#eloise bridgerton x yn
ithebookhoarder · 2 years
some eloise x fem!reader when they both sneak into the gardens during a ball & Benedict catches them? (the same way Anthony caught Simon/Daphne s1)
You Belong With Me: Part 2 (Eloise Bridgerton x F!Reader)
A/N: Here's part 2, as promised. This request just fit so nicely with the other one, that I felt it seemed a natural continuation to add it on. You can find Part 1 HERE. Hope you like it!
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Eloise arched in your arms, her nails digging into your back. “Y/n,” she groaned in a way that made you suddenly wish you were in the safety of your bedroom, and not in the middle of a darkened garden. Then you could simply do away with the whole garment, altogether, rather than be forced to tease her so. 
Still, you were enraptured by her flushed cheeks and the way she bit at her lip as she squirmed in your arms. 
You were just lowering your lips, when a voice cut through your lust filled haze.
“What in the hell is going on here?”
Oh god. 
You turned.
Eloise balked, hastily reaching to yank her dress back together and fasten the ribbon in place. However, it was too late to hide what you had been doing.   
In front of you both loomed one of Eloise’s brothers – thankfully, the one you thought liked you best, though that was of little comfort right then. After all, Benedict’s very posture crackled with rage and it looked like he couldn’t decide whether to strangle you or simply snatch his sister away and lock her in a tower until she was forty.
Either way, you were both in trouble. 
“Oh f-” 
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The word was stolen from you as Eloise cursed behind you, hastily yanking her bodice back up into place.
“What in the hell did you think you were doing?”
Think? You didn’t recall terribly much thought being involved, which was probably why you were both in this mess in the first place. Else, you might have thought that declaring your feelings for one another, and starting such an amorous rendezvous a short distance from the house was not the wisest idea. 
“There had better be a bloody good explanation.”
“How did you know we were out here?” Eloise croaked, hoping to distract Benedict from you before that ‘bloody’ could became physical. The dangerous glint in Benedict’s eye gave deadly assurance to the word and you suddenly feared that your sex would be no impediment to his defence of his sister’s honour.
“Our mother sent me to find you, and one of the maids reported that there was something unusual occurring in the gardens - that she’d seen two women walking outside.” Benedict emitted a grim bark of laughter. “She didn’t know the half of it.”
“Lord Bridgerton, I can explain-“ you began swiftly, moving to stand protectively in front of Eloise. 
“How long has this been going on?” he enquired conversationally. “Weeks? Months? Years? How long, Miss L/N?”
“We didn’t-“ Eloise interrupted.
“Oh, no, El. You stay out of this,” warned her brother.
“How can I stay out of this when it’s me you’re talking about?”
“Because I am your brother and I said so. Also, because it is your honour I am defending and we both know if any of the others had been the one to catch you they would be challenging Miss L/N as we speak.” 
For such a grave threat, it was hard to be scared when it sounded more of a question than an intention. 
“Benedict!” Eloise hissed, “don’t be such a fool. You can’t challenge her to a duel and not just because it’s illegal, but because she would likely shoot you before you could even aim. For once, I am grateful to be excluded from such a tradition based on my sex.” 
“I… I know,” Benedict blushed, “but I feel… I should do something to defend your honour, regardless of who is tarnishing it. I can’t exactly force you two to wed.”
“Is that your complaint? What we were doing? Not who I was doing it with?”
Benedict laughed. “Are you being serious? That is what you are asking me?” 
You were too scared to interject. 
“You know I am saying this to protect you. Others could have seen you, and would not be so understanding,” he continued softly. “As it is, I fear I shall be permanently scarred by what I just witnessed. No one should see their sister like… like that… and I had thought you knew better than to risk being caught out here with anyone - have you learned nothing from Daphne and Simon? Have I taught you nothing?” 
“As I had to bribe a maid to tell me how one came to be with child, I’d say so!” 
Well, that was new information for you - and something you would definitely be asking her about later. 
“You are a Bridgerton. I don’t care who you love,” Benedict continued, doing his best to ignore what his sister had just revealed. “You will always be a Bridgerton, and we behave with honour and honesty, not because it is expected of us, but because that is what we are. That doesn't include illicit rendezvous in public gardens.”
Eloise blinked at him. 
For the very first time in her life, she was speechless. Clearly, she hadn't been expecting that - and neither had you. 
Thankfully, Benedict seemed to be more in control of himself and of his power of speech as he hastily moved the conversation along. 
“Now, we can continue this discussion tomorrow, in a more suitable location, such as our home - and not where we may be seen or heard. Right now, if anyone were to see us, they would most likely guess it is I and Lady Y/N that were here illicitly, and - no offence - but I do not wish to be joined to you in matrimony.” 
You smirked, appreciating his concern. “None taken.” 
“Good.” With that, he took his sister’s arm rather firmly, and positioned himself between you both. The look he gave was of exasperation, but his warning was also clear that he was still acting as chaperone. “Now, let us return to the ballroom and out of the shadows.” 
You couldn’t have wished for anything more. 
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Needless to say, sleep had not been your friend that night. 
Ever since you’d returned home from the ball, you’d been consumed with fear at the thought of what the morning would bring. After all, whilst Benedict Bridgerton had not seemed overly horrified by what he had witnessed that night, you could not guarantee that he would show such a willing to listen to you both in the cold light of day. 
Who knew what he was thinking? 
After a night spent reflecting on it, he might change his mind. He might not even admit you to Bridgerton house in the morning, despite issuing an invitation. And if he did? Well, perhaps he would cast you out again with a warning never to darken his family’s door again. 
The uncertainty was what kept you awake, pacing back and forth until the candles burned themselves out. 
Lord knew if Eloise was faring any better… 
You wished you could see her again, just for a moment, before the inevitable inquisition that awaited you both at her brother’s hand. Perhaps then you’d have the confidence and strength to face him. 
“This is ridiculous,” you grumbled, throwing back the sheets and abandoning the hope of getting any rest. Waiting and worrying would do you no good so you decided to wash and dress yourself, preparing for what lay ahead. For, if one was to go in to battle, one needed to at least put on their armour - even if that armour was only your prettiest day dress and your last clean pair of kid gloves. 
A final glance in the looking glass in the hallway was all you spared yourself as you hurried out the door some time later. Once you were certain you were as put together as one could be in your situation, you stepped out into the street and set off for Bridgerton House. 
Only a short walk, you didn’t bother with bringing a chaperone or one of the footmen to escort you. After all, you didn’t wish for anyone to ask any questions about your early visit. That, and you rather needed the few moments alone to summon the confidence to actually approach the door and ring the bell (part of you was still tempted to make a runner and send word for Eloise to come join you at some hidden location in the country, safe from prying eyes and well-intentioned brothers). 
However, you managed to hold your nerve long enough to actually make it to the door and see yourself admitted into the hallway of Bridgerton House.
Thankfully, it appeared everyone else was out for the day, off on various outings and errands. It was comforting to know no one would be there to accidentally overhear your conversation, but on the other hand some witnesses might have been nice should Benedict change his mind and challenge you with a butter knife. 
Somehow, you doubted the staff would come to your aid, if it came to it. 
As it was, you half suspected the footman who answered the door knew why you were here - otherwise, his face was simply stuck in a permanent glare of disapproval.
At least he was spared from saying anything as Eloise came flying down the main staircase the minute she heard the door close. He clearly took the hint and disappeared back downstairs to see to other duties, allowing you both a moment of privacy. 
“Thank the lord, you came,” Eloise gasped, flying into your arms.
“Of course I did. I felt I should explain my part in this, and I couldn’t very well leave you to face Benedict alone,” you replied, stating what you felt was rather obvious. Still, the nerves had probably wracked her confidence in everything, and you couldn't blame her for looking like one awaiting their execution. You smiled reassuringly, cupping her cheek as you did so. “Although, I doubt you need my protection seeing as you are still in tact.”
“No. I live another day.”
“I will admit, though, I haven’t slept.” 
“Neither have I-“
However, you didn’t get to finish your sentence as a cough echoed from behind you, causing you to both leap apart in shock. 
“There you are. May I have a word with you both? Or are you two not yet finished skulking about the halls like a pair of deviants?”
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The sight of Benedict Bridgerton, lounging in the doorway, was enough to make you feel even more nervous as the night before once more replayed itself in your mind. 
What was it with this man and sneaking up on you? 
“Ugh, Benedict! Stop doing that,” Eloise griped, clearly sharing your thought. “I’m going to get a bell to tie around your neck, at this rate.” 
“Well, stop sneaking around and I won't have to keep you on your toes then,” he jibed, before turning to greet you as if this were simply a social call like any other. The entire interaction gave you whiplash, especially as his face morphed, yet again, into something more serious. “Now, let’s get this over with shall we? I think we have some things to talk about.” 
He stepped back, gesturing to the open doors of the sitting room beside you, and the tea service that had been laid out for you in preparation. The invitation was clear, as was his resolve that this was the best course of action. 
Eloise, however, looked as if she was still considering making a bolt for the front door - a feat you doubted she’d be able to accomplish without her brother first catching her. Well, and you, as if you were being forced to endure this then so was she.
Needless to say, you were quick to take her hand as an anchor, making your position known, just as Benedict went to do the same.  
“Eloise,” he sighed, looking like he was dealing with a toddler and not a fully grown woman. It was obviously routine between these two siblings. “I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears. Stop taxing your brain with useless mathematical computations and do as I ask. Let us go sit down and talk? Please?”
A pause. 
“Else we can wait until Anthony or mother returns-“
“No!” she yelped, only conceding on your behalf. No matter how hellish this morning was about to be, it would only a fraction so in comparison to if her other family members had been present. Even she realised that it was a blessing in disguise. “Ugh, fine. Let’s get this over with.” 
“Perfect. Now, ladies first…” 
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You’d done the logical thing and started from the beginning. 
Together, you had outlined for Benedict the basic timeline that had lead the two of you to the realisation that you were romantically attracted to one another, and not just as friends. 
Well, you did most of the actual talking, as Eloise was so nervous that she kept babbling and getting confused, as well as interjecting details that made you feel even more vulnerable than you already did. (You were quite sure Benedict didn’t need to hear about how you’d first kissed in their family library, nor that you preferred orange curd on your toast as opposed to strawberry jam.)
She had also been pacing back and forth, to the point you were surprised not to see tread marks wearing into the plush rug. 
Then again, that was Eloise - always in motion. A constant spirit that couldn’t be tethered, not that you ever wished to try. Nor did her brother, evidently, as he simply stared back and forth between you as you spoke, clearly taking it all in. 
“And this was after Colin married Penelope?” he queried, turning his attention entirely to Eloise. 
It must’ve been his tone that finally snapped her out of her daze and forced her to drop down on to the settee beside you.
“Yes,” Eloise whispered. “When Penelope and Colin married… I’m a terrible person. I must be a terrible person because when they married, all I could think about was myself.”
Benedict sighed, and reached for her hand. “You’re not a terrible person, Eloise. You know that.”
She looked up at him, and you couldn’t help but wonder when it was that this man, her brother, had become so wise. Benedict was often overlooked, in your experience, when it came to the Bridgerton bunch. Yet, he had always had a silent intelligence, especially when it came to the more emotional and sentimental elements of their family - including Eloise.
The two of them had always been the closest to one another, and understood their unique perspective of the world. Like now, Benedict knew yelling or lecturing would only backfire when it came to this kind of conversation. Eloise didn’t need that. She needed kindness and understanding, something he was keen to provide as he sat beside her, placing his hand on hers, and speaking with a kindness that nearly broke your heart.
Once again, you were relieved to think that this was the brother who had discovered you two in the garden the night before. Whilst you’d have preferred no observers to such an intimate and private moment between you, at least it had been someone kind, compassionate, and understanding who had been the one to discover you.
“I was happy for them,” Eloise continued. “I am. It’s just that I suddenly felt so lonely, and so old. I never thought I would be left behind, so when I realised that Y/N felt how she did - that I could feel as I did about another person - about her… I didn’t know what to do but chase after it.”
Benedict chuckled. “Eloise Bridgerton, I don’t think anyone would ever make the mistake of leaving you behind.”
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Her lips curved into a wobbly smile, as if in that moment she too saw how marvellous it was that her brother could say the exact right thing when she needed to hear it most. Somehow you doubted your brothers were capable of such a feat, even if they often meant well. 
“I suppose I never really thought I’d marry, regardless of their sex,” Eloise continued. “I also thought that, even if I could not find love, I should have Penelope by my side as a friend. It wasn’t very kind of me, and I don’t even think I really thought about it much, but—”
“But that’s just how it was,” Benedict smiled, doing her the kindness of finishing the sentiment. “I don’t think even Penelope ever thought she’d marry. And to be honest, I doubt Colin did, either. Love can rather creep up on a person, you know.”
“Like you did, last night, skulking in the bushes, you mean?”
“I did not skulk!” 
You snorted in to your tea, but did your best to try and mask it. However, both Bridgertons were too busy to notice you almost inhaling their china. The best you got was a steady pat on the back from Eloise as you regained your composure. 
You didn’t know why, but you hadn’t expected such levity from the pair, given the situation. In fact, you’d more expected there to be screaming, shouting, and perhaps more throwing of things?
After all, you knew Benedict Bridgerton probably thought you both foolish, young and reckless. You could not exactly blame him for that when you knew you would have felt similarly had the roles been reversed - if you had caught your younger siblings in such a position. 
“I am truly sorry for putting this family at risk.”
“No,” Benedict groaned softly. “Believe me, if you knew half of the antics Anthony, Colin and even I have pulled in the past, then you would understand our feelings - why we do not could not, and would not, judge you for following your heart. I just wish… Well, perhaps inform me you need a cover story the next time you two wish to be out in public together. I could put mother off, and spare myself my blushes in the process.”
“Would you have let me go if I’d told you the truth?”
“I do not let you do anything.” Benedict was suddenly sterner than you’d ever witnessed before. “You are your own person, Eloise. You too, Miss L/N. You make your own choices, but we are family, and I am your brother. We do not let each other do things, as if we dictate the movements of each other. But … I might have insisted on chaperoning you somewhere more private, or more suitable. More for my own mental well-being, just to know you were safe.”
“I thought you were entirely dedicated to your art now, brother?”
A slash of a smile. “If you had informed me that you were hell-bent on causing mischief, I would have unoccupied myself from my work. Some things are more important. We outsiders must stick together, after all - something that would be infinitely easier if you shared with me any of the details of your life."
"It was not an oversight on my part."
He clucked disapprovingly. "So hostile."
Eloise’s eyes bugged out. "Do you want me to hit you?"
“Children! No one will be hitting any one. Play nicely, please?” you warned, suddenly feeling the need to de-escalate whatever was happening here. You were surprised that they both listened, and obeyed, even if they did grumble under their breaths as they took a moment before returning to the conversation at hand. 
Thankfully, they seemed to remember that they had company present - company that could become a witness if one decided to finally do away with the other. 
Eloise was the first to surrender. “I am sorry, Benedict. Truly. I’m sorry for keeping things from you, and for scarring you like that, it must have been… surprising.” 
“I’m not surprised as such,” he explained, rubbing his hands across his face. “After all, you did turn down six proposals from candidates most would have deemed acceptable. At least now I know why...” 
He trailed off, suddenly looked uncomfortable by the turn in the conversation, which was a nice change of pace; at least you two were not the only ones nervous and embarrassed by this whole ordeal. 
“I - I know I do not share certain things with you sister, but that has been because I deemed them unsuitable for someone I assumed was as shielded as you were… I apologise, as I knew of people and loves like the one you claim to feel with y/n. I never even considered you should be one of those people, nor that I could have provided you with some kind of clarity or assurance that you were not alone.”  
Benedict nodded. “Artists have always been a notoriously liberal and socially promiscuous bunch. Remind me to take you to Lord Granville’s next party.”
“What? Why?”
He coughed. “Whilst one never wishes to imagine their sister in such a situation as I encountered last night, I would be remiss if I didn’t at least introduce to others like you - others who share your views on matrimony and love between two people, regardless of their sex. There is a community, if one knows where to look for it, and I’d wager they would be of use to you, be it in support, or in answering questions you may have.”  
Eloise blinked, clearly stunned by the offer as much as what it signified. 
There were others like you? In London? Amongst the Ton? 
The thought was enough to make you blink in shock too - a fact Benedict clearly noticed as he turned and gave you a reassuring smile. It said all it needed to, in regards to his view on the matter; you had an ally in Benedict Bridgerton. 
 ”Well… uh… thank you,” you croaked, fighting back the sting of tears. 
“Yes, thank you,” Eloise echoed, looking equally as moved. Perhaps that was why she spoke so candidly in reply. “Thank you for understanding. I… I know not what to say, other than, for years, I didn’t allow myself to see those feelings for what they were, and not just as a friendly affection. It was only once I was loneliest that I allowed myself to examine what I knew about myself and the world, and to chase this… no matter the risk.”
Benedict squeezed her hand, as if he understood.
“We obviously cannot live in London, I know, but we don’t need to live in London. When I thought about what it was in life I really needed— not what I wanted, but what I needed— the only thing that kept coming up was y/n. So, you see, I had to do something,” she continued. “I couldn’t just sit and wait for life to happen to me any longer.” 
