#everyone called out for taichi of course i mean yamato's voice even BROKE
seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
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Thank you for allowing me to frame my love for Taikoura (+Hikari) friendship so perfectly, Toei, thank you so much for all the food.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
I’m having trouble deciding how to place my crappy screen shots this week because ep 9 gave me the Taichi spam episode of my dreams xD
So, I guess feast your eyes on my favorite boy...
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... I mean, you can’t have too much of that determined face, can ya? Haha. And he does it so well.
Well, I was prepared for a episode that was just a cool battle, but we actually did get more than just that. Or, I guess I should say, there was more layered over the battle so it didn’t feel like fighting for the sake of fighting. We still got character development. I love it.
My only criticism for this week is that, consequently, we got very little of the other characters. BUT, what we did get of them was not nothing either, so I’m gonna squee over that as well.
I mentioned some time ago, but also, THE MUSIC IN THIS SHOW, it’s really good. Very epic, very adventure. It kicks the tone up up UP.
More below!
We pick up where we left off last ep, with Taichi “translating” the digicode. Still no indication of whether the others are so linguistically blessed as well. But Taichi, for reasons unknown, can’t translate the entire passage. He basically learns enough to understand that the holy Digimon is trapped by the “dark” and in trouble, and they have to go find it, but after that he says he can’t read any more.
Sora: I told you to pay more attention at school.
Taichi: What school are you thinking of, spy school?!?
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It will be interesting to find out why that is and it points to someone pulling the strings behind the curtain. Someone who’s made the kids their champion. Are they a benevolent being? The kids don’t doubt it so far. An old cabbage like me can’t help but look sidelong...
Jou panics over how they’re going to find the holy digimon without knowing where it is, to which Mimi responds that they do know.
Jou: Mimi-kun, you know where it is?
Mimi: Somewhere on this continent.
Jou: T_T Mimiiiiiiii-kunnnn
Taichi of course is raring to go, map or no map.
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I mean I did warn you I only capped Taichi this ep...
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They are interrupted by Ogremon, who we saw previously talking with Devimon, but when he arrives his motivation does not seem concerned with his master’s plans. He goes straight for Taichi, reflecting on their previous encounter, when Greymon broke Ogremon’s horn.
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So here’s what I loved. Ogremon’s working for Devimon, of his free will or not we don’t really know, but regardless, Ogremon is still Ogremon, and like in old Adventure, he stakes a lot in his pride. Last time it was focused solely on fighting Leomon. This time, the kids initially think he goes after Greymon for revenge, but as their fight heats up the other kids notice that something seems different about this fight. Mimi even says “It looks like they’re having fun.”
Like, it’s not just a battle. It’s already done some foundational work for Ogremon becoming their ally in the future. And it’s begun with Taichi this time. Ogremon’s special relationship was Mimi in 99, as well as Jou, and there’s plenty of time for that to turn out in 20 as well, but I think it’s super interesting that they’ve begun it with Taichi.
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It’s like a samurai film. (Mimi - again - even says “It’s like a movie.” She got a lot of good lines this ep lol) The two strong, brave rivals who respect each other’s strength and value each other’s pride. And it’s a trope we see in... basically every shonen anime ever made. And it’s really fitting for Taichi.
Yamato has very few lines in this episode. Like I said before, this is very much Taichi’s ep, and the others are mainly just watching, which is a bit of a bummer but also rather hopeful for the show as a whole because even though they’re watching, we learn things about them. The other characters make quips and comments while watching the fight. Yamato is noticeably silent, but every time something significant happens, we get a close up of his face. He gets more closeups and of longer duration than the others. It’s clearly meant to tell us Yamato’s taking this all in and watching so closely. Maybe he’s watching in case he needs to jump in, or maybe he’s simply learning all he can for the future. Whatever the reason, this is definitely an important character trait for Yamato.
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All of a sudden a bunch of other Digimon launch an attack, and the kids can’t get out of the way in time. Taichi makes this face:
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Similar to the expression he had last week when they were grossly outnumbered and about to lose, if Yamato hadn’t saved their butts. I think this expression’s going to become a Thing as well. It’s the face he makes when he wants to panic, but won’t let himself.
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This week Yamato can’t save them because he also needs saving! So who’s our mysterious ally?
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That’s right it’s KOOOOOSHIROOOOOO!!!!!! *air horn sounds*
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The sheer joy (and relief!) in Taichi’s voice when he sees Koushirou almost makes up for his not being around much in several eps. I’m still a bit disappointed that his return didn’t involve that much fanfare, but getting to save everyone from being blown up is nothing to sneeze at.
Tentomon is hilarious and, like Sakamoto Chika said in yesterday’s Digifes, an “even weirder” old guy than ever xD
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The others immediately run over to say hi or introduce themselves to Koushirou and Jou’s quick to inform him that he, Jou, is the leader.
Mimi: Uh really? Since when?
The very manly battle continues to rage.
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Yeah I don’t really got much to say, it’s a battle, they’re having fun, becoming rivals, it’s male bonding through physical competition and mutual respect...
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I wonder if Ogremon’s got an inferiority complex because Greymon’s got three big horns and Ogremon only has one and a half x’D
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The manly battle is rudely interrupted by a FREAKING MISSILE.
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Look, doesn’t this land right on them? ISN’T IT LITERALLY RIGHT OVER THEIR HEADS!?!?! Why aren’t they burnt to a crisp! I know it’s a kids show but come on!
The missile was launched by MetalTyrannomon, who is as scary as he is brainless.
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The Pokemon fan in me was immediately like “fire!! Palmon get out of here you’re a plant type! Eh Gomamon you’ll be fine”
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The kids immediately know something’s changed. The battle of male bonding is over. War is here. The missile was probably a good indicator of that.
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Devimon isn’t what one would call subtle.
Ogremon quickly calls it like it is: “So I’ve been abandoned, eh.” Devimon’s gonna kill the kids and he doesn’t care about Ogremon’s pride. He doesn’t care about it so much...
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... that he doesn’t mind MetalTyrannomon STOMPING on Ogremon and CRUSHING him into the ground
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Taichi’s like WTH!?!?! we were doing some male bonding!! that shit’s sacred!!!
