ageless-aislynn · 2 years
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Aislynn’s Flash fic masterlist
(In each category, the fics go from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom. 😉)
Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Caitlin Snow (ReverseSnow)
“Best Served” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,174 words Summary: A missing scene from 1x23. Thanks to the deleted scene from 1x21, we know that Caitlin used to bring food down to the prisoners. So who brought Harrison the Big Belly Burger he asked Barry about?
“Home” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 786 words Summary: A very Snowellsian alternative ending to the season 1 finale, "Fast Enough."
“More” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 416 words Summary: Caitlin and Harrison share something very special.
“Good Morning” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 926 words Series: Good Day Summary: Caitlin receives a visitor one morning.
“Good Afternoon” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 621 words Series: Good Day Summary: Caitlin has a cookie problem, Eobard just wants to help.
“Evil Future Time Babies” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 947 words Summary: The end of season 1 goes a little bit differently.
“Perchance To” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 784 words Summary: Harrison certainly doesn't think of Caitlin in that way. Until he does. 
“Bad Habits” Rated T (PG13) 5 chapters, complete, 6,743 prequel to the Good Day series, though can standalone Summary: Wait, the Reverse Flash hadn't just come to her rescue, had he?
“Conditioned” Rated T (PG13), one-shot, 1,698 Summary: Caitlin just wants to wash her hair.
“Switch” Rated T (PG13), one-shot, 1,404 words Summary: Getting swapped into Harrison Wells' body is an eye-opening experience for Caitlin. In more ways than one.
“The Thousandth and the First” Rated M (R ), 10 chapters, complete, Summary: Caitlin meets her soulmate. Fortunately, she's got an antidote for that. *Also includes Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow (Snowthawne)
“Equal Opportunity” Rated T (PG13), one-shot, 2,384 words Series: The Ghost of Eobard Thawne Summary: When Eobard Thawne attempts to take over Nash Wells' body, Frost is sent in to mentally help him fight back. But things take a turn when Caitlin ends up facing down the Reverse Flash alone. An AU of how that scene in The Flash 6x15 could've gone in a very ReverseSnow-friendly world. ;) *Also includes Nash Wells/Frost (FrostNash)
“Caught” Rated G, one-shot, 225 words Summary: For the prompt from Brokenbookaddict: ReverseSnow- Caught
“Five Times Eobard Came To Caitlin’s Rescue (And The One Time She Came To His)” Rated T (PG13), 2 chapters, complete, Summary: For the prompt from Snowells1234/Snowells123: ReverseSnow - injured
“Getting To Know You” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,283 words Summary: For the prompt from alisha_mendelsohn: ReverseSnow - two truths and a lie
“Kidding Around” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,987 words Summary: Caitlin and the Reverse Flash both get accidentally hit by a weapon that de-ages them. A bit of unexpected bonding occurs. ;)
“Good Evening” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,282 words Series: Good Day Summary: Barry and Cisco want to take Caitlin and Harrison out to dinner. Caitlin frets. Harrison is chill. A secret is revealed.
“Good Night” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 754 words Series: Good Day Summary: Our day draws to a close at last.
“Broken” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 664 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 29. "Kissing tears from the other’s face."
“Fire and Frost” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,000 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 40. fierce biting kiss during an argument, being pushed away soon after, only for them to drag their partner back for a deeper kiss
“In Need of Rescue” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 998 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 20. Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
“One Day” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 496 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 25. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips. *Also mentions Caitlin Snow/Ronnie Raymond, has a companion graphic
“More Than Anything” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 528 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 13. "One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss "
“Inevitable” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 696 words Summary: A reimagining of the scene in The Flash 1x19 "Who Is Harrison Wells?" if the timing had been juuust a little different. And the tone of the show had been a lot more Snowells. ;)
“Trust” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 313 words Summary: Eobard hid a smile. So, it was happening early then, was it?
“Surprise” Rated T (PG13) one-shot 362 words Summary: Their intimate evening is interrupted.
