laughed, and Y/n shook her head  "Honestly with the number of cameras in this place probably." Y/n drifted off in thought, sam looked at her "What are you thinking?" Sam asked with a little fear in his voice, Y/n busted out laughing "With the number of cameras and microphones here in this building. The amount of security guards that have probably caught people doing the deed is ... Oh my god." Sam walked Y/ns calf with his right hand lightly and y/n stuck her hands up "I'm just saying... don't get you jockeys in a knot." Y/n laughed and Sam dragged his hand down his face shaking his head.
Y/n laughing echoed throughout the room, soon Sam joined in. the room echoed with the twos laughing. A few moments later they topped and y/n chuckled "I mean... We could test that microphone theory..." Y/n drifted off in thought with a wink, Sam shook his head "What?" Y/n looked at him, Sam's mouth widened at the realization and y/n wheezed " Oh my, y/n."  she laughed harder and Sam tried to comprehend what I happening.
Sam signed And looked at y/n "Not now, oh my god." Y/n stopped laughing and shrugged "I mean, you won't know until it's proven or not." Y/n smirked at Sam, he shook his head You are just, too much."
"So, you want to? or..." Y/n joked Sam laughed "one day sure, now? no." Y/n shook her head, and grabbed some right hand with her left hand and looked at him "I'll hold it to you, Guthrie." Sam shook his head and yanked Y/n hand towards him. Putting his arm around her shoulder "I bet you will."
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
Hello! I absolutely love all of your stories! I have a request, can you do a Starker story where Peter and his class go on a field trip to stark tower? I don’t really mind what happens there I just really want to see the ship. If you can thanks so much 💗
(Read chapter 1: Science Rules on Tumblr / AO3)
Summary: Peter is 14. Recently got his Spider powers and is no longer friends with Flash. Ned is in the picture. They go on a high school excursion and Peter is set on finding Tony to ask if he can join the Avengers. Side note: Tony is not romantically/sexually interested in Peter until chapter 3, when they are in an established relationship. Warnings: Angst. They talk about death whilst not actually mentioning it. Flash is an absolute asshole as always.
Rating: Mature (just to be sure for later on lol).
I actually had this one finished last Sunday but never got around to posting it. It isn’t edited at all, so I hope you enjoy! :P -Lien
“Mister Thompson, if you don’t take a seat this instant, it’ll be detention for you,” Mister Harrington threatens. Flash immediately presses his ass back into his seat and grins at Peter from a distance. They might resent each other now, but their infinite common interest in science, technology and Tony Stark has never faded. They don’t really talk to each other anymore and Peter is not expecting their broken friendship to ever be mended. Not with how Flash treats him these days, at least. The first cracks in their friendship appeared during their last visit to Stark Industries, when Flash became jealous of Peter for spending time with Tony. Flash’s behavior completely changed with his growing popularity at Midtown High. With regards to friendships, he ended up choosing quantity over quality. This resulted in him attempting to gain the schoolkids’ favors by bullying. Since Peter used to be his friend, he became an easy target. Peter might miss what they once had, but at least he managed to trade his friendship with Flash for an even better one. Ned Leeds enabled his geeky side and ever since the boy had helped Peter up after Flash had pushed him to the floor the first time, they became inseparable. Obviously, the school wanted to go to Avengers Tower to get them interested in pursuing careers in science and technology. Something both Ned and Peter already kind of were. As excited as everyone was to get a look inside the labs and workshops, there is a significantly higher interest in getting a glimpse of not just Tony Stark, but of any of the Avengers, now that Stark Tower has been rebirthed as Avengers Tower. However, there was another occupation that Peter also took interest in now that he had gained his Spider powers a little over half a year ago. Becoming an Avenger was his number one career dream. He’d no longer just help the little guy. He’d be able to help everyone. There’s nothing Peter wanted more than to run into Tony again like he did when they had the class trip in middle school. Maybe Peter could train under him? Learn from him? Tony would be the Master to his Padawan. He’d be an Avenger. All he needed right now was the courage to actually ask. Well, he’d have to find Tony- or any Avenger for that matter- first. … The second they set foot in the building, Peter grabs his bag and takes out the Science Rules cap that he wore as a child. He didn’t expect Tony to actually recognize him after all these years, but at least he has one point of reference he could fall back on. Security reminds him he’s not allowed to wear the cap inside, so he opts to attach it to his belt and have it hang from his hip. Flash makes an off-handed comment about it, but Peter ignores him. It still baffles Peter that Flash seems to feel no remorse for joking about the cap that he knows was Peter’s father’s. After the first two hours of the excursion Peter already starts losing hope. Most locations they go to are quite secluded and it’s not easy to get away from the security’s watchful eyes. They had to put their bags in a locker room earlier, so save for his web shooters, Peter couldn’t show Tony the suit he'd so proudly put together. If he would ever run into him. After hour three they’re finally allowed to go into the labs and actually do some tests themselves. Most of the materials they work with are quite harmless. The only thing that really could hurt them if they’re not careful is the bottle of slightly diluted bleach on their desks. At least all of the students want to make a good impression on Stark’s scientists, so they’re all on their best behavior. Everyone, but… “Whoopsies,” Flash deadpans next to Peter. The teen looks up surprised from his own workbench to see Flash, who is stationed next to him, purposefully elbow the bleach bottle. The opening up top is small, but some of the liquid still splashes out of it. Onto Peter’s hip. Peter stares