#endermen biology
cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Cursed bird. Horrid creature.
Creeper / Strider
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dogoryx · 4 months
I decided to make my own interpretation/design of an endermen a while back.
Hairless (besides the flimsy wispy hairs on the back of the neck) with taught, lean, veiny body (despite having zero blood and are more or less hollow). They are perpetually stooped in most circumstances, and have low dragging hands that are elongated and thin to help them eat (chorus fruit or something, who knows if they even need to actually eat). Their eyes are buggy and bright. Their disposition is meek, and that of constant anxiety, they dread being interacted with, they much prefer passive observation. Their core is a pearl that more or less is their energy/heart, and the rest of their insides are hollow or almost woodwind like (they can use air passing through these to click and chirp).
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In extreme circumstances when a threat (something making prolonged eye contact) sets them off, they put on a show. They violently suck in air, which collapses their neck/throat and pulls it through their mouth in a very ghastly appearance (kinda like a frog). Their jaw is dislocated to accommodate this stretch, and their eyes bulge considerably from the pressure of their throat/neck. Their lips flip up and over their nose/snout to reveal black needle like teeth (fangs/teeth a bit like a snake/eel). Since the neck is sucked up into the mouth, this pulls their body ramrod straight, drawing up their shoulders and puffing out their chest, which makes their figure much taller and imposing. Their arms are held rigidly at the sights, threatening to lash out at a moments notice. The constant sucking/holding of the air to create this display creates a ghastly shrieking/grunting noise, adding to the intimidation factor. With all that said, this display is not only painful for them to perform and hold for long periods of time, but also distressing to their psyche, therefore they do everything in their power to get the situation over with.
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bi-ocelot · 2 years
I just had a revelation thinking about endermen speculative biology. What if enderpearls are crystallized chorus fruit? Similar to oyster pearls.
Think about it, the only native food in the end are chorus fruit and they’re everywhere and endermen need energy so they probably eat it. But, speculating that endermen do not have typical digestive tracts and do not expel waste, then what happens after the chorus fruit is eaten? Instead of expelling waste, everything is retained to make use of every piece of energy in such a low nutrient environment. In the digestive tract the chorus fruit is drained of its teleportation properties and the fruit itself becomes basically, a raisin. After a period of time, enough secretions coat the raisin to become a pearl, much like an oyster. To which to pearl is coughed up or remains until it is shattered, and then coughed up.
The nature of the raisin pearl retains some teleportation properties and can be used by endermen as a source of teleportation when their source of energy has run out. A majority of endermen have multiple pearls at once but most shatter at death. Looting enchantments lower the risk of shattering multiple pearls.
Then to mites. Mite can be parasites or even enderman larvae (if given a lot of liberties) but in this situation mite eggs live in a dormant state as a grub within the chorus fruit and then pupates in the pearl, forcing discomfort so the pearl is expelled and hatched. So the mite is the pupating grub that is hatched too early for the full bug body (which I definitely want to draw and make a design for).
I do not know how eye’s of ender play in all this, and I’m too sleppy to figure it out. Uhhhh basically, nether and end do not mix, and when they do, bad/weird things happen.
It’s 4 am and I have two finals due within the next 24-48 hours.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions start a minecraft server. how do they play? who lives with who? who starts a war over their dog dying?
Companions play Minecraft
Cait; hardcore mode speedrunner who looks for increasingly difficult and mindfuck ways to kill the Elder Dragon. Why? Success is a kind of high you'll get from nothing else. Especially when you kill the final boss with nothing but eggs and slime pistons. When playing on Hancock's server, functions as a bodyguard during less-safe builds, like underground, or at the edge of the forest. The first line of defense during a raid. Does busywork for Codsworth in exchange for throwing eggs. Piper built a traditional Irish pub for her to live in and you can occasionally see her just staring at it in wonder. Is the one with the pack of wolves. The town graveyard is filled with her fallen pups. Also has a parrot, just to watch it dance to the pub's jukebox.
Codsworth; Does the busywork around the town Hancock and the others have built. Town is probably called Goodneighbor, let's be real. Tends the farms, the animals, makes food, etc. Does a little bit of everything. Takes care of Curie's zoo, goes fishing with Danse, gives opinions on building materials...pure chilling. Refuses to slaughter farm animals for meat, he's too attached. Fish, bread, and vegetables are on the menu in Goodneighbor. Lives in a quaint little birch cottage by the river, where he keeps flowers, bees, and chickens. All of them have nametags. Second line of defense during a raid—touch his potato fields, and enjoy eggs for your last meal.
Curie; Spends all of her time following and studying the more fantastical creatures, like Endermen. Keeps real notes in a notebook as she plays, theorizing on their biology. Endlessly fascinated with the convergent evolution between Villagers and Pillagers. Will often join Preston's archeology expeditions to discover the lore hints in the environment. Dies a lot, usually has nothing but seeds and dirt in her inventory. Keeps an area filled with specimens in appropriate pens. Puts bounties out for new creatures. Favors the axolotls and fish, though. Lives in the second floor of the zoo's visitor center.
Danse; Minecraft has a powerful aura of sad nostalgia, and I don't think he could handle it. Will help out in Goodneighbor by going and getting materials for building. Enjoys fishing more than anything, though. Gets very attached to his orange cat that sits on his bed. His dirt hut is on the outskirts of Goodneighbor, but is covered in flowers, paintings, and whatever else decor the others have put up. Nick dyed his cat's collar pink. Accompanies X6 on Curie's specimen bounties. Will sometimes stop moving. Don't worry, he's just enraptured by the music and is enjoying it. Or is being made very sad by it. Same thing, right?
Deacon; Pays money to change his username to look like someone else's every week. Changes to their skin, too, but edited to have sunglasses. Otherwise, Herobrine wannabe. If you don't know what that is, you are too young to be reading this blog. Deacon will make small, uniform tunnels, fill them with oddities like bone and paper. He'll leave structures reminiscent of crosses. He'll use armor stands and elaborate Redstone mechanisms, make it look like someone's watching you from the trees, only for you to step on a hidden pressure plate, and the figure vanishes. Adds to the lore of the world. Has a rainbow wool house filled with so many rabbits, the game crashes when he approaches.
Gage; You think Gage is playing a kids game? He has shit to do. Like pirate it and sell copies for dirt cheap. Not even to make money, he just does it for the principle. The principle of fuck you, I will make as many copies of this shit as I damn well please. Probably has his face hung up in Mojang HQ, with darts stuck in the one good eye. Would play if he could join the side of the Pillagers. Yeah, sure. He could just set villages on fire himself...but where's the community in that?
Hancock; Owns the server. Keeps it on harder difficulties for the challenge, but not so much of a...whatever you call Cait's type of player. Avid builder, Goodneighbor is a massive project recreating Boston. It's not quite 1 to 1, but still damn impressive. But, hey, if Bobby wants to build places from Grognak, that's chill. Doesn't care about aesthetic or accuracy, just wants to relax and let the creative juices flow. Hancock himself lives in a giant mushroom he made out of mushroom blocks, wool, and mycelium. Pet of choice? Mushroom cow, obviously, courtesy of X6.
MacCready; Got sick for a week. Built the entire Ux-Ron galaxy on the other side of the river. Doesn't remember it, was hopped up on Nyquil and chicken broth in hot water. The resident hunter, when he isn't on a grape-chicken-liquid diet. He's good at building, but can get bored quickly. Aim is...frightening. Can kill a chicken across any gulf. Takes the nightshift guard duty to shoot down Phantoms. His house is a crashed UFO. Even got Deacon to do his redstone trickery, so it lights up all blinky when you trigger a plate at the door. Has a parrot for a pet.
