blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
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Hamlet is egotism as it appears to itself, and Don Quixote is egotism as it appears to the detached observer.
- Hugh Kingsmill
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viviennelamb · 4 months
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But in every scenario listed the individual is chasing after materialism for their self-worth and they become attached, so all this post suggests is a 360 into another type of delusion. Identifying with anything external is no different than identifying with one’s appearance.
When somebody knows who they truly are, they no longer depend on their external circumstances for self-esteem. Once somebody loses their job and financial ability to participate in hobbies and gain skills are they worthless again? What happens if they get in an accident and can no longer care for themselves? What if somebody loses all of their friends and family? What if you move to a new country with the clothes on your back and start from nothing?
The only thing all of us has is a soul, and without that realization, women's self-worth is at the mercy of this fickle world. “More immune” isn’t good enough for me, I want total immunity and our devotion to God is the only way to achieve it.
The best thing is to enjoy is the present moment, allowing eveything to come and go as they please. We weren't put here to "enjoy life" or even have self-esteem. We're here to learn what love is and how to become it which just so happens to place you in a permanent state of enjoyment as well as unshakable self-esteem. Gaining enjoyment as an end is boring and relatively easy, but won't be consistent without a clean mind. Never hold on to anything in the world - place all of that effort listed into loving God.
This post reminds me of these egotistical comments about how maintaining a façade is unsustainable:
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Can't run away from God forever and you can't rewire your brain for good without meditation.
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iceecube · 7 hours
I have this problem where I get really attached to Egotistical characters so when Bakugou was introduced I just went-
“Nothing can happen this poor baby, his ego’s too big!”
And then he apologized to Midorya and I went
“Poor baby, your ego must be so bruised! You didn’t need to do that!”
…I have a problem
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traumatizedjaguar · 29 days
Be careful about how you set boundaries or talk to a dangerous, vindictive, mentally unwell person bc they get paranoid very easily and will take anything you say the wrong way, and if you genuinely word something off on accident an apology won’t suffice bc they will come after you and try to fuck your life up or rape you over it and extreme people like this have no innate morality or heart. Just full of paranoia and anger issues. Best to keep your words MINIMAL meaning just say “leave me be please!” Or “I don’t wanna be bothered, thank you.” MIN-A-MAL.
Even then they’ll find a reason to hurt you;
for an example I set a boundary with a person when I was younger and when I said I didn’t want to talk and was sitting in my history class waiting for my teacher to arrive (to save my ass) the girl gave me a dirty look and accused me of talking shit, when I emphasized I just didn’t wanna talk, she said I obviously hated her bc “everyone did” and I didn’t know how to respond to my intentions being interpreted and my boundaries being set. Toxic response of her, although I sympathized with where she was coming from I didn’t realize the malice intentions this kid actually had.
So when I say mentally unwell, toxic people…if you notice red flags, and they can be subtle, you MUST steer clear of them always, set boundaries as nice as you can, and run! And don’t try to feel bad for them bc that’s a mistake that’ll get you hurt, just LEAVE. Make up any excuse or lie you can if you want, but set HARD boundaries and say you’re simply not interested in talking.
If you feel in immediate danger, esp a man, give a fake phone number if they ask for one (you can have one ready on a fake number app that’s downloadable, and temporary number websites) and act enthusiastic about seeing them “later in the week” bc you’re busy and gotta go somewhere rn and try to stay with a group of friends or family members when going out. Keep mace on you always and even a recording device and dash cam on your car for police evidence.
Here’s a life saver: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2gkABqLt3G/?igsh=eXN0NmM1aTlvbTFz
Here’s another link for this gem: https://www.instagram.com/_joshuasummerfield?igsh=b3FmaWo2dHpsdzZ5
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palatinewolfsblog · 9 months
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The rocky Top (for my dear Friend @rubenesque-dollyd-93 ...) Gentle reminder: "If nothing ever changed, there would be no such thing as butterflies." Wendy Mass.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Me, in my head, all the time:
Me in real life:
Bestie: What's wrong? Me: They put mayo on my burger. ._. Bestie: What!? No! You specifically told them 'no mayo'. Me: it's okay i'll just eat it i'm just being picky it's my fault Bestie: No, you won't. Me: I don't want to inconvenience anyone. I'll just deal. Bestie: Absolutely not! You paid for a burger with no mayo on it. Hold on a second. Me: okay Bestie: Hey! Excuse me! Yes, my friend can't eat this burger if it has mayo on it, that's why we said 'no mayo'. Can we please get another one made? Thank you. Me: i hope they don't hate me forever Bestie: Here you go, I got you a new burger. Me: thank you, you are my best friend
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
Owner of a Lonely Heart
Just read This Excellent Analysis of Dirk and I wanted to write some things, but not as a reblog cuz that post was already long enough and also just in case my take might set off any comments drama.
