#even my drabbles are a bloody essay
oneoftheextras · 2 years
Just thinking about a Kakashi and Gojo cross over fic. Here’s a Drabble, let me know if you want a full fic.
You’re a previous student and then partner of Kakashi’s, but you’ve moved onto learning Jujustu Sorcery with Satoru Gojo as your new sensei.
Kakashi is in the area and stops by to say hello while you’re sparing with Gojo. He leans on the doorframe and silently watches Gojo dodge every one of your attacks effortlessly, Satoru notices him but you don’t.
Gojo knocks you onto your ass and you finally realise you have an audience when Kakashi laughs a “I didn’t train you this badly, did I?”
You immediately embrace Kakashi and ask him how he’s been in the few years it’s been since you last saw him - but Gojo doesn’t like your attention not being on him.
Gojo observes Kakashi and a feeling of jealously goes through him.
He convinces Kakashi to spar with you instead so he can size up how much of a threat the Ninja is in comparison to him. Only to be slightly humoured when Kakashi pulls out his smutty novel and seemingly gives you little to no effort.
“You’re still reading that old thing?” You sigh with a hint of humour as you throw attacks his way, most he counters or dodges, “I’m a sucker for the classics” Kakashi shrugs and fakes a yawn.
Eventually one of your hits lands on his wrist and knocks the book out of his hand and slides across the floor towards Gojo - who’s slowly getting more and more jealous by the familiarity the two of you share.
It’s not fair of you be so blatantly flirtatious with someone who is a guest in his school. He starts to wonder if the two of you were always this close.
Gojo can’t help but act on his envy, “if you want to verbally fuck in front of me, you might as well actually do it and give me something to watch”.
Satoru Gojo always gets his way.
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gamerwoman3d · 7 months
Listen, if Ed Boon asked me to write official tie-in novel filth for Mortal Kombat, I would. I don't care if he sends a studio note that says "If you make Sub-Zero any gayer I'll rip your fucking head off," I'd still work for him. Who needs a head anyways. Love that guy.
Anyways here's a wonderwall of filth.
[🔞🔞🔞Check below the cut🔞🔞🔞]
Explicit, Spicy, Juicy, and definitely🔞🔞🔞past this point
I should mention- You can actually read all of my writings directly on my masterlist without logging in to tumblr.
◜Sub-Zero, Smoke, Liu Kang options - Please Be Bi-Han 🙏◞
Just use any browser app and type in mk1erotica.netlify.app in the browser's address bar to access my masterlist from anywhere on any device.
Yes. Any device. This may even work on an Apple watch, on the Parrity browser. You can probably ask Siri to open a browser and navigate to the masterlist. You can use any browser. You can use Safari, Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. It can work on a Roku if you have a web browser like Web Browser X or Xfinity. It will run on ųBrowser or Opera. But I recommend DuckDuckGo!
Multi-Character Choose your own MK1 Adventure
Reptile [Syzoth, MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 1 of ?◞
Sub-Zero [Bi-han, MK1 version]
Neck tattoo imagines parts 1 2 AND 3
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜I Need Attention◞
◜mk1 Sub-Zero: sexiest angst trope?◞
Johnny Cage [MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men kinks & darker motivations part 2 of ?◞
Scorpion [Kuai Liang, MK1 version]
Beta Tester [Can be read as Hanzo if you're imaginative]
Bloody Horny Kuai Liang Scorpion - https://www.tumblr.com/gamerwoman3d/737285442221801472/%F0%9D%9F%B9
Skins That Would Be in MK1 If I Had A Voodoo Doll of Ed Boon [Fun, Sexy skins for Kenshi, Scorpion, Kitana, & Sub-Zero]
The Gollum Test [Essay about writing better x readers]
Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Part 2 : Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Other horny drabbles [separate list]
About This Blog [links to post about guidelines reqs etc]
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
Permissions summary: YOU HAVE MY EXPRESSED PERMISSION TO USE ANY SCREENSHOTS, GIFS, ASSETS OR CONTENT THAT I HAVE MADE OF THE GAME MK1 [MORTAL KOMBAT 1 (2023)]. EVERYONE has my enthusiastic consent. You don't have to make something I *enjoy* with those assets. You're under no obligation to please me with your content, even if it's made with bits of my content. Enjoy yourselves, go wild! Any MK1 screenshots or gifs that I make can be used for your fanworks as long as you have the legal rights to do so. [I'm pretty sure you all have the legal right to make any fanart/icons/reposts/headers/photo edits/collages/parody that you like, but I do not know every single law for every country. You're on your own to research whether you'd get in trouble for SubScorp art in Indonesia or the PRC or Alabama or wherever you are where all the rules get weird. But as long as you're not getting punished for using my MK1 gameplay in your work, go nuts! You have my permission to use the assets I've made from the game.]
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thwardengates · 1 month
Sonic the Hedgehog
Just a lil characterization thing for Sonic in PICAU ^^ same rules apply as my chaos energy drabble post Not an obligatory read but if you feel like reading an essay go ahead I will not stop u!! it wld be very appreciated actually :]
First things first, Sonic is nonverbal in this AU. He did speak, and he might speak again as the story progresses, but for the time being he's gonna be entirely nv. The main reason for this is cause 1. Classic Sonic doesn't speak and I think it's cute, 2. He had to quiet down eventually, & 3. I said so
Second, there will be a LOT of focus on my au's divergence from the canon Forces plotline. Mostly focusing on the whole "6 months of torture" thing but made like, way worse because fuck those little anthro animals with supersonic speed & mountain shattering strength. just screw those little guys. ykwim.
Sonic doesn't give up, not even when he's faced with certain doom. We've seen that. that's how he is in Frontiers, and has been his whole life. So he stays that way. Sonic's capture wasn't pretty. It was fairly gross and bloody, and he looked like a corpse when he finally passed out. His legs were essentially mutilated from the attacks he sustained, and it definitely seemed like he broke a few bones other than his ribs. In an uprising war, it isn't going to be a nice gentle process, and when he's pitted up against phantom copies of Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos, Zavok, and then Infinite, he's bound to get beat up. A lot. He does get stronger every passing day (according to him, officially!) but it doesn't make it easier to handle four of your most difficult battles and then a new enemy on top of that. So yeah, he was pretty bruised and battered when he was taken captive on the Death Egg. So much so his legs weren't salvageable after the ordeal, and ended up amputated. (Because who'd think pushing past your limits could have repercussions?)
He's a little more serious than he has been in a few games. Again, more similar to Frontiers. He still makes jokes, but the psychological affects of six months of isolation with only enemies to accompany you & suddenly being unable to do the one thing you do best? It would take a toll. He stopped his snarky comments about halfway through his imprisonment simply because it wasn't worth the little energy he had. Most of it was pushed into conserving his energy, rather than making a snide remark at (fake copies of) your enemies.
He generates his own chaos energy! How? Fake Chaos Emeralds, of course!! Thrilling. Love to see immoral experimentation. Basically, the simple concept is: Eggman wanted to use fake Chaos Emeralds to act as the power/generator for things. It would keep regenerating, was incredibly powerful, and in the event the Phantom Ruby falls short on power, there was still highly destructive amounts of power available to him. But he needed a way to purify/funnel that energy into a more concentrated source, so he ended up using Sonic as a way to filter the energy into a usable form. Some of it is residual, but he also did end up with incredibly tiny, fragmented shards of fake Chaos Emeralds stuck in his body, which end up building up enough and reacting with each other enough to keep building up more energy inside of him, even without the help of an external source of chaos energy. Which essentially leads to constant overexposure. The main reason he doesn't end up vanishing from reality as we know it is because Eggman built up neutralizers that will keep the energy in check when it's not in use, because he can't have Sonic dying on him before the Eggman Empire is completed. His goal is still to kill Sonic in the end if it proves appropriate, or continue using him as a living battery, really.
Unfortunately it still follows a somewhat canon-compliant storyline, Sonic is rescued by the Resistance (+ Shadow and Tails, but that'll be explained in a later post really. All you need to know is I'm giving them a little more spotlight than just "did you know these are fake copies" and "I gave reason for classic Sonic being here so people cld still play as Sonic!") which also means he's away from those neutralizers. So for a good few days/weeks he's left overloading on energy n suffering while Tails tinkers away at his prosthetics. The whole "I'll destroy the world in 3 days" thing isn't going on here simply bc there isn't much that can stop Eggman n Infinite from destroying anything, bc Sonic is supposedly unable to survive for much longer than a day or two without neutralizers. It's more a backup plan if anything. Tails ends up making Sonic's prosthetics, which act as a natural outlet and neutralizer for Sonic's chaos energy. They basically funnel it out of his body and into the prosthetics, which automatically tune themselves to his needs, as well as dealing with his overload issue. Sonic ends up bunkering down with Shadow and Tails, though. He learns a lot about what happened in his absence through them. He also learns about their newfound friendship/bond, and even if he has his grudges about Shadow from the whole phantom-double nearly killing him thing, he's still able to forgive him, especially considering he kept his little brother alive and mostly unscathed the whole time, despite it being a literal warzone outside.
