#except for all the evil ones obviously they can rot
llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
Llamaaaaa, I’ve got major brain rot over the Maifia babes! Would the situation/ romancing of reader change much if she were the daughter of a rival, Don or a straight and narrow police captain?
oooh... the daughter of a police captain? It might change a few things
Sans: He lies to everyone. Her dad is no exception. He's dedicated every aspect of himself to ensuring she belongs to him- what's one more person to lie to? Though staging her father's death was certainly an option, Sans draws an oddly specific line at killing family (wonder why?).
Sans is charming, in the way many stereotypical sociopaths are. He plays the safe, stable, polite boyfriend that wins her family over with bad jokes and good manners. His facade of having a boring and safe (yet very successful) banking job means Mc's dad might even actively prefer Sans over her past partners, because he believes she'll be safe.
And... well. He's not wrong. The only times Sans has ever been honest with Mc's father was when asked if he loved her, and if he'd keep her safe.
Red: Fuck cops. Red's gonna be the irresistible bad boy with a heart of gold, the attractive and dangerous side of life that she's been denied until now. Power and glamour and parties and all the wild luxuries and freedoms his protection brings- what's her dad gonna do, arrest him for taking a consenting pretty lady on expensive dates? Red likes subtly gloating about how the cops have absolutely no evidence against him for anything.
... He's also going to show her the reality of the police. He'll show her just why he's so antagonistic toward a captain. Things are a lot more complex than her 'straight and narrow' dad has lead her to believe, it's never been as simple as the good cops vs. the evil monsters... why do you think he got so powerful in the first place, doll? Here's a clue; it wasn't because the cops were well liked.
... Cop or not, though, Red gets antsy at the thought of her losing someone she loves. So for the time being, Mc's dad is unaware that Red's 'family' have designated him completely off-limits. Red may despise everything her father stands for, but he's not going to let the man die.
Skull: It doesn't change much about his wooing method. He's still a mess, he still tries to win her over with classical romance methods and pretty things. Who her family is has absolutely no meaning to him. Though... he might start deliberately targeting people who pose a threat to her, considering her dad is most likely well known.
Honestly, if it gets to the point where she's bringing Skull home to meet her family, I can see Mc's dad taking something of a weird shine to Skull. Not knowing about the giant's crimes, obviously. Skull might be physically imposing, but her dad has met a lot of imposing people, and when Skull is around Mc he just seems so... harmless. Like a puppy following her around, waiting for a pat. Skull's total adoration is so clear and untainted that it shines through his terrible appearance.
Her dad gets the strong feeling that no matter what Skull does, he will always put Mc first. He approves of that.
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castianii · 1 month
my Ninjago headcanons!!!!
• Is TikTok famous. He likes to put his camera in everyone’s face while they do normal everday things then says “ooh this is perfect, everyone will love this!!” and then everyone does love it.
• Spends most of his time trying to annoy his teammates. He finds it funny how easily Nya gets ticked off, so he annoys her most often. ex) going into her room and just singing really loud.
• Thinks Tarayummy is his soulmate. He sits in his room in the dark and just watches her videos. He has a hatred for every man she has ever talked to.
• Says she hates dressing up/wearing dresses, but at night she secretly puts on pretty ball gowns she hides in boxes in her closet. (I do this)
• Loves art, but she mostly paints. She picked it up after seeing the paintings Jay did after seabound. He taught her a lot of it.
• Anytime she sees a friend or someone she knows out in public she has to talk to them. It’s like when you were little and your mom/dad saw someone at the store and they just had to talk to them forever. She does that.
• There’s a desk in his room with the most random junk on it. He doesn’t even know where most of it came from. This junk varies from model airplanes to defused pipe bombs.
• He’ll give himself weird accents sometimes. If he’s bored he will just put on a new accent and talk to the others to see their reactions. One time he did a Russian accent that scared Jay so much he peed his pants.
• He could watch those videos of dancing fruit for hours. He just loves brain rot, and that’s okay because it keeps him busy.
• Religiously watches edits of himself of TikTok. Once he accidentally reposted one and everyone lost their mind.
• Thinks Halo by Beyoncé is the greatest song ever written. It’s the only song he will sing in front of other people and he will put his whole heart and soul into it every time.
• Likes to skateboard, but doesn’t have enough time. He thought it would be a fun hobby to pick up before he was a ninja and actually got really good at it. He isn’t as good now, but he can still do some tricks.
• This man is so zesty oh my god. Everyone in Ninjago thought he was gay until he got together with Nya. There are still people who think it’s all just an act to cover it up.
• If this guy sees a river he is getting in. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 80 degrees, this man is ready to jump in any river he sees. He tries to get everyone else to join, but they aren’t as stupid (except Cole who obviously has to join him)
•Watches Instagram reels instead of TikTok. He thinks they’re funnier, and Kai thinks that it’s the funniest thing in the world and never shuts up about it.
• A lot of people think this, but I think that he bleach’s his hair. He doesn’t want to look anything like his dad, and he thinks his dark hair makes him look evil.
• Also likes art, but mostly draws. He likes to do art with Nya, but picked it up when he was younger. He used to make his own comic books about the ninja in S1.
• Wants to be a theater kid so bad, but he has to focus on his ninja work. He’s made everyone watch Hamilton at least 5 times (so far).
I have other headcanons about a lot of other characters, and more about these guys if you’re interested.
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I was smoking cannabis to deal with my sleep issues and I moved to a state where delta-8 is legal but I'm in the process of job searching so I'm not partaking until I get all of that sorted. In the meantime, my dreams have returned VIVIDLY and with a VENGEANCE. Also my audhd insomnia tendencies but when I do fall asleep I'm obviously sleeping well to get all of this intense REM action.
It definitely would make a good video game of some kind though. Just kind of weirded me out for a minute because I'm not used to it and it was very real in the moment. Someone had mentioned the type of pillows I got caused them to 'have very intense dreams' so I'm not sure if it has anything to do with that except for the power of suggestion; however, I'm thinking they are just actually comfortable and improving my quality of sleep which would allow me to also hit that REM stage harder so that's the only correlation I could see there.
Anyway... the dream...
