#esmeralda pro player
baeksu-krp · 6 months
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Com o halloween se aproximando e o mundial de League of Legends acontecendo, o RIOT PC Cafe terá um final de semana repleto de jogos, risadas e promoções exclusivas em nossa loja!
No sábado, a partir das 19h teremos um Torneio de League of Legends! Onde os vencedores receberão pacotes de rp, cromas esmeralda, skins temáticas a sua escolha e descontos na loja! 
19h - organização dos times 19h30 - início dos jogos
Os times serão montados conforme inscrições e mais informações serão dadas no dia!
Para o torneio de ARAM os campeões liberados para uso são baseados nas linhas de skin Feiticeira, Travessuras ou Gostosuras, Demoníaca, Zumbis vs Caça-zumbis, Pesadelo na cidade do crime, Noite apavorante e La Ilusion
Então a lista final de campeões é a seguinte:
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E no domingo, a partir das 15h a brincadeira continua com uma tarde de jogos diversos! Onde nossos queridos jogadores podem escolher entre criar alianças ou acabar uns com os outros em diferentes jogos!
Mas já preparem a lábia porque o primo gratuito do among us, nosso queridinho goose goose duck, promete acabar com algumas amizades. 
15h - organização dos jogos 15h30 - início do jogo 1
Para acompanhar nossos jogadores nesses dois dias de diversão preparamos alguns descontos especiais válidos apenas para esse período!
Começando que neste sábado e domingo contaremos com valores únicos para uso do espaço durante todo o dia!
₩ 15.000 - entrada diária e uso de computadores durante todo o evento
Também teremos promoções em alimentação!
bebidas - 50% de desconto na compra de 1 e 70% na compra de 2 macarrão instantâneo - todas as compras vem com um pacote de bala ou salgadinho a escolha do cliente balas - qualquer pacote de balas com 30% de desconto
Esperamos vocês!
Organizamos os jogos e horários da melhor forma que conseguimos pelas votações, e esperamos que todos se divirtam e interajam bastante! 
O evento é IC, então para participar o seu personagem deve estar presente
Sábado o evento começa às 19h, e daremos o tempo até 19h30 para todos os inscritos no torneio estarem presentes. Como ainda não temos certeza do número de participantes os times serão montados apenas no dia
As inscrições devem ser feitas nesse tweet aqui
Os prêmios do torneio também são IC a moderação é pobre e não vamos dar skin pra ninguém, sorry
Domingo o evento começa às 15h, e também daremos até as 15h30 pra aparecerem
Vamos começar os jogos com o que a maioria dos presentes escolher, e o tempo de cada um será definido pelo hype do grupo 
As salas dos jogos serão montadas pelos players do RIOT, até para não tirarmos espaço de nenhum jogador a toa, mas vamos manter contato todo o tempo pelo discord pro que precisarem
A interação do evento será feita no canal do RIOT no discord
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williamkhonggo · 4 years
Esmeralda Poison Vine Skin Game Play https://youtu.be/FFEsMepmHBI via @YouTube #esmeraldagameplay #esmeraldamobilelegends #mobilelegendsbangbang #mobilelegends #esmeralda
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hyacinthforgerwiz · 3 years
"Pat The Pro Player"
Pat:*play mobile legends*
Whitney: ugh,everyday she always played that phone game.
Mariah: whats wrong if pat playing that mobile legends
Whitney: she dont have time for cuddle.
Donna: whit, i have an idea.
Whitney: what is it?
Donna: how about we dress as the character from that video game and pranked her that we are the character that game as distraction.
Mariah: oh, thats great idea thou, what do you think whit.
Whitney: im down for it.
On the bedroom Whitney,Mariah and Donna dress up as the characters from mobile legends, Mariah dressed as Miya, Donna is Esmeralda then Whitney dresses as Cecilion, they are done dress up they came up to Pat finished her other round in rank game, then Whitney pointing her with a staff where Ceilion has on the game,Pat noticed the pointed staff on her stomach and then she was shock how they look.
Pat: woah,why are you dress up like cecilion, miya and esmeralda.
They act like the character on video game instead as theirselves.
Whitney:*changed her voice into Cecilion's voice* who are you lady?
Pat: stop playing Nippy you trying to prank me.
Whitney: prank?, i dont know what that means, well we came out on your phone, we came here for a mission
Donna: *as Esmeralda* Cecilion was right, we just came out from the land of dawn and also on your screen.
Mariah: *as Miya* your girlfriend, Whitney told us to came here brought you to her thats our mission.
Pat: wait, she brought you here in real world
Whitney:*as Cecilion* she does well Miya, Esme and I are wanting you to tour us here in your place.
