#engame spec
sometimesrosy · 5 years
Do you still think flame!Clarke will be reunited/engame with L in the flame even though Gaia said consciousness can’t exist in 2 places at once? Tbh I think they had her say that just to prove her wrong later, so I wouldn’t be surprised if your spec was right. Especially because apparently Eliza said CLs & BCs would be happy with ep 7. CLs are hopeful for an L return because Shumway came back to write this one episode, but she wrote “Nevermore” so that’s prob the main reason she wrote this one
No. Because Clarke’s story is the real world story. Her story with Lxa was a part of HER hero’s journey AND love story with Bellamy. 
Shumway had written more than just CL. She’s not the Lxa writer. Nevermore wasn’t about L. Nevermnd probably won’t be either.
Might she show up? SURE. She is in the flame. That is her. We’ve already had her talking to us. That was her. The people saying it was a ghost or a memory are resting on their personal ideas of AI. 
In THIS story, it seems as if the AI actually is storing their SOULS. It’s not just their brainwave patterns. Which could be copied. Their souls can’t be copied. That’s why, according to Gaia, I think, she said they can’t be in two places at once. 
Oh. but.
If Gaia WAS wrong (she did look confused.) And Clarke WAS there. OH.
But the flame stores SOULS. But we take this concept from a different convention…not like Doctor Who when they made a copy, but rather like Voldemort when he split his soul. Clarke didn’t cause evil, if her soul is split, but the splitting of the soul would weaken her. 
That means that Clarke has been without half her soul since season 3. Which maybe explains how dark she went, how she could never find peace, and can’t quite do more than sacrifice herself for other people, and is suicidal. 
What if… if Clarke IS in the flame, and she’s not supposed to be, so it’s not a complete heda, when Clarke is returned from Josephine’s bodysnatching, maybe with the help of the flame, we also get a return of whatever the flame stole from Clarke when she went in to shut down the COL. 
That’s the opposite of endgame flameCL. That’s L letting go of the flameClarke so real Clarke would be whole. Now THAT is a redemption for the selfish tyrant who kidnapped clarke to keep her all for herself. That would be interesting. Not sure it would make CLs happy though. 
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