#electronics are foreign to me
averinthine · 3 months
why must my new headphones speak to me in a corporate american accent ffs... i miss the assorted patterns of beeps my old ones used
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astroaid · 23 days
April Horoscope 2024
Astrologically, April is a big month this year. Here are some predictions. This is a general read. Please take it as entertainment. Don’t stress it & Don’t get your hopes up for super positive life changing events.
Tip for ALL rising signs: Look back to 2017 April - May. This is the last time mercury went retro in aries. Those themes may repeat. & prominent people from your 2017 may desire contact.
Aries- Libra Risings
Aries ASC:
Mercury Retro April 1st:
You might have a difficult time expressing yourself at this time. Therefore, this month is not the best time to change your look or life direction. Although, you could be tempted to make drastic & impulsive changes. Your chart ruler is in your 12th, this can create inner turmoil. You may be trying to heal from past hurts. Having a conversation with someone from the past may be important. However, do not feel you need to reach out if you do not want to. And don’t hold your breath waiting for someone. Aries is independent energy. You might need to reorganize your plans, heal without the apology & move forward. It is easier said than done so take your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
When venus enters our first house, we can feel more focus on your appearances/beauty. You could feel very beautiful. And/or you may desire to make changes to your appearance to enhance your beauty. Venus rules your first house and relationship house. Money & relationships can be on your mind like crazy this month.
What you should be cautious of is any impulsive urge. Watch out for making purchases or physical changes you could regret. Make sure you aren’t changing yourself for someone else. Generally during this time you could find yourself being more cooperative. But make sure it is YOUR choice to agree to any changes. With your 7th in 1st, it is possible for some that other people are trying to control/change you. However, if this applies you are likely already aware of these people.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
The closer you have your rising or planets to 19 degrees in aries, the more likely you will see the huge changes. This is a fresh start in your life. The changes you take in the next 6 months, will drastically influence your character. For some, this is making significant changes to your appearance. For others, it is the life direction you are taking. Your mindset towards life in general could be changing. Since chiron is in your first house these changes offer opportunity to heal yourself. Chiron has been in your sign since 2019, it can bring struggles your physical appearance. And struggle with how you move in life. You could have experienced events that make you lack confidence in yourself. Or that have angered you and made you very vengeful or less kind to all people in general. It’s hard to say exactly because this is a general read. The eclipse is at a libra degree though. So to me, this suggests these changes are about physical aesthetics and the body. Over the next 6 months, you could better the relationship you have with your body & self. Since it’s aries, it likely has to do with movement/action.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 2nd house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 2nd house is our income, material possessions, our face, mouth, dietary habits.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming. So it is hard to predict but I’ll try anyways. In your 2nd this can manifest in many ways, here are examples:
Making more money.
Getting a new material possession could be an electronic. Could be having to purchase a new possession unexpectedly - phone, laptop or something may break.
May be able to get some procedure for the face. Invisalign, acne treatment, healing a scar.
Could be suddenly deciding to better your relationship with food. Becoming more educated on nutrients, what your body needs.
Taurus Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1.
This is in your 12th house. The 12th deals with what’s hidden, the subconscious, closure/endings, healing. With mercury being retro, you could have healing conversations. Possibly with people from the past. Don’t reach out to people who hurt you if you do not want to though. Not everybody heals that way and it could bring more frustration. Do what you feel is best.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Ruler of this retrograde is in your 11th. This could be people from the past reaching out. Not every retrograde is important in our lives though. So you may just cruise through this month without noticing anything especially since it’s in your “hidden” house.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Enters your 12th house. This is your chart ruler, so april may be the month you go into hiding. That’s a dramatic way to put it. You won’t actually be hiding but you may want to isolate from people. For some, this could be due to ending a relationship this month. Relationship isn’t limited to lovers, could be a friend, business partner or activity you used to enjoy doing.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6th months, you could be confronting 12th house topics. Examples: Becoming more independent through ending codependent connections. Could be quitting a bad habit or addiction. If you have planets in aries close to 19 degrees, the more likely this affects you. How depends on the planets in your chart it touches.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 1st house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 1st House deals with body, expression, life outlook/direction/approach.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming so it is hard to predict. Possible examples:
You may change something about your appearance. Your life outlook may change. You may plan a trip. You may become interested in a new topic that will change your life direction.
Gemini Rising
Mercury Retro April 1:
As a gemini rising, you’re generally restless. You’re used to being in constant motion - scanning the room, hand & body movement, fast thinking, fast wit. GENERALLY, gemini risings can have an anxious personality, other times you get a extroverted charming personality.
When mercury, your chart ruler, goes retro, you’re generally pushed back a bit. This month it’s happening in your 11th house. The push back from the universe is asking you to reanalyze your social circles, social awareness, goals/wishes for the future. The ruler of this is retrograde is in your 10th. In May, you could have been taking action in your career. There could have been some hostility at work. You could have been seen as being aggressive, brave, independent, selfish. It may be these changes in your reputation or at work that have you reconsidering your friend group or long term goals. This is just a general example though. Sometimes mercury retro means nothing to us in our real lives. Especially since it is your chart ruler. You may be naturally used to the quick thinking, replanning and analysis this cycle causes.
For some, it may be someone from the past, possibly an old friend or old work opportunities, reaching out to you. Due to some reflection, it could even be you reaching out to people from the past. Don’t feel pressured to do so.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
You could be forming harmonious friendships through a new activity. You could be enjoying present friendships more than usual. A specific few could find a new crush through a friend or social event. While you are likely having fun, you could feel a bit detached from the connections you’re forming. If you or someone else did reach back out, there is a possibility of forgiveness. Chiron has been in aries since 2019, it’s likely brought hostility to some friendships. You could heal those now by getting closure. But remember not everyone needs a conversation for closure. So don’t let this post make you think you need to reach out to people who have upset/hurt you in the past.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you could be finding new friendships. These friendships could be very healing. It is also possible you are finding chances to achieve goals you’ve been working towards for a long time. Some may feel pulled towards doing humanitarian work.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 12th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. The 12th house is what’s hidden, sub conscious, endings/closure, isolation.
Since it’s a sudden surprise event or idea coming and it’s related to the house of what’s hidden, it’s difficult for me to predict what this is. I’ll try anyways, so examples:
You could travel far from home. It may be healing. Inspire creativity.
There could be an end to relationships, romantic, business or friendship. This could lead to a period of isolation.
Some one could relapse but that’s so fucking negative omg seriously hope it isn’t this one
Cancer Rising
Mercury Retro April 1
This month you expect miscommunications at work. You may even rethink/restructure your long term career plans. You could have misinformed gossip going around about your reputation. The ruler of this retrograde is in your 9th. You may be picking or reconsidering a university, program/major, or whether you even want to enrol. For some this could be you or someone from the past reaching out. However, since this is your 10th it is unlikely unless natal indicates it.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Venus allows you the chance to appear charming, friendly and cooperative. You could put the gossip around your reputation to a rest. You are more likely to seen in a positive light at work. You could be more social this month than usual.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6 months you are getting a new start in your 10th house. You could start a new job or role. You could create a new reputation yourself.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 11th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality.
The 11th house is our social circle, technology, goals/wishes for the future. It’s hard to predict this since it is a “surprise sudden” event or idea.
But here are some possible examples:
New friend or friend group. New electronic. New knowledge that raises your humanitarian concerns/social awareness.
Leo Risings:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This month there could be some miscommunication in regard to travel or education. It could be related to money or resources. For example, your university program requires you to do a certain amount of volunteer hours to graduate. The paperwork showing you did it goes missing or isn’t filed correctly.
Retrogrades arent aren’t always notable events in our lives though. So you may be in the clear but it’s a good idea to double check your emails, assignments and any forms you’re submitting.
You could be considering reaching out to someone from the past. But generally speaking since it is in your 9th it isn’t likely. However, we don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives so someone you haven’t talked to in a while may want to reach out to you.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
In your 9th house, this indicates education or foreign people or places appeal more now than before. Someone or some place you didn’t find attractive before could be suddenly attractive. You’re more open minded this month. You could have a trip on your mind that you want to plan. You could be celebrating a graduation. You could have crushes on foreign people or people in the education space. Or want to take a trip with your partner.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you are getting a fresh start in your 9th house. New luck, possibly new trips planned, newness around education. Some may change or start a new program. Some may be finishing an educational program. These trips or fresh starts could bring healing and closure.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 10th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 10th house is your career, reputation, father, authority figures.
It’s hard to predict what it could be since it’s a sudden surprise event. But I will try anyways. Examples:
Starting a new career or new job role.
Receiving status in your reputation or career.
Making your father proud. Impressing an authority figure.
Combining traditional goals and values with new rebellious or revolutionary goals and values.
Virgo Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This is your chart ruler, & as a virgo rising you’re more used to this analytical and cautious type of thinking. You don’t need to be warned to double check and pay attention to the small details. Your mind is already adjusted to the mercurial cycle. This time the retro is happening in your 8th house. Look back to 2017, for themes or ideas of how this manifested in your life.
There could be miscommunications or delays regarding other people’s resources. Or in regard to taboo topics like sex, death, occult.
The ruler of this retro is in your 7th, so this could be related to your relationships (romantic, platonic or business). Someone may reach out to you or you could reach out to someone else.
Sometimes retrogrades aren’t notable events in our lives. So you may see no delays or notable events in your life.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
If you are in an intimate relationship, it can be very intense in april. This could be do to passion or you could be on the verge of an ending. It depends on your personal chart. You can probably already tell where it’s going.
Some may receive help through other people’s resources/unearned money or possessions.
Solar Eclipse April 8
Over the next 6 months, you could be going through a death and rebirth. This could be related to a relationship ending or going to the next level (marriage, moving in). This transformation could be related to taboo topics such as sex or death. You could be going through a death and rebirth process.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 9th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 9th house is your higher education, beliefs, travel, law and luck.
It’s hard to predict because it’s a sudden surprise event. But i’ll try anyways. Example:
You could be going on a trip.
You could be making a sudden choice in regard to university or education.
You could become more knowledgeable on culture or foreign affairs.
Libra Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1
Out of all the signs, you’re most likely to get a message from a past person. Could be an ex or an ex friend. Remember you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to. Not everyone needs closure that way. With chiron in your 7th since 2019, your relationships have been tough. People may have betrayed you or really hurt you. Not everyone deserves your time or energy again. But if you want a conversation for closure or want to forgive, this month may be your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29
You could be more interested in relationships this month. If you dating, you could be getting extra attention from your partner. If you aren’t, you could develop a crush or long for a more stable serious connection. This is your chart ruler so you could feel more bold. You could take action in regard to relationships.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, there is a fresh start to your relationships. This can be very healing. It’ll be different for everyone. Some may gain independence through a breakup. Some may start a relationship. Some could end friendships. Some could find new friendships. Relationships are a big focus this month and this year in general.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
You could receive help through other people’s resources. This can be an inheritance, a parent giving you money for something or buying you something. It could be help from the government like unemployment or related to taxes. You could take out a loan. You could go into debt. It is likely positive for most though since jupiter is involved.
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holywizardheart · 11 months
Astrology observations
Don't copyright my work
The pictures aren't mine
Please enjoy the reading
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• I noticed that people who have 5th placements are interested in playing video games
• 7th house ruler in the 9th house can indicate that you can marry a foreigner
• Mars in the 3rd house can indicate a chaotic relationship with your siblings or neighbors
• With Saturn in the 3rd house, it can be detached and withdrawn
• I noticed that the most traumatic experiences happen especially with Scorpio moons
• Mars in the 12th house people can have serious anger issues
Also, they can do self-harm
• Mars Uranus negative aspects can have problems with their electronics
• I think the most egoistic and selfish sign is Aries, not Leo
• Saggitarius moon people could change residences a lot when they were a child
• I noticed that Capricorn placements tend to keep their old stuff
• I want to know more information about Chiron in the 7th house. People who have in their natal chart can you tell me about your experiences?
• I know that it can indicate complicated relationships or issues with connecting people.
|Hey about the transit moon conjunction Saturn. I was fully focused on my studies. And I feel tired like I want to sleep but I can't because I should study more to graduate. Also, I started planning my day and making to-do lists. I found it very helpful but at the same time boring as fuck.|
• 2nd house ruler in the 10th house can become recognized for their voice
• Pisces MC can become artists or work in a creative job. Many artists and singers have this placement.
• Where you have a stellium in your chart is the area you're going to be highly focused in this life
• 4th house ruler in the 9th house can mean that you want to live away from your family
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skzstannie · 4 months
"I will wait for you"
SKZ-> Felix x fem!reader
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, almostttt s2l wc: ~2,500 cw: a little bit of blood (reader gets hurt), mentions of panic and anxiety, mentions of toxic relationship, mostly just Felix being s’cute tho
summary: a day in the life with Felix as you recover from your previous abusive relationship
A/N: Hiii! Here is the awaited part 2 for “I’ll take care of you”. I hope you all enjoy! All feedback and likes/reblogs are much appreciated!
Happy scrolling! | Masterlist
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"Felix, I really don't need all this stuff," you sigh, watching him drag all the things he bought you into your room.
"That's ok, I want you to have it. You deserve it," he replies, his voice strained as he pushes your dresser into place.
As nonchalantly as his words come across, you've decided to permanently engrain them in your head.
Felix has been showering you with words of affirmation for the last few days, and that's the one he used most often.
