Do it halfway. Take one piece of trash out of your room, throw one dirty shirt into your hamper. Go to one class and miss a different one. Start a drawing without pressure to finish it. Give yourself space to Be without the expectation to Become, and do small things to make the Being livable.
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shawneeleighc · 5 months
Some days, I wish I knew how to give up. I wish I knew how to stop and just... not do this anymore. But I don't know how. All that pain instilled such a drive in me, a sense that quitting is not an option. It's been a blessing and a burden. But I'll persist, because honestly I don't know how to stop.
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karolinsmind · 5 months
Recovery isn't linear, and that's okay. It's about progress, not perfection.🤍
Whether it's a small victory like trying a new food or silencing that negative voice.🤍
I'm proud of you. Keep going 🤍
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chubbymuffinclub · 13 days
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body shaped like soft serve 🍦🤤
I'm so grateful to be able to accept and enjoy the contours of my own body. Dismantling and healing from self-hatred and body dysmorphia has taken me a long, loooong time, but baby I'm here showing up for myself every day!!!
The bad body image days still exist - but I can move through those feelings instead of being dragged down by them. A few bad days will never erase my progress 🫶🏼
Fighting to accept my body, heal my eating disorders, and rewrite the toxic narratives I was taught about self-worth, beauty, and body size has been a hard but extremely worthwhile journey. Honestly it's saved my life.
You CAN change your internal narrative and rewrite your own story with love and acceptance for yourself, and I hope that you do 💗 we deserve love and tenderness from ourselves most of all!!
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number1moose · 1 year
It's better to be fat with food freedom, than spend my life in a cycle of starving-bingeing and food obsession.
It might not be the pant size I wanted, but I'm not scared of food anymore. I stopped bingeing entirely. My emotional eating is extremely rare.
I've never experienced this before in my life.
Intuitive eating is so much better than trying to control every bit of food.
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Hi with Yom Kippur coming up just a reminder that if you have an eating disorder, are recovering from one or have recovered but fasting could in any way act as a trigger for you, not only should you not fast on Yom Kippur but you are halachically instructed not to. I understand the guilt, it's strong for me this year, but your health and wellbeing comes first always. Even the slightest risk it could cause a relapse or send you back to a life threatening mental illness? Nope, you don't take that risk. Eating on YK when you aren't allowed to fast and should be eating is as meaningful as those who are permitted to and therefore do fast 💜💜💜
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enchantingcolors · 2 years
Gentle Reminders:
Food isn't going to kill me.
I deserve to eat.
My daughter deserves a healthy mom.
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nourishnrecover · 13 days
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0ntheplusside · 6 months
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NO I don’t feel beautiful. YES I’m going to make myself eat anyway
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imtrying-butimpissed · 7 months
Unfollow pro Ed accounts and pro Ed hashtags. Unfollow the recovery accounts that are blatantly lying about recovery. Unfollow any account that posts thinspo or body checks. Actively help yourself.
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shawneeleighc · 2 years
I think getting up and getting through the day is pretty dam impressive if you're struggling with your mental health, motivation or whether you want to be here or not.
So if your win today was staying alive, I'm all about celebrating that. Get yourself some cake, the grande coffee, the top you saw and liked, the good take out from your favorite restaurant, whatever you fancy.
Celebrate yourself and your wins, they don't need to be what we've always been taught were wins ( Getting good marks, promotions, increases, losing weight, new cars or houses ).
🌸 They're the fact that today you kept yourself alive.
🌸 Today you brushed your hair and teeth and put on some clean clothes.
🌸 Today you said no to the voice that told you you weren't enough.
🌸 Today you ate and challenged a negative mindset towards food and your body.
🌸 Today you managed to speak kindly to yourself even in a tough situation.
🌸 Today you helped break cycles.
🌸 Today you finally tackled a task you've been putting off (hello to the mountain of washing or renewing my license disk)
You get to decide what's a win for you. No one else, and no one gets to belittle your wins. If they do its just a reflection of their inability to understand you, not that you're at fault or wrong.