“Haunted” Rated T (PG13) 6 chapters, complete, 8,615 words Series: The Ghost of Eobard Thawne Summary: Eobard Thawne told them he would return and that he intended to convert Caitlin Snow to his cause. He's ready to make good on those threats promises. *Also includes Nash Well/Frost (FrostNash)
“Cupid’s Kiss” Rated E (NC17) 4/4 chapters, complete, 11,549 words Summary: After being blasted by a meta calling himself Cupid, Caitlin finds her day taking an interesting turn. Dr. Wells ends up with a starring role in her increasingly NSFW fantasies but... he's just a hallucination, right?
“Hanging Around” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 738 words Summary: Caitlin gets a visitor late one night...
“For Now (For Always)“ Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,136 words Summary: Why had he gone in and found her, then? Sentiment? 15 years trapped in a time not his own, wearing a face not his own, living a life not his own, none of that had made him more swayed by simple emotion. Or so he'd believed until he looked down at Caitlin Snow, bloodied, fragile and helpless and… He couldn't leave her there like that. He just couldn't.
“We’re No Strangers To Love” Rated G, one-shot, 121 words Summary:  Soft dialogue prompts: 2. "Please?" "Those eyes won’t work on me this time."
“Weakness” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 812 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 19. "Can I play with your hair?"
“Happy Centennial” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 766 words Summary: Could he actually be a hundred years old? When you're a time traveling speedster who's taken over another man's body, it's a little difficult to keep track of your age. Certainly nobody had thought to celebrate his birthday in many years. Until now. Soft dialogue prompts: 47. “Have you eaten today?” “Am I gonna get in trouble if I say no?” *Note: My100th Flash fic!
“One Word” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 367 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 36. “Come with me. Please?”
Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Killer Frost (ReverseFrost)
“By Any Other” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,984 words Series: Partners In Crime Summary: For years, they were Dr. Harrison Wells and Dr. Caitlin Snow. Now that those names no longer apply, who are they to each other? Who can they be?
“Proper Motivation” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 2,422 words Series: Partners In Crime Summary: Eobard promised he could help Caitlin learn to control her deadly metahuman abilities. So far, he hasn't had much success.
“Partners In... Other Things” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 2,377 words Series: Partners In Crime Summary: Caitlin and Eobard tackle an unexpected situation.
“Fair Play” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 868 words Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: For the prompt from alisha_mendelsohn: FrostWells - Laser. Tag. Date!
“Three Little Words” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 985 words Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 32.  "Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work."
“Quitters Never” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 356 words  Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: Killer Frost has had enough. She quits. No, Eobard, don't try to talk her out of it.
“The Proposition” Rated E (NC17) 1/? chapters, WIP, 1,218 words Summary: An AU where Killer Frost manifested in season 1 with a mind of her own and is more than willing to make deals and keep secrets to get what she wants. And what she wants, Dr. Harrison Wells - no, wait, make that the Reverse Flash - can give her.
“15 Seconds” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,655 words Summary: A metahuman encounter results in Frost being separated from Caitlin and sent back into the past. And that's not Nash sitting in the Cortex and it's not Harry, either...
“Vacay The Frosty Way” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 583 words Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: "Now, come on, you promised I could design this vacation and this is what I want. The next one is yours so we can hang out in the Negative Speed Force and get zapped by lightning or whatever."
“Memento” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 551 words,  Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: Frost and Eobard sometimes have VERY different ideas of what fun is.
“The Three-Way Trap” Rated M (R ), 4 chapters, complete, 4,619 Summary:  Falling into a trap wasn't how she expected to start her day. She certainly wasn't expecting that she wouldn't be alone. Or that the solution to get out of the trap would be a little... creative. *Note: This is Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Killer Frost/Jay Garrick | Hunter Zolomon
“Cold” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 259 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 1. "You’re cold." "Am not." *Note: Major character deaths, angst, trauma, blood, can be read as either Tom Cavanagh’s Eobard or Matt Letcher’s.
“Suitable” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 725 words, Series: It’s All Fun And Games When You’re A SuperVillainous Power Couple In Love... Summary: Frost tilted her head curiously, hearing Eobard swearing an absolute blue streak in his lab. My take on the turn of events at the end of "Armageddon part 4" because of course I would... 😉
Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow (Snowthawne)
“The Thousandth and the First” Rated M (R ), 10 chapters, complete, Summary: Caitlin meets her soulmate. Fortunately, she's got an antidote for that. *Also includes Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Caitlin Snow (ReverseSnow)
“Confession” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 200 words Summary: He never meant to fall in love with her. Now he has to tell her the truth.
