janeaustenintj · 2 years
Seni sağ salim halde göremediğim için hala çok tedirginim.
Bana bir keresinde, “Biz farklı dünyalarda yaşıyoruz,” demiştin. Gerçekten öyle mi acaba? Ten rengimiz de göz rengimiz de doğduğumuz ülke de hep birbirinden farklı. Ama biz dostuz, yetmez mi? Daha neye ihtiyacımız olsun ki?
İyi ki Amerika’ya gelmişim. Burada bir sürü yeni arkadaş edindim. Ama hepsinden öte seni tanıdım, Ash...
Bana defalarca sordun, “Benden korkuyor musun?” diye. Ben senden hiç korkmadım. İlk tanıştığımız günden beri bir kere bile senden korkmadım. Ama hep senin benden çok daha acı çektiğini, ruhunun benimkinden çok daha yaralı olduğunu hissettim. Böyle hissetmekten kendimi alamadım.
Ne tuhaf, değil mi? Sen benden hem daha akıllısın, hem daha irisin hem de daha güçlüsün. Yine de... Ben hep seni korumam gerektiğini hissettim.
Ama acaba seni neye karşı korumak istedim?
Galiba seni kendi kaderinden korumak istedim. Seni adeta sel gibi önüne katıp sürükleyen kaderinden.
Bana Hemingway’in kitabındaki leoparın hikayesini anlatmıştın, hatırlıyor musun? Dağın tepesinde ölen o leoparın dağdan asla geri inemeyeceğini bildiğini söylemiştin. Ben de sana, “Sen leopar değilsin. Kaderini değiştirebilirsin,” demiştim.
Tekrar söylüyorum. Kaderini değiştirebilirsin, Ash.
Yalnız değilsin. Ben yanındayım. Ruhum daima seninle.
Sayonara, Amerika... Sayonara, New York... Ama sana “sayonara” demeyeceğim, Ash... Aramıza ne kadar mesafe girerse girsin bir gün mutlaka tekrar karşılaşacağız.
Sen benim en iyi dostumsun.
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sparklingoctopus · 1 month
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Save Me The Waltz (Alternate) by Cr0wsnest
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gastricpierrot · 11 months
Title: Marble to dust
Series: Banana Fish
Relationship: AshEiji / EijiAsh
Rating: T
Warnings: referenced violence and panic attacks
Also on AO3
Ash Lynx was known as many things.
He was an angel carved from marble, ethereal in his beauty. He was a devil formed from crusted blood and rotting viscera. He was a wild cat, a leopard in the snow, a beast in all its glorious ferocity.
He was but a child. A child forced onto a pedestal too high beyond anyone’s reach. Larger than life. Held up solely by his unyielding pride of having survived, again and again and again.
Aslan Callenreese was only a boy.
It took Eiji much too long for that to sink in. Ash was only a few months from turning merely eighteen when they first met. A boy who, in another life, would’ve been at the age to only have to worry about his first crush, passing his finals and graduating high school. Maybe he’d be even fretting over prom, Eiji had the impression that it was a big thing in America.
Yet there Ash was out in the streets, fighting a war far too large for any teenager to be leading. There he was, holding the mafia itself at gunpoint. There he was, wounds carved deep into his flesh, blood marring his skin like acid.
Eiji too, was still a child by his own right. Barely out of school and only a year into college, still coddled and soft. Far too soft. Perhaps if he had strength, had the fortitude to aim a gun and pull the trigger without hesitation, had the brains for strategy or the skills to do anything, anything that could’ve helped Ash and ease his burden—then he could’ve made somewhat of a difference. As miniscule and insignificant as it might be. At the very least, perhaps less people Ash cared for would have died protecting him. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to be the weakest link, the Archilles Heel.
Eiji wished for violence, for the first time in his life. Carnally, desperately. Helplessly. He wanted to destroy everyone and everything that had hurt Ash, wanted to burn them in hellfire until they're nothing, nothing, nothing. Wanted to be stronger, be more. Just—more. So that he could do something, anything.
