#enneagram 468
playsthetics · 2 years
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Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (24/27)
468 (The Truth Teller)
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absolutely nobody:
48 combos:
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ifievertoldyou · 1 year
thaw!tntduo enneagram analysis
so i've already been over thaw!quackity's enneatype, but now i'm going to add a few things here that i forgot to mention before. and after that, i'll analyze what thaw!soot's type is and then compare it to quackity's :]
ok, so read the original post if you want to learn more about what this all means, but just to review, thaw!quackity is a 8w7 with a sp/sx subtype. he's part of the aggressive stance and gut/anger triad, which means he struggles the most with anger and he expresses this outwards, against people.
but there are other triads that i didn't even mention in my last post. there's harmonics, which is how we handle conflict and not having our needs met, and there's object relations, or basically, how our parental wounds manifest and affect ourselves and others.
for harmonics, quackity is an 8, which is reactive. reactive types are the most emotional under stress, and since 8s are in the anger center of intelligence, their most emotional reactions have to do with anger. reactive types very deeply need to share their emotions with other people, so they're usually very emotionally honest (though 8s still refuse to let themselves get vulnerable with this honesty). when they face conflict, their emotions get brought up in it too, in contrast to the competency harmonic, where the arguments tend to stay more objective, or the positive harmonic, where conflicts tend to be avoided at all costs, but when they do happen, emotions get suppressed in favor of maintaining peace.
and in object relations, quackity falls under the 'rejection' category. this means that he rejects one aspect of himself, and he compensates this rejection by overemphasizing something else. in the case of an 8, he rejects his need for unconditional love and nurture, and compensates by acting much tougher and more independent, as though he didn't even need anyone to show him these things anyway (even though he very much did, and still does)
there's also tritypes. this is a stack of a leading/core enneatype (what i've been talking about up until now) along with two other enneatypes in the different centers. so quackity's core would be an 8, in the body triad, but he also has an enneatype for head and heart that, when all 3 of them merge, interact in unique ways to form a tritype for him.
for thaw!quackity, i'd say that he is a 835. this is sometimes called the 'solution master'.
one of the ways that the components of these tritypes interact is through the different triads of each enneatype.
for example, the 3 and the 5 are both part of the competency harmonic, so for both of them there's an emphasis put on being objective and doing things properly. 3s demonstrate this by repressing their soft feelings so they can be more productive, usually having a very good (and questionably healthy) work ethic, and 5s do this by seeking knowledge and trying hard to be detached from things. we already talked about 8s and the reactive harmonic, which is the opposite of keeping conflicts objective, so his core 8 kind of counteracts the 3 + 5 emphasis on objectivity a bit, though he still can separate his emotions from things when he needs to, and these non-leading types can definitely still be seen in quackity's conflict resolution. we definitely can see the 3 in how he (and now q) handles his internal conflicts, with his tendency to become a workaholic to avoid his feelings and stay productive, though he's started catching himself more on this little habit of his.
also, 3 and 8 are both in the aggressive stance, while 5 is withdrawing. this means that for 3 + 8, they are oriented against others when they need to get their needs met, they have a very strong sense of self, and are very action-based in getting what they need, while the 5 needs to move away from others to preserve themselves and their energy. 5s are much more detached from the world than the other types included here, and they meet their needs solely through themselves, and have difficulties with actually taking outside action for themselves.
in object relations, 5 and 8 are both in the rejection category, so they distract themselves from the pain of not getting a need met by amplifying another. in the 5's case, they likely didn't have a good sense of belonging growing up, so they try to take on everything by themselves, and work to protect themselves (usually through accumulating knowledge), but this makes them reject the vulnerability of the human condition, and makes them unhealthily independent. 5s settle for things that are known, rather than the unpredictability of love and vulnerability. meanwhile, 8s didn't get much unconditional love or nurture as a kid, so they amplify their toughness and act invulnerable, completely rejecting any need for these things, settling for being feared or respected, instead of loved. the 3, meanwhile, is in the attachment category, because they are very concerned with being likeable to others, to the detriment of their own well-being. 3s care the most about their image, and they are willing to be and do whatever it takes to get "unconditional" love from others, though they tend to just settle for being admired if they can't have that. they focus intently on being marketable to others as a person, and they get really ashamed when they do something to bring their "value" down, even when they're just being a normal human.
you can definitely see this with how quackity is with all of his masks around everyone, how he always shifts his body language to be less threatening when slime's around because he wants him to be comfortable around him, how in his first pov chapter, he literally is having a Breakdown over a nightmare, but he's more concerned with not digging his nails into his palm bc he knows the patrons will notice and question it, and he wants them to revere him and focus more on spending their money and less on questioning his authority. even him making a point to not take off his shoes anymore now that q lives with him is an example of this... i could honestly go on and on about quackity being just Such an 8 + 3 type, it's literally so him, man.
the 5 + 8 combo makes the 3 much more power-seeking, the 3 + 5 makes the 8 more competent, and the 3 + 8 makes the 5 much more aggressive, so these 5s are more likely to actually get things done.
all 3 of these types are the ones that are arguably the Worst with emotions; 3s, even while being in the heart triad, detach themselves from their emotions to be more efficient and impressive, 5s put a much higher emphasis on logic than feelings, because feelings are too messy and unknown for them to want to deal with, and 8s think that their emotions make them weak so they tend to only let themselves feel anger. when they're all paired together, you get one very emotionally illiterate motherfucker (/affectionate), particularly when none of them are integrated, or even aware of these problems to begin with.
they're a very blunt type, and are extremely good strategists, but they also have some deep struggles with being truly vulnerable with others.
ok, so we've gone over quackity's type and tritype, so now let's find soot's.
i implied last time that soot is an 8. but! i did some thinking, and actually, 4 is WAY more fitting for thaw!soot's core type (cc!wilbur saying a few years ago that eight, from sleeping at last's enneagram-themed album, being a fitting song for c!wilbur is still so true, but i really do think that 4 is a better type in thaw!wilbur's case. 8 is still very much in his tritype, but we'll get to that later...)
4, the individualist/romantic type- this type puts a massive emphasis on their self-image. they feel fundamentally different from everyone else, in both good and bad ways, and they may get overly attached to these differences of theirs, either by thinking that they don't deserve good things because they believe there's something inherently wrong or broken with them, or else by viewing other people as shallow when compared to them. 4s want to create and have beautiful things around them, and to find ways to express their intense emotions to others. they're very often very articulate and poetic people.
withdrawn stance- this type has a tendency to withdraw in order to protect their feelings and sense of value. being a withdrawing type, 4s have a tendency to focus on what happened in the past, and hold tightly onto the things that hurt them, constantly ruminating on how they could have done something differently. they often don't need other people to help them make decisions like the dependent stance does, instead making decisions in the privacy of their own hearts.
heart triad- also known as the shame or image triad, this triad is most concerned with who they're supposed to be to themselves and others. they feel intense shame when they don't measure up to that idealized image, and are very aware of their own emotions, sometimes to a painful extent. being in this triad causes 4s to feel a heavy amount of shame about how they are as a person, and they cope with this by putting more focus on their individuality and/or by living in a fantasy world where they don't have to deal with the bad parts of life, or themselves. 4s can feel extremely empty, incapable and ashamed because of this center.
4w3- these types are both in the heart triad, so they are very people-focused, and struggle with intense shame. the 3 wing makes these types of 4s much more ambitious and even more image-conscious than other 4s are. the aggressive stance of the 3 causes the healthy 4s to be more outwardly productive (though an unhealthy 4w3 can become stagnant, since unhealthy 4s often fall into major depressive episodes, and the 3 disintegrates to a 9, which is a Very unmotivated type when unhealthy).
sx/sp instinctual variant- sexual types are the types that crave stimulation and strong chemistry with other people. they need energy and deep connection in their relationships. these types often come off as more aggressive or emotionally intense, and sx 4s have no qualms being vocal about their needs, and may express their feelings of rejection, anger and frustration to mask how sad they really feel. meanwhile, self-preservation types adjust the environment around them so that they can feel more comfortable. these types need more security in their relationship, but there's less of an emphasis on it for wilbur here, since sx is the dominant one for him.
(dis)integration- like every type when under stress, 4s first take on the unhealthy aspects of their own enneatype, in this case they can become very rigid, moody, depressed, controlling, overly prideful and have more pity parties. and if their stress is particularly intense, or if it lasts for a while, they may eventually go to their disintegration point, which is 2 (kind of interesting how 2 is the integration point for an 8 and the disintegration point for a 4... ;]), so they begin to take on the unhealthy aspects of this enneatype too, becoming more clingy, manipulative, controlling, overly sensitive, codependent and overreaching, they also act out more, push and pull with people, and feel more like a martyr. integration, on the other hand, causes 4s to act more like a healthy 1, becoming more emotionally stable, objective, and principled than 4s usually are. they become much more grounded when they integrate.
tritype- 468, the 'the truth teller'
the thing that stands out the most for this tritype is that every single type that makes it up is part of the reactive harmonic, and they are in Entirely different triads everywhere else. so the big common thread between them is the fact that they are extremely emotionally expressive on all fronts. this makes them respond Immediately to anything that they perceive as a threat, regardless of whether it actually is or not. they are very skilled when faced with life-or-death situations. their arguments are always very emotionally charged, and they probably have the best instincts out of any other tritype, being very sensitive to Any potential threats out there. there is a constant sense of urgency that leads their actions, and they have very fast reaction times, which is sometimes useful, but other times, causes them to be seen as "too much" for it, particularly when the situation doesn't seem like a life-or-death one. 468s are great at finding flaws in things, and are also not ones to hesitate in voicing their concerns. (think: atol!soot Immediately picking up on a loophole in quackity's vow that could damn him)
when these types are stressed, they become even more reactive than usual, and may become more anti-social and defensive if people don't actually listen to the concerns they present. though 468s have a tendency to alienate people when they bring their concerns to light, which causes others to not want to listen to them, or even to be offended by it. these types have a very strong tendency to see things as a matter of black and white, causing them to come off as even more intense, and to see their fears as much bigger than they actually are. they have immense difficulty with self-soothing, because the dependent stance of the 6 causes them to need others to validate their fears.
these types deeply struggle with letting go of things, whether it's their deep emotions and feelings of betrayal, letting go of their total control of the situation and handing it off to somebody else, letting go of the need to convince others that they're right, or letting go of the things that they believe to be true. whatever it is, things tend to build up easily for these types, with the intense emotions from each type easily overwhelming them and putting them into fight or flight mode. it's only by letting go of their worries that they will start to actually find some peace. "if i can't have l'manberg, no one can" is a very good demonstration of this type's inability to let go of things, to the point where it ends up hurting both them and others. and atol!soot shows some good growth in this department, when he actually trusts that tubbo will be able to handle l'manberg, and so he steps down, but Doesn't head to the button room to destroy it all like he does in most of the other versions of the story, he lets it happen, and l'manberg and its people are way better off as a result of that. there's a reason why new l'manberg had so many more financial difficulties in thaw vs atol, and it has to do with wilbur actually finding peace and letting go.
since wilbur's type is led by a 4, this makes him much more emotional. expressive and argumentative than this tritype when it has different leading cores. this variation of the tritype is very often mistaken for an 8 core (and that's what happened to me with him before, go figure), since these types have massive fears of being misled and being powerless, and these fears only intensify with the core 4's extreme passion for everything. it also makes them very defensive and fiercely loyal to those they are attached to, and as a result, causes them to come off very 8-like, moreso than even this tritype with an 8 leading, since the non-leading types actually soften the 8's harsher characteristics.
and now have some object relations analysis
4- frustration. 4s developed a strategy of believing that anything outside of themselves is shallow, due to the frustration they developed for not getting protected or nurtured causing them to focus on themselves.
