#eliza campion
the-magnificunt · 2 years
I just found out that Theo James' character in Sanditon married Theo James' IRL wife. how convenient...
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jurnaldeoltenia · 1 year
Dansatorii craioveni pornesc spre Austria pentru a cuceri titlul de campion mondial
Dansatorii craioveni pornesc spre Austria pentru a cuceri titlul de campion mondial
In perioada 26-30 octombrie 2022, peste 4300 de dansatori din 28 de tari se intrec pentru titlul de campion mondial la dans la IDO WORLD Hip Hop & Popping & Hip Hop Battle CHAMPIONSHIPS ce se va organiza in Graz – Austria. Componenta lotului Romaniei este formata din 24 de dansatori din cadrul Freaks Dance Company Craiova si 5 dansatori din cadrul eLLL Dance Project Cluj Napoca. Din categoria de…
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crappymixtape · 1 year
nothing can save us • sidney parker
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sidney loves eliza campion, most ardently, and he's ready to ask for her hand in marriage, but are his feelings reciprocated? | (  1.4k, angst, regency, sidney parker, sanditon ) testing the water here for regency things cos sidney parker is *shoves fist into mouth*
N O T H I N G C A N S A V E U S 🎶 just like you held me, glaswing
Dismounting from his horse, Sidney felt his heart thudding in his chest so forcefully he thought it may well break his ribcage. The weather was perfectly sunny, a treat for an English Spring, the Campion estate washed in warmth as he approached it. Gravel crunching under his boots, he attempted to bite back the smile that kept trying to escape as he walked beneath the pillared entry. To appear too eager was indeed not very gentlemanly so he did his best to remain neutral – a difficult task to undertake considering what was about to transpire. The doormen that greeted him nodded in recognition and gave him a cordial smile, “I shall go and fetch Miss Campion, you may wait in the sitting room just inside,” one of them said, beckoning Sidney to follow him into the grand home.
As he walked he could feel his grandmother’s diamond in the pocket over his heart, sitting in a velveteen box, waiting to be presented to his future wife. Wife. Such a peculiar word, but one that he was wholly prepared to commit his life to, and Eliza would be perfection at his side. Unmatched in both beauty and societal standing, quick wit and an intoxicating presence. He hadn’t been able to keep his mind off of her since they’d met at the midsummer’s eve ball not three weeks prior and as the days passed it had been hard to keep up. Her brothers and father had been most welcoming, inviting him along to fish in their privately stocked pond, and her mother the ideal host when he came to dine with the family. While Sidney knew he was expected to marry and continue on the Parker legacy, he hadn’t expected things to fall into place so perfectly.
Hearing someone approach Sidney leapt to his feet in anticipation, his hand rising up to rest over his breast pocket. Unable to hold back his smile any longer he found himself beaming as the doorman returned with Eliza in tow, “A mister Parker to see you, Miss Campion.” The doorman lingered for a moment as Eliza found her spot next to Sidney on the davenaux, but as he assumed of what was to come, quietly left to give them a moment alone.
She was a sight to behold, her long blonde air twisted elegantly in a plait atop her golden head, and her deep green eyes reflecting the sunlight as it spilled in through the window. Her pink gossamer dress one of his favorites dotted in small white flowers. He could hardly keep himself together as she settled next to him and he immediately reached to take her hands in his. “Miss Campion–” then, “–Eliza,” he said earnestly, tilting his head down ever so slightly so that he could meet her gaze, “Nothing makes me happier than to be in your presence.” But as he looked he noticed something was awry. The smile she gave him in return was hesitant, her hands not holding his as tightly as he remembered, but perhaps she was feeling under the weather. Surely what he was about to ask would lift her spirits.
“Yes,” she replied softly, finally bringing her own gaze up to meet his, the smile on her lips faltering when she could not match the energy he had brought to this moment.
Brow furrowing Sidney decided to push on and reached a hand into his pocket to produce the small box containing his grandmother’s diamond, and the smile returned to his lips once more with genuine excitement. “Eliza Katherine Campion, it would make me the happiest man in the world if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife,” and as he opened the small box the diamond inside caught the sunlight and glittered brilliantly outward, refracting over and over upon the wall like stars in the night sky. Biting his lower lip in anticipation, he tore his eyes away from the diamond to take in what was sure to be an exuberant reaction, but he found in its place a grimace. An almost pitiful expression given to him as she pulled her hands away and stood from the daveneaux.