“Lost and Found” Rated T (PG13) one-shot 1,986 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 5. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand. *Note: This is the flashpoint version of both Eobard and Caitlin.
Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost (Frostthawne)
“Elevated” Rated E (NC17), 2 chapters, complete, 4,277 words Series: The Frostthawne Escapades Summary: For the prompt from DancesWithSeatbelts/Nalufever: I think some Mattobard and Killer Frost stuck in an elevator ~ exactly how that happens, let's gloss that over and give us some steamy content, yeah? 😘
“Nefarious Business” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 1,066 words Series: The Frostthawne Escapades Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 18. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
“Just Your Average Wednesday” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 632 words Series: The Frostthawne Escapades Summary: This wasn't exactly how she'd pictured things going when she'd opened her motel room door. Somewhere along the way, they'd gotten into a habit: wherever she was on any given Wednesday, he'd show up.
“Cold” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 259 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 1. "You’re cold." "Am not." *Note: Major character deaths, angst, trauma, blood, can be read as either Matt Letscher’s Eobard or Tom Cavanagh’s.
Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow (Snowharry)
“Harrison” Rated G one-shot, 222 words Summary: For Snowells Week 2016, Day 5, prompt: “Harrison, stay with me.”
“First Date Second” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 2,371 words Summary: For the prompt from BrokenBookAddict: Caitlin x Harry- first date
“Batman Vs The Robot Flea And The Ninja Hedgehog” Raged T (PG13) one-shot, 608 words Summary: For the prompt from DancesWithSeatbelts/Nalufever: Harry x Caitlin: a fluff fest fic, arguing over what to watch on TV on a rare night off from fighting crime
“Granted” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 2,236 words Summary: For the prompt by Brokenbookaddict: Caitlin x Harry- accidental marriage
“What Love Is” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 379 words Series: 2 Bodies 4 Hearts  Summary: For the prompt from Brokenbookaddict: Nash and Frost- "I wanna know what love is." *Also includes Nash Wells/Frost (FrostNash)
“Would You Be Mine (And Would You Ask If He’d Be Hers, Too)?” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,689 words, Series: 2 Bodies 4 Hearts  Summary: For the prompt from alisha_mendelsohn: SnowHarry with a little nudging from Frost who kisses him first to get the two of them to actually make a move? *Also includes Nash Wells/Frost (FrostNash)
“*With Benefits” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 1,688 words Summary: From the prompt by Brokenbookaddict: Caitlin x Harry- Friends with benefits. Also for Snowells Week 2020 Day 5 - Time Vault
“Goodbye/Hello” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 314 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 7. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
“Distraction Techniques” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 309 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 32. "Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work."
“I Know” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 429 words Summary:  Snowells Kisses prompt 23. "Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other's lips."
“Kitty Cait” Rated T (PG13) 2 chapters, complete, 1,261 words Summary:  Snowells Kisses prompt 9. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. *Also includes HR Wells/flashpoint!Caitlin Snow
“Dark/Light” Rated M (R ) 2 chapters, complete, 1,011 words Summary: Context is everything. Both chapters have exactly the same spoken dialogue, yet are vastly different stories. Warning: Major character death, angst, experimental
“Refuge” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,256 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 19. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain
“True Enough” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 784 words Summary:  Snowells Kisses prompt 28. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss
“Forgiveness” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 786 words Summary: Harry can’t forget his rather cruel and careless words.
“Back” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 193 words Summary: Harry speaks too soon.
“Undone” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 236 words Summary: Caitlin arrives as Harry gets control of Nash's body after he's touched the Fusion Sphere. A little fix-it fic for the season 7 premiere.
“Fairy Godmother’d” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 874 words Summary: Harry is the recipient of an unusual metahuman attack.
“A Hand To Hold” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 328 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 4. "I don’t want you to go." "Then I won’t."