Im on record not being a big Dirk fan myself, but I love this approach. It is measured, nuanced, and interesting, and it lets Dirk be as complicated a character as he is in the comic. I’d add though that I think ego and insecurity are as much a part of it as a desire for control, but not in a “blame” way rather in a really tragic way so bear with me.
Like: Yes Dirk has control issues but wrapped up in those is that Dirk REALLY doesn’t like being seen as “Not Enough” or “Wrong” or “2nd Best”(in a sincerely fucked up way this may also be part of why he doesn’t go harder at Roxy for constantly hitting on him when she knows he’s gay, and why Lil actively flirts with her despite this: Dirk resents it, but he also blames himself for ‘letting her down’; Lil, given his awful situation, experiences her interest as positively Affirming). His freakout when Caliborn gives him the porn-challenge is a good example of how severe his need to be “Acceptable”, or better “Superior”, is, and you see a bit of that in the Splinters too.
But there’s another-nother side to this: Dirk is AWFUL to his splinters(aside from Squarewave and Sawtooth who are wish fulfillment) because asserting their fakeness affirms his “realness”, but that ALSO allows him to externalize his self-hatred. Dirk’s last convo with Lil is really the key here: he literally says he wants to kill Lil because he really wants to kill HIMSELF. All that anger, embarrassment, rejection, and denial he directs at them is really stuff he thinks about HIMSELF, but confronting that directly is painful so he instead confronts his splinters with it, which doesnt really help of course cuz he thinks they’re him. The assertions of “fakeness” thus become both justifications for his cruelty, and affirmations of the negative qualities he sees in himself(and so of his judgement as well). It’s the same sort of thing Karkat’s doing, insulting himself on Trollian.
Dirk is seriously depressed. Until the game he’s only ever had himself for physical company and, combined with the intense anxiety and sadness isolation naturally produces, he’s stewed on and amplified in his own mind his worst traits for years. “In his own mind” being pivotal here cuz literally no one else sees him as badly as he sees himself; none of his friends see these glaring flaws he can’t see past which, because he’s depressed, he interprets NOT as disproving those flaws, but as PROOF of how big a fraud he is(and thus, another source of anxiety over his own realness). Dirk is trapped in a cage of himself, and it constantly fucks up his life, and everything he does to fight his way out of it only makes that cage stronger. That’s why I LOVED his last moment with Lil because it was an example, finally, of him showing one of his splinters(and thus himself) some compassion. It was a way out for him, if only he’d build on it.
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theexodvs · 12 days
"You don't love yourself enough!"
"Nobody should love themselves at all."
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ukdamo · 8 months
Mary Queen of Scots
Que suis-je hélas? Et de quoi sert ma vie? Je ne suis fors qu'un corps privé de coeur, Une ombre vaine, un objet de malheur Qui n'a plus rien que de mourir en vie. Plus ne me portez, O ennemis, d'envie A qui n'a plus l'esprit à la grandeur. J'ai consommé d'excessive douleur Votre ire en bref de voir assouvie. Et vous, amis, qui m'avez tenue chère, Souvenez-vous que sans coeur et sans santé Je ne saurais aucune bonne oeuvre faire, Souhaitez donc fin de calamité Et que, ici-bas étant assez punie, J'aie ma part en la joie infinie.
Alas what am I? What use has my life? I am but a body whose heart's torn away, A vain shadow, an object of misery Who has nothing left but death-in-life. O my enemies, set your envy all aside; I've no more eagerness for high domain; I've borne too long the burden of my pain To see your anger swiftly satisfied. And you, my friends who have loved me so true, Remember, lacking health and heart and peace, There is nothing worthwhile that I can do; Ask only that my misery should cease And that, being punished in a world like this, I have my portion in eternal bliss.
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snakeinlilac · 24 days
Loneliness is not the same as solitude
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Life keeps on surprising me. Altering a lot but not my views. Or does it? Loneliness is not the same as solitude. 
I have been enjoying solitude for quite some time now. It's how I come to terms with myself, and my thoughts, go through desires and, hopefully, find some inspiration to motivate me further for action. 
But! What is this nagging feeling of being unworthy of a person beside me? Caring for what others might think of me? This shit mindset brings about all the crap I work so hard to get rid of. Let's call it loneliness. 
I am lonely being alone, lonely being around people and lonely trying to make fun out of fucks. So I did well, exactly what was expected from me (everyone is broken and pretends to be kind – only to get something out of me, or into me — same/same blah blah 😑) 
Can you smell the sweaty unshaved depression with whiskey on its breath — I can.
Yet, I would hate myself for becoming a part of it. To hell with that, I don't have time, I am neither rich with it nor am I pretending to be. 
Logically speaking, since I want to do so many things on different levels of crazy, and enrich this Gift of Life the best I can. Wasting opportunities over somebody's ambitious approval doesn't quite fit. 
— That's selfish! ('They say')
— Thanks for understanding 🙏 [not that it's obvious, no, no, no😉]
Can I try to love [not here not now], much rather,  understand myself, both momentarily and on the whole — that's a brave goal. At least aim for it, or better move in this direction.