"You deserve to have the door opened for you."
"You deserve to be taken out for lunch"
"You deserve to be treated like a princess, so please let me."
What may seem like the simplest things to anyone else meant so much to you. Your ex was your first boyfriend, so you've never experienced the love Felix has been showing you. As foreign as it all seems, you urge yourself to get used to it. You want to believe what he says.
You want to trust Felix.
After your breakdown a few nights ago, Felix convinced you to break up with your boyfriend. You sent him a short text, telling him it's over and to not expect to see you again. His texts came in quickly after, sending you countless threats. You contacted the police shortly, and they told you they'd handle it.
The next day, the police called you and informed you your ex had been given a warning and told not to bother you again. They reassured you that they do not take this type of situation lightly and to trust them. The cop told you if your ex ever gave you any trouble, give them a call and they'll take care of it.
You knew you could've pressed charges; you had evidence of the years of abuse he put you through. However, you didn't want to deal with all the extra work that would go with that. You knew your ex deserved to be charged. He'd put you through hell for so long, no one should get away with that.
But, you were also yearning for some peace of mind. You wanted to forget about him, to move on. He didn't deserve the right to take up any space in your mind. You just wanted to live your life peacefully, out of the grasp of your abuser.
Felix has practically been glued to your side ever since that night, only leaving to go to work during the day. He was quick to invite you to stay in his apartment, giving you the spare bedroom.
You explained to Felix that you had absolutely no interest in going back to your old apartment to get your things, and in response to that, he bought you everything new. New clothes, new sheets, new electronics. It was really all too much, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.
"You should start hanging up those clothes in your closet; they'll wrinkle if they stay in those bags much longer." He wipes his forehead, working up a sweat while helping you put your room together. You look to your bed, fully decked out in the nicest set of sheets you've ever seen with the fluffiest pillows resting against the headboard. The clothes are piled high on top of it, bag after bag spilling out with the varying pieces of fabric.
At the mall with Felix, he tried to drag you into all the expensive stores, telling you he only wanted you to have the nicest things, but you had to put your foot down sometime. So, with a pout adorning his face, he followed behind you through your favorite stores, stores where the least expensive thing didn't cost $150. You picked up the clothes you thought would look good on you, trying them on in the dressing room, fully expecting to be paying for your own stuff. After all Felix had already done for you, you'd never expect him to pay for your clothes.
Being the gentleman he is, though, he was able to whip his credit card out long before you were able to find yours in your purse.
You vividly remember the shy look he gave you as he'd handed his card to the cashier, batting his eyelashes at you in a silent plea of forgiveness.
"There are hangers in there already, so don't worry about that. If you need more, I have more in my room," he plops down beside the bags on your bed, peeking inside them.
"Thank you again, Felix, for all of this," you tell him, your eyes soft as you watch him get comfortable on your bed.
"You're very welcome."
~ ~ ~
You've finally finished organizing your closet, and it's honestly perfect. Color coded shirts line the rack, hung with nice white hangers, and your pants and shorts are folded in your beautiful dresser. You let out a sigh of relief and turn to view the rest of your bedroom, your eyes scan the room, and your heart thrums with satisfaction.
Everything is beautiful, from your sheer curtains covering your window to the gorgeous oak desk, your computer sitting atop it. Your gaze shifts to the sleeping boy on your bed and your features soften with adoration. Not wanting to wake him up, you crawl in beside him. He's laying crooked across your comforter, but you wiggle your way onto the corner of your bed under the covers.
You're amazed at how drastically your life has changed in just a few days. Only a week ago you feared for your safety every time you walked through your door, leaving you laying with wide eyes most nights.
Now, you've never felt safer as your head hits the pillow and you drift off to sleep.
~ ~ ~
You abruptly sit up in bed, your hand coming up to clutch at your chest. Your breaths come out in short huffs, your quick pulse matching your ragged breathing. Felix, having moved sometime during the night to get under the covers, is already sitting up beside you. His reaction is immediate, his hands coming up to softly grip your shoulders.
Images of your ex run rampant in your mind, clouding the safety you felt just hours before. Your eyes dart to the closed door of your bedroom, scared he'll burst through.
"Hey, it's okay. Everything's locked; no one can get in here," he assures you, seemingly reading your mind. "Are you okay?" he asks, his eyes frantically searching your panicked ones.
"Yea, I'm fine," you're voice is hoarse, the remnants of sleep slipping through your words. "Just a nightmare."
"Must've been some nightmare, then. You were screaming before you woke up. Scared me half to death," he tells you. Becoming more aware of yourself, you feel how your body is damp with sweat, your hair matted at the back of your head. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"It was just my ex. I don't-" you become choked up at the thought of it, "I don't really want to talk about it."
You hold eye contact with him, his thumbs running along the side of your arms. He has a look of understanding on his face, and, in this moment, you are so glad he stole your coffee that fateful day.
He's saved you. Whether he'll take the credit or not, without Felix you'd still be in the same toxic relationship. Hell, you had already given up, just accepting the fact you'd spend the rest of your life with a monster.
That man had starved you of loving affection for years, so for you to end up in the presence of Felix was a blessing.
"Can you just hold me?" your voice is weak, trembling a bit as you try to shake the nightmarish thoughts from your head.
There's no hesitation as Felix pulls you into his warm embrace, one hand coming up to grip the back of your head while the other rubs affectionately up and down your back. "Of course I can."
Eventually the two of you lay back down with you still residing in the comfort of his arms. You lay in silence for a while, but when you realize sleep isn't going to come easy, you whisper to Felix, "Are you awake?"
He hums back to you, squeezing you a bit tighter for a moment. "Yea," his voice is deep as it rumbles through his chest.
"I can't sleep." Your fingers reach up to play with the bottom of his shirt, toying with a string that's come loose along the side.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. Do you want to get up?"
You look to the clock you have on your bedside table, and it reads 6:30 A.M.
You think for a moment before deciding that, in your disheveled state, 6:30 is an appropriate time for you to get up. "Sure," you answer, pulling away from him and moving the covers off your body. "I was planning on making you breakfast before you woke up, but since you're already up, wanna make it together?"
Luckily enough for both of you, neither of you have work today as it's Saturday.
"I'd love to."
He sits up as well, stretching his arms up high while letting out a groan. Your eyes travel down to his body, stopping on his toned stomach that peaks out from the bottom of his shirt.
Of course you've always known Felix was attractive, but now that you're officially single, Felix has been looking especially good lately. However, you do have some respect for yourself, and you know you need time to heal before jumping back into another relationship.
But that doesn't mean you can't find him hot as hell.
You blink out of your trance and blush when Felix's eyes are already settled on you. "Breakfast?" he smirks, his eyes crinkling.
~ ~ ~
"Felix, that's way too much butter," you laugh, watching him throw slice after slice of softened butter into your hot pan. "We're not trying to deep fry them."
"My members and I made them like this one time, and they were good," he pouts.
You gently take the butter out of his hands, putting it down beside the stove. "I think they'll taste even better this way."
You guys continue on, and the pancakes come out tasty, topped with sweet syrup and some butter. As you're bringing yours and Felix's empty plates to the counter, your hip accidentally bumps into the sharp edge of the counter, and you cry out in pain. The dishes slip from your grasp and crash to the floor, shattering the ceramic into tiny pieces.
Tears well in your eyes immediately, your heartbeat picking up in intensity. You fall into a state of panic, anxiety sweeping your consciousness.
Your movements are robotic as you bend down, picking up the shards with your bare hands. You’re careless, and the sharp slivers cut through your palm as you hold them.
Felix doesn't let this go on long, immediately crouching beside you. He unwraps your tightly closed fist, and he gasps at the blood covering your delicate hand.
"Babe, you've cut your hand," he sighs, his sad eyes roaming your blank face.
You've tuned him out though, your anxiety still holding the reigns. You involuntarily flinch when he brings his hand up towards your face. His hand stops midair, freezing just near you cheek.
He's frozen still as he watches you with desperate eyes. Your blank stare is locked on the ground beside you, the broken pieces still littering the ground there. "You're ok, I'm not going to hurt you."
His soft words bring you out of your daze, and when you finally look to his him, you finally allow the tears to fall.
Once he sees that you're aware of him and who he is, he allows himself to reach out to you again, wiping your falling tears. He lightly grasps your elbow, pulling your crouched form into his.
Your emotions run wild as he holds you.
How could you think that Felix would hurt you?
"I will never hurt you," his voice cracks, and you feel how your shoulder dampens from his tears.
"I know Felix, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Healing will take time, and I want to be there with you through it all, the good and the bad. Okay?"
You sniffle, nodding your head yes.
"Okay, good. Let's get you cleaned up." He helps you up, grabbing your hand and entwining your fingers together. He leads you to the bathroom, where he pulls out a little first aid kit from below the sink.
Looking back to you, he pats the toilet seat, silently asking if you'll sit.
You walk the few steps from the doorway to the toilet seat, and plop yourself down.
He brings your hand up towards the sink, a bottle of alcohol in his other hand.
"This will probably sting a bit, but only for a second."
He slowly pours the liquid onto your palm, and it takes everything in you not to pull away. Your face grimaces as the stinging continues, the alcohol running of the ends of your fingers.
The nice white porcelain of the sink is stained red now as your blood swirls down the drain. Felix lets the water run, swishing it up onto the sides of the sink to get rid of the residue.
He grabs the towel hanging behind him, bringing it to your palm to get rid of the excess moisture. His touch is so gentle, his hands treating you like glass.
He opens the first aid kit again, grabbing some wrap and a few bandages. "I'm gonna put these on you and then put this wrap around your hand. I think the bandages will just fall off if I don't wrap them," he explains, waiting for you to give the 'okay' for him to continue.
You hum at him, agreeing, and he gets right to work.
Just a few minutes later, your hand feels as if it's been expertly bandaged by some healthcare professional, and your heart sores with adoration as you admire the man in front of you.
"How lucky I am to have met you," you tell him, a soft smile adorning your lips.
"Not as lucky as I am," he smiles back, pulling you up from your seat to give you a comforting hug.
Your hands land on his chest, creating a slight gap between the two of you.
Your eyes drift down to his lips, his tongue darting out to wet them.
"I really wanna kiss you right now..."
"But..?" his hands grip your waist, holding you tightly.
"But, I feel like it wouldn't be fair for you or me. I need time. I need time to really find myself again," your eyes are filled with sorrow as they make their way up Felix's face. You take note of the way his cheeks have turned rosy, his freckled face tinted with the cutest shade of pink.
"I respect you, wholeheartedly, and if that's what you want, I will wait for you."
"You will?" years of emotional abuse have affected your ability to trust, but you remind yourself that this is Felix you're talking to. He's never given you a reason not to trust him.
"I will. Forever and ever if I have to."
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ghostgirl101 · 11 months
hey, i really like ur writing and idk if ur working on something rn but when you can and if you want to, could you possibly write some ben drowned x reader kissing headcanons? (only if u r comfortable w/ that ofc!) ur literally my favorite writer on this app nd i literally read everything u post lol so even if u don’t do this ty anyway and have a nice day/night and take care of urself!!🩷
Kissing BEN Drowned Would Be Like This:
A/N: Sure, I'm comfortable with that; this is kind of a whole affection headcanon thing, which I've only just realised now I'm reading it over 🙃 I'm glad you like my writing, hope you enjoy this one, take care of yourself too 😀 Also, should I start making a taglist for my creepypasta posts? If you're interested, let me know.
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🎮• So. If you're expecting BEN to be an absolute gentleman who asks for your permission before giving you any form of affection, or is a bit bashful to initiate it...
🎮• Haha. Sorry.
🎮• I mean, he'd never push your boundaries or deliberately make you feel uncomfortable when you guys are being intimate somehow, but he's not gonna be shy about it. That's because it takes a bit of time for him to warm up to the idea of physically coming out of the screen and materializing himself enough for you to hug him and everything safely, without getting electrocuted or whatever.
🎮• Another factor is that after all he's been through, the idea of letting himself be that vulnerable around people is a bit of a daunting one, even if it's you, someone who he's learned to trust and get close to until it gets to this point.
🎮• So, well done to you, for earning the ultimate sign of trust from this maniac virus boy. Chances are that after you hint at wanting to be able to kiss him or something, he's gonna act all teasing and dismissive about it, but what you don't know is that the thought stays in his mind after you've finished up on the computer and gone to bed. He watches you silently from the camera on your open screen (that he's insisted you keep open for him to check in on you) and lets the idea of it grow into a nice, tempting one.
🎮• So get ready for yet another burst of an adrenaline rush as BEN gives you the scare of your life when he comes crawling out of the screen as you wake up in the morning, scattering your desk trinkets and stuff all over the place in the process. BEN has very pale blonde hair in his humanish form, almost white, and even paler skin, with empty black and red eyes, sometimes glitchy... you probably know already. BEN's eyes bleed lightly even when he's not upset, but seem to gush blood when he is. But even with the whole horrifying appearance, somehow, he manages to make himself look handsome. Don't tell him, though, or he'll tease you about it and probably won't ever forget it.
🎮• When you get over the initial shock of him literally just spawning into your room, he stays completely indifferent, if not a bit amused, because isn't this what you wanted? It's not like he bites. Unless you're into that sort of thing.