Nick; One of the more adventurous ones. Goes off with Preston, X6, and Cait to explore the different biomes. The resident potion master. It's just a puzzlegame, but for cocktails that can make you jump real high. Keeps a garden with various ingredients, often ventures into the Nether for blaze powder and rods. Has a spawner caged up, so he just smacks them through the door. Writes down all potion or poison recipes in an in-game book and quill. The trial-and-error- failed recipes are also listed, so it's 200+ pages long. His potion hut is built like a speakeasy, and he lives in the basement with a black cat. Would fill the place with ravens, if they weren't in the spin-off game. Third line of defense in town—keeps a chest full of splash poisons. Occasionally opens it and stares at them, like he's not sure if he's willing to commit such an act.
Piper; Obsessed with the underwater update. Always diving for treasure and sunken ships and temples. Keeps all of the knickknacks in a chest back at Goodneighbor, not even for use. Piper isn't even an ocean kinda gal in real life, but...it's so pretty! And the dolphins are so cute! Trades resources for water-breathing potions from Nick. Fills out so many maps, keeps them framed on a massive wall on the Goodneighbor docks. Also keeps a book-and-quill with coordinates and traveling notes, it's longer than Nick's recipe book. Lives in an underwater bubble habitat off the coast of Goodneighbor. Keeps a pink dolphin in a massive glass habitat outside.
Preston; Resident archeologist. Excavates ruins and structures to study them. Spent a month in real life sponging up an underwater temple. Even longer digging out an End fortress. Goes into mineshafts and renovates them entirely, puts signs and maps up. Takes X6 most often on his expeditions, has his own wall of land-maps. Preston spends a lot of time studying the builds left in the world and pondering the historical implications. Real theorist over here. He's fascinated with the subtle story telling and clues. The End keeps him up at night. His house is the huge community library. Also keeps books, writes down his notes and theories. Has a llama for traveling. If anything happened to it, would be very distraught.
X6-88; Resident mercenary. Nick accidentally summoned the Wither? There's a baby zombie running around? Deacon's rabbits have broken out the windows, and the server is in legitimate danger if the horde grows any larger? Get X6-88. Appears with a clap of thunder on his black warhorse, wielding only the most enchanted of weapons, wearing the most enchanted of armor. He does all the hard, dangerous work. Clears out the Nether, the End, Dark Forests, Pillager encampments...X6 is the hard hitter that goes out into danger, whereas Cait stays behind to defend. Is the one who leashes animals and painstakingly brings them back to Goodneighbor, occasionally with Danse's help. He lost his mind, looking for pandas for Curie. Keeps one as a pet in his house, which is the castle in the graveyard.
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sparrrorow-art · 1 year
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some doodles expanding on my Endermen design - aggroed + some biology headcanons
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especdreamy · 1 year
wait dude your thoughts on enderman biology seem neat, what else are some of your thoughts on how they work? u don't have to answer this w a drawing or anything, am just interested in hearing your thoughts!
I was meaning to add more pictures to illustrate my concept but its been over a week and I will never post this otherwise
First of all I wanna elaborate on end magic. Ever notice how the Nether portal gives out particles similar to those that surround endermen? well I thought like. What if End magic kind of. flows around all the different dimensions? and is invisible to the naked eye? and it connects them in a way? This was heavily inspired by the dust from His Dark Materials (y'all should read it or watch the HBO series. the worldbuilding in it is absolutely fantastic!)
Endermen can teleport through realms thanks to this end magic that connects them. End magic originates in the end and flows through other realms. The nether has the least amount of end magic flow due to the fact that it's less connected from the end (the "source")
While the amount of end magic doesnt really affect the realms in any specific way, it does affect the enderman life cycle in each of them!
More in-depth analysis of their body mechanisms and life cycles and the logic of it all under the readmore (WARNING: SUPER LONG, LIKE ALMOST 3K WORDS KINDA LONG, I HAVE A VERY SIMPLIFIED VERSION I MADE EARLIER THIS YEAR HERE)
Endermen bodies are made of end magic. But their real "life source" is ender pearls! Each ender pearl is unique and contains "code" that makes up an enderman's appearance (basically dna...but I call it code because video game and because theyre not organic...yknow?).
Code decides things like markings, eye shape, and ear shape - at least these are the things that cannot be changed and are basically "permanent". Due to the un-organic nature of their bodies endermen can shapeshift ever so slightly if they desire to, things like longer hair and sometimes height or body shape can be changed through time.
Most endermen have purple eye, markings, and insides colors, and also varying shades of dark fur - In very rare situations this differs, peobably due to anomalies on the code (glitches) or hybridation- but an enderman cannot willingly shapeshift these unless its written in its code, high-stress situations can glitch the code and lead to an enderman to acquire a different fur color or even different markings. <;- my explanation for purple-eyes in enderwalk and also some of the changes that my cranboo goes thru post-death.
Each enderman has a main, "central" ender pearl...its basically the ender pearl its born (or incubated? I'll refer to it as incubation from not on) with. Ender pearls without bodies have to be taken care of very meticulously because they're fragile and any stress in them can break them or make them too unstable to form a body to begin with.
If you were to look at an ender pearl in the process of it forming a body - You'd see it slowly pulling end magic (purple particles) into itself, and then it'll coat itself with a purple layer (or rarely other colors depending on the code), then it'll slowly form an outer layer that looks like the fur color, then limbs begin to separate until a youngling is fully formed!
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The amount of time it takes for an enderman to grow highly depends on the realm its in: Realms with more end magic lead to rapid growth and maturity, while realms with little end magic have very slow growth. Basically endermen born in the end mature in a comparatively short amount of time, endermen born in the overworld would reach maturity at a pace similar of an human, while endermen from the nether can take much, much longer to mature.
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Once an enderman is fully grown its aging becomes stunted. The longevity of an enderman depends on which realms it spends its life in, and whether or not it suffers injuries (More in depth explanation in points 4 and 6)
Ender Pearls are sort of like...black holes in a way? They pull the invisible end magic flowing through the realms, and that's how an enderman's body solidifies! They also can create something akin to worm holes for the enderman to teleport (or for players, I elaborate on how that works in point 7)
The enderman body is strange to explain. Try imagine an ice cube in which only the outside of it is frozen, while the inside is still liquid water. Enderman bodies have insides of flowing end magic, their "blood" in a way, while the outer layer or "skin" is more solid end magic to prevent the insides from spilling out. Pure liquid water (only water, liquids containing water like milk or potions dont count, solids like snow or ice also dont count) dissolves the outer layer, making it thinner or can even break it leading to magic leakage. Also the outer layer is...fuzzy? I wanted my endermen to be fluffy, my logic is that fur means more area of outer layer which makes it harder for water and other hazards to fully break through.
An enderman's chest is sort of hollow, basically a very thin layer of the outer skin and some magic to leave space for the ender pearl(s) to be in. The enderman's mouth-throat is the only direct connection to the ender pearl, energy is consumed from the ender pearl to keep the magic pull, so they need to eat sometimes to keep themselves...stable.
In point 1 I mentioned markings, well markings are areas where the outer layer is thinner and slightly traslucid - they match the color of the insides and have a faint glow. All endermen have markings in the chest/back (where the ender pearls are located) and under/near the eyes. Most endermen also have glowing markings on their fingertips and toes, and its not unusual for some to possess markings around arms and abdomen too.