“Sidney, I–” she started to give him her reply and time suddenly slowed, Sidney feeling every breath that left his lungs. His mouth opened every so slightly in protest, but she continued on, “–I cannot accept your proposal. I’ve promised my hand to Lord Carmichael of Derbyshire.”
I’ve promised my hand to Lord Carmichael of Derbyshire.
Lord Carmichael? But how?
Her words echoed over and over in his mind as the box slipped from his hand and onto the floor, the diamond tumbling with it bluntly onto the lush carpet beneath him. Looking away from her, he blinked over and over perhaps in the hopes that the scene would change, that she would be sat next to him again saying Yes! as he gathered her up into his arms. But to no avail.
Instead the seconds ticked by so painfully, until her voice swam into focus and he heard her say his name again, “Sidney? I’m sure you understand.” She had leant over every so slightly to look into his eyes once more before giving him a small nod and a curtsy and turned to leave the room.
Understand? No. He did not understand. She never once mentioned another suitor, not once during the blur of weeks leading up to this, not once when he’d kissed her, not once when they’d spoken about their futures together. Not once.
As she opened the door several of the house staff were waiting just on the other side, having listened to the entire exchange, and all but the doorman scattered as Eliza gave them a dismissive look. There were a few apologies when she pushed through them and into the corridor, heels clicking methodically against the hard tile floor as they carried her further and further away. The doorman gave Sidney an apologetic look and cleared his throat to stand at attention. “Mister Parker,” he said, breaking the silence, “I trust you know your way out?”
His stupor broken, Sidney slowly lifted his head and realized he was quite alone now, the warmth of the sunlight gone as it had retreated behind the clouds. “I–” he started, the realization of her rejection beginning to settle, “–Yes.” Bending to retrieve the small box and wayward diamond from the floor he hurriedly shoved them both back into his pocket and moved out into the corridor. It was empty now save for a woman dusting the Campion family portraits that lined the walls and as Sidney looked up at the painting of Eliza, he felt himself cracking.
“Good day,” Sidney choked out and turned away from the other man, moving toward the door at a near-run. He could not leave soon enough and when he finally burst out onto the marble steps his chest was heaving, tears streaming freely down his face. His horse had been brought round and he said nothing to the stable hand as he grabbed the lead and climbed atop his mount. “Ya!” he yelled, snapping the reins and driving his heels into the horse, leaving the property at a full gallop.
The wind picked up and whipped his face as he took off across the field, catching his tears and flinging them off into oblivion as he sobbed openly now, his heart feeling as though it had been shattered into a thousand pieces. She would never be his. He’d been living a lie, courting a woman who had clearly been entertaining another man, someone older, someone better, someone she saw a future with and it was not him.
Sidney Parker wasn’t good enough.
Sidney Parker wasn’t enough.
Then, as he drove his horse to run harder and harder, the rain started and doused them both in a curtain of bitter cold. He felt himself getting pulled into utter sadness, felt his himself hardening against the emotions swelling in his chest, and the tears stopped. Anger burned bright, resentment, a destructive want building.
If Sidney Parker wasn’t good enough then what did it matter? It did not.
And if it did not matter then he did not care.
Did not care about marriage, about love. It was all transactional and the sooner he bought in the better.
“Ya, ya!” into the rain he rode and rode and rode until the cold and the wet soaked him to his core, until he could not feel anymore, and only then did he finally stop.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 13 days
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sounds-right · 1 year
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Natale '22 e Capodanno '23: sold out per Domina Coral Bay e The Beach - Sharm El Sheikh
"Domina Coral Bay è immenso, ma il ritorno del turismo a Sharm el Sheikh ha fatto sì che per Natale '22 e Capodanno '23 una struttura ormai simbolo di qualità e relax in tutto il mondo fosse sold out", dichiara Manuel Dallori Corporate Director del gruppo Domina e fondatore del brand The Beach Luxury Club (nella foto). 