🎮• BEN is a bit apprehensive at first, because, let's be real, you're his first kiss. His life was twisted into an electronic form when he was really young, and so human touch is almost a completely foreign experience to him at this point, so he will start slow. He might flinch a couple of times, but dismisses it and tells you to go on, that he wants to get used to it. And he does.
🎮• When he does, that's when you've got his chaotic bursts of affection energy to deal with. He loves catching you off guard; you could be doing anything, working or hanging around or whatever, and then he's suddenly there behind you, and you get the tiniest of electric shocks as BEN grabs you effortlessly and refuses to let go for a solid five minutes while you fidget in his glitching but strong arms and glare at him.
🎮• The first thing you'll end up doing is hugging, because he likes the feel of being close in somebody's arms in a way he didn't think he could be before. You're warm and he's consistently cold, leading to you having to slap at his hands when he slides a hand down your back or something bratty just to make you squeal and shiver. They draw out into cuddle sessions, another thing he likes, and will ultimately go soft over. There have been many times when you've managed to fall asleep in BEN's arms, and that's one of the rare times where he'll let all his guard down and fiddle with your hair or play with your jewelry or just stare at you with a newfound feeling of protectiveness and fondness.
🎮• Now for the actual kissing part 🙃 I need to say that it really isn't a first "kiss." It's the first of many long makeout sessions, because BEN will drag it out as much as he can, and then stop abruptly when you least expect it, just to be a tease and wanting more. I see it happening when you're rambling about something or other, and he's out in the real world instead of in a screen, when you realize that your faces are inches apart, and he has a blank, frustrating unreadable look on his face.
🎮• And, before you can say anything, he'll take the plunge before he can think about it any more, leaning in and brushing his lips against yours, but waiting for you to accept it and move in too. It starts off surprisingly soft and sweet, until BEN starts getting addicted to the new, intimate sensation, and tries deepening it. Then it's less sweet and more intense, and (sorry for the cliche lol) electric. He tastes kind of appley, and his lips are cold and soft. BEN will carry on going, further and further, to the point of you ending up breathless and him pulling away with a stunned look on his face. That look morphs into his usual mischievous smirk after he recovers in a few moments, and he raises a brow in amusement at your wide eyes and swollen lips, probably with a snarky little "Not bad."
🎮• After you've done it once, you're gonna end up doing it a whole lot more. There are hardly ever any proper warnings apart from BEN gradually moving in closer and being more teasing and flirty, or on sadder days where painful memories of the past come creeping back to haunt him, a source of comfort and reminder that he's still here and has another reason to be alive and basically immortal. It's not just to drive people to insanity and infect their systems with disturbing things until they crack, or whatever other motives he has. Now, there's you, someone who he's decided he needs to look out for and be with in any possible way.
🎮• Like I said, kissing BEN Drowned usually ends in suggestive makeout sessions and the like, because that's just BEN all over. But they're one way he's discovered he can show he cares, and so he'll keep doing it if you want him to, without any hesitation. Realistically, the boy is beyond touch starved, and so that all pours into the affections he gives you. To anyone else, he's a twisted, demon-like boy who makes peoples' lives hell by getting into their heads through ways they can't control, but to you and you only, he'll let himself become more and more vulnerable, until you see that really, he still was and is Ben.
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scarlettaagni · 25 days
Nocturnal Subroutines
Everyone was standing before him, far away. All the Autobots in a neat curved line, though unable to be distinguished, in a dusty pink desert with a black sky. A raised edge marks a divide.
Servos reached out from underneath the vision, with grasping digits. Starscream stumbled forward with desperation. An uneven and stilted gait as if he were learning to walk.
“Help—” he couldn't tell if he was thinking it or managing to say it aloud. “I thought you…”
A constricting sensation in his ventilation, and distant panting. He needed them. Someone, anyone. He needed someone else like he needed air.
As they allowed him to come closer, their cold gazes from equally cold blue eyes were visible. They even narrowed. There was judgment in them.
This made the jet stop in his tracks. The yearning for companionship became pleading and questioning.
“Why won’t you let me—? What did I do? What did I do?!”
Not a word was said, just sneers and cliquey looks. They stood as if about to turn around and leave him.
The un-earth roared from beneath them and the two halves parted. A yawning abyss grew to split the parties, Starscream’s half sinking as the Autobots’ rose. He stumbled, but they stood still as if he were overreacting.
Finally, they approached him, if only to peer over the edge of the growing cliffside. There was impartial curiosity, like how one watches a flying insect in the distance.
They were similarly disgusted.
“Stop looking at me like that! I didn’t do anything!” he cried. “Don’t look down on me… stop looking at me… I don’t know what I did, I—”
He collapsed to his knees and doubled over as if the pain were physical. Arms wrapped around him to protect from the cold. Some gazes seemed to hold concern, but it brought no comfort.
They never meant it. They would never do anything about it even if they did. He didn’t understand these feelings, but they were felt, and felt strongly.
He cupped his face in his hands, bowing.
“Stop pitying me. Don’t pity me. Don’t…”
He reached out once more, a wilting hand nowhere near what he craved. Another curled a fist atop his spark.
It felt like he was falling.
“Why are you all just standing there?!”
Some wry smiles, a familiar smirk. Even the placid stares.
Nobody came down for him.
Stop looking down on me… stop looking down on me… stop looking down on me… stop looking down on me…
A horrible creaking came from his limbs. How dare he try to reach out? He held his arms out before him and saw their sorry condition. They sloughed off at the elbow before he could say “cosmic rust”.
The pain was numb and far away, as if they had already died and merely broke off. Still, he gasped and choked.
His hands were sullied, so they must be destroyed. While Starscream nudged his cybernetic stubs at them, they writhed unnaturally and threw themselves into the deadly valley.
It was cold. So cold.
The jet struggled to right himself without his arms and turned to meet a brutal maelstrom. A haze of white and rolling dunes of snow lay before him.
Something in the distance, disappeared further along.
He chased it. He sought it.
A monstrous shadow, who seemed to drift in and out of view in the distance’s frosty barrier.
“What—who are you?!” he yelled, voice lost to the wind.
Starscream had to find it. Every electron in his spark pulled him forward. He knew he must find it, but could not conceive why.
It was always ahead of him, and he would lose sight.
“Come back to me! Please!” he hurled with a foreign desperation, voice fraying.
He teased Starscream. Always on the precipice of being caught up to, and vanishing without a trace. A whisper of a person, as uncertain as a promise.
Anachronistic arms reached from past the vision once more. Yes… this was when his hands were not sullied.
A name the Seeker didn’t know escaped his own lips. It, too, disappeared in the wind.
Wildly shuffling through the snow, his foot hooked onto something and he tripped. Starscream fell facedown and curled painfully. His right leg buckled in a wrong way. The lining of his ventilation pipe was stripped. Smears of energon stained the snow he laid in.
He threw himself onto his aft, dizzily looking up. He was standing there. No features other than his size to make out… but he appeared… displeased.
Nobody came down for him.
Starscream couldn’t go on. It felt like his mind was being pulled apart in different directions. His optics deliriously circled around as he idly thought to check what he tripped on.
He brushed the airy precipitation away, eventually hitting metal.
A massive dead face with cold blue eyes smiled at him.
“ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍᴇ.”
The shriek emitted from the display traveled to the real Starscream, who shot upright as the mind circuit uncoupled itself.
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c-rowlesdraws · 11 months
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some more drawings from my sketchbook that I did while in Thailand at the beginning of the month!
The top one is of a cool house in Chiang Mai with a little iced tea/drinks stand out front-- I loved all of the tiny businesses all crammed next to each other in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, especially the ones with hand-painted or otherwise unique, eye-catching signage. It seemed like you could buy any sort of thing you could want, from produce to snacks to clothes to electronics, just walking down any single block. I loved the abundance of power lines in the cities, too, as another visual sign of life and activity.
The bottom two sketches are some stealthy life drawing I did in Suvarnabhumi airport, and drawings of passerby from photos I took while visiting Wat Arun in Bangkok. There were lots of people strolling around and taking photos of one another at Wat Arun in beautiful traditional dress, and at first I thought they were a wedding party or something-- but then I noticed the signs for costume rentals, and also heard a few of them speaking Korean. I wondered if there was any controversy about a religious site being used as a place for dress-up and photographs, but I didn't see anyone shoot the tourists any obvious dirty looks. Part of me was jealous of them in those beautiful outfits, but as a white person I'd stand out a lot more than the Asian foreign tourists, and maybe just look kind of silly.
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Intelligence 101
Writing a story about spies and international intrigue? Not sure what you're diving into? Let me help!
Let's start with the basics.
What is Intelligence?
Basically, "intelligence" refers to the information gathered by governments or institutions that might help guide their course of action. However, there are many types of intelligence depending on how it was obtained, its purpose and the subject:
Human Intelligence: The word says it, intelligence obtained from human sources, generally during covert operations. Whether or not it is relevant depends on the operative's skills within their field of action.
Political Intelligence: Makes use of open-source reports provided by diplomatic personnel, particularly military attachés. Helps foresee the behavior of a country's political forces abroad. It's the least reliable source of information but the parts regarding military organization are the most sought after. Ironically, they're more accesible during war than when in peace.
Economical Intelligence: The collection of information on trade, finances, natural resources, industrial capacities, etc.
Technological Intelligence: Relating to the creation, development and improvement of methods of access and protection of information.
Strategic Intelligence: In charge of gathering information regarding the capacities and intentions of other countries. Includes covert operations beyond the borders, development and maintenance of special and secret diplomatic relations are included here.
Tactical Intelligence: Otherwise known as "operational" or "of combat". It has military purposes and is mainly used in times of war or international tension.
Counterintelligence: In charge of protecting a country's own intelligence systems against foreign ones.
Signal Intelligence (SIGINT): Obtained by the interception and decoding of encrypted messages.
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT): Includes remote sensors such as motion, sound and traffic ones placed in strategic spots in other countries to learn about their capabilities.
False Intelligence: Makes use of deception, disinformation, subversion and double agents.
Images Intelligence (IMINT): Videos, aerial and satellite information. Nowadays they play a vital part in the gathering of strategic information.
Now that we have dipped our toes into the intricate world of espionage things should start to seem clearer. I hope this has helped you and if you would like more information on the subject of Intelligence do stay tuned.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to submit an ask and i will do my best to help!
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papergirllife · 1 year
Liu Yang Yang
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Yandere! Fanboy Yang Yang x Idol! Reader
‘He was the fanboy at the front of the show, but he’s not satisfied’
warnings: stalking, threats towards someone (not mc), unprotected sex, knife play, cream pie, yandere obsessive behaviour, morally grey characters, etc.
word count: 11k
Your tired eyes were still fighting the sleepiness behind your lids as you read the comments on the side of the screen, your fans using this opportunity to appreciate your face up close, no make up on and only a single study lamp on, but still your complexion was almost flawless, well, to Yang Yang and some of the fellow fans that love you just as much anyways.
“Thank you everyone who spent their precious time with me, it’s been a hectic time lately, and I think you guys have some really accurate speculations behind the reason why,” you said with a cute wink to the camera of your new desktop, the same one Yang Yang gifted you, “and lastly, I’d like to thank MienYang, my fansite for gifting me this new monitor, you really didn’t have to, my old one only had slight glitches,” you said, to which Yang Yang remembers, flashing back to the last live you did with your old monitor, the camera quality was shit, “and I hope the rest of you have a good night’s rest, fighting for tomorrow! Bye!” you said, ending your live.
Yang Yang sits back in his leather chair, releasing a content sigh, he always feels all his stress of the day seep out of his body whenever he’s watched your lives, it was even better than therapy, not that he’ll ever tell his therapist this.
Yang Yang likes to call himself your biggest fan, although he’s new considered the fact that your group isn’t, he likes to think that he found you at the perfect time when he needed you.
Yang Yang is the head of his father’s electronics company here in Seoul, his company produces chips and motherboards for big brands that are much too lazy to make and manage their own factories anymore, which would explain the expansion to here in South Korea after sealing a deal with the biggest mobile brand here, it was a tough time for him, adjusting to a new environment with only the basics of the foreign language he had crammed into his head as per his father’s orders.
He was so stressed about the business that one day he randomly passed by this stadium with resellers outside selling tickets for more than two times the price, he couldn’t give a flying fuck at first, but when he heard the last minute rehearsal going on from behind the walls, he impulsively bought a ticket, his excuse being that he heard a voice that sounded like an angel, and so he bought the front row seats to the concert, Yang Yang only knows of the older groups from his teenage years, so he thought of this as an impulsive purchase and nothing more to destress, but when he laid eyes on the face of the owner, he knew he was in for another fan experience he had went through for exo.
You were angelic in the opening song, an upbeat cheerful song performed by your group to hype up the atmosphere, but a few songs later, the concept started to change, to a mysterious and somewhat sexy one, he didn’t know your group was so versatile, and needless to say, you shined the most, with your hooded eyes and occasional lip bites accompanied by the teasing rolls of your hips to the choreography, Yang Yang knew he had to have you no matter the price.
And so he let himself fall into the rabbit hole of you, researching about your entire background, where you’re from, your hobbies, your favourite food, your favourite colour, name it, he knows, even your weight and blood type.
None of his employees or his father’s lackies know about this obsession of his, of course, god forbid his father knowing, he’d be shipped back to Germany piece by piece.