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Ogremon: M’fine... jus’ another day for ol’ Ogremon... ghhhhh.... mommy...
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So Taichi has a pretty strong reaction to watching Ogremon get literally stomped on. Not that I blame him, but it’s not like they know Ogremon well or anything. Taichi just feels through their battle that Ogremon, well, he doesn’t deserve this anyway. I guess. He has been trying to kill them for a while though. But Taichi’s got his own samurai side and he can’t let injustice stand.
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He’s so worked up, the animators were afraid showing us his whole face could cause distress.
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His strong sense of justice fuels his courage!
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Which in turn gives Greymon an epic power boost like Yamato’s feelings of friendship did for him last episode!
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Aaaaand... it’s not very effective!
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Because MetalTyrannomon is a level higher, even with a power boost Greymon can’t do more than dent him.
One thing that stands out is, the Digimon don’t seem to have the same issue with needing to fuel up between battles as in 99 Adventure. We’ve seen them pleading for food a couple times yeah, but when they’re fighting they don’t seem to reach their limit quite as fast. This episode, Tentomon didn’t join in the fight because he’s exhausted from flying as Kabuterimon for such a long time before even saving the kids. Agumon doesn’t run out of juice until he tries to take on MetalTyrannomon. But it took both of them quite some time to get to that point and we don’t see anyone stop to fuel up again between scenes.
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The contrast with the Ogremon battle makes the MetalTyrannomon one that much scarier. This is the third time in two episodes that Taichi’s on the brink of panic. The third time he’d have lost the game, if someone didn’t come to the rescue.
And this time that rescue comes from a surprising (not surprising?) corner.
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Ogremon stands back up... and has uhhh apparently lost his eyeball??? x’D I know he got crushed but like, did his eyeball pop out of his socket and roll away? Like "on top of spaghetti all covered with cheese” style???
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Anyway, Ogremon must be kind of sick of losing body parts, because it’s pretty obvious at this point that he’s going to Die by sacrificing himself. Par for the course for Ogremon. He can’t admit to caring, but if he can rationalize it as “I’m getting revenge!” or something he will jump right in. And, given the rate this show’s being going, I guess it’s no surprise we’d see a borderline touching death this early on.
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Ogremon also directs Taichi to where the holy Digimon is, making him seem not very like Devimon’s ally at all. Apparently the holy Digimon is “straight ahead.” Some actual directions might be nice but uh.
Taichi however is not too on board with this dying-for-you junk. You can see how conflicted he is. (Well, not in a screenshot, but he’s like shaking.)
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Yamato continues to looking on silentl, quivering with rage as much as Taichi, just from the back. I will not be surprised at all if this Greymon-Ogremon battle is something of a prelude for conflicts between Taichi and Yamato in the future.
Ogremon gathers his remaining strength and attacks MetalTyrannomon with everything he’s got, and does indeed seem to disintegrate in the style of dying Digimon. However, that doesn’t mean this will be the last time we see him. I think he’ll come back maybe even more brainwashed on Devimon’s side, perhaps fused again, or maybe not - but I do think we’ll see him again sooner rather than later.
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Then all the kids are blinded and Sora groans that she knew she forgot something at the store, freaking sunglasses.
A really fun episode! Was not really expecting much from an episode that was focused on a battle, but it does not fall into the boring trap of just doing cool stuff for the sake of doing it. Though it’s disappointing Yamato was so quiet, it has a sense of a pot slowly heating to a boil. It’s a pregnant pause. And Jou and Mimi were their hilarious selves, how I missed them. Sora and Koushirou had the least to do, but at least Koushirou got to save the day.
Next week it looks like MetalTyrannomon was not defeated by Ogremon, who may have been passionate but was still a level below, so we get to fight some more...
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There are no showers in the digital world.
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Koushirou gets to show off his Usefulness with this Useful map, which will clearly cause a lot of frowns since it shows that they can only go left or right, even though Ogremon told them to go “straight ahead.” Hmm. What will they do? I’m kind of expecting Taichi to insist on going straight anyway. I hope we don’t split up again already.
Also next week marks the return of the MISSILE NIPPLES!!!
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I hadn’t expected another evolution this early on but I mean we did already get a jogress.... so I suppose it’s no surprise. Also MISSILE NIPPLES!!!
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[10-  Emergencial Reunion!!]
“You said it was an emergency so you have to be straight and tell us what’s going on.”
Iori didn’t want to sound rude, but considering everyone at this point is full of work to do, like Joe having many appointments with hurt or sick digimon as example.
“It’s about him” Ken said with a serious tone.
Everyone stopped talking or complaining, creating a heavy and uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. It wasn’t like they had given up on Daisuke, and yes that they had no clues to solve that issue. Taichi had gotten no time to search for him, and had given a lot of excuses to the media to keep everything under control. If not… How would’ve Taichi explain that without revealing that Daisuke is one of the DigiChosen?
“What did you get?” Miyako broke the silence, yet her voice was cold. They were talking about her husband after all.
“We never learned what happened to him” Ken began, “Two years ago, we got a message on our digivices about a mysterious S.O.S. signal. Daisuke and I went to check it out, but we had been ambushed by a digimon.”
“That we know, Ichijouji” Takeru vaguely commented.
“The jogress was an option for us but, we got separated in combat. When we found each other, Daisuke shoved me into the gate to save me from being captured.” 
“Then, what have you discovered about the case?” Taichi acted as the good and old leader once again “You said on the phone that it is connected to the Roar of Freedom, am I wrong?”
“It’s an assumption” Ken explained “This group had been spotted on the same area Daisuke got caught, and they know who we are. Because after someone executed the Strikedramon brothers… We found that they left a message addressed to us.”
“Are they threatening us…?” Yamato clenched his fist, but Takeru calmed him down.
“We didn’t give up on finding Daisuke, and this may be the very first clue we got since two years ago.”
“... What you want us to do?” Koushiro asked him, and that was everyone’s question as well. 