Each enderman has an unique combination of markings (some can have same/similar chest markings but different ones on eyes or other parts and vice versa) and its sort of how they identify each other.
Whatever mechanism goes in there for the ender pearl to acquire the energy isnt fully fleshed out, but i'd say its pretty instant, kind of like throwing something to an incinerator. Endermen dont really need teeth to mush up their food due to this, so they dont have any really. You might notice that I never draw my cranboo with teeth (other than that little fang on the lip, but i'll argue that the fangs on an enderman's lips/mouth are more for attacking/defense rather than eating!)
Also talking about food, while many tend to hc Endermen as more carnivorous I'd say that they favor vegetables! Obviously they can eat anything but iirc hervibore animals get more energy than the carnivores that consume them in a way? Also since the only "food" that exists in the end is chorus fruits I think its logical to think that enderman diet is more veggie/fruit based rather than meat.
When an enderman reaches adulthood, basically the only work the ender pearl has to do is to keep its body stable, but this will slowly wear down the ender pearl no matter how much it tries to "maintain" it! Injury or lack of end magic around means extra work for the ender pearl to keep things together which equals shorter lifespans.
So with this logic, the end having little to no hazards towards endermen and also being the literal source of end magic leads to endermen that spend most their lives there to live for far longer. The Nether, being the realm with the least end magic AND with so many hazards means they have shorter lives. This is obviously only taking natural death/of old age into consideration.
When the main Ender Pearl begins to lose its magic pull, the enderman will start "producing" more of them in its core (To a maximum of 6 pearls). This creates more magic pull to keep its body together - but maintaining multiple enderpearls also needs more energy so older endermen tend to have stronger appetites. The magic pull extra pearls create isn't as strong as that of the main pearl though, and processes like healing an injury only strain the main pearl.
Extra ender pearls can be "Extracted" (Regurgitated) to make new endermen, refer to point 2 on how new endermen form! When a pearl is regurgitated it also acquires a thin layer of end magic from the parent, which makes it possible for the ender pearl to "survive" out of the body.
Although the new ender pearls tend to have very similar code to that of the original enderman, it is never the same! code isn't really copied but more like...influenced: instead of direct copy-pasting it'd be like trying to copy a classmate's homework - similar to be just right but not the same. I do not have a whole explanation on the mechanism on how pearls are replicated so, sorry about that.
Since end endermen consume less energy, they take longer to get to a stage in which they need produce more pearls - so they dont reproduce nearly as much as those from other realms. Nether endermen start reproducing very quickly after reaching maturity! Since they start producing new pearls earlier.
This also ties in with how real life animals work in fact, animals who have longer lifespans and less threats tend to reproduce on a lesser scale than those who have shorter ones and are prey animals.
Realm influences behavior around new ender pearls and younglings, and how they interact with each other:
Nether endermen are more defensive, and tend to live in small communities for self preservation and care for their slow-growing youth, theyre also very territorial of other mobs and anything they might find as a threat - this explains higher spawn rates in warped forests.
End endermen are very careless about ender pearls and younglings since incubation/growth is rapid and theres little threats around, but this can lead to pearls being left alone before a body can even form - its not rare for a pearl to be left on the ground and get broken or kicked off to the void due to passerbys.
Overworld Endermen tend to wander alone more, only settling in an area while they are taking care of an ender pearl/youngling, there's rare ocurrences of them having companions.
Grave injury like loss of a limb isnt always fatal, in fact an enderman can regenerate a limb on the span of weeks-months at the expense of a shorter lifespan (it's not like it can control this regeneration though). Usually when healing from an injury, the outer layer is more traslucid and acquires the color of the inside - they can look very similar or almost the same as a marking, the difference is that markings are permanent while all scarring fades eventually.
As explained in point 4, ender pearls need energy to keep the bodies together, and they wear out as time goes on - Outer layer damage requires more work from the pearl to heal, and this affects lifespan along with the kind of realm the enderman lives in.
A Natural death, or death of old age, means that the main ender pearl's pull has basically fully worn out, so much that not even secondary pearls can make up for it. The enderman will lose its appetite and become lethargic, and its body will slowly begin to disintegrate - one could basically see the end magic exude from their bodies as opposed to it being attracted during incubation.
Once the body reaches a dangerously low amount of magic, the enderman fully destabilizes and the leftover of its body dissipates abruptly.
The main ender pearl collapses and disappears with that, the survivability of the extra ender pearls depends on how the final dissipation ocurred, if the enderman was standing and they fall down to the ground they almost always always break or become too unstable to form bodies, but if the enderman was laying down there's a chance the extra ender pearls get a slight end magic coating from the dissipated body.
The way a dying enderman looks in an unnatural death depends on the injury.
Stabbing through the chest fully breaks the main ender pearl and the enderman dissipates instantly, any extra ender pearls also break in that instant.
To kill an enderman without a direct stab to the chest requires to create as much ruptures to the outer layer to exacerbate leakage of magic (or well...bleeding i guess?), at some point it'll reach the threshold that makes it destabilize, and its body fully dissipates.
Death by water exposure looks very similar to natural death, due to the water dissolving their outer layer the magic will leak out more evenly. Any extra ender pearls will not be stable to form a new body if theyre exposed to water after the enderman's death.
Endermen can feel pain due to damage from their outer layer, on the other side the insides are numb. When an Enderman dies of old age it isnt sudden damage to the outer layer rather than it dissipating, so they dont really feel pain but they also lose the sense of touch.
So yeah, last big point I'll flesh out is how Ender Pearls work when they're looted from a player - Traumatic and sudden deaths like Chest injury will break all of the pearls so they're the least recommended if a player wants to get some - unfortunately its very easy to go for the chest when you're being attacked by an enderman and want to get rid of it asap.
In the previous point I detailed how the "safest" way to kill an enderman and keep the ender pearls intact is through creating as much damage to the outer layer to cause rapid destabilization, it's important to not make the death too instant because sudden change in environment and too much stress can make the pearls break.
Its important to clean the ender pearls with water after acquiring them - this will take off any end magic coating and make them too unstable to attract more.
After this its important to handle them carefully, causing stress on them will also break them!
Throwing an ender pearl will basically activate the sort of worm hole endermen teleport with - but since the player is organic and NOT made of end magic they'll suffer damage from the teleportation.
Using Blaze Powder on an ender pearl to make an eye of ender will make it more stable and reactive to end magic - but it loses any teleportation capabilities, throwing an eye of ender will make it float towards areas with high levels of end magic (aka end portal!)
Endermen lack a sense of temperature - so they dont really feel too hot or too cold, but their chests tend to be unusually warm while the rest of the body is ambient temperature or the temperature of anything theyre in contact with.
Due to their shapeshifting capabilities, Endermen are very good at imitating sounds/voices. Their malleable bodies allow them to shift the anatomy of their throat to create different pitch, tones, and noises. An Enderman's throat by default is only capable of making the noises we usually hear from them in game.
While endermen are more intelligent than the average mob and can form social circles, most of them dont have a sense of individuality/society as a player does and are more instinct based/animalistic - This doesnt mean that they cannot achieve it though, as there's cases where an enderman can reach more individuality to the point where they can choose to do things like shapeshift-grow their hair out and style it, or acquire a sense of fashion, or identify with a specific gender.
They have retractable claws, but instead of retractable theyre...shapeshifted in?