at the cap that now has bleach splattered all over it and then back up at Flash who grins. “Guess it really is a one of a kind now.” Peter runs away from his spot to one of the security guards. He doesn’t trust himself to not start crying if he actually takes time to ask his question properly so all he can blurt out is: “Toilet?” The guard sees Peter’s panic and lets him out. “Uh, there’s one on the left right there.” “Th-thank-“ Water. Peter needs water right now. Needs to wash it out, even though the fabric is already lightening. Who knows, maybe he could wash it out with the tears that are forming in the corners of his eyes. He rushes and throws open the door, immediately starting the stream of water and shoving the cap under it. The further he can dilute the bleach, the better. His left hand clutches the little tag on the inside in an attempt to keep anything from spilling into it and messing up his father’s handwriting. A soft sob escapes his throat, but he’s startled to hear a urinal flush in one of the stalls. He sniffs and attempts to wipe away the tears with the elbow of his shirt. When he hears the door unlock he looks down in a half-assed attempt to focus on cleaning the cap. He bites on the inside of his cheek and clenches his jaw, feeling the presence of the man from the stall emerge. The man casually washes his hands next to Peter but his movement suddenly halts. “Peter?” Peter could recognize that voice in his sleep. His heart beats loudly in his chest and the world is spinning. He blinks before whipping his head up to lock eyes with Tony Stark. “Jeez, you’ve grown.” The man’s brows curl together at the look on Peter’s face. The boy breaks eye contact and looks forward into the mirror, only to realize his cheeks are red and his eyes are puffed. “What the hell happened?” There’s a moment of silence. Peter barely realizes that Tony recognized him. Knows him, still. Is concerned for him. Peter’s mouth opens and closes and he takes a breath before looking back down at the cap and continuing to attempt to wash out the bleach. “Bleach,” he mumbles. “Didn’t take you to be that clumsy.” “Wasn’t wearing it.” “Still.” Peter scrubs more aggressively now, tears threatening to spill again. He’s making a fool of himself and he wishes he could just disappear. “Hey,” Tony says quietly. “Hey-“ Peter’s eyes widen at a hand suddenly holding onto his lower arm. Peter’s frozen where he stands and can only watch defeated as Tony turns off the tap. Only now he feels how wet his cheeks are. When did he start crying again? “Damage’s already been done.” Tony takes the cap out of Peter’s hands and studies the lightened splotches on the front. “Don’t you think this looks cool?” He tries. “Don’t want it to look cool.” “I’m sure your dad won’t-“ Tony stops himself, knowing exactly why he shouldn’t finish his thought. He sucks at his teeth and looks away. “Sorry, how’s your mom?” Peter nearly laughs at Tony’s inability to read the room. “She was with him.” Mortified at his previous decision on how to continue the conversation, Tony takes a step back. Peter looks down at his wet hands and adds: “It’s okay.” “To be honest, no, not really. Are you taken care of?” “My aunt.” “Didn’t Richard have a brother?” Peter looks up again and grimaces, feeling like every word falling from Tony’s lips is a stab to the heart. “Fuck, I’m-“ “It’s okay.” “It’s not.” Tony shakes his head and moves closer to Peter again. “I’m sorry, kid.” The man scoffs. “I used to be better at this… Well, no actually, that’s a lie.” Peter swallows as the two just stare at each other in silence for a few seconds, neither of them sure where to go with this. The boy then clears his throat and moves to stand up straight. “I am, eh… Here on another excursion.” “High school this time, I presume? Or are you in uni already?” “Parents wanted me to have a somewhat normal childhood, so they didn’t want me to get ahead that far. My aunt honors that wish.” Peter now properly washes his hands, since his hands had started to tingle from the bleach. “Aren’t you bored out of your mind, then?” Peter raises his eyebrows and chuckles. “Maybe.” Tony’s wrist beeps and he takes a glance at his watch, sighing exasperated. He heads for the door and hands Peter the cap back on his trek. “Pete, I’m sorry, I gotta go. Give reception a call-“ No, is all Peter can think. Before he can form a rational though, he reaches out and webs Tony’s hand to the door handle, locking both of them in the bathroom. Tony stares down at the substance keeping the door shut and his hand attached to it. “What the-“ “I want to join the Avengers.” Peter is ready to hit himself in the head. That question was way too direct and now he’s really done it. Tony laughs surprised. “Oh, bother. You’re Spider-Guy?” Peter’s eyes widen. The man hadn’t said no. “Spider-Man.” “Right.” “Wait, aren’t you fourteen?” Tony asks confused. Peter’s aware his physique as Spider-Man is wildly different from what he appears as in daily life. “And a half.” “Kid, if that really is you, you need to stop before you get in over your head, okay?” Tony wants to step towards him, but is held back by the webbing. “You think I’m lying?” Peter crosses his arms offended. “Well, no, but-“ The billionaire shakes his head at the substance and scoffs. “You’re putting yourself in danger when you shouldn’t.” “I’m not stopping.” “What- are you an adrenaline junkie? Please, don’t tell me you’re doing this because of me. It’s not worth it, I promise you.” Peter stares at the wet cap in his hands. “Not everything’s about you.” He wishes he swallowed those words, but Tony seemed to be self- aware enough, taking the comment somewhat gracefully. “Then what is it about?” “Half a year ago I got these… Powers.” Peter raises his hands up to look at them and sighs. “I’m stronger and faster… And I- well…” He trails off and pulls his face together in a frown. “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.” “As inspiring as that is, you shouldn’t be doing any of the stuff I’ve seen in those videos.” Tony’s pulls at his wrist and swears silently. “Jesus, what is this made of?” “You… Watched the videos?” “Yeah, kid, I did, now please get this stuff off me?” “Right! It usually dissolves after two to three hours, but I have a dissolver in…” Peter falls silent as he realizes that what he needs is locked away by security. “Kid,” Tony threatens. “My backpack.”