“I understand. Truly. You’re one of the special ones, Eloise. Life never happens to you. Trust me on this. You happen to life, Eloise. You’ve always made your own decisions, always been in control. It might not always feel that way, but it’s true.” 
You were gladdened to know he truly saw his sister as the miraculous being you did. 
“And as for you, Miss L/N-”
“Y/N,” you squeaked suddenly. For a moment, you’d almost hoped he’d forgotten you were still here. “I mean, call me Y/N, please. I feel we are well past the point of formal address, given the circumstances.” 
“Y/N, then,” Benedict agreed, making you feel a tiny bit more at ease despite the fact his eyes were keenly trained on you like some hawk who had spotted a poor mouse scurrying in a field below. “I think I’d be remiss if I didn't ask for your intention with my sister, given that I can't exactly demand a duel in her honour nor march you two to a chapel. Still, your actions last night risked my sister’s reputation and more importantly, her heart. So answer me, y/n, and answer me honestly - do you feel the same as Eloise?” 
“Yes.” The answer was immediate and said with the utmost conviction. “I know it must have been shocking to see us like that, but I promise you, Lord Bridgerton - I love your sister. I love Eloise, and I have for such a long time now. I wouldn’t do her the dishonour of taking liberties with her, or toying with her emotions.” 
“So, what is your plan regarding-”
“Good lord,” Eloise groaned loudly, cutting her brother off from whatever protective inquisition he had prepared for you. “Tell me, does Anthony do this with the women you take to bed, brother dear? Or is this pleasure saved for my romantic interests?”
Benedict choked. “I beg your pardon? Forget Anthony, I recall you interrogating Madame Delacroix to the point of accusing her of being Lady Whistledown!”
“She seemed a likely candidate!”  
“That is ridiculous, and beside the point.”
“Which is?”
Benedict muttered something under his breath that he probably ought not to have said in his sister’s presence, then added, directing his words to you, “You are going to take her off our hands, aren’t you? Because frankly, if you do, I’ll gladly badger Anthony into giving you double the allowance he has been keeping for her dowry.”
You sniggered, sticking your hand out for him to shake. “Deal."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh hush, El," you grinned, proud as Benedict shook your hand. "After all, you should be flattered. I'd take you off their hands for free.”
The mock outrage on her face was enough to make you all laugh.
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"It's no wonder you and Eloise get along so well," Benedict nodded. "I rather think you'll fit in just fine with us, after all…”
Then he said the words you’d most wanted, but never expected, to hear: 
“Welcome to the family.”
Tag List - those who asked about part 2:
@spencersfish @michael-loves-chickens 
312 notes · View notes
nnightskiess · 1 year
𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
₊° - 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧!𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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₊° - 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩. 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺/𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦, 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨?
(𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘦, 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘵)
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀. 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 <3
₊° - 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝘪 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 (𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢) - 𝘥𝘶𝘰𝘮𝘰
𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘱 (𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢) - 𝘥𝘶𝘰𝘮𝘰
𝘐𝘐 𝘧𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘦: 𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘰 - 𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘥𝘪
𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯,𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 - 𝘬𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞... from their family's grasp and were hidden in the background of the ballroom, quietly observing the debacle happening in front of them.
"So many dimwits." Eloise muttered, her voice laced with annoyance, “Look at them— parading in their silly, shiny dresses.” 
It received a snicker from her sister next to her, “You’re wearing a silly shiny dress.”
Eloise rolled her eyes, "Do not remind me," She made a move to walk away, but she was tugged back by her elbow.
"What- Where are you going? Do not leave me here all alone!" Y/N whisper-yelled, slightly panicked at the prospect of being left alone in a room full of strangers.
Eloise sighed and dropped her arms to her side in a tired huff, "I hate it here."
"Eloise, please?”
"I think the sole reason you're not being approached is standing right here, next to you,” She gestured to herself, her ballspende dangling around her wrist, “I am the local lunatic. I am fairly sure that boys will be lining up in front of you as soon as I take my leave. Toodles." She grumbled as she stuffed another pastry in her mouth before turning to make her leave, but the man approaching them had almost made her choke on her bite as she tried to finish it as fast as she could. Her cheeks were filled like a squirrel, and even if Y/N knew her sister wasn’t one for proper etiquettes, even this disgusted her.
“Eloise?” Y/N noticed the pure horror on her sister’s face.
"The Prince is coming! Quick!" She mumbled through her full mouth, trying to quickly swallow her bite down, and harshly nudged her sister's side so the girl would straighten her posture. 
From the other side of the room, Viscountess Kate hadn't lost sight of the girls for even a second but had decided to give them their space, knowing how she had hated the times where her mother or Lady Danbury had breathed down her neck during such occasions. However, she excused herself from Violet's side as soon as she saw the royal approach her sisters-in-law. She excused herself left and right as she softly pushed through the crowd.
Before the two Bridgerton’s had time to prepare, prince Felipe of Spain had already stopped before them to properly introduce himself. His hand was held up to Y/N, an invitation to get acquainted. Feeling somewhat alienated by the whole sudden turn of events, Y/N Bridgerton looked at his outstretched hand in bewilderment. Then her eyes went up to his face, where a gentle smile was waiting for her. She bit her lip to withhold a word of profanity from leaving her lips when the tip of Eloise’s shoe harshly hit her ankle, but she took the sign and held the prince’s hand before curtsying. Eloise quickly bowed as well, albeit less gracefully, and watched as prince Felipe planted a gentle kiss on her sister’s knuckles. He momentarily turned to Eloise, acknowledging her prescense, 
"It is my pleasure to meet you both.” He dipped his head to the side, growing unsure, “I am not from here, so forgive me if your name is lost on me. But before you tell me— might I ask where your chaperone is?” Prince Felipe noticed the two girls standing alone, not finding it appropriate or respectful to strike a conversation without someone there to oversee the encounter.
Y/N looked to her right, where Kate suddenly appeared in her signature purple coloured dress that flowed freely behind her and swayed through the crowd, her beauty almost stealing their thunder. But the Prince still only had eyes for the young woman in front of him. 
“Forgive me, your Grace.” Kate curtsied and introduced herself before turning to the younger Bridgerton’s “Allow me to introduce you to Lady Eloise and Lady Y/N Bridgerton.” She squeezed Y/N’s lower arm in a motherly manner, her eyes filled with pride now that she looked at the two girls in their exquisite dresses. They hadn’t been that young when Kate first met them, but oh my had they grown into two beautiful ladies.
“Ah, Bridgerton!” Prince Felipe nodded in recognition, and all three women had to withhold a wince, afraid only the drop of their name had just ruined any chance they might have had. Of course, the prince knew about them. The Bridgerton's had been the talk of the city. For obvious reasons, both good and bad.
Felipe gave Eloise a gentle smile as well, who hoped there were no remains of the pastry coating her face, but it was clear to anyone that he had approached the two sisters to talk to Y/N. People had started to stop and stare and Violet gasped in admiration and put a hand over her mouth once she realised where Kate had walked off to.
“Anthony-” Violet tapped her son’s arm to get his attention, her eyes never leaving her daughters on the other side of the room. Anthony followed her line of sight and pursed his lips in curiosity. Though the young prince of Spain was known to be a gentle soul, it was still Anthony's younger sisters they were talking about, so with narrowed eyes, he watched his wife and sisters talk to his Majesty.
Prince Felipe turned back to Y/N after having noticed most of the ball had stopped after his entrance, and were now staring. 
“I was up there, watching for a while, preparing. I noticed you almost right away,” A hint of a blush appeared on the apples of his cheeks at the small confession, “I did not want to bother you at first, afraid you might not have felt well because you kept to yourself, but it seems that the men here should be ashamed of themselves to let a young woman like you stand on her own the whole evening and deprive her of a lovely dance." He spoke near perfect English, and the accent that was heard was a nice touch to his character. His sentence would've sounded a bit too cocky, had it not been for the genuine tone of voice and the bashful smile on his face that both left Y/N completely baffled. 
Of course, they had let her stand to the side, not asking her for even one tiny dance. No one wanted anything to do with any Bridgerton, not anymore. But the prince wasn't from here, so even if he did know their family, Y/N wasn't so sure if he was aware of everything that had happened.
"Oh-“ She swallowed, sneaking a quick glance to her right, to Kate, who gave her an encouraging smile, “Your words are too kind, your Grace." At a loss for what else to say to the man in front of her, Y/N’s eyes wandered to the people behind him, only momentarily. But it had been enough for her to make eye contact with the woman approaching the crown prince of Spain. 
Her sun kissed skin perfectly complimented her emerald ballgown, and her equally as green eyes mended wonderfully together with her brown wavy locks. Each and every girl that night had her hair neatly tucked away in a fashionable and ball appropriate hairdo, but this girl seemed to not care about etiquettes or traditions, as her wavy locks were only slightly held back by a clip on the back of her head, the rest of her hair falling down her back and chest and flowing freely. 
Y/N caught herself enamoured by the mysterious woman now coming to a stop behind the prince,
Too focused on the woman, she adsentmindedly mumbled out, “Your Spanish- it’s formidable.”
Eloise's snort made her look up and realise her mistake, "I mean- your English, pardon me, your Grace.“ Her cheeks and ears turned crimson, suffocating her even more in this stuffy ballroom. 
But Felipe only smiled, finding it adorable, “It is quite alright, Lady Y/N." Prince Felipe noticed who she was glancing at and put his hand on the brunette’s back, softly guiding her to stand beside him, "This is my sister, princess Graciela.”
Both Eloise, Kate and Y/N curtsied immediately, but the Spanish girl let out a breathy chuckle, "I know how painfully uncomfortable it is to bow when the air is being squeezed out of your lungs by a corset, so, please, rise." She too spoke perfect English, and Y/N found herself smiling at hearing the woman's voice, which had sounded like honey gliding off a silver spoon. 
With a raised eyebrow, the prince switched the attention and brought it back to why he had approached the Bridgertons in the first place, “Lady Bridgerton, would you do me the honour of a dance? I would regret it deeply tomorrow morning if I had kept you standing here." Felipe’s voice brought Y/N back to the young man in front of her. She curtsied and nodded gently, letting the prince take her hand to guide her through the dancing couples who had quickly continued their waltzes. 
Although hesitant, Y/N still knew she couldn't refuse the prince's request for a dance, even if she had rather stayed back with Eloise or perhaps try to exchange a few words with the prince's twin sister. Refusing a prince meant people would talk and that meant she would inevitably be the next scandal in the Whistledown. Their family had dodged that bullet before. Trying to do so a third time would be a dumb move, especially if she could prevent it by just dancing with the boy. Any other girl would have found it a great honour, so why did it not make her heart beat faster? Because, in all honesty, she could care less about a dance.
Violet Bridgerton watched with an anticipating grin on her face, but tried to play it down as she saw every other mother watch her way in envy or amazement. First Daphne, now Y/N? What was their secret to catching the eyes of dukes and princes? The look on Anthony's face was hard to read. His chin was raised and the usual stoic expression washed over his face as he looked through the room, meeting the gazes of everyone staring between them and the royals, but somewhere underneath, mixed with the protectiveness he still felt when another man held one of his baby sisters close, there was pride and joy bubbling under the surface. And hope, hope that Y/N, just like Daphne, would find her happy ending, something that their father would have wanted too. 
As Y/N's sister and closest friend, Eloise had no trouble reading the girl's troubled features. Her kind eyes twinkled and her face displayed a gentle smile, at least that was what a stranger would see. To Eloise it was clear that her sister could not be feeling more out of place. It was evident in Y/N's eyes and by the way she glanced at the boy guiding her. Her heart wasn’t in it. She wasn’t smitten like every other girl if they so even looked the prince’s way. Eloise snorted to herself and continued eating the pastry she had stuffed away mere moments before. 
"Not your thing either, I take it?”
Eloise turned around in an instant, smiling cheekily, curtsying clumsily, before quickly wiping her mouth with the edge of her sleeve, something that would've earned a pointed comment from her mother, had the woman not been too focused on Y/N and the prince. 
Princess Graciela now stood beside her, hands tucked together behind her back as she scanned the crowd, an amused smile on her face after having seen Eloise's reaction to her presence. Kate glared slightly, but she meant well, wanting to keep Eloise in line, especially in front of a royal.
The princess continued, "Not my type of night either, but I am afraid I had no other choice— part of my birthright.” Her eyes set in disdain as she mumbled the last few words, almost as if she was ashamed others might hear her. She leaned closer to whisper into Eloise’s ear, “See them looking? They stare and stare but they are too frightened to even approach, let alone ask me to dance. As if I am made of pure arsenic.” She tutted quietly, “Another thing that comes with being born this way…” Princess Graciela’s eyes glazed over, as if she was thinking of something else, her mind wandering off, “-but that... I am grateful for."
Eloise chuckled, completely forgetting to stand straight and act properly in front of a royal, "Well, too bad I can't use that excuse. My mother has threatened to kill me if I keep rejecting dances.” She turned to the right, where Kate stood a few steps to the side, a smile on her face as she watched Y/N dance with the prince. Rendering it safe, Eloise continued, “Why are you thankful for that? Are you not like all the other girls who just love to have a dance with charming, gallantly young boys?" It suddenly seemed to dawn on Eloise again who she was talking to, and a look of panic struck her face. Graciela waved her off, liking how Eloise was talking to her like a friend, not bowing down to lay at her feet because she was a royal.
“Is she your friend?" Princess Graciela nodded towards the couples dancing together, “The woman my brother already seems to be enamoured by.” 
Eloise followed the princess' line of sight and shook her head, "Sister, actually.” 
She heard the princess hum beside her and she too focused back on the crowd, where her sister was being guided along the dance floor by the prince.
Y/N seemed to have trouble looking the poor boy in his eyes, as her eyes instead scanned each and every face but his. Eventually, they landed on her sister’s, then on the princess standing next to her. As they locked eyes, the look on Y/N's face changed like it hadn't before, like it hadn't when Felipe had looked her in the eye previously, or even now when he was holding her close. Y/N quickly looked away when she was guided around, thankful for the disruption of their eye-contact as she could hide the slight blush on her face. Though it could have clearly passed off as a healthy blush due to all the dancing.
“She looks like a gentle and wise young woman." 
"Silly and stubborn, you mean." Eloise let out a laugh, before she realised she couldn't afford to ruin Y/N's chances with the prince, "Oh- um, sisters... you know? Always having it out for each other..." She let out a breathy chuckle, knowing she needed to set this right quickly, "Y/N is a lovely sister. She has a habit of naturally making people feel at ease. She’s generous and always interested in learning new things- oh, best not to forget the fire in her belly that all we Bridgerton's have. She excels at painting, but finds solace in playing musical instruments too. Violin, especially. The amount of times I wanted to throw that fiddle of hers into our estate’s pond because she kept playing and playing…“ Eloise rambled, but was content with the entertained smile on Graciela’s face that made it clear she had helped made an impression.
"She sounds like a pleasure to be around," Graciela spoke, her eyes not having left Y/N at all, even if the girl had made it her duty to ignore the princess’s gaze from now on. “You're Bridgertons, right?”
"Oh no...” Eloise shrunk and made a face, “You've read Whistledown?"
“Of course, I have. Doesn’t everyone find it thrilling to read about secret rendezvous and scandals?”
Eloise winced slightly, knowing all that the Whistledown had said about her and her family, “Right… thrilling.”
Graciela noticed something was afoot, and clarified herself, “It shows we’re human after all, and that we’re all the same in one way or another. And don’t fret, I’m smart enough to know that a rumour is just that— a false story. Even if they do make for the most delicious and entertainingly ridiculous tales.“ She gave Eloise a playful smile, trying to ease her nerves. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Lady Bridgerton." Princess Graciela walked away and disappeared into the crowd of dancing men and women, until Eloise caught sight of her again as she appeared dancing with a young boy right next to Y/N and the prince. 
“I thought you said you wouldn’t dance?” Felipe quirked an eyebrow and smirked playfully as he spoke to his sister. He turned Y/N around before his hands moved back to appropriately hold onto her waist. 
Graciela grinned wickedly, “I was feeling bold.” Her eyes locked with Y/N's and the corner of her mouth quirked up. Y/N’s eyes widened ever so slightly before she forced herself to finally look into Felipe’s eyes instead.
Felipe rolled his eyes at her jesting and brought the attention back to the girl in his arms. "Free spirit, that one.” He clarified, smiling, before grabbing Y/N's hand to twirl her once more, sending the ends of her dress flowing before they wrapped around her legs. "You're different." He noted, quirking his head to the side while he examined Y/N's face with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Different how, your Grace?" Y/N loosened her grip on his shoulder, feeling suffocated by the situation and all the eyes on her. She focused on the golden embroidery on his collar instead.
"Forgive me for being so blunt, I don't mean to come across too self-assured, but you're... not besotted with me, not like the others are." He sounded insecure as if he had ruined his chances by saying something so stupid. 
"Your Grace, I’ve only just met you." Y/N let out a gentle smile, as she was taught. She straightened her posture once more, keeping up the act.
Felipe immediately wished he could take it back, feeling like a fool. "Yes! Which I am grateful for! I meant... you don't seem to care about my royal status. You're calm… collected and you don't giggle at everything I say, even if it isn’t funny at all."
Seeing the Prince squirm before her, took away some of the pressure she was feeling. So, she replied, “Should I? Giggle at everything you say?" 
