#esther shapiro
denver-carrington · 3 months
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The cast celebrating the show's 150th episode.
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emmynominees · 10 months
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shira haas as esther shapiro in unorthodox
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie
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alainas-sims · 6 months
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Salvador's Journal
We just got a letter from Aunt Dolores that my grandmother died. And not long after that, her partner Helen also caught ill and died, presumably of a broken heart. I felt sad and fell into Mom's arms like I was a little boy again. I didn't see Grandma often but I always loved her stories and how she taught me about gardening. I'll miss her a lot, just like I miss Dad. I need to remember him and now I must be strong and comfort Gloria and tell her about our family so she remembers.
We took the train down to Oasis Springs for the funeral of my grandma Consuelo. It was the first time I had been in all my life, and maybe someday I'll visit again. A lot of my dad's relatives were there, his aunts and uncle and cousins— just like Grandma, they are all a part of me.
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dykeseinfeld · 1 year
crack fic covering the entirety of holster and jack's brief situationship called "5 times holster almost outed jack and 1 time jack outed holster"
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moratoirenoir · 2 years
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eddysocs · 1 year
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel OC Masterlist
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Name: Ava Shapiro
Face Claim: Barbra Streisand
Love Interest: Rose Weissman
Fic Title: We'll Always Have Paris
Plot Summary: An art student at Columbia University, Ava is prepared to graduate and possibly get a job in teaching somewhere far enough from home that she won’t be constantly pestered by her parents to give up the idea of a career and marry the nice boy she grew up with. But when Rose Weissman comes to the university to audit classes, she winds up in her life drawing course and for Ava it’s love at first sight, or the closest thing she’s ever felt to it. She’ll have a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to win over Rose, but she’s nothing if not determined.
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Name: Dottie Friedman
Face Claim: Rose Williams
Love Interests: Susie Myerson, Midge Maisel
Fic Title: Funny Girls
Plot Summary: During her number at The Wolford Dottie starts flirting with Susie in the audience, not realizing, under the cover of darkness, that Susie isn’t actually a man. While Susie doesn’t love having Midge at that club, she sees nice, sweet Dottie as one of the perks of the gig. After their misunderstanding, Dottie doesn’t stop her flirting, so why not take the girl up on it? But ultimately, Susie can’t bring herself to go through with it. Dottie still stays, as a friend, then becomes thoroughly entangled in Susie's and Midge's lives until both women don’t know what they’d do without her.
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Name: Esther Goldbaum
Face Claim: Alba Baptista
Love Interest: Sophie Lennon
Fic Title: Sophie's Choice
Plot Summary: As a little girl, Esther Goldbaum was fascinated with Sophie Lennon and begged her parents to take her to her shows any time she was around. Though they didn’t quite understand why their daughter cherished her so much, they indulged her whenever they could. Flash forward to Esther, now twenty five, unmarried and unsure where her life is going. Something's got to give, right? She’s going to figure out what’s next for her, but not until after she sees Sophie Lennon on stage one more time. Eager to meet her after the show, she fakes being Sophie's new assistant (the real one never showed) and she’s thrown headfirst into Sophie Lennon's world, which was entirely not how she expected it to be. They say never meet your heroes, but maybe Sophie isn’t all that bad under it all.
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rgr-pop · 9 months
not like... a ton of jewish women in the women for coleman young ad. but some
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doggernaut · 9 months
OMGCP Fic Rec BINGO - Day 4
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(Previous BINGOs here, here, and here)
pre-canon • sweet creature by ExceedinglyPeculiarChick
A sweet little Alicia Zimmermann character study as she prepares to become a mother. There is something especially poignant about it knowing what we know, but Alicia doesn't, about Jack's future. I don't know if this author is a parent, but so many of Alicia's thoughts and feelings are true to my own experience. I cried.