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sinkingorswimming · 6 years
I was tagged by @maydei!! Thanks, Luc! <3
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2k17. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
1. ‘Cause I’m a Taker, ‘Cause I’m a Giver, It’s Only Nature | canon compliant relationship detail filler, R18, dom!Yuuri/sub!Victor in later chapters, 13/20
Yuuri isn’t sure what he expected when he decided to make his request, but it’s not this.
Victor stares at him with an oddly blank expression, the light that normally fills his blue eyes somehow non-existent. His mouth is kind-of twisted, not quite a grimace but definitely not a smile. “What?” he finally asks.
Yuuri’s cheeks go aflame. Surely, this should have resulted in an immediate yes. Surely, he’s not that...not special. “I asked you to have sex with me.”
Victor’s expression doesn’t change. “I thought it was an auditory hallucination.”
Yuuri makes a noise, lifting up his glasses and shoving his palm into one of his eyes. “Why are you making this so difficult? It’s a yes or no question.”
His glasses fall to the bridge of his nose where they belong, and Victor comes into focus. He clears his throat a few times. “I admit, I don’t follow the rationale.”
Yuuri sighs. “Because every time I watch the video of my “Eros” skate, it still feels like something’s not quite there. And how can it be when I...you know.”
It’s subtle, but Victor’s demeanor changes, like his jaw locks. “Oh. You want to sleep with me for your skating.”
“Well,” Yuuri begins, because that does make it sound like he’s using Victor. That’s not okay, and he would never. “You’re also really handsome?” he tries.
2. My Boy Builds Coffins | Goth!Victor/Mortician!Yuuri AU, R18, 5/12
To kill time, he checks his nails for any chips or signs of impending breakage. Nope, still perfect. The color is called Wicked---it’s by Essie, and it’s a burgundy almost as black as Yuri’s soul. It goes well with the dark gray silk dress shirt he wears with the sleeves rolled up and the black skinny jeans he has on.
He may have (mostly) taken himself out of the Goth clubs, but the Goth clubs haven’t taken themselves out of him.
The bar gets a bit more crowded, and a man in his mid-twenties stands next to Victor in a modestly cut (but not bargain bin) black suit with a white dress shirt and a black and gray patterned tie. His hair is messy in a way that looks effortless, and it matches the color of the suit. He also wears a pair of blue half-rimmed glasses and his eyes are so…wow, they’re warm, soothing, and spicy all at once, like the clove cigarettes Victor has to have a buddy hook him up with when he travels to Vancouver on business.
Victor loves the view. He knows if he takes a pic it’ll last longer, but this man…wow. He bites his bottom lip a little and tilts his head in appreciation.
The man notices and gives him a glance. Then he stares. His cheeks turn the same shade as the strawberries that float on top of Victor’s preferred beverage. He clears his throat and looks back at the baristas.
“Hi,” Victor tries with a winning smile. “Come here often?”
3. will lose my desire for you (never my love) | FMA fusion AU, Major Character Death, Canon Typical Violence, 1/2
The sickness is hard when he isn’t around, but Yuuri always hates being coddled. As much as Yuuri believes himself to be weak, he is so, so strong, and Victor spends their years together in awe of this boy-turned-into-a-man with such a will.
He doesn’t---will never---understand what he or Yuuri did to deserve this.
It spreads to his legs and lungs and even his head, this bright eyed star that fades into a gaping singularity in Victor’s heart. He still laughs, oh how he still laughs and smiles, and he feels so small in Victor’s arms, and Makkachin will not leave his side for even an instant.
Chris comes often these days, both to help Yuuri have a semblance of normalcy and to prop Victor up because he knows if he falls down he may not stand again.
They wake Yuuri up for what they ends up being his final injection, and Victor rests his head over his heart, the blue jacket with its brass buttons and medals hanging off the back of a chair by the window.
”Victor," Yuuri begins, and Chris inhales, saying some excuse Victor doesn’t hear as he leaves. “Victor...I wrote you something.”
Victor swallows. He knows---he knows immediately from the way Yuuri’s voice fades, the light darkening in his eyes. Makkachin knows too as he shifts further up the bed from Yuuri’s feet to lie as much as he can on his chest without restricting his breathing.
”It’s in the nightstand,” Yuuri continues. “It’s a thank-you note.”
4. that the music’s fine like sparkling wine (go and have your fun) | Teen, complete
Yuuri looks at the card a second time. He picks up a ballpoint pen and checks yes. He hesitates at the box for the plus one while worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “I’d just take Phichit if he hadn’t gotten his own invite.”
Yuuri doesn’t have a date, Victor realizes. He sits differently, more outwardly casual. The robe slips to show off more of his shoulder. Part of him registers Yuuri did not offer Victor as his first choice, but that doesn’t mean he may not be one at all. “If you attend a wedding, I won’t have anything else to do. It’d be silly for me to come back here with no one to coach. I'd be willing to go.”