Felipe saw the playful smile across the young Bridgerton's face and let out a relieved sigh, "No! Please, don't!" He laughed heartily, "I much prefer it this way. Would you-"
Felipe got interrupted as the couples switched, Y/N landing with a random man who gave her a kind smile, Felipe landing with one of the obsessed girls he had previously mentioned. His eyes scanned the crowd, not leaving Y/N's face as soon as he found her again. 
"He can't keep his eyes off of her!" Violet gushed, nudging Anthony who remained quiet as he stood with his hands behind his back, quietly observing the whole ordeal.
On the other side of the room, Eloise noticed the same— though it was princess Graciela who couldn't keep her eyes off Y/N from her place in the room. She knew how this worked, Graciela was just looking out for her brother, it was nothing different from Anthony throwing dangerous glances the prince's way, or when Kate would shoo away each and every man she deemed not worthy of her younger sister Edwina. It was only fair that princess Graciela, as a woman, would be able to read the women her brother curtsied better than he himself, especially if one of the girls already made his heart thump loudly against his chest. Being royal probably added additional stress. She couldn't blame Graciela for being too careful. 
The young man who was now dancing with the Bridgerton, seemed too shy to even look her in the eye or strike up a conversation, afraid he'd be too much of a disappointment after the Prince of Spain. He barely even touched her, feeling Felipe and everyone else in the room watching him. 
"Where's Eloise?" Violet suddenly realised, knowing that Eloise would probably try to sneak out now that Y/N was the centre of attention. She looked to her eldest son, who saw the conflict in her eyes. She didn't want to miss a second of Y/N's first steps into the Ton, especially now that she had the attention of a royal, but she also very well knew Eloise would take the first carriage home if she got the chance.
"I’ll keep an eye on Y/N. And I need to deal with them," Anthony noted, his attention shifting to the group of boys hesitantly approaching him— suitors for Y/N who only now seemed to see the girl’s potential after the prince had taken the initiative. 
Violet looked at her dancing daughter once more, knowing she would be alright with her eldest brother there. However, a distant but striking memory made her grab her son's sleeve and whisper in his ear, "Don't you dare make another one of those stupid mistakes as with Daphne and Lord Berbrooke." 
"I won't! I promise." 
Violet nodded curtly, lifted up her skirts so she wouldn't trip, and quickly made her way out of the room, in search of Eloise.
The dancing couples switched partners once more, and Felipe all but groaned when Graciela smoothly danced her way in front of Y/N, the girl's hands snaking to softly rest on Y/N's waist, even if the Bridgerton girl seemed shocked and unsure of her new dancing companion. The princess ignored the looks she was getting, the gasps people were letting out, or how she heard her brother call out her name in protest.
With wide eyes and pure terror in her eyes, Y/N quicky muttered, "Your Grace, I'm sure this isn't how this dance is-"
"You almost look repulsed. Have you never seen two girls dance before?" The princess teased, a challenging look in her eyes as she tilted her head to the side, taking in the small details of Y/N's features that she could now make out from their new close distance. ”Should we not be able to dance without a man? Have they not taken enough from us already?" She said it so easily while she looked around, greeting people left and right with a wide smile, as if she hadn't just put each man around her in a bad light. “Why are you all so modest over here?”
Y/N let out a shaky sigh, one filled with nerves and the fear of rejection, judgement and shame. Graciela held her tight but still ever so gently. Dancing with Graciela was so different from dancing with Felipe. It wasn't only the obvious male and female differences, like their height or the lack of big muscles in the girl’s arms holding her close. While Felipe had smelled of nothing to Y/N's liking, Graciela smelled fresh yet sultry... like mystery, like flowers blooming in the night, where no one was ever around to see but that didn't stop them from blooming anyway. Y/N’s eyes quickly glanced around the room, seeing confusion and disapproval on the faces around her. 
Even if their dance encounter had barely lasted ten seconds, the princess noticed the hesitance in Y/N's steps, and horror on the Bridgerton's face, and so she let go, a childlike grin on her face as to not alarm the spectators, showing them they were just two young girls being silly at a dance. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“I apologise, Lady Bridgerton.“ Her voice came out as soft as a whisper, and as everyone twirled their partner around, she disappeared into the hands of another while Felipe made his way back to Y/N Bridgerton.
And with that, Y/N's mood was ruined. She couldn't quite put a finger on why, but something caged inside her had felt like another cage had just locked her further away. This was proof she would never be truly happy, never be able to live her life like she wanted to. She would always only be able to be someone others wanted her to be, she could only show what others wanted to see. Because they were always watching, that was just the way it was. Even now, strangers looked at her and narrowed their eyes. Either they saw a tainted Bridgerton or a naive little girl, but whatever it was, she hated it. She hated how she had to dance with men she didn't ever want to grow old with, just to appease the ton. It was her life, was it not?
A cold sweat suddenly coated her neck, and she felt lightheaded at all the twirling and waltzing. The stuffy air wasn’t doing wonders either. She needed to get out of there, and quick.
She took a step back and stumbled out of Felipe’s arms, “I need to look for my sister." She quickly came up with, using all her energy on trying to focus on the path out and thus forgetting the proper formalities. She rushed off the ballroom floor, through the crowd and out of the room, painfully aware of all the eyes on her as she left, and how she had left the crown prince of Spain all on his own, who was too stunned to move as he could only watch her run away from him. Heat rose to her cheeks immediately at the thought and at the realisation that she could very well be the talk of the city tomorrow, especially if Lady Whistledown had seen it all unfold as well. But she knew she couldn’t go back now. Even the chilly weather outside could not help cool her down, but at least she was alone. 
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© 𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘀
𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀. 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 <3
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multifandomfanfic · 2 years
A Friend Of Your Sister
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gif by: @bridgertonland
Summary: You’ve harbored a crush on Colin Bridgerton for years. Eloise doesn’t accept that.
Warnings: angst
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: Guess who hasn't finished the first season of Bridgerton but watched the second? Me. So, this is takes place along with the events of the second season (except that Penelope isn’t in love with Colin). Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“Is he not wonderful?” you asked your sister, Penelope. You were sprawled across one of the couches in the Bridgertons’ drawing room. None of the Bridgerton men or mothers were present to nit-pick your every move, so the tree of you were truly relaxing. Eloise was meticulously scanning through the latest Lady Whistledown paper while Penelope sat perfectly upright next to her, probably paranoid one of the aforementioned groups would appear in the room. Pen nodded in agreement.
“He is rather good-looking as well,” she added. She carefully lifted a cup of tea off of the table next to her and took a sip. 
“Can you not gush over my brother in my presence?” Eloise snapped, setting down the pamphlet. Unsuccessful this time in the never-ending quest to find Lady Whistledown’s true identity. She continued speaking as someone else entered the room, “Besides, he is completely incompetent and awkward, among other traits.”
"Who are we discussing?” an all too familiar voice asked. You immediately corrected your posture, sitting upright and looking straight forward. Penelope giggled at your discontent.
Of course, the voice belonged to the one who you were talking about: Colin Bridgerton. He was wearing a dark blue coat-jacket that matched the light yellow shirt underneath it. His collar wasn’t folded properly and his hair bounced freely as he walked towards your couch.
Pink coloring painted your cheeks. You quickly looked down at your lap. Even if he was a little aloof, as Eloise thought, Penelope was right in saying Colin Bridgerton was handsome. Not to mention he was also one of the kindest, most charming men you knew. 
“Well?” he said when no one answered him. Eloise looked in your direction and raised an eyebrow. You shot her a nasty look in return.
“We were talking about the new Lord Featherington,” Penelope swiftly replied before Colin could notice Eloise and you exchanging glares.
“Oh! How is he? I heard he was in the gemstone business.”
“He’s doing well,” you piped up, briefly breaking eye contact with Eloise, “Lord Featherington says his mines are successful and he has supported us quite well.”
Colin smiled at you, causing butterflies in your stomach. You could have melted, but you stayed as stiff as a twig underneath the watchful eyes of Eloise. Her eyes burned holes in the back of your head, almost daring you to speak again. You refused.
“I am glad to hear it,” Colin responded. He then turned his attention towards Penelope and Lord Featherington’s business endeavors.
Penelope and Colin’s rather uninteresting conversation dragged on for ages. Eloise hardly participated, but you tried to look as fascinated as possible, mostly to not seem bored at something that piqued Colin’s interest. Gemstones dazzled the others, but it nearly put you to sleep.
Several times during the conversation, out of the corner of your eye, you swore you could see Colin sneaking glances in your direction several times. They were fleeting, and maybe he was looking at something behind you, but something in his stares were warm and wanting. Like he wanted to be closer to you, with you, but couldn’t.
Eventually, you realized the time and stood. Mother would be wanting you home soon as you had to help her shop. Penelope, on the other hand, was encouraged to stay at the Bridgertons’ as long as she liked. Colin also rose and excused himself from the conversation, offering to walk you out of the house and call your carriage. Eloise’s eyes followed you as you walked a little faster than usual to the door separating the entrance and the drawing room.
“Thank you for spending the afternoon with us,” he said once the drawing room door closed with a bang. The grand staircase towered over the both of you, as did the massive paintings of the Bridgerton siblings. The one of the brothers barely did Colin justice.
“It was my pleasure,” you replied, looking up into his blue irises. Colin’s smile finally succeeded in melting you in place. You met his gaze. His eyes were warm, friendly, welcoming.. longing. Something about the deep blue called you to lean closer to him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The dark pink blush across your checks returned and only grew hotter with each passing moment.
“Wait-,” you said, resting your hand on Colin’s chest, “I am a friend of your sister. This isn’t right.”
“Why is it wrong?” Colin replied, taking your hands in his and leaning even closer, “Why should Eloise have any say in our choices?
You blushed and nodded. He was right. Eloise could grow to accept your relationship (if it even lasted!). If only you could convince her.
Yet, it was too good to be true. Colin’s eyes drifted down to your lips and he seemed to be centimeters from touching your face but, before anything could come of it, footsteps sounded past the drawing room door.
Eloise appeared behind the now-open door almost as soon as the first footsteps were heard. Penelope was visible behind her after apparently failing to keep her seated. Eloise looked unusually livid. She stared daggers at the two of you, but mostly you. Her face grew red for the opposite reason that yours was.
She knew what she was interrupting. She knew what she had now ruined for you.
“Hello, Eloise,” you smiled politely, swiftly moving away from Colin, the pink slowly disappearing from your cheeks. Your stomach dropped. There was no recovering from this.
“I thought Lady Featherington requested you return home, Y/N,” Eloise said.
“Well- um, I don’t think my mother needs me that urgently.”
“Perhaps you should leave just in case,” Eloise replied snidely, “Those flowered dresses can’t buy themselves, can’t they?”
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alyswritings · 2 years
Sister or Daughter
Request: omg hear me out. I had an idea for another Bridgerton fic. it is still Anthony's daughter but with a twist. what if to avoid a scandal the family decided to tell the people that the baby was violets and Edmunds? (maybe he died a lil later?) and she grows up thinking it as well, basically violet adopts the baby, and she is raised as Anthony's sister but he is like incredibly protective of her, more than his other sisters ofc and a lot more gentle. anyways the only ones who know the truth are the bridgerton sibling except Francesca, hyacinth, and Gregory cause I feel like they were too young at the time and could have been fooled. anyways what if the truth comes to light? maybe not to the public but to yn? what if a sibling in a fit of rage says something about it to use it against Anthony and then that's how they find out and its just chaos?
Anthony Bridgerton x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N finds out her life has been a lie.
Warnings: lying, i don't really know what to put, but it's angsty lol
a/n: thank you for the request!! sorry it took like forever to get out! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Anthony paces outside of the drawing room nervously. He knows he has to tell his parents about the pregnancy, but his mind is going through all of the worst case scenarios. He's not sure his hands have ever been this sweaty. And it's hard to breathe.
"Anthony? Son, are you all right?" He turns to find his father in the entry of the drawing room.
"Yes. Uh, ye-- yes, father. I must talk to you and mother about something." Anthony says, putting his hands behind his back, fiddling with his fingers.
"Of course. Come in." Edmund encourages. Anthony walks in, Edmund close behind him. Edmund joins his wife on the couch, both looking at Anthony expectantly. Benedict, Daphen, Eloise, and Colin are on the other side of the room, Benedict drawing, Daphne doing embroidery, and Colin and Eloise are reading books.
"What is it, dear?" Violet sweetly asks.
"Um... well, I... uh..." Anthony takes a deep breath. "I was having relations with a woman and she is now with child." He quickly states.
Anthony's siblings all seem to choke on air at the news, staring at the eldest Bridgerton sibling with wide eyes.
"What?" Edmund asks, not certain if he actually understood his eldest.
"I... a woman is with child. My child." Anthony says. His voice shakes slightly as his nerves have rised even more.
"Oh, dear." Violet whispers, putting a hand to her head.
"Are you certain?" Edmund asks.
"Yes." Anthony nods.
"We, uh... we should go." Benedict mumbles to Colin.
"We should." Colin whispers, nodding. Yet neither of them move.
"All right, well... do you plan to be in its life?" Edmund asks. "As the father, I believe you shall be, but it is your decision."
"I... more than likely, yes." Anthony answers. He's not fully sure if he's ready to be a father and he doesn't even know how he feels about the whole situation yet, but if the child needs anything, he would be there.
"What about our reputation? This could destroy everything. The children may never marry." Violet stresses.
"We do need to figure out how to avoid a scandal. If possible." Edmund agrees.
"I understand." Anthony says.
"We could say the baby is ours. Our ninth child. That's believable. Then Anthony can be around them and... and perhaps the mother." Violet says.
"Nobody outside of this room is to know. Aside from some of the help since it will be obvious your mother isn't pregnant." Edmund says.
"We'll tell everybody I'm bedridden. The last pregnancy with Hyacinth was hard enough, it's a believable story." Violet says.
"Your other siblings cannot know. Not Francesca, Gregory, or Hyacinth. No friends, no neighbors, nobody." Edmund declares.
"I understand." Anthony nods once.
- - -
During the pregnancy with Anthony's child, the mother had moved in with the Bridgertons. But as far as the ton knew, she had left town. She never left the Bridgerton house, often alone in her temporary bedroom. After the baby was born, she was going to actually leave town.
Violet stayed in the house and the family often went to Aubrey Hall for visits so that Violet and Elizabeth, the mother of Anthony's child, could actually get fresh air. And so they were around less prying eyes.
But during one of those visits, Edmund had died of a bee sting. It sent the family down a spiral, Violet going into a depression. Anthony had to step up and take care of his siblings in the wake of his father's death, pushing his own grief aside for them.
He was handed all of the responsibilities, everything coming at him full force.
But after nine secretive, stressful, terrible nine months, the baby was finally born.
The labor took a few hours and only some of the maids were in the room with Elizabeth. After the baby was born, a maid came out of the room to where Anthony was waiting in the hallway.
Anthony looks up at the door opening, seeing the nurse walk out, a small bundle of blankets in hand.
"Here she is." The nurse softly announces, gently patting the baby's back to keep her calm.
"She? It's a girl?" Anthony asks.
"Yes, my lord." The nurse nods, a soft smile on her face. "Would you like to hold her?"
Anthony hesitates, but after a moment he nods. The nurse carefully transports the baby into Anthony's arm, the man easily finding a comfortable position to hold her in. He knows full well how to hold a baby, having many younger siblings.
Once she's in his arms, Anthony feels an overwhelming sense of love and protection come over him. Tears spring to his eyes, but he holds them back not wanting to cry in front of the maid.
"I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind you naming her." The nurse says.
"I'd have to check. Since she's a, uh... a sibling... she'd have to start with an I." Anthony says.
"I know she isn't supposed to be your child. But you should be able to name her, at the very least. I or no I. Miss Elizabeth didn't have any suggestions." The nurse states, a caring smile on her face.
"Could I be alone with her, please? The baby?" Anthony asks.
"Of course." The nurse nods before retreating back into the bedroom.
Anthony takes a deep breath, looking down at his daughter. Well, as far as most other people are concerned, his sister.
"Hello, darling." Anthony quietly greets, slowly walking to the bench in the hall. He's scared if he moves too quickly he'll drop her. Or that she'll break. "I'm sorry this is a... unique situation." He says, sitting down. He holds the baby close to him.
"Perhaps one day when you're older you'll understand. Or this will all go terribly and the family may fall apart. God, I don't know what I'm doing." Anthony mumbles to himself.
He stares down at the baby who has her eyes peacefully shut. Anthony strokes her tiny hand with his pointer finger, only stopping when the baby wraps her hand around his finger lightly.
Anthony softly smiles, looking back to her face and finding her eyes now open, matching dark brown eyes staring up into his.
"You're so beautiful, my darling." Anthony whispers. He feels the tears spring back up, a sad but loving smile on his face. "I already love you so much."
Before he can help it, a tear falls out of Anthony's eye, dropping right onto the baby's cheek. The baby starts to whine and Anthony quickly brushes the tear away.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, dear. My bad." Anthony mutters, making sure her face is completely dry. A few moments later, Y/N is calm again. "I suppose you need a name."
After thinking for a few moments, Anthony constantly rubbing his hand over the baby's head or stomach or hand or cheek, he finally comes up with something.