6- attachment. 6s don't like blindly following rules or guidance, and costantly feel the need to double-check things that seem certain to others, even their own brains can't be trusted sometimes. they usually turn to their support systems to listen to their worries, and for a sense of confidence in their concerns, though it also depends on the Kind of 6 for how much they take the opinions into account. 6s are the most motivated by fear, and are very prone to scrutinizing everything. they always need to have a backup plan, and constantly run through worst-case scenarios of everything in their heads.
8- rejection. i've already talked about this before. 8s didn't get protected when they were young, so now they act tougher, like they don't need to be protected anymore.
so, what does thaw!tntduo have in common with each other? of course they both share the 8 in their tritype, but it's a core type for quackity only. 4s and 8s do have a lot in common, though. they're both reactive so they express their emotions in very intense ways compared to the other types, and, as i mentioned a bit ago, they both share a point at 2, though 8s go there and take its healthier traits when they're relaxed, which is the exact opposite of what 4s do.
they also both have the same 2 instinctual variants, but sp is dominant for quackity, while sx is dominant for wilbur.
also, quackity is an 835, while soot is a 468. notice how their heart types, 3 and 4, and their head types, 5 and 6, only have a difference of 1? yeah, they're in each other's wings. this is a whole other thing that i'm not really going to get too much into rn, but i'd argue that the wings (because there Are actually wings and instincts for each part of the tritype) for quackity's other types are 5w6 and 3w4, and vice versa for soot.
quackity has a withdrawing head type, so when he's scared, he gets more inward about it, getting lost in his head, trying to logic his fear out without bringing others into it. his thought processes have a bigger emphasis on building off of the past. meanwhile, when wilbur's scared, he's more likely to share the fear with others, and he's more geared to what's going on in the present. wilbur also has a withdrawing heart type, so he can get stuck in the past (but moreso about his regrets rather than fear) and lost in his emotions quite often. quackity's heart type, on the other hand, is aggressive, so he's much more worried about outward identity rather than inward, and his motivation is much more future-focused. them having each others' wings does cause them to have some of each others' traits, though they still tend default to their actual type.
they also both have aggressive and withdrawn stances in their tritypes, but quackity has two aggressive stances, and they're both higher than his withdrawn stance, while soot has one of each stance, with withdrawn and dependent being higher than his aggressive type. i could Totally compare these stance combinations to their matriarchal archetypes rn but dont worry, i'll spare you guys from that, i'm pretty sure y'all get the idea by now ;p
both of their core types integrate to a dependent type, but soot's is in the competent harmonic, while quackity's is in the positive one. this causes soot to become more objective and balanced than he was before, while quackity gets more reassurance that people are good and that it's going to be okay (this also can apply to soot too, since he has an 8 in his tritype, but i think he's already Kind of there, since he has 'tommy' and 'things working okay' overlapping pretty dang closely in his brain, he just needs to be able to apply it in a more relaxed, further reaching way, like how he's started to do in atol)
but what about the relationship dynamics between type 4s and type 8s? well, they're the most emotional types in their centers, so they are both very passionate and intense, and chase excitement and feeling alive in relationships. both these types have a ton of intensity, which can work out well for them to have someone who can match their passion. but they also both don't want to be controlled by others in any way, and 4s have a tendency to dominate emotionally, which 8s may perceive as a threat, and it works the other way around too, with 8s striving to dominate socially, and 4s disliking that. confrontation has the potential to sprout easily between the two of them, with arguments quickly becoming a battle on who has the most control. often, these arguments of theirs will tend to spiral out of control and replace any real connection, since anger is also an intense emotion, just like love. things will work out a lot better between them if they learn to control their impulses and regulate their emotions more, so that they won't end up feeding this vicious cycle and burning themselves when they fan the other's flames too much so they can bask in the warmth for a bit.
i could go on, but yeah, basically, tntduo are both led a lot by their emotions, but quackity is led by his anger, while soot is led more by his shame and negative self-image. both of them are still very image-conscious, even if quackity's core isn't in the image triad like how soot's is, and both can still be very aggressive, though for quackity it's because his core's in the aggressive stance, while for soot, it's moreso because of the things that add onto his core type, like his wing, instinctual variant, and tritype.
ok that's all, hopefully this made at least somewhat sense. but thanks so much for reading !! ^^
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counterphobes · 2 years
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spsx + reactivity triad influence
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lemonthepotato · 4 months
Muffins Ennea ADDENDUM:
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I wasn’t planning on making a follow-up to that post, but mama/dada’s got some ideas cooking. Mama? Dada? What’s the non-binary version of mama? Nvm, it would sound cringe. I think I’d rather misgender myself than call myself a ‘zaza’ lmao. 😭
Anyway, that post was kinda dogshit. I mean, I stand by a lot of what I said, but I also don’t. So, this is my full personality profile of the bakers!
So, let’s go over the conclusions I made last time:
Pinkie Pie: Enneagram 7w6 with a SP instinct.
Inkie Pie: Enneagram 8w7 with a SX instinct?
Minkie Pie: Enneagram 4w5 with a SO instinct.
Blinkie Pie: Enneagram 4wX with a SX instinct.
Babs: “BABS IDFK SP5?? SO5?? FUCKING SP8 dawg I’m too angry to care.”
I don’t agree with all of these anymore, but I stand by the fact Minkie and Pinkie are probably enneagram 4 and 7. I’m not entirely sure of Minkie’s instinct.
In this post, I am going to be breaking down EVERY piece of EVERY characters typology. Maybe I’ll even go into the victims typology in the story? Prolly not.
Minkie Pie 🥧
After some consideration, I decided Minkie Pie is probably an INFP. And it seemed the consensus on PDB was much the same, which made me immediately reconsider. Just kidding. So, my reasoning is that she is an obvious Fi dom. There’s little question there. Genuinely not understanding how someone thought she was a Fe aux. But the question remains about Ne vs Se.
Minkie has a lot of creative, but practical ideas. And I wouldn’t say she has more ideas than she can execute, nor is she stuck ‘in her imagination.’ So, I can definitely see a Se argument. However, she dwells on the past a lot, which is why FiSi makes more sense than FiNi. In her LARS, I mean, Mad Madusings, she constantly compares her past to the present. She does this to prove some sort of overarching idea, which could be FiNi, but hmmm… her ability to “just know lies” is also very FiNi. I’m torn. Actually, I think I’m going to go with IXFP. She’s clearly a Xe aux. Kidding. INFP makes sense. But ISFP also makes sense especially when in her mad musings she always makes conclusions about people based on past experience to form some sort of archetype of person. Which is Ni…
Ni can look like Si, but Si is more routine based than Ni. I’m gonna go with ISFP for now.
Enneagram: 4w5 (so/sx/sp blind)
Enneagram so4w5 seems right, but I’m also open to sx4. Though, Minkie doesn’t particularly seem envious of others as like, an overarching trait. She just seems pissed at the world. I suppose that could be sx4. I’m a little torn.
Also holy shit, my Ne brain just realised The Game. Minkie’s life is like a video game, trying haurd to beat the stage.
Anyway, I don’t know tbh. Sx4 makes senseeee, but Sx4 is shameless. Minkie is not. Unhealthy so4, ig.
Tritype: 459.
Minkie is obviously a so4, but what about her tritype? Well, because I think she’s a 4w5, her head type is 5w6. Her gut type then, is probably 9w8. I don’t have much good reasoning.
Socionics: ESI
AHH. I hate socionics. I really do. Because I don’t understand it, so it’s bad. Jk. Uh, so, I don’t know. I’m going to go with uh ESI but I can also seen an argument for anything because idk lol.
Big Five: RLOEN.
I don’t like big5 much lol.
Psychosophy: No.
Okay, psychosophy is something I don’t understand.
Temperament: Melancholic.
Come on, it’s really obvious?
Classic Jungian: IF(S)
Pretty obvious.
Conclusion: ISFP IF(S) ESI RLOEN so4 w 5 459 melancholic [dominant].
Blinkie Pie 🥧
Blinkie SX4 is something I stand by. It makes the most sense for her character. She’s probably a sx4w3, as she’s focused on accomplishment and ‘authenticity.’ Her tritype is harder to crack down. She doesn’t seem like a very intellectually driven type, but she does value community ‘at least if we were all locked away, we’d have each other.’ Which is an argument for 6, however… I don’t know. Probably 468. Her MBTI… ah god. Okay, so, unlike that one Deviantart post, I am going to go out on a whim and say she’s probably not an ESTJ. Cognitively extroverted 4 is pretty weird. I’m completely unsure of her MBTI. She has values, but they’re influenced from her friends and father. But Fe anywhere in her stack is weird. ISTJ could work? In Inkie’s Stellar Obsession, she spends the whole time telling Inkie how ridiculous her idea is. Granted, it’s also because she doesn’t like Stella (Fi) but still. ISTJ 4 is uh… weird. So maybe ISFP? I know I’m switching stacks but ugh. I don’t know. Te-Fi is obvious. Si-Ne and Se-Ni I’m more confused about. Maybe Se? She’s very practical. ISFP is the best guess I can give. Then, that would be ESI again, right? She’s probably SCOEN. And yes, S makes sense because introvert =/= unsociable. And she’s not limbic, just because she’s mentally ill. She’s probably a choleric-melancholic?
Conclusion: ISFP IF(S) ESI RCOEN sx4 w 3 468 cholmel.
Inkie Pie 🥧
Enneagram: sx8w7
Inkie, a character I wasn’t sure about. I’m still not convinced she’s an 8. She could be a 9. But she doesn’t seem to struggle with self-inertia.