Victor puts minimal longing into the words. He keeps his expression neutral, though he wants to just outright ask. The thought of them together on a tropical island, holding hands during the vows, Yuuri in a beautiful suit like the last GPF in Sochi as he whisked him across the dance floor—
Yuuri looks at Victor with his eyebrows knit together and his glasses falling to the tip of his nose. “Well, you’re right. That makes sense, I guess, more so than going with a stranger.”
Not what Victor hoped for as a response, not even a little. “Yes, no need to force smalltalk.”
Yuuri’s smile sparkles like Altair, and Victor’s disappointment vanishes into the ether.
5. Don’t You Know That’s the Way Love Comes? | Parks and Recreation AU, Teen, 4/?
“Celestino Cialdini,” the man says as he gives Georgi a brisk handshake. “I’m one of the auditors sent from the state. This is my assistant, Katsuki Yuuri.”
The shorter man smiles and nods.
Yuri glares at him. “We can’t have two Yuris. I refuse.”
“Yuri,” Georgi shushes him.
Yuuri Katsuki gives Yuri Plisetsky a look that’s a combination of perplexed and intimidated. “You can call me Auditor Yuuri to avoid confusion,” he offers with a polite smile.
Yuri is unappeased, his jaw clenched with visible irritation.
Yakov steps out of his office. “Ah, Celestino,” he says. They shake hands.
“Always nice to see you, Yakov,” Celestino replies. “Have you met Katsuki Yuuri?”
Yuri makes an aggrieved noise. Everyone else ignores him, including the other Yuuri.
“I’ve heard the name,” Yakov says. He shakes hands with Yuuri. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Yuuri says with a bow.
Celestino’s smile lights up the room. “We’re just introducing ourselves to every department, saying hello, that kind of thing. And I want you all to understand that Yuuri and I---we’re not the bad guys. We’re here to review how the town operates and see where we can trim the fat.”
Yuuri’s expression, oddly, doesn’t match Celestino’s words, but no one seems to realize it. His face is much more serious than his boss’s bright grin. He glances around the room. “Wait, are we missing people?”
“Yes,” MJ says. “The Deputy Director and his Assistant are at the zoo marrying penguins.”
Yuuri’s expression becomes disturbed, his skin going pale.
“Oh,” MJ says. “No, they’re marrying the penguins to each other. They’re not marrying the penguins themselves.”
I tag: @katsukiyuuristrophyhusband, @lemonyoi, @phoenixrei, @iwritevictuuri, @ceiphiedknight, @alexwspark, @katyaton and anyone else who wants to! (Be kind to yourselves, you deserve it!)
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thelanternwielder · 6 years
Too Late - a Monsuno Fanfic
Author’s note:
Yes, you read the title correctly. I finally wrote fanfiction for Monsuno. This is the first time I ever attempted to write fanfiction. I tried to write it in a way that you could get the gist of the story even if you have never watched an episode of Monsuno.
CW for entire story: Abuse and character death (the chapters those elements appear in are tagged)
Edit 2018/01/02: Part Two can be found >>here<<.
Tell me what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.
Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.
The sound of keys on keyboard being pressed faintly resonated throughout the aircraft, with an odd tap that had more of a metallic timbre to it.
Everyone on board had gone to bed, except for one.
The source of the tapping came from the ship’s control room. The room itself was large and empty. There were seats near the onboard computer, pushed aside.
The room was lit with the computer’s massive screen. On it were strange maps and satellite images.
Standing before the screen was an old butler. His grey, tired eyes darted to all parts of the screen. Despite it being so late, he was still in his uniform: his tuxedo with a purple bowtie and a backpack-like contraption that gave him two extra robotic arms. The metallic claws hung over his head as he typed away, occasionally moving to press a distant key.
“Where are you?” he mumbled, glancing at the time.
It was 12:04am.
Suddenly, the butler felt a pain in his head. A dull headache.
He stopped typing and rubbed his forehead.
“Blasted headache!” he hissed through gritted teeth.
The headaches had been coming and going for the past month. They were a nuisance, but he didn’t think too much of it.
There were far more pressing issues to worry about than a silly headache.
He went back to typing, slightly slowed. His eyes, again, darted around the screen, scanning all the images as quickly as possible. He looked down to find a key.
He looked to his right.
There was a hand leaning on the console.
The butler followed the black sleeve with his eyes.
There was a person leaning against the console, wearing a long black jacket with red epaulettes. He was bald and had a short beard. He was intensely analysing the screen.
The butler stepped back in start.
“Oh, hello Doctor,” he said, taking a breath, “I didn’t hear you come in”.
The Doctor looked at him and stood up tall.
The butler continued, “Really Sir, you’re becoming more and more like a phantom as time passes. And I have noticed, if you pardon the criticism,” the Doctor raised an eyebrow, “that you have become lax with the time.”
“What is that supposed to mean, Hargrave?” the Doctor asked with disgust. His voice seemed to fill the room with menacing grandeur whenever he spoke.
The butler cleared his throat.
“You said the last time you were here that you would come no later than midnight,” he saw that it was 12:08am, “Last time you came you were meant to arrive at ten to twelve at night but instead came at midnight. And this has been going on since your nocturnal visits began! What is going on?”
The Doctor was taken aback. He wasn’t used to being criticised, especially by his butler. Anger began to simmer inside him.
Hargrave wasn’t finished.
“Besides, why exactly are you even coming here at night? You can come during the day. I mean, the rest of the team miss you. Maybe if they saw – “
“Hargrave!” the Doctor boomed. He glared at the butler. He was breathing heavily, with every breath seething with indignation.