Ken hated to feel pressured by glares, somehow it brings him bad memories from his childhood. However, he was on Daisuke’s position in the group -- While Taichi is the first and Yamato the second… Daisuke is somehow the third. And Ken does not like to be the lead despite being the head of the Special Digimon Cases Unit.
“Nothing for now” he answered a few moments later, trying to formulate words in his mind.
“You want to go there and investigate, am I wrong?” Taichi said, then looked at the others.
“If Ken goes, I’m going” Miyako raised from her seat “Daisuke is not only our friend, it’s my husband. And I have to protect my family.”
“I’d like to go too but… I’m busy” Iori mused.
“I have a lot to do too” Hikari, Mimi and Sora replied, some frowns were visible.
“The hospital needs me, I’m sorry” Joe was honest as ever, deep down he wanted to do more for the group but he was the most busiest of the them right now.
“I could go, but” Takeru spoke “I have a book release to attend. After that, I can lend you a hand Ken.”
“The next mission is settled to the next week” Yamato was pouty “I will help giving support here. Could go investigating those cases in the meanwhile” then he glanced at Taichi.
“Sorry, I can’t go” and he answered “I had been a target, while I can still fight… Handling with the role as a Chosen Child and as the digimon’s Ambassador wouldn’t be good. I trust you two though. If you need help, I will do my best to send backup.”
“Taichi, our identities are a secret!” Yamato argued “You can’t simply ruin all of our efforts to keep our families safe!”
“I won’t, I prefer to call Ken’s unit to give him and Miyako support.”
Daichi was sleeping when someone had entered in his room. Luckily, Ulforce and Natsu were still spending the night at the old Daisuke’s office room so no one suspected about them.
A very quiet voice was what made Daichi wake up, seeing a blurred human holding a pink ball.
“Daichi, please wake up and help” Kiyoko was the one he saw now that his vision went back to normal “This lil’ guy is needing some help!”
“Lil… W-wait, that’s a digimon!?”
“No, it’s a plush. Duh, of course he is!”
“What happened?!” he got up from the bed “Where did he come from!? Where did you find him!?”
“Uhh, long story short… He was running away from some baddie and de-evolved back to this form. Is it a… Poromon right?”
“Hm yes” he examined the borb-like baby “I think it is.”
“Why don’t you use that shining thing on your desk?”
“Shiny thing--” he looked back and realized he didn’t hide the D-TimeRune before going to sleep!! “Aa- Um, that thing!? It’s a phone! A normal phone!! Old phone I meant…!”
She smirked, “I know you’re hiding something from me dear brother. Because after getting your message, I phoned Mitsuki and he said you weren’t at his home. I also phoned your other friends and they said the same!”
He gasped.
“You can’t hide it from me, Daichi. I’m sly as a fox, faster like a cheetah and your sister.”
“A… Uh… Please, don’t tell anyone about this” Daichi sighed “I’ve got a digivice and a digimon partner.”
“Y-you’re going to wake mom up!!” he whispered to her “Please don’t tell mom or anyone else.”
“Fine fine!” Kiyoko muttered and pouted “Now please help me with this digimon, he seems hurt!”
Daichi grabbed the digivice and told Kiyoko to follow him to the room no one ever had opened since Daisuke’s disappearance. When they stood in front of the door, Daichi muttered:
“This is also a secret, don’t let anyone else know,” and he opened the door. They walked in and he closed the door, turned the lights on and made the sleepy digi-duo wake up.
“Aww, they’re cute!!” she was looking at them and almost squishing the hurt Poromon “What are they? Digimon too? That’s a Chibimon and… I never had heard of a pink bun!”
“Daichi isn’t your identity supposed to be a secret?” Natsu squinted her eyes but her expression changed to concern “Uh-oh, you have an injured digimon here! Let me heal it…!” and she switched forms in front of them, took the Poromon from Kiyoko’s hands and put it on the couch by Ulforce’s side. she send an energy from her hands to the bird-like digimon, healing him slowly.
“A secret?” Kiyoko glanced at Daichi “I thought you wouldn’t hide something from me…!”
“Natsu said to me to not tell anyone else, there’s some things you cannot know--”
“And there’s more!? And you can’t trust me!?”
“I think y’all should tell her” Ulforce interrupted the heated discussion. Both Daichi and Natsu looked at him “Sorry guys, the girl needs to know now that she’s aware of us here.”
“Fine, Daichi tell her I’m busy to give details. But you must keep quiet about it, Kiyoko.”
“I… I will, don’t worry!” the girl nodded “Not even mom and dad must know right…?”
“Especially them, or else they will lock me in the depths of the Digital World.”
“Ok…?” Kiyoko wasn’t able to understand that, but she promised to not tell anyone about whatever it was Daichi’s secret.
“... Mom and dad are legendary heroes” Daichi began “Remember of those stories about the Digital World’s warriors? They were real… And our dad is a brainwashed enemy right now.”
She stared at him for a while. Then she snorted and laughed but not too much loud.
“Seriously? Have you been talking with Junya lately? Our parents are heroes!? How funny!”
“Kiyoko I’m deadly serious here! They are, I just saw--”
“Wait, How can a digimon researcher and a worldwide famous chef be secret heroes? It makes no sense, big bro. You’re talking like Junya about the conspiracy theory of ambassador Yagami hiding the truth from everyone about the legends.”
“... He is right. But not for something evil, actually it’s about our safety.”
“Daichi, I don’t know what happened to you to jump from ‘our dad is dead’ to ‘our dad is alive, and our parents are part of the legendary Chosen Children’ but I know dad is on a business trip and our parents aren’t heroes.”
“He’s telling the truth” Natsu turned back and stared at Kiyoko “Daisuke, Miyako and Taichi are DigiChosen. Most of their friends are.”
“I… It’s strange knowing that our babysitter is a digimon but...”
“Kiyoko, my sweetie… I’ve been with your parents from a long time ago that I’m basically an honored digimon partner. Believe me, I tell no lies.”
“Why would dad be an enemy? He’s a good person!! Makes no sense!”