“Ah, Marblestone "Inkie" Pie... what a Sugarcube. Inkie is the second oldest of the four pie sisters, though she grew up as the oldest since Minkie had not been found yet. she is often very honest, but if you are not on her good side, her honesty is blunt and very insulting. she speaks in a firm, low voice, and is very confident. she seems very proud, holding her head up high and walking with a strut. she has heavy lidded eyes, and her smile can be quite intimidating and frightening, even when she tries to act casual. inkie is a natural born leader, and has been known to be the "protective" pony of the group, and makes a majority of decisions. sometimes she gets pissy when her decisions are shot down, but this never lasts long when it comes to her friends and sisters. Inkie has the ability to love as strong as her ability to hate. she often uses pet names toward her friends and sisters, such as "hunny," "sweety," "sweeatheart," "love," "dear," and many others. she'll address her sisters as "dear sister" when being reassuring toward them. since inkie and Blinkie are the sisters that have spent the most time together, they seem very in tune to each other, thinking along the same lines and coming to similar conclusions. I was originally going to give inkie pie hallucinations, but I decided against it. she's too in control of herself. [that’s not how hallucinations work but ok hunny]”
So, what we can learn from this is that Inkie is honest, blunt and confident. She’s proud, protective and a natural born leader. She makes the decisions for the group and doesn’t like her ideas being shut down, but she doesn’t care if it’s her sisters. Inkie has the ability to love just as much as she hates, which completely goes against the idea that she views other ponies aside from her sisters as toys and not something to love/hate but I digress.
In the actual story, Inkie displays these behaviours several times. This leads me to believe she could be an 8 or 9, but which?
Well, Inkie doesn’t value peace, come to think of it, so she’s likely an 8w9. I still say 8w9 > 8w7 because she’s much calmer than other wings. I view wings more as flavouring than having to match up 100%. So, I’m leaning 8w9. Actually, I think 8w7 makes more sense… she doesn’t have much 9 qualities.
So, what instinct? I still stand by sx/sp 8. So sx8 then.
Tritype: 874
We know her core type (gut) is 8, and I’d imagine she struggles the least with shame. So, we need to figure out her head type. She could be a 5, as she doesn’t seem to struggle with any of the anxiety 6’s do, but 7 is also likely. She’s an unconventional 7 if so, but still. She’s probably 874. But I can see 854. I should probably make my mind up though. Hmm… 874.
Besides, it doesn’t make much sense to have your wing not be your fix. It’s not impossible but me.
Okay, so, I’m going with Se-Ti here. You might be wondering why, but it’s actually very simple. When going into typing characters, I always assume they’re a sensor until proven otherwise. However, I don’t let myself get biased. I was sure Inkie would turn out to be an intuitive. However, re-reading, Inkie is actually very grounded in reality. She isn’t creative, more of a ‘technical thinker’ as she says and focuses on the present moment. She also makes decisions primarily based on what she wants, her own ‘values.’ Values don’t always have to be moral, and she’s a clear example of that. She values her sisters, but not other people, hence why she protects them but dismisses the other. I just can’t see Fe-Ti or Ne-Si.
Big five: SCUEN.
Might seem weird, but Inkie actually does tend towards the calm side of things. She goes into things with little plan when her sisters aren’t around, and egocentric is a no brainer. N is self explanatory; I is usually more of an experience seeker.
Temperament: Choleric-sanguine is the closest fit to her. You may argue phlegmatic but she does not try to serve others in the slightest lmao. She’s selfish.
Conclusion: ESFP sx8w7 874 SCUEN choleric.
Oh, fun fact, “yup! i like to think that there's something running in the family. pinkie is bipolar, inkie is scitzophrenic (sp?), and blinkie has bordeline personality disorder XD” Where do we get any idea of that in the story, through their behaviour? Nowhere.
Also, despite Inkie knowing her actions are wrong, and the others, Rei said this regarding Derpy: “she doesn't think it's wrong. none of them do. you gotta put yourself in the shoes of a sociopath; they each may have different reasons why they think the way they do, but when your brain works in this fashion, your view of the world is warped.”
Pinkie Pie:
Enneagram: sp7w8
Alright! Let’s go back to this! Reminder that I am ONLY talking about Muffins Pinkie Pie here, and not MLP Pinkie Pie, who is very different from Muffins Pinkie Pie. So, I don’t think my typing was wrong at all. But I’ve been considering 8 for Pinkie. However, I’m not sure if she’s 7w8 or 8w7. I think Pinkie starts off as a 7w8 but Reitanna randomly decides to make her a megalomaniac. So, it’s complicated.
8’s don’t like vulnerability, but Pinkie doesn’t care. In fact, she’ll use her vulnerability to manipulate Apple Bloom in Silence Is Silver. So, that rules 8 out.
That being said… well, we’ll cross tritype when we get there.
So, I stand by her being a sp7w8. You might think Pinkie is too pessimistic to be an 8, but she isn’t a pessimist. An edgelord, but not a pessimist. She only confronts her dark attitude in life when literally being sentenced to death.
Tritype: 782
I think Pinkie is a textbook 782, and I’ll explain why. I was inclined to say 728 but I think she struggles with shame the least. She is very aggressive in getting what she wants, but she also has a 2 fix because she views her baking as a give and take.
"You do not control lives, Pinkie Pie," Celestia growled lowly, feeling hatred toward the party pony. "And you have caused more sadness than you can even imagine..."
"Have I?" sneered Pinkie. "With all of the cupcakes and pastries I brought to parties? With all of the money I helped bring in when I started working at Sugarcube Corner so that the Cakes found financial stability? To the point where they were able to care for themselves and two brand new foals when they came along?" She suddenly stamped her hoof on the floor, making everypony jump once again. "I know for a fact that every single pony in this room consumed quite a large amount of my special pastries, including you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. And I can recall each and every one of your reactions after taking the first bite! You want to know what it was?" Her furious eyes scanned the room as she was met with no response. Then she chuckled lightly. "A smile."
She’s clearly just messing with Celestia, but there is some truth to what she is saying. She clearly views what she’s doing as “good” to a degree because other people like her gifts. 2’s struggle with pride, and because Pinkie thinks she’s helpful, she feels she is entitled to do what she wants. This is a light fix, but still there.
Pinkie Pie also has a need for her cupcakes to be THE BEST, leading me towards a 2w3 > 3w2 fix. Being the BEST isn’t her main goal, but it’s up there.
Oh, fun fact about Fluttershy by the way, Reitanna was considering making her a baker. As a FuckedUp!PinkieShy shipper (like in an AU where they’re both fucked up idk) I would’ve loved that.
“Yeah, your story makes more sense than mine, but I like the "what ifs" you can come with by reading stories like these. Could you imagine Fluttershy turning into a psycho with Pinkie, or getting super mad and taking revenge?” “I actually considered that, but just like you said, it seemed a bit OOC”
Pinkie Pie is probably an ENFP. At first, I considered Se dom, however she is VERY opportunistic and has constant ideas. Who even gets an idea to bake someone because of a cheese grater? Poor writing, or a Ne character? Either way, I think Ne-Si makes more sense than Ni-Se. Pinkie actually does use Si to a degree. She gets enraged when Celestia takes her friends away (even if she did it herself. Hypocrisy!) and also has a very strict schedule on how she does things. Fi > Fe might seem very strange however Fi users can manipulate. Pinkie doesn’t care at all about societal standards. She only keeps up with them to avoid being caught for her crimes. Also, while she hides her depression, it’s mostly to protect herself rather than her sisters. In Twilight’s Fall, she has no problem being pessimistic to her friends and saying horrible stuff.
Pretty self explanatory. I don’t think I need to explain this.
Temperament: Sanguine-choleric.
Conclusion: Sanguine-choleric sp7w8 782 ENFP SLOEI
Apple Bloom:
Oh Apple Bloom- she’s had it rough. Definitely a type. So, for her enneagram… I decided to look at Broken Tiara, as it’s the story I think characterises Apple Bloom the most, and Silence Is Silver. We learn from the former that Apple Bloom struggles with rage and wrath. She wants to cause other people pain because she’s suffered. Apple Bloom self-sabotages in the story, killing her very own big sister but using Pinkie Pie to fill the gap. She destroys her family, because they don’t matter anymore, Pinkie Pie does. She believes killing is her destiny.
Enneagram: sp6w7- explanation below
Reitanna says this about Apple Bloom, “Actually, no, it's nothing physical, it's a trauma model. Apple Bloom had already shown sociopathic traits by joining pinkie in the first place, but what people don't realize is, the actual act does a lot more to the mind than watching someone lose their life. First, with each incident she witnessed, stress and trauma were put on her brain little by little, meaning it was literally breaking her sanity. Once she did it herself, the power of this act traumatized her so severely, it finally broke her sanity. Since she is a child, the effects of this are much more detrimental than to an adult, due to the fact that the brain is still developing. The damage has caused her to develop one or two personality disorders, which is common in trauma models in children. Since she has been treated so kindly by pinkie pie, Apple Bloom's brain associates these acts as good things because she has been shown positive reinforcement by her mentor, therefore, she doesn't comprehend the fact that something bad has happened to her. She is under the assumption that THIS is who she really is because of pinkie's manipulation. This loss of reality makes her, by definition, insane.”
“I can't pinpoint exactly what she has because I would need to look at all of the personality disorders, but she's definitely not sane.”
Personally, I won’t theorise on what personality disorders Apple Bloom could have, as she is still a child, and children usually get diagnosed with conduct disorder rather than ASPD, so I don’t want to speculate too much.
Apple Bloom compartmentalises her empathy and true nature for her trauma and manipulated self. ("Nah," she chuckled, “That wasn't the real me. It never was. This is the real me, the other one was just tryin to keep me locked away.")
She has an obsession with destruction. She refers to wanting to destroy other ponies in Broken Tiara and says the exact same thing in Silence Is Silver when talking about Silver Spoon. She’s also power-driven, much like Pinkie Pie, and wrathful.
In ABGHCM (Apple Bloom Gets Her Cutie Mark) we see more of this behavior repeated. “I think this was all meant to happen. Everything happens for a reason, right? That's why I was the one who volunteered to take you when your number came up."
She justifies it all with it being her destiny. And getting her cutie mark (one of the worst utilising of this plot device ever) helps her solidify this. I sorta have a theory that Pinkie used dark magic or smth to give Apple Bloom that cutie mark to manipulate her further, but that would be silly. Perfect for Muffins, I can’t take a single thing in this story seriously.
I had to go back to the quiz to get more characterisation of Apple Bloom. If you want all the answers by the way, I’ll drop them right here:
Pinkie Answers:
"How are you today?" "Fine and dandy, right as candy!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Support!My friends are my life! I'd be nothing without them!"
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "HA Me? Afraid? I fear nothing."
"What do you think of the world and the people in it?" "Oh, I LOVE everybody”
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "Oh, that was an attack? It felt like a bug bite.”
"What's your idea of a good time?" “EVERYBODY needs to be having a good time! Everybody that matters, of course!"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Life isn't about revenge, but every body else can do as they please!"