So, our mission for the weekend is to celebrate a win. Whatever it is, I hope you see that you are so undeniably worthy of celebrating it and yourself.
My win is that I'm renewing my license disc today after putting it off an now its expired haha.. let me know in the comments if there's any wins you'd like to share 🌈🎊🦋💕 an give my insta a follow for daily self love, mental health and wellness content 💕
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karolinsmind · 6 months
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝
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chubbymuffinclub · 14 days
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Body size is NOT a disease. There are so many things that affect our well being! Chronic stress is a better predictor of whether somebody develops heart disease than weight is. And living in a larger body is STRESSFUL because of the rampant and socially acceptable fatphobia in our society. It’s not fat that kills, it’s fatphobia.
Weight loss is also often extremely dangerous. When we malnourish our bodies it jeopardizes our mental and physical health and can often be fatal. So, if we ACTUALLY valued wellbeing as a society, we wouldn’t be promoting weight loss as the cure-all.
The studies proclaiming the benefits of weight loss and the perils of fatness leave this out - weight loss is NOT sustainable. Also those studies are often written by pharmaceutical corporations selling weight loss drugs (that don’t work) for profit!! 😠THEY ARE GREEDY AND THEY FEED OFF OF FATPHOBIA AND US FEELING SHITTY ABOUT OUR BODIES! 😠
✨Dieting and weight loss goes totally against our brain’s wiring of KEEPING US ALIVE AND FUNCTIONING!✨
Weight cycling (when somebody loses weight bc they’re engaging in ED behaviors, gains it back because weight loss is not something the body can sustain and our survival mechanisms kick in when we attempt to starve ourselves, and then loses weight again bc society tells us that we’re failing as a human if we can’t lose weight and then the cycle repeats) is actually associated with a higher risk of death AND is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: who benefits from the idea that fat people are unhealthy?
ANSWER: the diet industry (mostly run by rich, white, cis hetero men) and literally nobody else
There is nothing wrong with you if you are struggling with an ED/if you want to lose weight. That makes TOTAL sense in a society that values thinness over all else. Knowing this stuff doesn’t necessarily make recovery any easier!
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number1moose · 1 year
Body checking
This shirt feels tighter...... AH! I'm gaining weight
These pants feel looser...... I'm losing weight?
Maybe I should stop using external "rulers" to attempt to judge my body. Bodies eb and flow. I am the tide, not the shore.
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edo-vivendum · 10 months
I'm not really on tumblr as much as I used to be, but that's because my life has grown to encompass so so so much more.
I'm no longer obsessing daily about my body and my progress towards a goal (whether that be a healthy goal or not).
Recovery is so so so important, but your life won't always be this hard. You can get through this to the other side. I struggled for yeeeeaaars and thought it'd never be over. And it was bad... I'm not going to quantify my struggle, but it was very real. (I realize some success stories are difficult to be motivated by if the ED doesn't seem "as bad"... I dont believe body numbers are relevant, but it did take me years of various levels of treatment to get to a good place).
I still struggle with food sensitives (ARFID) but my life is nolonger controlled by anorexia (or arfid for that matter). I'm confident in my body. I have a career that I love. I'm healthy. I have a loving relationship. I can take care of myself as an adult. I'm happy.
I can't tell you exactly what did the trick for me. Various medications. Careful mechanical eating for a long time. Controlled challenges. Mindfulness exercises. The biggest thing for me was trauma work. Trauma was why I kept going back to my ED, so it just kept coming back until I dealt with my trauma. And that was hard. So hard. But soooo worth it. I gained more weight than I wanted to. More than what is strictly BMI healthy. And that was so scary. But at a higher bmi, I actually found myself more comfortable. Way more confident.
There's not a magic cure, and it's hard as shit. Many of us won't get to the other side.... But you might, and if you do, it's so worth it. Why settle for misery when there's a potential for something better?
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