“He had been captured, but Daichi knows how to fix it… You have to stay here and not tell anyone about it--”
“Urk…” the Poromon woke up, his vision being pretty blurred but slowly coming back. His noise called the kids, Natsu and Ulforce’s attention though “I need to find the… C-Chosen Children.”
“Don’t talk, you’re badly injured!” Kiyoko said, worried with the poor bird “You’re safe, please rest.”
“Why is he looking for them?” Ulforce tilted his head.
“What happened to him, Kiyoko?” Daichi asked calmly.
“I don’t know, I was coming back from school and…”
  … It fell from the skies devolved in front of me.
“Hey little one, are you okay?!” I approached from, super duper concerned with him. I took from the ground and examined him for a few seconds. Then he talked to me:
“... Human kid-- W-watch out…!!” He said and then he shove me to the ground. A light hit this poor Poromon and he fell again on the floor.
“Ugh, h-hey why did you-- Huh!?” I looked behind me and saw a shadow. It was trying to catch the Poromon so I grabbed the bird orb from the floor and ran away.
  Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu looked at Kiyoko, then to each other. To Daichi, that sounded like the plot of one of the old games he and his father had played together.
“So, someone’s looking for him” the boy mused “And, probably is going after you now.”
“Yeah, I think so…”
“Do you think it chased her at home?” Ulforce looked around “I mean-- Not like I care of someone trying to invade your home...”
“The house is safe” Daichi said “There’s alarms and mx. Hawkmon lives here. He’s mom’s partner after all.”
“Uh… About that…” The three looked at Kiyoko “... Mom and mx. Hawk are not here, they went to an important meeting.”
“So we’re all alone!?” Ulforce babbled in panic, then he started to verify every corner of the room “Are we safe!?”
“Are you scared…?” Natsu smirked “Aren’t you the grand hero Ulforce?”
“Me!? Scared!?” the tiny-mon took the bait “I gonna show ya how great I am! Daichi kid, evolve me and I will protect everyone for the night!”
“Uh, no need to--” suddenly a noise was heard from outside. Kiyoko grabbed the Poromon and hid behind Natsu, while Daichi took the D-TimeRune to see if it was a digimon signal.
“Wha-what was that!?” the girl asked “It sounded like someone crashing the restaurant’s entrance door…!”
“Stay here” Daichi whispered, “Ulforce come with me.”
“F-fine…??” he nodded, then jumped to the boy’s arms. The duo left the room, leaving Natsu and Kiyoko to protect the injured Poromon.
“... Mom’s going to not like if they damage the restaurant” Kiyoko mused “Natsu, can you see if there’s someone inside?”
“I don’t feel anything from here, and Poromon is injured we can’t--”
Kiyoko left the room and Natsu sighed. No matter how much she worked to keep the siblings safe for the sake of their lives… Those two always find a way to get into trouble. Quite like their parents.
When the girls arrived at the restaurant floor, they saw Ulforce on child level already and chasing a shadow, with Daichi going after the blue digimon.
“It’s… It’s that one who was chasing me!!” Kiyoko shouted, Daichi glanced at her but turned back to the battle “P-please don’t damage the restaurant, dad wouldn’t like it…!!”
“I won’t!” He assured her “Ulforce, Kiyoko, Natsu, try to lure it to the outside!”
“Wait will you put YOUR SISTER in danger!?” Natsu babbled.
“She’s fine, she’s with us!”
“Yes, but do you forgot she’s a not a tamer!?”
“Oh screw that!” Kiyoko yelled “With or without a digimon, I’ve raised to fight! I’m made of fire!” then she ran towards the mysterious silhouette, with the Poromon in her hands “Hey, dummy dumbo thing! Come catch me, leave this place alone and come after me!” She left the restaurant by the main entrance, forcing the shadow to chase her.
“Good job, Kiyoko!” Daichi nodded, then looked at Ulforce and Natsu “Let’s go, we need to prevent that thing from hurting Kiyoko and the Poromon.”
“Ok” they nodded and with this the three left after the shadow.
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast: the marching fishes (10/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, our extra large Digimon Game of thrones Au, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
His stomach hurt, god, he didn't remember the time of his last meal, it doesn´t matter; everything in his mouth taste like ashes, his hands sweat and his head feel like a ticking bomb, every light was to bright, every sound was to loud.
Joe had lost everything, his children, his wife, his son…
Taichi speak nonsenses since the throne, since Joe´s throne, funny how he continues to lost things: his Kingdom, his authority, his sanity
What time it was? what day? it´s feel so much like to the old days, those days he had lost everything too.
His brothers, his youth, his freedom
Each one of his brothers went to war and comes back in a black coffin; the old island war; the cold King again Genai the usurper; How many children of the island died in the old war?
The war would take his children too? he alloud himself to think about Davis,noble and carefree Davis, big mouth Davis, the kid with endless energy, the boy who eat every meal as if it would be his last, traitor Davis, hostage Davis.
“Can i speak with him?” he wish to sound less desperate, less concern
“I don't think that would be a good idea” Yamato speak as a friend, still Joe could see Davis blood over his knuckles
Yamato, the one that he had never lost, yet.
Sometimes, in the rainy days when Ken was still a boy and brood around the castle with his black cloak and heavy books Joe usually recall about Yamato; and treats him with the same patient and comfort that he would treat his old friend; in another life when Ken would become enough skill with the sword Joe would send him away to the capital; to train with his best friend, to learn for the masters and be the best swordsman of the land.
In the life that they had lost
“Your Sea Majesty, Jou, Jou!”  his response was slow and confuse “Jou, the king of all land ask you a question”
The King watch him with impatien; it has to be something about the heirs, they where so use to be instantly obey, that make them temperamental, a mistake that Joe made with his own son, and sadly with Iory.
