eva-is-revived · 1 year
Arm wrestling time!💪💪💪
Jestro vs Lany
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Great–Grandfather VS Great–Granddaughter... shoot...
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Now, few fun facts :D
Lany asked Evangelie (I'll be calling her by a full name cuz it's easier for me 🫤) to wear contacts so Jestro wouldn't get confused by her great-grandfather's "strange" eyes (like if he didn't get confused when he saw her great-grandfather being a 20 years looking girl 🙄)
Those two have a lot in common. For example: they're both almost the strongest members of their family; they have a common "the think method"; those two can't get along with children very well; etc
Jestro almost got used to the way how young Lany's family members look... almost...
I think that's all for now 🤔
Have a great time 🙂💜
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jasvegh · 4 months
Het woord is mens geworden
Joh. 1:1-14
Met kerst horen we vaak de verhalen van het kind Jezus in de kribbe, Jozef en Maria, de engelen en de herders. Maar het kerstevangelie van de apostel Johannes klinkt heel anders. Johannes lijkt hier wel een filosoof. Er waren in zijn tijd mensen die zeiden: “God is niet echt mens geworden. Het was allemaal maar schijn. Dat God mens wordt past helemaal niet bij Hem”. Anderen, bijvoorbeeld de Joden zeiden: “God is zo hoog verheven, Hij kan helemaal niet onder ons wonen. Dat past niet bij Hem”.
Wat zegt Johannes hier over? Het zijn geen eenvoudige woorden die hij hier schrijft. Met het Woord bedoelt hij God of zijn Zoon, Jezus. Hij bedoelt: Jezus was al bij God de Vader vóór Hij in de kerstnacht naar deze wereld kwam. Het is voor ons onbegrijpelijk, maar hij zegt: “Jezus was er eigenlijk altijd al”. Maar wat gebeurde er met kerst? In Hem kwam God naar deze wereld. Hij kwam onder ons wonen. Hij was zo begaan met ons lot dat Hij dat deed. Hij voelde zich niet zo hoog boven ons verheven dat Hij op zijn troon bleef zitten. Nee, Hij daalde af naar ons mensen. Hij werd tastbaar en zichtbaar. Dat is het mooie van kerst.
Het was nodig dat God Zelf naar deze wereld kwam, want deze wereld was gehuld in duisternis. Veel mensen kenden Hem niet of ze keerden zich van Hem af. Er was ook veel haat en nijd in deze wereld, corruptie, zedeloosheid. Het Romeinse rijk, dat in Johannes dagen bestond, was daar vol van. Maar ook vandaag de dag is de situatie niet veel beter. Wat dat betreft is de mens in tweeduizend jaar niet of nauwelijks veranderd. We lijken wel niet te leren van onze fouten. Het lijkt wel of iedere generatie dezelfde fouten moet maken. In iedere generatie is er oorlog en geweld, zelfzucht, egoïsme, machtswellust, oneerlijkheid, discriminatie, noemt u maar op. Daarom is Johannes’ boodschap zo mooi: In het Woord was leven en het leven was het licht voor de mensen. Jezus zou later zeggen: “Ik ben het Licht van de wereld”. Hij geeft ons licht, het licht dat wij zo nodig hebben. Licht betekent leven. Een mens heeft licht nodig, lichamelijk, maar ook geestelijk. Zonder licht gaan we dood.
Wel werd Jezus tijdens zijn leven geconfronteerd met de machten van de duisternis. Al heel gauw probeerde de satan Hem te verleiden om hem te aanbidden in plaats van te gehoorzamen aan zijn hemelse Vader. Maar Jezus hield stand. De duisternis heeft het niet in haar macht gelregen”, zegt Johannes.
De komst van Jezus Messias werd voorbereid door een profeet als Johannes de Doper. Die was het Licht niet zelf, maar was er om te getuigen van het Licht. Maar Johannes en Jezus werden door velen niet begrepen. Johannes werd gefusilleerd in de gevangenis en Jezus gedood aan het kruis. Dat is tragisch. Ja, de wereld staat vaak vijandig tegenover Jezus, of sceptisch, of cynisch. Johannes schrijft: “De wereld kende Hem niet en de wereld ontving Hem niet”, toen niet en nu niet.
