#eomer son of eomund
theleakypen · 1 year
'We shall see,' said Éomer. 'So many strange things have chanced that to learn the praise of a fair lady under the loving strokes of a Dwarf's axe will seem no great wonder. Farewell!'
To this day one of the best lines in the whole of the Lord of the Rings
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Do people like Eomer (LOTR) fanfics? i have one that is kind of my baby and I want to release it, but it's important that it is loved so I'm nervous
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eomer is such a champ
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Hello! i saw the ask game and i wanted to ask your opinions about my best guy Theoden!
Love your blog!
<3 <3 hello hello! Yess, he is the best!
First impression
I always loved him. It's the soft dad vibes that he gives off in the film and I always transposed those onto book version of Theoden as well, even if they aren't as front-and-centre.
Impression now
As you all know I have a soft spot for imperfection and Theoden is very much an imperfect leader who is trying his damndest in an impossible situation.
I love his fear of being like his ancestors (sure "lesser son of greater sires" but in the immediate memory Fengel and Thengel weren't anything to write home about and I'm sure Theoden had the "don't be like your grandfather" running in his head), which is a nice parallel to Aragorn's own fears and concerns. That certain weaknesses are "inherited" or you're somehow doomed to repeat the failings of your forefathers.
I also really appreciate Theoden's practicality and realism. This is definitly shown way more in the books than in the films.** But he is so pragmatic and realistic about what is happening and has a strong, stable workman-like air to his leadership as king and general. It's very grounding and a nice compliment to the high fantasy that is happening around them all.
**I have Views & Opinions on what PJ did with Theoden in the films in relation to Aragorn
Favorite moment
In the movies, I love all of his speeches. My favourite, favourite scene is "but do you trust your king/where is the horse and the rider" bit with Gamling. Second up are the paralleling scenes of "I know your face" with Eowyn. Soft dad vibes <3 <3
In the book, I naturally have my favourite scene is when he's missing Grima and having those complex feelings of "I'm angry at this man for what he has done and his betrayal, while at the same time I'm grieving the relationship we used to have/the man he once was." It's so very human.
I just love Theoden's deep humanity. A feature so often missing in the race of Man who are usually more High Arthurian, for lack of a better way to phrase it. Not that the likes of Aragorn and Faramir don't have their deeply human moments, they for sure do, but Theoden is consistently the most deeply human of the leaders, aside from Denethor, and I really like that.
Idea for a story
There's a part of me that's a secret Theoden/Grima shipper, so you know. Anything utterly tragic in that department with some bittersweet hope(?) at the end. Kill me where our love hurts most, my liege.
Otherwise, I would love an exploration of Theoden and his father's relationship and how he positions himself within the frame of his father and grandfather's legacy. Also his changing views on what it means to be Rohirrim - considering I am sure he has a complex relationship with that. He's more comfortable in Westron and Sindarin than the language of his own people! That's got to have some complexity to it.
Unpopular opinion
I'm not sure I have one on Theoden? I feel like most of my opinions are pretty par for the course.
Favorite relationship
Definitly Eowyn. I love the father-daughter vibe happening with them. I wish we saw more of it.
Favorite headcanon
When Theoden adopted Eomer and Eowyn he went around to everyone in Meduseld apologising in advance. People were like "?? your niece and nephew seem charming and lovely ??" and Theoden was like "ok but you don't understand: They are the Children of Eomund. This is going to be INSANE."
He always loved them, of course, but they were little terrors. You know that dual thing of dealing with grief of losing parents/being orphaned at a young age and how that can lead to lashing out plus natural peronalities being on the fiery side.
Theoden just like, put everyone on High Alert.
(lol Grima would have been like mid-late twenties and Theoden is like: New Guy, do you like children? And Grima is all: Abso-fucking-lutely not. Why? Theoden: No reason. Gamling, I was wrong, we can't put the new guy on baby-sitting duties.)
Thank you!!! Theoden is just, ah, one of my top tier faves. And thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my wee lil' tumblr :D
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
What are your headcanons for the rest of Bergil's family? When I was younger I always imagined that maybe his mom was pregnant when she was sent away during the war, and then after she came back Bergil had a little sister. I think Iorlas is his mom's brother? and his grandfather in Lossarnach is his mom's dad. Iorlas and Beregond get along great. No idea what Beregond's side of the family looks like aside from "dad exists". Any thoughts? ~meg
Okay so I DID write an answer to this a couple days ago when you first sent it, Meg, but then tumblr ate my reply and I was too frustrated and busy and in pain to try to write it again. BUT I'M BACK!! LET'S TALK ABOUT MY FAVORITE GONDOR FAMILY!