No, he don't want to think about Iory
“Davis said that Iory Hida is prepare to surrender” but since when did he get what he want? “That somehow is his Master who refuse give up, do you know anything about  this master? we don't have to much information about him” Beside been next to him their voices sounds like an ecco
But Joe negate with head, he has no energy to think about Ryo Akiyama; Iory wants to surrender, a marvelous new, the prodigy son could still do the right thing. If they defeat Ryo the children would surrender, and then what?  He look at the blood in the hands of his friend one more time
“We cannot make the same mistake twice” Yamato speak with the hate in his voice answering a question that Joe was afraid to ask “Even if they surrender we cannot forgive them”
“They are children” They are my children
“ They were children, they are men now, men who betrayed you, they attack  the King!” his blue eyes doub for an instand “If we give them the oportunity they are gonna kill you Joe, i will not give them that oportuity”
The silent embrace the room, Joe knows that Yamato only has good intentions and the guilt hit him, he wish that he was willing to stop him, if Yamato where his knight a simple order will be enought. Why Yamato agree to serve Taichi was a mystery for him.
“Do you have any idea where the rebels are hiding?”  Taichi interrump what it feel like a private moment
Ideas? He has plenty of ideas, tousan of theories but just one that make sense “The swarm”
“The swarm!” Yamato recall “of course” and along with him jump over the map that hang out the wall; Taichi look at them in confusion “Is a group of small island in the south; they are many, at least a dozen, but the ground is rocky and infertile, access is dangerous if you do not know the place, but is the perfect hide”
Joe hate the way Yamato talk to the King, as if he was an ignorant child, a sweetness that was unusual in him
“That is the place to which we must move our troops” Taichi celebrated
Joe despise how the King look at his friend, as if he belonged to him, as if he was one of his properties.
“But we must be careful, they must have lookouts on the routes, those are dangerous waters”
The hand of the King travel to his knight shoulder “I'm sure you can manage it” fondly eyes and meaningful smiles, they move together in a synchrony that was ridiculous; again they remind him to his lost children: Ken and Davis use to move like that too.
A thought that make him feel like the most stupid man alive,  a sudden revelation that snap him back to reality, he knew Yamato, he knew his past and his hearth, be the lover of a upper class gentleman was no strange behavior for him, but this…  he cursed the ocean and the sea
He stand out as tall as he was “For how long?”
“Well i hope not to much” Taichi´s smile offended him “i mean.. we want to end this war as soon as possible right?”
But Yamato notice his change of attitude, and for Joe annoyance he put himself between he and the King.
Maybe the revelation wouldn´t hurt that much if it wasn´t for the lies, the hypocrisy, Taichi, the king of the light, the light who persecute and imprison impures...
“Joe what´s wrong?” Yamato try to approach to him but Joe shake and come far from them, he can´t even look at his friend anymore
“Sora knows?” he try to yell “did she?” memories of the dozen of letters he share with his dear friend flash before his eyes, her loneliness, the rumours about her health...
Taichi´s grin broke down “How do you know? i mean.. what are you talking about? “
The smartest thing would have been to keep quiet, keep his suspicions to himself, avoid claims to the most powerful man in the continent “You know very well what i´m talking about Taichi Yagami!” but he has lost his patient too “You are a fraud, you broke the votes you made to your so acclaim god”
Taichi stay stuned by Joe accusations
“You don't even denied, did any law mean anything to you?” Joe try to make sense in his mind, both of his hand rest over the table, “Do you think you own him? that…. that you can use people like him just because you have power over them!”
“He is not using me!” Yamato reacts “Its not like that, please stop!”
Joe turn to him, no longer avoiding his eyes “I expect more from you”
His words hit the Knight more than any sword did before, Yamato clench his teeth and contain the sorrows “Well… that was your mistake”
“who are you to judge him? you…” the king yell at him ” Everything you own has been earning by his hand, he fought for you! he Killed for you! he won for you! you are not alloud to… you  have no right…”
“You have no idea what are you talking about”
“You either,  you think you know him better than me? Do you know that he spent these years pleading  to come to your rescue? he was so sure all of this was too much for you "
Joe take a stept back, was than true? a look at Yamato and he knows  Taichi was right, but the rage has no disappear “You have a wife”
“You too! but if you ask me you see more concern about those ungrateful bastards that you call your children than for your actual family!”
If he could, he would hide behind the table, close the curtains of the windows and demand everyone to leave him alone, Taichi dealt a fatal blow to the little that remained of his emotional stability.
“They are the ones who need to be saved, you do not know mimi, she ... she is an extraordinary woman, I have no doubt that she has the strength to ... to protect our son and herself; and despite everything I trust that Iory will not allow them to hurt her "by saying it out loud, with Yamato and Tai judging him, he realized that he sounded even more foolish than when he repeated it to himself.
A nock of the door force them to calm down, or at least pretend to be
“Sir, I´m so sorry” Kouji enters the room with a small chest between his hands “A letter from the rebels and this” The three of them rush into the package, Taichi took the letter that was address to the Sea King
“They demand that we free the Ikkaku Island and thet we release Davis, a proof that we are serius… what they mean by that?”
Joe open the chest and his world collapse
He lost control, he lost hope, and dear god on the abyss Mimi lost an eye
“We are not gonna surrender, they are blaffing, this is a sig of desperation” Yamato try in vain to encourage him while Taichi make an efford to not trow up.
Ryo finally was showing his cards, this must be his work, Iory was burning the ships, who knows who else would drag him along.
“My son…” he barely speak  before  storm out of the room
“follow him” Taichi order “and Yamato…” he came closer  “make sure he doesn't make or said anything stupid”
Yamato found him on his room, crying and shaking
“I would found them “ Joe look at him, without worried for hiding his tears “I would keep my promise, i would save the queen and the Prince” he sit next to him “you know i will”
“Do i?” a bitter laught “I don't know who you are anymore”
“Or you do” Yamato lay down “ I don't need to tell you anything, you just know…”
“Still it would had been nice if you just told me” but he smile with an apologize between his libs, just as he use to do, and a tiny light of hope ignite inside of him; that was Yamato, his defender, his friend, maybe they could save his family, all of them “What about Iory and Ken?”
“Taichi doesn´t understand your fixation with those kids, Joe… to be honest me either…”
“And i don't understand your fixation with the King, He is... “
But all  hope crumbled as soon as it appeared, three words and Joe knew Yamato would never been in his side again
“I love him” and even worse “And.. i think he loves me”
Such a profound declaration, a much more horrified secret  
“Yamato… this is not right” such a waste of words, Yamato has done so much for others in the name of respect, honor, friendship, but love? he knew, sadly, that Yamato has never feel loved before.