For Ash, he would’ve done anything.
And yet, what had he really been able to do?
Meanwhile, Ash spent every day dying. Each time he stepped foot into the streets, Ash killed another part of himself. Eiji came to understand that it was the only way he knew to keep going.
Contrary to popular belief, Ash Lynx was not made of marble. Often he bent instead of breaking, twisted and deformed through gritted teeth and the force of sheer will. As though he had a heart of titanium, a soul ablaze with defiance.
But whenever he finally broke, he shattered.
Like bullets shot through glass; sudden, violent, jarring.
Away from prying eyes, Ash cried. He cried in a silent and trembling bundle, folding into himself, hand clasped over his mouth. Sweating and trembling from persistent nightmares, unimaginable in their horror.
He cried; save me, save me, save me.
Eiji had been arrogant. He’d thought he could’ve protected Ash, in some meaningful, wishful way. Perhaps it was a twisted saviour’s complex deep down that drew him to him, that drove him to stay despite all the danger, the violence that inevitably followed.
And Ash looked at him like he truly did save him. He looked at him as though he was made of galaxies, wondrous stardust. He touched him with the reverence of a worshipper. His light, his salvation.
But Eiji was well aware that he was no god. He was painfully, frustratingly, and only human. Unable to even chase Ash’s terrors away, to scream at them to stay back, don’t come any closer. Don’t hurt him anymore.
Eiji did not know what to do the first few times. He had barely even heard Ash, jolting awake from nothing but a horrible feeling deep in his gut. He’d sat up, finding Ash awake, his hunched form a shadow against the darkness of their room—and he’d known, immediately, that something was terribly, terribly wrong.
Eiji had since learnt to sleep lightly, even before noticing Ash’s nightmares and panic attacks. It merely came as a package of staying by Ash’s side. There was always a possibility for an ambush, an inside job to capture and take out the only weakness. Eiji may be naïve, but even he knew this much was common sense when it came to being part of this world.
He came to understand too, why Ash preferred to exhaust himself to the bone every single time before he decided it was time to rest. Passing out seemed much preferable to falling asleep. Passing out meant there was no chance for his brilliant mind to turn against itself with scarring memories that should be left buried and forgotten.
Ash did not like being seen in his raw, shaking vulnerability, so Eiji did not look. He would only sit close by his side and face slightly away, still keeping him within his peripheral sight and making sure Ash was able to see him in turn. And then he would count in silence, an attempt to keep his own panic under control. He would count, because if he didn’t distract himself then he’d only be too aware of his own crumbling heart.
Eiji always trusted that if Ash wanted to reach out, he would. And he did, sometimes. Once he got his breathing under control, he would tap Eiji’s shoulder or arm with trembling fingers. A signal. Ash did not speak during his breakdowns.
And Eiji would go to him, keeping his every movement slow and predictable. He would coax him into drinking some water, would use a damp cloth he’d prepared beforehand to wipe his face, his hands. Then he would drape a towel over him, one that’s not thick enough to suffocate but simply there to be a buffer between their bodies—and carefully, tenderly, he’d hold him in his arms.
He would hold him, not a single word leaving his lips—and he would pray.   
Japan was the land of eight million gods and it was so, so far away. Yet Eiji prayed, prayed for even one of them to heed his pleas and grant Ash their fickle blessings. To keep him safe, ease his pain. Heal him. Gods, please help him. He would pay any price. He would give up his flesh, his bones, his beating heart. Please, do all that is beyond his power.
All Eiji could do was hold him, his meagre, mortal body all he had to shield Ash from a world far too cruel towards a boy barely eighteen years of age. Promise him he loved him no matter how broken, tainted and blood-soaked he is. No matter how much he thinks he is undeserving of love. Eiji would love him, a billion times over.
All Eiji could do was love him.