“Zombie Ghouls From Planet Z” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 367 words Summary: For the prompt Touching 03. hiding face in neck, Caitlin/Harry, from Helplessdreamer ♥
“Mother May I” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 417 words, Summary: For the prompt Touching 44. sitting on the other’s lap, SnowHarry for M_Wells  ♥
“Finding Home” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 864 words Summary: For the prompt Touching 34. washing the other’s body and 35. kissing their bruises and scars, Caitlin/Harry, either separate or together, whump preferred, for thedaysofmiss ♥ *Note: contains whump and hurt/comfort
“The Matchmaker” Rated T (PG13), 4/4 chapters, WIP, 4,630 words Summary: From the prompt by TakashiSenpai7: Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow or Harry Wells/You? Specifically the whole falling in love thing or something.What if Grodd had a very different agenda? 😉 
Harry Wells/Earth-2 Killer Frost
“Maybe” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 708 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 5. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
HR Wells/Caitlin Snow
“Kitty Cait” Rated T (PG13) 2 chapters, complete, 1,261 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 9. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. *Also includes Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow
“Rhyme Time” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 826 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 12. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
HR Wells/Killer Frost
“Frostbite” Rated T (PG13) 2 chapters, complete, 1,046 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 5. "Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand."  A reimagining of the scene in The Flash 3x19 "The Once and Future Flash."
“The Ice Dragon and the Winter Fox” Rated T PG13) 4 chapters, complete, 5,421 words Summary:  Snowells Kisses prompt 36 - A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
“Red String” Rated T (PG13) 1/? chapters, WIP, 519 words Summary:  Killer Frost may be new to the villain business but there are a few things she's sure of: always make a dramatic entrance and DON'T get soul-connected to one of the good guys.
“Fashion Since” Rated T (PG13), one-shot, 242 words Summary: Soft dialogue prompts: 41. "Is that my shirt?" "Is… is that okay?"
Nash Wells/Killer Frost (FrostNash)
“Star-Marked” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 1,853 words Summary: For the prompt from Snowells1234/Snowells123: Killer Frost x Nash soulmate mark
“First” Rated T (PG13) one-shot 708 words Summary: Prompt for Brokenbookaddict: Nash x Frost- First time
“Crazy For You” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 300 words Summary: For the prompt by Helplessdreamersworld: Frost x Nash date night
“Breakfast” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 642 words Summary: For the prompt from brokenbookaddict: Nash x Frost - breakfast
“What Love Is” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 379 words Series: 2 Bodies 4 Hearts  Summary: For the prompt from Brokenbookaddict: Nash and Frost- "I wanna know what love is." *Also includes Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow (SnowHarry)
“Would You Be Mine (And Would You Ask If He’d Be Hers, Too)?” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,689 words, Series: 2 Bodies 4 Hearts  Summary: For the prompt from alisha_mendelsohn: SnowHarry with a little nudging from Frost who kisses him first to get the two of them to actually make a move? *Also includes Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow (SnowHarry)
“Melt” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 697 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 23. "Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other's lips."
“Scandal, Us?” Rated M (R ) one-shot, 810 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 37. One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach.
“Somnambulist” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 386 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 33. A kiss pressed to the top of the head  
“...And Make It Better” Rated T (PG13) one-shot 719 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 8. Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
“Moderately Great Expectations” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 658 words Summary: Frost doesn't respond to Nash's return exactly in the way he expected...
“A Kingdom of Isolation” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 718 words Summary: For the prompt Touching 20. bandaging/stitching up an injury, FrostNash for vampcoffeegyrl23 ♥
“Just Exactly Right” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 921 words Summary: For the prompt Touching 42. braiding the other’s hair, for Helplessdreamer ♥
Pariah/Elsewords Killer Frost
“Epilogue” Rated T (PG13) 47 chapters, complete, 20,012 words Summary: Snowells Kisses prompt 7. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it. Pariah finds that, somehow, he has managed to continue existing even after Nash Wells returned to himself. Lost in a world of mist and shadows, he discovers that someone else has survived being written out of her own timeline as well: Killer Frost, fresh from a world where an evil Superman ruled all. He must convince her that every version of Harrison Wells and every version of Caitlin Snow or Killer Frost only succeed when they find each other in whatever world or timeline they exist in. To live, she will need to thaw her icy heart and he will need to believe he has the ability to love at all [Contains epilogues to every previous story in the Snowells Kisses prompts series.]