The way it started was kind of Resident-evil-esque (the first one) in that me and my allies/compatriots/colleagues/friends(?) were all trapped in a building; however, it was very much an office building not a house. Dreams love to jump around of course so we're trapped and there are an even split of commando-esque guys and government agent type guys with guns trying to chase down and trap me and my party. Most of the doors are locked and so if you can get into certain places you can effectively hide from whoever is chasing you. This is where a narrative roughly starts to coalesce.
We jump to a basement like area that is like a warehouse. P.S. there is also an Alice in Wonderland like quality to the building where size and direction go wonky which is funny lore considering its already a dream but we get an in-dream explanation. The part where it becomes like a video game is that we've overcome obstacles and enemies to group up in the basement and there is conveniently a computer system that will print out credentials that will open doors and grant access to locked places, allegedly there is a way to the town through the warehouse. I want to say it was called Pleasant which directly correlates to something I was watching or playing already, but it might have been MST3K so what was pleasant I couldn't tell you since only certain ones stand out to me.
Anyway, the problem of course is that with the physics being bendable it wasn't guaranteed that the warehouse would actually take us to Pleasant. So we take the credentials and then it starts getting a little skippy again.
Myself and another ally are hiding in this very tight (squeezed in like sardines tight) space and either exit is blocked by either a commando or government agent type enemy guy. I think we got chased a little after leaving the warehouse and used the credentials to hide.
Then it kind of shifts and my ally is no longer hiding with me, the space is bigger and there are stairs and creepy pre-teen enters the situation. I... with suspicions... follow creepy kid and things take a mad-scientist zombie-like turn where he leads me down into another basement area with creepy/rotting body parts which exits into a morgue-like area where creepy kid starts sawing himself some mad experiment meat off of a torso, I think a torso even my dream-self was like, "nah we don't want to look at that," and so I turn around and flee and I think that's about when I wake up from my Silent Hill offshoot. I will also assume this has something to do with my DnD research since I'm about to run a campaign for my friend which towards the end will feature some stuff from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft so I was reading through those modules and I can see where my imagine started running wild.
I kind of forgot that I used to do my best imagining before sleep and getting lost in a story was kind of how I'd pull it off so I guess I'm going to have to give myself some magical girl vibes or something to work with so I don't end up back in horror-land, but dang...that feeling of being in a cramped in space with your enemies right on the other side of the door that was pretty visceral.
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vashtijoy · 1 year
fic excerpt: akechi at thirteen
Here's another excerpt from the unpublished fic mountain. Akechi is thirteen, and turning increasingly bad—on the inside. CW child abuse and neglect, obviously.
. . .
When Akechi is thirteen, he’s living with his uncle Hiro over a greengrocer’s in Nerima. Nerima is renowned for its beauty, for its sprawling parks and for the rows and rows of cherry blossom that line the river. But the older he gets, the less easy it is to distract Akechi with pretty trivia, like cherry blossoms and ice cream and stars. They’re just a gloss over the reality of the world.
Nerima borders Saitama Prefecture to the northwest; it gets its prettiness from being about as far from civilisation as is possible, within the twenty-three special wards of Tokyo. It’s also about as far as you can get from Akechi’s original middle school, the one he won the scholarship to. I’m not paying for you to ride the subway every day, his uncle had droned, in his horrible voice that drags itself along like a drunken bee. Do you think I’m made of money? You can use that time to work in the shop.
Akechi had bowed, of course, and said yes, sir. He’s an old hand at eating shit by now. There are always different things they want him to do, different perfections he has to embody—whether to protect himself, or to keep his place, though these days he’s not stupid enough to expect that. Or just for practice, to entertain himself. Who cares if his plans are in pieces at his feet? If his father will never notice a boy with a public school education? Before long Akechi will be back in the city, and his old school will take him back; they’ll have to. He was one of the best students they had.
So: school every day. Homework in his lunch hour, and self-study too, because he’s getting more and more behind; his uncle has cut his cram school days to two plus weekends, even though Akechi gets a subsidised place by now—what? you don’t need to go every day, who do you think you are?—because he wants him to work in the shop, even though the only thing Akechi wants to do with fruits, or vegetables, or the customers, for that matter, is to hurl them repeatedly at the wall until they stick.
It’s not like he has outlandish plans—be the best, get into the best high school he can, study law, go into politics, destroy his evil father. A whole lot of boys all across Japan have those ambitions—with the possible exception of the last; a whole lot of boys starting from a much higher place than he is.
But almost none of Akechi’s relatives understand that those things are important. They want him to stay quiet, stay out of the way. Work in the shop, clean the house or car, run errands—and when he does all those things with a smile, they ignore him, just like when he brings home perfect report cards. Eat less, like he’s not two years into puberty. Sleep less restlessly with the TV blaring and the family yelling at each other around him. Little things like that. And none of them have been interested in him at all. More like the money they can pull in, for fostering a child.
Isn’t it all that way, though? The teachers at school—aren’t they in it for what they can get, as well? Even the ones who encourage Akechi, who seem to care if he does well—they don’t care about him. They just get points for helping him. They’re graded on performance, like Akechi’s graded on his schoolwork. Like the customers who walk into the shop and smile at him in his green apron—so young, so cute, so well-turned-out!—while Akechi stands there bowing and irasshaimaseing, and he helps them with their purchases and tells them what’s in season (because of course he knows), when all he wants to do is tell them that they sound like toads, or that their children are ugly, or that he hopes the carrots and lotus roots he’s exquisitely bagging up give them cancer. Little things like that. Beautiful smile, best bow, hand them the bag with both hands, thinking to himself the whole time, I hope your faces rot off.
Eventually it becomes routine, like all the other roles he’s played, all the other boys his so-called family have expected him to be. He doesn’t know why they haven’t stuck him in a home. Shame, probably; his extended family continue to scrape by in various parts of the city, and some aunt or uncle or cousin can always be guilted into taking on the shameful burden he is. At least for a couple of weeks at a time. By now, Akechi is the best houseguest in the world.
He’s still top of the class, through his own refusal to give up and his year at a private school, more than through the hands of any god. He has his own space, the attic above the tiny flat above the shop; he’s cleaned it up as best he can, and propped his futon on pallets so nothing can get in his hair. It doesn’t matter that the attic is unheated; he only sleeps up there. Everything is under control.