Pat: sure, unless your girl Carmilla will finding you, also you Miya maybe Nana and Alucard searching you in moonlit forest.
Mariah: actually, we going back tomorrow dont worry for Nana, Alu and Carmilla.
Pat: okay, first before we go out.
She went to her room then came back with two trench coats
Pat: for you Miya and Esmeralda, its little bit cold outside and especially covering your clothes so give this coats, actually this my friend's coats so i can borrow this on you girls.
Donna: thank you.
Mariah: thanks to you, Pat
Pat: you're welcome girls, um Cecilion
Whitney: what do you asked for me lady
Pat: do i get you a coat?
Whitney: no, thanks, you know me that im a blood demon right
Pat: oh, i forgot you are a vampire, but the sun was still up, i dont like you got burned
Whitney: im not sensitive on sunlight, im very different i can handle being in sunlight even a garlic
Pat: okay, now new york city was waiting for you folks, let's go.
Mariah and Donna wore their coats, also Whitney and Pat, then they went outside even the three wore costume and pretends as Miya, Esmeralda and Cecilion.
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beejay2021 · 3 years
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Mobile Legends : Bang Bang is a mobile MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game consisting 2 teams of 5 players battling in the Land of Dawn. It was released in July 11 2016. The goal of the game is to destory the inner base of the opposing team to win. The Philippines is one of the countries who are abundant to the world of Mobile Legends because it is a cheaper game, can be played in mobile devices rather than laptops or personal computers. Mobile Legends E-sports prevail in the Philippines considering there is the MPL  (Mobile Legends:Bangbang Professional League), The Nationals, a sponsored league by ONE Sports, Justml and other amateur leagues, and also other community leagues.
The goal of the game is to destroy the inner base of the opposing team. There are objectives such as the lord and turtle, and there are the buffs (blue and orange) and neutral camps that each team has. The neutral camps give a specific amount of gold and experience. Blue buff gives additional cooldown reduction and mana reduction cost while the red buff gives bonus true damage and slow to enemies. There are 3 lanes, the mid lane, the gold lane and the experience lane. The mid lane has the fastest rotation of minions, the gold lane has a gold carrying minion which gives bonus gold when killed, while the experience has a experience carrying minion which gives bonus exp when killed. Each lane has 3 turrents. For the first minutes of the game, the outer turrents has a gold shield in which the two teams can hit to gain gold, this is for reducing early game turrent destructions. Before the pandemic struct, there was a Arena dedicated for E-sports located in the Mall of Asia, Pasay city. This Arena was used for MPL Philippines.
           For an average player, he/she needs to have a smartphone consisting of 2gb ram and 8 gb rom. The Pros of Mobile Legends is that it can be played with using a low end phone but for better graphics, the average standard phone will do. It is better if you have a heatset on so that you can hear other ingame sounds that can benefit your gameplay i.e recalls and Kufra’s first skill.
           Mobile Legends is an easy game, that is why a broad spectrum of individuals can play the game whether young or old, girl or boy, and such. The basic skills are ; tapping, using of controls, and moving the joystick. Hitting enemies, turrents, and jungle camps, moving from one area to another, and choosing heroes.
The technical skills consists of lane sustaining and pressuring, map awareness, and knowing of each roles. Lane sustaining and pressure are essential for off laners in the gold and experience lane. You should know how to win trades against the enemy team during skirmishes. Map awareness is essential for the 3 roles in the mid, the mid laner, tank support and the core because having vision is significant is getting objectives and winning games. Lastly, is knowing all the roles, the exp laner, the gold laner, the mid laner, the tank support, and and the jungler/core. The tactical skills are more complicated skills to have but can be learned through persistent playing with experience. These tactical skills compose of rotations, knowing the META, and knowing the in game timers. Knowing the META (Most Effective Tactics Available) includes knowledge of the most effective heroes in each role, knowing the most effective strategies in the game. Rotations is a much in a mobile game because of the fast pace that every game has. The first 5 minutes of the game is very crucial in gaining and sustaining early game leads. Lastly is the timers, you need to know these information ; The buffs spawn at 25 seconds into the game and respawns after 90 seconds, The turtle spawns at 2 minutes into the game and respawns after 2 mins, it stops respawning at 7 minutes and 5 seconds in the game, The Lord Spawns at 9 mins or later and  respawns every 4 minutes. Lastly, the spell timers must be checked because these spells are crucial during skirmishes and team fights.
           In the game itself, the rules are often simple because the games are programmed to ensure that the rules come in-play during games. Cheating is often prevented because of the strict A.I especially in tournaments. These games are also officiated by shout-casters who are directly spectating the game for any rules violated. The role of the shout-casters is to comment on the game and the team. There are technical personnel when one team has lag issues so that they can pause the game.