I am not moving alone, I don't feel comfortable, and I need a person to motivate me! — Really?!
— Who are you then, Snake? A dependent bitch of a person, wanting to compensate for your downfalls and drown in the lazy void of nothingness?  Congrats! I just lost interest. 📷 By my trusty Nikon F2 @ Viña del Mar, Chile 2023 For vibes: https://open.spotify.com/track/7qH9Z4dJEN0l9bidizW7fq?si=6f7c8e2e8f554ed4 PS I defined what loneliness is for me, what is it for you? How do you see and feel about solitude? – Let's dance on the sand folks!😈
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orthodoxicons · 1 year
15. Read the Scriptures regularly (—not reading them to fight with others, not reading them to show off quoting, but reading them as fuel, as food. Because if we don’t read the Scriptures regularly, we die. It would be like trying to live without eating or to drive a car without putting fuel into it).
55 Maxims of the Christian Life, Fr. Thomas Hopko
(See the full list of maxims here and here)
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vormov · 4 months
like i'd tell you (harborcoat)
i've wished before and again, among us this game another wished against us, left us to fall, like we were fools to the tide, i've always known the way back home; left these touches to disaster to the past they'd rather remember me than know.
let lists go with the wind it blows among us with such force, how do you not lose yourself in it? i never knew how powerful these things i knew were, let me go. i'd love to tell you what i know we'd peer into sights unseen and movements that dont make any sense, aloft like we were merely segments of a much larger whole, i'd love to see it.
let lists blow in the wind they are endless and gone, let these winds blow like mere cartography among a specific precision, like i'd know. i can go further than this.
and with a whim im gone again let these demons delve, i'll speak alone. never to see this again like it were transient, a memento mori left for us to remember entire lives, i'd love to see em again leave it among us at the ford like we were the whispers;
on the wind speaking the tongues aloft "i'll die seeing it's importance" a familial curse bent forward like a compass. 'no way will it encompass us' 'i know just where we are…'
i left these feathers among the whispered long ive seen it come and go like the everment of the ocean, like the very spokes these worlds spin upon i've seen em and they aren't quite the marvel, like we spoke they are not what you think, it is a space meant for you to fill it in-as-you-go 'let it speak through you' i'd rather understand these unfathomable silences in between us like fires spent being thrown against the horizon every day and ignites the fucking Sun. let it go.
maybe you just weren't meant to know. (12-30-23—Hello again. I am rethinking my entire existence, but don't worry about me. We got this! ive risen along these pieces of twelve like we saw the whole treasure peaked among us, we'll let go of it to be sure that we can't be touched, how far did we go, anyway? i'll never be able to know.)
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viviennelamb · 4 months
The only people who won't abuse you or switch up on you are those who are pure of mind, those who devote every moment of their lives to God and nothing else. Those who actually believe in karma instead of using it as a catchphrase against someone they don't like are the only people who will never hurt you. People who demonstrate selfishness (not selfishness with keeping their peace...) cannot compartmentalize that selfishness when it comes to you. You are not more special than their sex, money, and entertainment, and they will choose those over you every single time without fail. There's no reason to devote your loyalty or even a single thought of goodwill in their direction - give that to God. Loving God allows you to know God’s true nature and those souls don’t take other souls for granted, but egos love materials and not You. I always knew that the fake love people spoke of wasn't really love, but since I haven't seen true love, I was never sure. But once I saw actual love for God, that was a wrap for me. Once you understand what love actually looks like, you will no longer have any doubts about this world and your eternal search for Truth will end. Love doesn't hurt either; it removes your emotionality and sensitivity because you will know that evil will face a brutal loss to real love every single time. Those who choose egotism over God are extremely ignorant to the point where it cannot be explained. You have to stop thinking God is sex and believe God is Purity before you can understand what religion is. Every thought of doubt, shame, and hesitation is killed within you. Now that I know what love is, I can tell you with certainty that almost nobody knows what love is. Love is not about being nice; it's about devotion. If you're not ready to give up Satanism for love, then you're not ready to experience it yet. You do have to sacrifice depravity for love, and most people prefer lies from a dark minded individual rather than the facts of Infinite Light.
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maribellablack · 11 months
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You can't truly love someone 'till you love yourself first.
I grew up everyone telling me that if I loved myself too much I was a narcissist and too self-centered, only in my late teens I finally understood that self love is neither selfish, nor - egotistic- it's necessary to be kinder, better, more loving and caring to others.
I am grateful for everything I have in my chaotic life and I'm thankful to myself, as I'm still standing (that was totally an Elton John reference)
Happy 20th birthday to me <3
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etherealsign282 · 2 years
Oh you grew up a little? Oh you changed? Oh you're a better person now?
Oh you think you're a better person than me and everyone else for this transformation?
Then you didn't change like you thought you did.
You just found another way to inflate your ego.
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palatinewolfsblog · 2 years
The high Roller (for Elon) .
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