#even after all this time
nolonger-roses · 1 year
The actors (specially Richard Armitage) really said fucked it and made one of the best ships
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“Thorin is coming over a little queer”- Martin Freeman
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“It’s a way of seducing Bilbo to come on the quest with us”- Richard Armitage about the Misty Mountain song. 
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“And that’s how I see it. And they sit in harmony with each other, I think, and are changed by each other.”- Richard Armitage 
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And there was an interview where Ken Stotts (Balin’s actor) was asked about the face Balin makes when Bilbo can’t say what Thorin is for him 
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Ken said “Well, Balin knew how Thorin felt about Bilbo, so he wanted Bilbo to know how special he was for him... I think that’s what he wanted”
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Vanessa Ives white dress in Penny Dreadful
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galaxygirl8880 · 1 year
Harry Potter x TCF??????
A series of quotes kind of in order. My own take on this crossover
Came to be after one too many harry Potter x TCF fics
"What do you see in the mirror, Cale-nim?"
"..Me sleeping peacefully"
"..Are you okay-"
"This is my second year at this fucking school why do so many things want to- ACK-" Cale quickly jumped left as the enormous basilisk attacked him once more.
"God I hate snakes-" Another dodge as he attempted to keep his balance at the same time.
'shouldn't Choi han be in my spot right now!?! I'm not a protagonist!?!?'
"You can't run forever."
"Damnit, this *Cough* isn't how I wanted to die.."
"At least I got rid of that diary.."
Caw Caw!
"oh.. Fawkes you're too good for this world.. Please get Choi han, I'm gonna pass out now-"
"Its so obvious our new professor is a werewolf I don't understand how anyone hasn't figured it out?"
"...Are you going to tell anyone?"
"No. He's still the best DADA professor we've ever had so there's really no point. Why do you ask, Hyung-nim?"
"No reason."
Rosalyn and Alberu watched with a sweat as the hippogriff flew off with Cale on it's back.
"...Are you sure he'll be okay?"
"this tournament is stupid, total bullshit. You're underage! Shouldn't there also be charms and crap to prevent this from happening? You shouldn't be allowed to compete-"
"and I suppose we're going to have to try figure out what the first task is so you have some sort of advantage. If I go check the library's forbidden section I could probably find some old-
"Are you going to help me?"
"..Why are you asking something so obvious?"
" cough God I hate getting wet-"
The headmaster watched as several students (and even a teacher) flocked towards Cale with far too many towels. The second champion of Hogwarts was also fussing over Henituse-
"Why do you want me to teach? Choi han is the top student for DADA?"
"We all know you could also be a top student if you actually tried. Besides, your silver shield is one of the best I've ever seen!"
"Choi han-"
Cale proceeded to attempt to protest to his teaching of the "class" and his every argument was shut down with a scary smile.
"How dare she-"
"you need to calm down, remember that she's in a better position than us because of the minister."
"But she's even hurting the first-"
"Cale-nim, what's on your hand."
I can't quite remember the order in which some of these events happened-
And woo! I'm back :DD!!
But seriously, this Au has been running around my head ever since I rewatched the movies for the 100th time.
Please do give me your opinions on this :>
Have a nice day!
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 8 months
Elite Force’s Many Lost Opportunities
The thing that annoys me most about Elite Force is Elite Force could have been great to the Mighty Med characters and even the Lab Rats characters.
Let’s all be honest, Elite Force isn’t the best show in the world and a lot of it comes down to the writing of characters. I feel like the show had a lot of potential and maybe that’s why so many fans make so much fan content related to that era of the show. Seriously the amount Elite Force content v. rest of Mighty Med and Lab Rats is kind of amazing.
Today I wanted to take a closer look at Elite Force’s many missed story and character opportunities. I got the inspiration to make this due to this thread. These are thing I’ve been thinking about for a long time… but I think it’s kind of time to put it out there. Elite Force isn’t a bad idea, just bad execution.
Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar
I think the villains kids(Riker and Roman) and their evil father(Rodissius) is meant to parallel Douglas(during his evil days) and Krane. When we could have had Oliver seeing something of his mom in the main dad villain, Rodissius. We could have seen more of that arc with his evil mom. We could have had his mom show up. I will never not be bitter about that plot point never getting proper follow through.