M2 is a world Mobile Legends Tournament composing of the top teams from different countries. The grand finals was the battle of Bren E-sports from Philippines and Burmese Ghouls from Myanmar. It was a best of 7 series and Burmese Ghouls leads with 3-2 against Bren before the start of game 6. In the game 6, Bren banned Claude, Harith and Yi Sun-Shin, which are one of the best core junglers in the game while also banning Diggie because it involves a different strategy against Bren, and Lapu-Lapu, which is one of the strongest offlaners in the current META. On the other hand, Burmese ghouls banned Esmeralda, also one of the strongest offlaners in the META, respect bans to Bren’s Midlaner and Tank heroes such as Phews Mathilda & Selena and Lustys Jawhead and Atlas. The picks of Bren were Brody, Alice, Lunox, Benedetta, and Chou while Burmese Ghoul’s picks were Pharsa, Hayabusa, Natalia, Baxia and Yu Zhong respectively. The early game of both sides were in equal, Burmese was actually leading the early game with early pick offs coming from Natalia. When it came to the late game, errors from Burmese Ghouls were evident especially in their Yu Zhong player because he made a lot of indecisive plays. Overall, it was a team error from Burmese Ghouls as they made around 4 errors in 4 different team-fights. Bren won the game and eventually the series getting the M2 World Championship.  
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scottbcrowley2 · 5 years
Jim Meehan: Golf loses prominent figure with passing of longtime Esmeralda pro Bill Warner - Fri, 12 Jul 2019 PST
Warner spent 37 years as the pro at Esmeralda, simultaneously running the busy city course while providing instruction to players of all levels and life lessons to young employees. Warner passed away in May at the age of 79. Jim Meehan: Golf loses prominent figure with passing of longtime Esmeralda pro Bill Warner - Fri, 12 Jul 2019 PST
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gamingbyesme · 7 years
Q: Who are you?
A: Online I go by the name Esme Silverforce, which is from my Star Stable character Esmeralda Silverforce. I live outside of Stockholm, Sweden and was born in 1994. I love horses, games, books and everything magic and fantasy!
Q: Is this your job?
A: I play video games by night and by day... I play more video games! All jokes aside, I run my social media on my spare time and my day job is at the MMORPG Star Stable Online.
Q: How come you’re playing Star Stable?
A: When I was a kid I played the Starshine Legacy Games, and then the Star Stable games. I was thrilled when I heard an online version was in the making, and when Star Stable Online opened up in Sweden in October 2011 I was one of the first 25 players to enter the game! Since then I’ve launched Jorvikipedia, the unofficial Star Stable Wikipedia, in Swedish and English, a horse game blog centered around Star Stable, a Star Stable Instagram as well as two YouTube channels. All of this led up to me being asked to create official tutorial videos for Star Stable’s own YouTube channel, which led me to today be a full-time employee at Star Stable.
Q: What are your Star Stable accounts called?
A: My main account is Esmeralda Silverforce on the Swedish servers, where I also have Penelope Kinglee and Esmeralda Kinglee. On the US servers I have one account also called Esmeralda Silverforce (which of course is not as high leveled as my Swedish counterpart).
Q: What servers are they on then?
A: I move them around like all the time, so that depends on when you’re asking!
Q: Will you be my friend on Star Stable?
A: I’m sorry, I only accept friend requests from people I know IRL.
Q: Where can I get all the games you’re playing?
A: If I know of a trustworthy place you can get them from, it will be linked in the video description boxes on YouTube. If not, I suggest you do a Google search for them. Very, very few of the games you see on my YouTube are free to play, and most of them I bought many years ago since they’re on discs. During the peak of the horse games, no one trusted downloads and rarely bought anything online!
Q: Can I download your The Sims 4 builds?
A: Sure thing! My EA ID is Monokerus!
Q: What setup do you use for your PC?
A: Click HERE to find out!
Q: What do you use for your videos?
A: I record the videos with Fraps and edit them in Vegas Pro 15.
Q: What about your speed edits?
A: Everything is made in Photoshop CC with a Wacom Intuos3 drawing tablet. The videos are recorded with HyperCam 2 or OBS.
Q: How do you record videos from apps?
A: I play them on my PC by using Bluestacks and record them with OBS.
Q: What softwares do you use for streaming?
A: I use the free software Streamlabs, as well as an Elgato Stream Deck.
Q: What’s your social media?