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I suppress the sadness by pretending it's not there."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "No pony is entirely sane! I'm crazy in my own way!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Oh, I NEVER do anything bad!" (Explicitly contradicted by her saying "we're bad people" in On Trial)
"What do you think of life?" "I love life! It's great!"
"How are your dreams?" "I have good dreams. If they turn bad, I just make them good again." (Contradicted in Sting.)
"How was your childhood?" "It was depressing until I was inspired to go my own way and find happiness."
"Someone just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?"
"I don't really care if they lied to me, l'm a pretty big liar myself."
"I see you have cupcakes. May I have one?" "Of course, take two if you'd like!"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's an amazing machine that can create wonderful things. Without it, we'd be boring."
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Ha, yeah, sometimes I am."
"Last question... how is your sleep?" “I never want the day to end, so I stay up late until I pass out. My energy can keep me up for hours when it's time for bed, so I only get a few hours of sleep. It doesn't take a huge toll on me, though."
Minkie Answers:
"First of all, how are you doing today?" "Same as every day.”
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Love. The love shared among friends is the true key to happiness."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "I hardly fear things. Whatever it is, I'll make it more afraid of me."
"What do you think of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Scum. Trash.”
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" “They know better than to attack me. So they wouldn't."
"What's your idea of a good time?" "If my friends are smiling and laughing, then I'm having the time of my life!"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I need to make sure they feel ALL of my pain."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I'm honestly not very good at fighting it.”
"Do you think you may be crazy?" “I know I'm ill, but l'm not crazy. Crazy ponies aren't aware of their actions."
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "I only feel guilty if I did it to somepony I love, otherwise I feel nothing."
"What do you think of life?" "Life? What life?"
"How are your dreams?" "Mostly nightmares about traumatic events in my past. They wake me up frequently."
"How was your childhood?" "I was hurt and neglected for a long time. It has broken me, but I find things to make me feel better."
"Somepony just lied to you. How do you find out, and what do you do?" "They lied to my face. I can tell if somepony is lying immediately to me, and I make sure they stop.”
"I see you have cupcakes. Can I have one?" "Yes, but just one, okay?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Sometimes it's not so good to us. It can make us think things we don't want to think."
"You know what? I think you're an idiot.” “…”
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "Well, since I have trouble sleeping, I'll do whatever anypony else is doing if THEY are still up. Otherwise I lay in bed, hoping sleep will take me. This makes me sleepy during the day. When I DO sleep, my nightmares will wake me back up.”
Blinkie answers:
"First off, how are you doing today?" "What's it to YOU?"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Honesty. I think it's important to stay honest with your friends."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "If I’M not the cause of it, how scary can it be?"
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those around you?" "Ha! The world is full of ponies too DUMB to see the blatant truth in front of their eyes."
"If someone attacks you, how do you respond?” “Are you serious?”
"What's your idea of a good time?" “I need to be in control of the activity, or I'm not happy." (Well we can rule out A > E in OCEAN)
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I will let them feel all the power of my rage.”
"How do you deal with sadness?" "With anger. Turn sadness to anger. It's the only way to cope." (Real, relatable)
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Why would you ask that? Are you implying something?!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "I don't care. I MEANT to do it.”
"What do you think of life?" "Life is only as good as what I make it."
"How are your dreams?" "My dreams are however I want them to be. I can lucid dream." (Contradicted in Sting)
"How was your childhood?" "My family never supported anything I did, and I hated them for it. I was disciplined often."
"Someone just lied to you. How do you figure it out?" "Doesn't matter how I find out. I'll… make sure they regret it."
"I see you have a cupcake, may I have one?" "If you really wanted one, you'd go get it yourself.”
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's the thing that creates ideas, good and bad. You don't have to do what it says."
"You know what? I think you're an idiot.” "[navy seals copypasta]”
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I feel uncomfortable if everyone is asleep and I'm not. I might purposefully keep somepony awake if l'm not tired."
Inkie Answers:
"First off, how are you doing?" "If I get my way, I'm good any day."
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Loyalty. I always protect those who are dear to me."
"If you found yourself in a scary situation, how'd you react?" "I don't scare easily. I'm decently calm."
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Do you REALLY consider them individuals? Pfft."
"If someone decides to attacks you, how do you respond?” "Anyone dumb enough to try and attack me will regret it.”
"What's your idea of a good time?" "Everything needs to be to MY liking."
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "To them, it'll seem like it didn't affect me. But when they least expect it, I will go to extremes to make them pay."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "Well, I rarely feel sad at all, but when I do, it's not pretty."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Some people may consider my behaviour crazy, but if in my right mind, is it really so?"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?” "If everything that happens happens, can we really do anything wrong?"
"What do you think of life?” "I don't hate life, I hate the concept of it. It's wasted on those who don't appreciate it.”
"How are your dreams?" "I prefer the bad dreams because they give me cool ideas. They're more frequent than the good dreams."
"How was your childhood?" "My family put a lot of pressure on me. The affects stay with me to this day."
"Somepony just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?" "If I have a gut feeling I'm being lied to, l'll try and force the truth out of them."
"I see you have a cupcake or two. May I have one? "I'll think about it... how about you try and impress me for it?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "The mind is whatever you make it."
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Hmph. Likewise."
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I like to settle down and chill, enjoying the company of anypony else who is still up. I'll easily go to sleep when they do. I have a bad habit of waking too early, which makes me sort of groggy, but l'm fine."
Apple-Bloom Answers:
"How is your day?” "I'm cautious, but I know I'II be fine!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Dedication! I think friends should remain loyal and true."
"If you find yourself in a scary situation, how would you react?" "Sometimes the fear DOES strike me, but responding with courage is a true sign of character." (Sx6? Sp6 with a sx second instinct and so blind?)
"What do you think of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. In fact it's REALLY funny."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "I may be small, but i'm tough. Don't underestimate how badly I can kick their butt."
"What's your idea of fun?" "If I can let loose completely, it's a party!”
"How would you get revenge on those who've hurt you?" "They hurt me, so I want them to hurt 10x more."
"How do you deal with sadness?" “I have to cry it out, but I don't want anypony to see me doing it."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Of course not! I am who I am! Everypony else is crazy!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Sometimes I feel a twinge of guilt, but if I ignore it, it goes away."
"What do you think of your life?" "When I was young, everything seemed so dandy... When did it start feeling so terrible?" (I know she’s had a terrible childhood but girl- WHEN?)
"How are your dreams?" "Sometimes my dreams are pretty bad, and they stem from bad memories or feelings."
"How was your childhood?" "I was raised well by my family, but I chose my own path, one they didn't approve of."
"Somepony just lied to you, how do you find out?" "They lied to me? I'll lie right back, in that way it'll be my revenge."
"I see you have a cupcake, may I have one?” "Why not? I have them, so l'll share them!"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's fragile. If it breaks, it's unlikely to be fixed."
"You know, I think you're an idiot” "I'll remember that next time I consider doing something nice for you."
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I spent all day having fun, so I feel exhausted toward the end of the night. I try to stay up with my friends, but end up falling asleep at some point or another. Sometimes my bad dreams wake me up in the middle of the night, but I can fall asleep soon after."
BabsSeed Answr:
"First off, how are you doing today?" "I can't complain, really!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Giving back. When a friend helps you when things are bad, it's important to pay it forward."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "Fight or flight? Ha, my first instinct is to fight.” (Counter6)
"What do you think of the world aside from your friends?" “They are weak fools who can't think for themselves."
"If someone attacks, what do you do?" "No one gets away with attacking me."
"What's your idea of a good time?" "If my friends and I don't have to hold anything back, it's a PARTY, PARTY PARTY"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Hahaha... let's say... no one gets away with hurting me."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "…have to distract myself.”
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "I am perfectly sane! I know exactly what I'm doing.”
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Well, no pony knows l'm the one that did it. It's only wrong if I get caught." (Reitanna stop making TOOL references every two seconds challenge: IMPOSSIBLE)
"What do you think of life?" "Life was really unfair to me. But it's just a game, right? Now I'm the one winning."
"How are your dreams?" "My dreams are usually pretty nice. Sometimes I get bad ones, though that don't bother me."
"How was your childhood?" "| experienced heavy losses so young in life, as well as suffered from violent bullying. I was depressed until a dear friend helped me get back up."
"Somepony just lied to you. How do you figure that?" "I'll find out on my own. I'm smart, so I know. I’ll play along with them until I get the chance.”
"I see you have a cupcake. Can I have one?" "Depends... what have you done for me lately?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "The mind is sacred. It should be fed knowledge, it should be soothed with meditation." (5 fix?)
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Oh yeah? Well [a yo-mama-fat type insult, literally]”
Last question... how is your sleepis?" "Well, I make full use of the evening until I start to feel tired. Then I listen to music as I fall asleep. I keep it on low volume, and on repeat, so I hear my favourite songs in my dreams."
Our Muffins Blorbo 🫧:
"First off, how are you feeling today?" “I am so, SO happy today.”
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Happiness! If my friends are happy, I am too!" (Fe > Fi?)
"You find yourself in a scary place and situation, how do you react?" "Sometimes I give into fear and run, it depends on HOW scary it is."
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?” "Oh! Everyone is great, there are a few bad ones though."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?” "Why would they do that?! I haven't done anything wrong! have a right to defend myself!” (Hypocrite)
"What's your idea of a good time?" "Surrounded by all my friends no matter what!”
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I'm tired of getting harmed. My revenge is going on anyone get my hooves on."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I have to cry. If you cry, you feel better afterwards."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "I'm not crazy, my reality is different than yours!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "My GOOD actions make up for my bad ones."
"What do you think of life?" "I feel betrayed by life. No pony exists on purpose. But I find reasons to smile!"
"How are your dreams?" "Usually my dreams are so real, I mistake them for reality. They can be good or bad."
"How was your childhood?" "I thought everything was good, but then I got abandoned and had to find my own way."
"Somepony just lied to you. What do you do?” "I am told by a friend and feel hurt by a liar, and tell them to never talk to me again."
"I see you have a cupcake, can I have one?" "I'll give you more than one! You can have half, and l'll have half, that way it's even."
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Sometimes you see things differently from others because your brain is programmed differently." (And rei says she isn't autistic coded...)
“You know what? You’re an idiot.” “I am NOT an idiot.” (10/10 defence.)
"Last question, how is your sleep?” ur sl "I try to stay up with my friends, but end up falling asleep first. just get really tired if it's been a long day, and sometimes I'II also take naps. I DO feel refreshed while I'm awake, though."
"First off, how are you doing today?" "Things are great!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Connection. I just love my friends so much, I don't know what I'd do if I lost them."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, what is your reaction?" "I tend to flee."
"What do you think about the rest of the world other than yourself?" "Some are good, some are bad, that's just the way it is."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "I would ask them why they attacked me!"