By now, he quite enjoys working in the shop. You’re such a good boy, croons an old lady in the shop, seeing her feckless grandson, probably. And of course Akechi smiles and thanks her, he has a gift for bullshitting, he’s a born salesman; at this point he thinks half of these women only come in to talk to him. Just to offer him a few words of impersonal praise, and spend all their money on salad or fruit or mushrooms they don’t need.
They don’t know him. They don’t ask his name. He’s playing a role, again, an actor on a stage. But he feels warm when they praise him, when they talk about how hard he works. Even while he’s cursing them in his head, those curses have no power, because someone has noticed him. Just like when his teachers praise him, even though their praise means less than shit, and only the weight of numbers, accumulating week after week like grains of sand, means a damn thing.
He’s not allowed to use the front entrance to the shop. But when he passes it, he sees the sign: 八百屋, yaoya, “eight-hundred-things shop”: greengrocer. He remembers, dimly, reading it over and over, for a woman with long fingernails and no face, a cloud of perfume with legs.
At school, he has more friends than ever, at least in general terms. He’s friendly and makes jokes; he’s confident and laughs at himself; he draws a crowd and people like him, because if you don’t get good at making connections, when you constantly move from place to place, you drown. Of course, there are the few who really hate him, who glare when he passes and would push him just to see him fall. Akechi is friendly to them when necessary, like he is to everyone. But he marks them in his head to be wrecked, when the opportunity and the excuse arise. People with grudges are so easy. Mind you, he thinks that about everyone.
He doesn’t know what he’d be, if he couldn’t charm a crowd. Probably one of those scruffy animals who sulk at the edge of class, who get sent home for having their hair dyed blond or blue or pink, who scowl like they’re on to society, but too stupid to fight it. That will never be Akechi, just because he can lie with his whole face and body, and make people like him. If he’s polished, and cute, and accomplished; if he lies fluently and makes others feel good about themselves, they have no idea he’s some leader’s castoff child. They don’t know he’s parentless and unwanted, that he’s only ever had a mother. They accept him for what he seems to be, for what he puts out into the world. Indeed, if he’s a good enough liar, then what he says goes, doesn’t it? The stories he tells about himself decide the truth.
At least, until somebody asks for his papers. Which are registered at his grandparents’ house, the one place, sometimes, he thinks he has never stayed at, never visited. One child, mother only (deceased), no father: his existence is a stain not only on his missing father’s life, not only on his own life, but on his grandparents’ lives. His grandparents, that he’s never met. A stain that can’t be erased even if he dies. Because Japanese society is simply that rotten.
So if he wants to get off on a few worthless old ladies cooing over him, who gives a shit, exactly? Nobody knows about it, nobody can see through him because nobody sees. They see what they expect to see, they hear what they expect to hear, and if you understand that….
Well, you can do anything. Can’t you?
The thing is, Akechi is smart enough to know he’s not unique. But he’s also sure he has insights nobody else could possibly have. Nobody has ever wanted him; that’s just a fact. His mother must have wanted him, or she wouldn’t have kept him, but she also didn’t want him enough to stick around. All the family he’s been landed on—nothing he could do was ever enough for any of them. He’s exceptional, and he’s still never good enough to break through the wall of their indifference.
And it’s not even just his family. All of Japanese society is the problem. Lies and smiles and formal language, all hiding uninterest and self-interest. A fixation on blood children and propriety that means children like him rot, an empty box on a family register and a woman leaving home alone enough to tarnish a whole family for life. It’s all rotten to the core.
And nobody who didn’t live it would even notice. Because nobody cares about anything they don’t have to.
Even the lies he tells others are society’s fault. He hasn’t done anything wrong, has he? He’s great at being anyone at all, other than himself. A walking hall of mirrors and masks that’s sometimes labelled Akechi-kun, sometimes tenin-kun—“Master Shop Assistant”—far, far less frequently Goro-kun, and typically these days at home a curt Hey, you.
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theheirofthesharingan · 11 months
I notice you analyze Itachi very well in my opinion. So I was just curious to think what would have helped Itachi have a second chance? In a AU where he was given the chance to, or if he allow himself to heal. Since I though how Sasuke was able to be forgiven and found his way back home, Nagato was able to get a second chance from Naruto by doing a good act, Obito as well. So I wonder if Itachi had the same opportunity or what would it take in a AU since maybe in canon he would turn down every though of help and healing, although he admits in Edo that he failed. So it makes me curious to think how he would turn things around or if he is able to get a second chance. But what you think that would look like for Itachi? In canon events or if the UCM never happened.
Hi, there! Thank you so much. :)
Since you asked about two scenarios where massacre happens and in another where it doesn't, I'll try to answer them separately.
So, what if the massacre did not happen?
It depends at what point the coup is thwarted. Most probably the trigger would be Shisui's death, which forces Hiruzen to show some spine. Since Itachi is talented and a prodigy, he would continue to be the exceptional Shinobi to the Leaf and an asset to them. And if Konoha is kind enough, Hiruzen would declare him as his successor for the next Hokage. Taking the Itachi Shinden novels into account since they mention he wanted to be the Hokage, to end wars and establish peace. He'd make a great one, because he's very much capable of taking hard decisions, is against the idea of child soldiers, values both land and the people, and wants peace. He'd be the one carrying Hashirama's ideals of peace further. Basically, the series would be known as Itachi Shippuden.
This part doesn't need Itachi to heal the way the other one does because he can survive this much stress and can channelize his previous loss to make the world a better place.
Now, since the massacre has happened..
He blames himself for this. Obviously. For him to find peace and happiness in canon is impossible, because his guilt is the driving force for all the extremes he goes to ensure he's killed and remembered as a villain. However, since you asked what it would take for him to accept help and healing in an AU. It would very much be Sasuke. If Sasuke finds out the truth before their battle, he would go out of his way to ascertain his brother finds healing and justice.
Sasuke is Itachi's strength as well as his biggest weakness. I'm sure Sasuke would exploit that trait by himself once he realizes what can really trigger Itachi into giving in. No way Sasuke is letting Itachi rot and die like that.
I won't compare Itachi's circumstances with Nagato or Obito because they both willingly committed crimes because of their personal losses. Itachi is self-aware and knows his flaws and isn't proud of them. He doesn't need to be forgiven because he was deliberately placed in the circumstances where he had to make the choices that he did - one of the two evils. He needs healing and peace and an apology from the Leaf, not the other way round. His soul is damaged quite literally. The only one who can help him out of the darkness is Sasuke.