"How about Y/N? You like Y/N?" He asks her, earning a small babble in return. "Yes. I think it's good. Y/N Bridgerton it is, then."
Anthony places the softest kiss to her forehead, knowing he's going to do anything to make sure that she grows up happy and loved. Rather she knows she's his child or not.
- - -
The first few years of Y/N's life were a little hard for the Bridgertons. At least for Violet and Anthony. Anthony found it heartbreaking that he had to simply just watch as his daughter was raised, calling him by his name and Violet by 'mama'. He wishes he could be called 'papa' by her, but knows he can't.
Benedict spends a lot of time trying to get Anthony's mind off of the child, but even after multiple glasses of alcohol, she's still all Anthony can think about. How she can't be his and how they're lying to her every day.
He hates that most of the family is lying to her, not able to tell her the truth. No, she probably wouldn't understand it at her young age, but he still hates that they know and are not able to change anything.
Despite pretending to not be her father, Anthony couldn't help but to treat her differently from his sisters. He's more protective and fusses over her much more when she gets a scrape on the knee than if any of his sisters were to get one.
Anthony lets Y/N steal his food all the time and gives her pieces of food. Something he has never done with his sisters, unless they were upset and he was trying to cheer them up.
He does whatever Y/N asks him to.
"Why does Anthony favor Y/N?" Hyacinth once asked her two oldest sisters.
"He doesn't favor her. They simply just have a... a closer bond." Daphne tells her.
"But they're so far apart in age." Hyacinth says.
"Well, so are us and you. We get along, don't we?" Daphne asks.
"Yes. But you two don't fuss over me like he does with her. He doesn't fuss over anybody else like that but Y/N." Hyacinth says.
"Well, he had to raise her since she was born since she was born at a... a difficult time." Eloise says. "He probably just feels obligated to look after her more. He's practically her father." She says, earning an elbow to the ribs from Daphne.
"I think papa would've loved her." Hyacinth says.
"I think so, too." Daphne softly smiles at her youngest sibling who runs off to play with Gregory. Daphne turns to Eloise, a stern look on her face. ""Practically her father"? Are you mental?"
"What? He is." Eloise says.
"Yes, but nobody can know that." Daphne hisses.
"Why must we lie?" Eloise asks.
"Because of our reputation. You know having a child when not married is unacceptable." Daphne says.
"If he loved her enough, he would not care about that." Eloise says.
"You know he loves her. It was a difficult decision." Daphne says.
"It was barely his decision. Mother and father came up with it all on their own. They gave him no say." Eloise says.
"I suppose that's true. But we were sworn to secrecy and we are keeping the secret. If Anthony or mama ever decide to tell the world, or even just the others, then that's okay. But we are not going to be the ones to say anything."
"All right, all right."
- - -
"Now, what story would you like?" Anthony questions Y/N. The five year old is tucked into bed and every night Anthony reads her a story before she goes to sleep.
"Make one up." Y/N grins.
"Make one up?" Anthony repeats, Y/N nodding, a small grin on her face. "Oh, my. All right, give me a few moments."
Anthony sits on the bed, resting against the soft headboard. He puts his hand on Y/N's head, going through her hair and gently massaging her scalp. "Okay..." Anthony starts before beginning the story he was able to come up, adding things as he goes.
By the end, Anthony looks down, finding Y/N sound asleep. Anthony softly smiles, brushing some hair out of her face. He gets off the bed and leans down, kissing her forehead gently.
"Goodnight, my love." Anthony whispers.
- - -
Anthony and Daphne are arguing, against each other due to the whole Duke of Hastings relation that seems to be going on between Daphne and him.
Neither siblings notices the five year old standing outside the drawing room. Y/N had a nightmare and wanted to find one of her family members for comfort, but was distracted by the yelling between the oldest Bridgerton boy and girl.
"If anybody were to find out about you two in the garden, it would ruin this family's reputation!" Anthony shouts.
"Oh, you are one to talk!" Daphne sarcastically laughs. "If anybody were to ruin it, it would be you! You are the one to have a child out of wedlock!"
"I know what I did!" Anthony bellows. "I know what happened! And I have to live with it every day. But nobody knows about that."
"Well, they should! You choose to lie to your daughter every day of her life instead of telling her the truth! She should be able to know!"
"She's five! How would she understand?"
"She would eventually! Y/N deserves to know that you are her father and not her brother. You lie every day and we have to lie, too, and it is tiring!"
"What, you think I enjoy lying to her? You think I don't want to be the one she immediately runs to when getting hurt or-or you think I don't want to be called 'papa' instead of Anthony? But--"
"But it would ruin our reputation, yes, I know. But is that really more important than your daughter knowing the truth?"
"I'm your daughter?"
Both siblings turn to find a teary eyed Y/N in the doorway of the room. Anthony feels his heart drop and his eyes widen. Even if she were to ever find out, it should not have been this way.
Daphne's heart breaks at the sad look in her niece's eyes. She knows Y/N shouldn't have found out about her true relation to the family this way and she feels awful that she's the one who accidentally informed her.
"Y/N--" Anthony starts, beginning to go over to her, but the young girl dashes out of the room, running as quickly as she can to get away.
Anthony lets out a deep sigh, rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair.
"I'm sorry, Anthony. I-- I didn't know she was there. I wouldn't want her to find out this way." Daphne says.
"No, it... you were right. She should know. I know that. I'm the one who let the lies start in the first place. I should've told mother and father that I wanted to keep her. Actually keep her... as mine. But I went along with their plan."
"You should go talk to her." Daphne says.
"If she'll let me." Anthony scoffs. "God, what have I done?" He mutters to himself.
Anthony makes his way out of the room, going to Y/N's room. He walks in, finding Y/N, his mother, and the rest of his siblings there. They had all heard Y/N sobbing and rushed in.
Y/N managed to explain what she had heard. Violet was instantly bombarded with questions from her three youngest. The three who knew all exchanged glances, worried about what was to come, but also relieved the secret was finally out.
"Let's go, children." Violet urges.
"Will you explain everything then?" Hyacinth questions.
"Not tonight. Go back to bed." Violet orders her three youngest. She gains complaints from them, but still sends them to bed. After the three are gone, Violet shuts the door after them.
"Anthony, what happened?" Violet strictly asks.
"Daphne and I got into a fight. The truth about Y/N came out." Anthony briefly explains.
"All of you knew?" Y/N asks, looking between her siblings and mother. Well... she guesses they're her aunt, uncles, father, and grandmother. They all have guilty looks, giving the girl her answer.
"Y/N, darling..." Anthony tries.
"No! Get out!" Y/N yells. "I don't want to see any of you!"
"You've been lying! Leave!"
"Let's go." Benedict ushers his two younger siblings out.
Y/N lays on her side, her back facing the two remaining Bridgertons as she starts to cry. Her sobs break Anthony's heart, the man only wanting to scoop her into his arms and hold her tightly.
"Come along, Anthony." Violet quietly encourages. "She isn't going to talk right now."
"I'm sorry, dearest. I never wanted to lie to you. I hope one day you can forgive me." Anthony tells Y/N. He leaves the room, beelining for his office, his eyes stinging as he forces his tears to stay in.
Anthony slams the office door shut behind him, pacing the room. He slumps into his chair, burying his face in his hands. Tears stream down his face, a sob managing to escape him here and there.
Anthony pours a glass of whiskey, downing it immediately. He repeats the process, ignoring the tears.
- - -
Anthony lets out a small groan as he wakes up. His eyes squint, blinded by the sun filtering into the room. He lifts his head up, realizing he's still at his desk in his office. An empty glass is next to him, the almost empty bottle of whiskey not far away either.
Anthony groans, holding his head, grimacing at the pain.
"Oh, God." Anthony grumbles. He remembers last night's events and his heart cracks more. He doesn't know how Y/N is going to react to everything or how it's going to be different now.
Anthony sighs, knowing he has to get up, so he reluctantly leaves the office. Anthony changes into fresh clothes before going to the drawing room where he finds his entire family.
"Morning, dear." Violet greets.
"Morning." Anthony quietly says. He looks to where Y/N is sitting on one of the sofas next to Francesca, the older girl reading to her. "Morning, Y/N."
The girl doesn't pay him any attention, keeping her focus on the book Francesca has.
"She, um... she isn't talking to anybody but the youngest three." Daphne informs.
"Don't blame her. We have been lying to her face for five years." Benedict murmurs, earning smacks from his mother and older brother. "Ow."
"Y/N, may I talk to you?" Anthony asks. She still doesn't acknowledge him.
"How long do you think this will go on for?" Colin asks.
"I'd personally never talk to you lot again if you lied to me about my family." Eloise comments.
"Shut it." Daphne quietly hisses.
- - -
Two weeks later, Y/N is still pretty good at giving most of her family the cold shoulder. She'll speak to them if she absolutely has to, but it's only short answers.
The young girl is currently sitting on the swings, staring at the ground as she lightly pushes her feet, not having much enthusiasm to actually swing.
She hears a throat clear and looks up to see Anthony standing near her.
"Hi." He greets. She doesn't respond, just looking back down at the ground. "Mind if I join you?" He asks. Y/N doesn't answer.
Anthony goes to the other swing and sits down. He lightly pushes the swing back and forth, much like Y/N is doing.
"Listen, love." Anthony starts, fiddling with his hands nervously. "I am deeply... deeply sorry for us making you think you were our sibling. We should not have lied to you about how you fit into the family. It was wrong."
"Why did you do it then?" Y/N quietly asks.
"We... we had an image to uphold. And none of us really wanted to break it. We would be... our family would've been looked down on. Having a child without being married is... is wrong."
"And that's what you did?" Y/N asks.
"Yes." Anthony nods.
"So I'm a mistake?" She asks, finally looking over at him. Her eyes are glossy which breaks Anthony's heart.
"No. No, darling, not at all." Anthony states. He gets off his swing and kneels in front of her. "You are not at all a mistake. You are... you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. And I should not have agreed to keeping the fact that you're my daughter a secret. I shouldn't have let it go this far."
"And I am still deeply sorry for that and I will forever be sorry for it. I intended to tell you one day. I did not want you to fight out the way you did. You should've been able to find out in a calmer setting."
"So are we gonna keep pretending I'm not yours?" Y/N asks.
"No. No. I've had a lot of time to think these past two weeks... and I am more than ready to reveal the truth. Keeping you hidden is not the correct thing to do and it never was. From now on, I promise to not lie to you about anything."
"You are my daughter and you always will be."
"It's going to take some time to get used to that." Y/N informs.
"I know. However long it takes, I will be there and you can get comfortable with everything at your own pace." Anthony says. "But you need to know I love you. More than anything."
"I love you, too... papa." Y/N says, making a face at the name. "It's still slightly weird." She says making Anthony lightly chuckle. "But not that weird. You are the only papa I've known anyway."
Anthony softly smiles. He leans forward and kisses her on the forehead.
He knows it would take a while for Y/N to fully accept the truth and get used to it, but he was willing to wait and provide her with unconditional love no matter what.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse
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A Bridgerton captivity [Anthony Bridgerton x Reader]
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Title: A Bridgerton captivity Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female!Reader Word count: 3.7k Published: 8 June 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: Eloise and Benedict grow tired of you and Anthony avoiding each other. They decide to intervene in the most inappropriate way. Bingo: [x] This is part of my Band--Psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Card by @band--psycho
Square filled: Proposal
Bridgerton Masterlist | Masterlists
Band--Psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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From a very young age, your family had been nursing a very close relationship with the Bridgertons, therefore it was inevitable for you to grow fond of them. Daphne and you had a rather tight friendship, but since her marriage to the Duke of Hastings, Simon, you haven't seen much of her. Of course, you kept in contact, but it mostly consisted of back-and-forth letters and very occasional meetings. Though you missed talking to her, laughing at silly ideas together, it didn't stop you from spending time at the Bridgerton household. If anything, Eloise made it her mission to occupy every possibly free time you had managed to acquire.
Eloise made sure to call on you almost every single day. It has become a known fact that if you weren't in your own home, you were possibly in the Bridgerton mansion. Sometimes you felt you even spent more time with her family than your own, but it didn't seem to bother your parents, if anything they seemed rather happy to let you go. Of course, your reasons for being around them weren't as innocent as some might think. A part of you wanted to enjoy some free time with Eloise and Penelope, on occasion riling Benedict and Colin up, but it was mostly rooted in your interest in the eldest Bridgerton brother.
At first you thought you had been hiding your feelings well, only forgetting your gaze on Anthony a couple of times a day. But lately it has become greatly obvious to anyone. Even Anthony knew about your growing interest in him, not once had he found you looking his way with a soft smile across your face. Though it seemed he didn't plan on taking the next step.
Eloise and Benedict tried to make arrangements where the two of you would accidentally meet, where you had to converse, even dance at the events. They somehow always found a way to get you close to their brother. But beyond the initial attempts, you felt you had no way to turn Anthony's head in your direction. He was beyond caught up in his duties and he seemed to forget to live, to enjoy himself.
On that particular day, you headed to the Bridgerton household in haste as Eloise called on you once again. Before you could have attempted to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing your friend with a rather wide grin across her face. You squinted suspiciously, knowing Elosie was always upto something.
"Finally," she said as she grabbed your arm and pulled you in the house in the least gentle way possible.
"I'm certainly glad you are happy to see me," you chuckled at her unusual behaviour, "though you seem more enthusiastic about my presence than usual," you scoffed in an unladylike manner, still watching her, trying to read her face. Something seemed off, but you just couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was.
"Shall I not be happy to see my dear friend?" Eloise asked as she started dragging you up the stairs, straight to the drawing room, her face holding an unusually large grin.
"Surely there's something else I should know about," you replied with a frown, studying her intently. You knew her more than to believe she was only happy to see you, even the air around her felt unusual.
"You are too suspicious. I simply missed you," she replied quickly as she pulled you into the drawing room, right beside a sofa and offered you a seat. You gave her heavy sigh as you studied her, an innocent smile spreading across her face. At last you sat down, but the way she kept looking around the room nervously, fidgeting in her place made you even more alarmed.
"You are acting as though there's something on your mind," you added as you watched her nervously play with her fingers.
"Not at all, I'm— I'm just— Oh, brother," Eloise turned to the door, her sentence unfinished as Anthony stepped inside the room followed by a sheepishly grinning Benedict. For a moment you felt your chest tighten, your throat dry out as you tried to speak up, but no words could leave your lips, your vocal cords left you betrayed. Anthony gazed back at you, swallowing visible at the sight of you, his body tensing.
"Oh, I— I didn't know we were expecting guests," he said, his eyes still attached to yours, never leaving the connection.
"I'm sorry, brother, I might have forgotten to mention," she apologised, but you couldn't see her mischievous smile, nor could Antony, both of you still lost in each other's gaze. "Let me fetch someone for a cup of tea," she rushed as she headed to the door. In normal circumstances you would have paid attention to her, watching her squirming with a sly smile across her face, but the only person you could focus on was her brother. The man you have found yourself completely and utterly in love with. The man who you would have given anything for. Though you knew it was only wishful thinking.
Your eyes shot to the entrance as a loud thumping noise was heard from the door, closing behind the eldest Bridgerton brother. "What is happening?" Anthony asked as he walked to the door and attempted to turn the handle, but it didn't budge. "Eloise, let us out, now!" He called for his sister in an authoritative tone.
"I sincerely apologise, brother, but I'm afraid I can not do that," she replied with a silent chuckle, her apology nothing but a joke.
"Eloise," you spoke up as you stood from the couch and walked to the door. "Do you understand what a scandal this could cause to your brother and I?" You tried to reason with your friend, slightly panicking inside as you realised the impact this little game of theirs could have on you, but you tried to hide it from Anthony, acting as though you were calm.
"We sent everyone away, don't you worry. Not a soul will know of what is happening behind those doors," Benedict replied this time with a humorous tone to his voice. Your eyes grew wider in surprise as you realised it wasn't just a spur of the moment decision, but they have actually planned it all.
"Benedict! Open the door!" Anthony started banging his fist on the wooden panels. "YOU MUST OPEN THE DOOR!" He emphasised his words, but you could only hear silent snickering from the other side, the pair behind it finding your situation comical.
"Eloise, Benedict," you called out to them in a soft tone, hoping to reason with them. "Please, it certainly is not funny. Should anyone find out about this, we will be in a lot of trouble," you attempted to change their mind, but their laughter just grew louder. "Must you play this foolish game?" You asked desperately, frowning as you watched the closed door.
"I'm sorry, but we must," Elosie replied, this time her voice turning serious. Anthony and you exchanged a suspicious look at her unusually firm stance. "We have tried everything we could so you two could finally talk to each other in a way two grown up adults do. But over and over again, you keep avoiding each other, or the subject itself. Once you admit your feelings for each other, we will open the door. Until then, I wish you all the luck," she scoffed as she stepped further from the door.
"Eloise, what you are doing is foolish," you replied. "You can't just decide to entrap us in here because you think it helps. That's just wrong," you added firmly.
"It might be. But do you know what else is wrong? You and my brother, going around in a circle," she scoffed. "You must talk. Everyone sees the way you look at each other, but you and my dear brother seem to find every possible reason to avoid talking about your feelings. You shall hate me and Benedict, but we will not open this door. At least not until you talked," she replied, holding her stance and before you could have replied, you heard their footsteps fading away.