It does take him awhile to get back on 'talking' terms where he's more responsive and socialized again, and he's mostly miffed about the fact he wasn't able to help the Resistance sooner, due to Tails n Shadow forcing him to spend some time to recover and let himself get adjusted to his new set of legs. He's still stand-offish and sorta rockin' that thousand-yard stare when he scrapes his shit together enough that it's acceptable for him to join the fight again. He works alongside Shadow more than the Resistance though, simply because I can't imagine their little rivalry not having some teases about "I spent 6 months locked in a little space cage, and I'm still faster than you!" n also Shadow being mildly peeved at the idea of Sonic going from being weaponized/turned into a living battery to immediately wanting to join the fight again. I figure they'd also be able to connect a little bit cause they've got some similarities that aren't just... Fast hedgehogs. Now they've both been weaponized against their will bc I thought it'd be funny
Once Eggman realizes Sonic is in fact well alive and kickin', and with even more of a grudge and fire to fight than before, that's when the whole 'sun comes careening down to kiss us all a fiery last kiss goodbye' plan comes into action. He's able to get it goin' a little quicker simply because some time does elapse, but not soon enough that the Resistance n Team Dark aren't able to band together to kick ass. also omega gets repaired in this time ig. details details I'm not gettin' into them
Gadget is still very much here btw but this is mostly a focus on the non-resistance team (basically team sonadow dads + their strange fox son) and Sonic's experiences. forces does conclude blah blah I'm not doing all this rn more will get added later I'm tired
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devildancing · 1 month
Unrequested Sirius Drabble ft. James
Sirius plops down on the earthy ground beside his curly-headed friend with an innate gracefulness undeserving of the mundane act. Long arms drape over his propped-up knees, idle hands dangling uselessly in the air as his cool gray gaze scans over the blue horizon and his lungs expand with the crisp, fresh air. It's a nice day despite the cold breeze pawing at his dark locks. For a moment, the boy is content to simply enjoy the other's company — scarce as it is these days. The sound of James' quill scratching against parchment is almost soothing.
❝ Not drawing lilies today, I see. ❞ He comments as he peeks at the other boy's work, little doodles littering what seems to be a finished Transfigurations essay that Sirius hasn't even started. James' grades are better than ever, and yet they both know that all the times he's been missing from their ragtag little troupe haven't been spent studying in the library. His tongue rakes over his pearly white teeth before popping against the roof of his mouth, a dragging breath hot on its heels.
" Nah, they're not in season. "
James' smooth lilt filters back to him, the gold-flecked eyes that find his own neither innocent nor entirely guilty. It's interesting, to say the least.
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❝ What sort of flowers are those, then? ❞ Not that Sirius doesn't already know.
" Daffodils. " Daffodils.
His itching fingers dig into the pocket of his trousers, pulling out a pack of cigarettes that's down to the last few sticks. Sirius plucks one out for each of them, allowing his own to dangle precariously between his lips before lighting it.
❝ Bit of a frosty flower, eh? ❞ He asks curiously, pulling the cancer stick away from his mouth once his lungs are filled with the glorious warmth of nicotine. ❝ Bloom at the tail end of winter, don't they? ❞
" Wouldn't know, mate. " Bullshit.
Still, Sirius nods his head and smiles that cool smile of his. Fingers flick the ash from the end of his cigarette onto the dirt below as he allows his gaze to tear away from James to focus on the placid waters of the Black Lake.
❝ What do you think of them, Prongs? ❞
" The flowers? "
❝ No — ❞ He sighs, taking another long drag of tobacco. ❝ Remus and my pretty, pretty cousin. ❞
The doodling stops, just as Sirius had expected it would. He drinks in each and every little expression from the other lion that he can, sifting through them for some sign or missing puzzle piece. The way that James swallows and averts his golden gaze tells him more than he needs to know.
" What, uh — what do you think, Padfoot? " There's genuine curiosity there and he ruminates over it for a bit.
❝ Could be worse. ❞
" How so? "
❝ I mean, she's not Bells. ❞
Maybe he imagines it but Sirius thinks he hears relief in his friend's laughter. He stamps his cigarette into the earth, magicking the thing away so as not to litter before trudging on.
❝ She's also not Cissa. ❞
There's a precision to his words, sharp and deliberate, and they have the effect that he expects them to. This time, there is no immediate laughter. So, he isn't wrong. He isn't being paranoid. All this time — all the endless owls, that dance he'd spied at the masquerade, the countless missing nights, and that day in Diagon Alley...
" What? " James' nervous chuckle bubbles between them. " What's so bad about Little Black? "
❝ Nothing. ❞ Everything.
" 'Fraid I'm not following, then. "
❝ There'd just be no future in it, that's all. ❞
Not that Sirius necessarily believes that there's one for Moony and Meda either, but that's neither here nor there. Remus is a depressed realist, James is a hopeless fucking romantic.
❝ Narcissa — well, she's perfect. ❞ It's hard to hide his own bitterness, the lingering resentment. Out of all of them, she was the antithesis of everything that he was and everything that he had come to stand for. ❝ She was made for that life, right? Never a toe out of line, a hair out of place, or a single bloody wrinkle in any of her pretty little dresses. ❞
All the times he'd lashed out at her, all the times he'd tried to shake even the barest hint of something out of her, there'd been nothing. Sirius had never found a way to move her or convince her. The idea that James might have done it — that he had somehow found a way...
" You're, uh — I mean, isn't that a little hypocritical? "
❝ Is it? ❞
He tosses the question back cooly, a shapely brow raising in response as he appraises his friend. Is James even aware of the change in his posture? That defensive edge in his voice?
❝ She'd never leave that world, mate. She can't. ❞ Oh, and he's so certain when he says it. He has to be certain. ❝ Even if she did — if someone were actually able to convince her that maybe she wanted to give it a try... ❞
Sirius pauses, caught in a rare moment of introspection and a chilling sense of trepidation.
" What? "
He doesn't miss that look — doesn't miss the apprehension.
❝ Well, there are only two ways that could go, aren't there? ❞ His hand claps on the other boy's shoulder as he moves to stand. ❝ She breaks their heart or they ruin her life. ❞
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
spin cycle 3 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut
summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
rating: 18+ for eventual smut
word count: 499 ☠️
warnings: Reader is a mess. Jungkook is swoon-worthy. Lightly invasive acts of domesticity I guess but like … I don’t think it’s weird? Husbeard did. Reader did too, but only for a moment. (I've already gotten an ask about this lmao so it's going in the warnings). Also, swearing. Referral to menstrual periods as “bloodbaths” but no actual depiction of blood.
notes: Hello! idk if any of y’all have been paying attention to the absolute bullshit mess with tumblr’s tagging issues but WHEW it’s looking gnarly out here as a writer trying to find readers. I haven’t really come down on a side as to what to do yet. I thought I was going hate posting on tumblr but plot twist, I kind of like it a lot. For now, at least for this series, I’m going to continue to cross post. However, I strongly encourage the readers of any and all fanfics get ao3 accounts so that you can start reading there. A lot of writers are just posting their front matter (warnings, etc) here and then linking to their work. This is probably how I’ll move forward with other projects. Stay tuned.
There are a lot of perks to an ao3 account, most notable among them that you can subscribe to works and writers and get emails for when chapters or works are posted. Ao3 is also pretty dedicated to protecting the rights of its writers and maintaining a safe environment (edit: insofar as it doesn’t tolerate writer harassment, though it lacks a block feature). It’s where I started reading. You should absolutely get on with making an account if you haven’t already. Should this blog for whatever reason disappear off the face of the internet, my work will still be found on ao3 and I will still be found in various places through my carrd.
Hopefully this is all just a whole lot of worry for nothing but, in this day and age, it’s always hard to tell. Stay safe and warm!
series masterlist | read on ao3
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Even with the two inches of sudden snow turning to slush beneath your feet, you still trudge to the laundromat to do your laundry. This week, it’s usual your dark load, mostly jeans, leggings, socks, and cotton underwear.
Truth be told, you’re on your last pair of comfy undies. And your last pair of leggings. You’re wearing both as you walk thought the door. Your period is starting soon and you have to ready the troops for the bloody battle to come.
Somehow, your laundry friend has already beat you to the laundromat. He’s got his stylus in hand, and he’s drawing something on his tablet as usual. He looks up when he hears the door open, and he gives you that same little smile he has been giving you, before letting his face fall back to his tablet screen. The stick of a sucker is poking out from between his lips.