They have paws on their legs and have 4 toes - they lack pawpads though, their paws are more similar to that of a rabbit (all fluffy means more sneaky and the solid layer helps protect while walking)
End Magic is, by default, a glowing purple-magenta hue when in a flowing state, and is traslucid to dark blue tones as solid - an enderman's body color can range from medium dark purple to dark blue depending on how thin or thick its solid layer is, but altering the arrangement of end magic particles down to a microscopic level can give colors outside of that spectrum with an extra energy cost.
Hybridation is a complex topic (looking at you, c!Ranboo), but I personally believe that enderman hybrids are more like- fully enderman who have "code" of another species in their ender pearl: The ender pearl makes the end magic arrange in a way that it resembles the characteristics of the other species accordingly, and it can even attempt to imitate bodily functions of the other species - But hybrid bodies are basically an enderman body 'shapeshifted' to an extreme and aren't organic in any way - ie: they have no blood, the complexity of their insides can vary, still depends on end magic.
Glitches can also make a non-hybrid enderman to have different capabilities from the "average" enderman or very different traits like eye/insides colors or physiology - sometimes (but not always) both.
High-stress situations or even near death experiences can also rarely cause glitches on the code - the new traits present after a few days/weeks/months (depends on the realm), less severe glitches tend to be rewritten with the original code within the lifespan of the enderman, but more severe ones tend to to last until death.
Hybrid traits and congenital (?) code glitches can be passed to descendants, but the code always has a tendency to converge to that of a "default" enderman one after several generations. This is because keeping a body outside of that framework is harder to maintain - more drastic differences tend to lead to drastically shorter lifespans.
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metfell · 1 year
you know i just realized delving into the blue avatar people could help with drawing endermen and getting their weights and proportions right. like this video im watching rn says that the females which are around 9 feet tall would weigh around 419lbs. what the fuck. so enderman at like 9'3" unless they have some weirdass biology to make them weigh less would probably weigh around that much
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transbeeduo · 4 months
I FINALLY FOUND MY ENDERMAN NOTES SO HERE'S FUCKED UP ALIEN BIOLOGY! Endermen have wisker feeler things some on thier face around where wiskers are on a cat and across thier spine to thier tail tips, they use these to feel around blindspots and communication via body language and rattling them. Endermen diets consist of endermites and chourus fruit, due to needing to reach into and climb chorus trees they have mandibles (I got this idea from someone else). Thier aversion to eye contact is purely instinctual and triggers thier fight or flight. I can send another ask or some old art going deeper into this so this ask isn't an essay if you want!
YOOOOOO YOOOO THIS FUCKING RULESSSS YEASSSS i love these allll sm i love the whisker/feeler thing especially that fucking WORKS SO WELLLL theyre so sensitive to eyecontact from strangers that they’ve evolved to be able to sense things all over…. ALSO YEAH FEEL FREE TO SEND AS MUCH AS U WANT THIS SHIT RULES
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vermilionstarlight · 2 years
Enderman Headcanon Stuff <33
Gonna start cutting these posts up into more manageable bits >:) this one’s about endermen, their biology (or lack of an easily explainable one) and their society. 
- there are various sentient races in my world, provided in the following list: Endermen, Goblins, Humans, Illagers, Piglins, Shadow-Walkers, and Villagers. This one’s about endermen, folks.
- Endermen, while not entirely sociopathic, universally find great difficulty in consistently feeling strong emotions or empathizing with other creatures. Endermen still feel love, still can be happy or enraged, but these emotions are often described as being “muted” or “muffled” by endermen. It’s not a feeling of “Oh it’s always been like this and I’ve never known this is wrong”, they genuinely feel like there is something beneath a heavy blanket or behind a thick stone wall that they can only partly sense. Most endermen force themselves to live with this feeling as a fact of life. (apologies for any parallels to any real experience this might be similar to, its completely coincidental and im just thinking up cool shit for fantasy races)
- Endermen do not have the capacity for fat storage, they simply don’t form it. Their bodies, even when not trained with excercise, are always lean and spindly. The weakest and least active of endermen seem like wispy twigs, and even then have surprising agility and fast-twitch muscle. The most active and powerful of endermen have impossibly strong, lean muscle across their entire body that seems almost supernatural (probably because it is). They average out at around 7′ 8″ (233 cm) in height, and average around 217 lbs (98.5 kg).
- Endermen have jaws that function on hinges like that of a snake, allowing them to open their mouths much wider than other races can. Endermen use their unique mouth and vocal structure to speak their language (which all endermen know how to speak as soon as they are created), which is called Enderian. Enderian is often described by other races as warped, distorted, and garbled snippets of various other languages, some of which aren’t even languages that are known. Enderian is incredibly difficult to replicate with humanoid vocal structures, but skilled and trained linguists can speak broken but passable Enderian. Conversely, endermen find it incredibly difficult to speak other humanoid languages, due to the same vocal structure issues. Most endermen instead use handsign, a language developed by endermen and for endermen in order to communicate effectively with others. Most know how to read, write, and understand a few humanoid languages, on top of their knowledge of handsign.
- Within an enderman’s chest lies their ender pearl, in a cavity that leaves the pearl partially exposed to the outside air. The ender pearl stores an enderman’s soul in life, and when they die and an ender rose sprouts beneath it (see below), the soul diffuses from the pearl. The ender pearl is unique in the fact that it accumulates unfiltered and un-’metabolized’ primordial mana from it's surroundings, and turns it into End primordial mana. Alongside its storage of the soul, it provides an accessible store of pure End primordial mana for an enderman to utilize as it wishes. It’s for this reason that all endermen are at least somewhat capable of magic, if only the unstructured sort that doesn’t require experience matrices. All endermen can teleport at will, and some particularly developed endermen are even able to travel between dimensions at the cost of almost all of their primordial mana storage.
- While ender pearls that are still bonded to an enderman’s soul don’t have the typical properties of an ender pearl, unbonded pearls do. Unbonded pearls are simply pearls that have been retrieved from the locus mortus of an enderman, and which have already diffused all of the dead enderman’s soul. An unbonded pearl will forge tentative bonds to any nearby soul over the course of a dozen or so minutes, but will never be able to fully form one due to the creature being either a non-enderman or already being bonded to an ender pearl. After forging these tentative bonds, an ender pearl can be shattered to spontaneously release all accumulated End primordial mana, causing the bonded creature to teleport to the point of shattering.
- Endermen do not need to eat much in order to survive, and do not need to sleep at all. This used to be attributed to a slow metabolism and unique brain, but most researchers agree now that an enderman’s body simply has unique negentropic properties that other things just... don’t have. This negentropic property of endermen also causes them to change internal body temperature incredibly slowly, and as a result they are not very susceptible to hypothermia or hyperthermia.
- An enderman’s eyes are another unique and as-of-yet unexplained abnormality of their biology. Endermen always, without any recorded fail or exception, have luminous purple eyes. Additionally, endermen have a supernatural ability to see in the dark, even in conditions that are completely devoid of light to reflect into their eyes. Some researchers propose that they actually sense via a completely separate method than the ones humanoids use to see. 
- Upon a creature making eye contact with an enderman, the enderman will be afflicted with a supernatural rage (directed at the poor sod that made eye contact) that fills their entire being, pulsating out from their ender pearl. Even obscured eye contact, like from behind a veil or mask, provides great discomfort to the enderman. It does not matter if the enderman is aware of the eye contact or not, simply gazing into their eyes will enrage them.