"Eloise! Benedict!" Anthony shouted as he kept hitting the door, but it didn't open.
"However you try, that door is closed," you added in a calm manner as you heaved a deep sigh. But Anthony couldn't stay composed, he was beyond frustrated with his siblings.
"I am aware, but I shall keep trying. Should I remind you of the consequences of this little game of theirs? It is not me I am worried about, but you," he replied, once again punching the wooden panels, relentlessly trying to find a way out, even if by breaking down the door itself.
"I'm very grateful you do, but by shouting and hitting the door, it won't open nor will they open it for us," you scoffed as you sat down on the couch and leaned back against the soft cushions, watching his face contorting in a grimace.
"I can not possibly sit here and do nothing," he exclaimed, hands resting on his hips as he searched for some sort of solution.
"I never thought it would bother you so greatly to be in a room alone with me," you let out a hollow chuckle in disappointment.
"You very well know that is not true. I am merely trying to avoid ruining your reputation," he sighed heavily as he sat down beside you, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"I believe you do, however I also know you enough to realise when you feel uncomfortable. And us being closed in a room together makes you uncomfortable," you replied, waiting for an excuse from him as you stood up and walked over to the window, taking a piece of flower from the light blue vase, and lifting it to your nose, its sweet smell making you smile.
"I can not have them ruining you, you must understand," he tried to reason with you, but all you could hear was excuses. Placing the flower back into the vase, you turned around with a firm gaze across your face, a dark chuckle leaving your lips.
"I wish you could be honest once," you scoffed, ignoring every possible manner you have been taught. "Would it be wrong to say you do not want to be associated with me? That the mere thought of you having to be married to me is an idea you despise?" You questioned with a deep frown, Anthony's eyes growing wider at the harsh words.
"That is not true!" He shot up from his seat, heading to you in haste. "I can not possibly imagine a better outcome than to have to marry a smart and beautiful woman as yourself," he shook his head as he got hold of your hands, squeezing them reassuringly. "But I would never— I could never forgive myself should it happen as a result of a scandal. I can not have that," he greeted his teeth, feeling helpless.
"You are right," you replied as you pulled your hands out of his grip and took a seat on the sofa you have occupied before. Anger was bubbling up inside you, nerves stretching to their limit. You were tired of feeling so in love when you knew you would never be good enough for him. It was pathetic and a part of you knew you should have given up hope long ago, but a simple smile of his, the brush of his hand against yours kept your hopes up just enough to hurt. You knew— everyone knew he wasn't completely uninterested in you, but he made sure to keep you at an arm's length.
"Please, don't ignore me," he breathed in a whisper, after a good few minutes of silence, but you could hear it fine.
"I am not ignoring you, Anthony, but Eloise is right," you sighed heavily, fidgeting with your fingers nervously, picking on your fingernails. "You know I have feelings for you, I made it painfully obvious. But you always find a way to push me away," lifting your gaze, you looked up at him. "I know I'm stepping over a line, I know I'm being inappropriate, but if you can not return my feelings, perhaps— wouldn't it be easier for both of us, should you voice it and reject me finally?" You asked with a shaky breath, your own words causing your chest to tighten, your throat close up, an unbearable pain twisting in your stomach. You could not handle staying close to him, meanwhile you knew he was unreachable.
"I— I have to concentrate on my duties. I can not possibly focus on feelings right now, you must understand," he pleaded with you and even though he didn't say he couldn't return your feelings, he did say he didn't want to. That was enough for your chest to become even tighter, a strong grip around it squeezing harder and the tears in your eyes to collect diligently.
"I understand," you replied firmly, trying to act tough as you stood up from the sofa and walked over to the other side of the room, roaming through some of Eloise's books. "I shall not bring up the subject matter anymore," you added. You couldn't possibly look at him, knowing it would make your tears escape. You couldn't possibly talk to him, knowing your voice would be anything but steady. As you picked up a book that looked to be interesting, you sat down on a sofa farther from the entrance and opened the book ready to dive into a reality that was far from yours, far from the pain, far from rejection. Somewhere unreal.
"Are you going to ignore me for the rest of the day?" He asked desperately.
"Surely you can understand I don't desire to have a conversation with you right now," you replied as you turned a page in your book.
"You can not avoid talking to me forever," he scoffed, finding your behaviour childish. You lifted your gaze and turned to look at him as he stepped closer. His taunting tone made your skin crawl. Was he honestly this foolish that he couldn't understand what you were feeling?
"Shall I try, Mr. Bridgerton?" You raised a questioning brow, earning an annoyed huff from Anthony.
"You are being childish," he groaned.
"Why don't you go back to your duties, they won't behave in a childish manner I assume," you retorted, turning your gaze back to your book. You didn't mean to start an argument, but it seemed Anthony had a different train of thoughts.
"Stop acting like that. Do you think it's easy for me?" He raised his voice desperately.
"I apologise, but I can't seem to understand what you might deem difficult for yourself," you scoffed in disbelief. It was you who was rejected after all, you couldn't possibly imagine what was so hard for him. "Should my presence bother you much, you could ask your siblings to open the door," you shrugged nonchalantly.
"What is wrong with you?" He walked up to the sofa you were seated on and stood right in front of you, frowning in confusion.
"As far I'm concerned, there is nothing wrong with me," you replied with an innocent smile as you stood up. "However, there might be something wrong with you. Shall I announce a marriage between you and your duties? Surely, they will give you a warm hug on a cold night, a soft kiss when you are at your lowest point, reassuring words when you are in need of one," you scoffed with a lopsided, smug smile across your face. You were mad and his continuous nagging didn't help your mood.
"You can not possibly understand the pressure I am under," he groaned in disbelief, your words finding his weakest spots. "Do you really think I don't want all those things? That I don't want to be held by someone or hold someone, that I don't need reassuring words or a soft kiss? I do, I really do. I need them from you," his words stunned you as you quickly placed a hand in front of your mouth in surprise. "Yes, you heard it. I do have feelings for you. I love you even. But I am so busy with my duties, I can not possibly promise to be with you, to spend time with you, to be there for you as much as you deserve it," he shook his head, his voice shaking as he swallowed visibly. You wanted to be happy, his words meant everything you could ever wish for, but they held no power in your society.
"Anthony," you breathed as you lifted your hand and placed it on his cheek, gently caressing his skin, the connection quickening your excitedly beating heart. "I will ask you one question and I expect an honest answer from you," you looked at him firmly, an intense gaze looking back at you, deeply frowning. "Are you prepared to lose me?" You asked, watching as his eyes grew wide.
"What?" He asked, ignoring every possible manner.
"How long do you think I'm capable of stopping papa and mama from trying to marry me off?" You asked, tears filling your eyes, the thought of marrying someone you didn't feel anything for, making you terrified.
"That will not happen," Anthony disputed, earning a heavy sigh from you.
"It surely will," you added with a firm tone. "It might be in weeks or months, but it will."
"No," he shook his head as he grabbed your hand on his face, finally understanding your position. "No," he repeated himself once again, your words stunning him, sending him into a shocked state.
"Anthony," you whispered his name, "I do not wish to force you to ask for my hand in marriage and I do not wish to change your mind if that is really what you want. I simply need you to understand the consequences your decisions could cause," you replied with a soft smile, knowing you couldn't make a decision for him, but his decision would impact your life.
He let go of your hand, standing in front of you with mixed emotions painted across his face, a deep frown between his brows. As he turned away and headed to the other side of the room, you could feel your heart shatter into the smallest of pieces. You expected it, you knew he would choose his duties over you, that you would not be enough to change his mind, but nothing could prepare you for the unbearably tight grip squeezing your heart, tears collecting in your eyes, threatening to escape.
You had to stay strong. You couldn't let him see a side of you that would make you feel any more pathetic. Sighing heavily, you sat back on the couch and pretended to read. Not a word could be processed by your brain, but at last you could wear a strong facade, one that would keep you from letting go of all your emotions at once, sobbing in front of the man you loved, the one you could never have. You needed to stay strong, you needed to— the hands cupping your cheeks, the lips meeting yours abruptly stopped your thoughts. You longed for his kisses, his warm touches, but his actions forced a great shock up on your clueless self, you even forgot to return his kiss, which you only realised when Anthony pulled away.
"I do not want to see you in another man's arms, I don't want to lose you," he shook his head desperately. "I love you, I really do. Please, marry me," he pleaded for you to accept him, his words rushed. For a second you didn't understand what he was trying to say, you need a good few seconds to analyse his words, causing another wave of shock.
"Was— was that a proposal?" You asked, stunned by his sudden change of heart. "Anthony, please, you must not make decisions in haste, they never turn out to be right," you tilted your head into his palm, wanting to feel his warmth, though you knew it was certainly not the right moment for enjoying his proximity.
"I did not," he shook his head quickly. "I have been thinking about it for a very long time, but the only reason I did not voice it is because I am not sure I can give you what you deserve. But I will try my best, I promise I will do anything to make you happy, because I love you," he beamed at you, his gaze desperate for a reply, possibly one where you'd agree to his proposal.
"Are you certain that is what you want? Should you change your mind, I understand," you said as though you needed reassurance, his rather quick change of mind scaring you.
"I want nothing more than you," he nodded firmly. "I want you to be my wife, I want you to be the mother of my— no, our children. I want to grow old beside you. I love you."
"Yes," you replied with a soft smile across your face. "Yes, I will marry you," you giggled happily as a smile finally found its way across Anthony's face.
"Thank god," he chuckled as he pulled you against his lips once again, this time receiving a kiss back from you, filled with adoration and love for one another.
"Finally," you heard Benedict and Eloise at the same time as the lock clicked and the door opened.
"Took you long enough. We were debating to open the door," Benedict snickered with a wide grin across his face.
"I am assuming it is the right time to ask; when am I going to become Auntie Eloise?" She giggled with a playful smirk.
A wholehearted laughter erupted from your lungs at your friend's words as Anthony groaned with an annoyed expression. Though he tried, he couldn't hide the tiny smile present in the corner of his lips. "Let us announce the proposal first," you giggled happily as you pulled Anthony in for another kiss, earning a proud smile from him, leaving Eloise and Benedict busy looking at the boring wallpaper, awkwardly trying to avert their attention from your inappropriate behaviour.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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fandom-puff · 3 years
What a Question
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Can I request a Benedict Bridgerton x reader? Reader is married to Benedict and is pregnant with their first child and its the scene where Eloise comes into the drawing room and is like "How does a lady come to be with child?" and reader is just like 😳 and Benedict and Colin start teasing her and Eloise is just 🤨🤔’
Notes: this is my first time writing for Benedict so be nice plz. Also I’m not rlly happy w how this turned out but I hope u like it
Warnings: period typical attitudes towards sex, references to smut
Gif creds to owner
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“So how does a lady come to be with child?”
The melody that Daphne had been playing ended with an abrupt crash of the keys as Violet and Hyacinth’s conversation died down, as well as Colin and Benedict’s.
“Eloise what a question!” Violet said, hurrying over to shush her outspoken daughter.
“I thought a lady needed to be married; apparently it’s not even a requirement,” Eloise said, smirking triumphantly, before Violet cut her off.
“A requirement for what?” You asked cheerily, coming into the room, your hand resting elegantly on the top of your bump.
“Ah, YN, you should know,” Eloise said, hurrying to sit between her brothers. “And you two-”
“Do not look at me,” Benedict said quickly and you frowned, your face heating up quickly.
“Have you ever been to a farm, El?” Colin said, causing you to gasp as Benedict smacked him upside the head.
“I hope you two aren’t encouraging improper topics of conversation,” Violet warned over her shoulder, encouraging Daphne to start playing again.
“Oh, not at all. In fact, Benedict and I were about to get our sticks out,”
“Colin Bridgerton!”
“A round of fencing!”
“You most certainly are not going fencing just yet, Benedict after I climbed those stairs with your child crushing my innards,” you said sternly
Violet sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, before saying something about escaping to the library with Gregory and Hyacinth. When her mother and younger siblings were safely out of earshot, Eloise looked back between her brothers, and again at you (or more accurately, your belly). “So… how does it happen?” Eloise asked in a hushed voice.
“Oh… well… when a man and a woman love each other very much,” you began.
“Although even that isn’t a requirement for some people,” Colin smirked.
“But… you and Ben love each other,” Eloise observed, and you nodded quickly. “So one does not have to be married, nor love one’s partner… so it just… happens?
“No!” You said quickly.
“There is a bit of… method,” Colin said, smirking at his brother and sister-in-law’s awkwardness. “And it’s rather simple really, even Benedict managed to do it to YN,”
“Wait… the man needs to… do something to the woman,” Eloise said, eyes wide.
“Oh yes,” Colin said, eyes bright with wickedness, and you wished you could melt into the chair as Eloise looked at you. “So you must not let a man touch you, unless you want to have a baby,”
“Oh, no!” Eloise said, horrified. “But… what about just before? I sat right by you, squashed in the middle of you two great lumps,”
“Oh, enough!” You said. “Colin’s japing,” you explained. “It’s rather more complicated than that, and it all depends on a lady’s monthly-”
Colin cringed slightly and a light pink blush crept onto Benedict’s cheeks. “Why don’t you go to the nursery, El?” he said suddenly, nodding to you. “And YN will tell you properly,”
“Yes, of course. I suppose that makes the most sense; she is the lady with child after all,”
“Yes, YN is the expert when it comes to it,” Colin piped up. “I’m sure she and Ben really enjoyed-ow!” Even though your back was to them both as you walked out of the room with your elbow linked with Eloise, you knew Benedict had elbowed his brother.
“So you don’t… bleed any more?” Eloise asked as she helped you go through the baby clothes kept in the Bridgerton home’s nursery
“No. I won’t until after the baby comes,” you said gently. “Because the baby is using all of the blood as a sort of cushion in my womb. The doctor said it is how he or she will eat and breathe until they are born,” you said, appreciating that Eloise did not squirm at the mentioning of natural bodily functions. “That’s how I knew I was with child; my cycle stopped and I was plagued with nausea for weeks,”
Your sister-in-law nodded slowly. “Is what Colin said true? About touching a man, I mean. Because I should like to avoid falling pregnant until I am absolutely ready, which I’m sure will be never,”
Laughing quietly, you shook your head. “Colin was just teasing you,” you explained. “It is true that one needs both a man and a woman to make a baby, but it is rather more complicated than simply being touched by a man. If that were the case, every woman in the country would be great with child. It takes a rather… special touch,” you murmured, looking away to hide your flustered face as you thought of passionate nights spent with Benedict.
“Special? How special? What happens?” Eloise urged, and you looked over your shoulder, petrified that Violet Bridgerton would be listening at the door, ready to reprimand you for corrupting her unmarried second daughter. “Oh go on, please, YN. Mama is in the other side of the house,” Eloise begged. “I feel so stupid all the time; I’m not allowed to go to university because of my gender. I should be allowed to know exactly how the female body works, as whatever it is that happens will surely happen to my body too. I should like to prepare myself, and not float about all naive like Daphne and the Featherington’s and every other girl in the blasted ton,”
Eloise was truly a force to be reckoned with when she wanted to know something, and she did have a point with knowing her own anatomy. “I… okay,” you said, folding a swaddling cloth up. “In order for a baby to grow inside a woman, the man must first… put his seed inside of her,”
“Like a meal?”
“Er… no. You cannot fall pregnant via your mouth,” you said. After all, Ben had showed you that months ago… “the man and the woman must… join their bodies. A-and they are… well, they are made to fit together,” Eloise nodded slowly. “And men and women join together by their most intimate parts… ah…” you lowered your voice to a whisper. “Between one’s thighs,”
Eloise nodded slowly, staring at your belly. “Thank you for explaining that to me, YN,” she said. “I suppose Penelope and I no longer have to fret about ending up like…” you arched your eyebrows. “Like… somebody’s maid,” she corrected herself as you began walking back to the parlour.
As you entered the room, Benedict and Colin looked up, opening their mouths, surely about to say something smart. “You needn’t bother yourselves,” you warned, and luckily, they knew better than to try and mess with a pregnant lady.
Sighing, you sat next to your husband, resting your head on his shoulder as he rested his hand on your belly, kissing your forehead tenderly. “Are you alright, El?” He asked, spotting his sister staring at you both out of the corner of his eye.
“I just realised… in order for YN to be with child… you had to put your seed in her womb and- oh god- join between her thighs… urgh!”
Tags: @once-upon-an-imagine
Also @pinkandblueblurbs and @epaige0914 bc u commented on my post lol
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Jealous Eloise as fem!reader dances at a ball with a suitor? Reader confronts Eloise on why she’s upset and Eloise gives an angsty love confession? Something along those lines you can change it up to whichever is better for the story
You Belong With Me (Eloise Bridgerton x F!reader)
A/N: Oh, Eloise. Love of my life. I had WAY too much fun indulging with this one, so thank you to whoever sent it in 😉 Also, I have set this up as part one of two, as it combined so well with another request I got for Eloise and a female reader - so I hope you don't mind. Keep your eyes peeled as it should be up soon. Promise! 🤞
Part 2
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The start of the new season was always chaotic. Your whole house seemed consumed with nothing but making preparations, from choosing which outfits to wear, to which suitors would be in attendance, to which dances were most in fashion. 
