#eridans a slytherin
setsuntamew · 1 year
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I'm stuck at the car place all day because tires + other repairs, so instead of bringing any homework to do, I decided to take up knitting again.
by knitting a small penis
I'm halfway through making the ballsack now uwu
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casanovasadmiral · 1 year
Can i know your hogwarts house plese?
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The boys havve called me a Ravvenclaww
gryffindor, i think. its been a vwhile.
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le-dark-arts · 1 year
On this day I looked in the mirror and saw eridan.
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Yes that's a slytherin jacket.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
Eridan, writing a letter: dear harry potter i am your biggest fan wwould you like to come to our house for dinner
Karkat, sitting next to him: HARRY POTTER IS A FICTITIOUS CHARACTER.
Eridan: some other time harry
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sprltekind · 5 years
halloween themed eridan???
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i know when you requested this talksprite reqs were closed but i made a talksprite anywayhes ready for hogwarts
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multigalaxymuses · 6 years
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Got inspired to make these edits thanks to that one anon! Have some Hogwarts House Eridans for all of your headcanon needs!
(if you want me to make any specific Eridan edits just send me an ask!)
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never-daily-eridan · 7 years
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I’d love to hear what other people headcanon houses are for any homestuck characters for Hogwarts and Ilvermorney! ;u;
I didn’t really think very hard on my choice, but I think Slytherin might be a good fit for Eridan? I mean... he’s kinda ambitious and stuff with planning out murdering all landwellers and such, so it makes sense to choose that at first thought to me.
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sahxyelart · 4 years
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ERIDAN: rox i cant read wwith you hovverin ovver me like that ERIDAN: you aint any better ros ROXY: sry but its been 4evr since i read this ROXY: plus i want 2 see ur reactions ROSE: Yes I too would be very interested in seeing our dear Hufflepuff prince's face for certain stunning and shocking moments of this chapter in young Mr. Potter's adventures. ERIDAN: wwhy dont you givve me some space an mind your owwn business ERIDAN: an also a more fittin scarf for wwhat i am ERIDAN: i deservve slytherin an you knoww it you pompous wwitch ROXY: pfft ERIDAN: wwhat ROXY: ur funny ROSE: Since we are sadly bereft of any enchanted headgear that undoubtedly would be incapable of sitting on your horned head we have to settle for other house sorting measures, Eridan. ROSE: My psychological profiling of your interests and deepest self unveils a 'Puff pretending to be a Slytherin. ROSE: Those are what I believe in the business we call "the breaks". ROXY: sry eri the head mugwump rose decided ur fate ERIDAN: this is bee ess
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2-point-5 · 4 years
Eridan headcannons?
low-key? he, kanaya and vriska are actually really good friends and deserve better content.
he's a short king.
dyed his hair himself.
look. i just. he has freckles. and they're bioluminescent. and they glow in the dark. and when he's surprised. i just 😳
fish don't have eyelids, and neither does he.
he says he's a slytherin, but he's actually a ravenclaw.
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skeletorific · 4 years
Any idea about the beta trolls' Hogwarts houses?
So I subscribe to the theory that your Hogwarts house isn’t necessarily reflective of your personality, but of your values. So Gryffindors may not all be brave, strong, or chivalrous, but all of them at their core value those traits and at their best will strive to imitate it. Ravenclaws value intelligence, wit, and creativity, Hufflepuffs value fairness and loyalty, and Slytherins value cunning and ambition. Since you’re sorted at 11, I’m going to be basing the sorting on the values of the beta trolls when we first meet them. Some, I argue, do change as they get older (Terezi and Karkat being big ones to my mind) but that’s not super uncommon for even canonical Harry Potter characters.
Gryffindor: Tavros, Equius, Nepeta, Eridan
Ravenclaw: Kanaya, Sollux, Aradia
Hufflepuff: Terezi, Feferi, Gamzee
Slytherin: Vriska, Karkat.
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smengus · 4 years
Slytherin: dirk, rose, vriska, eridan, gamzee 
Gryffindor: dave, jake, terezi, nepeta, equius
Hufflepuff: jane, john, feferi, tavros, karkat
Ravenclaw: roxy, jade, kanaya, sollux, aradia 
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13, 22
13. sort your characters into harry potter houses!
This is discussed in canon, but as an overall reference and for the characters that weren't around for that conversation:
Gryffindor: Karkat, Tavros, John, Dave
Ravenclaw: Aradia, Equius, Eridan, Jade
Slytherin: Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Rose
Hufflepuff: Gamzee, Feferi
and Sollux is Slytherin/Ravenclaw!