- It is not recommended to look into an enderman’s eyes, and even the most bumpkin-iest of uneducated farm boys knows not to look above an enderman’s chest, just in case. There is an ingrained instinct within other creatures not to look into an enderman’s eyes, a deep instinctual fear response from even considering the prospect. Other endermen, while instinctually knowing not to make eye contact, do not have this supernatural fear instinct, though it is still considered extremely taboo among endermen to look directly into another enderman’s eyes. It is considered an unquestionable sign of aggression, typically a request for a fight to the death, and even when the supernatural rage fades, most self-respecting endermen will continue the fight until the very end if they were challenged by another enderman.
- Water is pure anathema to endermen, and any contact with water will cause an enderman’s body to disintegrate as if simply being erased from existence. To an enderman, water is like an acid that functions via reality erasure. Unusually, only pure (or mostly pure) water has this effect on endermen. Other substances like blood or slime are not nearly as harmful to endermen, nor is solid ice, but they still cause discomfort in the form of a phantom-limb sensation on the body part in contact with them. Due to this, enderman can still drink alcohol, but only harder liquors, as softer drinks will cause internal organ damage.
- Endermen, as stated in an earlier post, spontaneously come into being, fully formed and physically mature, in the End rather than go through any sort of biological birth process. As a result, Enderman culture doesn’t have familial relationships like other cultures do. Instead of relying on a family to guide them in their early years, endermen often learn how to function on their own for a while, before finding a small Haunting of individuals to act as a surrogate family. They care for these individuals deeply, and this love is often equivalent in intensity to the love experienced between family members. It is highly valued by endermen, because it is one of the very few and rare emotions that are spared from the muffling sensation that all endermen experience with other emotions.
- There are very few actual settlements in the End, and most of it is an unexplored, untamed expanse that is dotted with small homesteads and shacks from travelers and isolated Hauntings of endermen. The few major settlements in the End are often built around significant landmarks or resources. The most well known of these cities is Iglica, a city built around the end portal, and it is considered to be the ‘capital’ of the End. At the center of the city is the ender portal, nested within a massive, one-of-a-pair dragon tree (the tree’s pair will be addressed in the post I’ll eventually make about shadow walkers <3). The city is encircled by intricately inscribed and enchanted obsidian spires. The spires, portal, and tree have been in that location since before the Ender Dragon was captured and subjugated, and it is unknown who or what created them. 
- The obsidian spires in Iglica are all topped with runed, rotating, floating crystals that sit atop their centers. These crystals are surrounded by irregular webs of mobile, jagged metal shards, suspended in space and seemingly protecting them. Any attempts that are made to approach the crystals are repelled vehemently by these unidentified metal shards, and no way to dispel them has currently been found. The crystals have not reportedly changed since the ender dragon was subjugated and imprisoned deep within the End.
- SPEAKING OF WHICH, the ender dragon used to be a notable nuisance to end explorers everywhere. She is highly terrritorial, and seemingly is the last of her kind. She vehemently harrassed any creatures that ventured near her roost within the massive dragon tree. at some unclear but almost ancient time, the legendary hero Stephen supposedly crippled and subjugated the ender dragon, and essentially dropped a hog-tied ender dragon onto the doorstep of the nearest settlement, whereupon the settlers would hastily move to build a prison compound for her deep within the outer islands of the End. The location of this compound is kept under high guard, and very few know of its exact location. She is currently kept imprisoned and her breath and shed scales are sold at a premium by the Central Thera Trade Company. Attempts to telepathically communicate with her have been met with death threats and promises of revenge, and have been discontinued after the 9th attempt.
- The ender portal (the one in the End and the one in the Overworld) are both pools of liquid that seems as if it’s made of endless cosmos. Stars sparkle in the virtually limitless depths. In order to travel in the portal, one must submerge themselves fully in the liquid and allow themselves to drown in it. This somehow does not cause bodily damage (psychological trauma nonwithstanding), and instead transports the creature directly to the opposing dimension once they pas out from oxygen deprivation, where they wake up floating on the surface of the portal liquid, unable to submerge again for a time. If they attempt to submerge again, they will simply wake up in the same dimension after they pas out. This causes there to be not much tourism to the End, at least compared to the Nether. Trade is generally only pushed along by traders from the End, as many Overworld and Nether people are hesitant to go through the process of dimensional travel, even for the fantastical and profitable resources that can be found in the alien landscape.
- Enderman funeral rites are somewhat unique because of the unusual remains that endermen leave when they die. When an enderman dies, its body turns to dust and mist, leaving only an intact ender pearl. If the pearl touches the ground immediately after the enderman dies, an ender rose sprouts beneath it and encapsulates the pearl in a thorny cage. ender roses are considered bad omens, and looking upon one is meant to give bad luck. After an enderman dies and a rose sprouts, a close Haunting-member is chosen or volunteers to retrieve the rose and pearl, dry and grind the rose to dust, then spread the dust into the Void and throw the ender pearl in alongside it. 
- chorus fruits are always in very high demand, and cost exorbitant prices even when they are in season. this is because chorus flowers only bloom every 3 years exactly. chorus plants have remarkably few flowers, and after the fruit falls it rots extremely quickly, leaving only seeds. chorus fruits must be retrieved and treated with venenum (Better end is a cool mod and i like to incorporate interesting mods into my headcanon ok) before being sold. this is an intensive process that requires a shit ton of time and focus, and can’t be messed up lest a whole harvest be botched. because of their high demand and insane prices, the wealthy often flaunt their status and riches by having chorus fruit pastries and jams served at their dinners. chorus fruits are tangy and sour, but still have a good bit of sweetness to them as well. id best describe it as a mix between a kiwi, a grape, and a lemon, so it can be an acquired taste for some.
- when the chorus plants bloom, a festival is held across the entire civilised portion of the End, where citizens all hang bolloom balloons (Endergetic Expansion mod) everywhere and beautiful murals are made using aurora crystal shards. during most of the festival, chorus farmers are busy treating and preparing their harvest, but once they finish they are welcomed to the festival with great celebration for their efforts. farmers that botched their harvests typically opt out of the festival out of shame, but if they don’t they are often given condolences by the festivalgoers and wishes of good harvest next time.
- At the end of every festival, trained professional performers will take ender pearls retrieved from fallen endermen that volunteered to donate their pearls after death, catapult them high into the air using slings, then launch themselves into the sky using dedicated spells, performing advanced aerobatics tricks, then plunging into the void, only to appear before the crowds from the pearls shattering onto the ground.
- Other than the previously stated points, endermen are a very decentralized people with very little racial culture to speak of. Due to their immense rarity and unusual lack of familial bonds and large communities, they don’t have many large, culture-spanning traditions. Most of Iglica and other larger cities is actually inhabited by humans, with a good scattering of villagers, piglins, endermen, goblins, and shadow walkers as well. The chorus festival is less of an enderman event and more of a general End cultural event. Even the previously mentioned funeral rites only apply in larger cities. Hauntings that live far away from civilization often have their own completely unique mannerisms, culture, traditions, and so on, with only a few scattered similarities.
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terriblehathat · 8 months
I. This morning. Will reopen this can of worms with which to lie in, as the one from years past is terrible and awful actually.
So I say to you, @femcube, once and for all. The Chorus Fruit of Minecraft is a vegetable.
First of all, there are two main parts of a Chorus plant, the Flower, with which is the only item usable to grow a new tree, and the "Fruit", which can be gathered from the stalk beneath the flower. Based on nearly all known specimens of plants on earth, this is the anatomy of the average Chorus tree as it is presented to us within the game.