Yang Yang, to mask his identity, adorns in all black attire whenever he follows you to your schedules in his identity of your new fansite, he never stalked you, Yang Yang has a company to manage, he only follows you to official schedules, like music shows and sometimes award shows, he has to keep up with the image of a fansite, just to send you gifts, yes he’s sent you tons of gifts, from the latest Prada bag you have, down to the mouse on your desk he just saw, all under the name of MienYang, which is a ring to the animal you resemble, a sheep, which came about after you had gone viral for wearing an oversized white knitted sweater, and Mien is noodles in his native language, for your love for ramyeon, see? He knows every single meticulous detail.
Yang Yang was content with being a silent fan at first, thinking maybe he was a bit too obsessive in the midst of his whirlwind parasocial romance, but he brushes the thought aside, no one can treat you the way you truly deserve, and definitely not the shitty company you’re signed under.
At first it was just the innocent act, or not so innocent, of being roped into a sasaeng group chat that trades info about your group’s schedule like his peers did with bitcoins and nfts, Yang Yang didn’t want anything to do with it at first, but when he saw these sasaengs having ‘dirt’ on some of your members for dating, he had to ask, just a harmless question of whether you were secretly seeing anyone. Yang Yang was bracing for the worst if he was honest, but to his surprise, the group chat blew up with a slew of messages about your love life, or lack there of.
‘She’s a hermit, the only thing she does is sneak out for late night convenience store runs near her dorm.’
‘I used to follow her when she was my bias, but she was so boring that she doesn’t even leave her dorms unless it’s for shopping.’
‘I don’t think she’s ever stepped foot in a club, not even a pub....’
Now this was interesting, the user who had commented on how you went out for convenience stores late at night had messaged him privately, saying that he could sell him more info if he wants, but with a price, and did Yang Yang say yes? You bet his ass he did.
He had met up with the guy at a cafe at a less busy hour to ‘discuss’.
“As we had agreed upon, 100k won per question,” the guy said, his appearance was a mess, he probably followed you last night too, to get more out of this, he did this for a living, he has to go all out.
“First question, is it true that she’s single and holes up in her dorm all the time?” Yang Yang asked.
“That’s two questions, yes, and as a bonus, she’s only had a brief 3 months relationship before moving to Korea, but I think most fans know this by now, and to answer your second question, yes that’s true, she’s very much a hermit, goes to work and then comes home straight, that’s 200k pretty boy, anymore questions?” the guy says before taking a sip of his iced americano, paid for by Yang Yang of course, and before Yang Yang could do some logical thinking, he blurted out the question that has been relaying in his mind over and over again.
“I want her address, you have it don’t you?” Yang Yang asked, he swore this would be the last thing he asks for today, he doesn’t want to invade too much of your privacy, just enough to satisfy his thirst for you.
“Now that’s another price,” the man leaned back with a smug smile on his ugly face.
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Yang Yang hasn’t ever spent one million won purely on information, not even in the industry he’s in.
Yang Yang finds himself in your dorm’s neighbourhood, but there’s three convenience stores in the area, he wonders if you prefer cu or emart, he’s currently in cu, it’s less flashy and smaller in size, if he was an idol, he’d definitely pick this one.
He’s not in the store yet, waiting in the car, with his phone to zoom in whenever he sees a female figure coming through his vicinity, but none of them were you, all of them had their hoods down, so they’re definitely not you, Yang Yang would recognise your face even if he lost all memory of who he was himself.
It was until when he saw a familiar phone case in a hooded figure’s delicate hands, then he knew, he recognises your new case, the one with fake gummy bears at the back.
Yang Yang immediately springs out of his car, slamming the door shut before quickly jogging inside the convenience store, his body slacks in comfort of the heating but his focus heightens, trying to see where you were.
That’s when he sees you, crouched in the corner, a hand on your knee, contemplating which ramyeon to get, Yang Yang has to stop himself from cooing at the cute sight. Yang Yang makes himself look busy by picking through what ramyeon he wants, as an excuse to execute the plan he’s formulated for almost a week.
When you stood up to pay, he quickly grabs the one he had decided on since he had laid eyes on the selections, he was just waiting for you, he went up to pay first when he sees you making a beeline for the cashier.
He ‘tries’ to pay with his kaokaopay, the keyword ‘tries’ because he knows there’s no credit in that e wallet anymore, and did he purposely forget his wallet? Of course he did.
“Damn it, I forgot to top up and my wallet’s left at home,” Yang Yang curses to himself, but loud enough to let you pick it up.
“No worries, I’ll pay,” you say, thrusting your phone to the scanner, flashing him a kind smile that shows on your eyes, your beautiful lips hidden by the mask you had adorned to conceal your identity.
“Thank you so much,” Yang Yang says with a polite bow, “Is there a way I could pay you back?” Yang Yang asks, taking your items to the instant ramyeon station, opening your packet and his to fill up the plastic bowls with hot water.
“Maybe you could pay for my noodles the next time we see each other here,” you suggested, taking your bowl of ramyeon, walking to an empty table, away from the windows.
“Deal,” Yang Yang agreed, taking a seat across you, “I’m new to this country, so I don’t know many people, it’d be nice to have a face to be familiarise with, are you a foreigner too?” Yang Yang pried, as if he didn’t know the answers to those basic questions.
“Yup! But I’ve been here for a few years now, it’s really hard at first, the difference of culture and language really sets us foreigners aside, doesn’t it?” you ask, of course, you might be wrong, some people adapt really well to the local culture, Seoul is easier than other smaller cities according to your seniors.
“Yeah, I’m here cuz my company transferred me here, it was really a bummer at first, what about you? Career reasons too, I guess?” Yang Yang easily strikes up a conversation, he’s very much an introvert, but around the people he clicks with? It’s like a breeze for him, and to him, you and him are two missing puzzle pieces waiting to be pieced together.
“Yeah, do I look too old to be a college student?” you asked jokingly, this is a nice change, the feeling of being a stranger to someone again, maybe meeting, wait, you haven’t caught his name.
“No, but you don’t have a bag with you to study, and most college kids will bring their food back home to eat while studying, you seem to have more time on your hands than a college kid, so I just assumed, unless you are?”
“Nope,” you said, finishing your noodles, you peered over to his, almost empty too, “but you look a bit young to be transferred over so quickly,” you commented.
“Yeah, it’s my uncle’s business, and he wanted some help, I didn’t have any plans after graduation, so I had to take up the offer, or my dad would have my head,” another lie, but this is how he has to do if he wants to be your friend, and to his greediness, something more even.
“Wow, your family must have really high hopes for you,” you complimented, picking up after yourselves, you’re going to leave soon, you still have afternoon practice tomorrow, and you don’t want to go into the company looking like a zombie.
“I guess, I’ll see you soon...
You give him your name while he holds the door open for you, he seems to be such a gentleman, a rare sight these days.
“Yang Yang, it’s a pleasure meeting you, get home soon, even from a newbie, I could tell Seoul isn’t the safest,” he said, looking back at you to see that you covered your head with your hoodie and your face with a mask once again.
“You too, till we meet again, Yang Yang,” you said, walking to the direction of your dorms.
Yang Yang watches you from afar before deciding to follow you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he found out you were attacked, and so he keeps a distance with your figure, up until you stepped into your dorm’s compounds, and now he can go back home for a peaceful sleep, knowing that you’re safe.
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Yang Yang had made the effort, given if his schedule and job allowed, to go to that same convenience store every night, and 50% of the time, he’d bump into you, he’d brush it off as a coincidence, citing that he lives very nearby, and of course you never doubted him, it was an almost 100% housing area anyways, and you did meet him in this very same convenience store many nights ago, and so the two of you became friends.
You never really talked about your life, you had lied that you were just a girl fresh out of college being pushed into the corporate world like a fish into a tank of sharks, which wasn’t all that false, instead of saying your managers and staff were rude to you, you’d change it to your seniors at your office, just a small white lie.
Yang Yang wasn’t mad in the slightest of course, if you had revealed your identity to him, you probably wouldn’t have made friends with him or even talk to him if he had made himself known to have recognised you that very first night.
Yang Yang had spun a web of lies upon lies just to make you happy, not like you didn’t contribute into any of the web making, but Yang Yang really tries to make himself as honest as he could be, like how he had recently moved out of his penthouse in Gangnam to live in this very neighbourhood he had claimed he had lived in since day 1, he doesn’t like lying to you, but if lying is what’s keeping you here beside him, he’d take it.
“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers? Then we don’t need to limit our conversations in this convenience store, and we can even text each other to see if we’re coming here,” you suggested, handing over your unlocked phone for him to key in his number, an unlocked phone, an idol’s greatest fear, but here you were, entrusting your whole career in his hands.
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The early signs of autumn crept up to you in the form of a chilly breeze tonight after having yet another late night convenience store run with Yang Yang, you were walking a little bit further behind to avoid the chances of someone recognising you in your neighbourhood and exposing Yang Yang’s identity, which is why you heard the telltale signs of shuffling of footsteps.
You quickly looked back to see who it was, and the sight nearly made you shit your pants, it was a tall burly man who was wearing a cap even though it’s completely dark out, you’ve been told that sasaengs are often identified through this sort of attire during this timing because rarely anyone wears a cap at night in Seoul unless they’re fellow celebrities, and the keychain of your group’s logo hanging by the side of his fanny pack tells you otherwise.
You quickly dragged Yang Yang into an alley when the two of you rounded a familiar cornering.
“There’s someone following me, we need to run and hide,” you said to a very confused looking Yang Yang, obvious distress in the tone of your voice.
Yang Yang heeds to your warning immediately, pulling you to hide behind a row of large recycling bins, hands holding onto yours when he sees how panic stricken you looked.
After a few minutes, Yang Yang gets up to check if the coast was clear, telling you to stand up when he confirmed no one was following you anymore.
“Why was that guy following you? Do you owe loan sharks money or something?” Yang Yang asked, acting oblivious.
“No...Yang, there’s something I need to tell you, about my identity, please don’t be mad that I’ve been lying to you, I just thought it’d be easier that way, I never thought something like this would happen. The man who was following us is probably one of my fans, and he was probably dangerous because he didn’t carry any camera or had his phone out, those are the obvious signs of a crazy sasaeng, what I’m trying to say is that....I’m an idol of a quite famous group in kpop, I’m sorry I lied about my job, I just wanted a genuine friend who won’t care how famous I am, I just didn’t expect I’d put you into this sort of danger without your permission, and I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, I know there’s risks to being an idol’s-
“Don’t, I’m glad to be your friend, so don’t ever say that, and imagine if I wasn’t here tonight, he might’ve gotten to you and god knows what he’ll do to you, so don’t apologise, I’m happy to be by your side,” Yang Yang said after he had pulled you in for a hug, his presence and touch comforting you and your running mind, “how about I walk you home instead of saying goodbye at the intersection?” Yang Yang asked, to which you nodded enthusiastically, grateful to have met someone as caring and as accepting as Yang Yang.
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As time has passed, that night’s events never left your mind, both in a bad light and a good one because that act of Yang Yang ushering you to safety had etched in your mind permanently, the scene unfolding itself whenever you zone out because to you, that was your very own kdrama moment, Yang Yang being your knight in shining armour and you being the damsel in distress.
Though it might be a hard pill to swallow in everyone else’s eyes that it was all an act, one that Yang Yang had planned it meticulously with a hefty sum of money, hiring the actor who played your ‘stalker’, and on top of that, paying for his non-disclosure agreement. Yang Yang needed you to fall for him, and through your old interviews of the dramas you were watching, he had grown to know what man you would fall for, and most of those dramas had a scene of the female lead being saved, most of the time you’d watch thriller dramas, which would explain why.
Yang Yang knows what he did was wrong, that he had scared you that night, but to him, this was some sort of warning, to let you know that even if it wasn’t him, there’s a huge possibility of you encountering crazy fans like this, he wants you to depend on him for safety, just the two of you now, having one of your convenience store runs again, but instead of just some random meet up, now he can call these dates, the two of you now have your impromptu suppers at another convenience store, you feared that the crazy fan would come back to get you after an unsuccessful attempt that night, Yang Yang even suggested to drive out to the next neighbourhood, which you’re very much grateful for.
Dating Yang Yang was a skeptical decision on your end, having to dodge your members as well as your managers was hard, you had trained your face not to smile as well as switching apps at 0.1 seconds whenever someone tries looking over your shoulder to see who you were texting, but Yang Yang makes you immensely happy in this lonely career of yours.
Speaking of which, you had asked Yang Yang out for ramyeon after you saw a notice of one of your most loyal fansites, MienYang, closing down.
“Why did they close it, babe? I thought you said they were relatively new to your fandom,” Yang Yang asks, as if he doesn’t know.
“I checked their twitter, apparently they’re leaving overseas for university, so they can’t go to my official schedules and stuff anymore,” you say, a pout unknowingly making its way on your lips, “they’re one of the non-sasaeng fansites, it’s sad to see someone who respects me as a person and as an idol go, you know?” you said, thinking aloud mostly, of course you love all the other non-sasaeng fansites, but MienYang has always gifted you sentimental gifts, like food trucks of your favourite snacks whenever there’s some sort of filming or official schedule, even flowers of your favourite kind, and not to mention your entire monitor set up in your dorm only after one mindless complaint you made about the processor that one time on live.
“Hey, don’t be too upset about it, I’m sure they’re still supporting you by other means wherever they are on the globe, think of it on a brighter side, they got in the university they wanted, isn’t that something worth being happy for? Your dearest fan having an education for themselves?” Yang Yang comforts you, reaching a hand over to grasp yours, smiling at you across the table, his eyes pleading for you to cheer up, he never likes seeing you upset.