You’ve continued to smile back over the past few weeks, still compelled by his huge brown eyes and handsome, shy smile to be cordial in return. You can’t help it. The smiles have become routine. You can’t just stop now.
As you load your chosen machine with your clothes, you make the mistake of checking your watch for the time. 2:37 am. That explains why he beat you here. You’re late.
Your whole week has been like this. You woke up late on Monday, and it’s been like you’re a half an hour behind every day since. Late to things you’ve never been late to. Meetings, classes, your bedtimes, and now your regular laundry time.
You catch yourself sighing as you sit back down, and inwardly swear. Out of the corner of your eye, you see that he looks up. With dismay, you note that his gaze doesn’t linger.
You open up your laptop and rub your eyes before jumping back into you weekly essay.
Suddenly, you open your eyes, and blinking, realize that you’re still in the fluorescent light of the laundromat. Your head was on your keyboard, if the infinite stream of “ffffffff” in your document is to be believed. Fuck, what time is it??
You groan when you see that it’s 5:14 am. You’ve just lost two and a half hours, so now you’re going to be three hours late for everything. “fffffffff” is right. You haven’t even finished your laundry.
As you rub the sleep from your eyes, however, you see that you’ve got a pile of neatly folded clothing next to you at the table. Yours, actually, each garment folded and stacked atop the last with care. To your vague horror, even your underwear is folded, discretely placed between pairs of matched socks.
On top of the stack is a piece of candy. A strawberry Chupa Chup. On the wrapper, there’s a little smiley face drawn in permanent marker.
You look around the laundromat, but your heart sinks to see that it’s empty. Your laundry friend is no where to be seen.
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Thank you for reading! Find me in various places at my carrd :)
© miscelunaaa 2021. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work. Thank you.
Posted: 1.3.2022. Updated: 4.2.2022 (front matter clean up.)
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bcdaily · 3 years
Official (James/Lily, Drabble)
A/N: What’s this? A canon drabble? Is it 2014?
The important part is that I finished something tonight. Miracles of miracles, these rusty fingers still work! (I didn’t say well, they just work.)
A03 ~ FFnet
“Shit,” says a cool, familiar voice, filtering in through the thick shelves of the Ancient Runes section. “This isn’t—I’ve got my bloody boyfriend’s textbook.”
In an instant, James's feet sputter beneath him. Trip, topple, thump. It's a clumsy dance, an off-kilter lurch, halting only in the nick of time as James's arm flails out to grab hold of the adjacent shelf. An angry plume of dust mites fly up, flaking and floating before his nose. He stifles a cough, wildly conscious of his noise level. The keeling ship rights itself slowly, one hand still gripping the burnished wood of the library shelf.
The other clutches a thickly-bound textbook—Lily's textbook—tightly to his side.
I’ve got my bloody boyfriend’s textbook.
“How do you know?” comes another voice, as James finally finds his feet. Marlene McKinnon's, idle and casual.
A pause. A put-upon sigh.
“Well, for one, it hasn’t got my half-finished Transfiguration essay tucked up front.” Lily sounds resigned, a bit impatient. There is a brisk sound of flipping pages. “For another—doodles."
"He doodles. Incessantly."
"In the textbook?"
"Let them eat cake."
James swallows his snort, even as Marlene fails in the same task. There's a slower, crisper rustle of pages turning.
"Hey...these are actually quite fun, aren't they?" Marlene says brightly.
Lily's laugh—low, intimately familiar to his ears—weaves through the shelves.
"Don't you dare say that to him," she warns, though it's warm, amused. Crinkle, crinkle. "Look at this one—or...where was that...truly, how does he come up with these things?" Another snort from Marlene, a softer sound from Lily. "Do you see this? Different inks and layers...dedicated, isn't he? They're everywhere. Well, except—"
An abrupt stop.
Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.
An excited suck of the air.
"Except in the back...where he writes the answers for assignment questions in the margins—a-ha!" A decisive thump, book against table. "The bored little genius. Quick, jot these down—"
As the light clatter of parchment unrolling and rattling inkwells sound from the other side of wood and books, James finds his eyes narrowing, even as his chest bubbles and brews, a cauldron full of warmth. The feet that had failed him so ardently minutes before suddenly rediscover their rote mode: sleek, strong steps, as he slips around the tall bookcase and appears at the corner of the quaint study table beyond.
Without a word, he drops into the empty seat beside Lily.
Blinking in surprise at his sudden appearance...it is nonetheless noted that she smoothly pushes his open textbook across the table to Marlene, who cunningly and casually collapses her arms over it, covering their tracks.
Sly, his girlfriend.
"Hullo," he says.
"Hullo," Lily replies sunnily, tossing her hair over her shoulder. A silky, sneaky toss, accompanied with a small, innocent-looking smile.
James's fingers itch. They know all too well what those silky red strands feel like sifted through his hands. He knows, too, what that small, innocent-looking smile feels like when it's pressed against his own. Knows that glint in her eyes, the green darkest around the edges. Knows the sound of her laugh, and how it fills his veins like a heating potion. Knows what makes her laugh, and sigh, and frown, and sigh (that kind of sigh). Knows all these things, but hadn't known what to call the cumulative collection of these bits of knowledge—or, rather, knew what he wanted to call it, but wasn't certain what she wanted. Couldn't bring himself to press, to push, to make a misstep somehow. So they've remained in this halfway, undefined area.
Until now, suddenly defined.
It's the best word James has ever heard.
"What can I do for you?" she asks, shoulder nudging his.
He lifts his arm and drops her textbook onto the table. "Yours, yes?"
She barely glances down at it, batting her eyes at him. "So it is, so it is." She pulls the book closer, does her shiny best to blind him with her smile. "Thank you for the delivery. Goodbye."
"Don't you have something for me?"
"Something for you?"
"Yes. About...this high. Yay wide. Remarkably similar to what I've just handed you."
Lily's tongue briefly swipes across her lower lip. James's eyes are like magnets to the pearly glisten. Her hand lifts, and she taps idly at the slick rose with her finger tip.
"No," she finally says, as his body revs, tightens. "Can't say that's familiar."
His girlfriend is a siren.
"Hm." James leans back in his chair, lifting his arms to rest lazily against the back of his head. Because two can play this game, and even as Lily's eyes narrow, they do their unavoidable, perfunctory, predatory sweep across his chest.
"Do I need to leave for this?" Marlene asks dryly from across the table.
"You can't take that textbook with you," James shoots back, to Marlene's sulky pout. Then his eyes dart stealthily right. "Of course...if, say, my girlfriend kindly requested to filch my textbook…all my hard, hard work..."
When he turns his head fully, he finds Lily staring at him. Green eyes squint with suspicion.
"How long were you hiding behind those shelves?" she asks.
James grins. Leans down and kisses her. Because he can lean down and kiss her.
"Idiot," she says, though she's stroking his face as she says it.
He cocks an eyebrow. "I thought I was a bored little genius?"
She snorts loudly, and the hand on his face gives a playful swat before reaching out to snatch his textbook back from Marlene. As she ducks her head and flips pages again, James can see the red cresting her cheeks, blooming down her neck, and he wants to kiss her again.
"You better have two weeks of assignments I can filch in here," she mutters, but when he laughs and reaches out his hand to twine easily with hers, she doesn't pull away.
Instead, their fingers interlock, warm and tight atop the table, and James reckons he quite likes officially being a boyfriend.
Quite, quite likes it.
"Now I'm definitely leaving," Marlene mutters.
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
What do you love about short stories?
Hi lovely anon,
Sorry if it’s taken me a wee while to get to your question, it’s been a busy time over here but I LOVE this question and wanted to give you a proper answer.
What do I love about short stories?
As a reader, opening tumblr, the @drarrymicrofic blog or ao3 looking for short fics, is like opening a box of Celebrations or Quality Street or whatever your preferred chocolate selection is: I’ve got tons of different flavours of fic to pick from. This means I can just have the one as a sweet treat (maybe before bed, maybe on the go, maybe while I'm taking a break from work), or I can sit on the sofa with a cup of tea and demolish the whole box, trying a ton of different flavours in one sitting.
To stick to the metaphor, this doesn’t mean I don’t like a good slice of chocolate cake. I love longfic. However, longfic requires the emotional bandwidth to get attached to a story for a little longer, the time to read it and appreciate all the nuances, all the details I’ll have to remember further on into the story.
This doesn’t mean longfics are better (or worse) than shortfics — shortfics are often incredibly well-written pieces (there is a very specific skill to packing a lot of plot and/or feelings into a short piece, but we’ll get to that when I get to the writing part of this question) and some have stayed with me for just as long as some longfics.