Maar we moeten niet generaliseren. Gelukkig zijn er ook mensen die Hem wel kennen en Hem wel ontvangen. En wat zegt Johannes van hen? God heeft hun het voorrecht gegeven om kinderen van Hem te worden. Hoort u het? Het is een voorrecht om te geloven, een voorrecht om Gods kind te zijn. Waarom? Omdat God ons dit in het hart geeft door zijn Heilige Geest. Die werkt in ons. Als je een zaadje plant in de grond en je geeft het regelmatig water, dan komt daar een plant of een boom uit voort. Welnu, de Heilige Geest heeft het zaad van het geloof in ons hart geplant. En wij? Wij mogen het water geven, onderhouden, zodat dat zaadje een plan wordt of een boom, de boom van het geloof. We mogen ons geloof onderhouden door de Bijbel te lezen, te bidden en daar te komen waar Gods Woord wordt uitgelegd: de kerk. Daar zijn onze broeders en zusters, met wie wij samen geloven en die elkaar ondersteunen.
Vers 14, de tekst van vanmorgen, zou je een soort samenvatting kunnen zien van het vorige. Ja, God is mens geworden en heeft onder ons gewoond: in Bethlehem, in Israël. En nu woont Hij nog steeds onder ons: door zijn Heilige Geest. Ons hart wordt een tempel genoemd, waar de Geest woont. In Jezus zien we Gods genade en waarheid, zien we God Zelf. In Jezus zien we Gods grootheid, want Jezus is Gods Zoon.
Het is uniek wat er destijds in de kerstnacht is gebeurd: God is vlees geworden, of mens geworden. Hij kwam onder ons en Hij komt nog steeds onder ons, elke dag, elk ogenblik. Geloven we in zijn Naam? Staan we open voor Hem? Amen.
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padrebaldo · 8 months
La façon dont Jésus gère les conflits est-elle une smmonition, un reproche, un critique ? Pourquoi Jésus utilise-t-il le mot « Si... » 8 fois ? En cas d’échec, faut-il bannir une personne de notre vie ? Comment alors respecter et ne pas manipuler dans la mission de l’Église ? Est-il possible d’être uni avec ceux qui sont divisés de nous ? Le lien psychologique et spirituel qui nous fait du mal est-il chrétien ? Comment le delier ?
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robbertadrianusveen · 9 months
Eerste deel van een nawoord bij de serie “theologische autobiografie.” In dit deel probeer ik uit te leggen hoe ik er toe gekomen ben om mijn geloof te laten bepalen door het Jodendom zowel van het Oude Testament, als dat van de Rabbijnse overlevering. Ik heb eerder gezegd dat ik mij niet langer een christen wilde noemen, omdat ik van mening was dat er zoiets mogelijk zou zijn als een Messiaans…
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sophs-style · 1 month
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The Elie Saab Spring/Summer 2024 fashion show held during Paris Fashion Week on Saturday (30th September 2023) in Paris, France.
Lucy Hale, Madison Bailey, Devon Windsor, Lorena Rae, Caroline Daur, Evangelie Smyrniotak and Heart Evangelista (all wearing Elie Saab).
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crystalis · 2 months
every time my grandma comments on one of my fb posts i feel scared to look
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greatpacificbooks · 2 years
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Books for SALE ~ 4 Antique Leather Bks 1881 Biblia, 1812 Evangelier + Psalms, Paroissien Romain | eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/385120286232 #antiques #books #bible #swedish #french #leather #rarebooks #antiquebooks #Christianity #gospels #vespers #psalms #prayers #Evangelical #worship
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twafordizzy · 7 months
Norman Mailer laat Jesus zijn eigen evangelie schrijven
bron beeld: abc.es Wat als… Jesus zijn eigen evangelie had geschreven. Die vraag hield de Amerikaanse schrijver Norman Mailer (1923-2007) bezig. Het resulteerde in de roman Het evangelie volgens de zoon. Mailer is een niet onomstreden figuur in de Amerikaanse literatuur van met name de jaren 60 en 70. Samen met Truman Capote en Tom Wolf vertegenwoordiger van het New Journalism, waarin…
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Watch "Oordenking 11 Mei 2023" on YouTube
(NG Kerk Alberton-wes)
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styleseer · 2 years
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Caroline Daur & Evangelie Smyrniotaki
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oldsardens · 1 month
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Circle of Dieric Bouts - Johannes, het Evangelie schrijvend
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icefrye19 · 7 months
Chapter One : Chaos Arrives
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Story Masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/icefrye19/729573412120510464/divinity
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A certain demigod was standing in front of his father's coffin holding a key to freeing him, he started to have doubts on freeing his father knowing once he was awake, his father would create nothing but death and chaos around him.
