#end animal cruelty
blackoutunit · 2 months
I don’t normally make posts like this but I wanna spread awareness to this topic
Cats in China are being brutally tortured and killed maliciously by various groups of people around - young people, ones who should know better.
They adopt cats and then murder them, often putting them through hell beforehand. Doing things such as chopping off all their limbs and hanging them up as “cat bugs”, skinning them alive, putting them in blenders, and many, many other cruel things.
It’s due to the lack of animal protection rights in China is why these people can get away with these things so easily.
They use live footage of cats eating from local feeders in order to capture them, and they’ve already gotten over millions of innocent felines - one of which was a kitten known as Mr. Wink, who was found frozen solid after one of them had drowned him.
These people also go about live streaming footage of themselves torturing and killing kitties that’ve done NOTHING WRONG for views, money and fun. And they gain more and more followers and views everyday.
This shit is not okay at all. They are still out there targeting these creatures, and even had set up a bounty to both find and kill Mr. Fresh (orange cat shown from a live feeder famous for his “side eye”), the money ranging from about $500-600.
Although Mr. Fresh is thankfully safe and in the care of a vet/new guardian. However, there are still many other animals, not just cats themselves, being tortured in China.
I highly recommend visiting and following @feline_guardians on Instagram and to sign their petition for animals to gain more rights in China.
Thank you for listening.
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Plus I’m adding a picture of my cat that I redrew cuz he’s silly (and all kitties deserve both love and respect)
Save cats yall!! Every sign counts.
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If you're not familiar with the practice of "soring" in certain segments of the horse world, well, it's horrific. The short and least-graphic version is, they smear a horse's legs with corrosive chemicals and wrap them to burn for hours or days, so that the horse steps higher in pain for the show ring.
For years, practitioners have avoided legal action and protested legislation against the practice, because... Well, they have.
Now PAST (Prevent All Soring Tactics) ACT is up in the US Senate as S.4004. Please ask your senators to support it, and please share the word for others to contact their senators as well.
For most of us, your senator's last name dot senate dot gov will get you to an easy contact form.
There are no downsides to ending animal cruelty in the name of display and ego.
(I want a horse image for attention, but I'm using a fun gif instead of a topical pic. Please act anyway, so we don't have to flood a feed with awful things to prompt the right thing.)
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wiggybe · 6 months
Help save 500 foxes out of a fur farm
I’ve been waiting for this update, It’s tiiiiiime!
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atomicprincessangel · 9 months
End cruelty to animals
There are so many brands that use animal cruelty in their products, so let’s end it by not buying from these brands
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fimbry · 1 year
Lykoi the werewolf cat breed
So I’m not going to be arguing because I’ve seen enough from enough owners over the years to have reached this conclusion, and I’m not in well enough health to come back to this. But I’m seeing the lykoi breed get more attention around tumblr lately, and I’ve gotta speak up because the breed has a dirty little secret.
I joined the Lykoi Lovers group years ago because I loved this breed, they’re super cute! I love werewolves! However, over the years, as more people got these cats, and their cats aged up (3-5+yo is when skin issues become REALLY evident) the group turned into a horror show.
This mutation really reminds me of lemon frost in leopard geckos. In the geckos, it was the desirable appearance which CAUSED the cancerous tumors. It wasn’t something that could be bred out. Similarly, it is the werewolf appearance which causes the skin issues, cysts, pimples, bleeding in the cats. You can breed away from it... and end up with a normal looking cat with fewer skin issues. You cannot seem to keep the werewolf look AND have good skin.
More below, and it IS graphic so be warned. Pus, blood, sad cats under the cut.
Let’s start with "what to know before getting a Lykoi”
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Okay, inevitably bumpy? What’s that mean exactly?
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“The gene that is specific to Lykoi that creates the semi hairless and roaning look is thought to be responsible for less hair follicles and possibly smaller pores. This in turn could be responsible for the cyst/pimple issue. So, it's not going to be in Sphinx or any other breed, it's specific to Lykoi. Responsible breeders are currently working on breaking away from some of the older lines with bad skin and breed Lykoi that have no or less bumps. However what happens when you breed for more coat and better skin is that it seems to lessen the look of the Lykoi. Many of the heavier coated Lykoi without skin issues lack a mask or have a very slight one.“
^^^This is pretty damning as far as the future of the breed goes. Well bred ones will not look like werewolf cats.