My proposal, is that the Chorus plant grows in a similar style to many decorative flowers, (I don't actually know the botanical term for them but you know what I'm talking about) where the budding flower grows up from the ground via stem, the Chorus "Fruit" if you will, but then begins to branch out much like a tree, spreading new buds and stems off from the center. The bulbous appearance of the stem comes NOT from the individual fruits, but rather just an aesthetic appearance, you've seen the ackee, plants can look weird as shit, being a bit wobbly and in space is not really a crime. Plus your point a few years ago on the basis of the six sided flowering block I believe to be irrelevant entirely, it is much more plausible to call that a technical factor only, related purely to out of context game decisions, and unrelated entirely to the biology of the tree. If any of this is hard to picture let me know I will make another diagram.
Now, as opposed to branching out in the way it does to be able to gain more sunlight, the Chorus Plant does this to better spread the flower, it's seeds. You see, the Chorus Plant is seemingly one of only four biological life forms in The End. Given that Jean doesn't leave her island which has no chorus on it, and that the shulkers are exceptionally stationary and seem uninterested, I believe that environmentally the Endermen are the only creature to interact with chorus plants. They eat the vegetable stem, thus like many players breaking the rest of the sprig off to the ground, where the seeds of the Flower can grow a new tree far enough away so that as to not leech resources. Thus over time growing a whole forest.
When examining the lore and elements of a world within a concrete video game, there is little evidence to go off of outside of what is given to us by the design, features, and image of these objects. In the instance that you are examining something with little evidence, it is only sensible to come to the conclusion most likely and supported by the facts. All evidence and theory that you have presented to this date is both uncanny and unconscionable. With even you yourself admitting that there is seldom plausible environmental reasoning toward your theory. The only possible explanation I could surmise for why one would argue so wholly for such a thing with no evidence or even recognizable patterns would be to explain away the title of the Chorus Fruit item within the game, when all known and typical knowledge supports otherwise.
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
Thoughts on skulk?
hope you're ready for Minecraft Biology Class because you activated my trap card
TO BEGIN; I believe sculk is derived mainly from aquatic plantlife- this means things like kelp and seaweed, but also includes less 'cohesive' plants like duckweed (it is not weed for ducks im very sorry). As a result, any area overgrown with sculk is going to be humid and cold. Also, it does not smell good. It's like if you froze and then thawed rotting seaweed, with a hint of something metallic- not as intense, but you don't wanna get up close and personal with it yaknow.
While it has completely lost the ability to process light, it still has a limited capacity to absorb CO2 and nutrients from soil. It is unknown at this time if this is how it stays alive, or if it isn't alive in the first place.
Sculk carpet growth (the main block) is similar to moss in texture and appearance, but less 'carpet'-y due to the individual stalks being larger. Soft enough that you kind of sink into it a bit when walking, but firm enough that it's never going to steal your shoes about it. Some stalks store 'soul', or EXP, in a liquid state, creating those glowing dots. Don't ask me how that translates into green xp orbs I don't have an answer. bideo james.
Sculk veins look like something between common ivy/vines, and slime mold. The veins are less solid tubes and more like a very wet bundle of threads melding together, with some meeting points of several 'branches' storing EXP similar to the carpet. It isn't very hard to pull apart, and doesn't really seem to care if you do- it doesn't act like a damaged plant. There are some reports of them being capable of autonomous movement, but they have yet to be confirmed.
As previously implied, sculk is of artificial origin- emphasized by their ability to interface with redstone, and the fact that it cannot reproduce without a catalyst, which cannot be crafted. Though the records of those ancient cities lost to the sculk have long since decayed, the prevailing theory of the reason behind their creation is one of war. Reacting to noise and requiring no eyes makes it a solid counter to Endermen and their ilk, and the proximity of Deep Dark biomes to the Void, as well as the very name of the Warden, suggest an attempt to keep something contained- and it doesn't look like it was us.
Also, the Warden is my dad and I love him thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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countryfriedcatboy · 11 months
minecraft biology but im deranged :]
- enderman are infact descended from the ancient builders - they are much taller with longer bodies,arms and legs, they also have a almost rat like tail used for balance when on the island or the ships. - they kinda look like chimps with the fur patterns (covered in a layer of fur except for the hands feet and facial area) - endermen have small ears but very large eyes - so they don’t have the greatest hearing but do have be very good eyesight - they have extremely strong jaws and what was once human canines have becomes tusks of sorts (still in the form of canines aka facing downwards but far thicker and almost look like part of the skull by matching the skin color.) these help with their exclusively chorus fruit diet. the tusks and jaws help crack the outer layer and the inner teeth are made for the soft innards. - their claws are simply keratin nails        that have hardened over time.                  they are still bipedal - the hatred for eye contact is because in enderman culture it’s basically a challenge or a threat display. it’s impolite. like how monkeys don’t like smiling etc - also the parts of and endermen which are not covered in fur have small scales which help to protect the skin from the winds and small sand particles. they also have eyelids - villagers are basically modern humans with all our diversities of physicality and emotions but they all speak one language. like the tower of babel never happened basically - they function like how do in games they just aren’t caricatures also they aren’t defenseless and aren’t assholes they are legit just people that have been exclusively in the overworld and basically function exactly like us with trade agriculture hunting etc. - and iron guards are basically large iron robots/statues made with a lil magic and mortal ingenuity. they basically just look like big lads :] - players are also just people but WAY more diverse in terms of eye colors, bodies, and a lot of the time magic has influenced them and some are straight up animals. - ghasts. think hot air balloon and jellyfish have a baby and give it eyes - that is basically ghasts they are jellyfish  on steroids and how they fly is by using the heat and air currents of the nether to get place to place
- they shoot fireballs. don’t ask me how. they just do. i’m just gonna say it from buildup of particles from the air that they keep inside them to move around and it all collects together and they throw it at you as a defense mechanism - also we’re gonna say they are territorial. - piglins are just large pigs. they have skin and sweat ofc because of their environment and they also have large ears to help regulate heat. (think fennec fox) - they wear basic clothing made with hoglin skin and some tree parts - hoglins are really simple. giant pig on steroids it’s like a wild boar but with less fur cus it’s too hot for that - idk why they like gold so bad it’s a cultural thing. - they have our level intelligence but they have a language using grunting, clicks, and different length squeals - almost like morse code in a way but also based off those tribes in africa that have that kickass clicking language. - ALSO - the reason for skeletons and zombies etc is because it’s all related to fungus - same reason they’re are giant fungus islands l - think cudzo (the plant) - it basically takes over anything and feeds of the plants or creatures. but also think cordeceps which use the skeletons as body packs by getting in the leftover marrow and connecting up the skeleton to cause problems. same with zombies. fungus meat suit. - mooshrooms got the good end of the deal by have a symbiotic relationship with the cow going places and eating and feeding the fungus and the fungus acting as predator repellent cus nobody wanna eat that shit. except players cus we’re weird. - spiders are just a species that is built like that - also minecraft has all the species we have but add the mobs and other beats mc has - CREEPERS. - they are technically quadrupedal and have fucked up mouths. - the all black mouths is cus they have eyes like a insect sort of - the mouth is built like that. it connects to nostrils like a cat or dog mouth is just weird - they are actually herbivorous they are just extremely territorial and don’t know shit - think rhinos they see shit and go wild - they have weird fur it’s fur but weird - they have claws for self defense and for helping dig up good stuffs - they are really adaptable hence why they live in every biome - that’s why they have fur but also have sweat glands around the eyes (which also makes them look bigger) which helps with heat regulation
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spinnertop · 1 year
Fun thing I wanted to talk about regarding Tango and Xisuma as netherborn and voidwalker respectively. I'm not good at biology, and this might just make sense to me, but I like this headcanon.