22. which character swears the most? least?
Karkat quite obviously swears the most, and Equius the least, but other than those two obvious answers, I think probably Dave and Feferi? I don’t really remember Feferi swearing at all, and Dave swears almost as liberally as Karkat.
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steph-is-asleep · 4 years
Steph Talks For Way Too Long About Sollux’s Harry Potter House
I havent been able to stop thinking  or talking about this topic for like 60+ hours
first wanna say that it’s really hard to interpret how people are sorted because JK Rowling is apparently shitty at writing. So people seem to have wildly different opinions on why people are in the houses they’re in because they view the houses and their qualifications differently.
I’ve also never read a harry potter book and havent watched a movie for like 5+ years maybe so i had to talk to like 3-4 people who went though huge harry potter phases and we talked for over 3 hours cumulatively for me to make up my mind.
I think it’s really important to say that because Sollux isn’t really a main character, there’s a lot we have to make guesses on. Hussie didn’t make a big sheet full of Sollux’s Dreams and Ambitions, Morals and Beliefs, so we have to  fill in a lot of blanks on what we think those are based on a few things. Who he talks to, and associates himself with and what he does
The point being we don’t have a lot to work with.
It’s also pretty important to say that Sollux puts on a LOT of fronts and facades. He’s only truly mean and cruel to people he doesn’t like or care about Plus Karkat. He plays Fake Mean a lot, and if you dig even a centimeter under it, we see time and time again that he’s just pretending and does actually give many shits.
Sollux is also really passive in most things that he does. He doesn’t really question anyone’s authority or make a point to fight something out very often. The only time we ever see him resort to action to solve his problems are when dealing with Eridan. And even then, the first time we ever see them talk, it’s Eridan walking up to him and Feferi privately having a conversation and Sollux telling his gf to “make him go away.” And then after Eridan doesn’t go away, we see him resort to fighting. His PQ arc also has him antagonize Eridan and then drop a building on him, so like, yeah. Usually, when presented with conflict, Sollux either removes himself from the situation quickly, or if he’s unable to do so, makes it extremely clear that he doesn’t want to engage. In most cases, Sollux is by himself, sitting alone and not making attempts to talk to anyone else. It’s totally possible that he’s more social at other times and we only see him when he’s at his worst, but we dont see that so we can’t really speculate much on it. Point being, he’s very passive and self contained/oriented.
What i really want to put emphasis on is the people he associates with. His main friends we see him talk to willingly or at least show fondness for are Aradia, Feferi, Kanaya, Terezi, and Karkat. Three of these are considered main characters, or are at least given character arcs to some extent. These are the good guys. The guys who at least try to do good, and show compassion, and care about others. The characters we see him either avoid quietly, avoid loudly or vocally hate and commit violence against are the rest of the characters. Namely Vriska, Gamzee and Eridan. (im kinda gonna gloss over Vriska because his distaste/hatred/unpleasantness towards her  doesn’t have to be a moral statement on his part. It’s pretty easy to assume that anyone with his past to her would have a similar if not identical stand point) These are characters that actively do bad things, they murder and harm others at worst and are gross nasty incels at best. And even the best case in that scenario is still blabberingly racist and, treats sollux and the people he cares about like shit. Sollux doesn’t associate with people that the comic have established are villains, or at least do things that are pretty unambiguously wrong or evil.
In Sollux’s pesterquest, Kanaya tells MSPA reader than when The Thing with Aradia first happened, Sollux refused contact with Kanaya because she didn’t cut off Vriska. He was upset at her for being associated with someone who traumatized him. This is very telling of sollux’s personality and his relationship with his friends, and it’s a side we don’t see of Sollux any other time in the comic or in his PQ arc. It’s only when she tells him that she doesn’t cut Vriska off due to romantic feelings for her does Sollux change his mind. He doesn’t bring up Vriska, Aradia, his grief or his trauma at any point while at his visit with her that we see. He doesn’t appear mad or reluctant to be there, he makes jokes, smiles, and reminisces memories with her fondly, even almost sleeps over at her place for the day. It’s like he’s completely forgotten about being upset at her at all, or is at least choosing not to bring it up out of respect for her.
Again, it’s unclear how much time has passed. But when you start his arc, the reason youre talking to him is because he’s been reclusive out of grief. He hasn’t been talking to people lately and his friends are worried about him. So clearly enough time has passed for him to be okay with seeing Kanaya, as that’s his sole purpose for leaving his hive that day at all, but not enough time for him to be fully recovered.