I’m often left thinking “how did this writer make me feel all these things in such a short word count?” I think, especially in the Drarry fandom, longfic is (used to be?) the norm — which is great! We are so lucky to be part of a fandom that has numerous fests happening all at the same time and such a great variety of works being written, topics being explored through a Drarry POV and wordcounts. There really is something for everyone. Not everyone likes short fics, and that’s absolutely fine, there are long fics being posted every single day. But short fics (yes, even the 50 word microfics and 100 word drabbles) are complete stories in their own right.
When I don’t have the emotional disposition and the time to dive into a longer fic, short stories are there for me. I don’t have to feel FOMO, I am still participating in fandom actively by reading, commenting, chatting about fic and supporting other writers and I can do it with the little time and availability that I have.
As a writer, short stories are harder to write, in a way. Writing short fic and specifically microfics has really helped me explore tropes and topics I wouldn’t have the time and availability to write as a longfic and I believe it has made me a much better writer. Practising with short form has given me the opportunity to play with different POVs, different narrative voices, different genres that I definitely wouldn’t otherwise feel comfortable writing.
There is an expectation of a longer fic, which requires much more work and time. You have to plan your timeline, there’s the worry of consistency, of engaging the reader for a much longer period of time, of balancing out tension, suspense, revelation and a whole neverending amount of feelings. Shorter fic sometimes lets me get an idea out of my head so that it stops bugging me. I often have ideas that could, of course, fit into a bigger fic — but why should they? If all I want to write is a short scene to let go of some happiness or some lust or some grief, why should I have to turn that into a bigger story? Often when I already have at least four or five longer fics I’m working on when I have the time, on top of that?
Short fics give me the freedom to do my writing organically, to write what I want when I want to, post it and let it go, and move on to other projects, while challenging me to become a better writer and to play around with form.
TL;DR: I’m here for fic of all lengths. Sometimes I want a nibble, sometimes I want a full meal, sometimes I want a tapas dinner where I get to taste lots of different things in one go, or sometimes I want a long, drawn-out multi course dinner with different accompanying wines.
Thank you for this lovely question, anon! It really made me think about my fic writing and reading experience, especially at a time I’m not feeling particularly present/connected in fandom because real life is really demanding. I hope you have a lovely day, and I’m sorry I wrote you a whole bloody essay.
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txtdreamss · 3 years
tolerate it //[g.w.]
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Summary: George has always been pretty much in the dark about how you feel about him, yet that hasn’t changed your affections for the ginger-haired boy.
Warnings: Angst, possibly slow burn idk
A/N: Hiya! My blog was pretty dead and I’ve just been reading other’s works on it, but I recently have been pretty torn about starting to write again. I figured that now is as good a time as any, and I hope that anybody who decides to read this enjoys it at least a little. I decided to just write and see where it takes me, so this is probably more of a drabble than anything else. This has not been beta read, and any feedback is appreciated!
Word Count: 884
I sit and watch you reading with your head low I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed
George had all but stumbled into the gryffindor common room after perhaps one of the most rigorous quidditch practices as of late. The tension practically dripped off his skin as he rolled his shoulders back and let out a deep groan.
“Hey Georgie, your face looks almost as red as your hair. Did you have to outrun Filch on the way back or something?” He mockingly laughed at your sarcasm and dropped down onto the couch next to you.
“Nah, we all know Filch can’t run nearly fast enough to tire me out. It’s just Oliver has been a bloody prat since the house cup is coming up...” George wiped his hand across his forehead, gathering the beads of sweat making their way across his hairline.
You giggled, and settled into a comfortable silence as you continued to study. George’s head hung down as he settled into the couch, seemingly lulled into a sleepy state by the intermittent turning of pages. Deciding to sneak a glance at the redhead, you looked up and were greeted by the sight of George’s head bobbing up and down, his eyes fighting to stay open.
“Why don’t you go get cleaned up, and I’ll go sneak us some biscuits from the kitchen. You look too tired to go all the way to the great hall anyways.” George nodded, and heaved himself off of the plush cushions.
“Remind me to have mom send you some cinnamon twists, you deserve them for taking care of me so well.” You giggled, and the two of you parted ways. You nearly sprinted to the kitchen, hoping that you could use up some energy and force your heart to calm down now that George was gone.
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait
“Awww, what’cha drawing, Y/N?” Fred made a grab for the sketchbook nestled in your lap, clearly egged on by the laughter of his twin brother and Lee.
“Fred. Give it back.” The way your voice rose shocked the three boys to their cores; In all the time they had known you, you never raised your voice at them. It didn’t matter if you were being used as a means of making a joke, you usually simply giggled and brushed it off. 
Fred turned away from you, and immediately realized why you wanted to keep the book out of his hands. On the open page, you had drawn his younger brother in astonishing detail. Every line was light, yet strategically placed as if you had spent hours painstakingly sketching the boy out. Fred decided it was a better choice to close the book and pass it back to your flushed figure.
“Sorry about that, Y/N. It was only a joke.” Fred stammered, and immediately staggered to place his hands on George and Lee’s broad shoulders. “Why don’t you boys go grab some skiving snackboxes from the dorm, and I’ll give Y/N here a nice shoulder rub for causing her so much grief.”
George and Lee simply chuckled and walked away, the swish of their robes breaking the awkward silence forming between Fred and you.
“You can’t tell George.”
“How long, Y/N?” He dropped next to you on the grass, placing his large hand on your knee as a sign of comfort.
“Look... It’s just a small crush, I’ve had it since 5th year. It’ll probably be gone by the summer. Just please, don’t bring it up.” You dropped your gaze and focused on pulling strands of grass from the area around your ankles. The ferocity with which you tugged on the green blades suggested all Fred needed to know, and he dropped the subject, deciding to focus on moving to knead your tense shoulders instead.
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
“Y/N, you won’t believe who I just asked to the yule ball!” George practically pounced on you from behind, ripping your focus from the potions essay you were currently writing.
Your heart immediately dropped, but you forced a smile on your face. “Who’s the lucky bird, Georgie?”
“Alicia! I mean, we are just going as mates, but who knows what this could lead to... Maybe I won’t end this year without a gal to send some letters to this summer, if you catch my drift.”
You could always send me letters...
“Well, that’s great for you George! I bet you will make a great couple, even if it is just for the dance for now.” You slammed your notebook shut, and began to gather your things. “Hopefully you both have fun at the ball.”
George noticed your lack of enthusiasm for his small victory, but brushed it off as jealousy seeing as you had no date for the ball yet.
“Hey, Y/N, you know I could always set you up with Lee or one of the lads, right? It’s what best friends do, after all!” The ginger’s voice carried through the common room, but what he couldn’t see was the fat droplets of tears rolling down your cheeks.
Best friends...
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cheesyficwriter · 3 years
okay but prompt 29 in wich ron is realising he has feelings for hermione, and he's all "she's so annoying when she does that cute nose crunch when she's mad at me!" or something like that it's up to you hahaha
Hiya, anon! Happy Fluffy Friday! I really enjoyed writing this little drabble from Ron's POV 😊 while writing, a song came on from my playlist called "This Is How You Fall In Love", by Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler, which screamed Romione vibes and gave me inspiration for the title. Enjoy 💜
This Is How You Fall In Love
Hermione Granger. The bane of my existence. 
Perhaps that's a bit dramatic. But lately, that girl has a knack for driving me absolutely barmy. 
I mean, I really shouldn't be too surprised. I thought she was downright mental when we first met. How did I not-so-eloquently put it again? Oh yeah, I believe I called her a nightmare. Not my finest hour, mind you, but I like to think it was because of my initial lack of tact that we actually ended up friends in the first place. 
I used to call her a know-it-all to her face out of irritation, but now I find it amusing to say and enjoy watching her squirm. It's an affectionate saying now, a term of endearment, if you will. 
Like right now, we're lounging in the common room, both with our backs pressed up against the legs of opposite sofas, sitting crisscross on the floor and facing each other. She is rambling on about some potion, Merlin knows what, and I'm busy observing the way her curls fall in front of her nose when she tilts her head down to zero her gaze on the book open on her lap. 
"Ron...are you even listening to me?" 
It still baffles me that she hasn't figured out by now the obvious answer to that question. 
I've spent the entire evening so far listening to her fret over essays that aren't even due for weeks and complain about my lack of motivation to work on an assignment that I fully intend to hand in tomorrow, whether it's completed or not. 
Ron, you need to take your classes more seriously.
OWLS are coming up soon.
Ron, I'm not going to revise your essays last minute anymore. 
She's quite bossy, that one. Always feels like she can tell me what I can or can't do. However, even I have to admit at this point that she is my moral compass. 
Yes, her attention to detail can be aggravating at times, but she's saved my arse on multiple occasions (as well as Harry's) so I don't have much of an argument there. 