“Yeah, of course I am, I think I just have attachment issues when it comes to my fans, especially if I knew they were dedicating their free time and even their wealth at a time like this, I’m grateful for all of them, no matter how much money they’d spent, but to know that this fansite spent their hard earned money on me was just... I’m just really grateful, you know? It’s not about the money, but the hard work behind every one of their gifts and events, sorry, I’m rambling and I sound a bit too deserving at the moment, but I just wish I could do more for them, to repay what they had gifted me over the course of this period,” you said, eyes staring mindlessly at the cup of banana milk in front of you, “It’s a crazy thought but I sometimes wish I could clone more of me so every single fan out there would have a chance to meet me, sometimes I see posts of fans span across the globe saying they were dying to meet me, their yearning breaks my heart, I just want to bring joy to their life.”
“So that’s why you do lives so often,” Yang Yang notes, you truly are an angel, you didn’t need to put up the act of a kind hearted idol in front of him, you know he as a boyfriend, would never judge you for purely treating this idol thing as a career, but you’re not like that, you really have a golden heart.
“Yeah, sometimes I’m scared I annoy them, I turn on lives when I’m eating alone, during practice breaks, when I’m bored at night, I wonder if they think I do it too often,” you said with a chuckle, recounting the many times where your fans had suggested you to just open a mukbang channel.
“Nah, it’s cute to see you eat, sometimes I tune in if I was having lunch alone in the office too,” Yang Yang said with a tilt of his head, eyes darting to the ice cream fridge, a bit shy about confessing that this.
“You do??? Oh god, I look cringe, don’t I?” you said before breaking out a nervous laugh, not finding it weird that your boyfriend would just randomly drop in on your lives.
“Nah, you’re definitely mukbang material, I feel full even by just watching you eat, that’s a charm not many have, most idols just try to act overly cute when they eat, now that’s cringe,” Yang Yang said, reassuring you, it was the truth though, “it is in fact a joy to see you eat, and I bet your other fans agree too,” if the amount of times you trended on twitter for eating wasn’t enough of an evidence.
“You’re just saying that cuz you’re my boyfriend, Yang,” you said before finishing up your banana milk, starting to clean up the trash of containers and plastic utensil wrappers, you were always the responsible one, whenever your group mates leave a group live or some recorded programme to do something else, you’d always stay back to help the staff clean up, just like how you are now, and so Yang Yang stops you, taking the remaining trash from your hands and cleans the rest of it, not much of it left of course, you’re always a quick one.
“Yup, I’m your boyfriend, so would you please stop picking up after ourselves? Let me do it, you had a long day,” Yang Yang chides before retreating to the dustbin, carefully sorting whatever that could be recycled into their respective bins, he doesn’t want to get an earful from you.
“Thank you,” you said, meeting him at the door that he was holding open for you, “you always treat me like a princess,” you said, cheeks heating up at the realisation.
“Because you are my princess, now let’s fetch you back to your dorms before my car turns into a pumpkin Cinderella,” Yang Yang jokes, opening the passenger door for you.
“It’s already 1 a.m., Yang!”
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The man hits the wall beside the big household rubbish bin with a loud thud, the sound of the back of skull coming into the brick isn’t pretty one, but it’s a beautiful melody in Yang Yang’s ears, a menacing smile appears under the thick layer of his medical mask, to conceal his identity of course.
“Are you crazy, you bastard?!” that shitbag of stalker of yours spits out, a hand holding the back of head, his facial features constricting in pain, “like you’re not a sasaeng too! You fucking hypocrite!”
Yang Yang pulls out a switch blade from the back of his pocket, releasing the sharp end, he chokes the man to keep him vulnerable under his control, knife coming dangerously close to the spot where he punched the man, he wonders how it’d look to cut open a swollen bruise.
“I’m protecting her from fuckers like you! Do you see me carrying a huge ass camera, walking around broadcasting her whole life on the internet?!” Yang Yang retorts, his fingers closing dangerously around his jugular, “if I see you again, you won’t be leaving without a scratch, you hear me?” Yang Yang warns, the knife he holds coming close to the eye of the scumbag, he’ll take his eye out as a third warning if he catches him lurking around again.
“Yes, I hear you! I’m sorry, just please let me go! I swear I’ll never stalk her ever again!” the man tried his best to look apologetic and bow his head down as far as the hand constricting allows him.
Yang Yang frees him from his grip, eyes watching him scram, tail tucked between his two legs, Yang Yang breathes a sigh of relief, this is probably the last of them, he’s still in the group chat and he knows what they say about him, the crazy sasaeng, the group chats he’s in has warn the members of your sasaengs about him, dubbed as the craziest fan you’ve ever had to date, and Yang Yang is more than proud to have this title.
He folds back the knife into the safety of his jacket and pulls out his phone, pressing onto your contact that’s on his speed dial.
“Hey babe, I’m done with work and I’m in your area, are you still in the convenience store? How about you sleep over my place? I haven’t spent much time with you these days,” Yang Yang says with a borderline aegyo voice that he knows gets you to budge every single time.
“Okay, okay, do you want me to get you anything though? They still have chicken katsu today, let me ask if it’s from tonight or this afternoon,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Thank you, baby, take your time, I’ll be waiting in my car outside the store,” Yang Yang said before hanging up, he can’t wait to see you.
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“The worker didn’t lie right? It looks fresh,” you commented as you watch Yang Yang eat in earnest, he always acts like that when he eats, and the idiot always says it’s only because of you, and that even a walnut would feel like a full meal if he’s eating it in your presence.
“Yeah, it’s fresh, you want a bite?” Yang Yang asks, offering you his chicken.
“No, I had chicken in the company today, I would’ve cooked you noodles if the chicken turned out to be from the afternoon, you’ve been working late so often these days,” you said while brushing his bangs out of his eyes to get a better look at the eyebags under his pretty doe eyes.
“It’s okay, just training some new people up, then I’ll have more time for you in the future, and it’s better to plan ahead, I want to have a secure future for you, you can have fun performing without financial worries when you become more of a senior, do what you want to do, what you don’t get enough time to do now, what you didn’t get to experience as a trainee, that’s my end goal,” Yang Yang said, his heart jumping in jitters, this isn’t the first time the two of you have expressed the desire to be together forever, the first time this topic came up, you were talking about how Yang Yang’s room might not have enough closet space for your coats in the future.
“Yang, I never dated you with the expectation of you providing for me, not that I’m against it, but I know you have wishes too-
“I had a really fulfilling childhood, trust me, and I’m having lots of fun in my 20s now, but you’re always working so hard, and I know you enjoy most of it, but there’s so much you haven’t done, and this is my wish too, to make you the happiest person in my life,” Yang Yang said in all sincerity, the silly and carefree Yang Yang you’ve grown to know has disappeared now, leaving him vulnerable, baring his soul in front of you.
“Thank you, Yang Yang, I love you,” you said, tackling to the corner of the couch, he almost lost his grip on his chicken, but he’d sacrifice chicken katsu for your hugs any day.
“I love you too, you sappy idiot, you go wash up first, I’ll join you after you leave me in peace to finish my food,” Yang Yang says before he takes a huge bite of said chicken, a hand nudging you softly to the direction of his bedroom.
“Okay, be quick though,” you said, leaving for his room, and Yang Yang to his own train of thoughts.
When Yang Yang first dived into being your fan, he noticed how you’d always tuck yourself in the corner, not very interactive in group contents, especially in your rookie days, but slowly, you settled into the idea of being a public figure, you realised your shy personality had garnered a decent amount of fans that, ‘idol standards wise’, you needed to start engaging with your fans in a solo manner to actually build up your career, at first you were a bit closed off, and not really knowing what to talk to the fans about, but slowly, you started opening up about yourself, and now being in a relationship with Yang Yang, a comfortable validation of your personality now exists in your mind, and needless to say, whatever reason it maybe, your fans are happy that you’re flourishing and now your fan base is growing at a fast pace, Yang Yang is happy for you, even if he needs to tell people to scram every other night, but it’s slowly trickling down to one every few weeks, only a dumbass once in a blue moon dares to challenge him nowadays.
Yang Yang sighs to himself, a mix of emotions, relief, love, and maybe a hint of pride, and comfort knowing that on screen you and off screen you aren’t all that different, you’re only extroverted around him and your members, sometimes he worries that you don’t have enough friends, but Yang Yang isn’t all that much better, only a handful of close friends back in his student days in Germany, maybe he should visit them soon, but he worries for your safety if he’s gone.
“Hey, you done, babe?” you ask, walking out, spotting the oily paper bag discarded on the coffee table.
“Yup, go wait for me on the bed, rest your legs, you must’ve had a long day of practice,” Yang Yang chides, heading into the ensuite bathroom to wash up.
“Nah, it was mostly vocals today, and don’t worry, I drank honey, just as you told me,” you added when you saw Yang Yang looking at you expectantly, satisfaction blooming in your chest when you see Yang Yang nodding proudly, tooth paste foam and the brush sticking out of his mouth comically, you could wake up and go to bed with this sight.
When Yang Yang finally joins you, you wrap your limbs around his lean body, sighing in comfort at the warmth his body provides, he’s always felt like a walking human heater to you.
“What’s with the sudden burst of affection?” Yang Yang teases.
“Nothing, just missed you,” you mumbled into his chest, inhaling the comforting scent of his laundry detergent, “I’ll wait for you in bed,” you mumbled before walking away.
Yang Yang’s shoulders sag in relief, the thought of cuddling you to bed immediately relieving him of the stress he had felt from the whole day.
Yang Yang lets himself under the blanket, greeted by your arms around him,  you had always loved spooning him, out of habit from all the big plushie you had always cuddled to sleep, you can’t go to bed without hugging something, Yang Yang lacks the softness you’re used to, but the warmth he provides is just as comforting.
Although the thought of falling asleep right now is more than tempting, you think it’s time to take the next step in your relationship, and as an adult as a whole.
“Hey Yang, do you ever think about like taking our relationship to the next stage?” you ask mindlessly, you might not get anything out of this, it’s been a long day for your hardworking boyfriend, and you understand, there are somedays where you don’t wanna do anything after work either.
“What do you mean? Like marriage? If so then no take backs cuz I’m in this shit for life, babe,” Yang Yang jokes, tickling at your sides, his touches with you are always innocent, there’s no need to rush, especially after hearing what you just said.
“No, Yang, I meant like, you know, physical affection?” you say as your eyes dart away from his searching ones, ever the observing boyfriend, he always wants to read your emotions through the windows of your soul, something he picked up from his mom growing up when he throws tantrums and she wants to understand his frustration.
“You want more kisses?” Yang Yang asks, apology on the tip of his tongue, he must’ve been so busy these few weeks that you feel neglected.
“No, no, like,” you’re running out of words and you’d bite your own tongue before saying the word sex in front of your boyfriend who’s had a few girlfriends, but you’re desperate to see what he feels about this, so you take his wrist into your hands, placing his palm on your breast.
It was merely flesh biology wise, and that’s how Yang Yang felt about it with his exes, he’s always been much more of an ass guy, but this slight touch, he felt electric shocks going up his back before he came to his senses and pulled his hand away, as if he was burnt by your touch.
“Baby...” Yang Yang trails off, his sentences not forming, he swears that one touch permanently fried parts of his brain, but you take his hesitance as rejection, which sends Yang Yang into a worried frenzy, that’s definitely not what he meant.
“No, baby, I’m not opposed to what you’re proposing, but are you sure you’re ready? This is a huge step for you, isn’t it? I want you to think this through and not have any regrets,” Yang Yang explains, his tone so reassuring, apologetic even.
“I’m sure, Yang, we’ve been together for almost a year, and you’ve always been the best to me, taking care of me, making sure I have my meals, putting up with my hectic schedule without any complaints, then I realised, I really want to feel your love in a physical form, humans are curious creatures, I want all of you, to bask in your love,” you said with so much sincerity it might make Yang Yang cry if you don’t stop with your beautiful words, which is so ironic because most of the times he’s pictured engaging in sex with you, most times the scenarios in his head are so fucking filthy, and here you are, proposing to make love, and suddenly all those desires disappear from his forefront, if making love is what you want, then what’s he’ll give you.
Yang Yang cages you between his body and his bed, a smile that holds several emotions casting through his pupils, lust, mischief, love, adoration, he’s definitely going haywire with these strong emotions.
Yang Yang grows hard in his jeans when he felt your eager hands explore his body, until your knuckles knock against something hard in his jacket’s pocket, Yang Yang freezes up, brain going on overdrive to find every possible excuse and decipher which is the best to use.
“Yang, why do you have-
Your agile fingers press the button, the swish of a knife molding a new type of tension between the two of you.
“Babe, be careful with that,” Yang Yang chides, slowly prying the knife out of your hands to put it at the farthest corner of his nightstand, “I started carrying a switch blade after that time when we bumped into your sasaeng, just in case I need to protect you,” Yang Yang said, another white lie, it wasn’t a complete lie, this thing is used to ward off your sasaengs, just in a more proactive manner, and morally grey of course.
“Yangie..” you cooed, “that’s so sweet, thank you for trying to protect me, but most of my sasaeng fans have stopped pursuing me,” you said, not one hint of disgust on your face, maybe you just think he’s using it as a prop to ward off fans that get aggressive physically.