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We could have had Skylar relating to the main villain losing his powers instead of the show just giving her powers back. Like seriously, why didn’t Skylar have anything to say about villain and losing powers? She went through this. She had a whole ‘going evil’ due to getting her powers back arc and then having to lose them again. It was a huge part of her character and arc in Mighty Med, only to be forgotten in Elite Force. Seriously, why is the villain, Rodissius, so similar to Skylar if the writers weren’t going to do anything with it? Just why?
Kaz could have been the middle ground between the two being like “we need to put them down”. Kaz could still be mad about Mighty Med. We could have had moments of Skylar and Oliver bonding and comforting each other over the loss of Mighty Med. Just think about it.
We also could had Kaz and Oliver being bros learning powers with Skylar getting jealous to then becoming a mentor to them. Even Bree and Chase could mentor more like they did on the island.
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Most of all, Elite Force needed to remember Kaz, Skylar, and Oliver are friends. Kaz and Oliver are ride-or-die best friends and might as well be brothers. Kaz is implied not be close with his parents or his siblings so Oliver is his family. Skylar doesn’t have family being part of a clone race and I honestly view Skylar as a sister to Kaz and Oliver or at very least her found family along with everyone else at Mighty Med.
Returning Mighty Med Characters
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Even Alan could show up and be able to relate to villain. Part of Alan’s arc in Mighty Med was learning to accept being half-normie. Even Horace would be in the show somehow as a captive of villains. Like Roman and Rimer took Horace to heal their father and give him back his powers since at the wedding Horace was revealed to be Caduceo, the legendary healer of superheroes, to the world or something(that even ties the spinoff into Mighty Med).
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Gus or Jordon would show up after Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar were on the news being apart of Elite Force. There could have been a story of their normie friends from school finding out about the superhero world and Skylar’s real name not being Connie Valentine.
Leo, Adam, and Other Lab Rats Characters
The show could have used Douglas better. Douglas used to be evil. The villain is an evil dad. There is something there even if it’s just a joke considering Douglas was evil dad and Krane was too to some extent. Why wasn’t that a joke in the show(like someone should have said “what’s with us and evil parental figures?”). Douglas could even talk to Oliver about his mom being evil. Douglas could relate to him and help Oliver come to terms with mom being evil and maybe give Oliver hope his mom could one day be redeemed.
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Leo and Adam could have shown up. I understand actors and contracts, but the show could have mentioned the characters. The show seemed to miss Adam having Adam around with Bob’s return. I like Bob, but it felt like it should have been Adam there and not Bob. Again, like Bob but it always felt like the writers wanted Adam there instead. The show did clearly miss Leo too since AJ is basically a Leo Dooley stand-in.
There could have been a conversion between Donald, Chase, and Bree along lines of “why did you two allow AJ to stick around?” And they don’t know. Donald eventually nods and says “I think I do. He’s a bit like Leo. I miss him too, but remember he’s not Leo.” Or something like that. Even Kaz could remember Bree and Chase of Adam. There is something there that could be touched on.
I think Perry, Donald, Tasha, and Naomi were handled well, but I do still wish Adam or Leo showed up.
Chase and Bree
Chase got an arc of his girlfriend being evil and Bree wanting more powers. Chase and Bree could have an arc of being away from home/family for the first time and being homesick. The penthouse is basically like going off to college or boarding school when you think about it. The characters move away from home and live with kids their age in a dorm/apartment.
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Chase could have had a real arc about interacting and being a person outside the comfort of his family/island. Bree could have had an arc of learning that she doesn’t need more powers(I still don’t like that storyline for Bree. It just feels like it comes out of nowhere and is excuse to give Bree more abilities without having to introduce them). Bree could have had a self acceptance storyline.
Mighty Med and Elite Force
The world and characters of Mighty Med when the show ended and Elite Force stated, it didn’t feel like an ending for the show like Lab Rats. That’s a problem a lot of fans of Mighty Med have. I loved both shows since their premiere. Mighty Med was just getting started and their characters were the same. There was so much more left to see of this world before Elite Force. Then Elite Force came and didn’t seem to understand or know much about Mighty Med. If you looks at the people who worked on Elite Force, it’s mostly people from Lab Rats with very few from Mighty Med.
I’ve said this for years, but Mighty Med needed one more season before Elite Force to wrap up their story. The sad thing is Might Med didn’t get that. We got Elite Force. As a fan of Mighty Med, I’ve always had so many problems with Elite Force. As a Lab Rats, I still don’t care for Elite Force. There was something missing in this spinoff and we all know it.
I am just seeing all we could have had and didn’t get. There are so many good ideas here but none of them were taken. The show could have been better.