Itachi would need to understand that while he had a hand in the massacre, the blame lies on the government for its incompetence, and that he is a victim too. He needs to understand he's a human, not a tool he was made out to be since his childhood. He's allowed to feel things other than guilt and regret and pain. It might take years, but with Sasuke and some purpose in his life, he might be able to come to terms with it. It would be a rocky road for him because his stubbornness is his one flaw that would come in the way of his journey of healing.
On a lighter note, if I'm allowed to take more liberty with the AU, I'll send him over to the Undying Lands in Tolkien's world. That is the only place he can truly find peace. And he'd be one of the mortals who would be accepted there. Thanks to Sasuke's love for him, he'd be able to go there too when Sasuke is old enough and free from the burden of protecting the world. And both the brothers can spend their final days in peace together.
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tantawans · 4 years
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mojang-officialer · 3 years
What mob would do the best job of opening a coconut im asking for friend
so i thought about this a little bit too much and made a list of which mobs could either open a coconut, possibly open a coconut, or could not open a coconut, containing every single mob that has ever been in the game.
details below the cut
first some rules.
i've left out all passive mobs that aren't interesting, because you don't need pages of me saying every fish can't break a coconut.
all mobs are considered to have spawned with default equipment, nothing chance-based like enchanted weapons or armor on zombies, as that would be unfair.
- Villager/Wandering Trader/Illagers: All of these would be able to break open a coconut. Illagers are proof that villager-type bodies CAN uncross their arms, but simply choose not to. They are also capable of tool usage, and some villages spawn with stonecutters. However, this feels kind of cheap, so I'm putting them here, as it's not really a NATURAL ability to break the coconut so much as it is the tool's ability to break the coconut.
- Any fish: I appreciate the enthusiasm, but no.
- Horse/Cow/Donkey/Other hooved mobs: POSSIBLY. While I do think a horse could potentially build up enough force to break a coconut by trampling it, as someone who knows horses IRL, I am also relatively confident that they would also break their leg while doing it, because horse leg bones are made out of paper and glass. Cows and other hooved mobs MIGHT be able to crack it but I doubt they'd be able to build enough force.
- Baby Piglin: POSSIBLY. Babies do not use tools, but gold tools would probably be too soft to break open a coconut anyways. That said, those tusks are pretty strong, and while I'm not sure if a baby could use them to open a coconut, I'm going to say that baby piglins cannot.
- Turtle: A snapping turtle IRL definitely COULD break a coconut. Unfortunately the turtles in Minecraft are sea turtles, which do not have jaws as powerful as the snapping turtle.
- Bee: What's it gonna do, sting it open?
- Cave Spider/Spider: Technically neutral during the daytime. Sadly not able to open a coconut as a spider's mandibles, while effective at eating small insects, are completely useless for cracking open something armored like a coconut.
- Dolphin: This is in the neutral mobs section on the wiki for some reason. Sadly, no. Their jaws can eat fish but that's about it.
- Enderman: This one is interesting. An Enderman hits relatively hard, considering its weak-looking arms, and they are able to carry whole blocks, unique among mobs, but they can only carry relatively light blocks, so that doesn't help them. Their teleportation is obviously useless here. Ultimately, I will say that YES, an Enderman can in fact break a coconut, but with one caveat- they have to be angry. The open jaw of an Enderman is like a nutcracker, and if that closes on a coconut, I am near-positive it would break.
- Goat: A goat's charge could definitely carry enough force to break open a coconut. HOWEVER, it would have to be against a wall, otherwise it would just be launched. So, I'll put goats down as 'POSSIBLY'.
- Iron Golem: An iron golem does damage primarily through gravity, by launching its targets into the air and dropping them. Unfortunately, coconuts are designed to survive long falls from atop coconut trees. Iron golems would not be able to open a coconut.
- Llama: While llama spit does a surprisingly high amount of damage, it is not enough to break a coconut.
- Piglin/Piglin Brute: A piglin would be able to open a coconut. Their gold tools are basically useless in this scenario, but their tusks are not.
- Panda: Pandas can only eat bamboo. They are too weak to eat anything else. So no.
- Polar Bear: Look me in the eyes and tell me a polar bear wouldn't be able to open a coconut. It's heavy, it has claws. One of the few mobs I have to say would ALWAYS be able to open a coconut.
- Wolf: Sadly, wolves are too small to be able to open a coconut. The same goes for all cats.
Remember, the goal is to OPEN the coconut, not to destroy it in any other way.
- Blaze: If the coconut is ashes, it is no longer a coconut. It is also not open.
- Zombie/Husk/Drowned: Zombies have such weak hits that it takes a full crowd of them to kill an unarmored player. There is no way those arms would be able to hurt a coconut. This includes zombie villagers.
- Creeper: POSSIBLY. While the creeper's explosion MIGHT open the coconut, it also has equal odds to launch the coconut away or to vaporize it.
- Elder/normal Guardian: It does not have any method of physical attack, and the eye beam and psychic powers, while cool, will not help it open a coconut.
- Endermite: No.
- Evoker: While these do fall under the honorable mentions category from earlier, I felt it was worth mentioning that the metal jaws they summon from the ground are DEFINITELY enough to break a coconut, even without using tools.
- Ghast: Same issue as the creeper, but even less consistent due to their ranged method of attack.
- Hoglin: Hoglins do a COMICALLY large amount of damage. They also have enormous tusks. They would definitely be able to open a coconut, though babies might have a hard time with it.
- Magma Cube: Ashes are not a coconut.
- Phantom: Now, normally I would say that they could break a coconut, as they could pick up the coconut, fly up very high, and drop it from above. Unfortunately, phantoms do not have arms.
- Ravager: Yes. Have you SEEN those jaws?
- Shulker: It would take multiple shulkers to open a coconut, as they'd need to hit it continuously to re-apply levitation, until it was high enough for it to break when it falls. That said, it's possible for a single shulker to break a coconut, just not as consistent.
- Silverfish: A silverfish can bury through stone. They would be fine burying through a coconut. That said, I'm not certain if that counts as breaking it open, so I'll put them down as POSSIBLY, though of course it's open to interpretation.
- Skeleton: An arrow cannot break through a coconut when fired from a bow that small. A crossbow, maybe. But not the default Minecraft bow.
- Slime: Slimes are too bouncy. All the force would just launch the coconut away.