“Of course, got to be the best boyfriend amongst all your peers, you know, got to make my girl, proud,” Yang Yang trails on, his worry quickly dissipating from his mind.
“I’m sure everyone would be jealous of me for having a boyfriend like you, Yang,” you said before kissing him, your hands continuing their journey, you’re getting a bit rushed, stripping Yang Yang of his jacket and trailing your hands up his toned stomach, your eyes glazed when you realised Yang Yang is hiding a set off abs underneath his baggy sweaters.
“Wow, wait, hold on a sec, baby, you’re going so fast,” Yang Yang said, exasperated at the pace you’re setting, swiftly pulling your hands down from his shirt.
“I thought you wanted to make love, baby, making love is slow-
“I don’t think I want that anymore, Yang, I’ve been waiting for this for too long, aren’t you impatient to touch me too?” you asked with those puppy eyes of yours, and who is Yang Yang to deny you, he’s a man after all.
Yang Yang quickly strips off his shirt to let you know that he is impatient for your touch, he’s waited since the day he saw your concert, he’s been waiting for so long, training his endurance towards your little touches, but your one look is pushing him past his limits, your bedroom eyes are Yang Yang’s weakness, the first time he’s seen them when you were performing had him hooked, he knew you weren’t innocent, but he hadn’t known you were a virgin, that’s just even sexier of you, to value yourself so highly, yet so shy at times, this is what he calls duality.
Yang Yang throws his shirt off to somewhere, eager to please you, but a certain metallic sound caught his attention, his eyes spy that the switch blade wasn’t that far away anymore, must be the drag of his shirt, so he moves away to retrieve it, opening the drawer, planning to just chuck the thing in, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but before he could let go of the blade, your delicate fingers wrap around his wrist.
“Yang, could we try something with the knife? I read something in one of my romance books once and I always wanted to recreate it with you,” you said timidly, but eyes full of lust, and Yang Yang swears his dick just twitched hearing you say those words.
“You know, babe, usually people bring up knife kink after their first time, hell, not even a second time,” Yang Yang says before chuckling to himself, he never thought tonight would turn out this way.
“Well, I don’t want my first time to be boring like other people, I want it to be like that mafia love story I just finished, come on, it’ll be fun, I mean it looked fun....in my head,” you were trailing off, bashful, is how you would describe this moment’s feelings.
“Okay, okay, no more laughing and joking then, let me get my head in the game, I need to exceed your expectations,” Yang Yang said with one last cheeky smile on his face before turning serious, “so I need you to stop laughing and feeling embarrassed too, okay? And let me know if you want to stop, since you read so much, I’m sure you know of the traffic light system.”
You nod your head, immediately feeling submissive under Yang Yang’s dominant gaze and switch of a tone.
Yang Yang unsheathes the blade by pressing onto the button, the shiny knife once again captures your attention, you could feel your panties sticking to your core.
“I need you to hold still, baby, can I ruin your clothes?” Yang Yang asks, he doesn’t want to trigger any sort of bad reaction from you.
“Yeah, go ahead, as long as you don’t miss them,” you reminded him, it’s his shirt after all.
Yang Yang nods in understanding, eyes hyperfocused on the blade, he traces the curve of your bottom lip with it, careful to not apply too much pressure, he’d never let you bleed, Yang Yang would never hurt what he most cherishes, so he tests the blade on your lips first, knowing that it hurts a lot less to have an accidental cut there than on actual skin, he’d know from all those years of shaving in a rush before classes, once he gets a hold of how much pressure to use, he moves on, trailing the blade down your jaw, to the juncture of your neck, the expanse of untainted skin tempting him to mark you up, but he knows he can’t, he wouldn’t put your job on the line, and so he lingers a bit longer on your neck, tracing a Y on your neck to make up for the fact that he can’t actually mark it.
When you felt the tracing of his initials, you feel a shudder run down your spine, you have always been attracted to Yang Yang’s subtle possessiveness, and the fact that he’s also like this in bed is such a turn on to you, you swear your panties are far beyond ruined at this point, which makes you wonder if he’s going to cut those too.
Your trail of thought was cut short when Yang Yang suddenly speeds up the process, bunching your shirt up, he cuts through the fabric with the blade, the the sound of shearing cotton amplifying the tingles in your core, an unconscious moan of his name leaves your lips, drawing Yang Yang’s attention away from your bosoms to your face, he wonders if you’d fall into subspace, he’s not against it, but it’s best that you don’t, this is your first time after all, so he sets the blade aside at a far corner of his nightstand once more, he’d get back to that once he anchors you back to him.
"Are you still with me, baby? Can I have a colour?" Yang Yang asks, his hands grasping your face gently, doe eyes staring into yours, trying to decipher which state of mind you're in.
"Green, I'm okay, don't worry," you say after a bit, slightly dazed by the display of carnal lust from your lover.
"Can I continue, baby?" He just needs to hear your consent, even though it's quite obvious that the gleam in your eyes are of yearning.
Yang Yang takes your consent as green light to show your breasts the attention they deserve, showering them in kisses before venturing into playful licks of your nipple while his other hand tries its best to mimic his mouth's ministrations, sending pleasurable shocks southwards, you would've been worried about ruining his sheets if Yang Yang wasn't such a distraction.
Just as you grew used to the feeling of his kitten licks, Yang Yang switches up the tempo, he now moves to your other breast, but instead of the gentle kisses, you are welcomed by light painless nicks, you whimper at the contact of his teeth, you divert your eyes to your lover, when Yang Yang sees your eyes on him, he proceeds to bite onto your nipple, pulling at it slightly before letting go.
"Fuck," you muttered, eyes shutting at the thrilling feeling of having your nipples played this way, you've never predicted Yang Yang to be like this in bed, and needless to say, you love this surprising side of him.
"Naughty girl, didn't think you'd enjoy that this much," Yang Yang said with a light spank to your inner thigh, making your legs jolt up at the sensitivity, god this man is going to drive you mad if he doesn't hurry up and fuck you.
"Please Yang, I need you to do more, I need you inside me," you begged, your pride's left your body completely.
"Since you begged so nicely, baby," Yang Yang said with a hum, contemplating of what to do next.
When Yang Yang pulls away, you whine at the loss of his warmth and familiar weight of his torso on your body.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave you hanging, baby," Yang Yang said before returning to your side with the blade, "but there's something in my way from your sweet pussy, baby," Yang Yang said with a mischievous smile before you hear the sound of shredding fabric once more, a gust of wind immediately hits your drenched core, you swear you feel goosebumps arise, "there, all better," Yang Yang says before diving in like a starved man, his fingers spreading your folds apart to show your clit the same amount of attention and care he gave to your breasts.
Your back arches at the onward assault on your most sensitive bundle of nerves, Yang Yang really knows how to use his mouth, which makes you wonder how long he's wanted to do this.
When he's deemed you more than wet, he dips a finger into your core, slowly moving it around, trying to grasp your reactions, at a particular angle, you gasp at the particularly sensitive spot.
Yang Yang lets you adjust to the feeling of having one finger before he slips in another, giddily watching the way you swallow up his fingers almost effortlessly, a boost to his ego, but of course, your safety and pleasure comes first.
But soon, you're getting impatient, you nudge Yang Yang with a knee when he was too distracted by the meal in front of him, you don't blame him for not hearing you when he has his mouth and fingers busy, you think he even added a third, but that doesn't matter to you, because you really need him to hurry up before you go insane.
"Yang Yang, please, I need you to be inside me, you prepped me for so long, it should be your turn now, let me feel all of you, please...
Something in Yang Yang snaps when he hears the desperation in your words, a realisation at the fact that you really need him, now.
"I'm sorry baby, just wanted to make sure you're ready for me," Yang Yang says as he strips down to nothing, baring his beautiful body to you, your eyes immediately drop to the part between his legs, of course he's well endowed, Yang Yang is perfect in your eyes.
"My eyes are up here, baby," Yang Yang says with a playful chuckle before kissing your temple.
"Sorry, it's just that, my boyfriend's really sexy, you know," you say, joining his playful banter.
"Glad that you think so, my sexy girlfriend," Yang Yang says before he takes your hand into his, linking your fingers together.
"Are you really ready, baby? It's never too late to back out," Yang Yang reminds you.
"Nope, not backing out," you reassured him.
"Okay... Then as a reminder, I'm going to repeat this once more, if any point, and I mean any point, that you do not wish to continue, just say red, and I'll immediately stop and pull out, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed, your chest filled with an immense amount of love and pride over the man you call your lover, being ever the gentlemen towards you.
"I love you," you said, because it just felt right.
"I love you too, but no more confessions or I'm going to feel too sappy to do this, baby," Yang Yang says before putting a serious face back on, he needs to focus on making you feel good tonight.
"You're adapting far quicker than I thought you would," Yang Yang says with a playful snicker. "Stop teasing and just keep going, Yang," you say, your hands covering your face, you could feel the blood rush into your cheeks, just like the arousal between your legs. "You're so fucking cute," Yang Yang muses, "but I want to hear a please, be my good girl for me," Yang Yang wanting to coaxe out of you. "Please." That one word has Yang Yang reaching for the knife again, his eyes locking into your drenched panties, bunching up the material, he cuts the knife through it, the flimsy material ripped to shreds. "Yang!" you scold, but it came out as more a moan, you can't help it, you're so turned on by the sight of Yang Yang holding a knife in this manner, a sight that you thought you'd only see in your wildest dreams. "Don't worry, baby, I'll buy you new ones, as many as you want," Yang Yang promises, sealing the promise with a kiss to the hood of your core, making your legs shiver.  
You arch your hips into his touch, urging him to put his mouth on your core, Yang Yang obliges, enveloping your lower lips with his. The feeling of his tongue slowly sliding its way into you was a feeling you've never expected, it wasn't anything that your small toy collection was ever able to mimic, the way the rough surface of his tongue touches your sensitive walls would've made your legs shut if it wasn't for Yang Yang holding them open, his thumb mindlessly rubbing circles around your inner thigh, igniting all your senses, especially when you close your eyes when you near your release, your body convulses in pleasure, a mantra of please's and his name falling out of your lips in a hushed tone, slowly breaking out of your shy exterior, bit by bit, your voice grows louder, until the dams broke, a loud cry resonating through the bedroom.  
Meanwhile, Yang Yang eagerly slurps up all your sweet nectar, you pry your eyes open to not miss the scene, catching the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing, his eyes shut, concentrating on your taste on his tongue. When he's had his fill, he looks up from his spot from between your legs, a dazed smile on his face. "Hi," he says, so casual as if he just didn't give you a mind blowing orgasm with just his tongue and his fingers, "you still wanna continue? we can stop if you want-
But you break him off when you get up from your spot and kiss his lips, the taste of him on you was weird, but so fucking good. "Go ahead, Yang, please," you beg, remembering his words.  
"Okay, but you remember right? Anything you don't like, say red," Yang Yang's never been long winded, but with you? He'd go to all lengths. You nod, eyes locked onto his, you see the lust swimming in those orbs, but also weariness, you feel a sense of security settling in when you see how careful Yang Yang is. Yang Yang brushes your cheek with a thumb before he takes a hand to grasp himself, your eyes train to Yang Yang's hips, swallowing a lump down your throat when you see how big he is, not very long, but thicker than what you had imagined, Yang Yang positions his cock at your core, he slowly slides in, inch by inch, scanning your face for any sort of discomfort, there's bound to be some, as he sees your face all scrunched up, but he won't stop unless you said so, he doesn't want to spoil the mood, and chooses to trust your judgement. When he finally fills you to the brim, you let out a gasp when you feel the slight prickle of hair.  
You feel Yang Yang’s hands caressing your face, the other is situated at your clit, hoping that the constant stream of pleasure would be able to relieve the ache and slight burn between your legs, you knew it was inevitable, to not feel any pain at all would be unrealistic, and you appreciate Yang Yang for being patient and going beyond that to help ease the ache.
Once the slight sting fades away, you feel your walls starting to get wetter from the switch of stimulation from pain to pleasure.
“You can move now, Yang, it doesn’t hurt anymore,” you tell him, nearly not recognising your own voice as it’s dripped in eagerness for more.
“Okay, I’ll go slow, tell me when you want me to pick up the pace,” Yang Yang says before slipping part of his cock out to thrust back in, immediately you clench around him, the feeling so foreign, but most ideal, the way you felt every inch of him, you can only describe it as euphoric.
Yang Yang struggles not to cum, the way you clench around him feels so good, but he won’t be able to last long if you keep this up.
“I need you to unclench, baby, or II won’t be able to perform at my best for you, and relax, sex shouldn’t be rushed and have you on your nerves, it should be relaxing, let me show you, take care of you,” Yang Yang says before furrowing his eyebrows to continue moving his hips, angling his cock at the angle of your sensitive spot, and instantly, he feels your nails digging into his arm, a shriek of his name tumbling from your lips, the action catching his attention, the sight of your swollen lips enticing him, so he swallows up your moans as he quickens the pace, a hand slithering down slyly to your bundle of nerves, once again aiming for an onslaught attack of sweet pleasure that has you arching your back into Yang Yang’s hold succumbing you into a pleasure-filled mess, incoherent blabbers and moans filling his mind, Yang Yang catches a few words, big, deep, so good, and all of them do nothing but encourage him to bring you to the edge faster, snapping his hips onto yours, his thrusts beginning to deepen and slow down slightly, he’s only human after all, but he gives your clit a few light pinches in retaliation, a whimper sounds from you beneath him before he feels you falling apart around him.