In particolare, oltre che sul turismo internazionale, va sottolineata la presenza massiccia di turisti italiani. "Domina Coral Bay tornato ad essere più che mai il punto di riferimento per i turisti del nostro paese, come del resto succede da sempre. L'anima italiana del resort resta forte ed è amata anche da chi ci sceglie arrivando da tutto il mondo", continua Manuel Dallori. 
I numeri di Domina Coral Bay per Capodanno parlano chiaro: 2.900 i pasti serviti contemporaneamente la sera del 31 dicembre, 5 dinner party tematici nei diversi ristoranti del resort, una festa nella piazza della struttura da ben 2.200 persone, 7.000 fuochi d'artificio, 30 artisti internazionali...
Per le feste di fine '22, in particolare The Beach Luxury Club, il lato più esclusivo di Domina Coral Bay, non poteva che essere la meta perfetta di relax per vip e sportivi. "La novità di questo anno è stato il The Beach Luxury Club On The Snow, nuovo grande struttura panoramica al coperto perfetta per godersi serate sulla spiaggia: 1.600 mq allestiti appositamente per Natale e Capodanno che hanno accolto 600 persone. Il nostro staff ha messo in scena cene spettacolo con 12 artisti internazionali, in collaborazione con Glamour Show e tanti special guest", spiega Dallori.
Per Capodanno i countdown scanditi sono stati ben tre, grazie alla voce di Eliza G, artista italiana finalista di The Voice che è una vera star in Sud America, con l'aiuto del TikToker Emanuele Centonze. Il primo ha preso vita per la mezzanotte Domina time, a seguire ecco l'orario egiziano e poi per ultima ecco la la mezzanotte Italiana. I fuochi d'artificio subito dopo hanno lasciato spazio alla console ed al sound del dj producer italiano Saintpaul, che ha fatto ballare quasi 2.000 persone.
Tra gli artisti va poi segnalata anche la presenza della pittrice Carolina Pascari, che durante la serata a messo a disposizione per un'estrazione benefica due opere della collezione "Mind Pollution".
La serata di Capodanno al The Beach on The Snow @ Domina Coral Bay - Sharm El Sheikh è stata condotta dal celeberrimo Giovanni Ciacci, personaggio tv che non ha bisogno di presentazioni visto che tra Ballando con le Stelle e Grande Fratello Vip da tempo entra in tutte le case degli italiani o quasi...Ciacci ha avuto l'aiuto di Letizia Saquella. Quest'ultima ha lasciato per un giorno le vesti di campionessa del mondo di exotique pole dance per un nuovo ruolo, che le calza a pennello.
Tra gli ospiti della serata sparsi tra tavoli e la pista da ballo del The Beach on The Snow per il Capodanno '23, ecco poi il 9 volte campione del Mondo di motocross Tony Cairoli e personaggi tv come Guenda Goria e Mirko Gangitano. Presenti anche Marco Salvati (autore Mediaset che da tempo collabora con Paolo Bonolis) e l'influencer Chiara Stile. E ancora: Claudia Letizia, regina del burlesque attiva a livello internazionale, Gianluca Mech ideatore del protocollo Tisanoreica. Era presente pure Eva Henger, con suo marito Massimiliano Caroletti e la figlia Mercedes Henger.
I numeri di Domina Coral Bay - Sharm per Capodanno '23
2.900 i pasti serviti contemporaneamente la sera del 31/12
5 dinner party tematici all'interno del resort 
1 festa in piazza con 2.200 persone 
3 countdown (ora Domina, Egitto e Italia)
7.000 fuochi d'artificio
14 show serali 
28 mini show diurni 
6 dj
8 cantanti 
120 giocatori di Padel
210 giocatori di beach volley 
1 corsa di 5 km all'interno del resort 
I numeri di The Beach on The Snow per Capodanno '23
616 cene
1.100 persone al party del 31
12 artisti internazionali per 15 dinner show
2 dj + un guest Saintpaul 
3 cantanti + guest Eliza G
1 tribute band 
3 countdown ( ora Domina, Egitto e Italia)
4.000 fuochi d'artificio 
Cos'è The Beach Luxury Club 
The Beach Luxury Club è un sogno total white da vivere sulla spiaggia di Domina Coral Bay, a Sharm El Sheikh o a bordo piscina, di fronte al mare di Santa Flavia (Palermo), presso Domina Zagarella Sicily. Lo staff solletica il palato con piatti di ispirazione mediterranea, sushi e thai,  ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte (dalle 9 alle 2). Si ozia comodamente sdraiati sui lettoni a baldacchino. Non manca, a Sharm, The Beach Luxury Club on the Snow, un ampio spazio panoramico al coperto, per godersi dinner show e dj set d'eccellenza in ogni stagione.