Oh dude I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one who headcanons that Bergil has a baby sister! I dunno what it is about Beregond, but he just gives me "has a daughter" vibes, y'know? Like dads who've only raised boys are one way, but dads who've raised girls just have something different about their personalities, and I think Beregond has that.
Originally I thought that Bergil's baby sis was just a couple months old when the women and children had to leave Minas Tirith, but I think I like your take on it even more...just the constant anxiety thrumming in the back of Beregond's mind like "my wife is with child and I have to get out of this war alive so I can meet my new son or daughter" is just.....mmm. *chef's kiss* Tasty tasty angst, you love to see it.
*hums under my breath* Gotta go, gotta get the job done, gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son—TAKE THE BULLETS OUT YO GUN—
I think it's a safe guess to say that Iorlas is Bergil's maternal uncle. Families in LotR tend to pass down similar names (Baranor, Beregond, Bergil...Eomund, Eomer, Eowyn...Arathorn, Aragorn...you get the drift), so everyone on the paternal side of the family—that is, Beregond's side—probably has names that start with B.
.......Which then gives us a bit of a clue what Beregond's wife's name might be!! It probably starts with "Io"! And their daughter's name might too. 8-D
(LotR language nerds, what's a good feminine suffix for a Gondorian name?? Asking for a friend. Totally don't need it for fic writing or anything *cough* And don't say Ioreth, that one's already taken.)
It's also probably a safe bet that the maternal side of the family comes from Lossnarch. Beregond was probably born and raised in Minas Tirith, and when he got married, his wife came to live with him in the city.
ABSOLUTELY Beregond gets along great with his in-laws, how could he not?? :-D Bergil seems to speak of Iorlas as if he's a constant fixture in his life, so Uncle Iorlas probably comes to Minas Tirith pretty often. Maybe on business? Perhaps he has a job that requires a lot of travelling, like a postal courier? And sometimes Beregond and Bergil and the whole family to go Lossnarch to visit the grandparents too. Bergil thinks Uncle Iorlas is the coolest guy ever (second to Dad).
As for Beregond's side of the family...I dunno. I feel like if he had any brothers on active duty, we would've heard about it. But I also doubt that Beregond was an only child, given how most ancient cultures tend to place value on large families. Maybe he only had sisters?? Would explain a bit about him, actually. If his father and mother are still alive, said father was probably too old to be of any use in the City when the war started, and both of them left with the other refugees early on.
......I don't know why I feel like Beregond's mother is dead. Probably just because most of the women in LotR are either dead or missing. I really do feel like she's not around anymore, even though I have absolutely no evidence to substantiate it.
But I can DEFINITELY tell you 1000% that there was a heckin' baby boom in Gondor after the War of the Ring—it is an observable trend that humanity's first response in the aftermath of wars and other widescale tragedies is, for SOME REASON, to procreate—so Bergil very likely had a new baby sibling within a year or two after the Ring was destroyed. Hahaha giggidy
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elvain · 4 months
new icon……….. eomer son of eomund please call me
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lemeute · 1 year
for no reason at all whatsoever I am thinking about how much I love eomer son of eomund
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
There Was Only One Videogame
An extremely non-comprehensive list of Tolkien siblings and how they cope with the dreaded Only One Person Can Play This Game At A Time Actually situation. Feel free to substitute computer game for videogame if you'd rather. Maybe LOTRO if you wanna get meta?
Finweans: Feanor and Fingolfin each have a console. Finarfin is supposed to share with Fingolfin but he just never plays
Feanorians: Left to their own devices, Maedhros would come up with a schedule and enforce it so that everybody gets their turn fair and square. But Feanor just buys every kind of consoles. 7 of each in fact. Probably codes some games specifically tailored for each kid.
Nolofinweans: Turgon watches Fingon play. Aredhel wants to play, Fingon says she's too young, she hits him, everybody gets grounded including Turgon. Rinse and repeat.
