#especially aince i hurt my shoulder and slowed down my getting back into it
sadie--p-blog · 7 years
Who: Fletcher & Sadie Where: The caves.
The blonde had given it thought all day, and the more she thought about it the sillier it seemed. She'd been holding on to her virtue like a badge, oart of her mind still thinking she could hold on to it until she got married like all good christian girls did. But the reality was that things like weddings didn't happen any more, flowing gowns and candle lit consummation were a thing of old - and her own hormones were driving her mental like lava under her skin. She felt a mix of things, guilty had been the strongest for a while. Each time there would be kisses that dragged on a little longer she would press herself closer or climb up onto Fletcher's lap without hesitation before realizing where it was leading and having to shut it all down. But the more she thought about it the more the guilt subsided, god didn't care what men and women did now -she had no mother to weep or call her a whore and no father to shame her, she only had the people around her who half of them were less than subtle about their own ongoings without religious formalities to stop them.
Wriggling down into the blankets on the make shift bed she'd set up for herself and for Fletcher, the blonde had nervously made sure she'd left for bed before him and had left only one of his shirts on and her underwear as opposed to her usual sleeping fully clothed.
Fletcher was beat, honestly. He'd spent most of the day clearing rocks and other debris out of the back tunnels with Ig, and when he was done there he'd been sent on some bullshit type mission with Maverick to see how in the fuck they could form some sort of greenhouse out of the very back cave that had holes in the roof where sunlight poked through. After drawing out a few blueprints for different garden plots, they went on a quick run to try and find the wood they'd need but had little luck. He was just... exhausted. He'd nearly fallen asleep in his bowl of soup that Sadie handed him but thankfully caught himself before anyone had realized. When the younger girl had dismissed herself for bed, he furrowed his eyebrows a bit when she kissed him goodnight and walked off but figured she must have just had a hard day as well. Usually they went to bed together, but it wasn't that big of a deal.
Finally, after Maverick was done droning on about how excited he was for his stupid fucking greenhouse and he had more than a twenty second pause in conversation, he made his way back to his and Sadie's makeshift little room. "Hey..." he muttered when he noticed she was still awake, and quickly went to stripping his shirt and pants off before crawling into bed next to her. However, it didn't take him long to notice what she was wearing when he slid across the bed and wrapped his arms around her. He didn't say anything at first and instead just wrapped his arm around her, pressing his forehead against hers and thumbing at the skin of her back. "You have a long day too?" he asked lightly.
The blonde had contemplated quickly pulling pants on a few times, feeling her nerves prickle everytime someone moved past the sheets that made their little bedroom as private as possible. For a few moments she was sure hwr nerves would get the better of her, that was until Fletcher finally appeared and began to get himself undressed for bed. The way he moved and the faint glow of fire light dampened by the sheets caught every bit of skin it could made her knees draw in tighter together on instinct. She offered a soft smile to him as he slipped into bed, more than content to be close to him with her own hands gently going to rest against his bare chest, dainty finger tips dragging lower ever so faintly to sit at the base of his solar plexus. "Mmhmm, long and busy...but probably nothing in comparison to yours."
Fletcher shrugged and leaned up to press a quick kiss against her nose. "Different types of long, that's all." He knew that Sadie took on way more responsibility than she probably should have. Especially what with Ivy being preggers and all now. He knew the girl shouldn't take on so much responsibility for her own stress levels, but who was he to judge when he did the same damn thing? Overworked himself to exhaustion. It was the only way the world was gonna get better now anyway. He bit his bottom lip and glanced from her lips up to her eyes as his fingers found themselves toying with the band on the back of her underwear aimlessly. Why hadn't she dressed for bed like she usually did? All done up like a damn nun it seemed? This much skin was... well... a little too tempting, really.
