#ernst ahasverus heinrich graf lehndorff
kattestrophe · 9 months
So, I asked @gilsart before and now I am here in the quest of knowledge! Can you recommend any books about Friedrich the Great (and the others, of course) in English or German?
Hi there! I'll just chuck a few things at you that I could think of on a whim, there's a ton more out there.
If you want a fun biography that's easy to read to get the gist of things: Mitford is your gal. Very easy to read, pretty short, lots of pictures, fun. A bit old though, lacks sources. (Mitford, Nancy: Frederick the Great, 1970)
If you want a more up to date biography that actually cites sources: Blanning. While he's got his faults, it's probably the most thorough biography to start with and is great for source mining. (Blanning, Tim: Frederick the Great: King of Prussia, 2015)
For anything Katte-related: Kloosterhuis. The most accessible book about the subject is "Katte. Ordre und Kriegsartikel" (make sure to get the second edition from 2011, it has more fun sources in the back). There's also an exhibition catalogue called "Kriegsgericht in Köpenick" that you can find used and that has even more stuff (and an overview of the people involved, very helpful).
For Fritz being a bitch and more info on interesting people around him: Ziebura's biographies of his brothers, especially Henry. (Ziebura, Eva: Prinz Heinrich von Preußen, 1999)
For Fritz writing affectionate letters in questionable German: The Fredersdorf correspondence (Richter, Johannes: Die Briefe Friedrichs des Großen an seinen vormaligen Kammerdiener Fredersdorf, 1926)
For court gossip and gay drama including Henry: The Lehndorff diaries (Ernst Ahasverus Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff: Die Tagebücher des Grafen Lehndorff, 2019; same translation also available as Dreissig Jahre am Hofe Friedrichs des Großen, 1907)
I also recommend checking out the Research Center Sanssouci and parts of the SPSG's blog for various articles (the SPSG has posted articles from their pricey exhibition catalogues before, worth a shot) and the digital edition of the Oeuvres de Frédéric le Grand
If The Rest Of The Niche has anything to add, do not hesitate!
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prinzsorgenfrei · 3 years
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Ernst Ahasverus Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff
Found a tiny frame, made a tiny Lehndorff. Euro for scale.
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prinzsorgenfrei · 3 years
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“It has no deeper meaning. Very practical when you want a midnight snack without lighting a candle though.”
Oh, Count Lehndorff had it b a d for Heinrich. 
He did not actually write “Heinrich, call me!” on his wall of course, but he did write “The most worthy of mortals shall await the Gods’ messenger here!”
In phosphorus. On his wall. For Heinrich’s 30th birthday. Before having some dude dressed as Mercury come into the darkened room to hand Heinrich a letter that said “You are better than all ancient Roman deities combined and they’d like to give the rulership of all their realms to you, but you’re needed in Prussia, so they can’t.” 
Selena, who posted this story to the amazing Rheinsberg-Community over on dreamwidth today, was wondering whether they ever got the phosphorus out of the tapestry again or whether it was still there when Lehndorff got married a few years later. So I had to make a dumb joke.
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kattestrophe · 3 years
Post-worthy things about Count Lehndorff #1
"Prince Henry is leaving for Hesse to find a bride.
In the evening I was struck down by a fever."
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kattestrophe · 3 years
Deine Fake Fanfic Titel machen mich so glücklich, pls more!!! Wie wärs mit "O Fortuna" oder "Never gonna see the sea" oder "The Masochism Tango" (ja, ich bin Team 'Songtitel als Fanfictitel, sue me!)
Du kriegst alle drei!
O Fortuna
Rated T, Major Character Death
Tags: Friedrich II von Preußen/Hans Hermann von Katte, Friedrich II von Preußen/Peter Karl Christoph von Keith, hurt no comfort, ich nehme das was wirklich passiert ist und mache es noch schlimmer
Wenn auch nicht wie geplant, so läuft doch zunächst alles wie gewünscht. Er schafft es erst über den Rhein, dann nach Den Haag, kann Keith wieder in die Arme schließen und denkt daran, wie sein Vater es hassen würde, ihn so zu sehen; ganz in Rot und Gold, glänzend, strahlend, geliebt, vom Glück geküsst.
Doch das Glück ist eine treulose Hure. - Friedrich und Keith gelingt die Flucht; doch Berlin ist weiter von der Grenze weg als Steinsfurt und Wesel und der Dritte im Bunde hat weniger Glück.
Never gonna see the sea
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Friedrich II von Preußen/Michael Gabriel Fredersdorf, hurt/comfort, fluff, past relationships
Rheinsberg war nicht die Welt, die er zu sehen gehofft hatte, aber Rheinsberg war seine Rettung.
The Masochism Tango
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: One Sided Ernst Ahasverus Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff/Prinz Heinrich von Preußen, Prinz Heinrich von Preußen/other people, pining, friendship, Lehndorff you poor simp
Wieder war er den ganzen Tag bei Heinrich. Seinem Heinrich, dem liebenswürdigsten aller Prinzen, dem anbetungswürdigsten aller Fürsten. Seinem Heinrich, der in den Armen eines Anderen lag.
Also wenn die wer anders schreiben möchte, nur zu, ich hätte gern was zu lesen :D Die erste wäre aber RICHTIG schmerzhaft. Die letzte ist nur Lehndorffs Tagebuch aus anderer Perspektive. Obwohl bei dem Titel Henri und Kaphengst mein erster Gedanke waren.
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