recced by a friend • What the Water Gave Them by suburbanmotel (@suburbanmotel)
I would have read this anyway, but @wrathofthestag's recommendation carries a lot of weight so I was especially looking forward to it. This is an AU in which Bitty, Jack, and Shitty meet under drastically different circumstances. But at their core they are the same people we know and love—there are conversations between Jack and Bitty that really feel as though they could have taken place off-page in canon (or, are certainly conversations I have imagined them having). There is a lovely ebb and flow to this fic, which is especially fitting given the author’s use of water imagery throughout. This is a fic you can get lost in.
makes you think of a song • Graduation Day  by IBoatedHere (@iboatedhere)
This fic, a riff on Groundhog Day, is the second time loop fic I've put on this BINGO card. I just like time loops, okay? In the movie Bill Murray's character wakes up to Sonny and Cher every morning. In this fic, Jack wakes up to Beyoncé. I can no longer listen to "Schoolin' Life" without thinking about this fic.
main character is a side character in the comic • Little Sour Hearts by omgericzimmermann (HMSLusitania)
I guess Holster is technically the main character in this fic and it's the second lead, Esther Shapiro, who is the side character. Who is only mentioned once in the comic (The Closet Story, Part I) so I’m not even sure that qualifies her as a proper side character, but I think more people should read this fic, so I'm reccing it. With little to go on, the author took the concept of a person named Esther Shapiro existing in this universe and ran with it. Holster's relationship with Esther is both antagonistic and tender, and I also really enjoyed reading a Holster-centric fic in which his main relationship isn't with Ransom or the other members of SMH.
canon divergence • 52 Hertz by onawingandaswear (@whoacanada)
First, let me say that like many authors on my BINGO card, @whoacanada is a favorite. You can’t go wrong with any of their fics. In this AU, the graduation kiss doesn’t happen and Bitty eventually goes on to play in the NHL. It explores what happens after that, and how he and Jack return to one another. The meaning behind the title, 52 Hertz, becomes apparent fairly early on and the repeated references to the concept are at turns heartbreaking, amusing, and romantic. I love @whoacanada's characterizations of Bitty and Jack in this (or any) fic; they have such an easy way of being together that feels true-to-life, and their banter is top notch.
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Série Dynasty
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Dynastie est un feuilleton télévisé américain diffusé en prime time sur ABC de 1981 à 1989. La série tourne autour des Carrington, une famille aisée résidant à Denver, dans le Colorado. Dynasty a été créé par Richard et Esther Shapiro et produit par Aaron Spelling. La série est devenue le programme le plus populaire d'ABC au cours de la saison 1980-81. Dynasty a été renouvelée pour neuf saisons supplémentaires et a diffusé son dernier épisode le 11 mai 1989. L'émission a donné naissance à une série dérivée à succès, The Colbys, diffusée de 1985 à 1987. Dynastie a été louée pour son écriture exagérée, son humour délirant et son jeu mélodramatique. La série a été créditée d'avoir contribué à accroître la popularité des feuilletons en prime time. Dynasty a été nominée pour de nombreux prix, dont le Golden Globe Award de la meilleure série télévisée - dramatique. La série a remporté l'Emmy Award de la meilleure conception de costumes pour une série en 1982. Dynastie a été rebootée par The CW, avec la première saison qui a débuté le 11 octobre 2017.  
1) Un regard sur la Dynastie originale et comment elle se compare au reboot
Si vous êtes un fan de la télévision des années 80, alors vous êtes probablement familier avec le feuilleton de primetime Dynasty. La série suivait la riche famille Carrington, et le drame qui s'ensuivait entre eux. La série était connue pour ses décors et ses costumes somptueux, et pour ses intrigues qui impliquaient souvent la trahison, l'adultère et la cupidité. Si la série originale Dynasty a connu un énorme succès, elle a été rebootée pour un public moderne. La nouvelle version de la série se déroule de nos jours et suit les mêmes principes de base que l'original. Mais comment la nouvelle Dynastie se positionne-t-elle par rapport à l'original ? Pour commencer, la nouvelle Dynastie est plus diversifiée que l'original, avec un casting plus varié de personnages. La série présente également des intrigues plus modernes, dont une impliquant un personnage transgenre. La nouvelle Dynastie est également plus exagérée que l'originale, avec des intrigues et des personnages plus scandaleux. Si la première version de Dynastie était vraiment exagérée à certains moments, la nouvelle version atteint un tout autre niveau. Alors, quelle version de Dynastie préférez-vous ? L'original classique, ou la nouvelle version améliorée ?