Hargrave seized up. His robot arms recoiled, as if they were part of his body. He knew that look and that rage all too well.
The Doctor approached him, their bodies now mere centimetres of each other. The height difference between the two men became apparent as the Doctor was breathing down on Hargrave. The butler knew that he wasn’t tall, but he felt even smaller than before.
The Doctor leaned in closer, right in Hargrave’s face.
“Do you dare to question me?” the Doctor spat at him.
The butler braced himself. He knew that if he said anything, things would only get worse. He stood there completely still.
“I asked you a question. ANSWER ME!”
Hargrave flinched. He was trying his hardest to not show any emotion, a task made even more difficult when his heart was racing.
He reluctantly and meekly replied, “Yes.”
He looked down at the ground as the Doctor leaned back. The Doctor regarded him with abhorrence.
“You’ve lost your faith in me.”
Hargrave looked up at him aghast, taking a few steps backwards.
“Lost faith? Absolutely not! Such a thing is inconceivable, sir!” he stammered, “I find your most recent actions, well, disturbing. I do not know of what you scheme, nor do I know where you go. As your butler, your safety is my top priority.”
Hargrave tensed up again.
The Doctor said, “No one need to know what I am doing. Everything will become clear when the time is right. Now, I do not want to hear another question from you about this ever again. Understand?”
“Yes Sir,” the butler bowed obediently.
The Doctor walked back to the screen, looking at the images again. Hargrave sighed with relief. His robot arms seemed to relax with the rest of his body. He was expecting it to be worse than that. Sometimes, the Doctor becomes violent during his tirades. Every so often, he lashes out, mostly with words but he has been more physical in the past. The worst the butler had experienced was when he was locked in a room with the Doctor’s Monsuno.
Monsunos were giant monsters created from mixing a glowing alien essence (appropriately called Monsuno essence) with animal DNA and rocks. They rest within a small hourglass-shaped container made from a light metal and glass called a Monsuno core. When the core is thrown, the monster is released and can stay out until either eight minutes are up or when it is defeated.
Hargrave was just learning how to use the Monsuno the Doctor created for him when he was locked in that room. He wasn’t completely defenceless against the bear-like monstrosity. He was able to deflect some attacks with his robotic arms long enough to figure out how to launch his core.
He shuddered at the memory, blinking back to the present.
“So, Hargrave,” the Doctor began, leaning against the computer console.
“Yes, sir?” Hargrave walked to the screen.
The Doctor stepped back, crossing his arms.
“You haven’t found the perfect location yet, have you?”
“Er, not really,” Hargrave began to type again, “There are surprisingly few plateaus in Mandala, sir. And the only location that really fits what you are looking for is in the Lowlands.”
A top down satellite image of an orange desert with few plateaus was brought up onto the screen. Hargrave looked at his master for approval.
The Doctor grunted, “There’re not nearly high enough.”
“I was afraid you would say that.”
Hargrave began to move the map away from the plateaus to a small hole in the middle of the desert. The Doctor looked at him with a blank expression.
“In other news, I did find one of our old bases. A mere shell of its former self, of course,” Hargrave turned to the Doctor and smiled cautiously, “Do you remember those times? Before you decided to partner with the Forge Resistance. Before you investigated cloning. Before you considered hiring anyone else. When it was the two of us. Us against the world.”
The butler had a wistful expression. He remembered back to when they first founded their little team: Team Eklipse. It was just the Doctor, him and an armada of robots. The Doctor used to create Monsunos as part of his research. He would sell the unwanted ones in the black market. The money was used to continue his research into creating the ultimate weapon. Hargrave admired the Doctor’s intelligence and ambition. He also admired how utterly brutal his master could be to anyone who got in their way of world domination. He was the Doctor’s right-hand man and he never wanted that to change.
He missed those times, especially since they partnered with the Forge Resistance. They were a group of outlaws who were known for their steampunk aesthetic and cybernetic Monsunos. They wanted a world of anarchy and destruction. This seemed contrary to the Doctor’s desires to the butler. He couldn’t see how the two groups could possibly cooperate, but they were. Somehow, the Doctor and the leader of the Forge Resistance, Professor Tallis, found some common ground and were working closely together. There were now two leaders in the group. Hargrave felt like a third wheel as a result.
The Doctor’s expression was still blank.
“Times have changed, Hargrave.”
The butler turned back to the screen, crestfallen. His robot arms drooped slightly. The Doctor moved to his right.
“We needed help taking over the world,” the Doctor explained, “We were being outmatched at every confrontation by our enemies. Now, since we are allied with Forge, we can use their resources and manpower.”
Hargrave turned his head slightly towards the Doctor. He knew what his master meant. One of their enemies, S.T.O.R.M., was an elite government-supported army whose aim was to quash any unauthorised Monsuno activity. Being an army, they had more weapons, more Monsuno and more firepower than the two could ever dream of. They recently allied with another enemy: Team Core-Tech. Team Core-Tech consisted of five children armed with Monsunos. One of the children was the son of a colleague the Doctor previously worked with. He deemed the Doctor to be mad with power and attempted to dissuade future research. Consequently, fighting Team Core-Tech was a far more personal matter than fighting S.T.O.R.M. Ironically, the children were the bigger threat of the two, due to the sheen number of times they have stopped the Doctor’s plans.
Hargrave asked softly, “And what of your plan of becoming a Monsuno Sapien?”