Sherloque Wells/Caitlin Snow
“Unrequited” Rated T (PG13) 4 chapters, complete, 5,404 words Summary: For the prompt by Brokenbookaddict: Caitlin x Sherloque - Punch scene au  
Caitlin Snow/Jay Garrick | Hunter Zolomon (Snowhunter) | Killer Frost/Jay Garrick (Frosthunter)
“Gray Sunflowers” Rated T (PG13), one-shot, 1,329 words Summary: For the prompt from furiouslygone: Caitlin/Post-reveal Hunter, where Caitlin is betrayed by the team and she decides to stay with him after his ultimatum
Caitlin Snow/Jordan Mahkent (Stargirl crossover)
“Cold Hands” Rated T (PG13) 2 chapters, complete, 1,224 words Summary: Jordan is intrigued by the latest scientist hired by The American Dream. He'd like to get to know her a little better. There's just something about her...
Eobard Thawne/Nora West-Allen (Eobara)
“In Training” Rated T (PG13) 3 chapters, complete 3,156 words Summary: A "What if?" AU where Nora West-Allen did choose to go into the Negative Speed Force in order to keep from being erased from the timeline. But she needs a teacher, someone who understands how to conquer the volatile force now sustaining her, and who better than the man that created it? Eobard Thawne has betrayed her before but this is a different Eobard Thawne with an agenda that's all his own... *Note: This is Matt Letscher’s Eobard Thawne.
“I Am” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 994 words Summary: For saltykidcreation, who asked for a rewrite of the end of The Flash 8x03 "Armageddon part 3" with a different Eobard taking Barry's life in a completely different way. 😉 (Full prompt in the end note.)
“Oblivious” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 750 words Summary: Prompt by Norawest_Allen: (Translated, so I hope that I got close to the original intent 🤞😉) The Flash team finds out that Eobard Thawne is in love with Nora West-Allen but this is something she doesn't know and is completely oblivious. The request was also for Tom Cavanagh's Eobard. This is an AU deviating from the ending events of season 5. 😉
Eobard Thawne/Reader
“(In)vulnerable” Rated E (NC17) one-shot, 1,562 words Summary: From an anonymous prompt at Tumblr: "All I can think about is Eo coming home after losing that fight to Barry and his partner (insert oc or x reader here) helping release his frustration and pent up aggression. I’m a sinner idc."
“Trapped” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 1,035 words Summary: You reach out, putting your hand on his arm, and look up into the face of the man you loved. No, don't lie to yourself. The man you still love. That's why it hurts so much. [Direct AO3 link or read at Tumblr]
Savitar/Killer Frost (Savifrost)
“Astray” Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 664 words Summary: For the prompt Touching 49. holding onto the other’s shoulders for support Savifrost/Savisnow (author's choice) for vampcoffeegyrl23 ♥
“Escape Plan” (Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells & Eobard Thawne) Rated T (PG13) one-shot, 582 words Summary: There was really only one person who would show up to save him now...Spoilers for The Flash 8x05 "Armageddon part 5." This is totally what happened as the credits were rolling. 😜
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chibisora · 5 years
Unpopular Ship
Not many people like the couple Eobard Thawne(wells version) x Nora West-Allen
I wish it was more popular so there was more content... T.T
I am referring to the CW show of the Flash
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
This is something that I’ve intended to do for a lonnng time: I made a masterpost of my fics from AO3!
Since it’s not easy to sort by author by pairings at AO3 (that I’ve found, anyway), I thought this would be a handy way to see my fics by ship. In the mood for some tasty ReverseSnow? There they are! Looking for some Matt Letscher Eobard with Caitlin or Frost? Check under Snowthawne or Frostthawne!
I’ll update it as new fics come in. Also, because I was curious, here’s how the number fics by ships breakdown, current as of December 20, 2021.
1. Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Caitlin Snow (ReverseSnow) - 33 fics
2. Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow (Snowharry) - 22 fics 
3. Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells/Killer Frost (ReverseFrost) - 13 fics
4. Nash Wells/Killer Frost (FrostNash) - 12 fics
5. HR Wells/Killer Frost - 4 fics Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost (Frostthawne) - 4 fics
6. Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow (Snowthawne) - 3 fics
7. HR Wells/Caitlin Snow - 2 fics
8. Eobard Thawne/Nora West-Allen (Eobara)  - 2 fics
9. Caitlin Snow/Jay Garrick | Hunter Zolomon (Snowhunter) | Killer Frost/Jay Garrick (Frosthunter) - 1 fic (2 if you count “The Three Way Trap” with Eobard/Frost/Hunter 😉 )
10. Harry Wells/Earth-2 Killer Frost - 1 fic Pariah/Elseworlds Killer Frost - 1 fic Sherloque Wells/Caitlin Snow  - 1 fic Caitlin Snow/Jordan Mahkent (Stargirl crossover) - 1 fic Eobard Thawne/Reader - 1 fic Savitar/Killer Frost (Savifrost) - 1 fic Gen (non-shippy) - 1 fic
No surprise that the OG ReverseSnow has the most, they’re what I started by writing in 2015 and I still write them 6, almost 7 years later! 😲😉 I figured SnowHarry would be in second place but I wasn’t expecting that FrostNash was very nearly tied with ReverseFrost! I also didn’t realize I’ve written as much HR/Frost as I’ve written Frostthawne. Huh, who knew? 😜😉
Also, I’ve never done a tag list but would you like me to tag you when I post a certain ship (or when I post any Flash fic or other fic at all - I also write for Doctor Who and Teen Wolf on occasion)? If so, let me know and I’ll do my best to tag you for whatever you’re interested in reading of mine! ♥♥♥
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
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Can you teach me how to use it?
Well, I have to warn you, Nora, it’s a little bit... negative.
For @saltykidcreation 
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Hey, remember those great moments when Eobard teamed up with Wanda Maximoff and HR won Killer Frost over with his sweet smile while Pariah and Elseworld’s Frost discovered they had more chemistry than a science lab and, meanwhile, Nora teamed up with Matt Letscher’s Eobard to train in the ways of the Negative Speed Force? Wait, you don’t? Oh, I guess that’s because...
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See? They’re fine! 😇 And they’re leading a master class in Taking Care of Business 101. 😎
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A smile to melt even an Ice Queen’s heart! 🤗
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Go after her, Pariah, you can TOTALLY make this work! *nodnods in fanfic* 😉
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It looks like training is going great! 😇
And, in conclusion, the winners of the coveted...
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...Award (for 7 seasons in a row)...
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OG ReverseSnow!
Close runners up, winning the equally coveted “Why Were There Multiverses If We Couldn’t At Least Have ONE Of These Pairings On One Of The BAZILLION Earths For Cryin’ Out Loud Did We Really Ask For Too Much No We Didn’t And They Could’ve Totally Shown Us A Caitlin Or Frost With Eobard Or One Of The Wells Doppelgangers And The Frickin’ World Wouldn’t Have Exploded But Our HEARTS WOULD’VE BEEN FULL OF HAPPY FEELS Geesh!” trophy (engraving may, um, take a while... 😳😉)
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Para qualquer escritor que esteja lendo:
Alguém estaria disposto a escrever uma fanfic desse casal com a música "Animals" de Maroon 5?
I received this from Norawest_Allen on my Eobard Thawne/Nora West-Allen fics over at AO3, so I thought I would pass it along here in case anyone felt inspired to do it!
Google translate tells me it says, “To any writer reading this: Would anyone be willing to write a fanfic of this couple with the song "Animals" from Maroon 5?”
Their preference is for Tom Cavanagh’s Eobard. 😉
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If you do write this, please tag me, if you would? Thanks! 💛💜💛
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
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You've been gone a long time, Nora.
You're lucky I came back at all.
For @saltykidcreation
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Some of my random GIFs, just ‘cause. 😉
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I use this one ALL THE TIME so it’s no surprise that it’s one of my favs. He’s just got such a marvelously devilish expression PLUS you get the benefit of him saying his face is handsome, which I agree with, AND I find a lot of use for as a GIF. Win/win!