Blog ~ Main Instagram ~ Design Instagram ~ English YouTube ~ Swedish YouTube ~ Facebook ~ Twitter
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 34 (Multi Liverpool players)
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baplynn-99 · 5 years
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nickname - mia, genny
bday - november 24
sexuality - hetero
ethnicity - cuban, and european mix
face claim - s. hyland
career - physiotherapis
bae - cory
spawn - scarlett, rhett, esmeralda, isadora, cory junior, audrey
traits - zesty, stubborn, curt, possessive, adventurous versatile
Silas (dad)
Marsha (mom)
Theodore (bro)
Cree (bro)
Isabel (sis)
Genevieve Amelia Harrison was born in Santa Marta, Colombia, South America. Her family moved to the states when she was eleven years old and in her high school junior years, she met and started dating her fiancee Cory. Genevieve was born into a family where everyone WERE, WAS or ARE paid pro athletes. Not one person has ever thought about another career besides her father who became an actor instead. It was like it was in their blood to be athletic and to become professionals. It came to no surprise that a young Genevieve did not fall from the tree because she was just as rough, athletic and competitive as the rest of her family.
Was told she would never be able to have kids after an incident then placed her in a depressed mood. But who is beating all odds? Later in life, mia is a mother of 6, 4 girls and 2 boys.
As a child, believe it or not this ultimate girly girl was more of a tomboy who had always got into scuffles with the neighborhood boys. Despite her father cries for her to stop playing so roughly
Genevieve is the baby of the family, her eldest brother is an American football player, her other brother is a hockey player, and her sister is a professional tennis player. 
In high school, Genevieve was involved in gymnastic and cheerleading and later went on to winning gold medal’s in the Olympics.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Mexico Hopes New Women’s Pro Soccer League Will Boost Its National Team
Yuliana Adriano started playing soccer at age 7 at her parent's ranch in Esmeralda, a village with 2,000 inhabitants in the northern Mexican state of Durango. She dreamed of playing professionally one day, but understood that would be unlikely since there was no professional women's league in Mexico.
After leaving home to receive a better education and play for a school team, Adriano was called up to Durango's state all star team, although they only trained and played together sporadically. And yet Adriano continued to improve. By the time she became a teenager, Adriano was a bonafide talent. And coincidentally, at that exact same time, the Mexican soccer federation announced the formation of the Liga MX Femenil, a 16-team league that kicks off on July 29. Adriano, 14, was signed by the league and assigned to the Santos Laguna team.
"We're going to put a lot of effort in so that they make the women's league equal to the men's one," Adriano said with a smile. "I'd love for us to have the same wages and all the things that they have. We're going to show them that being men doesn't make them better than us."
This is the first women's competition in Mexico to mirror the men's Liga MX, with each season split between Apertura and Clausura tournaments. The only structural difference is that the clubs will be divided into two eight-team groups, with the top two from each group going through to the playoff semifinals. The first final will take place in December.
Yuliana Adriano did not expect the chance to play soccer professionally. Photo courtesy Santos.
There are still many hurdles for the league to overcome—particularly with regard to wages, broadcast rights and sponsorship—but the hope is that the league will help raise the level of the women's national team and create opportunities for girls like Adriano to fulfill their potential.
Hailed by Liga MX president Enrique Bonilla as the "missing piece" for Mexican soccer, the new league is the result of a series of efforts to improve women's soccer infrastructure.
In 2015, the Mexican Football Federation (FMF) launched a national amateur league comprised of 4,500 girls playing at under-13 and under-16 level for 240 teams across 10 different states. In April 2016, at a forum on gender equality in soccer organized by FIFA and UN Women, FMF bosses recognized the importance of involving Liga MX clubs in the creation of a formal, high-level women's league to improve the women's national team.
The league was announced last December after discussions between club owners and FMF and Liga MX officials, who met again in May to define the structure of the tournament. The teams will mostly feature women from the under-23 age group, with two overage players allowed in each lineup. Every club must also give at least 720 minutes of game time to girls from the under-17 category over the course of the season.
"We're making a commitment to Mexican women. We believe in the talent of our players," Bonillo said in a statement. "It's no secret that every weekend millions of girls go out onto the pitches near their homes to develop their passion for this sport. This is why it was necessary to create a Liga MX for them."
Santos and Cruz Azul faced off in the Copa MX Femenil in Toluca. Photo courtesy Liga MX.
Mexico takes great pride in beating the United States in soccer but its women's team, currently 26th in FIFA's world rankings, is a long way behind the 2015 World Cup winners up north. Mexico's team is heavily reliant on US-based players as a result of the lack of infrastructure for women's soccer in Mexico. Bonillo promised the league would drive "exponential development in the women's national team" while also raising the level of coaches, physiotherapists and referees in the women's game.
Pamela del Olmo, a contributor to the Women's World Football Show podcast, told VICE Sports that "Mexico has achieved very good results in the Under-17 and Under-20 World Cups in recent years but they've always lacked that extra step to go up a level. I think this league will be an important step for the players, because many of them will now train everyday instead of just at certain times of year."