Okay, but that’s just a couple cats, and just one cyst. That’s not so bad---
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“They definitely bother me more than her.” You sure about that?? Look at her...
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Okay but that’s just a FEW cats, how bad could it b--
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Again, this issue typically appears after the cat is 3-5 years old, so people buy their little werewolf cats unwise to the fact it’ll live with painful skin problems for the majority of its life.
It is the very mutation which reduces follicle count and pore size which causes the werewolf appearance and the blackheads and cysts, so I think “breeding it out” is nothing but a pipe dream. The mutation itself is what causes the problems, as mentioned earlier just like lemon frost leopard geckos.
Anyway, this has been a PSA.
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saint-nevermore · 1 month
im happy people are having fun with the two headed calf but like. the poem is not real and is metaphorical, and the real animal is probably a walking QOL issue and in a lot of pain and discomfort. i want a world where she could life to adulthood but unfortunately in reality its likely an act of cruelty to keep her alive...i can't help but worry about it.
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arbor-tristis · 2 months
Hey everyone remember the Eugenics Episode 💀💀💀💀
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teecupangel · 7 months
so ive been following this music series called milgram by deco*27 and the most recent song called Purge March is so farm era desmond coded its insane but i wanted your opinion on it bc im the best at keeping up with lore and stuff
purge march is about a little girl who grew up in a cult, this cult has these ideations they force on her like "thou shall follow thine destiny" and "thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in" and by cult standards she gets punished (severely) if she doesnt follow them.
one day she meets a cat who has his leg broken and decides to mend it, a cult member saw this and snitches to (i think) her parents, she then gets tazed bc she "changed the cat's destiny" while the cat is presumably unalived. this event snaps her and she goes on a rampage, killing who was probably her mother (the mv doesnt rly tell much bc it's purposefully cryptic)
so yeah im thinking of making an ac/milgram au but what do you think
(It was either the mother or the father, yeah, it’s meant to be cryptic XD)
Anyway, here’s the official Milgram youtube. I would have picked the actual playlist but the ones I saw weren’t updated to have Purge March.
For those just curious about Purge March, here’s the official MV (with English subtitles)
The Milgram series has the setup of ‘murderers’ that the main character must pronounce as guilty or innocent of their crime after listening to their songs. That’s pretty much the very brief gist of it.
Now, nonny gave a good summary of the crux of Purge March’s storyline so we’ll focus on a Desmond Purge March AU instead.
(warning, there will be… animal cruelty and child abuse in this one. Not descriptive but there nonetheless.)
For this one, we’ll remove all of the Templars versus Assassins + Isus stuff from the Farm.
If you still want to include them in the story, go for it, the Farm itself will be turned into an actual cult (instead of us just joking around that it’s a cult).
Perhaps the Farm was formed by radical Assassins who left the Brotherhood before the Great Purge, perhaps they were created by survivors of the Great Purge who lost themselves in grief and started to believe that salvation comes from following their destiny, no matter what it may be.
Of course, if you truly want to hammer in the AC plot, the Farm actually worships Juno (ala Will of the First Instruments) and the whole “thou shall follow thine destiny” is pushed into the conscience of every cult member all in an effort to ensure Desmond would accept his fate to die on December 21, 2012.
Hell, we can even push this into the entire cult knowing Desmond’s destiny is to die on December 21, 2012 to save the world. He has been groomed not as the messiah or the savior of mankind but as the sacrifice.
And Desmond hated it.
He hated everything.
The cult.
His life.
The world.
He was born and raised to believe that this world deserves to be saved because it was destiny.
The very word ‘destiny’ only makes him feel empty inside, a festering rotting darkness that threatened to consume him.
And then…
He found a cat with an injured leg.
White as fresh snow with eyes as gold as the necklace his mother would wear whenever his father would have one of his regular sermons.
And Desmond…
Desmond heard the poor cat mew and he couldn’t stop himself.