Now there was nothing in the world that Yamato was not able to do for Taichi
He had lost his friend, just like he had lost everything else
“But I understand ” he lied “ I´ll not said anything, i just need to be alone for a while, please, i´m sure that you have a lot of things to get ready before the assault to the swarm”
With a smile Yamato leave him alone, and Joe waits impatien until the door close behind him and he hear his steps go far away for rush to his suitcase, he took his arrow and bow  and carefully, afraid and decided he sneak out of his own castle.
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askthenewhopespeak · 6 years
A Class Reunion
*Yamato’s phone rings, it’s from unknown number*
*He looks at it, a bit surprised. Who would call him? Almost nobody has this number… save for his new coworkers. He picks up. * “Hello?”
???: Yamato? It’s you, right?
He doesn’t recognize the voice, but it sounds familiar. It might be because of the phone… “Indeed, that would be me. May I inquire about your identity as well?”
???: What, you don’t recognize me? After all the good times we had in high school? I am hurt, Yamato. And here I wanted to invite you for a game in memory of old times.
Oh dear. Now he knows who that is. His tone sounds a lot more joyful - actually, a lot more like his high school self. “Asuka-chan! No way! I would love to join you for a game, but you would obviously win. If there is no suspense in this fight for the victory, what is the point? Events of which you already know the outcome may be inevitable at times, but they are boring.” He’s smiling to himself.
Asuka: Don’t be a poopy head, my games are fun, aren’t they? I mean, everyone always came.
“All the fun we had was seeing Ryusei-kun lose and almost flip the table with his Taichi techniques. But I admit, it was entertaining. And everyone came because you resorted to vile methods of corruption.”
Asuka: *her voice chokes with tears* P-pwease?
“It won’t work this time. I know you…” *He’s actually hesitating. *
Asuka: Pretty please? For old times?
*He’s weak. * “Alright. Inviting the others would be a great idea… If they’re still alive, that is. Though I doubt anything happened to Kyou-san. They were lucky, after all.” *He’ll have to sneak out Invidia’s ‘headquarters’ when nobody nags him to sweep the floor or something. *
Asuka: Kyou is sick. As always. I wonder what his luck has against my games…  I got Haruhi, though. And Shinzo. But really, I wanted you the most.
“At least Kyou-san has been saved from a humiliating defeat.” *He chuckles to himself. * “Aaah, am I really that important to a good games night?”
Asuka: You were always the most fun to talk to… If you tell Haruhi I said it I’ll kill you, though.
“I don’t have the means to contact Haruhi, anyway. Is she still following each one of your steps?”
Asuka: Of course she is. *there is a distant yell* Haruhi, come say hi to Yamato! *and then back to normal* She’s on her way. So, tomorrow at… eight or so? Would this do for you?
Tomorrow? Hell, they can make things go smooth without him. “Of course. I can’t wait to see all of you again.” It had been… since the end of the Tragedy that he hadn’t seen them. They were a big part of the best period of his life. It sounded cliché to say that the best years were high school years, but it was really something else. Hope’s Peak had been the funniest place he’s ever went to, and it was all gone.
Asuka: I can’t wait to hear how have you been, Yamato.
*a new voice on the phone*
Haruhi: Uehara-san? Is that really you? Omygosh!
Asuka: *far from the phone* Haruhi, that’s enough.
Haruhi: But…
Asuka: *still far* go do something else, dear.
Haruhi: fine
Asuka: Sorry about her.
“Haaa? But you didn’t even let me say hi. At least she sounded really enthused to hear from me.” *Nothing’s really changed…*
Asuka: She’s always excited. Didn’t want you to choke on that.
“We’ll have more time to talk tomorrow. May I ask how you’ve been?”
Asuka: Fine, you know. Joined future foundation when everything went to shit, worked under Yukizome for a while… and she was pretty cool, even if having your boss be six years younger than you is awkward.
“Talk to me about it! Mitarai-kun was even younger, and even less competent. At least being in the 10th branch wasn’t an utter waste of time…”
Asuka: the sixth was fine.  They didn’t really want me, but Haruhi refused to join if I didn’t and they really wanted her for her… skills.
“… I see. At least they didn’t hurt her, I hope?”
Asuka: Do you think I would have let them?
“Ah, true, true. But wasn’t she overworked? I know I kept doing back and forth between the 10th and the 1st branch because they were short on staff.”
Asuka: She doesn’t help anyone if she bleeds to death or dies of exhaustion. I made sure she rested well and ate well. Everyone were overworked by the end of it, but… I did all I could.
“It’s nice to take care of her. She wasn’t the best at that.” *Sounds like he genuinely cares. *
Asuka: Well, someone had to, and with Riko-chan gone…
*He sighs. * “Dammit. Some of us had to… well, you know.
Asuka: Yes. It’s funny, you know? I hated her. She took away Haruhi’s affection… and now… I wish she was here. I don’t know how to make sure Haruhi doesn’t kill herself by accident.
"But Haruhi has you. She loves you so much. She worships you. But… the weight shouldn’t all be on your shoulders.” *He doesn’t really know what to say either. He feels the quiet rage in him raise like the sea level. This is why he is doing this. Why he is collaborating with these people. To make sure the ones that made his classmates suffer, that destroyed Hope’s Peak, that destroyed their world, payed for their crimes.
Asuka: How have you been? Since everything ended?
*He doesn’t know if he should tell her. It would be best if she didn’t know. But…* “Well, I’m not doing so bad. I have a little… thing… going on. You know, getting back into business isn’t easy.”
Asuka: Tell me about it. What kind of a thing?
“It’s kind of obscure. It has something to do with the state of the world as of now.”
Asuka: …I somehow don’t see you doing heavy lifting, so it’s probably not restoration… eh, it’s probably still better job than mine.
“Hahaha… Indeed, physical labor isn’t for me. What job do you have?”
Asuka: You’ll laugh on me.
“I probably will, but tell anyway.”