However, del Olmo warned that there's a lot more work to be done. "For me it's illogical that they're launching a women's league but they've gone 18 months without appointing a permanent coach for the women's national team," she said. "Mexico has only played one friendly in the last year, while the US have played at least 10 games in that time. There's no point having a league if they don't take the national team seriously."
To prepare for the new season, 12 clubs took part in the four-day Copa MX Femenil in Toluca in May. Eleven minutes into Santos' second fixture against Cruz Azul, Adriano cut inside from the edge of the penalty area and curled a right-footed strike into the top corner of the goal. It was the first goal in the history of Santos' women's team, who went on to win the game 3-0.
"It was really cool to be the first person to score, especially at my age," Adriano told VICE Sports after a recent training session in the arid northern city of Torreón where Santos are based. "Back at the ranch everyone was congratulating my dad and he was really proud of me."
Thanks to the exposure created by the nascent women's league, Adriano has set her sights on representing her country.
"The national team scouts are watching her now," said Armando Pedroza, the head coach of Santos' women's team. "Her mentality enables her to take on older girls. She's not scared to face up to defenders who are much bigger and she can use her intelligence to get past them."
Mexico's women's soccer infrastructure has never extended beyond the amateur level. Photo courtesy Santos.
While women's soccer is hugely popular in the United States it has never extended beyond amateur level in Mexico, meaning it has been hard for talented players to gain professional experience. FIFA estimates that two million women play football in Mexico yet only 11,000 are affiliated with the FMF.
"In the past, the only places girls could play were their school teams," Pedroza added. "Now these tournaments will help them to find opportunities in the United States or Europe. The talent was always here but there's never been a platform for them to showcase their abilities."
The Copa MX showed that some teams are in better shape than others. Santos crashed out in the group stage while Pachuca hammered Tijuana 9-1 in the final.
"The cup was a good parameter for us to measure our prospects," Pedroza said after taking his squad through a training session in punishing 95 degree heat. "Time is against us. We still have a lot of work to do. We're still trying out new girls and we'll continue putting together a competitive squad until registration closes."
Building the team has been a painstaking process. Most clubs have recruited players through tryouts and Santos' sessions drew 1,500 enthusiastic young women over three days. They were gradually filtered down to the current group of 34, plus a few latecomers who are now on trial. The majority are from the Torreón area, but Santos have also brought in girls from the 33 youth academies they run across Mexico, including a few from the border region and major cities like Guadalajara and Mexico City.
Given Torreón's proximity to the United States, Santos are also on the lookout for talent from across the border. "We're aware of the talent in the United States but the Mexican Football Federation rules don't allow us to bring in foreigners," Pedroza said. "We can bring in Mexican-Americans though. So if there's a girl born over there to Mexican parents we could bring her into the group."
The gulf between the standard of women's soccer in both countries presents an advantage for Tijuana's Xolas, who not only have closer access to Mexican-American talent, but have also participated in the US Women's Premier Soccer League since 2015.
In comparison, Pedroza noted that Santos and most other clubs are "starting from zero". They are also working with limited resources. Pedroza and his assistant Michel Camacho are the only coaches to have been assigned to Santos' women's team.
To address their inexperience, Santos have recruited 27-year-old goalkeeper Diana Sánchez, a former Mexico international who traveled to Germany for the U-20 World Cup in 2010 and used to play for Chivas in the national amateur league.
"Those of us who are older have to be more responsible on and off the pitch," Sánchez said. "We have to share our experience with the younger girls and we have to shelter them through good and bad in order for us to all grow together as a team."
Pedroza, 57, has coached Santos' youth teams for 10 years. This is the first time he's taken charge of a women's team but he said there are few differences in how they train or play.
"They're disciplined, focused and intense, they have the desire. They're no different to men in this respect." The only difference, he noted, is that "men are more likely to be theatrical [when fouled]. If the girls take a knock they get straight back up and carry on."
From what he's seen, Pedroza is convinced that Mexico can become a world power in women's soccer. "Mexico certainly has potential," he said. "When this league becomes better known we'll surely get a lot more girls coming through."
Despite the excitement it has generated, Liga MX Femenil has a long way to go before it merits comparison with professional competitions like the US' National Women's Soccer League or Germany's Frauen-Bundesliga.
Juan José Kochen, Liga MX's director of communications, told VICE Sports that women's games will only be broadcast online and they still haven't decided how many fixtures will be shown. He also revealed that the league has not established any system for the transfer of players between teams.
Initially, it will only be a semi-professional league, Kochen admitted, with most clubs supporting their players with educational grants instead of paying wages. Liga MX will cover some of the operational costs, but the clubs are responsible for funding their teams.