"Ron, honestly, sometimes I think you couldn't care less about your studies,” she huffs at me. She’s clearly searching for a row and I’m always a willing participant.  
"For a know-it-all, it sure took you a hot minute to figure that one out, dinnit?" I keep my voice playful and grin cheekily at her, but the joke doesn't seem to be well-received. She is glaring daggers through my eyes, obviously not amused in the slightest. 
Now I've done it. 
I can be a bit snarky towards her at times, I know that. Sometimes, she deserves it. Other times, it’s just fun to get a reaction out of her. I don't always know why I find it so pleasurable. 
She often scrunches up her nose in a particular way when she's mad at me, much like she is doing right now, and I go back and forth on finding it cute or annoying. I s'pose it depends on her overall mood level. If I rile her up too much, I end up regretting it for the rest of the evening because she just won't bloody shut up.
We’re so used to being at odds with one another, it feels only natural at this point to seek out ways to start a bickering match. She is the only person in the world that I can go weeks without speaking to and still feel like we’re going to come out on the other side alright. Oftentimes it’s my fault, sure, but if I just give her some time and space, eventually we manage to sort ourselves out.
I just have to tread carefully. 
She's forcefully turning the pages in her book, making a show to clue me in on how vexed she is. I make my move to alleviate the tension in the room. After scribbling a few notes on a piece of parchment, I work to get her attention,
Hermione jerks her head up at the sound and eyes me suspiciously. Before she has the chance to look away, I quickly turn my page so that she can attempt to read the large, block letters written in my untidy scrawl across the slightly ink-smudged parchment. 
“See? I’m working!” I lightly chuckle, waiting eagerly for any positive sign. 
Finally, she curves her lips upward into a small smile.
My stomach twists into knots, and I do my best to quell the nervous energy that bubbles inside of me. Why am I so damn nervous around her all the time?
She is my best friend...right?
I watch her closely as she untangles her legs from their current position, and opts to stretch them out on the floor, her feet now facing me. Without thinking, almost as if my own legs are being magnetically pulled, I move to mirror hers. Mine are so long that our toes brush together, only separated by a thin layer of socks, as they meet in the middle. 
Is that a...blush?
She is so fucking adorable. 
We don't...touch very often. In fact, now that I think about it, she very rarely even hugs me. Not in the way she runs straight into Harry's arms to greet him at the start of term or to congratulate him after winning a Quidditch match. All I seem to get are awkward handshakes and half-ridden smiles. 
But...her reaction has left me curious. So, I decide to experiment. 
I point my big toe forward, slowly nudging my way in between two of her littlest toes. I think I hear an audible squeak coming from her side of the room. The response satisfies me and I flex my toe back for a moment before repeating the action. 
This time, I feel her toes gently nudge mine back. 
Are we...playing footsie? 
She is trying desperately not to look at me, I realize that now, although I can still see the tint of pink on her cheeks despite her bowed head and feeble concentration on the book in front of her. 
I almost chuckle out loud, but I restrain myself, not wanting to give the game away.
And then, she does something that makes me freeze in my spot. 
She fucking bites her lip. Bloody hell. 
My eyes bulge out and my palms start to sweat. My heart is now racing so fast in my chest that I'm afraid she'll be able to hear the rapid hammering. 
"Ron, are you okay?" She's looking at me now with worry in her eyes, her forehead creasing over in confusion. 
I clear my throat and let out a strangled, "Y-yeah." 
She tilts her head to the side, clearly not believing my weak lie. She opens her mouth to say something, and I'm prepared for the lecture, but for the first time, it doesn't come. In fact, she simply closes the gap between her lips and resumes her reading as if nothing happened. 
What was she going to say? 
She stands abruptly and announces that she needs to go to the loo. Her hand lingers on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as she passes by me. 
I seem to be back at square one, feeling a sense of loneliness as I gaze at the spot that she had just occupied. You’d think I’d know my best friend pretty well, but Hermione is one puzzle I’m not sure I’ll ever solve. 
Yet, I love the thrill I get from trying to figure her out. I love that she challenges me and that I can challenge her right back. I love that I never get bored with her. As much as I love to poke fun at her incessant nagging, I love that she cares enough to push me to do better. I love...her. 
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nah-she-didnt · 3 years
A Favor
Hey y’all, here’s fic #5! I’m still hoping to complete a fic or drabble a day for my first week with my new page. This is also my first attempt at Hinny, my OG ship. Thank you to everyone who’s commented or reblogged in the last few days, it means the world! 
Harry found himself in the library with Hermione one Sunday night desperately trying to make a dent in his Defense essay. Snape had asked for four whole rolls of parchment on defensive jinxes and their use in combat, but Harry found it difficult to concentrate on his homework at the moment. 
His thoughts were still down on the quidditch pitch where he and his team had spent a frustrating practice preparing for their upcoming match against Slytherin. Most of the team had flown well, especially Ginny, who was shaping up to be one of the best chasers Hogwarts had seen in years. However, the rest of the team’s successes had been eclipsed by Ron’s foul temper. 
Ron had been increasingly unpleasant ever since he and Harry found Ginny and Dean snogging in that bloody hidden corridor. He’d spent the entire practice tonight shooting glares at Ginny, missing every goal thrown at him, and yelling so ferociously at poor Demelza Robbins that she had nearly burst into tears. Harry had done his best to keep his team’s hopes up as practice ended but he still felt a sense of doom as the match approached. He just couldn’t see how Ron’s mood could stage a recovery spectacular enough to put him in any fit state to play on Saturday. He had to think of something that he could do to--
Harry started out of his thoughts of Ron and quidditch. Catching his ink bottle before it toppled over onto his Defense notes, Harry looked up. Ginny was standing above him looking bemused.
“Sorry, interrupt a deep thought, did I captain?” 
“You sound surprised,” grumbled Harry, running a hand through his hair. “What’s up?”
“Well...to tell you the truth, it’s about Ron,” she said cautiously. 
Harry groaned inwardly. It was getting harder and harder to defend Ron’s behavior the last few days, particularly to Hermione and Ginny. 
“What about him?” he asked innocently. Ginny frowned.
“Oh, not much, except he’s become a complete and utter git.”
Harry glanced sideways at Hermione. She was pretending not to listen to this conversation, but Harry was convinced that he saw a look of agreement on Hermione’s face. 
Harry looked back up at Ginny. “Yeah, I suppose he has been. I’m sorry about practice, Gin. He’s, uh, got a lot on his mind.” 
Ginny snorted. “Clearly.” 
“No, really,” said Harry defensively, “you know how he gets about quidditch. He always turns himself inside out before a match. I’m sure he’ll be back to normal soon.” 
“You forget, Harry, that I know my dear brother far better than you do,” Ginny grimaced. “Anyway, that’s not what I’m here to talk about.” 
Harry couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in his stomach. Ginny had sought him, Harry, out for a chat. He liked the feeling of knowing that Ginny had been thinking about him. 
“I was wondering if I could have a favor. Could you use your captain powers for good this week and find some reasons to keep Ron after practice? He’s started this infuriating habit of dogging Dean when he leaves the pitch, like he’s going to jump my bones as soon as we’re alone together. But you see, it actually is keeping us from having any time together at all without Ronniekins present.” 
Harry’s stomach sank. Of course she wanted help to see her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Dean, not Harry. He had to remember that. 
Harry rubbed his forehead. “I dunno Ginny, he hasn’t been to keen to talk these days. What am I supposed to say to keep him back?”
“Tell him you want to talk strategy or something. God knows he needs it.” Ginny clasped her fingers together as if begging. “Please, Harry, I haven’t been able to eat a meal alone with my boyfriend in more than a week. It’s driving me mad.” 
Harry looked up at Ginny’s glowing face. No, her normal, not-glowing, not-luminescent face. The face of his best friend’s little sister. He sighed. 
“Sure, Gin. Whatever you need.”
“Harry, you’re an absolute star,” said Ginny as she clapped him on the shoulder. “I owe you one.” 
“Not at all” said Harry dully. He would have to remember to find a reason to set Dean extra laps at the end of next practice. No, that would be childish. Or would it...
Ginny beamed at Hermione, said one last ‘thank you’ to Harry, then disappeared back into the stacks of library books. 
Harry sat dumbfounded for a moment. He had just agreed to help Ginny, a girl he most certainly did not fancy and did not think had the most beautiful fiery red hair of anyone he’d ever seen, spend even more time with her boyfriend. He tried not to think about what other corridors Ginny and Dean could explore together while he kept a moody Ron occupied on the pitch. 
Hermione gave a small cough next to him. Harry looked at her, annoyed. “Something to say?”
“Oh, no,” Hermione said lightly, “things must be going well between her and Dean for her to ask for your help, of all people.” 