This moment in his arc showcases his loyalty that he has for Kanaya, and possibly his other friends. He seemed quick to forgive her, or at least bury whatever resentment he may have been harboring. One may say that his cold shoulder to Kanaya would be indicative of a lack of a loyalty trait at all, that if he were loyal to her, he wouldn’t be ready to possible end his relationship with her over this. But i kind of view it as a sort of bluff? Like Kanaya essentially told him that his trauma did not at all change the way she feels about her, Kanaya still has a crush on Vriska after hearing about what she did to one of her good friends. To some, this may have been a slap to the face, an entire dismissal of his trauma in it’s entirety. But instead, he sees it as a valid reason for not cutting her off, he shrugs it off. I feel like if he were serious about not wanting to be friends with Kanaya while she was talking to someone who hurt him greatly, her crush wouldn’t have been an excuse.
I also wanna touch on his loyalty to Aradia very quickly because you dont need me to  tell you that he cares about her. Once again for like the third time, we have to make guesses on how much time has passed between events. From the time Aradia dies on Alternia, becomes a ghost with an entirely new personality, a robot with another personality, and then finally her alive Godtier self, Sollux’s feelings for her are very consistent. He seems to not really care for the ghost or robot versions of her, he even sits a chair away from her during Openbound on the meteor, and doesn’t talk to her much, is very cold towards her, and even tells her that she’s incapable of feeling when she tries to tell him goodbye when she explodes (it’s also worth noting he cries after this, which i think is the first and only time we see him do this). When Aradia comes back to the meteor, alive and herself again, Sollux immediately leaves the rest of his friends to go hang out with her. Even with Karkat begging him to stay, he just peaces out, without even really thinking about it. We have to assume that if it’s not written in the dialogue, it isn’t being said. So he doesn’t discuss wanting to leave with Aradia or with anyone else. He just decides he’s leaving, and then does. And he stays by her side for almost the rest of the time we see him. He ditches later for other reasons, but don’t worry, they’re back together by the time Collide is happening.
Point being, for the most part, he sticks by his friends unless they’re doing something he disagrees with morally. If he’s not down for what’s happening, he’s not down for sticking around. He even seems to be better friends with Nepeta now that this version of her isn’t really hanging out with Equius that much, someone Sollux would no doubt not get along with for many reasons.
Some of my friends pointed out that him sticking by his morals so strongly is something a Slytherin would do, coupled with the fact that he’s kind of a dick or something idk that much about Slytherins. But I think Huffliepuff is very much about comradery. We can tell a lot about Sollux based on who he surrounds himself with and what he does and doesn’t participate in. He doesn’t participate in trolling humans, he doesn’t participate in helping Vriska do something he doesn’t feel good about doing, he doesn’t participate in any of the relationship melodrama happening around him. But he helps his friends. He helps Kanaya open the viewfinder to see and talk to Rose, he helps Kanaya do little errands in his PQ route, he helps Terezi find out who Dave is, and he sacrifices himself to save the remainder of his group (which btw only contains the people I’ve previously stated he associates with minus feferi not that that means anything i just thought it was kind of fun to point out). I mean, he got better but its the thought that counts.
Someone could make a point that “If Sollux is so loyal, why didn’t he mourn Feferi even a little bit when he found out she was dead?” And yeah, that’s a good point to bring up, and i don’t really have anything to say about it other than….maybe he knew by this point that death doesn’t really mean anything? Maybe his euphoria of finally being lifting of the voices was happening at the same time? And also that he predicted he’d go blind like a million pages ago and now he can finally stop worrying about it? Is he happy that he’s talking to Terezi and right now that’s more important? It’s hard to tell. Sollux doesn’t really explain himself apart from “missing being her matesprite” when in Erisolsprite form talking  to Fefetasprite form. It’s hard to tell what their relationship was at the time, or what his feelings truly were immediately afterward. I kinda think it was the foremost of those explanations, he probably knew that she’d come back as a ghost, or something?
Anyway, those are all the reasons i can think of at the moment for why I think Sollux would be Hufflepuff. A lot of his personality revolves around his friends, who he considers friends and who he doesn’t consider friends. Send me asks, message me, and do that shit if you wanna talk more, but i probably won’t have a whole lot to say lmao. Or ill just restate a lot of what i said here.
