#emotional vocabulary
odinsblog · 2 years
Emotional vocabulary: Advice to Black men (part 1 of 2)
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slithymomerath · 1 year
You know that moment when your therapist explains that the way you’re feeling is normal and valid and has a name? And then you finally stop doubting yourself and begin to heal? We need to make more of those. Tell me the words you’ve found or created, with your friends or family or therapist or by yourself. I need more emotional vocabulary.
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er-cryptid · 9 months
Emotions (Spanish)
love = amor
worried = preocupado
angry = enojado
sad = triste
embarassed = avergonzada
afraid = asustado
kind = tipo
happy = feliz
amazed = asombrado
delighted = encantado
bored = perforado
tired = cansado
sensitive = doloroso
hate = odio
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sumerianlanguage · 8 days
is there a sumerian word for volition or will?
There is! It's simply shag, the word for "heart" - Halloran (2006) lists "will, volition" as among its many definitions. Shag is written 𒊮 in cuneiform.
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hetagrammy · 1 year
This might be controversial, but I've never had this idea of Britannia as being a particularly warm maternal figure. Like, I think she definitely loved her kids, but she was more concerned with their survival than with letting them be children if that makes sense. Her way of showing love was trying her damndest to protect them, and to make sure they could survive on their own after she was gone. It was less explicit "I love you"'s and more compliments on their progress or stern scoldings when they'd gotten themselves into danger. The British Isles Siblings are hard pressed to remember the last time their mother hugged them or sang to them, but they remember her pressing a blade into their hands, kissing their foreheads, and telling them to be brave. They know their worth because of her, but what tenderness they gained they learned elsewhere.
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vikinglanguage · 2 months
How to articulate your emotions in Danish
Literal years ago, I got an ask about how to talk about emotions in Danish. I was never really entirely sure, what the person was asking about, but I recently had the idea to just flat out translate one of those "how to identify which emotion you're experiencing" charts. So here goes nothing
Please note: all of these are approximations, and a lot of the words that are used to describe the same general feeling are in fact more or less interchangeable, as is the case with the emotion chart.
This is the chart I used:
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[ID in alt text]
bange - fearful
noun: frygt - fear
bange, frygtsom, ræd - scared hjælpeløs - helpless skræmt, rædselsslagen - frightened
nervøs, ængstelig - anxious overvældet - overwhelmed bekymret - worried
usikker - insecure utilstrækkelig - inadequate underlegen, mindreværdig - inferior
svag - weak værdiløs - worthless ubetydelig, betydningsløs - insignificant
afvist - rejected holdt udenfor, ekskluderet - excluded forfulgt - persecuted
truet - threatened nervøs - nervous udsat - exposed
sur - angry
noun: vrede - anger
skuffet, svigtet - let down forrådt - betrayed forurettet - resentful
ydmyget - humiliated ikke føle sig respekteret - feel disrespected gjort nar ad, latterliggjort - ridiculed
bitter - bitter forarget - indignant krænket - violated
vred - mad rasende - furious jaloux - jealous
aggressiv - aggressive provokeret - provoked hostile - fjendtlig
frustreret - frustrated arrig - infuriated irriteret - annoyed
fjern - distant tilbagetrukken/tilbagetrukket - withdrawn følelsesløs, følelsesforladt - numb
kritisk - critical skeptisk - sceptical affejende, afvisende - dismissive
frastødt - disgusted
noun: afsky - disgust
misbilligende - disapproving fordømmende - judgemental pinligt berørt - embarrassed
skuffet - disappointed forfærdet - appalled væmmes (verb, reflexive) - to be revolted e.g. jeg væmmes ved lugten af fisk 'I am revolted by the smell of fish'
frygtelig - awful kvalm - nauseated foragtelig - detestable
frastødt - repelled forfærdet - horrified tøvende - hesitant
ked af det - sad
noun: bedrøvelse, sorg - sadness, sorrow
såret - hurt flov - embarrassed skuffet - disappointed
deprimeret*, nedtryk - depressed mindreværdig - inferior tom, følelsesforladt - empty *while deprimeret like English depressed primarily should be used in relation to a medical diagnosis of depression, it is also used as a synonym of nedtrykt (literally ned 'down, de' + trykt 'pressed') in the vernacular
skyldig - guilty fortrydende, skyldbetynget, angerfuld - remorseful skamfuld - ashamed
fortvivlelse - despair adj: fortvivlet - despairing sorg - grief adj: sorgfuld, sorgramt, sørgende - grief-stricken, grieving magtesløs - powerless
sårbar - vulnerable gjort til offer, offergjort - victimised skrøbelig - fragile