Harry gaped at her. “What’s that supposed to mean? What do you mean, ‘me of all people?’ Why wouldn’t she ask me for help?”  
Hermione finally tore her eyes away from her own essay to look up innocently at Harry. “I only meant that you’re her brother’s best mate. She must have known that she could trust you not to tell Ron she’d asked.” 
Harry blinked. “Oh, uh, right... She must have known I’d help.” 
Hermione looked at him curiously for a moment. “What did you think I meant?” 
“Nothing. Look, I’ve got to go, Hermione. I’m not getting this stupid essay done tonight.” And with that, Harry packed his bag and got up to leave the table. 
As he left the library, Harry was sure that he heard Hermione whisper to herself in an exasperated tone, “Boys.”
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2018-01-20 · 2 years
b) brainrot 4 megumi ; this mf LOVES cuddling omfg like he will literally bury his head in your hair and that is the absolute highlight of his day, just being able to come home and be safe in your warm embrace (not to make it angsty but what if u werent there when he went home and he realised that he forgot you were gone and just assumed you would always he beside him in this essay i will- KIDDING LSKSKDK)
c) TOGE ON THE BRAIN CONSTANTLY DAILY 24/7 ; his love language is touch :( he always has some way to be in contact with you either by leaning on you or kissing you or holding your hands GRRRKQKWKDJWJ im crying sorry i lose all coherency when talking abt toge 😭💗
IM SO SORRY FOR HOARDING THIS AJDJJFNF,, HELLO QUILL AKA XIAO'S STREAMER GF !! YOU BETTER BE HYDRATING! have you wrote any heart wrenching angst recently?? i also realized that cynosure finished and i want to congratulate you bb <33 remind me to binge read it soon!!
a) TYTY hehe this cat theme is my baby of pride and joy LOL
b) i love u for the megumi brainrot but i am sending yumeko hybrid to chuck rocks into your hair. HOW COULD U DO THIS TO MY HEART??? im not even gonna lie, i coincidentally got a bloody nose while reading the fluff overload LOL. anyway you have reminded me that i am a megumi kisser and that i am obligated to write a drabble of him cuddling with reader now <33
c) wheres the angst for toge huh??? but i 100 percent agree,,, inumaki loves to nuzzle his nose and face against ur collarbone and neck,, bonus points if you are wearing his clothes cause he loves that!! makes him smile so wide and he also adorably smiles in his sleep
d) ILYMMMMM!!! im glad i answered this ask on a monday cause rn i am visualizing myself powering through the rest of the week with the power of ur megumi brainrot >:)) i hope you are getting some needed rest bb!! <33
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ginnympotter · 4 years
The Streak
A/N: Hello, friends! While we’re all stuck in our houses, thought I’d write a fun little J/L drabble, inspired by this kissing prompt list. Hope you enjoy, and stay safe and healthy! :)
He just needs to force his feet to keep moving forward. He feels it would be going too far to ignore her altogether, so he offers a slight nod, avoiding her eyes, and walks right past her.
“Really, James?” she sighs incredulously. 
Yes, really, he thinks, but keeps his mouth shut. He’s still mad at her.
Furious, in fact. 
And he is determined, for once, not to waiver. But in order to succeed, he must not look at her.
Looking at her always makes him crack.
Lily knows this, of course. She knows everything about him. Which is what James has always wanted, but sometimes she knows him too well, which puts him at a disadvantage when they are competing against one another, which they do with pretty much everything. And although he is genuinely cross with her, in times like these it feels like a competition as to who will give in first. And so he must march on and not look back.
He melts a bit at her touch as she grabs hold of his wrist before he could open the portrait hole. “Stop being a git and turn around,” she demands, although there is a softness behind her voice.
James huffs dramatically, but reluctantly obeys. He determinedly avoids her eyes.
“Must I really apologize?” she asks as he stares intently at her shoulder. 
He grunts in confirmation.
She loosens her grip on his wrist, slowly moving her hand down into his. He resists interlacing their fingers. “I’m sorry,” she tells him, and she sounds sincere. “Is this really worth breaking the streak?”
His heart flutters just the tiniest bit that she put it that way. The streak. So he isn’t the only one keeping count of their morning tradition that began a week after they started dating, and remains now, three months in. James and Lily are both early birds, so James wakes up early, waits for her by the portrait hole, tells her good morning, kisses her briefly, and then she says good morning back, and they go down to breakfast together. He suppresses a smile that is working to escape his lips, but she catches the way his lips twitch just the slightest. She interlocks their fingers for him.
“I, for one, did not break the streak three weeks ago even after you dueled Snape on the fourth-floor corridor over...what was it now? Looking at each other for more than half a millisecond?”
“He started it,” James could not help but retort under his breath.
Lily snorts. “I really wanted to break it then, but I didn’t.”
“No, you didn’t,” James acknowledges. “You just refused to talk to me for the rest of the day!”
“And yet, I still respected tradition,” she responds. He could see her lips lift slightly out of the corner of his eye. He so badly wants to look at her properly, but he continues to try standing his ground, although it is getting more unsteady by the moment. There is a pause. Then Lily squeezes his hand and says in a small voice, “I woke up early.”
Although James’s eyes are still fixed on her shoulder, he makes his features form a quizzical look. What did that have to do with anything? “You always wake up early,” he states.
“Not earlier than you,” she responds. “Except for today.”
“Merlin!” she shouts suddenly, grabbing him by his chin and forcing him to look at her in the face. Her eyes look sad, and his stomach lurches with guilt. “Just look at me, will you? I know what you’re doing.”
“Sorry,” he murmurs, and she lets go of his chin. “Why did you wake up earlier?”
She clears her throat and lets go of his hand, too. James fights the instinct to grab hers again. You’re mad, remember? He reminds himself weakly. I don’t want to be, though. “Because I didn’t want to break the streak.” She moves a loose piece of hair from her braid behind her ear, and now she’s the one looking away, down at his knees. “And I had a feeling you weren’t going to wait for me this morning after last night. So I had to be up before you, to wait for you instead.”
James frowns as he hears this, and a few sixth and fifth years walk past them and open the portrait hole. 
He exhales, feeling a twinge of shame. “I… I would’ve waited. Maybe I’d make a show of it, but I would’ve,” he admitted.  And it was true. He didn’t expect her to be down there already; he probably should have checked the map, which he was planning to use in the event he was down there before her, and then as she walked down just sit on his favorite chair by the fire moodily. He didn’t want to break it either, but he wanted to remain resolute. Now he doesn’t.
“Then how come you were just trying to walk straight past me? That seems like a blatant attempt to break it-”
“Because I’m an idiot,” he states, and she looks back up at him.
“Maybe,” she smiles slightly. “But so am I.”
“Just two idiots in love.” He allows himself to take her hand again. He chuckles in spite of himself. “Bloody hell, look at me. I can’t stay mad at you for longer than three minutes.”
“I really am sorry, James,” she reiterates. “I didn’t mean to blow you off like that, I was just exhausted and hungry- you know how I am when I’m hungry.”
“I know, but-”
“It’s not an excuse, just an explanation,” she asserts apologetically. “Which I should have provided last night instead of starting a row. I wanted to finish my essay and I was just on edge because of mum’s letter about Tuney’s engagement and I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I felt even worse after that, and I knew I would’ve definitely felt better if I actually went back downstairs and stayed with you.”
“So why didn’t you?”
She smiles her guilty smile, which James finds a tad too attractive. “Same reason you were attempting to stride past me with your nose in the air a few minutes ago; because I’m stubborn.”
James laughs, and really allows himself to give in, pulling his girlfriend to him, enveloping her in a hug, kissing the top of her head, sighing contently at the feel of her reciprocated embrace. “Yeah, maybe not the best flaw to have in common,” he says after a moment. He loosens his grip on her so they can look at each other as he concedes, “I was never going to break the streak. Not really. Good morning, Evans,” he finally greets her, and then leans down and gives her a firm kiss on the mouth. 
He feels a muffled laugh along her lips as she kisses him back. “Good morning,” she replies, and then swoops back in heatedly, pressing her plump lips against his, putting a hand in his hair and gently dragging her nails along his scalp.
He grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him as he deepens the kiss. This is definitely not part of their morning tradition, but he is not going to object.
“Oi, this is a public space!” 
They break apart and James turns to see Sirius’s half amused, half disgusted face. Peter is snickering, while Remus is swaying from heel to toe as he stares at the ceiling. 
Lily’s cheeks are burning red as she adjusts her shirt unnecessarily. “Fair point,” she murmurs.
“Always have to ruin a moment, don’t you?” James groans at his best friend.