Props for getting this far. For the record, if Sollux for some reason was unable to be in Hufflepuff, I’d probably put him 50/50 Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I really don’t think he’s a Gryfindor because as I understand it, that house is very much about being courageous, and standing up for yourself and i went off for way to long about how he’s a little weenie man who does nothing mostly.
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cheloneuniverse · 5 years
Potterstuck Quidditch teams
Captain: John Egbert (John is team Captain due to many reasons, one of them being that Feferi and Jane are both Head Girls and Prefects and already have responsibilities and because of his friend-leaderness)
Chaser: Meulin Leijon (Meulin, Feferi and Roxy have excellent team-work. Meulin is the mage and so is the strategist who figures out what positions to play and plan how their attack)
Chaser: Feferi Peixes (Feferi is the fastest and has the best hand-eye coordination)
Chaser: Roxy Lalonde (Roxy is the Stalking Horse, she is very good at going unnoticed by the competition and then swooping in to catch the quaffle)
Beater: John Egbert (John excels in the use of blunt weapons such as the beater clubs and hammers, plus he has super-strength)
Beater: Jane Crocker (Jane has super-strength and works well in a team with John)
Keeper: Tavros Nitram (Tavros was pressured into playing by Vriska, who would regret this as he turns out to be a really good player)
Seeker: Callliope (joined because Caliborn said she couldn’t, she proved him wrong by getting on a team while he didn’t)
Captain: Latula Pyrope (Latula loves sports and her natural charisma and enthusiasm quickly got her the position of Captain)
Chaser: Latula Pyrope (Latula is an extremely aggressive player who uses every weakness to her advantage, but she is fair and will not act in a way that will endanger a fellow player even if they are her competition)
Chaser: Nepeta Leijon (Nepeta is a Rogue and is extremely good at wonski feints, tricks and manoeuvrers to trick her opponents while she tracks down the snitch like its her prey)
Chaser: Joey Claire (Jade’s older half-sister, extremely skilled and competitive)
Beater: Terezi Pyrope (often gets into bat fights with Vriska, often gets into bat fights with the other Gryffindor beater)
Beater: Gamzee Makara (often gets into bat fights with Terezi)
Keeper: Rufioh Nitram (Rufioh is the keeper and he is pretty good at it.)
Seeker: Jake English (Jake has a a lot of enthusiasm and potential, although he can get distracted from the game at times)
Captain: Dirk Strider (Dirk takes being the team Captain way too seriously, he also has the position of Chaser)
Chaser: Dave Strider (He thinks his position's name is Runner and doesn't understand the rules of the sport he is playing)
Chaser: Jade Harley (Jade has good hand-eye coordination and is extremely quick and fast although she can be overly competitive)
Chaser: Kanaya Maryam (Kanaya is playing because Vriska implied she couldn't, Rose is pissed at Vriska for getting so many good players onto the other teams)
Beater: Equius Zakhak (he works well in tandem with Dirk)
Beater: Dirk Strider (takes position way too seriously)
Keeper: Aranea Serket (she never shuts up. There's a joke that she keeps people away from the goals through her voice)
Seeker: Aradia Megido (she is extremely good at being the Seeker)
Captain: Rose Lalonde (her sense of competition means that she fought tooth and nail for the position of captain despite not caring in the slightest about sports)
Chaser: Rose Lalonde (fast, stealthy and deadly)
Chaser: Meenah Peixes (a good chaser though overly prone to cheating)
Chaser: Damara Megido (the teachers put her on the team in hopes of addressing her anti-social tendencies by making her part of a group, it hasn't worked and she is barely kept in line by Rose)
Beater: Vriska Serket (has a tendency to attack other players with the bat, often has bat fights with Terezi)
Beater: Kurloz Makara (he's a good beater but no one has any idea why he's on the team because he doesn't' care in the slightest about sports)
Keeper: Eridan Ampora (good Keeper, terrible attitude)
Seeker: Karkat Vantas (Karkat is tiny and fast and really good at his job, has had points docked because of his tirades)
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Headcanon;; Muses sorted into Hogwarts Houses ( Karkat, Ardata, Dammek and Xefros’ moved over from the old blog )
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Karkat;; Ravenclaw
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Xefros;; Gryffindor
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Dammek;; Gryffindor
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Ardata;; Slytherin
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Dirk;; Ravenclaw
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Jude;; Gryffindor
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Eridan ( because of this blog’s AU );; Hufflepuff
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John;; Ravenclaw
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Marvus;; Hufflepuff ( biggest and most intimidating hufflepuff probably but he has a heart of gold )
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