It was no surprise to you that you were not the only people in England also caught in the frenzy of social life. Merely a day or so since your arrival to London and you had already received a staggering number of invitations for teas, soirees and balls for the coming weeks in town. 
The idea of attending even a handful of them made your head spin.  
Luckily, your mother had spent her entire life preparing for this eventual situation. She, and your father, almost had it down to an art. As soon as you would open an invitation, your mother would have already placed it in one her neat piles. Needless to say there was a rather large contrast between the acceptance, and denial piles. The way in which she organised the whole affair so efficiently was almost militaristic.
In another life she’d have made a particularly marvellous general, or so you remarked as you watched your mother’s ‘battle plan’ forming. 
However, despite your mother’s assurance that matrimony was not the entire aim for the season - merely an additional blessing, should you receive such an offer - you still felt like the pressure to find such a prospect was mounting. 
So far, it had taken all your will power not to protest every time your mother and father had made a mention of some other silly tradition or ritual you would be expected to perform before the season was out. 
This morning in particular had almost sent you screaming from the breakfast table as your mother had informed you that she had received your vouchers and invitations for Almack’s for the season, after having had a rather flattering letter from its current Patronesses - all as titled, and ridiculous as the last in their opinion. You really didn't care who Lady Emily Cowper, Lady Jersey, Lady Castlereagh or Mrs Drummond Burrell were. 
You also cared a hell of a lot less about their eligible offspring too - each as ridiculous as the next… and, most importantly, male.  
That was a rather crucial detail in your eyes, given the fact that you knew you were simply not capable of feeling the traditional sentiments about the other sex. It was something you had always known - ever since you were a small girl and played with your dolls house, making up stories for your ‘brides’, and casting the male dolls aside. 
You simply hadn’t seen anything wrong with the idea of two girls choosing to spend their lives together, rather than wasting it on silly boys. However, your mother had been quick to assure you that you would grow out of such childish nonsense when you came of age.
You hadn’t. 
Quite the opposite in fact, as your feelings only cemented themselves, as opposed to waning. You could blame the blossoming affection between you and a Miss Eloise Bridgerton for that… An affection that was currently driving you almost mad with frustration. 
All evening, since you’d first arrived at the terrible soiree that was was to be your prison for the evening, you had been in a state of intense irritation with both yourself and the world.
You were irritated by the silly fop who had just escorted you from the dance floor to your mother; you were irritated by the footman who offered you a glass of champagne; you were irritated with the cloying smell of too many different perfumes that pervaded the ballroom; and you were irritated with the itchy fabric of your dress which made you want to twitch like a demented bedlamite.
Most of all, more than anything else, you were irritated with yourself for your detailed knowledge of the movements of one blasted Eloise Bridgerton.
It wasn’t her fault, per say, that you were unable to take your eyes off of her all night. Yet, you had been dragged to and fro, from suitor to suitor – all the while noting Eloise’s each and every movement.
You were behaving like a jealous ninny. 
“Oh, look!” exclaimed your sister, Charlotte, poking you in the arm. You rubbed irritably at the spot. Splendid. Now you were both itchy and bruised. “There’s Charles dancing with Eloise Bridgerton. Oh, mama will be thrilled. A match between them would be most ideal.”
“Indeed,” you muttered sourly, following the direction of your sister’s finger towards the dance floor, where your elder brother was dancing across the floor with Eloise.
Now, of course, you knew without even asking that chances were your brother had been forced into asking Eloise to dance, just as much as Eloise had been forced by convention to accept - it would be considered the highest of insults to have said no, and whilst Eloise was every bit a rebel at heart, she would never have embarrassed her mother, or family, in such a way. 
However, that didn’t stop your stomach from churning as you watched from the edge of the room. 
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Your heart clenched in a way it had no business clenching over such an innocent scene, but it was more likely due to the fact that you knew you could never have such a privilege. 
It was one thing to waltz with Eloise in her own home, but another to do so publicly. It simply wasn’t done… just as it wasn’t done for two women to love one another as you both did. It wasn’t done for two women to start a life together and reject the rules and conventions of society, but that hadn’t stopped you so far. 
You had been to one another as close as two people could be, and had been for a while now. 
You knew how Eloise’s perfume lingered when she was in your arms. You knew how it felt to have her hand holding yours. You knew how it felt to have Eloise’s eyes on you, watching your every move either during a dance in the ballroom or the bedroom. 
As if he could sense it, over Eloise’s shoulder, your brother caught your eye and grinned.
You started, blushed, and focused instead on downing the remainder of your glass of champagne.
When you had all but slammed the glass down on a passing server’s tray, your sister turned an inquisitive eye on you. “What is wrong with you tonight? You don’t appear to be in a very good mood.”
You did your best to repress the urge to growl. “I’m fine.”
“Y/N.” Your sister knew when you were lying better than most - a fact you very much were aware of. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing - I should find Lord Sinderby,” you muttered icily. “He is written down as my next partner for the evening.”
You had had enough of standing gawking on the sidelines like a spectator at a bad play. Instead, you were almost glad of the distraction as your partner decided to emerge from the crowd and take your hand in his. 
Just because you knew Eloise returned your affections, didn’t mean you were certain of the future. After all, a dalliance was one thing. To commit to a future together? To face an uncertain existence? To cast off any chance at marrying and having children, like women were supposed to? They were entirely different things. 
Perhaps you had been naive to assume Eloise felt as you did. or maybe you had been optimistic - dangerously so, as your aunt had once warned you. 
The thought was suddenly too much to bear. As was the idea you could be forced to watch Eloise choose another- a spectator in her life and not a key player. 
You cursed to yourself and hastily forced back a tear that threatened to escape from your eye. 
Thankfully, the music started and your partner was far too busy watching his feet to notice. Then again, Alfred Sinderby had never been the sharpest tac in the box. He was kind and wealthy, and that was enough for most women and their mamas, which would explain why so many had had their sights set on him all season. 
Still, he managed to survive unscathed by matrimony just yet, which was impressive - all things considered. Perhaps that was why he always asked you for a dance, given that your disinterest in suitors was widely known amongst your peers, even if it was never discussed aloud. Whistledown had written you both off as being highly critical and particular in your searches, which wasn’t exactly incorrect, even if it wasn’t that simple. 
You had found a worthy match, but taking her hand wouldn’t be as easy as marching in to her drawing room and declaring it then and there for all to hear - something Eloise knew was the same for you too. Neither family would likely welcome the news or understand, either (even if you suspected some members of your families would be more accepting of the idea).
So, for now, you contented yourself with dancing and listening to Alfred’s rather candid sense of humour. It was all you could do to make this evening more bearable. 
That, and letting yourself be dragged from one dance to the other by whomever wished to pencil their name on the card attached to your wrist. 
Alas, it was easier to smile and simper at young gentlemen, than be truthful with yourself. Focusing on keeping up with the steps was a less painful alternative compared to focusing on anything else. 
However, there came a point in the evening where even you could dance no longer and you needed a reprieve from your aching feet and the suddenly suffocating heat of the crowded dance floor. 
Whilst your first choice would have been to reclaim your family for company, or even Lord Sinderby (given the fact he seemed one of a few in attendance tonight able to keep up a decent conversation about anything other than matrimony or one’s fortunes), they were nowhere to be found. In fact, despite standing in the middle of the most crowded room in all of London, you suddenly felt remarkably alone. 
Then again, was that such a surprise? After all, you’d learned long ago there were few who could truly see, let alone understand, you - and the person who did it best was always being pulled away from you in another direction entirely, either by life, her family, or the world in which you both lived. 
Perhaps you were destined to be alone… the thought was a bitter one, but not all that surprising, as tonight had proven once again. 
To hell with it. To hell with this whole night - it was that thought that propelled you to leave the ballroom, and march to the deserted terrace, and gardens beyond it. 
You didn’t care if a young lady such as yourself should never leave the room unattended, nor venture into the darkened gardens where those of looser morals may prey upon those naive enough to stray. All you cared about right then was putting as much distance as possible between you and the gilded cage in which you found yourself. 
That, and there was a sense of peace to be found standing in the late night breeze, staring up at the stars in the sky, and listening to the whispers of the music echoing from the open windows of the ballroom.
It was easy to forget everything, for just a moment. To pretend you were free, with only the company of the various chiseled statues for company… Each, ironically, familiar with your plight in their own ways. 
Marc Anthony… Eurydice… Penelope… Anarkali… 
Was it a sign, perhaps? 
A sign of what though? A sign that love was always doomed? That it was but a foolish folly? Or that love was worth fighting for, even if it seemed impossible?
Why else did people still erect monuments to lovers past, even if they didn’t achieve their happy ending? 
Even without saying anything, you still somehow felt a sense of judgement radiating off of the passive observers that surrounded you.
“Don’t even say it,” you growled, shooting the warning at the Emperor Hadrian, who had the misfortune of being the one to stare down at you at that particular moment. 
“Don’t say what?”
“Good lord!”
You started, swerved, and nearly toppled over the bench you had failed to see behind you.
It wasn’t the statue come to life. That, you suddenly felt you could have dealt with, rather than this. 
Eloise crossed the final few yards of the path, her muslin gown luminous in the moonlight. The thin fabric moulded itself against her legs as she walked, increasing the resemblance to a statuary of classical antiquity, but no statue had ever had that sort of effect on you.
“Shouldn’t you be inside?” you yelped. “You shouldn’t be out here alone. Besides, I thought you had another young idiotic fop to dance with.”
Eloise winced slightly at your tone. “One, your concern for my wellbeing is somewhat hypocritical given the fact you are currently out here alone. Also, I needed to speak to you. About tonight-”
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“You needn’t bother,” you interrupted tersely. “Don’t feel the need to come keep me company when you clearly have no shortage of company yourself.”
Eloise winced slightly at your tone. “One, your concern for my wellbeing is somewhat hypocritical given the fact you are currently out here alone. Also, I needed to speak to you. About tonight-”“You needn’t bother,” you interrupted tersely. “Don’t feel the need to come keep me company when you clearly have no shortage of company.”
Eloise squinted at you. “Says the woman who has been escorted on to the floor by practically every man with a pulse in there tonight.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me.” 
“Well, forgive me if I didn’t wish to sit like some wallflower and play spectator to you and your own constant stream of suitors tonight,” you snapped back sharply. “You can’t honestly have expected me to just sit on some shelf and act like I didn’t care in the least that the one person I wished to dance with, to hold in my arms, is the one person I couldn’t.”  
“I know!” Eloise retorted, her bravado suddenly slipping in place of a forlorn expression of someone just as tormented as you. “Look. I - I’m trying to apologise to you, or at least that was the intention when I followed you out here. I do not wish to fight about something as trivial as this.” 
“Trivial? Is that what you think? That my pain is trivial?”
“Your pain? Ha!” exclaimed Eloise. As repartee, it wasn’t her finest hour, but she was clearly too furious to attempt words of more than one syllable. “You’re the one who has been behaving like some air headed debutante all night - simpering at every word your partners said, and batting your eyelids at them. You were doing this to spite me.”
“Spite you?”
“Yes,” Eloise continued. “You only did this as retribution for me accepting your brother’s dance - something I had no say in, I remind you. Yet, you’re the one running around in my dreams, smiling across the ballroom at me like that – I can’t think. I can’t sleep. I can’t look my best friend in the eye. It’s been sheer hell.”
“And that is my fault?’ You’re the one didn’t bother to— Wait. Your dreams? You’ve been dreaming about me?”
Eloise froze. She took a step back, looking horrified. “Never mind. Forget I said that.”
You took a dangerous step forward. “Oh, no. There are no “never minds”, Eloise Bridgerton. You’re not getting off that easily this time. I can’t keep doing this, unsure of what you feel inside, or if everything between us has been nothing more than some dalliance for you.” 
“Fine.” She took a step forward. “You want to know the truth, Y/N? The truth that every waking minute, my heart aches for you… that staying away from you is all I can do to keep my hands off you.”
Another step towards you. A step that brought you and Eloise so close that her breath stirred the loose strands of hair that had escaped your elegant arrangement atop your head.
You inched backwards, but the hedge was at your back, pricking you through your dress, blocking retreat.
“In fact,” Eloise continued, her hands reaching for you as her head descended towards your own – “you have been driving me absolutely mad.”
With a desperate sideways movement, you wrenched yourself from her grasp, leaving Eloise to almost stumble headlong into the hedge.
“Oh, no,” you warned, tears of rage and frustration gathering in your eyes. “The game where you kiss me and then run off and hide from me for weeks on end… It’s – I just can’t – if you’re just looking for a bit of fun, you’re going to have to find it somewhere else”-
Gathering your skirts in hand, you whirled in the direction of the house, only to be jerked back around abruptly by Eloise. 
“That’s not what I want,” she burst out, turning you to face her.
 “Then what do you want?” 
 “You, dammit! You, and only you.”
The words hung there in the air between you.
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Each of you stared at the other, your eyes locked with Eloise’s, both frozen as still as the statues surrounding you.
“Say something… do you… do you not feel the same?” 
“Don’t you know, El?”
Slowly, she shook her head. “No.” Her voice broke. “I don’t know anything right now, other than I do not wish for a life without you in it.”
“Funny,” you whispered achingly. “You took the words right from my lips.”
That was it. 
With infinite gentleness, her lips reached for yours. Her hands slid softly into your hair, stroking your temples, easing away aches you hadn’t realised you had. 
Letting your eyes drift closed, you leant into the kiss, abandoning yourself to the dreamlike unreality of it all. Your hands slid up to Eloise’s shoulders, feeling the warmth of her body through the fine lace and muslin of her dress, as warmth of an entirely different kind spread through you. 
With a movement as soft as a sigh, your lips slid away from hers. They remained suspended in time, your lips a whisper above hers, your hands on her shoulders, her fingers still threaded in your hair. 
“I missed you,” she whispered.
You pulled her tightly against you, rubbing your face in her hair and simply savoured having her. “Me too.”
As if to prove just how much you’d missed her, your lips followed the delicate curve of her jaw, down the elegant line of her throat, pausing long enough to hear the gasp she gave as your lips reached the sensitive hollow of her neck. 
You were undone.
So was Eloise’s bodice; One gentle pull at the ribbon fastened at the neckline drew the fabric apart, allowing you better access to the top of her décolletage - which you were quick to add to your exploration. 
Eloise arched in your arms, her nails digging into your back.
“Y/n,” she groaned in a way that made you suddenly wish you were in the safety of your bedroom, and not in the middle of a darkened garden. Then you could simply do away with the whole garment, altogether, rather than be forced to tease her so. 
Still, you were enraptured by her flushed cheeks and the way she bit at her lip as she squirmed in your arms. 
You were just lowering your lips, when a voice cut through your lust filled haze.
“What in the hell is going on here?”
Oh god. 
You turned.
Eloise balked, hastily reaching to yank her dress back together and fasten the ribbon in place. However, it was too late to hide what you had been doing.   
In front of you both loomed one of Eloise’s brothers – thankfully, the one you thought you liked you best, though that was of little comfort right then. After all, Benedict’s very posture crackled with rage and it looked like he couldn’t decide whether to strangle you or simply snatch his sister away and lock her in a tower until she was forty.
Either way, you were both in trouble. 
“Oh f-” 
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
“You’d eventually had to return to your duties, leaving your moment of passion in the library, to remain as one of the stories contained there.”
my fav line!!!! i loved your eloise x reader fic it’s stunning. if you take requests then perhaps something with a little angst? your writing is beautiful
This Love (Eloise Bridgerton x F!Reader)
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A/N: I... I'll be honest. I just teared up. I originally wrote 'The Sun and The Moon' for Eloise when I first got into this fandom, so to know you enjoyed it makes me giddy. I was also listening to Taylor Swift and she makes me feel too much - hence the title.
I'm combining it with this, if that's ok, as it's Eloise pain train - apparently, in my inbox. Y'all like some angst 😅 and who am I to deny you? 👇
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“Your kiss, my cheek, I watched you leave Your smile, my ghost I fell to my knees When you're young, you just run But you come back to what you need”
(‘This Love’ - Taylor Swift)
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You didn’t want to leave. 
It was that simple, even if the circumstances that took you from England’s shores were not so. Then again, you’d learned very early on in life that one couldn’t chose who they were blessed with - or cursed, in your case - to call family. 
Why, if you’d had any say in the matter, you’d have cast off your biological ancestry some years ago and wouldn’t now be faced with being dragged off to the continent so that your father could attend to business, in Italy of all places. 
Of course, it wasn’t exactly your grandfather’s fault he was dying, but you still felt like blaming him for being the cause of such disruption to your life here in London. After all, it was his death that took you across the ocean, and to inherit the fortune left now in your father’s name - something you had been told was as good as done, whether or not you liked it. 
You did not like it. 
Why did you have to go? Surely your father could handle his business without you and the rest of your family in tow? Did it really mean you had to leave for almost half a year? And that was travelling … who knew how long your father would insist on staying at his ancestral home, once you arrived? 
The whole thing made no sense to you, yet that didn’t change the outcome. Hence, you were now stood, hidden behind a wood shed, a few metres from the gangplank that would take you onto the ship set to sail half way around the world. 
Well, in fairness, your current predicament was actually due to the woman stood in front of you, who had somehow managed to abscond her family home in London and ride through the night to Dover, without anyone stopping her. 