- Vex: A vex alone is too small to open a coconut.
- Witch: A potion of harming cannot break a coconut as it has no physical force.
- Wither Skeleton: Maybe. A stone sword could break open a coconut, but a skeleton can't hit with much force, and most of their damage comes from the wither status effect. Now, if that applied to a plant, it would probably rot the coconut. This is destruction, but it does not break the coconut open.
- Zoglin: Hoglins but even more forceful and evil. They would break a coconut.
- Ender Dragon: The coconut would fall into the void from the knockback and disappear. Not open, technically. Dragon breath is not physical damage and as such would be useless.
- Wither: The coconut no longer exists.
- Warden: Those jaws on its chest are impressive, and the strength of its attacks are pretty strong, too (at least in its current, unfinished state). It would almost certainly be able to break open a coconut, but due to its blindness, would probably have a hard time finding it to begin with.
- Giant: A giant cannot attack and as such would not be able to open a coconut, except maybe by accidentally stepping on it.
- Zombie horse: Same as horses, but more persistent. Also would break its leg.
- Killer Bunny: While those teeth are great at chewing through flesh, canon (Monty Python) shows it cannot chew through heavier armor or a human skeleton, and as such it would be useless against a coconut.
- Illusioner: Coconuts cannot see illusions because they cannot see.
- Pigman: Pigmen were never actually implemented. Only their textures were in the game, and as such they would not be able to break a coconut due to not having a physical form. The same applies to red dragons.
- Human: A 'human' would only do the amount of damage a player's fist would deal, so no dice there. Opening a coconut with your bare hands without using some kind of tool is impossible.
- Rana (& other humanoids): Rana and other removed early humanoid mobs could not open a coconut, as despite their less-blocky artstyle, they were incapable of holding any object.
...and that should be every mob that has ever been in the game.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Okay but what about Orc!bucky and Goddess!reader ..😳🤭 Shes an Aphrodite, I can imagine her looking down and seeing orc!bucky and just craving him. They be a great power couple ...
Hi hun! I'm sorry it took me so much time to write this fic, and, well, since most of us already have some depiction of Aphrodite in mind, I decided to make the reader her daughter. Guess the story turned out something very different from what you wanted, but I still hope you will enjoy it!
Somebody to Die For
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Pairing: orc!Bucky x goddess!Reader
Warnings: violence, injuries, angst, hurt/comfort.
Words: 2385.
"I will fight for you till they cut off my arms, my legs, and my head."
You looked at the warrior in front of you, his heavy body clad in armor, his arms holding a spear and a shield you brought to him yourself, earning a slap from your mother, the goddess of beauty who forbid you to help humans so shamelessly, and yet, you always did.
The man standing in front of you was neither orc nor human but the descendant of the both of them, the only hero who could possibly defeat the evil forces when every other man had failed. He's rough; he's rude; he knew little of honor, but he's the one who still fought when the ones before him had long given up. Despite the prejudice against orcs, now even humans understood he was their only salvation.
You hoped he would survive the last battle. Not just because you needed the human kind to have a savior, a leader, the one who would aid them when nobody else would, but because you had grown found of him, the man you had been guiding for years, helping him to protect those who detested him, bringing him hope when he was ready to give up, embracing him when he no longer had the power to hold his spear. A daughter of the goddess of beauty, you were to bring this beauty to the parts of the world where your tired mother could not, but you brought hope instead.
"Fight for me, and if you win, I will fulfill your wish, soldier." You whispered through your golden mask that covered your face entirely, only your eyes visible to the orc standing on his knees.
Your mother never approved of it, but you had seen people going mad from having just one glance at you, your immense beauty blinding them, driving them insane, making them forgot who they were. It was a curse, not a blessing. It was the reason you wore your mask at all times, only showing your face to those your deemed worthy, strong enough to withstand the charms you had no control over.
You knew your hero wanted to see your face more than anything else in the world.
"I will bring you the demon's head on a golden plate, my goddess."
You'd chuckle at his attempt to please you, but you were scared, you feared he would fail, fall, die in the hands of evil forces feasting upon human kind and threatening to destroy all the gods had created. You could not fight along him, possessing no skills to win that battle; moreover, your mother would most certainly kill you if you intervened, breaking the oath you had given to her. You could only help the hero you had chosen while staying in the shadow.
"Stay alive, Bucky." Those were your last words when you pressed the cold lips of your mask to the orc's forehead, giving him your blessing and hiding the tears behind the cold metal.
If only you could fight, but your hands grew cold every time you touched the hero's spear, unable to wield a sword or a mace. The war was not your domain, all the gods kept telling you when you plead them to gift you enough strength and courage to engage in battle. No, your fate was to shine like a golden statue, blinding all those who dared to look at you, bending them to your will like you mother had always done. They couldn't understand your ardent desire to watch over the humankind and all those who needed your help, spending your time healing soldiers, aiding orphans and the elderly, bringing food and water to all those in need. The gods cared little for mortals. Even when the Great Evil appeared out of nowhere, wreaking havoc on the lands belonging to people constantly praying for gods mercy, the immortals were too busy with their own affairs, realizing how serious the matter was when it had been too late.
When the orc you clad in charmed armor stood in front of the army of the undead, the diabolical creatures with horns and gaunt wings growling behind them, ready to strike, you prayed for him to come out of the battle alive. It was his fate to be the last hero standing between the chaos and all what was dear to the living, yet he bore no responsibility for it - he didn't ask to be the hero, to fight when his spear was long broken, go forward while the undead broke his bones and demons feasted upon his flesh, ripping pieces of meat before the orc could crush their heads with his mere hands. You kept casting spells to aid him, knowing your mother would whip you, but you didn't care, healing your hero's wounds so he could fight until he would cut off the head of the Demon King with his own sword.
Your hero was laying on top of demon's dead body, still holding the head even while unconscious as you sneaked into the field full of corpses, bodies of demons and bones of the undead rotting under the blazing sun. Your hero was dying from his wounds, bleeding so much his skin was loosing its color, and now it was your time to bring him back to the living before it was too late.
Oh, you knew your mother could kill you for stealing the salve meant only for gods to heal their wounds, but you no longer cared. What did it matter if the one who saved you all was to pay with his life for everything he had done to protect the living? No, it was unfair. The orc stood to gain nothing from his heroic deeds, gods being too arrogant to acknowledge him properly, but he had the right to keep his life.