So for my fic, I wanted some help writing it because the recent chapter focuses on parts of netherborn biology. For that, I wanted to make sure that I got most of it fairly accurately. One thing that I wanted to get right would be Tango's body temperature. In my head having someone live in a hot place, and their body being hot didn't make sense to me. So I decided to ask my friend who loves biology about that. She told me that in an environment like the nether, the body would actually cool down to save the brain from overheating.
That thought is fascinating to me because in fics we all see that people who the fandom considers netherborns (Tango, Sapnap, etc.) are described as very warm. It's even better when you consider the inverse.
So I personally like to think that the End is very cold, due to the fact it has no barrier between it and the Void. The reason I think the Void is cold is because a void is an absence of everything, including heat. So creatures in the End would have a higher body temperature to keep themselves from freezing. This means Endermen (at least ones in the End. I like to think they're all slightly different species but that's a theory for another day) are rather warm. Voidwalkers would also follow this rule. I especially like it for Xisuma because it brings out more differences between player races in all three dimensions.
I like this because it really doesn't change anything for the plot beats I'm planning. For example, because voidborns in this theory are generally warmer, they can't be in hot places for too long. This is an important part of my fic and I'm so happy that I have a way to explain the absence of Xisuma in one of the more crucial chapters coming up.
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daandyli0n · 10 months
fading fireworks
td!Tubbo is turning twenty. Time to celebrate :]
hey @rosysugarr here’s The Thing i was writing. it’s got beeduo in it :]
(so, my personal hc is that the characters share their birthdays with the ccs, so this thing takes place during December. ignore the fact this is a few days late.
also! while it’s briefly mentioned, ‘Winter’s Blessing’ is basically the Church Prime equivalent to Christmas)
(warning: referenced death)
He wakes up in his bed. His husband has already gotten up. Then he hears sounds of general chaos in the kitchen; Clementine yelling something about using sugar and not salt, and both Ranboo and Wilbur talking about how they were “friends with Niki” and “knew how to bake a cake.” Michael was confused about why they couldn’t add more sugar or use chocolate milk.  Clem sounded like it was about to have a stroke.
Ah yes. It was Tubbo’s birthday today. He forgot.
Primes, is he really twenty? He feels like he’s far older than that.
He gets out of bed, heading into the bathroom, the one that most of the household members use (there’s three bathrooms in this house. Tubbo specifically built it that way. And yet everyone insists on using this one). He grabs his toothbrush, a yellow and black one, decorated like a bee’s stripes, with dark green bristles, and starts brushing his teeth.
He picked the colors because it made him feel kind of like a kid again. The kid he was never really allowed to be on…that server. He felt like he deserved to feel like a kid again after all of that.
Quackity told him that it was called “healing your inner child” or some s**t. Tubbo would personally say that he just didn’t want to accept the fact that he spent the last two years of his childhood feeling empty, sad, angry, and grieving.
He couldn’t come to terms with the fact he wasn’t a child anymore.
Tubbo spit the toothpaste in his mouth into the sink. He cleaned the toothbrush off and put it back. He looked in the mirror, tracing over the firework scar on the right side of his face. A couple of months ago marked the three year anniversary of The Festival. The day he was trapped in a box. The day he looked in the eyes of a man he called an ally as he held a firework launcher to his face, a few seconds from pulling the trigger. The last day he was able to see out of his right eye.
He’s had nightmares on his birthday in the past few years. Unsurprisingly about the fireworks. The night before was no different.
Ranboo had to calm him down as he woke up crying and screaming. Tubbo has joked before that the nightmares on his birthday were a gift from Schlatt. And so, Ranboo soothed Tubbo, whispering a quiet “Happy birthday, Tubbo.” He scoffed back, “Got Schlatt’s present. Happy f**king birthday to me.” He managed to fall back to sleep, so at least things were starting to get better.
He slips the butterfly eyepatch that Clem made the previous year over his eye. He puts a sunflower sweater, that Clem also made for him the previous year, on as well. He was going to call this his Birthday Outfit.
He finally walks down the stairs, the Kitchen Chaos coming into view. Clem looked like they were about to pull her hair out, Wilbur was spoon feeding Ranboo vanilla extract, seemingly doing it to distress Clem further (ah yes. Weird Enderman Biology Thing Number Who-F**king-Knows-Anymore: Endermen Can Eat Or Drink Just About Anything Without Issue), and Michael trying to mix cake batter. Funny, concerning, and adorable.
Ranboo made a face. “Why does it taste like that? How does it make things taste good but it tastes like that?”
Wilbur shrugs. “I dunno man. Just one of those weird Overworld things, I guess.” He suddenly looked at Tubbo entering the room. “Eyy! It’s the Birthday Boy!” 
Tubbo got various different happy birthday messages:
“Happy birthday, Daddy!”
“Happy birthday, Tubs!”
“Happy birthday, Bee.”
He chuckles, smiling. “Thanks guys. Good morning.”
Clementine looks like she’s at her wits end. “Tubbo, thank the Primes, these two have no idea how to make a cake. They’re driving me f-....insane. They're driving me insane.” 
Wilbur had a mischievous look. “Oh? Why’s Michael getting left out of this?” Ranboo was trying to hold in laughter. Clem gave Wilbur an unimpressed look. “Michael’s the only one here who’s got an excuse, which is that he’s five.”
Tubbo rolled his eyes, smiling. He walked over to Michael, who was still mixing the batter, and ruffled the fur on his head. “And how’s my lil’ nugget doing?”
Michael smiled up at his father. “Makin’ you a birthday cake!” He goes back to mixing. “Daddy, why can’t we put more sugar and use chocolate milk?”
Tubbo laughed a little. Kids. “Well, it’s not in the recipe, I guess. If you want, we can make a cake later doing that, okay?”
Michael’s eyes lit up. “Really?! Thank you, Daddy!”
“No problem.” He started walking towards the living room. “Now, since you guys refused to let me help last year, and forced me to sit down, I guess I’ll just be in the living room reading. Have fun, guys.”
Clem had a look of mock horror on her face. “Tubbo, y-you can’t seriously be leaving me here to deal with this s**t alone.”
Wilbur quickly started up again. “Hey Ranboo! You want to try a spoonful of flour next?” Still trying to hold in their laughter, Ranboo nods. “Sure, I’ve always wondered how flour tastes by itself!” Tubbo knew that was a lie, given that Tubbo has witnessed Ranboo eat a whole handful of raw flour before, much to Tubbo’s shock, but he doesn’t mention that. They were having fun right now, and that was what mattered.
As Tubbo walked into the living room, He heard Clem let out a groan of annoyance, and then she suddenly piped up with, “NO NO NO, DON’T TURN THE FURNACE UP THAT HIGH, IT WILL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN-” while Wilbur and Ranboo burst out laughing.
The sun finally started to set, Michael and Yogurt were playing in the snow, and Tubbo was sitting on the porch, a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. Winter’s Blessing was a couple of days away, and Fundy had decided to come a few days earlier to celebrate, bringing Yogurt with him. Quackity had shown up earlier, bringing some gifts for Tubbo. It was mostly some little science projects for him to do, but Quackity also gave him a little journal. To write in, they said.