ensom - lonely isoleret - isolated efterladt - abandoned
glad - happy
noun: glæde, lykke - happiness
legesyg, legende - playful ophidset - aroused fræk - cheeky
tilfreds - content fri - free lykkelig, glad - joyful
interesseret - interested nysgerrig - curious videbegærlig - inquisitive
stolt - proud succesfuld, succesrig - succesful selvsikker - confident
accepteret - accepted respekteret - respected værdsat - valued
stærk, magtfuld - powerful modig - courageous kreativ - creative
fredfyldt - peaceful kærlig - loving taknemmelig - thankful
tillidsfuld - trusting følsom, sensitiv - sensitiv intim, tæt - intimate
optimistisk - optimistic håbefuld - hopeful inspireret - inspired
overrasket - surprised
noun: overraskelse - surprise
forskrækket - startled chokeret - shocked forfærdet - dismayed
forvirret - confused desillusioneret - disillusioned perpleks - perplexed
forbløffet - amazed forbavset - astonished ærefrygt - awe
begejstret, spændt - excited ivrig - eager energisk - energetic
dårligt - bad
kede sig (verb, reflexive) - to be bored e.g. jeg keder mig 'I am bored' ligeglad - indifferent apatisk - apathetic
travl - busy presset - pressured forhastet - rushed
stresset - stressed overvældet - overwhelmed ude af kontrol - out of control
træt - tired søvnig - sleepy ufokuseret - unfocussed
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writingraven · 2 years
Vocabulary • Synonyms
note: these words have different connotations
↦ acrid
↦ acrimonious
↦ aggravated
↦ belligerent
↦ betrayed
↦ bitter
↦ boiling
↦ burning
↦ caustic
↦ cross
↦ disgusted
↦ displeased
↦ exasperated
↦ ferocity
↦ foaming
↦ frustration
↦ fuming
↦ fury
↦ hateful
↦ hostile
↦ hot
↦ indigent
↦ irate
↦ irked
↦ livid
↦ loathsome
↦ offended
↦ peeved
↦ perturbed
↦ rabid
↦ rage
↦ rancorous
↦ raving
↦ resentful
↦ resistant
↦ scornful
↦ seething
↦ smoldering
↦ spiteful
↦ steaming
↦ ticked
↦ vengeful
↦ vexed
↦ wrathful
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german-enthusiast · 4 months
German Song of KW 51:
Eine gute Nachricht (von DangerDan)
zerfallen = to fall apart
wir kehren in das Nichts = to pass into nothingness
jedweder Couleur =hier:= egal, welcher Gesinnung (egal ob Christ, Moslem, Veganer,...)
mehr Angst als Trost= more fear than comfort
klarkommen = to manage, to get through, to be okay
zu abgeklärt sein = to be too calm and calculated
auf etwas angelegt sein = to be designed to be sth/do sth
in der Sonne verglühen = to burn up in the sun (-> when the earth gets too close to the sun and is destroyed)
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tomirida · 10 months
there's something about a modern cat sleeping all curled up and ancient scythian art featuring coiled felines
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knopartt · 4 months
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mila from the russian series "vampires of the midland" inspired by shortparis' music video of the choir version of the song яблонный сад (apple orchard) :)
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odinsblog · 2 years
Emotional Vocabulary: Advice to Black men (part 2 of 2)
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slithymomerath · 1 year
There is always a way to say something that is both honest and kind.
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twilightarcade · 1 year
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im constantly thinking about this always btw
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sumerianlanguage · 24 days
Hello! How are you? I have a question about a word in Sumerian, that means a lot to me and a friend that is fond of ancient languages. What would be the word and symbol for “happiness” in sumerian? 🙂 thank you , very interesting blog!
Hello, and thanks for the kind words! There are several words for "happiness" in Sumerian. One is la "abundance, luxury, youthful freshness, bliss, happiness", written 𒆷 in cuneiform. Its reduplicated form lala 𒆷𒆷 can also mean "happiness, plenty, joy, (sex) appeal".
Another term is ningsaga 𒃻𒊷𒂵 "goodness, pleasure, happiness", from sag 𒊷 "good, pleasant, beautiful".
There's also hul 𒄾 "joy, joyous, to be joyful", along with the phrasal verb shag hul 𒊮𒄾 "to be happy, be delighted" and shahulla 𒊮𒄾𒆷 "delight".
I hope one (or more) of these work for you!
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Look what ive done to him. Look how ive massacred my boy .....
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cerealandchoccymilk · 6 months
words and phrases my girlbestie has infected us with so far, with definitions:
what is uppers!!!!!! (standard greeting)
dindin (any meal or snack)
yummers (delicious)
literal poop/shit from a butt (something thats of poor quality)
panerner (the specific panera she works at)
this is so sex mode (when happy/excited)
pledge allegiance to the bag (to work for money)
liberal/lib moding/lib pilled (at the library)
holy pilgrimage (walking from home to the bus stop)
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