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I had to put in the work to make this one since I started off by only knowing this scene existed without knowing where it came from, lol. But now I have an adorable smiley Matt Letscher hug GIF, yay!
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Caitlin and Jordan, my Frost Queen and her Icy King, lol! This one actually kinnnnda fits the fic it goes with (”Cold Hands” which will be continuing as soon as I’m done with Snowells Week, I’m not sure exactly when, that depends on the muse, but soon-ish!).
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*stares respectfully 👀 at all of that finger, mouth and just general sexay goodness that’s going on here* Um, what was I saying? 😉
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I would like to thank everybody involved in shooting these two separate scenes for making them very easy to manip together. Hopefully it looks convincing! 🤗
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Heh. ReverseFrost will always have my heart. ⚡❄⚡
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Not the best quality, unfortunately, but I seriously love the parallels between Vision and Killer Frost’s “births” and Wanda and Eobard using their powers. 💗
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This one never fails to make me laugh. It was actually a scene in a vid I was working on that I reversed for some reason. It made me LOL but I knew I was never going to use it for that vid so I made a GIF out if it instead. 😁
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Title: “I Am” (1/1) Author:  @ageless-aislynn​ Characters/fandom: Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher version)/Nora West-Allen, The Flash Summary: For @saltykidcreation, who asked for a rewrite of the end of The Flash 8x03 "Armageddon part 3" with a different Eobard taking Barry's life in a completely different way. 😉 (Full prompt in the end note.) All recognizable dialogue and events are, naturally, from episode 8x03. 😎 Rating:  T (PG13) Length: 994 Spoilers/warnings: Spoilers for The Flash 8x03. Warning just in case this sort of thing bothers you: unreliable narrator and evil wins for now. Disclaimer: Definitely not mine but I do enjoy borrowing them just for a bit! 😉 A/N: I tweaked things here and there but tried to stay faithful to spirit of the request. 🤞😉 Poor Barry. Sorry for what I put you through here, bb. 😕Anyway, if you read, I hope you enjoy! ⚡💗⚡
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Title: “In Training” (Chapter 1/3) Author:  @ageless-aislynn​ Characters/fandom: Nora West-Allen/Eobard Thawne,The Flash Summary: A "What if?" AU where Nora West-Allen did choose to go into the Negative Speed Force in order to keep from being erased from the timeline. But she needs a teacher, someone who understands how to conquer the volatile force now sustaining her, and who better than the man that created it? Eobard Thawne has betrayed her before but this is a different Eobard Thawne with an agenda that's all his own...
Made for @saltykidcreation​  who asked for Nora with Matt Letscher’s Eobard. ♥♥♥ Rating:  PG13 Length: 1,243 Spoilers/warnings: Spoilers for the ends of The Flash season 5 and Legends of Tomorrow season 2.  Disclaimer: Definitely not mine but I do enjoy borrowing them just for a bit! ;) A/N: Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow as soon as possible and chapter 3 will immediately follow (they’re complete, just ended up needing a bit more last minute editing ;) ).
If you read, I hope you enjoy! ♥♥♥
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Writing update! 
(I really do make these for myself because it just helps me to put it in terms of a Tumblr post, I dunno why.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ll try to keep it shorter this time, though!)
1. “The Negative Speed Force Cafe” (Mattobard/Nora) is suffering from “being the next fic after I just did a 20k word elaborately intertwined fic-itis.” In other words, I still really like the premise but it’s just waaay too big for what I want to do right now. It’s going to take too long to write it all out and I’ve had this prompt waiting to be filled for so long that I’ve decided to swap it for a smaller one-shot instead. 
Soooo, as I was looking through some old, unused prompts, I realized that I have another Eobara-suitable one that should work in its place, yay! No title yet but I’m much more hopeful that it will be a quicker, less complicated venture. 
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2. “The Price,” my Snowhunter fic is looking like it’s going to be very explicit. Like, very. It suits the tone of the story but... wow. Was not expecting it to be just so... yeah. O_O
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I don’t generally yank a character’s pants off the first time I write him so this is... different. O_O
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My main goal is to make Jay/Hunter’s voice distinct from the million and one versions of Eobard I’ve written by now. ;) I do hear him differently in my head, so I’m hopeful that it’ll turn out well. *fingers crossed*
Anyway! If you read this, you get a gold star!