And so you carried his heavy body to the springs, washing his wounds, applying the salve generously and casting as much healing spells as you did in your entire life to keep him alive, praying and hoping the gods would take mercy on him. Yes, he was three quarters an orc; he was barbaric, savage, ferocious, but he had kindness in his heart like no other, agreeing to fight for humans who had always utterly despised him. Despite being a brute, he was kind to children, women and elderly people. He had never lay his hand on those weaker than him, except when they attacked him on their own. In the end, he was the only hero who answered your call when all those you had asked for help died on the battlefield, unable to fight the demons and their army of corpses.
It had been three days and three nights you spent tending to his wounds until his heart started beating like of a living being. You cried your eyes out when you heard it. The salve had finally worked, and the open wounds closed, leaving his body scarred but healed; his breath steadied, and soon your hero would come back to you, you knew. Gods had answered your prayers for the first time.
"Am I dead?" Bucky asked you when he opened his eyes on the fourth day as he saw you tired face, your mask long abandoned the moment you brought him to the springs.
You smiled at him and held him close, his head laying on your lap while you witnessed his awakening, his body covered in salve, making his skin shine like pure gold.
"You are alive and well." leaning to him, you left a kiss on his forehead, brushing his dark disheveled hair out of his face, and the orc made an odd sound as if he were purring like a giant cat. "You will live a long life, cherished and honored by those you protected, I promise you."
"Will you keep that one promise you gave me, my goddess?"
He's impatient, he had always been, and you laughed at his eagerness, knowing his body still hurt, but the orc didn't seem to mind it. Was he unhappy with seeing your face? You didn't think so, and yet, apparently, he wanted something else. Gold? Women? Immortality? The last one would be quite hard, that is if gods wouldn't struck you with a lightning or something just to teach you a lesson to be more pliant and respectful.
"What it is that you want, my warrior? I will do whatever you ask me to if it is within my powers, just like I promised."
"It's within your powers, I'm sure." He grumbled, making you laugh even harder at his unusual grumpiness, touching the tips of his tusks, and the orc laughed at you, too.
"What is it, then? Don't keep me waiting, mortal, for even I grew tired of tending to you over four days." Winking at him in the most frivolous manner just like your mother had taught you, you giggled then, and the hero's face lightened up.
"This is not how I imagined it to be, but who cares, anyway." he muttered to himself and sat up, turning to you and hurriedly searching the pockets of his torn pants, obviously empty after his long, intense battle. "Shit! I've brought you golden rings and necklaces and bracelets, but those flying bitches made holes in my clothes. I should have hidden my gifts under some rock before the battle."
"Oh, you should have!"
He's impossible, you thought as you both snickered, his huge, calloused hands touching gentle yours. He brought you gold? What for?
"Well, whatever, I'll find more for you later if you don't mind, goddess. Will you give me the honor of becoming my wife even if I didn't bring you the gifts?" The orc tilted his head to the side, looking at you as if it were just a mere matter of something minor, unimportant, but soon, as he watched you openly gape at him for his audacity, he quickly bowed his head, kneeling in front of you.
You were speechless. For once, you had never for once suspected of the hero having these feelings for you. Surely, he prayed to you, he respected you as a mortal should respect their deity, he was intrigued by your true appearance you had concealed from him, but his spoke of marriage seemed preposterous. Was it your face again, your mother's charms? No, no, it couldn’t have been it for the hero intended to bring you gifts, wedding gifts, that is. He had come prepared.
Unbelievable. Did his feelings grow while he didn't even know how you looked?
"Forgive me my insolence, goddess." he mumbled, realizing his offer could be a grave offense to you, a being standing way higher than him. "But I can serve you till the end of my days, do whatever you tell me to. If I have survived the last battle and brought people salvation they wanted, I must be good enough, right?"
"Will you serve me even if I am not your wife?" You asked him quietly, looking at your hands covered in the balm you stole from the gods just to heal his wounds, knowing you were attracted to him despite your feelings never being voiced.
For a couple of seconds the orc grew silent, watching the carpet you put him on to tend to his wounds: it had been soaked in his blood that now dried out.
"I will serve you even then." He uttered grimly, refusing to look you in the eyes, his gaze on your hands as he kept sitting in front of you.
Afraid to speak, you fell silent too, wishing to touch him, brush your hand against his disheveled hair. Oh, didn't you want him? Didn't you wish to be embraced by the very hero you spent years guiding and healing so he would continue his journey? Didn't you deserve to be loved, the daughter of the goddess of that very same love you'd been craving for so long?
But your hero was a mortal. You were frightened to even think what gods would do to him for his impertinence.
Oh, evil gods. You spent years to teach and guide the mortal hero they despised who brought the salvation to the lands they were so afraid to lose, and yet neither him nor you were given anything in return. Instead, they were granting you a torture of refusing advances of the only one dear to you.
Please, darling.
Your mother's irritated voice cut through the silence like a knife, and you froze, knowing she was rolling her eyes at you, watching you secretly like she often did.
You have a heart of stone if you reject the man who is standing on his knees in front of you. I grant you my permission if you so need it.
As her mighty voice rang in the complete silence of a cave, Bucky shivered, immediately getting on his feet. Of course, he knew nothing of your mother except that she was a goddess, and he had never heard her voice. It didn't matter to you, though, as you stared at him, dumbfounded.
Permission. She granted you her permission to marry him. You were free to act as you like, knowing the gods wouldn't bring their wrath upon your hero.
"I will have you if you promise to love and cherish me like no other, protect me, and be loyal to me until your last breath." You whispered, your eyes full of tears as you watched him from below while he towered above you, and the next second he was on his knees again, taking your arms in his and kissing your tears away.
"Even if my face will be disfigured, my tongue cut off, and my body dismembered, I will love you till my last breath." his voice was so quiet, yet you heard him as if he were screaming at the top of his voice. "I promise to worship you and come to you aid whenever you need me."
Hurriedly ripping a piece of his ragged, soaked in blood clothes, he wrapped it around your finger like it was a ring he had lost.