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zealina · 1 year
i cannot get over how life altering banana fish is. like seriously. if u haven't seen it, be prepared for the most conflicting and extreme emotions u have ever experienced.
u will fall in love with so many characters, i guarantee it. i wish i could go back and rewatch the anime all over again.
i actually feel like a whole new person because of this, so thank you, banana fish
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heebiebeebies · 2 years
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My soul is always with you. ❤️
It’s been a year since I finished watching the anime. Boyyy, how it destroyed me. I had never cried over a fictional character as I did for Ash. They deserved some happiness after everything they went through.
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souldaisies · 2 years
1. conceito de que as coisas são transitórias, existindo apenas brevemente.
2. a efemeridade dos amores da juventude.
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soneto 18
Se te comparo a um dia de verão
És por certo mais belo e mais ameno
O vento espalha as folhas pelo chão
E o tempo do verão é bem pequeno.
Às vezes brilha o sol em demasia
Outras vezes desmaia com frieza;
O que é belo declina num só dia,
Na eterna mutação da natureza.
Mas em ti o verão será eterno,
E a beleza que tens não perderás;
Nem chegarás da morte ao triste inverno:
Nestas linhas com o tempo crescerás.
E enquanto nesta terra houver um ser,
Meus versos vivos te farão viver.
[William Shakespeare]
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anniemainiancs · 7 months
Hello all! My name is Annie! I am 20+ so MDNI, i prefer my rp partners be 19+. I am in multiple fandoms! I write literately/semi-literately! 2-5 paragraphs, whatever you are comfortable with I will match! Here are some fandoms I am in as well as ships I will do!
One Piece 🏴‍☠️
(Can double up with ocs)
Ships: Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi
Characters I will write: Sanji, Nami, Zoro
JJBA (Jojo) 👊
Some Characters will be aged up or I will not rp the ship I can also double up OC with this)
Ships: Joseph/Caesar, Giorno/Narancia, Jolene/F.F
Characters I will play: Giorno, Caesar, Jolene
(characters will be aged up to adult hero's)
Ships: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, TodoZuku.
Characters I will play: Kirishima, Todoroki, Izuku.
Banana Fish 🍌
characters will be aged by two years, already have a starter ready)
Ships: EijiAsh
Characters I will play: Either I don't mind
SK8 the infinity 🛹
Characters will be aged up)
Ships: Langa/Reki, Matchablossom
Characters I will play: Langa, Reki, Joe
Miyano and Sasaki 🏳️‍🌈
Characters will be aged up)
Ship: Miyano/Sasaki
Characters I will play: Either of them :)
Supernatural 💀
(I will not rp Sam/Dean, so please don't ask)
Ships: Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
Characters I will play: Dean Sam Gabriel or Cas
Good Omens ☀️
Ships: AziraCrow
Characters I will play: Crowley ❤️
Ships: Henry/Alex
Characters I will play: EITHER
Star Wars
Ships: Luke/Han Solo (I also have an itch to write an Anakin ship it can be an oc and him if you want but the OC has to be male)
Characters I will write: Luke and Anakin
If any of these interest you pls interact or message me I can rp here but prefer to use discord! You can find me @/ sunshinekin
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hello all! My name is Annie! I am 20+ so MDNI, i prefer my rp partners be 19+. I am in multiple fandoms! I write literately/semi-literately! 2-5 paragraphs, whatever you are comfortable with I will match! Here are some fandoms I am in as well as ships I will do!
One Piece 🏴‍☠️ ************
Ships: Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi, Mishanks, AceSan Luffy/Koby, LawLu,
Characters I will write: Sanji, Nami, Zoro, Ace, Luffy
JJBA (Jojo) 👊
Some Characters will be aged up or I will not rp the ship
Ships: Joseph/Caesar, Giorno/Narancia, Jolene/F.F
Characters I will play: Giorno, Caesar, Jolene
Ships: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, TodoZuku.