A wicked grin spread across the Doctor’s face. He placed his hand on the butler’s shoulder. Hargrave barely could feel his hand. It was weightless.
The Doctor emitted a dark chuckle.
“That was never off the table,” he whispered, “Merely put on hold. But no more.”
A small twisted smile appeared on Hargrave face.
“And the plateau is part of your brilliant scheme?”
“Of course!”
Hargrave turned back to the screen with a wicked spark in his eyes. The Doctor took his hand off the butler’s shoulder, stepped back and began to watch. Hargrave’s heart fluttered at the possibility of a new insane evil plan, like the ones of the past.
“I shall find you the highest plateau in Mandala, Doctor!” he declared with gusto.
He hammered the keys faster than before. Dozens of images and maps flashed onto the screen.
The Doctor watched with content. Soon he could go back to researching how he could combine human DNA with Monsuno essence. He had seen it been done once before on one of his enemies after an explosion (a “happy accident”, in his words). The result was a teal, monkey-like goliath, smaller but stronger than any other Monsuno. He called it a Monsuno Sapien. He yearned for that kind of power to pump through him, to dominate anyone who dared to challenge him. And after his transformation, he would command an army of Monsunos to take over the world, starting with Mandala.
But he needed a high plateau first, for reasons only known to him.
Meanwhile, two of the crewmembers were up and wandering about in their pyjamas.
One was an extremely tall man with messy spiked black hair and a streak of madness in his eyes. He held a Monsuno core with a brick red glow in his hand, using it as a kind of lantern. The other was not as tall and disgruntled about being woken up at this hellish hour. He wore a thick orange headband to keep his long brown hair off his eyes. The tall one was leading the way in the dark.
“There better be a good reason as to why you’ve woken me up, Dom,” growled the guy with the headband.
The tall man giggled with his high-pitched voice, “Pretty tells me that he’s doing it again, Drezz.”
Dom always calls his Monsunos ‘Pretty’.
“Who’s doing what again?”
Dom paused and turned to Drezz with an unsettling smile.
“You’ll see. Just follow me and be quiet.”
He sped off again. Drezz continued to follow reluctantly. He was still adjusting to Dom’s odd idiosyncrasies. He had to. They were stuck together ever since his leader, Professor Tallis, decided to ally with Dom’s leader, Doctor Klipse. The two groups, Forge Resistance and Team Eklipse, haphazardly combined to become Eklipse Resistance. It was strange to have two leaders.
But nowhere near as strange as Dom Pyro. Drezz was thoroughly convinced that Dom was completely mental. Dom talks to his Monsuno and acts as if it responds. Aside from his eccentricity, he really could understand his Monsuno whenever it ‘spoke’ to him. And he was able to sense when other Monsunos were ‘speaking’.
Some individuals, like him, were born with this psychic ability and can sense a Monsuno’s aura. Unlike him, most who had this ability were completely unaware of it, and of Monsunos for that matter.
“Where are we going?” Drezz asked.
Dom hushed him and gestured to come closer. Drezz, still confused, obeyed. They were in the hallway leading to the airship’s control room. A tapping sound came from the room. Dom pointed to the room with subdued glee. He then used his hand to cover his core’s light. The men peered into the control room. They saw Hargrave was at the computer, with images rapidly appearing and disappearing on the large screen. Drezz shot Dom a puzzled look. He knew that, ever since Dr Klipse and Six (the fourth member of Team Eklipse) went missing a month ago, Hargrave had been staying up late to look for them using the main computer.
Dom whispered, “Wait for it.”
Drezz looked back at Hargrave, still in the dark.
Hargrave threw a picture of a cliff in a clear patch of a rainforest onto the screen. He looked at his master. His master had a neutral expression.
“I know it’s a cliff and not a plateau, sir, but hear me out.”
The butler paused, waiting for permission to continue. The Doctor nodded as a signal to keep going.
“Well, I was thinking,” Hargrave said measuredly, “since you want a high flat piece of land and all of the plateaus I’ve come across aren’t nearly tall enough, this cliff would be a viable alternative.”
“Is it flat?” the Doctor interrupted harshly.
Hargrave hesitated, “It has a gentle incline.”
The Doctor walked up to the screen to scrutinise the picture.
“There’s not nearly enough space.”
“Perhaps we could cut down some of the trees,” Hargrave suggested.
The Doctor glared at him. The butler sheepishly laughed.
“I’ll keep looking then,” he turned back to the computer.
He went back to typing. Tap tap tap.
Drezz turned to Dom again, looking concerned.
“How long has this been going on?” he whispered.
Dom looked at Drezz with a cheeky smirk. He had been trying to contain his laughter.
“Two weeks,” he mouthed, holding up two fingers.
He began to bend over, chortling. He was hissing as much as a boiler that was about to explode. He slid to the ground, caught in a fit of snickering.
“Look at how he prances about!” he wheezed through the laughing.
Drezz glanced back at the butler.
Hargrave was mostly transfixed on the screen, blissfully unaware of what was happening. The images that flashed onto the massive screen has an almost hypnotic effect.
The Doctor spoke in a low tone, “Hargrave.”
Still focused on the task, the butler turned his head so that his ear was facing the Doctor.
“We’re not alone.”
Hargrave froze. He could hear a wheezing, muffled laugh coming from behind him.
He was a deer caught in the headlights.
Drezz realised that Hargrave could hear the laughter.