Then again, that was Eloise all over. It was why you loved her… she was so stubborn, and headstrong, and a hundred other things… all of which, caused your heart to feel as if it were shattering into a million tiny pieces. 
It was also why you had written to her, telling her of your imminent departure, and that any and all affection that existed between you would have to be forgotten - it was for the best after all. One couldn’t be expected to care for someone who was disappearing for some godforsaken amount of time, with very little indication when you would return. 
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It wasn’t fair to her and it wasn’t fair to you… or so you had wept, bitterly tossing the small lock of hair she had granted you into the fire. Just like that symbol, your love would have to be reduced to mere ashes, swept away out of sight and - hopefully - memory. 
It was also why you had written to her, telling her of your imminent departure, and that any and all affection that existed between you would have to be forgotten - it was for the best after all. One couldn’t be expected to care for someone who was disappearing for some godforsaken amount of time, with very little indication when you would return. It wasn’t fair to her and it wasn’t fair to you… or so you had wept, bitterly tossing the small lock of hair she had granted you into the fire. Just like that symbol, your love would have to be reduced to mere ashes, swept away out of sight and - hopefully - memory. 
It was also why you had sent that letter, rather than calling on her in person to deliver the news; you knew you weren’t strong enough to say goodbye. Not when it meant breaking the heart of the woman you loved, and had loved, for as long as you could remember. 
You and Eloise had been close since your infancy. 
In a way, you considered the Bridgertons and their home, as your own - much more so, than your actual family and their residence. It wasn’t that your parents weren’t good people, more that they had just never understood you. 
That, and they were far more occupied with their precious eldest son - the heir to the family’s estate and business in England - to pay attention to you.  
In fact, that was how you and Eloise had originally met, all those years ago. Your family had taken you all to the park for the day, but in the midst of flying kites, had failed to notice when you disappeared. 
Your own kite had drifted away into the trees, so you had hurried to fetch it, after telling your mother you were doing so. She had simply nodded, but had most likely not actually heard a word you said… why else had they moved on without you? You had barely been gone a whole five minutes, yet when you emerged from the undergrowth, kite in hand, they had been no where to be found. 
That had been when Eloise had found you… and practically adopted you then and there. 
You would never forget Violet Bridgerton’s face as she spotted you and Eloise, hand in hand, emerging from the woods towards the blankets where she and her other children sat. 
Eloise had taken you by the hand and tugged you forward, like some great treasure she’d found buried. “This is Y/N. I’ve brought her to join us,” she’d announced helpfully.
Lady Bridgerton, with fewer grey hairs than she had now, had blinked in surprise. “Does Y/N’s family know she’s here?” she’d asked. 
This consideration had, indeed, eluded both you and Eloise. Eloise considered a moment. “No.”
Her worst fears about her daughter’s role as kidnapper confirmed, Lady Violet looked sternly at her wayward daughter. “Well, you are going to have to return her.”
“It’s all right,” you said, matter-of-factly. “They don’t want me returned.”
“Oh. I see.”
And she had - in fact, for Violet Bridgerton, that had been that. You were firmly ensconced in the Bridgerton household. 
A few weeks in to you spending most days in their home, Violet Bridgerton did write a letter to your parents, on the theory that they might somehow resent the appropriation of their offspring, who seemed to spend almost every day with them. 
However, she received a reply that seemed so devoid of the slightest concern for you, that Lady Bridgerton muttered a few very uncomplimentary things in the general direction of your parents, and set about having a bed put in to Eloise’s room, for whenever you chose to stay the night - something she assured you, you were always welcome to do so. 
Needless to say, some years on, you loved the Bridgertons with all you heart, and their headstrong, wild, daughter, Eloise. You loved her, even now, as she stood before you with a face like thunder, ranting and raving about the fact you had almost left the country with only a few scraps of parchment left behind as an explanation. 
She was ethereal when she was cross. 
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It was like witnessing a wild stallion racing across the countryside, free and utterly unrestrained, with her chestnut mane loose and dishevelled in the sea breeze that whistled down the alleyway. 
Her eyes were wide and her chest heaved with every enraged breath, her arms waving wildly like some actress upon the stage. 
Oh, how you wanted to kiss her. 
“I am not some carpet bag, for you to discard with barely a word!” 
“I know.”
“-and do you know what it’s like? To be cast aside so carelessly?-”
“And another thing. It was cruel - cruel for you to decide what was best for me, without ever giving me a chance to decide for myself. Otherwise, if you had, you’d have realised I want this. I want you, no matter how far apart we are or for how long! I don’t need someone perfect in the eyes of everyone else. I just need someone perfect for me, and that is you.” 
Eloise’s words left you breathless… and her too, given the fact she seemed to be panting by the time she stopped, letting the magnitude of her declaration linger in the air between you. You didn’t know what to say. Somehow, she seemed to have voiced all the words you could ever dream of saying. 
It felt as if you were back in that library all over again, the day you had both first declared what you felt for one another. The same butterflies you had experienced then, a mixture of love, uncertainty, and pain, consumed you once more as you faced yet another impossible decision - a choice to step into the unknown, to risk what you both had together. 
Was it any wonder tears poured from both your eyes? 
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“I… I’m sorry,” you choked, hoping she could see your sincerity. “I never wished to hurt you, and I’d hoped that perhaps your anger at me would eventually help dull the pain of my departure. That, and that I could spare us both this pain of saying goodbye in person. After all, you are the person who means the most to me, Eloise, in all the world. I am incomplete without you, and yet that is what I must be now, for who knows how long. I - I can’t ask you to wait for me… for us.” 
“And why not?” Eloise snarled. “Why not? Because you were afraid I wouldn’t? Or because I would?” 
She was right. 
There was no hiding from that fact, especially now. Not when she had come all this way, not when time had all but run out, and not when she was stood there, confronting you with the truth you had kept hidden deep inside. To hear someone else say it, aloud, was all it took for you to feel the shame and pain you’d been doing your best to suppress since the moment you had sent that blasted note. 
“I was trying to protect you.”
The words sounded as weak as you’d feared them to, the truth all too clear beneath them. 
Eloise could clearly sense it given the way she scoffed, looking almost offended by the very notion. “I do not need your protection. I never have, y/n. I chose you all by myself, fully aware and apprised of the risks of doing so.” 
“I know that, but what else was I supposed to do?”
“Talk to me? Trust me?” 
“You’re right,” you sighed. “I’m sorry.” 
“Well, at least you’re sorry,” Eloise grumbled under her breath, even if your words had clearly gone some way towards appeasing her temper. 
Maybe that was what gave you the confidence to continue your confession. After all, there was no point fighting it, not when this was the last chance either of you may ever have to say what you needed to in person. 
“What do you want me to say, El? The truth? That, leaving is the last thing I want to do? That, every part of me aches at the idea of being without you? That, all I want in the world is to be with you and to have the life we’ve been dreaming of?”
“… that would be a start, yes.” Eloise took a deep breath. “Look, I know I may not be the most eloquent when it comes to these things, but I needed to at least look you in the eye before you left. To say I love you, that I want to be with you, and that I am willing to wait for you if you are willing to have me - that is what I would have said right away if you’d told me about all this in person.” 
A ghost of a smile tugged at your lips. “I am sorry I didn’t get to hear that, but at least you said it now.” 
“In all honesty, I don’t know how I’ll manage without you the next couple months. Which is why I want something for us to hold onto, a promise of what’s waiting for us when I return.”
She reached into the pocket of her coat, and removed a small leather pouch. What she pulled out had you gasping in shock. 
“Yes. As a symbol of a promise,” Eloise explained, her cheeks burning with sudden embarrassment at the idea. “Like engagement rings, but we can wear them on whatever finger we chose - and they’re for us, rather than anyone else. A sign for ourselves of our love, and that we will be together again.” 
She sounded so resolute that you couldn’t help but also believe it. 
“You brought us rings?”
Eloise nodded. “I apologise, as I was almost late coming here I was in such a rush trying to find them, but I needed something to show you… to prove what I’m saying.” 
“Oh, I believe you. I believed you the moment you got out that carriage and dragged me behind a wood shed,” you half laughed, half sobbed, an overwhelming surge of emotion consuming you. “But I love these, all the same. They’re beautiful.” 
The rings were cold as they slid onto your fingers, the metal bands glimmering in the morning sunshine. 
It was odd, and thrilling, and just a little bit terrifying.
Yet… gratifying, too. You’d both done something crazy, opening yourself up to one another in such a way, even now. Especially now, if you were being honest. 
After all, Eloise had run off in the middle of the night, hoping to find happiness with you - even though you were set to leave the country by daybreak. And you? You had it in you to hope… to risk opening yourself up once more, even though your future remained uncertain.
It was a relief to think that maybe it hadn’t all been a complete mistake, that maybe you’d both gambled with your futures and won.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The kiss was passionate, even if brief, cut short by the loud bell of the ship ringing out in warning it would soon be departing. Your mother could also be heard calling your name in the distance, clearly anxious by your absence. 
“I… I should go.”
“I should also leave, before Mama sends out a search party,” Eloise sighed, holding you close for just a moment more. “I may have bribed the footmen to bring me here and I fear she will be waiting for me when I return.”
“What? I didn’t have time to ask her. She was already asleep when I found your note.” 
“Well, I’m glad you came,” you chuckled. “Your mother will understand, I’m sure. If not, blame me for she cannot punish me if I’m in Italy… Mine is less forgiving.”
As if she could hear you, your mother chose to once again call your name, clearly becoming agitated by your absence. However, you knew you had a few moments more before you had to fear discovery. The chances of your mother venturing down this alleyway were slim to none, let alone her risking a peak behind a woodshed. She was far too concerned with her pretty hemlines to dare stepping off the well swept streets. 
“Indeed,” Eloise acknowledged. “I will await your letter with confidence, for I know you will keep your word… else I shall be forced to sail after you and deal with your myself.” 
“Don’t tempt me. Who knew it would be so easy? Withholding a letter could bring you to my side again-”
“Ha,” she chuckled. “Colin will likely be travelling soon again, so I can always send him in my place, to hold you accountable.”
“Well, he would be more than welcome to visit, but I promise to write anyway - without your brother’s persuasion. I swear.”  
“Good,” Eloise whispered, taking a deep breath. “Now, go… leave, before I am unable to let you - or worse, your mother finds us and throws us in the harbour.” 
“You’re a menace!” 
“Yes, but your menace - and don't forget it.” 
“As if I possibly could.” You meant that whole heartedly, and you knew by the watery nod she gave in return that she understood it. “This isn't the end, merely a new chapter in our story. One, which we will keep on writing.”
It was an oath you both swore then and there in the first rays of sunlight, a new day dawning all around. 
You swore it with the final kiss you stole. 
You swore it with the ring you now wore on your hand, never to be removed for as long as you lived. 
You swore it as you climbed aboard the ship, catching her eye one final time across the crowd as she stood by her carriage and waved. That was the image you would hold on to until you were next standing on English soil - a fact you were sure to mention in your first letter, which you wrote that very night. 
You would send it - along with the rest you would write for her, everyday - the moment you reached the next port. For, as you signed the bottom of the note, you were: 
Eternally yours - until we meet again, my love,
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Bridgerton Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N):
Relationship A - Z
Truth or Dare
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N):
An Artistic Dilemma
Having a poet / writer for a s/o
High on life
Relationship A - Z
Taking The Plunge
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
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Colin Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N):
Relationship A - Z
Weak In The Knees (Colin Bridgerton x F!Reader)
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
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Daphne Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N):
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
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Eloise Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N):
Relationship A - Z
The sun and the moon (Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader)
To Lady Phillipa, with love (Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader)
This Love (Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader)
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
You Belong With Me (Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader) Part 1  / Part 2 
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Francesca Bridgerton x Reader (Y/N): 
With a s/o who suffers from chronic pain
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
To Lady Phillipa, with love (Eloise Bridgerton x F!reader)
A/N: (***spoilers ahead for anyone who doesn’t want to know about Eloise’s book***)
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Warnings: Bridgerton fluff, Arranged marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, mentions of depression, reference to suicide, period appropriate sexism, period appropriate views of same sex couples (Let me know if I missed any)
* Bold text = direct quotes from the book
To Lady Phillipa, with love
A member of the Ton, you were married at sixteen, as was often the case of girls in your position.
Like Philip, you didn’t marry out of love but out of friendship and a mutual understanding that the relationship would be beneficial to both parties.
And to be fair, your marriage was a happy one for the most part: Your husband was kind and allowed you freedom to do as you liked. You were, after all, independent now as a married woman, and no longer a part of the marriage mart or under your mother’s control.
He was also courteous and never forced himself on you. In fact, he waited until you gave your consent to eventually begin trying to fulfil your obligations as man and wife. Even then, you knew he’d likely have never pushed you for it, even if you went years without sharing more than a kiss.
Your new home was joyous, and you particularly loved having a huge garden and estate to tend to.
You also now have a library big enough to occupy you for years.
Eventually, you do start trying to start a family and very early on in your marriage, you were blessed with twins.
BUT that really was the turning point where everything started to sour…
Somehow, your husband’s apathy begins to increase day by day, no matter your attempts to bring back his cheery disposition. No one knows for sure what’s wrong with him, except that he seems a mere shell of the man you once knew.
Still, even on his worst days, where he refused to rise from his bed, or speak to anyone, you never expected him to ever try to end his life…
When he succeeds, some years later, it still shocks you.
His loss leaves you in an uncertain position as Lady of the estate and widower… you barely know what to do with yourself, having spent so long trying to keep your crumbling life together.
So, you devote yourself to your children and to managing the house, but it still feels like you’re missing something… stuck walking day to day in a daydream.
Which is why you were more than surprised, and a little relieved, when a letter arrives a few weeks later to offer condolences.
Turns out, your husband was somehow a distant cousin of the Bridgertons.
Yep. That Bridgerton clan.
You’re surprised, but then again you vaguely remembered your mother mentioning something about it when he’d first come to call as a suitor. Just another feather in a rather full cap
It is his cousin, Eloise, who has written to you upon learning of your husband’s death.
Thus, begins a correspondence after she sends you a second letter in return. (It is clever to entrap you with a question, you must admit, as it would be rude to leave it unanswered… so you write back)
Needless to say, your correspondence quickly becomes your refuge and favourite past time, offering you a reprieve from your somewhat melancholic mundane life. After all, Eloise seems to be in a somewhat similar scenario: “And she was alone. Alone in the middle of crowded London, in the middle of a large and loving family. It was hard to imagine a lonelier spot.”
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Her descriptions of London life and the many colourful characters there have you laughing so loud your servants start to look at you in concern.
You may have also spat out a large mouthful of tea in the process too…
However, you’re concerned that your dreary life in the country must be rather dull to hear about in return, compared to scandals and cunning mamas.
It truly sounds divine, Eloise assures you after lamenting of her current plight. I must also thank you most kindly for the flower you sent me with your last missive - I have pressed it in my journal, a most prestigious place of residence, I assure you.
Poor Eloise has lost her best friend to a suitor - her brother of all people (quite the tale, she assures you)
Each letter makes you feel more and more close to the fantastical and mysterious Bridgerton.
So… you invite Eloise to stay and she accepts.
In fact, she accepted so hastily that she forgot to write to tell you so, which was quite a surprise when she suddenly appeared on your doorstep only a handful of days later.
Almost as much of a surprise as her family would likely be getting given that she’d left them a note and fled like a thief in the night.
“It’s the middle of the season,” Eloise lamented by way of explanation. “Mama would never permit me to leave when I should be trying to find a husband, but I think we both know I’d much rather be here, hence my escape. Don’t worry. I left a note with the butler to let her know I haven’t been kidnapped or something so dramatic.”
Dramatic is almost the perfect word to describe the crazy evening that brings Eloise into your world, like a hurricane.
Still, a mere hour in her presence is enough to wash away all doubts, and confirms that she is every bit as splendid and wonderful as you’d imagined her to be… Uh, not that you’d spent countless hours dreaming about the woman you now knew better than anyone else in the world… no. Not at all.
Her letters really did her intellect very little justice, and her description of her dull features could not have been further from the truth.
Eloise is quite simply the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen.
She’s also the most fun. Hence, her visit seems to fly by as you spend the following days walking the grounds, and your nights passionately debating the numerous titles in your library.
“You are magnificent." "I keep telling everyone that," she said with a nonchalant shrug, "But you seem to be the only one to believe me.”
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To your immense relief, Eloise bonds well with the children.
Their mutual curiosity, energy, and mischievous natures seem a match made in heaven. In fact, you find them all one night having made a small den in the nursery, sharing scary stories by candle light and scoffing a stash of pastries you just knew your children had stolen from the kitchen.
“Eloise knows all the best stories,” they coax, making your eyes water with tears of joy; it’s been too long since they properly smiled like this.
So, you do the only thing you can do: join them.
The week continues in a similar fashion, with all of you sharing sunny days out walking, on picnics, drawing and playing a game of cricket that gets awfully out of hand… (the smashed window was a sad loss indeed, and quickly blamed on a bird when your angry housekeeper spies it later that day)
The week then concludes with a performance of a small play Eloise has written with the help of the children.
“It’s a surprise,” Eloise grinned, ushering you into a chair as a make shift audience. “To thank you for having me.”
Oh, it’s a surprise alright: the best one you’ve ever had.