2) La mode de Dynastie - quels sont les personnages les mieux habillés ?
Lorsqu'il s'agit de mode, Dynastie est une série qui tient définitivement ses promesses. Les personnages sont toujours habillés sur mesure, qu'ils assistent à un gala ou qu'ils vaquent à leurs occupations quotidiennes. Et si tous les personnages ont un style exceptionnel, certains se démarquent nettement des autres. Alexis Carrington est l'un des personnages les mieux habillés de la série. Elle est toujours impeccable, même lorsqu'elle traverse des moments difficiles. Son style est classique et intemporel, tout en restant moderne et pertinent. Elle est l'exemple parfait de la façon dont on peut s'habiller pour son âge sans avoir l'air mal fagoté. Un autre personnage bien habillé est Fallon Carrington. Elle a un style plus avant-gardiste que celui de sa mère, mais elle est toujours bien habillée. Elle n'a pas peur de prendre des risques avec ses vêtements, et cela lui réussit toujours. Enfin, il y a Krystle Carrington. Elle a un style plus traditionnel que sa mère et sa sœur, mais cela ne la rend pas moins élégante. Elle a toujours l'air polie et soignée, même lorsqu'elle est pressée. Alors, selon vous, qui est le personnage le mieux habillé de Dynastie ?
3) Les plus grands scandales de Dynastie - lesquels vous ont le plus choqué ?
Les années 80 étaient pleines de drames démesurés, et Dynastie en était l'incarnation. Le feuilleton populaire était rempli d'argent, de pouvoir et, bien sûr, de scandales. De l'infidélité au meurtre, les moments choquants n'ont pas manqué dans la série. Voici quelques-uns des plus grands scandales de Dynastie - lesquels vous ont le plus choqué ? 1. La liaison d'Alexis Carrington avec la femme de son fils Dans l'une des intrigues les plus controversées de la série, Alexis Carrington (jouée par Joan Collins) a eu une liaison avec la femme de son fils, Krystle Carrington (Linda Evans). Cette liaison a provoqué une rupture majeure dans la famille, et Krystle a fini par divorcer de son fils, Blake Carrington (John Forsythe). 2. L'enlèvement de Krystle Carrington Krystle a été victime d'un complot d'enlèvement par son ex-mari, Mark Jennings (Geoffrey Scott). Mark a kidnappé Krystle et l'a retenue captive dans un chalet de montagne, où il prévoyait de la violer. Krystle a pu s'échapper et Mark a été arrêté. 3. L'homosexualité de Steven Carrington Steven Carrington (joué par Al Corley) était l'un des premiers personnages ouvertement gay à la télévision. Son homosexualité a été une source majeure de conflit dans la famille Carrington, en particulier avec son père, Blake. Blake était incapable d'accepter la sexualité de son fils et les deux hommes ont eu une relation tendue pendant de nombreuses années. 4. La mort de Dana Waring Dana Waring (jouée par Pamela Bellwood) était l'un des membres du casting original de Dynastie. Elle a été tuée dans une tournure d'événements choquante lorsqu'elle a été abattue par son mari, Adam Carrington (Gordon Thomson). Adam essayait de tirer sur son ex-femme, Alexis, mais a fini par toucher Dana à la place. 5. Le meurtre de Sammy Jo Dean Sammy Jo Dean (Heather Locklear) était l'un des personnages les plus populaires de Dynastie. Elle a été tuée de manière choquante lorsque son mari, Ric Carrington (John James), l'a assassinée. Ric essayait de tuer son ex-femme, Alexis, mais a fini par frapper Sammy Jo à la place. Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des plus grands scandales de Dynastie. Quels sont les autres qui vous ont le plus choqué ?