"What's your idea of a good time?" “I like to party with my friends, but I also like to make new ones."
"How do you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Revenge never solves anything."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I just try to think positively, even when crying."
"Do you think you are crazy?" "Well, what do you mean by crazy? 'Crazy' as in eccentric, 'crazy' as in insane? I need some more context!" (Reitanna hates rational people who ask questions.)
"When you do something bad, do you feel bad?" "I feel guilty, and that guilt doesn't go away until I confess."
"What do you think of life?" "Life is good. I wake up every morning and I just feel so good!"
"How are your dreams?" “They can be good, they can be bad. It just depends on what my brain is dealing with at the time."
"How was your childhood?" “There were good times and bad. My experiences made me who I am."
"Somepony just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?" "Why would somepony lie to me? No, there must be some mistake. People don't just... LIE... do they?!" (Yeah no one thinks this...)
"Can I have a cupcake?" "I'm not gonna finish them all on my own, silly!'"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Your mind is like a sanctuary; it tells you what is right and what is wrong."
"You know what, I think you're a fucking idiot." "That's not very nice. How can you say something like that so easily?"
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I like to iust settle down and read or something else calming) until I'm tired enough to sleep. I don't have any troubles falling asleep at all."
Anyway, let’s look at Apple Bloom’s answers. She’s optimistic (believing everything will be okay), loyal, “brave,” condescending, anger driven and spiteful. Things we already knew. Her enneagram being 1 is unlikely, unless she’s a very unhealthy one. 2 isn’t impossible, but she doesn’t seem very heart triad, you know? Probably not a 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9 are on the table. I think 6 is the most likely, and we can rule out 8 and 9. She’s probably a sp6w7.
“Preservation Sixes want to feel the embrace of the family, to be in a warm, protected place where there are no enemies. They search for an "idealized other" for protection, and they can have issues that look like separation anxiety. Like a child who needs to hold on to the mother, these Sixes don't feel confident in defending their own self-interests and survival.”
“These Sixes seek to escape anxiety by seeking the security of protection; therefore, they become dependent on others. They have a passion for compensating for the fear of separation, which manifests as warm and friendly temperament. Their driving need is therefore for something like (neurotic) friendship or warmth, which makes this subtype the warmest of these Sixes. They tend to be in a good mood and have a generally pleasant disposition. They look for a bond of intimacy and trust in their relationships, and they fear disappointing others, especially those who are closest to them. Being warm is their way of getting people to be friendly so they won't be attacked.”
However, due to her sx instinct being second, I think she still has some sx 6 traits. Also,
She doesn’t seem to hide her anger. In fact, she actively goes against Pinkie, but that’s when she’s REALLY pissed off towards Diamond Tiara, not her usual mode. In fact, she seems scared of Pinkie otherwise.
Could be sp7, but I doubt it.
Tritype: 638
Okay, figuring out her tritype was HELL, but I think I’ve got it down. So, her heart type was the hardest to find, but I think she’s a 3 fix. Why? Because she’s obsessed with getting her cutie mark, as a means of protection (6 core) from her bullies. As for her gut type, I think we can rule out 1, as she doesn’t really care about morality, and 9, because she isn’t conflict-avoiding.
So, probably a Fe-Ti user, but I can see her Ti being higher than Fe. As for her other functions, I think… Se-Ni? Maybe Ti-Se-Fe-Ni… but that doesn’t FEEL right. That’s ISTP, right? Um…
She uses Ni in ABGHCM when she predicts Applejack will need stronger restraints, and she has very Ni attitudes in life (“this was meant to happen.”
Ni-Fe? INFJ? Unlikely. Her Fe isn’t THAT strong. Tert Fe seems right. ESTP? But E6 is cognitively introverted. She uses a LOT of Ni.
Actually, I can see Fi-Ni for Apple Bloom, but maybe Inferior Fi? No… Tert Fi? What “values” does she have though? Literally none.
ISTP? She’s kinda manipulative, but inferior Fe users still have Fe in their stack. I mean she literally taunts Applejack by saying “One last bit of sisterly bonding, right?”
And she HAS gone against group values before… I don’t know. I can’t guess very well, but ISTP is the closest I can guess.
Temperament. Sanguine-choleric. [angry sanguine <:()
Conclusion: sp6w7 638 ISTP SLUEN Sanguine-choleric.
Derpy Hooves:
Enneagram: sp7w6
Derpy!! Our blorbo!! We only have Derpy and Babs left, so let’s start with our autistic little blorbo. So, Derpy was abandoned from a young age, and had no friends. Stumbling across Pinkie’s hobby sort of gave her a connection, or someone to rely on. Sp7 is my first thought, to be honest. Not a 1, 2, 3 and probably not a core 4. We can rule out 5, and 6 is unlikely. Same with 8 or 9. In fact, I’m pretty confident she is a 7. I don’t know her instinct though. Reitanna once said on Twitter Derpy struggles with Gluttony, so…
Probably sp/sx 7w6 (still wary) 741.
Okay, so, I probably have to justify that 1 fix. Derpy is very cautious of making a mistake, so the point where she cries because of it. She’s also under the impression that what she’s doing is morally justified to a degree, “what’s bad for you is good for us,” though that could just be selfishness. Her 1 fix is very light, but I feel like she hates the way she was treated and hates how cruel the world is, despite the fact she is a hypocrite.
Fe is not impossible, but idk if it’s her dominant function, really so. I think she’s an XSFJ, probably ESFJ. And the reasoning is that she’s very empathetic, albeit selectively, and she values her friends happiness over her own. She doesn’t like change very much, like when Pinkie got taken away, and that’s how anyone would react, but she does seem to like feeling safe and structured. She had an adventurous side though (Tert Neh) and uses VERY flawed logic to justify her actions using her inf logic.
She’s just a little borbcy.
Temperament: sanguine-phlegmatic.
Conclusion: ESFJ sp7w6 741 SLUAN sanguine-phlegmatic.
Babs Seed’s Typing:
Enneagram: sx6
Ah yes, the best Muffins character. Well, according to Reitanna and only Reitanna, no one else likes her. Anyway, let’s rule out the obvious. She’s probably not a 1, 2, 3 or 4. 4 fix is possible. 7 and 9 is also less likely. 5, 6 and 8 are the main contenders. We can rule out sp6 and so6. I don’t think she’s an 8, as she doesn’t seem to care about control, but protecting herself. So, now we’re torn between 5 and 6. I’m leaning 5? She could also be a 9. No, I think she’s a 5. She’s very obsessed with mindfulness, taming the mind and… she’s also too confident to be a 5. I know, fallacy. But I don’t really understand fives. You’re like aliens.
I don’t think she’s a 5. Probably a 6w7, actually. Sx/sp6.
Tritype: 684
Probably a 8 and 4 fix. Like, she definitely has 4 traits. She gets jealous of ducks. DUCKS. She insists on fighting her OWN battles, and boy does she fight. She has some so8 traits but uh, killing Fluttershy isn’t exactly “protecting the weak.” She thinks homiending is “strong.”
Ahhh… ugh. Okay, so, Fi inferior isn’t impossible, but Ti > Te makes sense. So, maybe Fe tert? ESTP? Se-Ni is obvious. ESTP is my best guess.
Temperament: choleric-sanguine.
Conclusion: choleric-sanguine ESTP sx6w7 684 SCOEN.
And that’s it! That’s my analysis of the bakers! I don’t plan on making any changes, and I probably WILL change my mind many times. I could go into other characters, but the point is, the writing in Muffins isn’t the best, so that’s unlikely. Chances are, I’ll leave this post here and yeah.
Edit: When I made this post, my understanding of enneagram wasn’t perfect, and my understanding of socionics was worse. If you want to know my updated thoughts, I might make a post about it, but I’ve already made two posts about this at this point. Would you guys like a part three?
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bustafe · 3 months
enneagram is split into three groups that go by a few different names (i personally call them head, body, heart but i've heard those first two be called mind and gut too) & your tritype is composed of the three strongest enneagrams you have from those three groups, listed from strongest to weakest. your heart is your 4; your head is your 6; your body is your 8. a 468 tritype, also known as the truth teller, is one of the most intuitive tritypes and one of the most curious despite its lack of apparent 5. those with an interest in typology often compare them jokingly to the emo teen archetype due to their introversion and disposition towards feelings
STOPPP EMO TEEN tjats so good. this is another thing i can be proud of now .
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nexyra · 2 years
TOH Enneagram (+ MBTI)
Did anybody ask ? No. Does it make me happy ? Yes. THUS, I will share with you all my current/ongoing TOH typings ✨
I already mentionned this with RWBY but same applies here : I prefer enneagram to MBTI, so not all characters will have my MBTI guess because for several of them I just wasn't really interested in guessing it or nothing really striked me. Anyway, MOVING ON
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Luz Noceda ♦ ENFP 7w6 4w3 9w8 so/sx
From the first few episodes of TOH I already knew that Luz was some kind of 479 (and good for her ! love that tritype & its contradictions). The only question was the order. If yourself hesitated for some time between 7 and 4 : just look at Reaching Out and come back to me. This episode is the epithome of a 7 : a race ahead, desperately busying yourself outside to avoid your internal world. Her 4 is also quite clear : Luz longs to be HERSELF, she's unabashedly authentic but also feels *wrong* in some shape or form for never managing to fit in the Human realm. Her 9 shows easily in the fact that she's simply put a pretty laid-back person overall, and rarely express anger. But most of all she's scared of being a burden and eager to accomodate others when she fears being abandonned.
Eda Clawthorne ♦ ESTP 7w8 8w9 2w3
Her 7 and 8 are both clear : Eda is a very headstrong woman, she fears feeling trapped and she's eager to experience hands-on all that the world has to offer to her. She's playful and curious, and despises the Emperor Coven for restricting others' future and their magic. Her 8 shows in that as well : Eda is concerned with fulfilling her wants & needs in life, and will grow angry when others trying to prevent her from doing so. She rejects vulnerability in most situations and doesn't like to show her cracks to others. If you type her 783 instead I won't mind either and I would get it somehow. But I feel like, even if she likes to brag about being the strongest witch on the Isles, Eda doesn't really care about being respected or admired, and she certainly doesn't base her self-worth on her ability to fulfill others' expectations in any way. She's a caretaker who struggles to let others return the favor to her (reject). If you want me to elaborate on why 2 fix, I know one ep in particular led me to this conclusion but it was probably back in S2A so I would have to look it up.