You don’t stop grinning the whole way through as Eloise, your children, and a few unfortunate servants who have been cast in additional roles perform a tale of knights, dragons, and treasure.
Needless to say, your home feels full of joy and laughter for the first time in a long time.
It then also feels incredibly empty once Eloise leaves the following morning.
You’re not the only one looking forlorn at the breakfast table as the children ask when they’d next be seeing the wonderful Eloise.
The only reprieve is that, before her departure, she had insisted you come visit her soon, to show her family the show. (Apparently Colin and Penelope are avid writers, and her family has always been keen on theatrical endeavours.)
“I shall inform the staff their thespian talents will be required once more!”
And, despite your sudden and immense terror at walking in to such a scenario (there really are dozens of Bridgertons, each smarter and better dressed than the last) you do.
Thankfully, within minutes of arriving at Bridgerton House, you felt yourself begin to feel at ease. Eloise’s hand resting in yours is most likely to blame. That, and the fact the entire Bridgerton brood welcomes you with open arms.
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They also welcome your children when you eventually also bring them to visit.
The twins love having so many other children their age to play with, as the Bridgerton brood has multiplied since Eloise’s siblings began marrying and procreating.
Thus this routine continues: you and Eloise carry on with your letters and arrange to meet at your home and hers, whenever you can manage.
Then, one night, a comment over dinner changes everything.
It’s an innocent remark, made by one of the guests at your table, about you possibly looking to remarry soon.
“It’s been long enough,” one woman teases. “Aren’t you lonely?”
You are lonely, but you desire no one other than Eloise. Hence, you swiftly move the conversation along and try not to let your unease show.  
“If one didn't have love, was it better, then, to be alone?”
After all, you daren’t say it aloud for fear of rejection, but was not the glowing fire roaring inside of you, love? You had only ever felt such a sensation for your children, so knew it could not be anything else.
You looked at Eloise and felt your heart ache with the sheer yearning for a future with her in it.
Could she possibly feel the same?
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“She didn’t need someone perfect. She just needed someone perfect for her.”
Sleep is almost impossible that night as it all suddenly hits you like a lightening bolt; if you do not tell her, you’d never have a chance at the true happiness she’d shown you was possible… but then again, to tell her of your feelings could cost you dearly if she didn’t feel the same.
Or worse, what if she was disgusted by such a notion?
The hours dragged on and on as you debate about telling Eloise.
Then you hear a knock at the door.
Apparently, you are not the only one who has been awake all night thinking.
Eloise looks every bit as haggard as you as she stumbles into your room, eyes wet with tears.
She has been up pondering the exact same conundrum: “And it occurred to her that for a woman who opened her mouth every other second, there was an awful lot inside of her that she’d never shared.”
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Long story short, you both nervously ramble over one another as you struggle to choke out the truth.
But you do.
It takes the better part of half an hour for you both to say the words “I love you”, but once you have, it’s as if the whole world is brighter.
And when you kiss? Well, it’s safe to say you finally know what the poets have been trying to tell you for years.
“I had to do something," she said. "I couldn't just sit and wait for life to happen to me any longer.”
So, you both decide to go on a trip with the children abroad, so you can ‘elope’ of sorts and plan your future without all of London watching.
The family would come to accept your arrangement without question, as who are they to pry if you both are content? That, and if anyone suspects you are more than good friends then no one says it aloud, not that you think they’d have minded.
They only wish for your happiness.
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For a moment Eloise thought her mother might be done, but then Violet turned around and added, “You’ve never been satisfied with second-best, and that’s good, Eloise. I’m glad you never married any of those men who proposed in London. None of them would have made you happy. Content, maybe, but not happy.”
The only one who would likely make some direct reference to your true relationship would be Benedict, as he understands it best, and is quick to offer support for you both.
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He’s always there, as is Sophie, whenever you need them. Their intimate circle of friends has a few names that they think you’d find shared your interests. 
They also understand the love of a quieter life in the country, and their home is not too long a carriage ride away from yours should you feel like entertainment.
Secretly, Benedict admits he always suspected something like this. After all, he knew Eloise was picky but to turn down six proposals from more than impeccable candidates… it was odd.
But he’s glad she waited - he can see how happy she is with you, and with the children. 
As Eloise once wrote: “Don’t settle. Know what you want and reach for it. And if you don’t know what you want, be patient. The answers will come to you in time, and you may find that your heart’s desire has been right under your nose all the while.”
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
The sun and the moon: (Eloise Bridgerton x f!reader)
Description: If only Benedict had known the truth behind his sister’s lament on the swing that night, then perhaps he would not have simply let her slip away back to bed.
A/N: Here’s another pride prompt coming in hot as part of this blog’s celebration. Feel free to send prompts, requests, or anything you like! I love Eloise so much and this line killed me in the show. 
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Warnings: N/A I think? Possible reference to period appropriate homophobia. 
“If you desire the sun and the moon then all you have to do is go out and shoot at the sky. Some of us cannot.”  - S1:E3 
If only Benedict had known the truth behind his sister’s lament on the swing that night, then perhaps he would not have simply let her slip away back to bed.
Eloise was right in that being a woman largely prohibited one from being able to achieve a great deal. Unfortunately, she was unable to express that it was in regards to love that her heart strove, not just freedom, knowledge and independence of her own. For, what happened in a gentleman’s bedroom was scarce of interest to the Ton - even if it happened to be of a particularly salacious nature.
Men were allowed to grow old, unmarried. They were called bachelors, or rogues; both terms said with endearment. Yet an unwed woman? Well, her names were far less favourable, even if she chose to keep a woman as a companion.
Companion… was that all women were allowed to be to one another? A relation, competition or a companion? Nothing more?
She’d heard Benedict talk often enough of people who had the courage and liberty to live as Eloise truly wanted - most of them seemed to reside at Lord Granville’s parties, even if she’d been sworn to silence on the matter. She’d heard Benedict’s confusion and admiration for those who let their passions run free, regardless of rank or sex.
Surely love was a pure thing? A good thing? Why was it kept hidden behind closed doors?
How could two women in love be considered more hideous than a man and woman caught in a matrimony of lies, deceit, and disdain?
It bewildered her. It wounded her. Worst of all, it silenced her. For, there was no one Eloise dared turn to and confess… not even Benedict, for who knew how far his admiration truly ran when it came to one of his own family being such a libertine?
No. The truth of it was, you were Eloise’s only solace. You, with your sunny disposition and never ending curiosity. You, who had had her heart since the moment she’d laid eyes upon you months ago.
Of course she fell in love with you. It was inevitable really, given that your first meeting had resulted in you making quite the spectacle by rejecting a ‘persistent’ suitor who had been plaguing you all night.
“I’d warned him,” you’d explained to Eloise later on, recounting the moment you’d met. “But he didn’t listen. I had no choice but to reveal that he had been harassing multiple other women. Of course, perhaps I was cruel to do so in public, but it was that or slapping him senseless.”
Eloise almost wished you’d done the latter; she’d have paid good money to see it.
However, even if your friendship had been immediate, it had still taken months for your own feelings to be revealed. It was only after one particularly dreary ball had caused you both to flee to the empty library that the truth came out.
It was there, in the silence and sanctity of the stacks of books that you both drank to the point of giddiness.  
You drank and laughed, as you often did at ‘hellish engagements’ such as these. It was the only way to make the evening bearable, for you both had a mutual hatred of the things, only there under the instruction of your anxious mamas.
Lord knew where they thought you’d got to this time. It would soon be all too apparent that you were not on the dance floor, nor conversing with some eligible gentleman. Rather, you’d chosen to spend the evening in one another’s company.
You knew your souls were kindred spirits. Why else did time pass so quickly between you? Why else did you both long for the other when apart?
Perhaps it was the wine, or the summer heat… Eloise couldn’t be certain even now, but regardless of the cause, she was grateful you’d both had the courage to confess that night. To lean in close and stare into the other’s wide eyes… breathless in terrified anticipation…
Neither of you said a word, but the intention was clear as your lips finally touched in a kiss that sent Eloise heavenward.
She was soft. That was your first thought, followed by the fact that she smelt like oranges and some kind of flower - her perfume, you realised. She hardly ever wore it, but you loved it when she did because the scent would linger long after she had gone.
You prayed you’d one day never have cause to leave her side again. Would that not be perfect? Rather than sharing your life with someone you did not love, or possibly even despised?
The desperation for your dream was clear in the way your hands threaded through her hair, your body moving closer as if you could somehow grasp it… that, by never letting her go, your dream would never be crushed; you’d simply stay this way forever.
But alas, you couldn’t.
You’d eventually had to return to your duties, leaving your moment of passion in the library, to remain as one of the stories contained there.
It was a story you seemed determined to keep on writing, as you and Eloise persisted in finding all possible reasons to spend every waking moment of the season together.
“We should travel,” Eloise sighed one afternoon, her head lying in your lap as you basked in the summer sun. She looked almost ethereal, hair lying loosely around her face, flowers threaded in it by your hands. “Go somewhere far away where no one knows us.”
You hummed at the thought. “Italy, perhaps? We’ll just be two faceless women, sharing their company on a continental adventure.”
“Oh yes. Imagine it, drinking wine, feasting on local delights, and seeing museums-”
“-Reading on a beach somewhere as your skin turns golden-“
“-Never answering to anyone, free to return as and when we choose… it would be heaven.”
You smiled at the prospect, the dream so vivid you could almost picture it. Heaven seemed too simple a word for it. “Well, your brother travelled abroad alone for months. Why should we not do the same?”
“My point exactly,” Eloise chuckled, grinning up at you before pressing a kiss to the hand she was holding. “As long as I have you by my side, I could go anywhere in the world for I know you are my home. My true haven. There is no one else in the world for me and I will never change my mind. I swear it.”
She’d taken the words right from your lips. So, you chose to answer with action instead, leaning down to steal a desperate kiss. A kiss that spoke of an unbreakable promise to love her forever.
If you were her sun, filling her days with life, light and warmth, then she was your moon… eternally orbiting the world, unable to see the light she shone in the darkness. A calm, cool presence, unable to see that her brilliance eclipsed every star in the sky.
Perhaps, Eloise had been wrong before. She didn’t need to shoot for the sun and the moon… not when she already had them right here in front of her.
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alyswritings · 2 years
Babies and Feminism
Request: LMAO I had an idea for Bridgerton daughter, ok firstly I had the idea of when in s1 Eloise ask how kids are made and stuff, cause she thought they had to be married but then remembered yns parents weren't, and honestly its just funny, cause then yn is curious too and Anthony is like wtf do I do and the rest of the bridgertons think its so funny. Also going along with this idea it could be like maybe yn started to hang out a lot more with Eloise and has started to become a feminist queen and Anthony is like who corrupted my daughter
Anthony Bridgerton x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N wonders where babies come from and becomes more like her Aunt Eloise.
Warnings: none
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N is sitting next to Benedict on the sofa with Colin on his other side. Hyacinth and Gregory are eating at the table while Daphne plays the piano and Violet stands by her youngest two.
"Two dances? With a duke?" Hyacinth asks.
"Oh, he was quite taken with your sister, Hyacinth." Violet says. "The entire party was for that matter. All eyes were on Daphne. At least enjoy some toast, dearest." She tells her oldest daughter, holding a plate of food out to her.
"I am not hungry, mama." Daphne tells her.
"Are you certain the entire party was not simply eyeing a tear in her dress?" Colin questions.
"Or some misstep she might've taken on the dance floor?" Benedict joins in.
"I do wonder, Daphne, might we count on the Duke at the Crawford ball?" Violet asks.
"I should think it a fair chance." Daphne says.
"What about the Ramsbury ball, Friday, too? Oh, and what about the grand picnic?" Violet asks.
"We shall see, mama." Daphne says.
"How terrible for Fran that she'll be off practicing pianoforte with Aunt Winnie all season and miss Daphne's engagement to the duke." Hyacinth says as Violet sits on the sofa across from her two sons and granddaughter.
"Did Francesca leave for Bath already?" Gregory asks as Eloise quickly walks in.
"How does a lady come to be with child?" Eloise asks and Daphne immediately stops playing the musical instrument.
"Eloise, what a question!" Violet exclaims, walking over to her second daughter.
"I thought one needed to be married." Eloise says.
"What ever are you talking about?" Daphne asks.
"Apparently, it's not even a requirement." Eloise says.
"Eloise, that is more than enough." Violet orders.
Eloise sighs and walks over to the sofa, sitting between her brothers.
"Daphne, please, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on." Violet says.
"I take it the two of you know." Eloise says.
"Do not look at me." Benedict states.
"Anthony wasn't married when Y/N was born. How does it happen?" Eloise asks.
"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin asks and Benedict smacks him in the back of the head.
"I do hope the two of you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation. Especially with your four year old niece next to you." Violet states.
"Not at all, mother." Benedict assures.
"In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out." Colin says, standing up.
"Colin Bridgerton!" His mother yells.
"A round of fencing." Colin clarifies.
The two Bridgerton sons leave.
"Miss? Humboldt is coming." The maid informs Daphne.
"Humboldt is coming." Daphne grins.
"Humboldt?" Violet asks.
"Why is Humboldt coming?" Hyacinth questions.
"Has someone arrived, Humboldt?" Daphne asks.
"Callers for Miss Daphne, ma'am." Humboldt informs. Daphne squeals, turning to her mother in excitement.
"But... the duke. You already have a caller, dearest." Violet says.
"Well, I suppose now I have more." Daphne states.
- - -
Anthony, Benedict, and Colin are in the drawing room, all silently doing their own things. Colin is reading a book, Anthony's reading the newspaper, and Benedict's drawing in his sketchbook.
Y/N rushes in, on the search for her father, and runs to him once she sees him. She's been thinking a lot about Eloise's question about how a lady comes to be with child and has grown curious herself, but her grandmother wouldn't answer and her aunts don't know.
"Papa?" She calls, standing next to him.
"Hmm?" Anthony hums in acknowledgement, taking a sip of his tea.
"How does one come to be with child?" Y/N asks.
Anthony chokes on his tea.
Colin and Benedict both let out small snorts of amusement, sharing a look as they know this will be fun.
Anthony coughs, trying to regain his breath, and he puts the cup of tea down.
"What, uh... what do you mean, darling?" Anthony asks, hoping maybe he heard her wrong.
"Aunt Ellie said she thought you had to be married to have a child. But you aren't married and I'm your child." Y/N says. "So how does it work?" She questions.
Anthony stares at her, being at a loss for words. He opens and closes his mouth as he tries to come up with something to say, but ultimately fails.
"Boys?" Anthony turns to his younger brothers.
"Oh, no, this one is all yours." Colin says, pretending to resume reading his book.
"She is your child. Seems only fair." Benedict says, an amused smirk on his face. Anthony glowers at both of his brothers, finding their entertainment annoying.
"Dearest, that is something that will be, um... explained to you at a much later age." Anthony tells the four year old.
"But I want to know now!" Y/N whines, stomping her foot.
"Well, you are not going to learn now. You will learn eventually." Anthony says.
"When?" Y/N asks.
"When you're eighteen... or preferably much older than that." Anthony says, his brothers letting out small snickers.
"Why can I not know now?" Y/N asks.
"Because you are too young." Anthony states.
"I hate being young." Y/N huffs, trudging out of the room dramatically.
"Thank you for the help." Anthony says, sending his brothers a fake smile.
"I believe you handled it quite well." Benedict muses.
"Indeed." Colin agrees.
- - -
The past few months, Y/N has grown closer to Eloise -- especially with Daphne and Colin gone, Y/N having one less aunt and one less uncle to spend time with or bother.
Given she's spending so much more time with Eloise, she has also started to adopt some of her aunt's mindsets. Y/N no longer believes she should be forced to marry if she does not want to.
Before she was okay with the idea of marrying, but now she questions it. She'd only want to marry if her husband treated her like an equal and not an object or somebody at a lower standard. And she'll only marry for love, if she ever does.
Y/N often listens to Eloise read her books and talk about feminists that believe in the same things she does. Y/N would like to go to school and travel the world, possibly even get a job herself at some point.
She knows she can't do much at five, but she hopes to someday.
Also despite not being at a ball, from Eloise's descriptions, she can tell she'll probably despise them just as much when she's able to attend them.
"Y/N? Are you supposed to be learning to dance with Hyacinth right now?" Anthony asks, walking into the drawing room where his daughter and Eloise are sitting on one of the sofas, Eloise reading to the young girl. Benedict is standing at an easel, painting a bowl of fruit.
"I don't want to." Y/N states.
"Since when do you refuse learning to dance?" Anthony asks.
"I rather read. Well, be read to, I suppose." Y/N says. "Balls sound awful anyway. Why would I care to attend one in 13 years?"
Anthony does a double take at her.
"Okay... who-who changed my entire daughter's perspective? When did she turn into that?" Anthony asks.
"I believe the person reading to her is responsible." Benedict says.
Anthony looks at his sister who wears a smug smile.
"Call it whatever you wish, brother, but I am simply making your daughter a strong, independent woman who shall not need to rely on a man." Eloise states.
"I want to stop dance classes. I don't wish to learn anymore. If it must, it can be a future matter, but not now." Y/N states.
"God, she's a mini Eloise." Anthony mutters.
"You're very much welcome." Eloise grins.
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