Arafinweans: Finrod lovingly watches Angrod and Aegnor take turns playing. Galadriel will glare at you if you suggest she plays
Sons of Galdor: Fighting over who gets to play is more fun than the actual game. Neither of them takes the fight seriously, it's just fun to bicker
Children of Hurin: Turin watches Lalaith, and since this is an au I'm gonna say he watches Nienor too. The girls take turns. Turin is willing to play if the girls need help beating a boss or something but he isn't really interested otherwise. Hurin thinks Turin is doing childhood Completely Wrong™️ and lowkey wishes all three of them would fight more? He'll praise them for how sweet they are, but he's privately worried he's doing something wrong and his children aren't having fun
The sons of Earendil: Never see a videogame until they're adults, and never really get into it
The children of Elrond: Arwen inherited her father's disinterest. The twins take turns growing up. Estel isn't a huge fan of games tbh but he'll play to bond with the twins as they give him advice
The children of Eomund: Everybody finds it mystifying that Eowyn would want to play. When Eomer lets her he offers so much unsolicited advice that Eowyn takes to playing only when he isn't around. Nevertheless Eowyn routinely beats her own records and should probably be playing professionally
The sons of Denethor: Boromir is begging Faramir to please play. Why doesn't he play. He'll teach him play. Please stop reading and play Faramir it'll be fun please
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masterofbiography · 9 months
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Née en 2995 T. , Eowyn perdit son père Eomund, maréchal de la Marche, dès 3002 T. , tué par des Orques. Sa mère Théodwyn, décède peu après. À l'âge de sept ans, Eowyn et son frère aîné Eomer, partirent vivre à Meduseld auprès de leur oncle Théoden et de leur cousin Théodred. En 3014, le roi Théoden tomba malade, empoisonné par son conseiller Grima Langue-de-Serpent, qui servait le magicien Saruman. Eowyn fut obligée de rester au palais pour soigner le Roi, alors que son frère et son cousin combattaient pour défendre les frontières du Rohan. Le 25 février 3019, Théodred fut tué lors de lla première bataille des Gués de l'Isen. Le 2 mars, Eowyn vit l'arrivée à Meduseld de Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas et Gimli. Gandalf libéra Théoden de l'emprise de Saruman, alors qu'Eowyn demeurait fascinée par Aragorn. Eowyn tomba amoureuse de celui-ci, descendant d'Isildur. Mais elle n'aimait de lui qu'un espoir de renom et le cœur de celui-ci était déjà lié par l'amour qu'il vouait à Arwen Undomiel depuis leur rencontre à Imladris bien des années auparavant et leur serment prononcé en Lothlorien. Déguisée en cavalier et sous le nom de Dernhelm, elle participe secrètement à la bataille des champs du Pelennor le 15 mars 3019 T. , accompagnée de Merry son fidèle ami. Elle fut confrontée au seigneur des Nazgûl, le Roi-Sorcier d'Angmar, qu'elle détruisit avec l'aide de Merry, accomplissant ainsi la prophétie de Glorfindel, selon laquelle, le seigne des Nazgûll ne serait pas tué par un homme. Son oncle Théoden s'écroula sous le poids de son cheval Nivacrin et mourut. Amenée aux Maisons de Guérison, elle y rencontra Faramir, intendant du Gondor depuis la mort de son père Denethor II. Eowyn est plutôt douce et on ne l'imagine pas se battre sur un champ de bataille. Cependant, elle est la première à vouloir se battre pour protéger son peuple. Elle cherche à être digne de son père et de son oncle le Roi même si elle doit mettre sa vie en danger. Elle est un mélange entre la douceur et la rage de vaincre. Dans de rares cas, je peux adapter Eowyn dans le contexte de Game of Thrones. Le « pays » d'où vient Eowyn ferait partie de « l'est » Arya souhaite voyager à la fin de la série). Les marcheurs blancs pourraient aussi bien menacer Westeros que le pays d'Eowyn ainsi que la menace Saruman qui pourrait menacer Westeros dans son désir de conquête. Je ne fais pas un copier/coller des films non plus, je m'en inspire beaucoup et change également beaucoup de choses pour rendre Eowyn encore plus présente.
Joue avec : Aragorn
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dalleyan · 8 days
Elfwine Chronicles (new LoTR stories, Amity posted, 4-17-24)
Eothain considers his friends  (Friendship)
(57 IV)
Relations with people can be unexpected.  It never seems that they turn out quite as I initially anticipated.  That has been a repeated occurrence during the course of my life.