He pushed his thoughts away sliding the key into the sarcophagus and opened the coffin, a bright light soon shone on him.
His father came out of the coffin looking all mighty and strong, " Son" he greeted confused, stepped out.
" Why, have you woken me. " Has Malivoire been defeated? " Ken asked.
"Yes, father but unfortunately Jen has betrayed you and the rest of our family. " She trapped you all in the sarcophagus for centuries never attending to release you, there was never a spell to wake you " Ben exclaimed.
Soon a look of anger, shock and slight hurt washed over the god's face, " where is your sister now " he demanded.
" I'm not sure at the moment, father '' Ben replied.
" She will pay for betraying me " Ken hissed, as he was about to walk awa, Ben stopped him.
" Wait, you said you would offer a boon to anyone who freed you and I did so " Ben said.
" What do you want? " Ken questioned.
" I want my curse revoked, " Ben answered.
" Done, after I retrieve your sister and my lady I shall remove the curse " Ken nodded.
" Lady, if you are talking about Giselle's she's not in any of those sarcophagus " Ben responded.
" Not her, my mate, '' Ken replied.
" Mate " Ben questioned, staring at his father confused.
" Yes, before I was placed in a deep sleep by your sister. " The seers have informed me of a great prophecy involving myself and this woman who is my soulmate that shares the same mark as me, " Ken answered.
" Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to " Ken said,  teleporting into the sky leaving Ben standing there alone.
As Evangelie was driving on the road her eyes focusing on the road ahead until she heard a familiar voice pop up in her head, " My love "
She pay no mind to the voice assuming it was just another one of her crazy imagination her broken mind swarming up.
" You're not crazy my love, I know you think this must be a part of your imagination but it isn't " the voice said.
" Go away, " Evangeline said, groaning.
" You are not real, just a voice that will not leave me alone." She said.
" My love, I am real, and I will never leave you alone." The voice said
" I don't care." Evangeline hissed.
"  Alrighty then my love... I will find you one day wherever you are and when I do you'll be mine forever " The voice states.
" Whatever you say darling " Evangeline chuckled.
" Your laugh is very adorable, my love." The voice replied.
After that Evenagline when back to focusing on her drive out of Mystic Falls and on her way to New York city where she was going to start her life over to get away from  all of the danger and drama that has come into her life.
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At the Salvatore school, A certain Tribrid made her way outside carrying a sword ready to slay a god or what she thought would go down in her mind.
Hope stepped outside and saw the Almighty god himself standing there, Ken looked up at her confused wondering why she was standing in front of him.
" You're not my daughter or my love" Ken grumbled.
" No, I'm Klaus Mikealson's daughter, '' Hope responded.
" Is that name supposed to mean something to me child " He scoffed, eyeing the little girl up and down.
" Not yet, but it will. My father stood for family above everything.... This school is my family, so if you want to hurt them, you're gonna have to go through me " Hope exclaimed showing her Tribrid's eyes to him.
Ken stared at the child amused and soon glowed his eyes trying to express how much power he had.
" They sent a little girl to challenge a god? I'm almost insulted " Ken said, chuckling.
" Maybe you'll feel better once you see what I can do " Hope said cocky before throwing a huge wave of fire towards him.
The flames went out soon and the god stood there unharmed and unburnt, " Magic doesn't work on a god " he said unamused
"  No, but it can be very distracting " Hope remarked.
Lizzie soon vamp speed behind him placing her hand on his head trying to siphon his magic from him but began to cry out, he had too much magic for her to handle and was slowly beginning to take a hold from her.
Ken soon throw his hands out knocking Hope and Lizzie back harhsly, he began to walked towards Lizzie.
"   Be careful what you wish for, child.... It took me a lifetime to control all of my power " he remarked.
He soon grabbed Lizzie by her neck, eyeing her curiously, impaling her on the school's spikes.
" Lizzie " Hope yelled out as she watched helplessly as her friend was being harmed.
Ken turned his attention back on the young Tribrid and slowly made his way towards her, delivering a kick to her stomach pushing her back again, hitting the ground once more and kicked her again.
Hope let out a groan but still started to sit up, he stared down at the little girl confused on why she was still not done.
" Why are you still alive? " Ken asked.
" It's kind of my thing , " Hope grumbled.