Characters I will play: Kirishima, Todoroki, Izuku.
Banana Fish 🍌
Ships: EijiAsh
Characters I will play: Either I don't mind
SK8 the infinity 🛹
Characters will be aged up)
Ships: Langa/Reki, Matchablossom
Characters I will play: Langa, Reki, Joe
Miyano and Sasaki 🏳️‍🌈
Characters will be aged up)
Ship: Miyano/Sasaki
Characters I will play: Either of them :)
If any of these interest you pls interact or message me I can rp here but prefer to use discord! You can find me @/ sunshinekin
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findyourrp · 7 months
Hello all! My name is Annie! I am 20+ so MDNI, i prefer my rp partners be 19+. I am in multiple fandoms! I write literately/semi-literately! 2-5 paragraphs, whatever you are comfortable with I will match! Here are some fandoms I am in as well as ships I will do!
One Piece 🏴‍☠️
(Can double up with ocs)
Ships: Zoro/Sanji, Nami/Vivi
Characters I will write: Sanji, Nami, Zoro
JJBA (Jojo) 👊
Some Characters will be aged up or I will not rp the ship I can also double up OC with this)
Ships: Joseph/Caesar, Giorno/Narancia, Jolene/F.F
Characters I will play: Giorno, Caesar, Jolene
(characters will be aged up to adult hero's)
Ships: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, TodoZuku.
Characters I will play: Kirishima, Todoroki, Izuku.
Banana Fish 🍌
characters will be aged by two years, already have a starter ready)
Ships: EijiAsh
Characters I will play: Either I don't mind
SK8 the infinity 🛹
Characters will be aged up)
Ships: Langa/Reki, Matchablossom
Characters I will play: Langa, Reki, Joe
Miyano and Sasaki 🏳️‍🌈
Characters will be aged up)
Ship: Miyano/Sasaki
Characters I will play: Either of them :)
If any of these interest you pls interact or message me I can rp here but prefer to use discord! You can find me @/ sunshinekin
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
tagged by: this was stolen. tagging: all of you.
Original Characters (first because I said so)
Mira: MiraLaw (romantic or platonic. Rivals in finding the most bones perhaps?), WoL!Mira/Emet-Selch (Hades), WoL!Mira/Emet/Hyth (I just want to absolutely destroy Mira in Endwalker ok? ok.), Mira/OC (Mira is likely going to be Thanatos, Death, or Hades in this pair. I'm sorry.) Anything that reminds me of Life/Death, Light/Darkness, Fire/Ice. When there’s no one to ship, she’s with Crimson. Mira/Canon, Mira/OC.
Jasper: Has a bad case of unrequited first love. He loves Mira, but Mira only sees him as a brother. If you can love him through that, he’ll make a good boyfriend! Jasper/Canon, Jasper/OC. He is a pretty hardy noble/wealthy/spoiled brat, having been through several near-death experiences.
Crimson: Eustass/Crimson, Crimson is full of fire, fun, and passion! Crimson/Canon, Crimson/OC. When there’s no one to ship, she’s with Mira. She has a weakness toward redheads.
Nerissa: She is a Fishwoman that loves humans. Nerissa/Canon, Nerissa/OC. I played around with Nerissa/Crocodile and Nerissa/Shanks. If you want a very tall, strong woman for a girlfriend, there's Nerissa.
Miyuki: AceYuki, SaboYuki, KoalaYuki, and survived!LamiYuki. Miyuki/Canon, Miyuki/OC. While I do want to make her happy, she has a tendency towards people who were character deathed... I liken her to anything water related, and I do headcanon her as having a mermaid ancestor, so she can stay underwater longer than a regular human could. In FFXIV, she's a Xaela Auri female who is a sky pirate navigator. I ship her Unsundered self with Hythlodaeus.
Marie: She is on the asexual and aromantic spectrum. Marie/Canon, Marie/OC. She manipulates blood and it would be great if her partner can stomach that.