You struggle to keep your eyes open as you were pushed over the edge, but you reminded yourself that you need to see Yang Yang falling apart for you, and so you beg, “want you to cum too, Yang, please,” you plead between whines and moans as he rides out your high for you, that sweet sweet voice of yours is what makes Yang Yang crumble, masking a moan by biting down on his lips, he lets go, filling up your core with his seed, not pulling out until he finishes, the tension leaving his body.
Yang Yang looked so beautiful when he reached his peak, you’ve always thought his Adam’s apple was sexy, but when he threw his head back and breathed heavily, the sight of it bobbing was such a turn on, distracted by the memory looping in your head, you were pulled out of your daze when Yang Yang gently manoeuvred himself out of your walls, watching him watch the way his cum drips onto your thighs, not knowing he was caught staring until he looks up to see you watching him with your head cocked to the side.
“That was sexy, don’t blame me, I’m just a dude with fantasies,” Yang Yang jokes while pulling out a few tissues from the box, cleaning you up.
“I don’t mind, I think it’s sexy that you’re into it, but as sexy as it is, please carry me to the tub, I don’t think I’d be able to move around for a few hours,” you said, arms already spread, awaiting your princess treatment from your ever doting boyfriend.
“I’ll set up the tub and I’ll come get you, take a nap if you want,” Yang Yang says, rounding the corner of his bed to come give you a peck before taking his leave, the sight of his small but bubbly butt making you giggle.
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Keeping things under warps isn't easy when you're an idol, which is no surprise when your manager caught you going into Yang Yang's car one night outside your dorm when you planned to sleepover. You had to come clean about your relationship to your label and they weren't too happy about it, but in their words, a better case than the rest of your label mates, since the fans and tabloids haven't caught wind and the fact that Yang Yang is a businessman, yes he told you that it wasn’t his uncle’s company, but his! You made Yang Yang promise that he can’t keep anymore secrets from you, but coming back to your company, maybe they think this sort of relationship levels up your status as well as the label's, is your good guess. Other than that, your career has been advancing smoothly, you toured a few cities, Yang Yang had insisted on tagging along to Osaka and the states, for the food, he says, but you'd know better than to doubt his support for you, Yang Yang is the best boyfriend you could ever ask, most idols' relationships don't work out with people outside of the industry due to the busy schedules of their partner, but you believe that the love you share with him would prevail over any sort of obstacle life throws at you.    
The rest of your American tour ended and you can't wait to see the love of your life, having flown home earlier than the rest of your members who had wanted to stay a few days longer to rest and travel. You didn't tell Yang Yang, hoping to give him a surprise, these days he's been busy at work, so the two of you haven't video called for a bit. When you open the door to his unit, you're greeted by an empty home, you let out a disappointed sigh, but it was expected, it means business is doing well, that means his father won't give him too much pressure, you hate seeing Yang Yang stressing about not exceeding their expectations, he's always too harsh on himself.  
You quickly put away your things, only the necessities, you'll unpack your clothes and the many souvenirs you bought in the next few days. You took a quick nap on his bed, planning to sleep away the jetlag. When you woke up, it was 5, and boy were you hungry, you checked the fridge for food, but of course Yang Yang hadn't bothered to stock up or cook knowing you won't be around, so you close the fridge door and tried your luck with one of the cabinets, relief flooding your mind when you see the copious amount of snacks Yang Yang had, grabbing a bag of chips, you opened it and popped one into your mouth, you were going to eat them on the sofa, but something caught your eye, Yang Yang had put up a new portrait of the two of you on his wall outside his office, it was a photo of the two of you under the beautiful sakura tree, you smile at his sweet gesture, distracted by the photo, you accidentally tipped the bag of chips and dropped a few.  
Cursing to yourself, you quickly pick up the pieces, chucking them in the trash before wetting a paper towel to pick up the crumbs, you open Yang Yang's office door to check if any got in there, but once you were in, you were distracted by the sight of his office, you've never been in here before, knowing that Yang Yang doesn't like mixing work and private affairs, he rarely ever talks about work with you unless you ask, which wasn't weird considering he doesn't really enjoy it that much, but what you didn't expect was a comfy looking leather chair at the end of his table, you're sure you've seen this chair in one of those fancy interior design magazines in the salon, taking a seat, you realised that Yang Yang had left a drawer open, you were going to close it for him, but something caught your eye, it was one of your banners, one that you remember was made by a specific fan site, you pulled it out, reading the fan site name under the words of encouragement, MienYang, why does Yang Yang have this banner? You don't remember the admin of MienYang putting this banner up for reprinting on their twitter, unless...Yang Yang is MienYang? That can't be right? You observed the other things in the drawer, careful to not mess up the arrangements, you see thumb drives and sd cards labelled with dates and things like inkigayo, kbs music bank, are these photos of you? Before you could contemplate on whether to take a look into the sd cards, you hear footsteps near the front door, you quickly put his things back in their order before closing the drawer. When Yang Yang stepped into his living room, he sees you cleaning the floor before standing up to open the door of his office to do the same, worry filling his mind, but that anxiety dissipated when you close the door immediately after cleaning. "Sorry, I dropped chips and wanted to make sure the floor of your office doesn't have any crumbs, would be a nightmare to find ants chewing on whatever documents you have in there," you joked before waking to him, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. "Thanks, babe, but why are you back early? I thought your flight was in a few days?" Yang Yang asked, pulling away slightly to look at your pretty face he missed so much. "Yeah, but I decided that I wanted to see you more than the liberty statue so..." you trail off, the two of you breaking into a laugh. "You're back early though, I thought you said month end means more workload,” you asked, pulling him to take a seat with you on his expensive couch. "Yeah, about that, I was going to come home and then leave in an hour for an appointment with an interior designer, I was going to tell you this during Christmas, but I might as well get the cat out of the bag now, I was thinking we should move in, and I thought my place could use a bit refurbishing to fit your things into cabinets and some closet alterations would be good since you have so many clothes, so let's do it together, you know?  I'll feel less pressured to guess what's your taste in wood or whatever, that is if you want to move in with me, no pressure of course, I'll be happy to wait if you need more time- "Yang, babe, I'll be happy to move in with you," you agree, cutting him off of his panicked rant slash confession. "Really? You're sure?" Yang Yang couldn't believe it would be this easy to convince you to move in with him. "Of course, we love each other, and by living together means we would have more time to love one another," you reassured him, "now go take your shower, I can't wait to look at the designs," you said before your ever dutiful boyfriend pecks your lips and rushes into your bedroom.  
You push what you saw in his office out of your mind, it didn't really matter, whether Yang Yang is MienYang or not, Yang Yang is providing a comfortable and secure future for you, and you genuinely love each other, who he was in the past, doesn't matter to you.
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onesettleronebullet · 4 months
... Nachum, a man in his 30s, said he lost one of his best friends at the Supernova festival, an electronic music event held in southern Israel that was attacked by Hamas fighters on October 7. An Israeli police report stated that 364 people were killed at the festival and 40 were kidnapped.
“Do you think it will be a long war,” I asked him. “I hope so because I want Gaza gone,” he replied definitively. “Did you feel like that before October 7,” I asked. “All the time, all the time,” he said.
Her husband’s cousin, a young woman she described as “an angel” who spent her free time playing the piano, was killed on the morning of October 7. She was just one of some 1,200 Israeli and foreign nationals, mostly civilians, who were killed that day. Linor said she had died in her pyjamas, a detail she felt emphasised the brutality of Hamas’s attack.
Linor did not direct her anger towards Palestinians in Gaza. She said her family had always enjoyed good relations with the people from Gaza who had worked in the olive farms around their home. Her family had gone to Gaza a lot when she was young. Her mother had bought her wedding dress from a store in Gaza City.
“Hamas is the only difference between us and them,” she said. “Our soldiers want to keep us safe. Hamas wants to use people in Gaza as human shields.”
In Tel Aviv, a woman working at an upscale hotel who described herself as a “leftie” said she found herself avoiding drivers with Palestinian names on Gett, an Israeli taxi app. She was ashamed and asked me not to use her name. She added it was a sign that something “broke” on October 7. She said Israeli Jews suffer generational trauma related to the Holocaust, and the events of that day have triggered an emotional response. A young woman, dressed in linen clothing, was sipping coffee and smoking outside a trendy cafe in Tel Aviv. She did not want her name printed on Al Jazeera’s website but admitted that she was still working through her emotional response to October 7. Some of what she feels does not align with her left-leaning principles, she said, adding that it was too soon to know where she would eventually land.
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bakageta · 8 months
I think I'm gonna post Blue Beetle stuff here first and not worry about things like editing and coming up with a summary and thinking up a title. I'm running off vibes right now and don't wanna wait.
This is totally inspired by @wazzappp's anatomy post. I already wanted to do something about why it took (relatively) longer for Jaime's back to heal and that post just gave me more to write about. I wanna write more too! So throw body horror ideas at me plz!!!!
After the wake and the funeral and the burial and the mourning, after everything calmed down and everyone had a chance to breathe, Jaime looked at the scarab on his back again.
It wasn’t the first time he’d showered since everything, of course, but it was the first time he’d been able to focus on his thoughts instead of quietly disassociating until he was clean. Now he was appreciating the amenities in the hotel suite Jenny’d set the Reyes family up in while their home was repaired. There was a rainfall shower head. The toilet had an actual bidet that had sprayed Rudy’s ass the first time he’d taken a shit.
As always Khaji was ticking away in the back of his head, reassuringly present in a way Jaime didn’t want to look too closely at yet. It didn’t say anything though.
“Soap won’t bother you, right?” He hadn’t scrubbed himself down in a week or so. Partly because he’d been busy and then distracted, but also because just the shampoo running down his back during the first shower after it all had burned at the raw edges between his skin and Khaji Da.
Correct. We are fully healed now.
“Bien.” He squeezed the last of the sample sized hotel soap onto a washcloth and reached over his shoulder to start scrubbing. The scarab between his shoulder blades is anchored firmly, he can feel its legs under his muscles. 
That wasn’t a surprise. Jaime had felt every moment of Khaji burrowing up his spine and digging a home in his back. What was new was the strange… straps? the straps crossed above his shoulders and under his arms beneath his skin. They came from the scarab, where its front and back legs would be like, like it was some kind of awful fucking backpack.
“Khaji?” Jaime dropped the washcloth and shifted so he was able to trace up his spine. The three knots of alien tissue that Khaji had left like breadcrumbs also had straps running below his skin. Bending forward, Jaime realized he was able to feel where the straps anchored and the dips in his back where nothing had changed. “What am I feeling Khaji?”
The anchors for my carapace and sensory nodes. It hesitated, something it had only started doing after, as it started to learn when and when not to elaborate. They secure me and reduce the risk of damage or dislodgement. The growth of new tissue is why your back took so long to heal. Our efforts were split: your body prioritized your epidermis and my systems prioritized my security.
Sure. That made sense. Self preservation was a thing for alien symbiotes. The odd tug Jaime’d felt moving around was the growth of Khaji’s anchors and not muscle soreness like he’d assumed. Or maybe Khaji’s anchors counted as muscles. Wonderful. It also answered a question he’d never thought to ask: why his back had looked so bad for so long while cuts and scrapes healed in minutes. Great.
The hotel probably didn’t let guests on the roof.
That didn’t mean he couldn’t get there.
Jaime waited until after his shower, after Millagro took over the bathroom, after he hugged Mama and Nana, and after he swore up and down to Rudy that he wasn’t gonna fly off, to go to the roof. He made his way up the stairs, shorted out the electronic lock with a subtle lick of blue energy, and laid down on the flat gravel and tar paper roof. Like this he could feel Khaji and its nodes digging into his back alongside larger chunks of stone, foreign objects embedded in his body.
The sky was clear, but this close to Palmera, the stars might as well be invisible except for the most bright. Still enough to ground Jaime, to make him feel a part of life when everything was too much. A jet flew overhead, beacon flashing against the night. Jaime wondered if it was coming or going. 
Flight DL1332 is on approach to Palmera International, Khaji intoned.
“Huh. How d’you figure?” Jaime folded his hands behind his head to cushion it. 
After a moment the itching growth of the blue beetle’s carapace spread across the backs of his hands and arms. It stopped short of the full thickness armor Khaji was capable of, only forming the tough black underlayer.
They are communicating using radio frequencies. It is not difficult to interpret.
Would you like to listen?
Jaime sighed. “Sure.”
Static faded into Jaime’s ears, interrupted regularly by steady trailing voices. It was calming. Like listening to another language, even though the pilots and controllers were still speaking English.
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Thank you for the thorough explanation of the US immigration/green card system. My guess is that Harold has a diplomatic passport, unfortunately, so the process you explained would all be moot, right?
No. Harry would still have to submit paperwork and go through the vetting process.
There are just different requirements for it. He still has to submit his passport for review. He still has to submit DS-160/260 form (160 is the paper form, 260 is the electronic form). He doesn’t have to sit for an interview. Instead of civil documents (eg marriage certificate, military records, etc), he submits a diplomatic note - confirmation from the foreign government of his status and travel details. Meghan doesn’t have to submit financial documents.