Right now, Quackity and Wilbur were having some discussion about how they were both doing, given that Wilbur hadn’t had a therapy appointment in about a week due to the holidays, and Quackity just wanted to do a check-in. Clementine and Fundy were reminiscing about their childhoods. And Ranboo- wait, where was Ranboo?
Tubbo heard the door open and felt footsteps coming behind him. “Hey Bee. You doing alright?” Ah. there he was. Tubbo sighs, “Yeah, just…thinking. About things…”
Ranboo, also holding a mug of hot chocolate, sits next to Tubbo on the steps. “Wanna talk about it?”
Tubbo thinks for a moment, trying to think of how to word his thoughts. “...It doesn’t feel like I should be twenty. I feel like I should still be sixteen. Or forty.”
Ranboo nodded, humming. “Uh huh.”
“I feel like time just…doesn’t exist anymore, y’know? It feels like the last few years were a blur, that…it didn’t happen. But it did.”
“Well…I feel like that, too. But I think that might be more of a memory issue thing for me..”
“Hm..” Tubbo pauses, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “...I had a dream after I went back to sleep.”
Ranboo seems interested. “Oh, really? What was it about?”
“...Techno was there.”
Ranboo sits there for a moment, his silence letting Tubbo know to continue.
“...We were sitting next to the L’mancrater. It was peaceful. He was petting a wolf, and I was enjoying the breeze and the sunlight, y’know; just chilling. Then he turned to me and just…bandaged my face. He was cracking jokes, trying to calm me down…he was acting like I had just been…y’know, blown up.” He paused to sip his hot chocolate again.
“He apologized to me. Like he did after The Green B**ch broke out. Like a genuine “I’m sorry for killing you.” I didn’t get that after The Festival. I was just told “Oh, I was peer pressured.” It’s just…he helped patch me up and apologized. It..felt comforting. It’s like my dream continued itself after I fell back to sleep.”
Ranboo nodded. “Well, that sounds good, Bee.”
“Maybe it’s my brain finally forgiving him. Or maybe my brain was weird about the nightmare. I dunno.”
Ranboo shrugs. “Who knows, could be one or the other.” They wrap an arm around Tubbo’s shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. “Well, whatever it is, happy birthday, Tubbo.”
Tubbo smiles. “Thanks, Boo.”
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imjustexistingtbh · 2 years
it all starts thousands of years ago - with an ancient race of humans living on the surface of the world. they built desert temples and great monuments, went mining, and sailed ships around the world. 
eventually, this group of ancient humans  discover a way to another dimension - the nether. they build portals all around the world, which have fallen into ruin over time. 
however, the nether is already inhabited by an intelligent species - the piglins. so the ancient humans stay away from them and build fortresses in hopes of farming blazes, which are a key component in their new technology and magic. 
for the most part, though, the ancient race stays in the overworld, building their temples and monuments and living peacefully. 
but something goes wrong. there’s some sort of disease, turning the ancient humans into undead monsters. some are immune to it, and stay on the surface. these people will eventually evolve into the primitive villagers, and lose their immunity in the process. 
those that aren’t immune head underground in hopes to escape the virus. they build the ancient cities and live underground for hundreds of years. 
however, the virus has evolved and spread. it’s started infecting the earth itself, and is turning the dirt and stone into sculk. with the sculk comes the sensors, shriekers, and the warden, and the ancient humans are no longer safe in their cities. 
at first they try and fight the warden. there are recordings of the battle - fragmented sounds preserved on a record that has long since been destroyed. but when an army of hundreds couldn’t defeat the warden, they realized it couldn’t be fought. 
so they line their city streets with wool and carpet, and try to stay silent. try to simply avoid the warden at all costs. but it’s much harder than it looks, and eventually they must flee the home they’ve inhabited for hundreds of years. 
the ancient humans remember stories of how their ancestors had once entered another dimension, and attempt to replicate it. with the nether being as inhabitable as it is, above ground being infested by the undead, and the underground being guarded by the warden, they desperately try to find somewhere else. anywhere else. they build strongholds as a temporary housing and get to work. when they finally make a portal to a new dimension, they all head in, and discover the end. 
the end is just as inhospitable as the nether, but in a much different way. there is almost nothing in terms of food, and no soil for the people to grow their seeds on. so, the ancient race must resort to eating chorus fruit. it’s annoying, having to deal with the side effect of teleportation, but they make do. they build cities and flying ships and slay dragons, all the while never noticing the subtle changes to their biology over the course of thousands of years. 
you see - the end is a low gravity environment, which allows them to grow taller without the force of gravity pulling them towards the ground. while the ancient people are growing taller, the effects of the chorus fruit are entering their bloodstreams, changing their abilities slowly. 
it starts with random, small teleportations. quick little jumps around their surrounding areas. eventually, some of the race now known as endermen grow strong enough to teleport out of the end dimension. they find themselves back in the overworld, and even in the nether. even though they’ve lost their building skills after so long, they still hold onto faint memories of picking up blocks and greeting others in their now-garbled language. 
now here you are. the player. you’ve come to a world that was previously inhabited by some ancient race. a world where you can still find echoes of the past civilizations. the only things that could be called somewhat human are villagers and endermen. the villagers are so far from what they once were that they’ve lost all ability to communicate with you. they’re stuck with primitive towns and tools, and live in fear of the monsters of the night. the endermen have retained their ability to build, but only barely, and speak to you in a language you can’t quite understand. 
you, the player, help the villagers. you trade with them, you protect them, but you can never truly communicate with them. you, the player, kill the endermen. they’re not helpful to you in the same way the villagers are, and will occasionally drop a shiny green pearl. you’re not quite sure what they do, but you save them anyways. 
as your survive, you find the echoes of the ancient race, and are determined to find out what happened to them. you’re determined to find someone you can call family.
so you follow in your ancient ancestors’ footsteps. you find the ruined, decaying, portals, and venture into the nether. you learn how to barter with piglins, how to use blaze rods to make potions, and how to stay safe from the deadly skeletons who haunt the old fortresses. 
you then find the ancient strongholds, filled with bookshelves and old weapons. you figure out how to get into the end dimension - using blaze rods and the pearls the endermen drop, and find yourself facing a giant dragon. 
when you kill it, you venture out into the empty dimension and find tall structures - ancient cities unlike the ones found in the overworld. inhabited only by the endermen and hostile shulkers, you’re surprised to find weapons and loot from the overworld in their chests. your ancestors must have been here. you search more and more, but can’t find anyone you’d call human. 
eventually, you stop scouring the end islands and begin to head back. you’ve almost given up on finding the ancient race, and are just about to head back to the overworld when you hear an enderman say something. 
“hello” it says, garbled so much it’s almost incomprehensible. as you realize the endermen have been speaking your language this entire time, you’re hit with the horrifying realization that maybe the ancient race is still here, just in a different form. that your only hope of finding someone else like you is gone, and although you live in a world with so many echoes from the past, you’re completely, utterly alone. 
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transbeeduo · 27 days
thinking about endermen biology again to me endermen shed their horns around the wintertime, and have them reach full height in the spring/summer months. they’re often seen as like a status symbol, with the endermen with bigger horns often having more respect amongst their peers and often being stronger. I feel like their horns are also EXTREMELY important to them, and they will spend a lot of time taking care of them, and will cover up pointy bits to rub them affectionately against people they like. (Or using them to mark territory both kinda work here)
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