He delivered a harsh punch across her face and then another kick to her face as well. Hope lay there on the ground and tried to reach over for her sword.
Ken noticed this and grabbed the sword pointing it to her neck, " Nothing is unkillable even you  will prove a disappointing adversary" 
As he was about to slice through her, a familiar voice ranged out through the air , " Stop!"
Ken turned around lowering the sword down and saw his daughter standing there in front of him.
"  If you're looking for someone to be disappointed in, I'm right here " Jen said, staring at her father.
" Leave them alone, I'll go with you " she added.
Ken smiled at that knowing he had won though he didn't win everything he had hoped in one day, what he really wanted was his mate but he would soon find her.
He threw the sword to the ground and walked towards his daughter, " My darling. I've missed you "
He soon placed his hands on his daughter's shoulders before looking up and teleported them into the sky.
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After the tough battle, Hope regain consciousness and saw Dr. Saltzman standing above her in concern.
" Did we win? " Hope asked.
" Not even close, " Alaric repiled.
Hope signed and soon sat up closing her eyes, she had underestimated Ken and knew it wouldn't be easy to defeat him, she would need help.
She soon began to think back to her little sister Evangeline, since her humanity was off she hadn't checked on her sister seeing how she was.
In truth, she hadn't been a good sister to Evangeline for their whole lives and regret that.... She now had a clearer view and wanted nothing more to try to repair her relationship with her sister.
Family was always and forever and Evangeline was her family the only person that never abandoned her and cared for her always.
" Where's Evangeline, is she safe? I haven't seen her these past few days " Hope said.
Alaric signed and stared at the young Tribrid unsure on how to tell her what had happened.
" Evangeline is gone " Alaricreplied.
" What do you mean gone? Did Ken get to her '' Hope asked her eyes widened in panic at the thought of the idea of Ken killing her or torture her.
" No, it seems she has run away, " Alaric  responded.
" What, no she won't just take off like that without saying anything someone  must've kidnapped her " Hope exclaimed.
" I thought so at first but then we searched her dorm room and found it was cleared out to the brim as well as this " Dr. Saltzman said before taking a necklace out of his  pocket and handing it to Hope.
" Her necklace, " Hope whispered, holding the Mikaelson crest  necklace in her hands.
" She also took all the money out her bank account a few days prior before taking off " Alaric added.
" I'm sorry I know you don't want to hear this but Evangeline is gone and doesn't want to seem to come back. I've sent some buddies of mine to track her down but it's a loose end ."
" No, Eva wouldn't run away and say nothing to us or me " Hope defended.
" Evangeline has been hurting these last few weeks and has been distant, " Alaric  answered.
" If she was hurting then it was probably you or someone here that hurt her " Hope hissed.
" It may have to do with you, it seems, " Alaric said.
" I know I've been a terribly neglected sister but I've always loved and cared for Evangeline even though I never showed it " Hope signed.
" We will find her, " Alaric said, reassuring her.
Hope nodded and prayed whenever her sister that she was safe.
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Evangeline was currently driving through the streets of Manhattan looking around in awe before pulling up in front of an apartment building.
The first thing she needed was a safe, comfortable place to live, luckily she had an old friend that lived in the city and was more than welcomed to take her in for the time being until she found her own place .
She parked her car on the street before placing some coins in the parking pass machine to secure her parking spot on the street.
She made her way into the fancy building and to the front desk, where a woman was sitting down currently.
" Can, I help you miss " the woman asked.
" Yes, my name is Evangeline and I'm here to see my friend Brandal Queen, " Evangeline said.
" One moment " the woman said and grabbed the phone and dialed.
After a few moments, the woman placed the phone down and smiled at her.... " You can go up now Mr. Queen has been very anxious to see you "
She made her way on the elevator and headed inside, she clicked on the top floor and  the doors closed.
After a few moments, the elevator stopped and stepped out. Evangeline stopped at the only apartment on the floor and knocked on the door.
Her friend was quite wealthy, The Queen family  were the founder of New York , a family of royal werewolves not that the public knew.
Soon, the door opened revealing a handsome young man.... " Eva " Brandal greeted happily , pulling her in for a tight hug.
" Hey, Bra, " Evangeline greeted back, hugging her friend tightly.
The two soon pulled away from one another, " wow you sure have grown sexier since I last saw you " Brandal teased, staring at his friend's body.
" Oh, please there is nothing sex about me " Evangeline chuckled.
" You are honestly delusional, " Brandal snorted.