“Dom,” he hissed, grabbing Dom and shaking him, “Dom! Stop laughing!”
“I can’t!”
Suddenly he erupted with laughter. His core slipped out of his hand. The guffawing echoed through the large control room.
Drezz stood up, somewhat panicked. He glanced back at the butler.
Hargrave turned around and saw the men in the doorway. One was looking back with a shocked expression. The other was on the floor in hysterics.
Drezz turned to Dom, “And you told me to be quiet! Hypocrite!”
Dom tried to control himself as he got up, picking his core up. Hargrave walked towards the men as they entered the room.
Hargrave spoke softly, disheartened by the laughter, “Drezz, Dom Pyro, what are you two doing here?”
Drezz answered with worry, “We were wondering what you were doing.”
Hargrave grunted with scorn and regarded Dom.
“And to mock me, by the sounds of it.”
Still grinning, Dom replied, “You’re always so fun to watch, Clockwork Man.”
He chuckled one last time. The butler was unimpressed.
“So,” Drezz said, “who were you talking to?”
Hargrave raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Yes, who were you talking to, Clockwork Man?” Dom parroted.
The butler looked at the men.
“You’re not serious, are you?” he gestured to where the Doctor was with grandeur, “Dr Klipse, of course.”
They looked to where the Doctor was. He was facing the three of them, eerily quiet.
Dom covered his mouth to prevent another giggling fit. Drezz looked back at Hargrave, now even more concerned.
The butler was puzzled by their reactions.
He turned to Drezz.
“There’s no one there.”
He blinked a couple of times. He turned to where the Doctor was.
There was nothing but a vacant space.
Terror shot through the butler.
Still smiling, Dom put his hands on Hargrave’s shoulders. The butler shook as the hands landed heavily. He looked up at Dom who was even taller than the Doctor.
“You’re going mad, Clockwork Man!” Dom said with glee.
There was a mortified silence that hung in the room. Hargrave was completely expressionless.
“Please get off me.”
Dom took his hands off him. Hargrave walked back to the computer. Drezz and Dom exchanged looks. Hargrave leaned against the console with his hands, slumping over. He was staring at the keyboard, still attempting to process what he had done.
“Hargrave?” Drezz called to him.
“Please leave,” he responded politely.
“Maybe you should go to bed.”
Suddenly, Hargrave snapped.
“I said, LEAVE.”
This stunned both Drezz and Dom. Dom’s smile had even disappeared. They exchanged another look.
Hargrave was always so calm and collected, regardless of what was happening. He was steely under stress. He never faltered with his emotions.
The two men left quietly. The room became silent again. It has an air of anxiety to it.
Then Hargrave noticed something: his dull headache had disappeared. In fact, it had vanished when Drezz and Dom entered the room.
When he thought about it more, he noticed a pattern. Every time the Doctor appeared, he always had that dull headache.
But why? He thought.
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his Monsuno.
“The things I do for you, Emmanuel,” he muttered while looking at the core; it lit his face with its brick red glow.
He looked up at the screen, now filled with disappointment. Half of Team Eklipse was still missing. His beloved master was still missing. He was back at square one. He put his core down on the edge of the console. He began to close all the windows that he opened in a flurry during his imagined conversation.
The core’s light seemed to pulsate gently. It was almost soothing.
Suddenly, the light became brighter and brighter with each pulse.
An awful pain shot through Hargrave’s head like a spear. He stopped, completely paralysed. He grasped his head and collapsed onto the console.
The excruciating pain radiated through his entire body. He was shaking, silently suffering. He could barely stand.
He heard a loud booming voice that was all too familiar.
“Find me, you fool!”
It was the Doctor.
Hargrave tried to fight against the pain, weakly lifting his arm. Slowly, he began to press the keys on the keyboard. He brought up the satellite map of Mandala.
He closed his eyes, mashed a bunch of key and pressed enter before fainting on top of the keyboard.
He opened his eyes. He was facing the roof, illuminated solely by the computer screen that was on.
He sat up, rubbing his head. The headache had disappeared. He was no longer in pain, no longer shaking.
Hargrave looked up at the screen. On it was a static satellite image of a giant airship. It was shaped like an aircraft carrier, with dozens of small black and yellow helicopters dotting it. Among the helicopters was a blue one. The people one the massive airship resembled ants.
The butler got up and narrowed his eyes.
His jaw dropped when he realised what he was looking at.
It was a S.T.O.R.M. Cloud Carrier, a base of operations in the sky for the army. A flying fortress.
He glanced at his core for a moment.
Could this be a sign? He wondered, an awful omen?
It had to be. There was no other feasible explanation.
Hargrave was filled with horror at the realisation.
“Oh, my lord! They’ve been captured!”
His body was flooded with guilt and shame. It was churning through his body. A horrible image appeared in his head of the Doctor being locked up deep within the armoured weaponised ship, key thrown away, heavily guarded by black and yellow soldiers, never to see the light of day again.
He felt powerless.
How could I let the Doctor get captured, he thought, by our enemies, no less?! I should’ve been there to save him!
He felt weak, sickened to the core. The butler grabbed one of the nearby chairs. He slumped onto it, head in hands. His robot arms drooped with the rest of his body.
It was my job to protect him, the thought repeated over and over in his head, it was my job to protect him.
The soft brick red light of Hargrave’s Monsuno core pulsated calmly. It seemed to slow its pulse, almost out of pity, as the man began to weep.