"Sometimes I think I get a little too lucky doing all the homey stuff like cooking and washing because I enjoy it." She mused slightly, knowing that the jobs she did were important but in comparison to Ivy she actually enjoyed the more motherly sort of work like making sure there was food to keep them strong or mending clothes. As she felt Fletcher's finger a solid shiver ran through her and her cheeks went rosy, her own lips parting ever so slightly as of the very faint gasp wouldn't be heard. "I've been thinking, since we've both been working really hard...we deserve something."
At her words, Fletcher paused and searched her face. Did she actually want this? Was this... something she was ready for? She wasn't just saying this for him, right? He almost laughed at himself, really. He remembered his junior prom. Claire Samuels. He practically bribed her into letting him fuck her in the back of the limo on the way to the dance, and he ignored every single one of her calls after that night cause really, he hadn't cared. But here he was... feeling like a damn nervous school boy. He felt like he was corrupting her or something. Probably the age difference, but he tried to ignore that most of the time. What did age matter when you could die any second out there? "Are you... are you sure?" he asked hesitantly, and ever so slowly moved his left leg to nestle between her two.
Sadie felt like she was teetering on the edge of a diving board, her toes curling over the edge and wriggling as she peered sown the way she was peering at Fletcher's face - like something in it was slowly pulling her down into this certainty. They could die tomorrow. And that was a finality Sadie had finally come to terms with, part of what made her whole virtuous stance finally crumble away like nothing. A small nod and the blonde pressed herself a little closer, her body shifting so Fletcher's thigh rested snuggly between her own and so she could nuzzle her nose gently against the scruffy mix of dirty skin and facial hair against his face. "I'm sure, I'm ready."
He watched her eyes as she spoke, and he couldn't hold back the throb between his legs when she spoke. God, how long had he wanted her now and held back? It had to have been months. But he had waited for her. And now... now it was finally going to happen. He leaned down and pressed a gentle, chaste kiss to her lips (as gentle as someone like him could manage, at least). "You can trust me. I'll be gentle," he murmured against her lips, pulling her even closer to him as he wrapped his arms tighter around her and deepened his kiss.
~~~ x ~~~
Sadie shivered as she finally managed to catch her breath, her head was still spinning and she wasn't too sure if it had been exactly what she had expected or nothing like it. She'd spoken to girls about it before, Meg her oldest sister was practically a poster girl for it and described it as terrible and rare to find a guy who did it right. Ivy on the other hand had giggled with her about it and told her what to expect and that she couldn't just expect a man to do all the work. But she was sure both of them had been wrong. Eyes fluttering open and closed the first noise she managed aince she felt like she'd been holding her breath was a light and airy giggle, her body shifting with a slight wince to press her face in to Fletcher's shoulder.
Fletcher was... beyond words. Really. He didn't even know what to say. He had really hoped she had had as good of a time as he had because if she hadn't... well... he would feel bad. But he was pretty sure he'd gotten her to cum right before he had, so he'd give himself that. He knew that the first time for a girl wasn't always pleasant at first, and he had gone slow and worked at her pace. He laughed along with her, shifting his body weight off of her and to his side, pulling her against him. He'd have to get up and clean up in a second (considering he had pulled out right in time and got them both in a bit of a sticky situation), but right then he just wanted to enjoy being with her. Still panting, he closed his eyes and held her against his chest. "Well?" he prompted, opening one eye to look down at her.
It felt right. In that moment for a few seconds Sadie felt right for the first time in a long time. She felt their heartbeats matching and forgot about the horror outside of the cave or the people sleeping barely two meters away. "It hurt, but only a little. It wasn't like the horror stories my sisters used to say it was like. It...it was nice, my legs feel like jelly but I liked it." Her words were breathy but still held her signature softness as she glanced up at Fletcher, shifting herself a little to kiss his jaw as if to add an emphasis to her words.
Fletcher couldn't help but chuckle softly at her response. "Of course your sisters told you horror stories, that's what sisters are supposed to do. Scare you away from trying it and all that shit," he said with another soft laugh. "You're probably gonna be pretty sore the next few days, so take it easy, okay?" He reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "It won't kill Ivy to do a little bit of extra work. She's not whale sized yet."
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