"My soul, my heart, and my sword - everything I possess I give to you."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @iheartsebandchris
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ghastspidergwen · 3 years
some of the weirder hermit things for my (currently unnamed) hermitcraft au
Tango is always warm. You can feel the heat radiating off him. Most of the hermits brush it off as 'guy from the nether, a land of fire and lava, of course he's warm!' but as anyone who has worked with him in close proximity on a build or circuit, it's not just warmth, his heat can burn if you get too close for too long. The reason he tends to build iron farms instead of tree farms because that much wood around someone who can literally make wood burst into flame by being to close to it is not good. Of course the heat is fine, why wouldn't it be? He doesn't mind it, neither do his friends.
Cleo is a zombie. She has all the stereotypical zombie attributes-stiff joints, rotting flesh, hysterical strength, craving for human flesh, and she stinks. She tries her best to cover it up, flower crowns (which also has the added bonus of covering her head, so she doesn't burn in the sunlight), living more distanced from the rest of the hermits, but the longer she stays dead, the worse it gets. Joe says he was used to it after so many years with her, but the stench got worse and worse until she 'reset' her zombie-ness in Demise. It's been better since then, but it's coming back full force, and quicker than it did before. Is it any wonder she chose to settle in a flower forest this season?
Joe has a rare form of synaesthesia. Even though he's one of the human hermits, this alone can warrant him the occasional invite on the non-human's trips, mostly to wrangle Cleo. Cleo, his partner and best friend on the server. A literal zombie, who has lost all sense of touch and taste, who has very little sense of smell, except when it comes to rotten flesh. She longs to feel the grass again, pet any sort of animal, taste a cake, or even mushroom stew. So Joe paints her pictures. He takes the feeling of the green grass and tells a story, weaving words together to create poems, watching Cleo's face light up as she remembers this from when she was alive, or maybe Joe is introducing it to her again.
Grian is extremely farsighted. You would expect that from a bird hybrid, but he is farsighted for even avians. And his sight comes with its own rules. Clouds don't seem to impair his vision the normal way, neither does the fog, but anything closer than five blocks is a blurry mess. He wears glasses for building and hanging around the server, and most hermits forgot he doesn't actually need them, they just make his life easier. Standing on top of his mansion, he could see the whole jungle crew, even to Keralis' city. On top of the Omega Tree, he could see past the shopping district to False's base. Pearl-the only other avian on the server-doesn't seem to be able to see as far, or without obstructions like Grian, nor can any of the other avians the hermits have encountered on their travels. When Grian was confronted about his unnaturally good eyesight, he just mumbled something about watching everyone, then went back to work.
Ren is a werewolf. He has to transform with the full moon, obviously, but he can change into his wolf form at any time. Sometimes, it's easier being a dog, getting to run free, no worries of building, or wars, or shops, or anything else. Sometimes, it's too easy to be a wolf. Sometimes he wants to run free forever. He almost did. He got too lost in a transformation, and couldn't come back fully human. But it's fine, he loves the ears (enhanced hearing), tail (better balance), and other wolfish characteristics he kept. But something has been nagging at his brain. If he gave into his bloodthirsty side, what would happen? 3rd life *cough cough*
Jevin is a slime. It was the best. No fall damage, no suffocation, and he could eat almost anything, the only downside was elytra's didn't work so well, so he used boats to get around, and now horses. But being a slime has been not so fun since that encounter with Evil X. He can now merge with the slime bouncing around the swamp, often forgetting that he still has work to do on his base, his thoughts merging with the slime's. He only snaps out of it when someone splits the slimes apart. He also falls apart more, leaving bits of his slime behind, and repairing himself with slime balls. Leaving the Ship of Theseus in question-how much Jevin can be replaced with slime balls before he is no longer Jevin?
Wels gives off light. All elves do, but his armour blocks most of it. The light isn't bright enough to stop mobs spawning, and he doesn't need it to see in caves, his darkvision covers that. Without the heavy armour to block the light, it's bright enough to set zombies and skeletons alight, making his mob proofing very effective. Most of the Hermits don't even realize that he glows, it wasn't noticeable until Hels showed up. Where Wels gave off light, Hels seems to absorb it. They balanced each other out, darkness and light, yin and yang. Beef noticed after that, but he didn't say anything. Wels had enough on his plate after that. Xisuma also knows. He mentioned it to Wels once, who waved it off, said it was a 'special trait', and not to worry about it. So Xisuma didn't, until he heard whispers about an evil Wels, who was the darkness to all of Wels' light. Ever since Hels came to the server, Wels' light has been dimmed, and he doesn't know why.
Gem loves plants, and they love her back. After all, why wouldn't they? She can help give the plants life, so they repay her, with gifts. A wandering trader pops up with the first dripleaf of the season in Gem's base? Plants must have given it to her. She finds one of the best horses on the server? The plants must have put Moose in her path. If you want your trees to grow quicker, just call her over for some tea, and you'll have a whole forest in less than a day. Sure, the trees will be more intricate than if you waited for them to grow naturally, there will be more ground cover, and you get the feeling that something is lurking in all the plants around your base now, but an overnight forest and a chat with Gem makes it worth it. After all, what kind of malevolent spirit would want to hurt Gem, a spirit of life and growth?
Bdubs is a human, what else would he be? He's just fascinated with time. He would kill for a clock. He carries clocks around everywhere, studying them in his free time, comparing the hands' position to the position of the sun, moon, and stars. When asked why, he says there's something he needs to know about time, and he needs to figure it out. Maybe it has to do with the fact he jumped late into season 6 as some certain hippies time travelled out of it. He's the only hermit to have missed a huge amount of time due to some shenanigans. Even Keralis, who left season 3 and came back at the same time as Bdubs, remembers what he did between. Bdubs was with the NHO one second, and falling through the sky the next. He feels there should be something in between, he can almost reach it, he just needs more time to figure it out.
Pearl is terrified of heights. You wouldn't expect her to be, seeing as she's an avian. But she is and no one knows why, except Grian, and he says it's her story to tell. She hasn't told anyone...and she doesn't plan to. Her wings are mostly there for 'decoration', she doesn't get any real use out of them, only occasionally doing short flights or gliding, but she won't actually fly because it reminds her too much of-nope. She doesn't even want to think about it. Maybe telling someone could help her cope, or maybe it would make it worse. Grian's offered to teach her how to fly again, even just low to the ground, but Pearl's still considering the offer. She's heard horses are the new thing, and there's even a 'No Wings Club' in town. She obviously can't get rid of her wings, but maybe Xisuma can mess with her code, keep her close to the ground.