He ignores this accusation. “Instead of devouring each other’s faces, why don’t you two devour some breakfast, yeah?” Sirius suggests as he leads the way past them, patting Lily’s shoulder as he does. Remus gives them an apologetic look and Peter continues to laugh as they climb out of the portrait hole. 
“Well,” Lily says, clearing her throat. “Streak maintained. Job well done.”
James laughs and puts an arm around her as they follow their friends’ lead. “And to you,” he replies, smiling brightly at her. “That second kiss though...are we adding that to the morning lineup or..? Because I think that would be a great idea. Traditions can always be improved.”
She elbows him lightly in the ribs, laughing herself. “That was my, ‘I’m sorry I was an arsehole, hope this makes it up to you slightly,’ snog. So, no.”
“Well, it looks like I’m gonna have to get mad at you more often,” he observes. “But it felt more like a, ‘wow James is such a good kisser I just can’t help but get lost in the moment, I really regret not snogging him a lot sooner, like two years ago sooner,’ snog to me.”
She looks up at him and smiles as they walk down the corridor. “Maybe so.” 
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Tooz's Spring Challenge:
My challenge is a study in kissing. Choose an adverb or adjective as the title to describe a kiss that maybe you've never WRITTEN or DRAWN before. Please tag me and message me directly with a heads up. I would be devastated if I missed it.
Below I have a bunch of suggestions, but if you have a different word or phrase that speaks to you as inspiration, RUN WITH IT!!!! Plus, if you have more suggestions to add to the list, let me know and I'll add them to the original post.
For inspiration, here is the 2014 New York Times Annual Video Essay.
"In an essay for the magazine A.O. Scott writes about the history and importance of the movie kiss. “Cinema may not have invented kissing, but I suspect that over the course of the 20th century, movies helped make it more essential,” he writes. “What is undeniable is that movies — Hollywood movies especially, but far from exclusively — made kissing more visible. They established a glamorous iconography and an elegant choreography for an experience that, in real life, is frequently sloppy, clumsy and less than perfectly graceful.” The videos also serve to prove that thesis."
Quoted from Esther Zuckerman's article in Entertainment Magazine, December 10, 2014
Fluffy, Smutty, NSFW, Steamy, Awkward, Sloppy, Chaste, Fake, Deep, Teasing, Forbidden, Venomous, Lethal, Clumsy, Painful, First, Last, Love's True Kiss, Formal, Stolen, Intimidating, Humiliating, Disgusting, Tasty, Breathtaking, Stunning, Unexpected, Disappointing, Graceful, Deadly, Undead, Life Changing, Phantom, Hallucinated, Delusional, Manipulating, Coercive, Denied, Confessional, Platonic, Sexy, Stage Kiss, Pretend, 7 Minutes In Heaven, Spin the Bottle, Drinking Game, Truth or Dare, Kissing Booth, Blindfolded, Masked, Kissing Bandit, Blind Date, Kiss of Death, Kiss of Life, Resuscitating, Obligated, Imagined, Confusing, Wedding, Betraying, Orgasmic, Swoon Worthy, Dizzying, Boring, Regretted, Death's Seal, Fruity, Sticky, Slimy, Scratchy, Dry, Violent, Consensual, Non-consensual, Surprising, Dubiously Consensual, Inhuman, Godly, Animalistic, Bloody, Scary, Loving, Tender, Sensual, Stiff, Loveless, Reverent, Anonymous, Secretive, Sealing the Deal....
I can continue adding to this list. It's just a boatload of descriptors that popped into my head, definitely not all-inclusive. I haven't even broken out a thesaurus yet!
Artwork works too!!! I would be THRILLED to have art entries!!!! I bet everyone would be thrilled with art! How exciting if you did fanart specifically of someone's kiss story. Or vice versa! If someone wrote about your kiss artwork!!!
NO RULES! (Although please tag it /preface it with appropriate warnings so readers can be responsible readers. And if explicit or not safely for work, under 18 need to stay away.)
It's not a contest. It a challenge, a creative prompt. No time line. :-) This is all just for fun! I'm going to try to pop out some drabbles or short one shots to challenge myself too.
I'm tagging a few people off the top of my head who are easily accessed via my predictive auto correct to boost the signal and coax some friends to join. And the Tumblr app only allows so many tags. Spread the word please. I am dying to read and view what everyone comes up with!!!
@messy-insomniac-bookgirl @lokis-library-for-fanfiction @lokispettigerr @ohhhmyloki @latent-thoughts @the-haven-of-fiction @bambamwolf87 @archy3001 @caffiend-queen @devilish--doll @emeraldrosequartz @omgviolette12 @wrathkitty @realityhelixwrites @mastreworld @maniploki @boredbrooder @maevecurrywrites @devikafernando @nuggsmum @tinchentitri @pedeka @reine-sigyn @saiansha @wolfsmom1 @nildespirandum @dianamolloy @theluckykittencalvin @thewidowlaufeyson @theheartofpenelope @hallotom @finney13s @gingerwritess @ladyfluff @just-the-hiddles @yespolkadotkitty @myoxisbroken @kalimav6 @annievvv7
@scorpionchild81 @vodka-and-some-sass @villainousshakespeare @lokilickedme @nonsensicalobsessions @imanuglywombat @cursedcursingviking @coppercorn-and-cauldron @latestarter58 @lolawashere @jennphoenix
@redfoxwritesstuff @winterisakiller @missinstantgratification @maiden-of-asgard @icybluepenguin @hopelessromanticspoonie @mischievousbellerina @odinsonsobsessed @missdibley @oeffsee
Sorry. I can't do a "keep reading" break on the phone app.
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maxparkhurst · 4 years
What If It Wasn’t Max?
A short essay on the author’s musings about alternate timelines for the Parkhurst Siblings.
Art belongs to HanAhReum
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There’s a lot I try to capture when writing the relationship between Max and Auggie. Compassion, resentment, understanding, and sorrow are just a few that come to mind when portraying these two kindred spirits. Naturally, my mind tends to wander when imagining their encounters. And one particular question that arises from the murky depths of my imagination is this: What if Max wasn’t the older sibling? What if, instead, Augustine had to bare the weight of the world for his younger sister? 
It’s a hard question to answer. The siblings, while fundamentally different, are alike in their shared experiences and traumas. A lot of their mannerisms and behaviors are molded by their upbringing (i.e. Max’s constant drive to be better and Augustine’s over-exceeding kindness) If their roles were reversed, then their experiences would be different in many places and thus character development would occur in alternate stages. The choices twenty year old Max would make aren’t the same decisions twenty year old Augustine would. In fact, a lot of what Max has done I’d argue Augustine would never do. Or would he? The lines on this particular train of thoughts are blurry- its distinction heavily dependent on the Nature vs. Nurture debate. 
If I were to put aside a lot of the technicals and hypotheticals, and strictly look at the question with an unfiltered lens, I think their story would still hold the same kind of impact. Augustine would care for his spit-fire sister to the best of his capabilities. He’d work day and night to provide, and even pull a few strings under the table to make ends meet. He wouldn’t do the backroom brawls, but instead dabble in not so savory alchemical arts. He might even redistribute Crimson in Stormwind, being less afraid of the rippling repercussions, and make his sister and himself comfortable. All in all, he’d be less of a little cinnamon roll and more of a dapper, angsty gentleman. I’m thinking along the lines of Thomas Shelby. Max, on the other hand, would be a weaselly ball of unfettered energy. A fighter to the very end, I imagine a younger alternate her would get into plenty of scraps. She’d return home bloodied, bruised, but victorious as her older brother scolds her for being so reckless. 
At the root of it all, the story is still the same. It’s just two siblings leaning on each other as they navigate an unforgiving, yet miraculous, world. 
It’s not really a productive thought, and less productive to write about, but it was fun nonetheless to explore! Sorry for the dribble drabbles, my dudes, I just wanted to unclog my brain and share some of the random thoughts I have about the duo. I’d love to hear some of everyone else’s alternate character concepts! 
Hope everyone is having a great day. Keep writing and never stop imagining. 
Max and Auggie’s Mun. 
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mavrustheunskooled · 4 years
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thank you for your compliments about my Denny and Ren nonsense and also for being patient— I had put off writing an essay long enough, and I figured I should probably do that before I dedicated all of my time to figuring out how to do justice to these characters in what is meant to be a drabble dljfldk 
but without further adieu: Thiala Is Gone And The Band Of Boobs Are Struggling to Heal But They’re Trying Their Best And Also Making Sticky Buns
No one felt like celebrating when the party of four, limping, panting, and bloodied, plane shifted back to Gladeholm’s library. They collapsed in a pile and refused to stand, focusing only on their breathing until they had synced every inhale. The room spun around them, but the band of boobs felt it slow to a stop as they laid and breathed and felt each other’s presence. No Akarot. No Thiala. Just Behumia. Safe. 