If he’s caught in any lies, his application can still be rejected and the threat of deportability (or inadmissibility) still remains. But it likely wouldn’t materialize unless the lie or the omission was blatantly egregious, at which point diplomatic immunity comes into play. There are different levels of diplomatic immunity and note, diplomatic immunity is not the same thing as impunity.
And technically, Harry is not qualified to be here on a diplomatic/A visa. From the Department of State website (emphasis mine):
To qualify for an A-1 or A-2 visa, you must be traveling to the United States on behalf of your national government to engage solely in official activities for that government. The specific duties or services that will be performed must be governmental in character or nature, as determined by the U.S. Department of State, in accordance with U.S. immigration laws. Government officials traveling to the United States to perform non-governmental functions of a commercial nature, or traveling as tourists, require the appropriate visas and do not qualify for A visas. The fact that there may be government interest or control in a given organization is not in itself the defining factor in determining if you qualify for an A visa.
He is not a representative of the United Kingdom. He is not here on official business. He doesn’t work at an embassy (though he did try to have Montecito Mansion declared as an embassy outpost).
Which is the core root of what the Heritage Foundation is trying to find out; how did Harry get here, when, and under what terms? Did he lie on his forms and if so, what was the basis for allowing him in anyway? Did he get special treatment because he was The Queen’s grandson? Did he get special treatment because of COVID loopholes? Or was he treated like everyone else?
If he was treated like everyone else - as claimed - then he should have gone through the spousal visa process.
But if he’s here on a diplomatic visa? Well, that brings up a ton of questions and makes the case for deportability stronger (because if you “settle” here via the wrong visa, sometimes they kick you out and make you start over again from scratch). But also as we talked about yesterday, they’re not going to deport Harry the same way they’d deport you or me if it gets to that point; it’s going to be done nicely through back-room negotiations and covered up by reconciliation/olive branch PR or “Africa is better for us, there’s no paparazzi here” PR.
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alm0ndla1t · 1 year
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༘⋆ FT :: xavier thorpe x fem!addams!reader
༘⋆ TW :: mentions of the word ‘dead’ once, angsty content (??). some lines from the show are used
༘⋆ SYNOPSIS :: you did your all to hide xavier’s parting gift from your family. who would’ve thought the object of your desire would become known to them so soon…
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⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
I get caught red handed as the foreign, high-pitched sound of a message notification fills in the pause of a family discussion during dinner. I freeze, accepting my fate as the center of attention as we sit in dead silence. I always liked my solitude and the quiet, let alone words and things beginning with ‘dead’, but this one was making me nauseous, and not in a good way. This is where it ends. What a drag. The taste of my favorite dish or my father’s neverending stories of his years at Nevermore could not have made it up to the void I felt inside of me.
I slide my right hand into my pocket slowly and imperceptibly, disabling the sound of my phone. I see a familiar contact name as my phone screen lights up. Xavier. Of course it has to be him. Oh the place and time. Brushing off the brim of emotions that overwhelms me, I take the knife and the fork back in my shaky hands and force out a few words of explanation that my parents deserve.
“My apologies, perhaps bringing a phone to a family function wasn’t the best idea. Will note for next time” I end up murmuring indistinctly with a fake smile, looking down at my plate in humiliation. My eyes then anxiously wander across the room, examining my family’s faces. Everyone is eyeing me back in utter confusion. That, however, doesn’t stop my mom from engaging into the conversation furthermore, as she puts the napkin back on her lap.
“Y/n, darling,” she said softly. “Would you mind explaining how you happen to possess the soul-sucking electronic device of meaningless affirmation in the first place?”
The question was expected and I should’ve came prepared - no one in the house knew about Xavier’s thoughtful gift to me, except for Wednesday, of course. The alien and humbling feeling of excitement, mixed with admiration, has overfilled me to the point where confessing to my sister on the spot was inevitable. The timing was especially right, as next came the unsettling messages from our stalker that we’re yet to decode.
“It was a parting gift from my friend when I left Nevermore for this winter break” I clarify blandly, making eye contact with my mother. My train of thought, which was more a contemplation of my eventful life anyway, was cut off by a voice at the end of the table.
“Does the friend in question happen to be the handsome young man from that one time at the Nightshade library?” Uncle Fester asks frisky and somewhat mockingly, stuffing his mouth with salad.
I am in the beam of spotlight once again as the family is left on a cliffhanger. Hurts to admit, I overreacted. This is where it ends. My ego are pride are shattered in a million pieces. Who knew that the terrible loss of a subjective self-identity of a heartless, disastrous hellbound teenage girl would come so soon.
Hastily picking up the food on my plate with a fork, I utter the following in a grumbly indistinct manner, trying hard not to blush. “Yes, it was him.”
My parents meet each others gazes as they smile. They let me rest from the discussion for half a minute, murmuring sweet nothings to one another, and just when I begin to think my blaze of glory is finally over, my mom picks the conversation up again.
“So, mind telling us more about it? What is his name?”
“Xavier Thorpe.” Wednesday shot back before I was even able to respond. Perhaps the complete disgust of the ongoing discussion has pushed her to my rescue, hoping to end this nightmare as soon as possible.
My mother hums in approval and continues the love interest trivia, raising her brow. “He’s Vincent Thorpe’s son, isn’t he?”
“Wait, what?!” Pugsley says at the edge of his seat, excited from overhearing his favorite psychic’s name.
“Yes, yes he is. I am not sure as of where me and Xavier stand and I would appreciate it if you give me some time before we talk about this again” I let out a sigh as I finally say what’s been on my mind. “For now, excuse me, I have to go. Thank you for a wonderful meal.”
I get up and make my way upstairs, to find some peace and quiet in my bedroom. Laying on my back and staring at the ceiling in complete despair, I pull out the phone from my pocket after some time, checking the messages.
“Hey! I was thinking of asking you out for coffee, how does that sound?”
I am doomed. So doomed.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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The only foreign jet ever to lock onto the Blackbird (came to its rescue)
As capable as the SR-71 was, no aircraft is invincible. Over time, a specially trained Swedish JA-37 Viggen unit developed a successful process for intercepting SR-71s as they flew along the same repeated flight path over the Baltic Sea, commonly known as the “Baltic Express.”
Topping out at around Mach 2.1, the JA-37 didn’t have the sheer power of the MiG-25, and with a max altitude of just 59,000 feet, it couldn’t reach the world’s ceiling like the Blackbird. But thanks to the routine nature of the SR-71 flights, Sweden’s early advances with sophisticated data links, excellent mission planning, and – importantly – the technical skill of the Swedish aviators, the Viggen’s performance shortcomings were all overcome over time.
In fact, after early intercepts that would have been successful were neutralized by the SR-71’s electronic countermeasures, the Swedes even honed their counter-countermeasure systems to compensate, allowing them to genuinely score missile locks on the fastest jet in history on more than one occasion.
These intercepts give the Viggen the noteworthy distinction of being the only foreign fighter ever to succeed in locking onto a Blackbird.
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Swedish Viggen (Wikimedia Commons)
“In total I have five hot intercepts against the SR-71 to my credit,” recalled Per-Olof Eldh, Swedish Air Force JA-37 Viggen pilot. “All can be described as successful. I was visual three times; on a couple of occasions the SR-71 was contrailing, which was very useful because you could do a visual check to ensure you ended up in the right spot!”
Of course, the counterargument contends that the United States didn’t see formally neutral Sweden as a threat, and as such, there was little mission planning oriented toward mitigating these intercepts. Just as the Swedish pilots overcame technical hurdles through practice and planning, it stands to reason that SR-71 crews could have complicated matters significantly through their own mission planning if they’d felt the pressing need to do so. After all, the SR-71’s success against enemy defenses was as much a product of operational planning as it was of cutting-edge technology.
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SR-71 in flight. (U.S. Air Force photo)
This debate, however, may really be emblematic of how internet culture tends to rob the nuance from reality – as no Habu pilot (as the Blackbird was colloquially known) had any illusions about his aircraft’s vulnerability in a tough situation, and the Viggen pilots demonstrated a great deal of technical skill and proficiency in their intercepts. In the mental tug-of-war between the competitive spirit that drives most military aviators and the deep-seated respect professionals at the highest level tend to have for one another, mutual respect seemed to win out between Habu pilots and their intercepting Swedish colleagues.
This was perhaps best demonstrated during a 1987 intercept that was immediately made classified at the time, only to be revealed three decades later.
The time Swedish fighters came to the rescue of a damaged SR-71
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(U.S. Air Force image)
On June 29, 1987, Lt. Cols. Duane Noll and Tom Veltri were flying in their SR-71 over the Baltic Sea at Mach 3.0 and at 75,000 feet when their Blackbird’s right engine suddenly exploded. Noll immediately went into action, veering the stricken Habu away from their proximity to Soviet airspace and directly into Swedish territory, approaching Gotland Island. This airspace violation prompted the Swedish Air Force to redirect nearby Viggens to intercept.
“We were performing an ordinary peacetime operation exercise,” recalled retired Maj. Roger Moller, Swedish Air Force Viggen pilot. “Our fighter controller then asked me ‘are you able to make an interception and identification of a certain interest?’ I thought immediately it must be an SR-71, otherwise he would have mentioned it. But at that time I didn’t know it was the Blackbird.”
As the Viggens approached, the damaged Blackbird descended all the way down to 25,000 feet, creating a dangerous situation. The Swedish pilots had been directed to conduct a visual identification of the aircraft spotted on radar, but seeing the SR-71 operating on one engine, excitement about the intercept turned to concern. Soviet violations of Swedish airspace were not uncommon, and it was all but certain that any Soviet pilot would be eager for a chance to shoot down America’s “invincible” spy plane. That fact was not lost on the SR-71 crew.
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Fictional image of a Blackbird engine failure. (U.S. Air Force photo)
“We did not know who would find us first,” Veltri recalled. “Seeing the Swedish plane escorting us was a pure liberation. I’m absolutely sure that the Swedish presence on meant that other interceptors were at distance and could not therefore come to intercept us.”
The crippled Blackbird continued to lose both speed and altitude, to the point where the Swedish pilots worried that the crew might have to eject – but they stuck by the American jet’s side until their fuel reserves ran low and they were relieved by another pair of Viggens that continued to escort, and defend, the Habu. Eventually, the recon plane made a safe landing in Nordholz, former West Germany.
From left to right, Col. Lars-Erik Blad, Maj. Roger Moller, Maj. Krister Sjober, and Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tom Veltri stand beside the official photo which depicts the event that earned the Swedish pilots their U.S. Air Medals in Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 28, 2018. The Swedish Airmen risked their lives to save an SR-71 and the aircrew, Tom Veltri and Duane Noll, on June 29, 1987. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Kelly O’Connor)
The four Swedish pilots who participated in the intercept and subsequent escort were honored in Stockholm for their actions in November of 2018; each was awarded the U.S. Air Force’s Air Medal.
@AlexHollings52 via X
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athenawasamerf · 2 years
This is so fringe for tumblr but it’s also completely hilarious so I’m gonna share with the group.
Background: Basically how marriage works in islam (and therefore in Islamic/Muslim majority countries) is that the groom and his family pay for everything, the house, the furnishings, the wedding, even the bride’s clothes. As in, pjs and underwear and outfits for different seasons, as well as giving the bride a monetary gift (Mahr). This is all well and good, but unrealistic for impoverished North African countries. So what Egyptians do instead is that these costs are split between the bride and groom (and their families). The groom acquires an apartment, and depending on which area of Egypt they’re in there’s a cultural knowledge of what furnishings fall to the groom vs the bride. Mostly things like actual furniture and the bulk of electronic items falls to the groom, while things like curtains and carpets and bedspreads and towels and cutlery falls to the bride, along with a few electronics like TVs, microwaves and, recently, dishwashers. The details are hashed out privately.
Now, the house is in the groom’s name and men started doing this thing where they divorce women and take all the shit the women had bought for the house. Which is like, a lot. To keep our rights protected, because lord knows the state won’t do shit to protect us, women started doing this thing where they write extremely detailed lists of all the things they bought for the marital home and how much it costs. A couple of witnesses and the groom would then sign this ‘list of purchases’ as proof that it’s debt payable to the bride in case of divorce (or death, if the late husband’s family tries to defraud her out of her things during the handling of the inheritance). Men, of course, have been opposed to this concept for decades and have launched multiple campaigns against it, the last of which went viral just a few days ago.
Egyptian women, fed up with the bs we’ve been taking from the least useful men on earth, kinda just went… okay then, buy everything your own damn selves, and started a social media campaign of memes about men rushing to stores for bargains on pots and pans, and arguing with their mothers about the number of towels they need to get to ‘not be seen as lesser than my cousin’. It’s very much an inversion of the humiliating bullshit women go through to get married in this country, but nothing on earth will be funnier to me than Egyptian men going ‘we wont sign lists of purchase anymore’ and this new generation of Egyptian women going ‘okay then we ain’t buying shit. Have fun arguing with the seamstress about the price of fabric per meter for living room curtains.’
PS: men came back with ‘we’ll do the absolute bare minimum of furnishings and you’ll have to just accept that and live with it’ in hopes of deterring women from not sharing in marriage costs, and women were just like ‘no, actually, Islam says marriage is for he who can afford it, if you cant afford it just fast like islam tells you to :)))))’
Men: ‘you’ll all become spinsters’
Women: ‘we’ll just start marrying foreign men’
Egyptian social media has been hilarious the last few days and i wish y’all spoke Arabic so i could share it with you
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