" Come in " Brandal said, dragging her inside and closing the door.
" Nice place you got here " Evangeline commented as she looked around in awe.
" Yeah, I  finally was able to get my inheritance released to me that my father left me though my bitch of a mother was being a drag about it but in the end she lost " Brandal exclaimed.
" How's Diamond " Evangeline asked
" She's good actually shemoved in me couldn't bear the thought of staying with our mother for another year not that blame her " Brandal mumbled.
" Hey, Diamond... Eva's here " Brandal yelled.
A young beautiful dark skinned girl with curly haired made her way into the living room smoking a cigarette.
"  I can hear you, no need to scream " Diamond rolled her eyes.
" Eva, this is Diamond.... Diamond this is Evia " Brandal said, introducing the two to each other.
" What's up? " Diamond said, looking at the girl with a small smile.
" Nothing much, it's nice to meet you " Evangeline smiled.
" Likewise, Brandal I didn't know you're friend was this hot " Diamond whistled, eyeing the  young Mikaelson girl up and down.
" She's straight Dee "Brandal said.
" How does anyone really know what their sexuality is if they haven't experimented before " Diamond answered.
" Experimented " Evangelin asked, glancing over at the young werewolf confused not sure what she meant.
" Oh, you poor thing you've probably been locked up for your whole life haven't you by your strict parents I bet " Diamond said.
" Actually my parents are dead also I was sent to a boarding school for my whole life, " Evangeline responded.
" I'm sorry, " Diamond mumbled .
" Anyway, Eva here is a very innocent girl Dia so be careful what you say around her " Brandal smirked.
" I am far from innocent, " Evangeline scoffed.
" Alrighty then miss sexy, how about we all go clubbing tonight with some friends of mine ? '' Brandal suggested.
" I'm down, " Evangeline said, smirking.
" Great, I have a few errands to run so just stay here and chill " Brandal smiled pat her on the shoulder.
" Hey, thanks for letting me stay here again. I appreciate it " Evangeline said.
" Girl, you can stay here as long as you need and besides it's about time you've start living your life instead of Hope's on a daily basis " Brandal said and with that he walked out of the room.
So, I am guessing your sister must be a bitch to you huh " Diamond exclaimed.
" Yeah, she can sometimes be but on other occasions she can be kind and loving.... it's complicated " Evangeline signed thinking back on her older sister.
She loved Hope very much through felt somewhat guilty about leaving her behind to deal with everything herself but then again her sister had clearly said she didn't need her or want her help.
Through, that was her no  humanity side talking but still Hope never actually seemed to need her or for anything expect if it came to anything invoking Landon.
The young Mikaelson girl pushed her thoughts away, " Need a drink " Diamond asked, noticing the girl was feeling upset.
" Yeah, give me the strongest shit you have please " Evangeline signed.
" I have something in mind " Diamond smirked before leading her into the kitchen.
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Diamond | Brandal
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whavsims · 1 month
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the black dress
while maeve was visiting del sol valley she made an appearance at the starlight accolades with her hair stylist evangelie poe
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robbertadrianusveen · 9 months
Wat is antijudaïsme in de kerk? Twee antwoorden
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-kvt2m-145f813 In de uitzending van afgelopen woensdag 19 juli heb ik twee verschillende definities van “antijudaïsme” door elkaar gehaald. De eerste luidt: het (heftige) verzet tegen Israël en de praktijk van het jodendom. De tweede is: de verwerping van de centrale geloofsinhoud van het jodendom. Beide lijken op elkaar, maar het maakt toch voldoende…
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eva-artist-face · 1 year
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Just some art for Nexo knights WOY AU that was made by @mellonyhater
I just thought that if those two are related to my Nexo OC then they also can be attributed to Nexo knights's AUs 😅
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you their names!
The one with pink hair is Evangelie or Eva for short (yep, I named OC after myself, don't see anything wrong about it (⁠  ̄> ̄⁠) )
The other one is Shadow or Shad (this is just a nickname, the real name he wouldn't tell). She's a non-binary and pangender character... just so you know :>
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modadivas · 1 year
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Wolford new capsule collection with Sergio Rossi
Wolford presents new capsule collection with Sergio Rossi: the two brands join forces and collaborate for the future A world leader in skinwear , Wolford is delighted to collaborate on a very special capsule with Sergio Rossi, the legendary Italian brand under the creative direction of Evangelie Smyrniotaki, Art Director of Sergio Rossi.
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