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Have a great day, fam! ♥♥♥
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
I ran into a problem with Chapter 2 of “In Training,” just in case anybody was wondering what happened to the promised next chapter of my Eobard/Nora fic. 
Basically, when I went to post Chapter 2, I found a major plot problem in it that had somehow escaped my attention all this time. But no problem, I'll just pull that thing out and smooth it over in editing! Except... pulling that one thing collapsed something significant in Chapter 3 and... they're not going back together in a way I'm happy with. So, apologies for the delay on getting the last 2 chapters up. They'll both be completely finalized by the time Chapter 2 appears so that 3 *will* post the next day. *pinkie swear* Sorry for the delay!
I’m not going to set a date for when it’ll finish up but I’ll make it as soon as possible. 
In the meanwhile, have a hug. ;)
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
Now, y’all know by now how hard I ship Snowells but, I have to say, there’s always going to be this part of me that ships Eobard/Nora if, for no other reason, than I can just picture Nora showing up on Barry and Iris’ doorstep one day (’cause she’s totes fine, okay? ;) ) and she’s all... “Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something: I got married.”
And Iris is all, “Sweetie, that’s awesome!”
And Barry’s all, “Who’d you marry?”
And Eo jumps out from where he was, like, hiding in the bushes and proclaims, “IT’S ME, BARRY. I’M YOUR SON-IN-LAW NOW. I’LL BE AT EVERY FAMILY REUNION. I’LL BRING THE POTATO SALAD AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME, BWHAHAHAHA!”
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Look at those faces. Those are TOTALLY the faces of two Murder Boi(s) who would NO DOUBT DO THAT. :P
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Also... I am weak for tol and smol.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But the son-in-law/“I’m going to be bringing the potato salad*” is the major reason. ;)
* @missdanielsousa​ knows why that makes me laugh. ;) She deserves a gold star for listening to all of my Eo-ramblings, lol! ;)
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
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One of these (ship-related playlist) things is not like the other... O_O
*guilty Snowells face* But I have a reason for making that Eobara playlist, I promise! ;) I tend to make playlists either to support a story (in general, like the Camp NaNo ones or, in particular, “The Thousandth and the First” is peeking up over the bottom there you might see? ;) ) or to audition songs for a vid. So, see, totally innocent vidding playlist shenanigans, that’s all it is. Don’t look at me like that, Caitlin! O_O ;)
I also have just general “I feel like listening to these songs so let’s name them something ship/fandom related for funsies” such as the “Eobard has teh Caitlin feeels mix.” BUT! You miiight notice there’s a story supporting playlist on here for a story I have yet to even mention, much less post. Hint: It’s not the ReverseSnowThawne one, because I yap about that one all the time. Any guesses? ;)
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Since we’ll soon be celebrating all things Eobard and Caitlin/Frost with Snowells Week 2021, I thought I’d give my Eobard or Caitlin/Frost fans who aren’t so into the Snowells pairing a little something something. I give you... the Ships of Look It’s Not Actually Snowells!  (Because there will soon be SO much Snowells love on my blog, frens and fam. Just SO MUCH. 😜 )
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Eobard and Wanda Maximoff have a few things in common, starting with a love of head-tilting and dramatically smiting their enemies! 😉
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Eobard and Nora aka Reverse XS or Eobara! My love of tol and smol gets put firmly on display with this one, what can I say? 😍 [fic]
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Caitlin/Frost and Hunter | Jay | Zoom... Boy, do I ever have a fic about them that I’m looking forward to writing... 🔥❄🔥 😜
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Eobard and Barry aka Barrison or Eobarry, because you generally don’t see THAT much hate without there being some sort of love to begin with... 😳😉 [vid]
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Caitlin and Jordan Mahkent (from Stargirl) are a crossover fav of mine! My Frosty Queen and her Icy King! ❄💗❄ [fic] [vid]
Welp, I hope you enjoyed this little trip down Alternative Ships Lane. Thanks for having a look and...
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Lol! ♥♥♥
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