Take, for example, my relationship with Eomer, son of Eomund.  We met as boys, and promptly got into a disagreement about something – I do not even recall what – that ended in a fight.  We both were bloody, bruised and dirty, but somewhere in the scuffle, we seemed to thrash out our differences and from that moment on became the best of friends.  Even when we were separated by many leagues, training with different eoreds, our friendship did not wane.  Once we were reunited, it was as strong as ever and it seems we have been side by side ever since.  Only now he stands as my sovereign, and I serve as the captain of his personal guard.  Who would have thought those two lads with flying fists would come to such closeness?
Because of my friendship with Eomer, I have developed other ‘unusual’ relations as well.  After the Ring War, he met a young lady from Dol Amroth and promptly became smitten.  Well, he would not put it that way, but that is essentially what happened.  Fortunately, she looked beyond his unpolished surface and saw the fine man within, and reciprocated his feelings.  Lothiriel is…unique.  Most of the nobles I have had occasion to know did not particularly appeal to me.  I could tolerate their company if need be, but much preferred spending time with my Riders instead.  Then Lothiriel joined us.  The queen and I have formed a relationship built largely on squabbling.  Oh, it is not so bad as it sounds, I assure you.  It is just, I seem to be able to readily get a rise out of her, and my actions seem to goad or annoy her regularly.  I rather take pleasure in getting her to fuss at me, and generally I know that it is not done in anger.  Likely she does sometimes consider me rather frustrating, with my jesting nature and carefree attitude, but I know that down deep we are truly friends.  She has proven her regard for me time and again, not the least of which was when she defended me against charges of treason.  For my part, I would gladly die protecting her, and I will mourn her passing as deeply as any of her family members will.
continue reading on AO3:
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Eomer: Your hair looks nice. I like what you’ve done with it. Changed it? Washed it maybe?
Eowyn: …
Faramir: 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
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thewhiteladyofrohan · 3 years
I was inspired by this post by @elles-writing! It's not as good as hers but I hope you all will like it! I made up the magazine The Lady totally did not get inspo from my URL.
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Men of Middle Earth featuring Éomer son of Éomund, Aragorn son of Arathorn, Boromir son of Denethor, and Faramir son of Denethor.
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addendum to my griomer post: 
Eomer definitely has a petty streak that can rival Grima’s. He’s just more subtle about it, and he has it under better control than Grima who is a little, greasy bitch. 
But you cannot tell me Eomer “I’m going to drag out the Galadrial-insult-that-almost-resulted-in-an-international-incident for as long as I possibly can through as many iterations as is possible” son of Eomund doesn’t have the ability to play the long game when it comes to petty warfare with Grima. 
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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His name was Eomer, son of Eomund, sister-son of the king
With a strong sword arm and fire in his eye
He slew and burned his enemies under the forest eaves
And the smoke of them rose black against the sky
In charge against the mighty foe and defense of his keep
He rode like blazing firebrand of war
His passion won great victory in Battle of Helm’s Deep
And on the fields of storied Pelennor
And ‘ere at last he lay to rest under the meadow green
‘Neath simbelmyne that grows wild and white
His arm was strong, his back was straight, his mind forever keen
And the flicker in his gaze burned ever bright
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ouchmousewrites · 3 years
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Eomer with Children
2020, digital art
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tyrellia · 6 years
But thereupon Éomer rode up in haste... and grief and dismay fell upon him as he came to the king's side and stood there in silence....
And he looked at the slain, recalling their names. Then suddenly he beheld his sister Éowyn as she lay, and he knew her. He stood a moment as a man who is pierced in the midst of a cry by an arrow through the heart; and then his face went deathly white; and a cold fury rose in him, so that all speech failed him for a while. A fey mood took him.
'Éowyn, Éowyn!' he cried at last: 'Éowyn, how come you here? What madness or devilry is this? Death, death, death! Death take us all!'
Then without taking counsel or waiting for the approach of the men of the City, he spurred headlong back to the front of the great host, and blew a horn, and cried aloud for the onset. Over the field rang his clear voice calling: 'Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!'
And with that the host began to move. But the Rohirrim sang no more. Death they cried with one voice loud and terrible, and gathering speed like a great tide their battle swept about their fallen king and passed, roaring away southwards.
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
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