King Clawthorne ♦ 3w4 8w7 6w7
His typing is made harder by the fact that he's literally 8 years old. I'm unsure of his core, torn between 3 and 8. King's arc clearly focuses on identity & image (heart core) issues. He's grandiloquent, concerned with how he appears to people. BUT not very competency (Competency : 135 triad who tends to solve problems by rejecting emotions and trying to stay objective/detached) He lacks care for what others expect from him. BUT at the same time he isn't raised in a 3ish household, Luz & Eda don't expect much from him so that could be the reason. He starts off as someone who denies vulnerability and tends to overfocus on *his* wants and needs (8). Or at least he DID but he's certainly grown since. He tend to be very reactive to when others go against him. (Reactive : 468 triad who tend to work themselves up emotionally in the face of a problem and want others to mirror that emotional reaction to be sure that they understand the gravity of the situation) BUT AGAIN. He's literally 8 years old. What 8 years old is competent, unconcerned with how he accomplishes his wants, and not at least a bit reactive. THUS, hard to say really.
Hooty ♦ 2w3 core
Lilith Clawthorne ♦ 3w4 1w9 6w5
3w4 and 1w9 are the strongest part of her tritype, I initially typed her as a 1 to be honest but had to switch when she literally asked her mom for congratulations over her folded napkins. She's concerned with getting love & appreciation over her objective accomplishments most of all. THEN she has the rigidty and perfectionnism of a 1 + the desire to make ther world around her (including Eda) fits her vision of what is good. At least in the beginning.
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Willow Park ♦ 9w8 4w3 6w5
not sure what to say to argue here, if you feel differently you can ask for why's i suppose. Willow is overall easy to get along and her integration seems to fit the 9 -> 3 line : letting go of self-imposed isolation, trying to step out of her "background character" life to show what she's capable of. Comfortable with how she's different from others and her ''misfit'' status once she's shown that she's not WRONG but simply different.
Gus Porter ♦ 5w6/6w5? 3w2 9w1
i need to rewatch the Gus-centric ep. there's some stuff that could point to a 5 really : including his absolute *need* to be the most competent in the room, the most knowledgeable, to not be rejected and how it was reflected in his presidency over the human club. but at the same time, "trust" and an inability to trust yourself is a very 6ish theme and so I remain undecided. other than that 3 and 9 are a no-brainer : Gus is a very attachment character : he tends to conform to others expectations and what they consider as good for a variety of reasons.
Amity Blight ♦ 3w4 6w5 1w9 sp/so
Amity is constantly 3ing, just in different fonts. From "best student in the abomination track" to "i'm gonna be the best girlfriend ever". As she acurately explained herself, she was raised under the assumption that "everything is an opportunity to justify existing". In other words, you need to prove that you are worth something, and in her case through concrete and objective measures of success to earn love. ie she's a 3 core.
Hunter ♦ ISTP 6w5 3w2 8w9
i nearly typed him 3w2 but had to switch after Any sport in a Storm and Hollow Mind. The 3 and 6 are both very strong in Hunter, but in the end it's clear that seeing Belos as good and trustworthy played a big part in him feeling safe and secure in his place in the world. And having that certainty shattered really shook him. His 3 is clear as well in the way he is constantly trying to prove himself useful. Some might type him as a Te user because Hunter appreciates rules and authority as he says, but I do believe that this is his 6 speaking more than anything : 6s feel secure when the rules and expectations are clear-cut and out there, they appreciate authority they can rely on. But Hunter's way of fulfilling this when it comes to Belos certainly seemed more Ti-ish. Even while trying to deny the truth, he still had to try and make things logical and rational *to himself*. He doesn't deny the evidence, but tries to make it fit in a framework that fits his understanding of reality.
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Belos ♦ IxTJ 1w2 5w 2w1
Hollow Mind clearly showed that Belos is a 1 and not an 8. Belos has so far always been a controlled & cold villain. He has outbursts but they are directed at others' incompetence or (in Elsewhere and Elsewhen) at witches and what he considers *wrong* : these are 1 reasons for anger, not really 8ish in essence. 1s care about whether the world around them fits their standarts and might enforce them on people. They're the one who will rise to the top to try & make the world fit their idea of what is ''correct'' and will berate people for their incompetence. 8s, on average, will more often be anti-authoritarian because rules are an obstacle to them having free reign over their actions & accomplishing their wants/will. And being the one to establish the rules isn't the 8 go-to solution to avoid being controlled quite as much as people pretend it is. They care about being able to do whatever they want, and do not (on average) get along well with overly rigid structure. As for the 5 : if Belos had a 6 fix, it would have been easy to throw in some 6ish reasonning into his whole cleansing plan : him fearing witches or the unknown or anything of the kind (fitting of his time period). But there's none of that aspect with this character. (although to be fair he does use 6 tactics, but mostly on others) I think 5 is more likely since he does have this tendency to keep all the knowledge & plans to himself, and it's one of his go to way to control others. He has an independant streak but not for 8-related issues (no problem delegating, no problem with rigid structure, no problem weaponizing weakness) rather in a 5ish way (only one to know what is going on, shares the strict minimum, leaves other in the dark to avoid being challenged, emotionally distant & unavailable) As for the 2, the part that would most probably surprise people : The Emperor Coven is an environment that breeds 3 like tomorrow but I do not think Belos himself is one surprisingly. If you look at it more carefully, over the course of the show we have never seen Belos actually SHOW his competency or talents to anyone to garner their appreciation. And he never does really. Instead his tactis always rely on being kind, complimenting others and he downrights sees himself as a savior. He expects gratitude, not respect, and presents himself as good-natured and helpful which brings me to type him as a 2 over a 3.
Kikimora ♦ 6w? 3w4 8w
she acts the way she does because of fear, for her life or her position. she's also driven by her desire for recognition through objective measure of success. As most people in the Emperor Coven.
Darius ♦ 3w4 7w8 8w9/9w8?
another 3 again, the Emperor Coven is annoying like that. that said, I do not think Darius has a 6. He distinguishes himself from characters like Kikimora or Hunter so far in the sense that he respects people with individuality, who thinks for themselves and make their own call in situations. As opposed to mindless obediance, that he seems to disapprove of. He doesn't understand people who lack self-respect (like Hunter) and himself shows a willingness to skirt rules & arbitrary orders in favor of getting some "him-time" or having fun. All of this said, I think he could be either 379 or 378 : he's focused on his wants and willing to fight for them to some extent, and doesn't respect people who fail to do the same and don't respect themselves. At the same time he's a very laidback guy, who doesn't mind just up-and-leaving conversation and brushing off others. And seem keen on preserving his time & energy.
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Edric Blight ♦ 6w7 3w2 9w?
reaching out made him sound like a 2 somewhat but i think it's a trap because if you think about it, edric has never seemed concerned with being a caretaker or feeling needed in a 2ish way. his issue in Reaching out is more about feeling like the brunt of a joke and also incompetent aka 3 issues. like hunter, he says "i can help" but actually means "I'm capable/competent/reliable enough to help." which comes back to more 3ish struggles. I think 3 fix in general is more coherent with the persona Edric presents to the world the rest of the time. Pretending to be more put together, charming & confident than he actually feels deep down aligns more with the 3 tendency for Deceit than the 2 desire to make themselves indispensable through answering others' needs. Also 3s, despite being a competency type and usually seen as confident, are very much dependant on others' opinions & expectations since they're an Attachment type : they define their worth through answering others' expectations, and not fulfilling this aspect f/cks with them.
Emira Blight ♦ 278
this tritype in some order is my best guess but we don't know a lot about her yet. countrary to amity & edric she seems completely unbothered by what others think of her when it comes to her talents or her accomplishments. at the same time, she's clearly the caretaker of the family (healing edric & giving advice to amity while dying her hair). she's confident in her personal worth but still ties herself to her siblings until being almost resentful of how much her life revolves around her twin. she's clearly the more headstrong of the two, seems pretty willful and handles edric with ease. but sorely lacks the rigidity of 1s, she seems (like Eda) more concerned with having her fun and doing what she wants instead. she's also bothered by the fact that her & edric are always together. This is why I think she might be a 7, who dislikes feeling trapped and currently is because her and edric aren't on the same page on the subject. but as the show progress they distinguish themselves more & more so it should be okay for these two.
♦ ♦ ♦
If you're thinking : but where is Raine ?? THEY'RE NOWHERE I'm so sorry I genuinely like them but I have 0 strong opinion about their enneagram so far ?? I need another Raine ep I think before giving my take on it. It's pretty clear that they don't have a 8, and I also doubt they'd have a 3. But other than that ? I'd rather not be hasty and just admit that I have no clue for now.
Don't hesitate to disagree in asks, reblogs or notes as long as you stay respectful. And if you want me to elaborate more on 1 character or another, feel free to ask as well ! Or if you want to ask about background characters I didn't put here.
Good day everyone !
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sunkern-plus · 1 year
☯️☮️☀️ for Seth?
☯-after seth recovers mentally from sfv, they are (like me) an insane typology and personality quiz nerd. this is both to their benefit AND detriment: on the good side, they finally have found a way to define their personality outside of being a doll or replacement body for bison and moreso being considered a failure by everyone else! unfortunately, they are SO obsessed with figuring out their "true self" that they panic if their behavior is even a LITTLE bit inconsistent. so typology systems, such as mainstream ones like the mbti and enneagram, and even obscure fandom based ones like homestuck's classpect system (they've self typed as an infp 4w3 468 sx/sp derse page of heart, thank you VERY MUCH) and they also like to type others on their spare time, even if their typings are WILDLY incorrect. example: typing juri an istp 8w7 sx/so thief of rage when their personality is more consistent with an estp 7w8 sp/sx thief of light for example simply because they don't like her, typing dan an esfp 3w2 because he's athletic and has "heart type energy"...sometimes admittedly they type people based on stereotypes.
☮-i know this is a bit hashtag danseth nation but i seriously like post recovery seth eventually forming a friendship with dan. partially based off the fact both are perceived as failures and have different reactions to it, and partially because they're kind of interesting parallels to each other as a whole -- gouken LITERALLY said seth would be a good guy if they let go of their trauma, while he warned dan about becoming evil because of his obsession WITH his trauma. now THAT is a cinematic parallel. (like come ON, they literally set up dan having an important role in vanilla sfiv with the whole "a guy named dan hibiki squeaked by with just enough points to qualify", which in fiction USUALLY would be a chekov's gun, come on! it was even in seth's storyline!) anyway, dan becomes friends with seth out of simple kindness; nobody is irredeemable to him, in his eyes, and by this point (hopefully sfiii-sfvi era) he's even befriended sagat . so dan literally teaches seth how to remain positive in the face of trauma, and stop dwelling on revenge. it's hard of course, but seth eventually reaches a happy equilibrium of "only has obsessions over trauma sometimes" and decides to be a saikyo style instructor with dan as well; after all, seth's powers are LITERALLY copying abilities, and saikyo style is ALL about taking the best of abilities from other fighters and using it in combat.