Asuka: The local supermarket. *the disgust in her voice is clear. *
*He laughs, both in amusement and relief. The conversation got dragged away from his activity. * “Oh my. Asuka Amachi, the cashier.
Asuka: That’s not funny!
Asuka: Well, okay, but gaming tournaments don’t pay rent.
"It is funny, you have to admit. But it is true that you can’t pay anything with that. Maybe you could be a tester for board games?”
Asuka: I don’t think anyone needs a tester that would beat all their games.
“But you’re an expert. You could help them.”
Asuka: I didn’t find any place hiring. And honestly… A lot of places stay away from Hope’s Peak kids… we probably deserve it.
“That’s not true.” *His voice is much more serious. * “We had nothing to do in this perversion. We graduated years before Junko Enoshima thought of infiltrating Hope’s Peak. It was all because of her. We earned our talents and skills, we used them for hope. We have nothing to do with this perversion. It is unfair.”
Asuka: Well, people like us broke the world, so I can understand why people are mad! *she sighs* Also, I have never learned my kanji, maybe that’s why I’m never getting hired. *she sighs again. * go away, Haruhi. I’m fine.
“You should get Haruhi to help you with that. How do you even live here?”
Asuka: With Hiragana and Katakana, like a normal person.
“No, that’s not how you do it-” *He whines. * “You know Shinzo would sound exactly like that.”
Asuka: Yes, he would. *she laughs* man, I miss high school.
“Everything was much simpler.” He agrees.
Asuka: can we be sixteen again? being 30 sucks.
“Being 30 means we have to be responsible adults. I don’t think we were ever ready for that.”
Asuka: Yacks. Who thought letting me be an adult is a good idea? *she paused* Any chance your job is hiring?
“Unfortunately, the team is complete.” *He hates having to lie like that. * “But it is a temporary job, so you’re not missing out on anything.”
Asuka: Are you sure? I mean… it still must be better than my current job.
“It actually doesn’t pay well.” *More like not at all. *
Asuka: So why do you work to them?
Asuka: for, I mean for, I hate this language.
“They have a work ethic that I like. And they’re basically the only ones that took me. You’re not the only one struggling.”
Asuka: Work ethic doesn’t pay for food.
“It’s enough for how I live. Maybe not for you. Your clothes are quite expensive.”
Asuka: Not anymore, they aren’t.
“Tragic. I thought you would never accept to wear something that cost less than say… a good 10.000 yen.”
Asuka: Well, there is a difference between being a teen with rich parents who don’t give a fuck about your expenses and an adult who is struggling to end the month, no?
Haruhi: Hi, I took over for now, Suka… seems to not be in the best mood right now.
“Hi Haruhi.” *He laughs it off. * “Yeah, I think I made her a little upset.”
Haruhi: Hi. She is trying to forget.
“Thankfully she’ll have forgiven me by tomorrow.
Haruhi: Suka? Kicking someone out of game night? Never.
"But she could decide to get revenge on me, and that means I’m done for.”
Haruhi:  …You say it like you ever stood a chance.
“There are times when I stood a chance more than others!” *He is offended. * “If she decides I must lose, then I will lose in a humiliating manner.”
Haruhi: *she’s whispering*I think- I think she’s trying to prove something with tomorrow.
“Hmm? A theory?”
Haruhi: We barely have time for games- I think she is trying to prove to herself that she still can do it.
“… Oh.” *He didn’t quite notice Asuka’s melancholy. * “I understand… With the ones that left us, the fact she can’t even practice her talent anymore must be tough. Take good care of her, okay? I don’t think I need to beg you…”
Haruhi: Sometimes I don’t know who here is taking care of who. *she sighs* I’ll text you the address. See you tomorrow.
“Thank you. See ya.” They can hang on a little longer, but not much. Could he do something about it…?
*Haruhi hungs up, and a text with an address around the less nice parts of Tokyo is sent to him. *
Oh dear. Maybe the situation was worse than he thought. He pockets his phone and glares at the monitors of Invidia. 'Die already, you scum.’
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triangulumlights · 7 years
My thoughts on Symbiosis (probably part 1 of who knows)
OKAY. None of this rambling will probably make sense, but these are my notes and feelings about Symbiosis.
The Plot
• Kind of a mess, tbqh. That said, I did enjoy the official bringing in of all(?) the sides in the conflict, leading to a pretty excellent four-way battle between the Chosen, Meico-whatever-mon, Homeostasis, and Yggdrasil. Very nice, with lots of motivations and conflicts.
• I loved how the final battle was handled, which I’ll go into more in the characters segment of my rambling.
• Omegamon slicing open the rift so the team could follow the battle into the Digital World? HELL YEAH.
• The merged Digimon created by Ophanimon and Meicoo-whatever was creepy as all hell omg.
• The return of the Dark Ocean!!! And in a very nicely done way, imo.
• The movie felt super slow, even if it had some great moments and the incredibly active last part balanced it out a bit. Still, I think the pacing was a problem.
• That all said, this movie had a very epic feel to it, especially toward the end.
Character Moments
• I was actually a little annoyed with how imbalanced the character focus was; normally Digimon is better about this, even when an episode or movie is focused on particular characters. This movie was especially Meiko, Taichi, and Yamato heavy, with a dash of Hikari. The rest of the group, with the exception of a scene here and there, did very little. But okay, character by character:
• Wow, he’s really grown up, hasn’t he? Very nice handling of how he’s come through his conflicts, both in previous seasons and in Tri, and matured a lot. There were a few moments that stood out to me in particular: early on when the police are after them and he reminds Koushirou to use his computer to hide the Digimon while everyone else (including Koushirou) are kind of frozen in uncertainty, in Daigo’s office when he explains how he wants to handle the situation with care, and in the final scenes where he reads the underlying emotions of everyone (and particularly Meiko) in order to choose the right call to make.
• There are more scenes that were great with him (like his and Meiko’s conversation at the school) but those three in particular illustrated what makes him a strong leader imo.