"The idea is for the project to mature little by little," Kochen said.
Laura Irarragorri, the ambassador for Santos' women's team, said the club is not in a position to offer players formal wages but will sponsor their studies at local schools and colleges.
"We've not yet got a deal to televise the games and this makes it difficult to get sponsorship. We're working on that," Irarragorri told VICE Sports. "It would be great if we could have a lot of sponsors and have the games televised. That way we could give them a better salary."
Del Olmo, the women's soccer expert, said the project will fail unless the FMF secures television and sponsorship deals.
"They have to give this league a chance to succeed. It'll come up against the machismo that prevails in Mexico, and the idea that a women's league won't work. So it's really important for this project to prosper in its first year," she affirmed. "There's no point having the league if it's not broadcast by Mexican TV networks. If it's hidden and under-promoted then it won't attract sponsors and it won't grow and the clubs won't benefit from it."
Aside from the financial aspect, a television deal would also have a major social impact, del Olmo added. "It's really important that they show the games on TV because people will watch it and young girls will think it's normal to see women playing," she said. "That would help us to change the mentality in Mexico."
Girls like Adriano hope to be the harbingers of that change.
"I don't think age or gender matters because we're all the same," said Adriano, who measures just 4-foot-7 but has regularly outperformed much older girls. "We all have two arms, two legs and two eyes."
The end goal for Adriano is full gender equality in Mexican soccer.
Mexico Hopes New Women’s Pro Soccer League Will Boost Its National Team published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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hyacinthforgerwiz · 2 years
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I posted 36 times in 2021
5 posts created (14%)
31 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.2 posts.
I added 16 tags in 2021
#donna summer - 4 posts
#whitney houston - 2 posts
#mariah carey - 2 posts
#spotify - 2 posts
#spongebob - 1 posts
#mobile legends - 1 posts
#imagine - 1 posts
#miya mlbb - 1 posts
#esmeralda mlbb - 1 posts
#cecilion mlbb - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 24 characters
#mobile legends bang bang
My Top Posts in 2021
0 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 11:22:04 GMT
Donna: patty,can you look me at the eye
Patty: yes i am *she lied*
she was really looks at the cute kitten eating she watch at the tv screen
Donna: you dont looking at my eye girl, you just watch the kitten eating
Patty: yeah
0 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 10:57:21 GMT
Star Sign Squad
"Wrong Thoughts"
Libra-Pat: i love you.
Capri-Donna: love you too, pat.
Whit-Leo: *stairing at her so bad* wtf, donna, she say "i love you" on me not you.
Capri-Donna: oh, sorry its just wrong thoughts.
0 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 10:43:27 GMT
"Pat The Pro Player"
Pat:*play mobile legends*
Whitney: ugh,everyday she always played that phone game.
Mariah: whats wrong if pat playing that mobile legends
Whitney: she dont have time for cuddle.
Donna: whit, i have an idea.
Whitney: what is it?
Donna: how about we dress as the character from that video game and pranked her that we are the character that game as distraction.
Mariah: oh, thats great idea thou, what do you think whit.
Whitney: im down for it.
On the bedroom Whitney,Mariah and Donna dress up as the characters from mobile legends, Mariah dressed as Miya, Donna is Esmeralda then Whitney dresses as Cecilion, they are done dress up they came up to Pat finished her other round in rank game, then Whitney pointing her with a staff where Ceilion has on the game,Pat noticed the pointed staff on her stomach and then she was shock how they look.
Pat: woah,why are you dress up like cecilion, miya and esmeralda.
They act like the character on video game instead as theirselves.
Whitney:*changed her voice into Cecilion's voice* who are you lady?
Pat: stop playing Nippy you trying to prank me.
Whitney: prank?, i dont know what that means, well we came out on your phone, we came here for a mission
Donna: *as Esmeralda* Cecilion was right, we just came out from the land of dawn and also on your screen.
Mariah: *as Miya* your girlfriend, Whitney told us to came here brought you to her thats our mission.
Pat: wait, she brought you here in real world
Whitney:*as Cecilion* she does well Miya, Esme and I are wanting you to tour us here in your place.
Pat: sure, unless your girl Carmilla will finding you, also you Miya maybe Nana and Alucard searching you in moonlit forest.
Mariah: actually, we going back tomorrow dont worry for Nana, Alu and Carmilla.
Pat: okay, first before we go out.