☼-seth can switch their appearance at will! they literally can look any way they want post sfv; abel found someone who can build them a shapeshifting body that's almost humanoid but still has a mechanical touch to it, like seth likes. seth's favorite bodies to change between is "average gender neutral clothing line" model, "literally someone from the baki manga", or a rather gender neutral strongfat type where one wouldn't be able to tell what gender they are by looking at them, which they like; all forms allow them to explore various presentations of gender...nullity? without making them look like a fragile little doll they were assigned at birth
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi charity my search button isn’t working properly so you might have answered this before and if so sorry! Could I ask you to explain the difference between ISFP 469 and 468? I was curious about 479 as well but I think I remember one of your posts saying it’s more common in INFP. Trying to understand the difference and got confused on enneagramers page
6 + 8 = counter phobic six, double reactivity, explosive temper, often in protection of self and/or in outrage to whatever is happening. With 4, you have all three fixes that 'over-react' to everything. Imagine having no fix telling you to calm the hell down. Enneagrammer calls this "the Grenade" tritype. "Pull the pin and they explode." Repressed in every center. 4 doesn't act, 6 doesn't think, and 8 doesn't do feelings, so a lot of conflicted inner energies that cause them to act 'big' in response to things, but out of fear-aggression.
6 + 9 = calms down, deflates reactivity, makes things fine, doesn't rock the boat, it neutralizes the 4 somewhat but you still have over-reactive 4-6 dynamics. Self-doubting and self-pitying to a degree. Two withdrawn fixes (4 and 9) so the only fix moving toward people is 6. Lots of withdrawn tendencies -- hiding. Some self-confidence from the withdrawn stance, but also self-doubt. Can spin their wheels without getting anything done, since 4/9 are 'doing' repressed (think/feel instead of take action) and 6 is thinking repressed (doesn't think productively).
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heliianth · 2 years
what are your atla enneagram takes?
aang 7w6 792 so/sx katara 1w2 126 so/sx sokka 6w5 631 so/sp toph 8w7 873 sx/sp suki 6w7 692 so/sx zuko 4w3 468 sp/sx azula 3w4 318 so/sp ty lee 2w3 269 sp/so mai 9w8 946 sp/sx
bonus: yue would be a 1w9
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Recently (i mean for almost like 6-7 months) im so fckin obsessed with finding what my enneagram tritype is, like i dont think there’s been a day i didnt think about what could be my tritype since the day i found out about tritypes and at this point i feel like im so unhealtyly obsessed with myself, at first i was pretty sure i was a 4w5 458 then i realized 6 or 7 are more relatable for me and im not as withdrawn as a 4w5 i like being unique and having attention but i hide my feelings too much, 468 is so reactive for me ,i dont think i have 2 assertives so im not a 478, 479s clashes with social 4, then i decided im not a so4 im just kinda sad, sexual 4 def fits better and then maybe im a 461 but they are usually calm people unlike me, maybe an 471 but its an extremely rare type, ITS SO FRUSTRATING.
Idk why am i ranting about this with my broken english on tumblr, i was just scrolling through #tritype posts.
Tomorrow is the first day of school so i guess im losing my mind. Lol
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mbtistufff · 2 years
Hi, just came across your blog and it's very interesting! Will stay here for sure. I'm not very good with enneagrams yet, but I've done some research and, if you don't mind and you still do asks, I would like to ask about one thing. I'm pretty sure I'm 6w5 and I think my tritype is 649, however I'm a bit more impulsive, extraverted and not necessarily seek stability. How do I know if my tritype is 649 or 648?
It might help to look at the triple focus of each tritype. The 649 belongs to the "seeker" tritype group (any combination of 4, 6, and 9). People with this tritype focus will be more self-doubting, and their doubt will lead them to constantly seek out more information. The 648 belongs to the "truthteller" tritype group (any combination of 4,6, and 8). People with a tritype in any of these combinations will be more reactive, and also be truth tellers in their interactions with people, to the point where it might get them in trouble.
469 tritypes- seeking out the truth
468 tritypes- telling the truth
469 tritypes- seeking out more information to cope with doubt and uncertainty and calm down
468 tritypes- warning others of potential danger to cope with doubt and uncertainly and calm down
Hope this helps.
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enfp7w6-jatniel · 2 years
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ENFP 4w3 468 Sx/Sp EIE    request
for : anon
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azenta · 3 years
hey! this is the person that sent you the ask about 467, yeah, I meant 468 vs 478 but I fucked up :’) what you said about looking at each part of the tritype independently was pretty good advice, though i’m unsure what’s the difference between 6/7 when it comes to head issues, thanks again!
So, I'll compare both independently of the tritype they're in, then I'll briefly mention how they interrelate with 4 and 8 in a tri.
6 vs 7
The sole common point they have is they both deal with fear, else than that, they have nothing in common. It's the wing that usually bring confusion, but I'll get on that later.
Something interesting with fear is that it is known to create at least three kind of reaction known as Fight, Flight or Freeze. There is also a fourth kind of reaction against fear known as Fawn, which is worth considering in this case. Interestingly enough, those reactions fit well with the three head types. 5s freeze, p6 fawns, cp6s fight, and 7s avoid. From there, you already get an interesting starting point which will be the basis on which every tactics that will follow is based on. So, keep in mind that everything 6s do is either as a way to ''seduce'' (fawn) the threat, to win their good grace somehow, or to fight what scares them, and whatever 7s do is to avoid the threat.
Now, I'll proceed to show the main trauma that brought them into their head space and the three mechanisms they use to fawn/fight or avoid fear.
(Left: 6s - Right: 7s)
Original trauma: Superego vs Id
If you are not familiar with those terms, I would suggest to read a little about them before continuing, since I won’t cover them. It’s from psychanalytic, from Freud’s work.
Both have a different part of the psyche that has been traumatized. 6s trauma lies in the superego, which means their fear comes from succeeding or failing to apply the guidelines and rules they have internalized so far in their life. However, 6s became 6s because those guidelines were inconsistent and full of contradictions, leading them into the head space and being torn between their own reasoning and those inconsistent lessons. It leaves them in constant uncertainty and doubts, perpetually affecting their sense and need for security. As their issue lies with security and superego, they turn themselves both outward and inward. Outward as a mean to find this ‘’authority’’ that would finally tell them what’s really right or wrong, and inward because they also internalized set of ‘’right or wrong’’, which they ironically distrust as it was inconsistent. This leads 6s to never fully trust anyone, including themselves, as what they have previously learned taught them external rules (authorities) were untrustworthy or unreliable, but consequently left them with an unreliable inner guidance. Therefore, they cannot even trust their own judgements as they feel it is incomplete.
On the other hand, 7s trauma lies in Id, which means their fear comes from their primal desires, including the primal response for a need being insatiate, being refused. 7s became 7s rather because they felt castrated from their needs. In other words, their needs were frustrated, blocked and/or repressed. Even their most simple desires were refused. They felt stuck and imprisoned. Of course, this affected their sense of security, as never having the simple certainty of their needs being met can only bring a latent fear and anticipation of what else they’ll be lacking of. This left 7s in a perpetual state of vigilance and movement. They are perpetually anticipating the feeling of lack, which is why they are constantly on the move and why they never truly feel safe. Needs always demand a constant care, as they are ever temporarily satiated. However, they also never truly learned the distinction between desires and needs, as both were indiscriminately treated and repressed. Thus why 7s pursue anything that mimics the sense of fulfillment felt when a need is met. This also makes 7s extremely sensitive to anything that would remotely restrain them from attaining whatever they desire, and this is why they are prone to fear any kind of commitment and flee away.
So, to compare rapidly, 6s deal with correctness and lack of trust in what to believe as right or wrong, and 7s deal with desires and needs, and a constant fear (anticipation) of lacking what they need. Even as fixes, it still implies that when faced to fear and security, a person with a 6 fix has issues with the superego part of security (dis/trust in right or wrong), and a person with a 7 fix has issues with the id part of security (desires, needs and anticipating the lack).
Those trauma are also responsible to create one of the strategy below. 6s to cope with their superego learned to be compliant, while 7s learned to be assertive.
Compliant vs Assertive (1,2,6 - 3,7,8)
Rapidly, any type that have issues with superego has learned to be compliant (1,2,6), and any type that has issues with Id has learned to be assertive (3,7,8). I'll mention briefly we also got types that have issues with the ego part of the psyche and have learned to be withdrawn as a strategy (4,5,9), but it doesn't concern the question asked, so I won’t extrapolate on them.
6s therefore have learned to comply to their superego, which means they will obey/attack what they believe is right/wrong. In the p6 case, this means they will accommodate to anything required that is deemed good to be deemed good and thus safe, which is the fawn approach. Of course, we got cp6s, and they are rather renown to be rebellious, but that's still in line with compliance. Whatever is deemed wrong is a threat to 6s, as what is wrong is what can cause them instability. Cp6s actually complies when they choose to fight. They choose to believe what they are faced to is threatening. It's the same principle as a guard in a castle, ready to attack mercilessly at any threat to the authority figures. The guard has chosen to believe in the authority figures, the same as if they rebel and would have chosen they aren't trustworthy of being authority figures. In any case, 6s comply to those internalized rules, the problem is they never are settled on what's truly right or wrong, thus why they can make a 180° in their stance and go from loyal dog to the rebellious traitor, even tho in any situation they are convinced of their loyalty to a higher authority.
7s on the other hand have learned to assert whenever they anticipate the feeling of lack. This means they will mindlessly act on whatever they feel they desire or need. They don't want to ever feel cut off from their needs again, therefore they will push forward until they get what they want. This is the only way they have to prevent the feeling of lack, to avoid feeling stuck again and so, to feel some form of security. Therefore, assertion is use as a mean to avoid lacking.
It's not a question of fulfilling basic needs or lack for 6s, all 6s want is gaining certainty on what’s right or wrong, therefore their desires are their last concerned. Their safe haven is gaining something or someone that solidifies their conviction into anything at all. Meanwhile, there is no question of right or wrong with 7s, it's much more about this "ride or die" mentality, as in I either move or die from lack. Therefore, it is a question of gaining certainty and following the right principles that matter for 6s, and a question of always meeting one's needs and desires for 7s, in order to feel safe.
Reactive vs Positive outlook (4,6,8 - 2,7,9)
This mechanism is related to the emotion itself, when they actually are in a situation that instigate it. 
When faced with fear, 6s get into reaction. It means they will actively face the issue, as if the worst is happening and they need to react asap. In 6s case, they go into panic mode, because fear implies doubts, it means uncertainty, it means a blurry line around what is right or wrong. Nothing is so sure anymore, therefore they need to trouble shoot the situation, and as head core, it will be all about over-analysis. They’ll become distrustful, harsh, wary, doubtful, critical, hesitant, unsettled on anything, paranoid at worst. They'll question everything in every angle possible, and will mostly be disagreeable about it. In other words, reactive implies embracing fully the emotion and therefore, impulsively acting on its whim.