4) Les triangles amoureux de Dynastie - qui est votre préféré ?
Il y a beaucoup de triangles amoureux dans Dynastie, mais qui est votre préféré ? Aimez-vous le triangle entre Steven, Sammy Jo et Krystle ? Ou, êtes-vous plutôt fan de celui entre Alexis, Krystle et Blake ? Personnellement, j'aime le triangle entre Steven, Sammy Jo et Krystle. Je pense que c'est parce que c'est le premier triangle amoureux de la série, et c'est aussi le plus dysfonctionnel ! J'aime aussi regarder Alexis, Krystle et Blake parce qu'ils sont tous des personnages très forts, chacun à leur manière. Et vous ? Quel est votre triangle amoureux préféré dans Dynastie ?
5) 10 choses que vous ne saviez pas sur Dynastie
1) Dynasty devait à l'origine être une mini-série, mais l'accueil positif lui a valu d'être reprise en tant que série télévisée à part entière. 2) L'émission a été créée par Richard et Esther Shapiro, qui ont également créé l'émission populaire Hart to Hart. 3) Dynasty était connue pour ses valeurs de production somptueuses, et chaque épisode coûtait en moyenne un million de dollars à produire. 4) L'émission devait à l'origine s'appeler The Oiligarchs, mais le titre a été changé en Dynastie pour le rendre plus glamour. 5) Dynastie a été le premier feuilleton diffusé en prime-time à la télévision américaine depuis plus de 20 ans. 6) La série était extrêmement populaire à son apogée, et a été à un moment donné la série la plus regardée de la télévision américaine. 7) Dynastie a été nominée pour de nombreux Emmy Awards et a remporté plusieurs Golden Globes. 8) La série a donné naissance à un spin-off extrêmement populaire, The Colbys, qui a été diffusé pendant deux saisons. 9) La série a été rebootée en 2017, avec un nouveau casting et un décor modernisé. 10) Dynastie est l'une des séries télévisées les plus emblématiques et les plus influentes de tous les temps, et sa popularité perdure jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La série télévisée Dynastie des années 1980 était un exemple parfait des excès de la décennie. Les personnages étaient riches, beaux et impitoyables. La série était exagérée à tous points de vue, des vêtements aux cheveux en passant par les intrigues. C'était un plaisir coupable pour de nombreux téléspectateurs, et elle reste un classique aujourd'hui. Read the full article
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denver-carrington · 11 months
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Nolan and several members of the cast at a fashion show for the Nolan Miller Dynasty Collection. Photo by Oscar Abolafia.
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ryanleonitus · 1 year
Finished Unorthodox the other night and when I tell you Shira Haas played the entire fuck out of Esther Shapiro. Mayne, had me talking to the TV (imma do that anyway) talking about some, “Gul, where is you gone sleep at? You been eatin? You got some clean clothes?!?!” You also couldn’t tell me Yakov Shapiro [Amit Rahav] wasn’t for real out here looking for his wife. The whole time I’m like “Maaayynneee, if you don’t take yo’ ass on back to Williamsburg. She done my boy.” 😂🤣 I mean, I believed everyone in this series which is rare nowadays with all those microwave produced tv series.
Long story boring, Shira Haas need all the awards for that performance.
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alainas-sims · 1 year
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Consuelo’s Diary
We received family portraits from Oscar and Mercedes and Ramon and Esther and their children. Oscar and Mercedes’ oldest, Dolores, is almost Héctor’s age and looks quite like I did as a girl. They also have two younger children, Pedro and Esperanza. Mercedes has quite a talent for making dresses for the girls out of chicken feed sacks!