She went to her room then came back with two trench coats
See the full post
1 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 11:11:57 GMT
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kabargames · 3 years
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GothamChess Kalah Main Catur, Pecatur Indonesia Di Banned
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Mobile Legends saat ini adalah game Moba terdepan di Indonesia. Deretan pro player, turnamen tingkat dunia hingga berbagai perlombaan cosplay membuat popularitas game Mobile Legends (ML) ini semakin meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Tidak mengherankan para cosplayer berlomba lomba berkreasi untuk membuat karakternya menjadi semakin hidup. Ada cukup banyak penilaian dalam sebuah cosplay, mulai dari seberapa mirip dengan karakter atau bahkan seberapa canggih kostum yang dimiliki. Bahkan budget yang mereka keluarkan untuk sebuah cosplay bisa cukup tinggi, tetapi hal itu sebanding dengan popularitas yang diperoleh. Nah kali ini Kabar Games akan memberikan daftar cosplay Mobile Legends (ML) terbaik dan tercantik yang akan membuat hidupmu semakin berwarna. Baca Juga : 27 Hero Terbaik, Terkuat & Tersakit Mobile Legends (ML) di 2021 10 Tips Main Mobile Legends (ML) untuk Pemula Jadi Pro! 11 Cara Mendapatkan Tiket Gratis di Mobile Legends (ML) 8 Tingkatan Rank di Mobile Legends (ML) & Urutan Levelnya Lulubox Mobile Legends (ML): Cara Download APK & Pakai di 2021 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kagura Kagura dengan skin Cherry Witch adalah salah satu skin paling populer di game Mobile Legends. Kali ini karakter Kagura dibawakan dengan begitu sempurna oleh Kameaam yang memang sudah memiliki jam terbang sangat tinggi di dunia cosplay di Indonesia, selain ditunjang dengan paras nya yang cantik dan tubuh yang seksi. Kagura dikenal sebagai mage yang sangat berbahaya dengan payung yang digunakannya sebagai senjata. Tidak heran dengan bermunculannya banyak hero Mobile Legends terbaru sekarang ini, Kagura masih menjadi pilihan untuk menandingi para hero meta saat ini. NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Chang’e Hero mage ini dulu tidak terlalu populer karena dianggap sangat lemah dan harus cukup lama bertahan mengumpulkan stack supaya serangannya mematikan. Namun setelah rework, Chang’e menjadi pilihan utama dan selalu masuk ke dalam meta. Hero Chang’e di Mobile Legends (ML) kali ini dibawakan dengan sangat cantik oleh cosplayer Alexander Bella yang sudah sangat sering melakukan cosplay. Cantik banget ya! Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Lunox Jesschla memang sudah sangat identik dengan Mobile Legends, ia sudah sangat sering membawakan cosplay untuk para hero di game ML dengan sangat apik. Yang paling menonjol adalah Lunox, salah satu hero meta yang sangat mengesalkan sejak awal kemunculannya. Ia mempunyai 2 mode, Light dan Dark yang sangat mematikan. Bahkan pada mode Light, saat Lunox mengeluarkan ultimate, ia tidak bisa lock oleh musuh. Baca Juga : 7 Game Booster Android Terbaik di 2021, Dijamin Anti Lag! 5 Cheat COC No Root Terbaru di 2021, Dijamin Works! 5 Tips Merawat & Membersihkan Sensor Fingerprint Hp Agar Awet Cheat GTA 5 PS4, PS3 Terbaru & Terlengkap 2021 10 Tips Main Mobile Legends (ML) untuk Pemula Jadi Pro! Layla Marksman seksi yang satu ini adalah salah satu hero tertua di Mobile Legends yang sudah hadir sejak season 1. Walaupun underrated tapi tidak jarang hero ini sangat merepotkan saat war dengan skill ultimate nya. Clarissa Punipun dengan wajahnya yang super imut berhasil menghidupkan Layla. Kostum yang digunakan sangat rapi seperti aslinya. Siapa yang tidak jatuh cinta dengan cosplayer cantik ini sih? Hanabi Hero marksman ini sekarang sedang OP. Hanabi tergabung dalam squad V.E.N.O.M yang menjadi musuh utama squad S.A.B.E.R. Alexander Bella membawakan hero ini dengan sangat bagus, belum lagi detail senjatanya yang cukup sempurna. Kalau hanabinya seperti ini sih kami pasrah di Higanbana terus menerus. Kamu pasti juga kan? Ruby Gadis berkerudung merah, walaupun wajahnya imut namun skillnya sangat luar biasa. Darahnya tidak habis habis dan