When faced with fear, which implies anticipating being stuck or actually feeling stuck for 7s, they look for the brighter side, which means always believing in a way to succeed to get what they want. It helps them escape from a reality where they might experience feeling stuck. It's not simple optimism, it's voluntarily blinding themselves to part of reality that stresses them due to the restriction it makes them feel. It's a fixation on only what they want to feel certain and secure they won't really lack of anything.
To compare them more closely, 6s when experiencing fear are unmistakable, as they don't only deal with it internally, they also exteriorize it as they experience it. They both search for reassurance all while being defensive, usually making them chatty and extremely persistent and insistent. They want to get an answer, but trust no one, not even themselves. While 7s go through a form of denial by narrowing their view on only what matters to them. It makes them extremely distracted, unconcerned, unbothered and evasive. It can even mimick ADD symptoms when they experience intensely fear. So, on one hand you got someone who will totally make their problems yours, and on the other, someone who pretends there is no problem at all. 7s on this aspect are therefore more subtle with when they deal with fear.
Attachment vs Idealism (3,6,9 - 1,4,7)
This mechanism is about object relation, which means what kind of mechanisms they use to attach/detach from situation/people. The attachment and detachment are both related to their primary needs, which is about security in this case.
6s are quite simple, they use attachment as a mean to gain security. They seek to attach themselves, as they are on a perpetual quest for something or someone they can trust, guide them and simply bring them a coherent sense of right and wrongness in themselves. However, I wouldn't say it spares them from commitment phobia as they are naturally distrustful. They strongly seek to attach themselves, but they are extremely picky on what or who. Ironically, this prevent them from building their own judgement and make them perpetually vulnerable to doubts, as they continue relying on something external to them to bring security. And this doubt always end up lurking and often sabotage their attachment as they then question how true or reliable it really is. But they would rather have something than nothing.
7s use idealism as a mechanism, which is more tricky if left unexplained. It means they set a(n unreasonable) standard of what they need to involve or detach themselves from a situation or person. In general, this mechanism more often than not serve to justify not attaching themselves too much to anything. 7s experienced lack, they experienced a situation and/or person that failed to answer to their needs, therefore they've created standard to prevent experiencing ever again that situation. There idealism will usually revolve around always feeling full and free, something or someome that will never make them feel restrained. This is unrealistic as what is deem a restraint is most likely a distorted interpretation born from their fear, but this idealism is allowing them to feel and stay free.
So, 6s want to attach themselves to something or someone, to feel supported, while 7s rather avoid attachment by maintaining an ideal of freedom that is unsustainable and unrealistic.
Beware: 6w7 vs 7w6
I have to warn about the wing as it will blurr the line considerably. To determine which is the "core" and which is the wing, it is to see if the strategy of either support the strategy of the other. E.g. when faced with fear: what do you fear? Is it not knowing what's right/wrong or is it lacking in something that you deem is needed? Does your distrust allow you to stay free or does staying free justify not having to trust anyone? Do you wander and keep acting on desires to prevent lack or to comply to what you think is right?
In the end, it's extremely important to take the time to ask yourself the reasoning behind any action, especially if you know it is fueled by fear.
468 vs 478
For the concerned tritypes, I'll be short. I consider that to get your exact tritype, you should look for each component separately, then add each part one by one, and proceed to notice how it all interact together. So I would NOT advise taking the below behavioral descriptions as a way to validate which you are, but as a way to form a broad idea of the tritypes you are concerned about. Remember they are much more similar than different, this is why it would be unproductive to try determining your tri by looking at the final product.
I'll be emphasizing solely on the differences. So, don't take those as a full tritype description. It would be much longer.
478 is double reactive and double assertive, so double Id, while 468 is triple reactive. 468 can comply on certain instances, while 478 have an evasive shade.
This means 478 implies more instances of pushing and being slighlty more preoccupied with getting what they want. When healthy, they'll be good at asserting themselves and putting limits. When unhealthy, they are certainly childish, unconcerned, brutish and probably considered as some pretentious bully.
468 implies being kind of emotionally transparent. There is no way you can hide your emotions if you deem yourself a triple reactive, for the better and worst. When healthy, it would also imply being concerned with articulating what you feel and so, getting good at it. When unhealthy, you are likely called crazy and unbearable.
Also, the order where 6 and 7 are will accentuate or dilute those differences. As a last fix, those differences would be subtle.
So... That's what I had to offer for the matter. Remember that all the behaviors mentioned are reactions to fear. If you do any of the above and it's not motivated by fear or a need for security, than it's neither 6 or 7 acting up. What matters is the motivation behind, not the behavior. If you have more specific questions, even if it's about the tritypes themselves, don't hesitate to ask. Questions help me approach different angles of the same topic usually.
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random-esfp · 3 years
Como es alguien con tritype 684?
Toda la info sobre tritypes la tienes en la página de Katherine Fauvre, su creadora: https://www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
Te traduzco lo que pone sobre los 468:
Tritype® 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-El que dice la verdad
Si eres un 468, eres intuitivo, inquisitivo y protector. Quieres ser original, seguro y directo. Eres muy sensible y emocional. Rastreas las incoherencias y es como el "canario en la mina de carbón", que alerta sobre las agendas ocultas, los engaños y los motivos ocultos. Eres muy intenso y a veces puede ser demasiado emocional y reactivo.
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Long ask ahead, sorry: Hey there i wanna ask how do i tell if, as an 8, have a cp/p6 (with w5) fix? Ive been inclined to say cp6 but maybe that just the 8? Also, ive thought of myself as sx/sp for a while but that made me feel rlly disconnected from like community and group in general, which didnt make sense cuz im very big on like “loyalty” and group dynamics. I also identified strongly w a Y/sp, but now it makes sense thats just my 6 need for stability so i can just leave sp as my blind. Just read chestunts the social 8 and that makes sense, but im still not rlly inclined to say im so/sx, but rather sx/so maybe? Or would the description change loads? Esp since the irl person example she gave was much more mellow than me and more cut off from their anger (am slowly integrating tho) and the author went on to say how soc8s can usually mistype as 9 or 2(i have 2 last so there were influences for sure) which didnt apply at all, ive always known i was an 8 (except for when i thought i was a 5 but i was just spiraling what a time). But yea anyways, i feel like after all this time im rlly close to figuring out EXACTLY what my combo is and i just require like some tweaking. So yea, how do i tell bw 8(w7 if that helps) w a cp or p fix and ALSO soc/sx vs sx/soc 8? Ughhhh this is so frustrating im so close
cont:  Ah fuck, follow up cuz i forgot smth. What prompted me questioning whether im a cp or p fix is that i saw the distinction that when smth goes wrong p6 blames themselves and cp6 blames others or like chance. I rlly dont relate to that and i often take taking responsibility for myself and my actions to the extreme actually. That being said, i dont much relate to the well, i dont wanna be rude but its the most descriptive thing that comes to mind - lack of spine, i guess, of p6, but again, maybe tahts just my 8 talking? ______________________________________________________________
I’m going to be honest here, I think Chestnut’s countertype theory focuses too much on behavior rather than motivation as has lead to countless mistypes (ie. soc 8 mistyping as a 9 I think is almost unheard of irl despite what she says, unless the 8w9 in question is delusional, has a heavy wing lean, and/or grossly underestimates their own anger and disagreeableness, which I suppose happens on occasion).  Saying that 8 would mistype as 2 or 9 due to somewhat catering to the group is an exaggeration.  In general, I don’t suggest trusting those descriptions, especially if you potentially relate to soc a lot and 8 a lot when viewed separately.   I think part of the issue you’re having here typing might be that you’re “not seeing the forest for the trees” (which is pretty common for Ne doms tbh, as they can be blinded by potential.), so if you find that what I say here isn’t super helpful to you, it may be worth exploring IV as separate to core as separate to your probable cp or p6 fix.
While I don’t really think differentiating p or cp6 is super relevant on a fix (as it won’t change a bunch of things), it’s worth noting that the boundary is not a fixed black and white plane.  Often, I’ve heard even 6 fixers note a back and forth between which strategies they take (p or cp wise) when dealing in the realm of fear and head matters.  Taking from the only person I’ve seen who potentially has a phobic preference attached to heavy 8 influence (ie. a 386, for reference), I find that a more phobic influence attached to 8 tends to look for “a safety zone” within trusted others and leads to an 8 who is a bit more communicative and obvious about their fears (unintentionally) than your average 8 (since 8 in general is averse to showing weakness).  86x combos, especially those which are not soc blind, tend to place a lot of importance on loyalty, hence an 8 with a more phobic preference seems to specifically lean on structure or having someone to have their back unconsciously/in a way they hope is not noticeable to others or they might even deny a lot more than one with a more cp preference.
The addition of a 6 fix isn’t going to magically emulate sp, if you related to S?/sp before, you might want to look into so/sp, as any 86x combo is likely to appear pseudo sx anyways due to the level of reactivity and intensity that comes with double reactive combos in general (however I’m not one to tell people what they are and what they aren’t, so if you’re confident in sp blindness, feel free to ignore; I’m going to talk about all three instincts for sake of organization)
Sx is the instinct most connected to its own instincts and desires.  8 and 7 both are id types, hence both fixated or instant gratification of desire and specifically have the vices of lust and gluttony respectively.  Understanding that conjunction, we can understand that a sx 8w7 would not only be the most desirous types within the enneagram but the one with the least self-control.  Without a concern for mental and physical limitations (ie. sp blindness) and with catering for others only being a secondary focus, sx/so 8w7 is inclined in average health levels to almost single-mindedly pursue its desires, often regardless of risk nor how they will be perceived (unless of course it threatens other sx desires of course).  Comparatively to so/sx at least, it will be more disagreeable and reckless by nature.
Soc by comparison is the instinct most connected on power dynamics and unconsciously, so I suppose we could argue that Chestnut’s description at least caught onto the fact that soc 8 would often be the least disagreeable of the 8s.  8, by the mechanics of the type, however, will never be disconnected from anger and are by nature disagreeable and even as the “countertype” that is no exception.  Focused on gaining power and avoiding being limited by any means, both so/sp and so/sx are inclined to be more “calculating” than the other 8 subtypes (though still moved by instinct and impulse; We are not talking about the level of calculation of 5 or 6).  The blatant aggression and desire of 8 will be somewhat tempered by comparison by an understanding of how to navigate power dynamics and understanding of how their actions effect the group (though this will not always force them to yield). Desires may also connect directly to the group or community as well, which I suppose may be where she’s getting the 2 bs, but 8 is by nature a self-serving type by comparison. So/sx still lacks sp, so while more self-controlled than sx/so, so/sx is not considered to be self-controlled and maintains that lack of knowledge on personal limits.
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