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Hello everyone again for what was a 33rd birthday edition of graps taking me to Show 64 of the #100showyear which was for WCPWs Stacked 2017 IPPV and it was aptly named as there was nearly a dozen matches that could main event any show in the world. But first of all it was time to visit the local drinking establishments of Leeds and as ever they didn't disappoint. First port of call was the currently in refurbishment The Head of Steam which with work currently in progress has cut half of the pub off, 2/3rds of a Tiny Rebel Beer Money inc. which may or may not have been named after the successful TNA tag team of the same name - GLORIOUS naming this cost £4.60 and was alright for a 6% effort. Also consumed here was a Northern Monk Patrons light ale at a cost of £3.80 for a decent 3% session ale, if you ever buy the Patrons cans you get an added backstory on every label of the can - So whilst on one hand enhancing your knowledge, it is making you merry at the same time. A short walkover to Tapped followed for a pint of Bad Seed Brewery Horizon (6%) for £4.60 and wasnt too bad, but was made even better by the sight of a gorgeous lady in a trenchcoat - It's a 10 from Len!! Then it was time to visit what could be a new stop on the route to TIDAL in October, a pub/bar called The Nation of Shopkeepers, a wide selection of local and foreign ales are on top with me sampling a keg IPA for £4.45 and a bag of Tyrell crisps. But what this pub has got going for it is the vast beer garden and could be a great suncatcher area for throngs of people to sup their fruity ciders and gins in. Which brought up an interesting question - What is the next drinking fad? I welcome a comeback for Sherry but if any readers of this want to send me there thoughts just tweet. Drinks done it was off to the wrestling and a packed 02 Academy was ready and waiting for what was to be a fantastic night of graps so here is what went down Gabriel Kidd beats I Should be so Lucky Kid in a ok opener with both wrestlers looking decent but nothing blowaway. Gabriel has got potential but not much personality wise from him here. The heel group The Prestige was out next to persuade Will Ospreay to join there group but as we would find out later didnt join. Joe Hendry i suppose is a good leader of a faction as he has the talking skills but in my opinion he doesnt do anything for me as a wrestler. Main show time with Hiromu Takahashi facing Mike Bailey in a really good opener with kicks, chops and cuddly toys flying around in this one from both lads. Hiromu is personality on legs and as daft as it sounds has got a stuffed toy cat called Daryl over as rover with the audience. Couple of ouch spots for Bailey here missing a couple of attempts with the cannonball knees and this punishment succoumbed Bailey to defeat. Next up was a 3 way with HT Drake, AN-GEL-ICO and Jay Lethal. This was very quick with an elimination already taking place by the time i had come back from the toilet. A couple more minutes passed with Lethal picking up the win over his opponents. In the first of the Special Attraction matches tonight it was Pentagon JR vs Rampage Brown in a hard hitting affair between two of my favourites, lots of chopping here with the use of Pentagons loud left hand in play many times during this. But sadly young Pentagon fell to the grizzly bear like Rampage via a piledriver to end a short but decent big lads scrap. BT Gunn vs Primate was next for the WCPW Hardcore title which i admit i couldnt see much of due to a lot of the action taking place on the floor, but at least i got to see the finish with both lads going through a table but BT Gunn got up and won causing a submission stoppage to Primate. KUSHIDA vs Travis Banks was next in a 15 minute blinder as you would guess with two of the best in the world, the crowd was very much split here with both wrestlers having their supporters. Both guys are just so fluid in the ring and there was no wasted motion with each getting some great offence in. The finish came when KUSHIDA did a flying armlock on Banks from the top rope and caused Travis to tap out mercifully to the cheers of the WCPW faithful. Great stuff and needs to be watched back. Pissbreak match with Martin Kirby who is over like no ones business vs Alex Gracie who is currently one of the internets poking sticks for reasons that are well known. Not much to say here except for Bad Bones causing the DQ and beating the tar out of Kirby, sadly not good this. Thankfully the next match turned it up to 10 with War Machine facing Mark Briscoe and Jay Lethal in a brilliant War Machine Rules match. As you expected under these rules this is where War Machine thrive producing hard hitting, bone crunching offence from the viking-like behemoths and this was too much for Briscoe and Lethal who despite their best efforts fell to War Machine in around 15 minutes in a great match. Now the two big uns with contrasting styles with Rey Mysterio vs Ricochet and Will Ospreay vs Marty Scurll facing off in two excellent matches with possibly the Mysterio vs Ricochet match edging in quality. Things noted during these 2 matches: Rey Mysterio hasnt lost a yard of pace and his springboard DDT was fantastic to see. Ricochet just doesn't have a bad match Marty has maybe surpassed Will in the popularity stakes Marty gave my mate Ben the death stare after a comment about his shit hair or something Anyway the results of these were Rey Mysterio beat Ricochet and Marty pinning Will, both excellent matches to end a brilliant show that despite the 10 matches didnt outstay its welcome. WCPW has improved from an atmosphere point of view, yes you do get dickheads chanting 'both these guys' 'fight forever' 'chris benoit' all of which got shot down mercifully by the crowd police but apart from that still a brilliant night of graps. Beer prices - £5.10 for a pint of Tuborg, £4.70 for Carlsberg, £2.80 for Pepsi. The 02 app wasnt working properly this evening due to staff incompetence and the draught beer ran out before the end but hey ho it is what it is. Next review is from the 13th Anniversary of Futureshock Wrestling on Friday so till then #grapsandclaps
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