Marquis: Marie's twin brother, he is also on the asexual and aromantic spectrum. Marquis/Canon, Marquis/OC. He is a mad scientist and fights with various blades including and not limited to scalpels.
Ana: AnaMarco, as for her ffxiv self, has been playing with the idea of Ana/Nero/Cid lately. Ana/Canon, Ana/OC.
Shakti: When there are no ships around, it's usually Rockette/Shakti against the world! Shakti/Canon, Shakti/OC. In One Piece, she is a sky islander. In ffxiv, she is a Viera.
Rockette: When there are no ships around, it's usually Rockette/Shakti against the world! Rockette/Canon, Rockette/OC. In One Piece, she is a wealthy gal born in a family or architects, but she wants to walk in the footsteps of shipwrights! In ffxiv, she is a Viera.
Feiyu: Feiyu/Canon, Feiyu/OC. They are AFAB nonbinary and prefer all pronouns.
I'm good as long as both parties are over 25. I do ship Ana with someone older than her.
So long as both are unclothed it's mature. There are other ways to be intimate while nude, but just to be safe...
Yes, or I like to think I am. I like to make sure we're on the same page just abouts.
All of my pairings are OTPs pretty much. I just need to roleplay a couple of times to consider them as such. I've just grown really shy about asking for some reason...
Canon Characters
Chrome Dokuro: 6996, 9618, 96MM (kinda sorta), Chrome/Canon, Chrome/OC
Nico Robin: RobinFranky, RobinLaw, Robin/Canon, Robin/OC
Nefertari Vivi: ViviNami, ViviLuffy, Vivi/Canon, Vivi/OC
Eiji Okumura: EijiAsh, ShorEiji
Hino Rei/Sailor Mars: MinaRei (Venus/Mars), Jadeite/Rei, Rei/OC, Rei/Canon
Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune: MichiHaru (Neptune/Uranus), MamoruMichiru, Michiru/OC, Michiru/Canon. Mamoru and Haruka are the only masculines I can see her dating. (*Haruka is bigender/agender depending on the rper)
Roberto de Niro/OC
Yes, otherwise, I won't know your intentions for my characters. I will assume it's friendship related and steer on the side of caution. I am, however, shy about asking.
People may consider me ship obsessed, but I like to think I'm ship more or less nowadays. Leaving you to be the judge of that, but for safety, it's both.
Yes, depending on the character. Roberto I am not shipping him at this time. Marie, Endorsi, and Marquis are on the asexual and aromantic spectrum. It's not impossible to ship them, it's just there needs to be a lot of communication.
It's usually the oc/canon route. I like all my ships, but I may have more muse for some than others at a given time.
You just come up to me and say you want to ship with me in my DMs, IMs and ask. I'll look at you like a deer in the headlights, and try my best to remember how a character acts like in a ship...
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maezy21 · 11 months
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE! 🏳️‍🌈🌈 I drew my babies Ash Lynx and Okumura Eiji from the masterpiece anime (and manga) "Banana Fish" (that will always have a special place in my heart but I don't have the courage to rewatch, iykyk LOL) as my first art entry for Pride Month. I wonder what/who I should draw next...? 🤔
Materials used:
• sketchbook
• seamiart pigment liner
• faber castell color pencils
#pridemonth2023 #asheiji #eijiash #ashlynx #eijiokumura #okumuraeiji #bananafish #bananafishfanart #fanart #anime #animefanart #pridemonthart #プライド月間 #アッシュリンクス #奥村英二 #バナナフィシュ #art #drawing #traditionalart #colorpencilart
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adoranymph · 3 years
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Please not him too.
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ishidasworld · 3 years
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banana fish wallpapers <3
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harlemchickenlives · 3 years
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Smacked that hoe awake without a care in the world 🥰✨
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potatogirlsg · 2 years
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my soul is always with you.
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itspointydumbass · 2 years
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