Every time I sit down and watch Elite Force I get the impression there wasn’t a lot of passion behind it. There’s also a lot of cooks in the kitchen(just look at the credits) and that might explain the writing. The show just feels like a mess that no one really wanted to make.
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Okay I was NOT expecting dragon poop to be the trap but on the other hand it is SO IN CHARACTER for Bel - and also Liam being a dragon!! I mean honestly I assumed he'd be some kind of demon/dark magic based creature cos of the whole 'I'm a monster/he's a monster' thing but I love dragons!! And of course what they've been saying about him is because of the Archetype Story, the basis for the System...and now the two of them are going to take down the System however they can!!! But oh, there are so many questions left!! Who is behind The System? Why the insistence on Following/Accepting Fate when clearly Bel's been able to complete and save worlds by doing her own thing? Are Adonis's actions down to the fact that he is unwiling to admit this because he's the Hero and Heroes always end up with Heroines and at this point it's all gone too far to take back, or is he just plain delusional? What was the deal Liam made that allowed him to follow her and who did he make it with - was it the person he talked with way back, and is this person connected to the System or not? I very much look forward to the last parts (though I'll be sad as well because I've followed this story from the start and I've loved it and I'll miss so much!!!!) and I'm interested to see the Mermaid world!!
I'm glad you liked the new part! Bel often has unconventional ways of dealing with heroes, but this one might have traumatized Liam a bit. I'm also a huge fan of dragons! Those are all great questions, that hopefully will be answered in the end, the last part is going to be packed, but I do have a plan... and now we just have to hope everything goes according to it!
Second to last part dropping today, and then the last part is the final face off with the system, with answers!
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renthewerecatboi · 10 months
cooking marshmallows over the fire isn't about the marshmallow, it's about setting shit on fire
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lhs3020b · 4 months
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I'm at the point of my ME:LE trilogy replay where I've apparently decided that doing this to myself again is sensible - nope, it's been over a decade and I can 100% confirm that I have officially learned nothing!
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etherea1ity · 10 months
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rileys-battlecats · 1 year
Absolutely gonna be overanalyzing The Accident for the next couple days. Wonderful job! Love just how much it means that Wrentail was the one who took Mudkit in. I think you said once that Larkstar thought Wrentail would have a vested interested in Mudpaw and thats why she made him her mentor, so i guess now we know what that means! (I know the discord has theorized this stuff for a while but its still such good story telling that people were able to pick up those clues). I cant help but wonder if Wrentail never told the clan who mudpaws father was. Would MicaClan really be so distant with someone who does at least have some clan blood in him? Surely Gullytuft at least would have interacted with Mudpaw more if she knew he was her nephew? I dunno im theorizing dont mind me lol
That's exactly what I meant when I talked about Larkstar's reasoning! As the one who essentially 'sponsored' Mudpaw's joining of the clan, she thought that Wrentail would want to be the one to teach Mudpaw how to be a true warrior. Perhaps thinking there would be a degree of fondness on Wrentail's part?
And you're right in your suspicion that Wrentail didn't mention who Mudpaw's parents were. His reasoning was that Possum was a traitor to the clan, arguably worse than a regular outsider. Why should the clan treat his kit with anything less than the full suspicion an outsider warrants? They didn't need their vision being clouded by nostalgia of all things.
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preacherboyd · 2 years
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Justified | 1x01 Fire in the Hole
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bloodybellycomb · 1 year
For almost twenty years, my chemical romances' entire career could be summarized as "show up, serve cunt, and leave" so why would they suddenly change this attitude now
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luescris · 1 year
hi hi hi im getting back into Star Wars Rebels again (I think at this point I'm hyperfixating on everything right now HFHDHDH) and it still boggles my mind just how important Ezra is to Star Wars and no one seems to notice/care/wants to admit it and it makes me *yells screams*
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twinksintrees · 4 months
remus and logan and virgil and janus my fucking boys. i love them all so much i feel 15 again i feel ill
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ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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lizstiel · 2 years
pacific rim has everything: kaijus. idris elba. giant mech. piloting the giant mech with the power of love. family: found and chosen. humanity coming together. soul mates. love saving the world. a bulldog. drift compatibility. ramin djawadi. charlie day?!
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storyweaverofgondor · 5 months
Ok, but did anyone else feel like their heart was breaking in 97 Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella during Sweetest Sound when she watches a little girl run to her father?
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