• But no really he was great this movie. His conflict with Taichi over how to handle Meicoomon felt very natural this time, and the way he listened when Taichi explained how he wants to handle things in Daigo’s office was a nice moment. Other people have already pointed out the great, very subtle moment of Yamato refusing when Takeru offers him the phone while calling their parents, and of course, the last scene where he puts on the goggles and takes over (temporarily, for sure, but still) as leader and tells the team to stand up. He’s also grown up a lot, and even if he’s still temperamental it’s not without reason; he just feels very strongly, and he’s both better at expressing himself and less closed off from the others.
• There was also a nice moment between him and Koushirou, when Koushirou broke up the fight between him and Taichi, and Yamato basically seems to just trust Koushirou’s judgement; the bond between those two is very understated but very strong.
• I wish I could say a lot about her this movie but I can’t, since her plots seemed mostly wrapped up in Meiko. However, the advice she gives about not isolating yourself is very good and very meaningful coming from her, and the moment where she pulls Mimi towards her while they’re talking to their parents is really lovely.
• Sora’s just quietly being awesome in the background this movie, but that doesn’t make her less awesome in general.
• He figures out a few useful things throughout this movie, but mostly I noticed just how quiet he was; he’s always pretty quiet compared to most of the others, but he barely spoke this movie it felt like. However, he did have a few great moments, especially the one where he broke up the fight between Taichi and Yamato; I mentioned it briefly in Yamato’s segment, but this really displayed the dynamic between these three imo. Koushirou not only fearlessly got in the middle of the fight and physically pushed them apart, but he raised his voice too, and specifically talked to Yamato; he was backing up Taichi (as usual) but in a very interesting way. It wasn’t just “Taichi’s right” but rather “You should understand already” and there’s a huge underlying meaning there; Koushirou both understands what Taichi’s trying to do and why, and he knows that Yamato does too but just hasn’t accepted it. Not only that, but he’s trusting that Yamato will understand all of this from him, and Yamato both does and takes it as enough reason to back down. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I think it shows a real understanding of his friends that Koushirou didn’t always have; he’s been attuned to Taichi’s emotions and motives since 01 but not often anyone else’s, but now he can not only read his friends but communicate with them in subtle ways.
• He was the only one of the team awake when Meicoomon attacked (other than Daigo) so even though it’s actually like 2005 in universe I still think we should start #letkoushirousleep2k17
• More seriously, this both came up in Kokuhaku and in this movie, but I like that it’s being consistently established that Koushirou is also very sensitive to the Digital World, much like Hikari but probably in a different way. It’s a neat thing to me.
• Like Sora, not much Mimi and that makes me sad because Mimi is glorious. Also the scenes that I would mention specifically for her are exactly the same ones as Sora’s, so although I wish I could say more, that’s about it.
• Unfortunately, Jyou was also mostly a non-entity this episode. However he did speak for the audience about how much trouble Meicoomon is, so there’s that?
• Stop dropping the ground out from under this poor child omg
• Another character who I wish I could say more about, but he didn’t do a lot this episode. That said, he was sitting next to Koushirou in most shots, so I like to think the two of them were gossiping quietly while other stuff was going on.
• Telling off Homeostasis was really awesome; it’s been a complain for awhile that things just sort of happen to Hikari without her having any agency, so seeing her basically tell Homeostasis to fuck off and get out was incredibly awesome.
• Her sensing of the Digital World’s intentions toward the Chosen was really neat and not overdone; she was very sure about the feeling she was getting but it wasn’t overly dramatic or anything. It felt very natural for her to be able to understand it.
• I still have no idea what actually happened with her and her crest glowing and the Digital World code creeping up on her and all that, but it was surprisingly well done. I’m actually really interested in her plot even if I’m not usually a big Hikari fan, and I wish she’d had more moments in this movie considering it was supposed to kind of be focused on her.
• I want to like you, Meiko, but I just keep ending up not. :c At first I was fine with the guilt and responsibility thing, because a lot of the kids have had similar storylines, but I think that’s driving me crazy about hers is that she doesn’t seem to be trying to fix anything (or didn’t, anyway, until the very end of the movie.) It might also have been that it just went on too long and was repeated too many times from a writing standpoint, but it started to just seem like Meiko liked the attention.
• She was, however, very cute in the ghost story scene.
• She also gets major props for making the hard call at the end to try to defeat Meicoomon. I just dunno, I didn’t feel as much about her decision to do it as I did about Taichi’s decision to go along with it, maybe because it felt like he understand the situation at a deeper level than she actually did? Since she’d already given up on Meicoomon in Kokuhaku, it didn’t have same impact here, and instead kind of felt like she was just like eh, time to throw in the towel again. But I don’t know, maybe things will come together in the end for her and her plots.
• I didn’t really like her much until Loss, but at this point omg I feel so bad for her. That she’s just lost it so badly over what happened to her partner, and then the reboot failing to let them truly reunite, is just heartbreaking.
• It makes sense for her to end up at the Dark Ocean, and if she really did die there from despair it’ll be a really sad but almost fitting way for her to go out. It’s just so sad, weh.
• Again, he’s a character that really grew on me just recently, and he and Maki wondering what the point of them being chosen if this is what happens to them is really tragic.
• That he sensed what happened to Maki was interesting, and if she really did die then I’d think it’s likely he did too the attempt to save Taichi. If so, that’s still an incredibly important thing he did, especially if it turns out he’s directly the cause of Taichi surviving. But then again, I’ll be happy if he lives as well, although I’d hope Maki does too in that case.
• Not exactly Daigo-specific, but where are the others in his and Maki’s Chosen group? Are they the last two for some reason? Do the others just not contact them? Why are they so alone?
Final Thoughts
• These are surely not going to be final but final for this post, anyway.
• This is probably my least favorite of the movies so far, but mostly because of the weak pacing and problems with some of the characters being basically non-entities.
• That said, there are several strong character moments, and the scary stories scene was cute af.
• I also really enjoyed the brief scenes with Taichi and Hikari’s mother, and how she handles her children and their friends being in danger by trying to be productive for when they come home. It’s a nice reminder of how hard this must be on the kids’ parents, just having to sit back and watch.
• Surely Taichi is alive, and I want at least SOME hugs when he returns damnit.
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