Some quiet library goer stood and ran off to find Lucanus or or Meemaw or Erdan or anyone who could help, but the band of boobs were only focused on the task at hand. The gems containing Alanis, Ulfgar, and Erlin sat limply in their hands, throwing the light from the setting sun that winked through a high window into the eyes of their saviors. Hardwon raised the godshammer, his muscles shaking with the effort. Their work was never finished.
Thiala was gone, but they could not go back to the way everything was before. It was time to rebuild, time to search for survivors, time to put Behumia back together. So the band of boobs brushed off their armor and freed their friends and did not have time for a loving reunion because there were Lucanus and Erdan and Meemaw and Martha Toegold and Jaina, and each of them had praise and then a task. Their work was never finished.
And despite the emptiness in her chest, despite the sting of her wounds and the cool patch of skin over her heart where Thiala’s sword had briefly ended her life, there was Hell to contend with. So Moonshine plane shifted, and she planned, and she consulted with Tonathan while Hardwon and Bev and Balnor watched and held their breath and avoided talking about what would happen if Tonathan failed. Their work was never finished.
But they could not give forever. They could not continue to push their bodies until their muscles and healing wounds screamed for a moment of rest. So when Tonathan slid the book away from Moonshine, and Jaina stopped Hardwon from following her into yet another meeting, and Martha Toegold put a hand on Bev’s shoulder as he headed out with Balnor to join a group teleporting through Behumia to look for survivors, they could not help but be thankful.
And yet, they each could not resist having the same conversation.
“They need me.”
“You are allowed to take care of yourself.”
“I have to help.”
“You can’t help anyone if you work yourself to death.”
“We’re not done yet. We haven’t saved the world yet.”
“You defeated Thiala. You’ve done so much. It is okay to rest for one night.”
So they did all that they could, and then they drifted towards a tiny hut, their eyes scanning the streets as they walked, searching for a task to drag them away from this break. Hardwon kept one hand on the godshammer, and Moonshine’s eyes glowed softly with a half-formed spell. Bev dragged his feet as he walked, but thorns sprouted with every step as though defending the party from anyone who may be in pursuit. Balnor fought to keep his posture casual and his voice light, but he kept his spine perfectly straight as the party gathered.
“One big bed?” Bev said halfheartedly. Moonshine ruffled his hair.
“Who wants to take first watch?” Hardwon asked, his voice hard and quick. His eyes scanned the street.
“I don’t think anyone needs to take a watch. I think we’re supposed to be relaxing.” Moonshine led the way into the tiny hut. She quickly swept away a poisonous mushroom that sprouted from her hand and replaced it with the not-unpleasant scent of rotting wood. Pawpaw shot her an accusatory look as she disposed of her accidental weapon.
“I’m ready to relax,” Balnor yawned. “I feel like I haven’t slept since Bev pulled me out of that card.” The tiny hut was full of bean bag chairs, and he began dragging them together to create a bed big enough for all of them.
“Right. Yes. We’re relaxing.” Hardwon took his hand off of the godshammer and settled onto the half-formed bean bag bed. “I’m relaxed, see? I’m relaxing. This is great. This is fun.” He rolled his shoulders.
“I’m glad we’re all feeling equally relaxed.” Bev collapsed next to Hardwon, but his eyes stayed trained over Moonshine’s shoulder as she hovered near the door. 
“I’ll cook us something!” Moonshine forced herself to walk towards the tiny kitchenette in the back of the room. Pawpaw scrambled after her and jumped onto the counter. He dragged around ingredients and bowls while Moonshine stared down at her hands. 
“I can help! If you want.” Bev stood as quickly as he had sat and slid next to Moonshine. 
“Sounds like a fun group activity,” Balnor mumbled as his eyes drifted closed. “I’ll be there in a second. Start without me.” 
���I can always eat.” Hardwon stretched. “Do you want more help?” 
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Moonshine paused. “But if you want to, you can join in. Like Balnor said. It’s a fun group activity.” 
“We need a fun group activity,” Bev agreed. They’d barely begun, but he already had smears of flour across his chin and up his arms. With one hand he shuffled through the mess of supplies on the counter, and with the other he held a small notecard with cramped but neat handwriting. “My mom wrote down her sticky bun recipe for us, but it makes no sense to me. Moonshine?” 
Moonshine barely glanced at the notecard before she handed it back to Bev. “I think I’ve got it. And if not, we can just wing it! Not that I don’t want to follow your mother’s recipe— it’s just that following recipes isn’t really my style.” Her movements loosened from the stiffness of someone on watch, and she found her crick elven grace as the three members of the band of boobs washed their hands as though they still carried traces of Thiala’s blood and replaced those marks with soft dough and a sticky glaze. The trio worked together with an efficiency that might have given them pause to admire how far they’d come if they were not so caught up in the moment of being together, of creating together instead of trying to fix an ever-growing mountain of messes. And all of their efforts were necessary, but as Hardwon ruffled more flour into Bev’s curls while Moonshine tried to keep Pawpaw out of the glaze, they felt themselves settling into a moment that was wholly theirs. Not a fight to save the world. Not even a fight to save Gladeholm. Just a quiet night at home. They could rest. 
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Another tag game to spread the love: Tag 3 (or more) fellow authors and name their strengths! – Chanel #2
I am absolutely heartbroken because I have just spent the best part of an HOUR answering this ask because there are authors on here that I just ADORE and I legit wrote a mini essay on each one and TUMBLR LOST THE WHOLE THING AS I POSTED IT! 😭💔 SCREW THIS CRAPPY WEBSITE SOMETIMES! 
I will create a post about this another time in detail because it deserves to be said but for the moment while I recover my sanity here is my list and a very brief outline of what makes these authors so bloody fantastic! I’m so sorry for missing any of you out because there are SO MANY TALENTED WRITERS IN THIS FANDOM! 
Here they are: 
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme - my QUEEN OF SMUT with her amazing descriptions that make you feel fully in the moment. Her attention to detail and ability to make a simple sentence sound like filth is so enviable to me! Plumper is such a good example of how description can be used to eek out every delicious moment in a story! 
@langdonsoceaneyes - Jacqueline writes from what she knows, which is the sign of a great author! Her brand is fashion and that is what makes Millions, Baby and What Do You Wanna Wear This Season? so damn good because of the unique perspective! Plus Vertigo is an absolute masterpiece and I have such respect for anyone writing a long, slow-burner series!!!! 
@sojournmichael - Eva is able to soften her characters, creating beautiful moments of fluff and romance without losing the nature of Jim, Michael and Duncan! Her SHY!HAWTHORNE!MICHAEL MASTERLIST is just incredible and highlights a side of Michael we don’t get to see very often. 
@thelangdoncooperative - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my OG inspiration! I wouldn’t have started my blog without this girl and her fics! I admire her dedication to writing series like ‘Forbidden Fruit’, ‘Seven Wonders’ and ‘Scary Love’. I think she inspired the foursome without me even realising it as there’s nothing I love more than a good juicy love triangle! https://thelangdoncooperative.tumblr.com/post/178709129650/masterlist
@ritualmichael - She is one of the most prolific content creators in this fandom. She is truly here for her friends and followers, answering so many asks and developing them into drabbles and mini fics! She is another author who writes smut so damn well, “Red Handed” will forever be one of my favourite fics because of her ability to create a Y/N who is a fully three dimensional character. A Y/N I am SO jealous of! 
@cryptid-coalition - Sonny unlocks the psychosis behind Michael Langdon and other characters. He roots his stories in the mentality and motivations behind a character, creating relationship dynamics that are completely believable such as the bratty sub club and sub!Michael/dom!Cordelia verse! In may opinion that trajectory is far more interesting than how AHS Apocalypse played out at all because it comes from the base and humanistic desires in all of us. You know you’re good when you’re writing better than the season itself! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/michael-langdon-appreciation
@lvngdvns - WOW is Mallory good! She creates some of the most interesting and exciting dynamics and verses I have seen in the fandom! I read ‘Toying Somewhere Between Love and Abuse’ just this morning and her ability to create a new world with these characters and keep them completely authentic is spellbinding, not to mention she captures the romance and a vivid realism to her characters. Mallory is another who always answers and develops her asks with such detail and dedication, I admire her so much! https://lvngdvns.tumblr.com/post/185508794199/toying-somewhere-between-love-and-abuse-michael-x
@ccodyfern - I may not have partaken much in the rise of Jonathon but I see him, I read him and I know him! This girl has created an entirely new character with so much precision I’m sure she knows what he ate for breakfast today! There is real skill in creating something from nothing, or just a stimulus. Despite what happens in the upcoming season, Jonathon is here to stay. He’s sexy, dangerous and everything we love in this fandom. He’s a multilayered complex character, the villain we all want to murder us….literally. 
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