He ‘borrowed’ the first aid in their home and used it to disinfect and bandage the cat’s injury, even went and gave the cat his lunch because it was fine.
He can skip a meal.
And that was that.
Or so Desmond had thought.
He had done something good.
And it felt nice.
But he didn’t realize…
Because he was important to the cult…
He was being watched.
Always being watched.
And when his father and mother got home, they immediately grabbed the first aid box and asked him why there were bandages missing.
They shouldn’t have known.
He already had his excuse ready, cutting himself with the kitchen knife and…
But they didn’t believe him.
They knew.
They knew…
Someone told them.
And then…
His father showed him the bandage he had put on the cat.
Too bloodied for it to be from the cat’s leg injury.
And Desmond…
Desmond couldn’t even cry.
All he could was stare at the bandages as his father dragged him into the prayer room.
The repentance room.
His entire body felt like it was on fire that night.
His hands stung. His back throbbed. His legs trembled.
He could not sleep.
Until he thought…
Who decides our destiny?
Why are they so sure that this is their destiny?
Because it had already happened?
Was the main point to simply not do anything once something bad has happened?
It will be destiny if something bad happens…
The following days, Desmond prepares and helps dutifully for the sermon this Sunday.
He does everything ordered of him, making his parents proud.
He receives good words for his actions, even gets headpats and smiles.
The emptiness in Desmond’s heart was filled.
… with rot.
The sermon always started at the crack of dawn.
At the end of it, every adult in their ‘congregation’ would drink wine said to have been blessed.
Cheap wine bought in the local grocery.
They all drank.
And they all fell on their knees, coughing and vomiting.
The doors and windows were all locked because they ‘must be closed off from the filthy world’.
They cannot escape even if they wanted to.
Desmond grabs the holy sword, a family heirloom from his mother’s family.
It was light.
And sharp.
Desmond plunged it on his father’s stomach and pulled it just as quickly.
Not to kill him but to make sure he stays where he was.
Desmond grabbed the keys from his father then and…
He stood in front of the nearest adult that was neither his father nor his mother.
He remembered seeing him sometimes…
Did he follow Desmond that day?
It doesn’t matter.
Desmond raised the sword…
And swung it down.
The head rolled…
The body slummed…
Blood pooled under him.
Desmond continued.
And the room filled with screams…
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devoted1989 · 2 months
Image found on Pinterest.
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wanderingandfound · 3 months
After having a lot of trouble falling asleep, then a lot of trouble staying asleep, I have woken up earlier than I would like with a sore throat and a worryingly precarious mental state for first thing in the morning.
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detentiontrack · 4 months
I’m vegetarian for ethical reasons but food I get for free at work doesn’t count
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puppethouse · 2 years
trying to talk about animals/pets with people is fucking impossible because every time they reveal they used to throw their hamsters out windows or whatever the fuck like its some funny anecdote and not animal cruelty. “well i was a kid when i did it” and are you not ashamed of yourself? the fact youre retelling this story now means you never really cared or learned from your mistake and honestly shows youd be capable of committing it again! sorry for thinking that hamsters and fish or any other “exotic” pet deserve to live the best lives possible
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nobuverse · 7 months
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@yabokku said: EVEN IF LIFE IS PAINFUL & TOUGH, people should appreciate what it means to be ALIVE at all. ( For : Okita Souji. )
If the statement is supposed to be encouraging, she Okita doesn't find it to be so in the least. The once proud warrior can only meet it with disdain, giving a soul piercing glare in response.
She's on her knees, fingers trembling too badly to be able to properly hold on her tanto. She can still the old, decrepit cat she'd aimed to kill trotting away - proving to her how worthless she'd become.
Had she been trying to put the creature out of its misery?
No. She'd been trying to prove to herself that she could still kill. But it seems like she's fallen so far to this illness that she can't even manage to snuff out a life already half dead.
She coughs as she first opens her mouth in response, crimson splattering all over hands.
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"And this..." she heaves, trying not choke on her own blood
"This is what you would call living...?"