Cos'è Domina
Da più di 30 anni, milioni di ospiti da tutto il mondo vivono emozioni uniche e indimenticabili negli hotel e nei resort Domina. La cultura italiana di tutte le realtà del gruppo è il segreto del successo di una marca che fa dell'innovazione il suo spirito guida. Tra le strutture gestite dal gruppo, l'immenso Domina Coral Bay Hotel, Resort, Spa & Casino a Sharm El Sheikh; Domina Zagarella Sicily; Domina Borgo degli Ulivi sul Garda;  Domina Milano Hotel & Congress; Domina St. Petersburg; Domina Novosibirsk; Domina PK Parkhotel Kurhaus. Domina, happiness in your free time.
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tarditardi · 1 year
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Natale '22 e Capodanno '23, sold out a Domina Coral Bay e The Beach - Sharm El Sheikh
"Domina Coral Bay è immenso, ma il ritorno del turismo a Sharm el Sheikh ha fatto sì che per Natale '22 e Capodanno '23 una struttura ormai simbolo di qualità e relax in tutto il mondo fosse sold out", dichiara Manuel Dallori Corporate Director del gruppo Domina e fondatore del brand The Beach Luxury Club (nella foto). 
In particolare, oltre che sul turismo internazionale, va sottolineata la presenza massiccia di turisti italiani. "Domina Coral Bay tornato ad essere più che mai il punto di riferimento per i turisti del nostro paese, come del resto succede da sempre. L'anima italiana del resort resta forte ed è amata anche da chi ci sceglie arrivando da tutto il mondo", continua Manuel Dallori. 
I numeri di Domina Coral Bay per Capodanno parlano chiaro: 2.900 i pasti serviti contemporaneamente la sera del 31 dicembre, 5 dinner party tematici nei diversi ristoranti del resort, una festa nella piazza della struttura da ben 2.200 persone, 7.000 fuochi d'artificio, 30 artisti internazionali...
Per le feste di fine '22, in particolare The Beach Luxury Club, il lato più esclusivo di Domina Coral Bay, non poteva che essere la meta perfetta di relax per vip e sportivi. "La novità di questo anno è stato il The Beach Luxury Club On The Snow, nuovo grande struttura panoramica al coperto perfetta per godersi serate sulla spiaggia: 1.600 mq allestiti appositamente per Natale e Capodanno che hanno accolto 600 persone. Il nostro staff ha messo in scena cene spettacolo con 12 artisti internazionali, in collaborazione con Glamour Show e tanti special guest", spiega Dallori.
Per Capodanno i countdown scanditi sono stati ben tre, grazie alla voce di Eliza G, artista italiana finalista di The Voice che è una vera star in Sud America, con l'aiuto del TikToker Emanuele Centonze. Il primo ha preso vita per la mezzanotte Domina time, a seguire ecco l'orario egiziano e poi per ultima ecco la la mezzanotte Italiana. I fuochi d'artificio subito dopo hanno lasciato spazio alla console ed al sound del dj producer italiano Saintpaul, che ha fatto ballare quasi 2.000 persone.
Tra gli artisti va poi segnalata anche la presenza della pittrice Carolina Pascari, che durante la serata a messo a disposizione per un'estrazione benefica due opere della collezione "Mind Pollution".
La serata di Capodanno al The Beach on The Snow @ Domina Coral Bay - Sharm El Sheikh è stata condotta dal celeberrimo Giovanni Ciacci, personaggio tv che non ha bisogno di presentazioni visto che tra Ballando con le Stelle e Grande Fratello Vip da tempo entra in tutte le case degli italiani o quasi...Ciacci ha avuto l'aiuto di Letizia Saquella. Quest'ultima ha lasciato per un giorno le vesti di campionessa del mondo di exotique pole dance per un nuovo ruolo, che le calza a pennello.