Ramon and Esther have the twins, Ruth and Judith, who look so alike that it’s hard to tell them apart, except Esther dresses Judy in pink and Ruthie in purple. Their youngest, Leonard, recently reached grade-school age. All their children look so much like their father!
I look at their families and then I look at mine, our little unconventional small family, with such fondness. But it hasn’t felt right just leaving Mamá by herself, so I invited her to move in with us. It was hard for her to sell the childhood home, where she’d spent many years with Father. But when I talk to Mamá, she assures me that she is very happy with the loving and large family she has built and all seven of her grandchildren. She feels she has finally completed her life’s goal.
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It is delicious knowing I don't have to travel internationally again before 2023. Just a photo of an aircraft cabin I see online makes me shudder. I could never be an art dealer : G has been in London, Paris, Dallas, Arkansas, New Mexico. Now Miami, then Düsseldorf and Berlin My studio still isn't finished, and I continue to work in the gallery. It takes at least five plays of the demo video D sends of how to operate the building's alarm system before I feel safe disarming it. Once, weeks and weeks ago, I got the key stuck in the lock and the alarm went off. I have come to love my confined space, however. It brings back memories of art school - harsh lighting, the delicate dance required not to knock into things (I do, my favourite "Peace and Quiet" coffee mug, it breaks), listening to rap music raw from my iPhone. Only now, I can reorder the mug immediately Why I didn't rid myself of J the minute he attacked my appearance, I'm not sure. Maybe I still long for mistreatment, or worse, will tolerate mistreatment if there's an ego massage in there too. Or it's just winter, a season made for sitting on chairs with shameful posture texting someone you could take or leave. We talk on the phone too, and I learn this is a person who tells you how he's feeling at all times. He speaks in long sentences and I contribute dispassionate single syllables. Do I want to hear any more Aquarians' theories about life? I think my GP suspects I'm hoarding my meds for an eventual overdose, so calls me in for an appointment. I promise her I just leave packets of them in hotels whenever I travel and run out quicker. Do not assume the sinister when it's really the incompetent. I think she's a good doctor, efficient, generous with her time, has a good memory. She asks if I'm still being creative, and how I'm feeling about my sexuality. I remember then that I had told her I thought I might be gay while she examined my stomach 3 years ago. She asks if I have listened to Esther Perel's podcast, and I can't help laughing, evilly and knowingly, and then all of a sudden sadly. I leave with a number for a good EMDR therapist whom I know I won't call The day is crisp and the wind is light, I bike the distance from Sloane Square back to Whitechapel, something I used to do a lot when I saw my therapist / dietician twice weekly. Now I struggle a little - either my legs aren't as strong or I'm not as okay with punishment. One hopes it's the latter, or that therapy was a total waste of time. I get to my "studio" and eat watching YouTube Shorts, an ugly new habit. I don't see how many more times I need to see Joe Rogan think out loud about the majesty of the Pyramids and how the hell they were built. How many more times Jordan Peterson can explain why women often don't become mathematicians. How many more times Ben Shapiro can feign offence at a teenager on TikTok delineate their pronouns, while also advertising a company that can secure you a stretch of land in Scotland and thus make you legally a "lord" I pussy out of the rainy bike ride home and get the tube with wet, normal people. I am on my fiftieth listen of Kendrick's Mr Morale and still not done with it:
Bitch, are you happy for me? Really, are you happy for me? Smile in my face, but are you happy for me? Yeah, I'm out the way, are you happy for me? Bitch, are you happy for me? Really, are you happy for me? Smile in my face, but are you happy for me? Yeah I'm out the way, are you happy for me?
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moratoirenoir · 2 years
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mar-sibilina · 2 years
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JACK: Some sort of transmitter. REX: Okay, what does it do?
JACK: Well, it mostly proves my theory that immortality is caused by some kind of morphic field.