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perenlop · 1 year
man i do not feel like doing my final project for my animal literature class and the reason why makes me feel like a bad person
#so i took this class thinking it was going to be a mix of like animal symbolism and animal rights#as well as how people end up doing animal xenofiction which do or dont play on animal tropes and where they come from#which is interesting to me#but there was only that last thing in like the first thing we read and in some lecture related homework#and pretty much everything else is about whether or not this portrayal of an animal is cruelty for not putting it on the same level#as a person#and ngl a lot of the stuff just sounds like a reach to me like one was like#''omg this man doesnt REALLY care. he FAILS at his analysis of his cat that saw him naked bc he thinks abt what the cat thinks abt clothes#but he doesnt consider how it would LOGICALLY feel he only cares abt HIMSELF''#and professor also kinda lowkey implied the college students were being derogatory in what we named the campus cat#(literally like a goofy food name bc apparently we dont respect it?)#anyways usually our finals are like ''pick anything we've discussed and narrow down into a thesis''#but she wants us to ONLY have our papers be about animal cruelty and if like idk the lion king is ethical or not#and i was like ''eh i can do pokemon maybe bc that has interesting things to say about animal and human relations sometimes''#but her response was like ''ok but how SHOULD we treat animals in that context tho. are they saying animals have to fight? thats weirdddd''#''are they like saying the creator wants animals to beat each other up are they saying animals inherently hate and fight each other and need#humans to survive? thats kinda weird????'' and im just like. ok the series literally does go into that and its a video game but ok#echoed voice#and i wanna do my final abt symbolism and such in shows that i like but she keeps nitpicking them#and its like she doesnt even want a NEGATIVE portrayal for us to explain why its bad at conveying its message#bc i was like ''hey livestock is used as a dehumanizing thing here and also says something abt how cruel meat factories can be how abt that'#and she was like ''um but if its used to be dehumanizing then theyre implying its bad to compare humans to animals and thats not fair to#to animals''#like i SORTA see where shes coming from but it feels more exhausting than anything
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pacificprincen · 2 years
seeing that hunt, seeing how these strangely shaped creatures with these strange looking wolves that bark and don’t howl. and these antler-less harts, who willingly let the creatures ride on their backs… pushing the stag into a corner until his only protection was used against him… no wonder wild animals are afraid of man.
the way they manipulate the circumstances so the stag can’t escape. so the “hunt” is a success. they must be be a terror to behold when you’re running and then fighting for your life. only to die in agony, alone and scared, because the one stabbing you didn’t have the competence to give you a quick death.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
#i cant help but think that were making a mistake in planning to do social/ppl work. in doing anthropology in the first place#ive never been good with people#i dont know if i ever will be#nor am i particularly fond of being surrounded by people constantly and infact i quite value my silence#... i can never seem to quite get the hang of interactions. of how to talk of how to move of how to speak#and while i have spend years pretend i do. it has only left me tired#... what am i to do exactly if this is what we go into? what happens if almost inevitabley it is me and not somebody else on a day when we#must deal with people - be it attempting to help or large groups of them or whatever it may be#.... i feel like im being signed up for a life of exhaustion if we do this. i am too quiet. i am too much of a solitary creature#.. what we should have done is gone to veternay school instead. which is what we wanted to do for some years anyway. still helping. less#people work though ...#. i could have done that so much more easily#...... it has taken me too many years of this life to stop hating humans all together. i can understand them. for survivals sake. but this#is all. i have yet to learn to trust them much nor have they given me much reason to nor do i see much benefit to doing so#i am tired. of the nonsencial cruelty. of all of it.#perhaps i do not wish to spend years trying to help beings which i barely trust#what happens if. as it happens at times. i end up being the one to front for days or weeks or months? it seems like a recipe for disaster#we truly should have just worked with animals instead that is something we can all easily do#. its too late now anyway#last year of college. there is no time or money or energy for another degree#my fate seems to be sealed and for months or perhaps years now ive been - i would say turning in my grave but i suppose im not yet dead -#over this.. and now it truly is past time#..... it was a mistake as well that we did not stick to horseback riding in highschool. no. instead we listened to people and parents and#family. do this do that you can do so much better et fucking cetera. those highschool years of academic insanity wrecked this body. wrecked#it. college was too much when we were so mentally and physically ill#.... life could have been different now#if we had stuck to it
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