Tra gli ospiti della serata sparsi tra tavoli e la pista da ballo del The Beach on The Snow per il Capodanno '23, ecco poi il 9 volte campione del Mondo di motocross Tony Cairoli e personaggi tv come Guenda Goria e Mirko Gangitano. Presenti anche Marco Salvati (autore Mediaset che da tempo collabora con Paolo Bonolis) e l'influencer Chiara Stile. E ancora: Claudia Letizia, regina del burlesque attiva a livello internazionale, Gianluca Mech ideatore del protocollo Tisanoreica. Era presente pure Eva Henger, con suo marito Massimiliano Caroletti e la figlia Mercedes Henger.
I numeri di Domina Coral Bay - Sharm per Capodanno '23
2.900 i pasti serviti contemporaneamente la sera del 31/12
5 dinner party tematici all'interno del resort 
1 festa in piazza con 2.200 persone 
3 countdown (ora Domina, Egitto e Italia)
7.000 fuochi d'artificio
14 show serali 
28 mini show diurni 
6 dj
8 cantanti 
120 giocatori di Padel
210 giocatori di beach volley 
1 corsa di 5 km all'interno del resort 
I numeri di The Beach on The Snow per Capodanno '23
616 cene
1.100 persone al party del 31
12 artisti internazionali per 15 dinner show
2 dj + un guest Saintpaul 
3 cantanti + guest Eliza G
1 tribute band 
3 countdown ( ora Domina, Egitto e Italia)
4.000 fuochi d'artificio 
Cos'è The Beach Luxury Club 
The Beach Luxury Club è un sogno total white da vivere sulla spiaggia di Domina Coral Bay, a Sharm El Sheikh o a bordo piscina, di fronte al mare di Santa Flavia (Palermo), presso Domina Zagarella Sicily. Lo staff solletica il palato con piatti di ispirazione mediterranea, sushi e thai,  ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte (dalle 9 alle 2). Si ozia comodamente sdraiati sui lettoni a baldacchino. Non manca, a Sharm, The Beach Luxury Club on the Snow, un ampio spazio panoramico al coperto, per godersi dinner show e dj set d'eccellenza in ogni stagione.
Cos'è Domina
Da più di 30 anni, milioni di ospiti da tutto il mondo vivono emozioni uniche e indimenticabili negli hotel e nei resort Domina. La cultura italiana di tutte le realtà del gruppo è il segreto del successo di una marca che fa dell'innovazione il suo spirito guida. Tra le strutture gestite dal gruppo, l'immenso Domina Coral Bay Hotel, Resort, Spa & Casino a Sharm El Sheikh; Domina Zagarella Sicily; Domina Borgo degli Ulivi sul Garda;  Domina Milano Hotel & Congress; Domina St. Petersburg; Domina Novosibirsk; Domina PK Parkhotel Kurhaus. Domina, happiness in your free time.
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mistressvera · 4 years
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isakvaltersnake · 5 years
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he finally called her charlotte but at what cost
alternately titled: sidney tries to be soft and flirty and immediately realizes he’s made a terrible mistake
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Sanditon characters as greek deities
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okay okay wait listen okay?
I am of sound mind and body.
PS: Diana and Mary didn’t make the cut I’m sorry. For whoever is concerned: Diana is Iaso and Mary is Rhea and all the other characters of Sanditon don’t matter to me xoxo
I should be writing a paper on Iran-US and studying for my big exam next week
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✧ Charlotte & Sidney and Eliza & Sidney ✧ Street parallels ✧
"As they walked slowly in the direction of the beach, it did not occur to him that he was retracing the steps he’d taken with Charlotte just a few hours earlier.”
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sanditondaily · 4 years
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The Last Moment
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heybourne · 4 years
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ao3feed-janeausten · 30 days
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vakariaan · 5 years
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captainsantiagos · 4 years
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andrew davies, probably: ‘it’s not like we didn’t warn you.’
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bluetiefling · 5 years
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Even if it were true, he is spoken for.
Oh yes, I know all about Mrs. C. She must be the wealthiest widow in the country. Not to mention the most elegant. I can see why you’d find her a dispiriting rival. But she will have a chink in her armor. We just need to find it.
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