SHAPIRO: Wait a minute. You know what's causing the Miracle? JACK: No. Saying it's a morphic field is as vague as saying it's radiation. I still don't know how, where or what is creating it.
ESTHER: So, it transmits what, some sort of field that cancels out the first one so Angelo could die?
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halfabreath · 3 years
Holster goes on Survivor after graduating, part 1
all right so think about it Holster is:
Stronk, fast, lorge
A connoisseur of reality television
A (literal) student of game theory and frequently plays board games
Empathetic, good at reading people, able to thrive in a group environment, comfortable in a team dynamic
Analytical as hell
He’s cOmPeTeTiVe
So it’s a few years after graduation, full on Haus 2.0 Times. Even though he and Ransom sit across from each other at work they're on different projects now and Holster's scared they aren't as close as they were at Samwell so when Ransom joins on Holster's chronological Survivor binge Holster's so fucking thrilled
they talk about the gameplay and drama and start making spreadsheets to rate their favorite episodes and keep track of strategies and consequences and it becomes a part of their routine
they watch an episode on their lunch break or while they're eating dinner and it feels so so so good to have something with Ransom that's special and theirs and Holster loves every single second of it
Ransom tells Holster he should audition but Holster laughs it off every time until Shitty watches an episode with them and talks the entire time about how players from Boston dominate and how good they are and Holster's like fuck that and lets Ransom put together his audition video
Holster gets the call that he was cast at work and he and Ransom run to the elevator to go to the roof to celebrate but the second the doors close they both start screaming so loud the security team has to intercept them on the next floor
For the next few months it almost feels like Holster is back at Samwell - Ransom puts together a training schedule and SMH all contribute exercise suggestions or puzzles or offer to watch old seasons with him and Holster's back in the gym 10+ hours a week and he and Ransom spend almost every second together
They're standing in Holster's bedroom an hour before he leaves for the airport when he realizes it. Ransom's staring down at the outfit options they've laid out on Holster's bed because he's rethinking the sweatshirt vs windbreaker debate they've had a hundred times and his hands are on his hips and his thick eyebrows are knitted together in thought and he's taking Holster's dream so seriously and Holster just has a realization of oh fuck I've been in love with him this whole time, haven't I? and yeah, adam. you have.
Holster's able to keep this information to himself for about fifty seven minutes
Ransom, holding Holster's car door open like a fucking Austonian gentleman: You can really win, you know?
Holster: Go big or go home, that's kind of my thing
Ransom: No, you go big and go home, Holtzy
Holster: You're my home
Ransom: Aw, bro -
Holster: No, I'm in love with you.
Lyft Driver:
Holster: okay bye yikes I mean not yikes on the other thing that's - I mean I'm being honest I'm very um romantic? Romantically in love with - anyway, you get it I'll see you after
Luckily Holster has an 18 hour flight to painstakingly antagonize over every single second of this interaction and once he lands he, you know, has to play Survivor
that's a pretty excellent distraction from the fact that he confessed his love for his best friend before effectively ghosting him for a month and a half because contestants obviously don't have contact with anyone on the outside
Holster's strategy is literally to be a himbo and no I'm not joking. He knows he's an obvious physical threat and that between his strength, speed, endurance, and puzzle skills he's going to do really well in challenges and folks like that have to worry about the merge early so Holster wants the other contestants to think he's dumb as a rock and you bet your ass he's going to respect women along the way
His whole social game hinges on being underestimated mentally while being a huge physical asset so having him in an alliance feels like more of a net positive for the other player
It really wouldn't be Survivor without a giant twist right off the bat so Holster finds out from Jeff Probst himself on an Indonesian beach that the theme of his season is "No Love Lost" and the tribes are made up of pairs of exes and then Esther Shapiro steps out of a helicopter and Holster knows it's about to go the fuck down
anyway this is getting long so part 2 is coming soon
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