sangat berbahaya saat war sedang berlangsung. Tidak ada yang tahu saat Ruby menarikmu masuk ke dalam tower. Detail senjatanya yang cukup baik dan kostum Ruby yang pas membuat Pitaloka tampak sempurna dengan cosplay ini. Cantik yah Kadita Kameaam memang sudah sangat terkenal di kalangan cosplayer seksi indonesia. Kali ini ia membawakan karakter hero Mobile Legends asal tanah air yang sudah cukup terkenal, Kadita. Kadita merupakan hero asal Indonesia kedua setelah Gatotkaca, dan merupakan mage yang sangat merepotkan dengan skill ultimate nya. Walaupun underated, tapi Kadita terbukti mampu mengimbangi hero meta yang ada saat ini. Kimmy Eh ini bukan Kimi Hime yah, Kimmy adalah seorang hero marksman semi mage, Kimmy selalu masuk ke dalam hero meta dan cukup merepotkan musuh musuhnya. Ia mampu menggunakan damage hybrid, dalam arti kombinasi antara physical damage dan magical damage. Mocharon membawakan cosplay hero ini dengan cukup cantik, detail senjata dan kostumnya benar benar sangat mirip dengan yang ada di dalam game Mobile Legends (ML). Nana Nana bisa dibilang adalah hero yang nyaris immortal. Popularitasnya semakin meningkat semenjak ia di rework skillnya. Terutama skill 1 yang mampu membuat musuh berubah menjadi boneka totoro dan tidak bisa mengeluarkan skil selama beberapa saat. Belum lagi skill ultimate yang gabungan antara stun dan damage tinggi. Seorang cosplayer asal rusia Katya membawakan Nana dengan skin Wind Fairy dengan sangat kawaii, unch unch. Odette Hero ini sering mendapatkan buff karena dianggap levelnya berada dibawah hero mage yang lain. Tapi di tangan yang tepat hero ini akan benar benar sangat mematikan, terutama combo terbaik nya dengan hero tank Johnson. Seorang cosplayer bernama awesomebabyd berhasil membuat Odette menjadi nyata. Cantik banget yah, sayang sudah jadi pacarnya Lancelot. Esmeralda Hero ini langganan banned karena damagenya yang sangat luar biasa. Ia sanggup memerankan role Mobile Legends menjadi tanker sekaligus mage fighter paling berbahaya. Esmeralda mampu mendominasi di team fight dan inilah kenapa ia selalu menjadi langganan banned di tier epic ke atas. Cosplay sempurna dari Tirsapratawa membuat hero Esmeralda yang super seksi ini hidup. Kawaiii! Itulah tadi deretan cosplay hero Mobile Legends (ML) yang kawaii habis. Mana yang menjadi favorit kamu? Atau kamu punya pilihan yang lain? Jangan jangan si cantik Lola Zieta nih yang jadi favorit kamu. Ikuti terus kabar terbaru seputar games dan esports hanya di Kabar Games ya! 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#Fakta #News
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jokiscgaming · 4 years
Joki Klien: Savage Janda Kembang, Esmeralda⁣ ⁣ ======================⁣ Video Proses Joki Dari Klien Kami⁣ ⁣ Request Hero:⁣ Esmeralda⁣ ⁣ Montage:⁣ Esmeralda Savage⁣ ⁣ ======================⁣ Jokiin akunmu ke tim Pro Player bukan lagi IMPIAN, akunmu bakal terawat banget dan pastinya Maniac/Savage + MMR bertambah⁣ ⁣ Akun Mobile Legends-mu bakal dijokiin sama tim Top Player dari semua Hero. Kamu bisa Request Hero apa aja, tanpa perlu tambahan biaya⁣ ⁣ Bintang berapapun & Tier berapapun bakal kami layani. Akun kamu bakal dirawat sebaik mungkin dan dijamin aman banget⁣ ⁣ "Mahal min?" Enggak dong. Kalo ada yang lebih murah dari @jokiscgaming, Lapor! Langsung mimin turunin harganya, detik itu juga⁣ ⁣ Mumpung mereka lagi PROMO, yuk buruan Order⁣ •Kepoin @jokiscgaming⁣ •Order Whatsapp: 0882-1749-6182⁣ •Belum pengen order? Follow aja dulu, siapa tau besok2 mau Order⁣ ⁣ ===========================⁣ #jokiscgaming #jscg #mobilelegends #mobilelegendsindo #mobilelegendsvideo #mobilelegendstoday #mobilelegendsbangbang #mobilelegendsindonesia #savagemobilelegends #mobilelegendssavage #jasajokimlbb #jasajokiml #mobilelegendsgameplay #mobilelegendsid #mobilelegendsios #mobilelegendstube #mobilelegendsavage #mobilelegendstudio #mobilelegendsindonesiastudio #mobilelegendsmontage #mobilelegendsvidio #savagemoment #savagemlbb #esmeraldamobilelegends #esmeraldamlbb #esmeraldasavage https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8irJyhE5U/?igshid=17908jez9buds
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