Doc cannot stand cats. He's a creeper, why should he like cats? But cats can hurt him a lot more than they hurt normal creepers, even normally calm cats like Jellie instantly start trying to attack him if he's anywhere near them. He still likes cats, just not anywhere near him, but cats are drawn to him. Maybe because he is the most powerful creeper on the server and cats feel the most hostile toward that, but no one knows. But cats hate wolves more than they want to hurt him, so that's an added bonus of living with Ren.
Xisuma is...no one knows what Xisuma is. Everyone says he's something different-a shapeshifter, a watcher, an endwalker, literally Doomguy, but no one knows for sure. Just when everyone thought he couldn't get more mysterious, a red Doomguy showed up, calling himself Evil Xisuma. Xisuma says it was nothing more than a glitch, an error in his code resulting in an evil clone, Evil X is gone for good. Then he showed up again. All the other hermits noticed, of course, but something was different from the last time Evil X was seen. He isn't trying to take over the server, he just wants Xisuma to work with him, which X agreed to too willingly. But everything's fine, Xisuma swears it, he's got Evil X under control, or maybe it's the other way round, none of the hermits can tell.
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st-just · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about art in general, especially dark art, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that the best medicine to a bitter world will inevitably be bitter itself. I think that applies to Worm to a degree.
It's - okay, well, like, two related things.
So, on a shallow aesthetic level, I am a hopelessly cynical and soulless pseudo-intellectual, and anything that gets recommended as ‘uplifting’ or ‘inspirational’ or ‘will restore your faith in humanity’ will inevitably leave me feeling like my teeth are rotting out from the sweetness unless they’re just incredibly well done.
And, like, you know how whenever there’s ‘does a romance novel need a happy ending?’ discourse, people always kind of sarcastically say ‘I don’t see anyone complaining how it’s cliche and predictable that fantasy stories always end with the dark lord vanquished or supehero stories with the day saved and the hero getting the girl’? Reader, I complain about those things.
But okay, to justify myself beyond just preference - I don’t begrudge light or upbeat stories existing, obviously, but, like, all the stories where everyone (except one or two capital-e Evil villains who can be driven off and excised from the world) is basically good and friendly and every issue is a matter of miscommunication or fear and needing to open themselves up and every issue is just a tearful conversation and hugging it out away from resolution can just feel, like, so totally divorced from the world its difficult to get emotionally invested in them? Like, they can be beautiful, but these characters are not humans, they’re little bundles of endearing qualities, carried along narrative rails to the previously agreed upon Uplifting and Heartwarming destinations.
But really I’d probably be much less vitriolic about this stuff if there wasn’t that whole very vocal push a while back (which has either died down or I’ve gotten better setting up a filter bubble) about how any work that isn’t fundamentally optimistic and life-affirming and gentle and positive is like, necessarily masturbatory nihilism for the sake of it and also politically suspect by default (especially if they involved any major characters who weren’t cishet white guys), and that anyone who liked it was either a probably-bigoted sneering elitist or a southpark watching edgelord philistine. (One of many ways in which bitterness from the online communities in which I spent my teen years continues to inform my personality in annoying ways).
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The monster you created
I read @fandomite‘s awesome post about why Jinx and her being a villain, so I’m adding my two cents.
The entire time Jinx is walking to the launch point, and as she's firing the torpedo we hear the soft violin and The Monster You Created. It's not a badass song showing us how badass she is for going to kill all those people, it's sad.
Jinx isn’t an evil character, she’s a tragic one.
I’m constantly amazed by Arcane’s soundtrack and choice of music because it fits perfectly with the story, but this final scene is by far my favourite, and the song gives me the shivers every time I watch it!
Looking at Jinx like a terrorist and a villain is a really one-dimensional view of Arcane in general — yes what she did is horrible (but also consider: this is an imaginary story, it's stupid in itself to assign real life moral judgment on fictional characters but I digress), but i thought the show did a pretty good job of showing us all the little things that lead to this point — if even one thing was different we probably wouldn’t be here. The entire final scene was a result of a bunch of dominos that kept falling on one another way back from before the first episode. But that's the entire point: Arcane (at least the first season) is a tragedy! This was all completely avoidable, except it wasn't. Because the circumstances were like they were, and because Piltover's treatment of Zaun was as it was.
Jinx isn’t just a character in Arcane — this final scene isn't just a culmination of all her issues that she's letting out in a destructive blaze after losing everyone she cares about, but also a culmination of the Piltover-Zaun issues that have been brewing for a long time now. Most of the things that led Jinx on this path are directly or indirectly related to Topsiders’ treatment of Zaun: her childhood, Silco's fight with Vander and his death and by extension Vi's anger at her, the entire way she grew up with Silco — Piltover and their easy life while leaving Zaun people to rot are a constant presence in her life.
This was a war waiting to happen. Vander and Grayson have managed to keep some semblance of peace for a while, but after they’re gone you can see it starts crumbling — Silco’s approach is different and isn’t only focused on keeping the peace, and Marcus in Grayson’s place is obviously starting to crack as time goes on.
In all of that you have one inconsequential little girl, who grew up in the Lanes, who had serious inferiority and abandonment issues among everything else...which in itself doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. But couple that with everything that happened to her, and the way she grew up, living with the world where she lived and living by its rules of only looking out for yourself — there was no way she could’ve grown up “normal”. In this world where everyone only looks out for their own well-being, where could she even get the help she needed?). Silco, as much as he did care about her and helped her, still pushed some of her problems further, albeit not on purpose.
And this inconsequential little girl happens to be very good with explosives and destruction, and she's really intelligent, so she manages to crack hextech on her own. I don’t know if she would do anything on her own with this, i don't know what part of killing the council was her idea and what was Silco's. We don’t know if Jinx at this point in time would do what she did at the end. Maybe. But also maybe not.
But then comes Vi, and then comes Caitlyn, and Jinx feels like Vi doesn’t accept who she is now, like Vi's betrayed her for Topside, and the bridge fight with Ekko happens.
When she wakes up, her eyes are pink and shimmer's changed her. I saw a lot of people saying that the tea party scene was Jinx finally accepting who she is and Vi not understanding but i feel like people forget that this is shortly after whatever Singed did? Jinx with pink eyes doesn’t seem stable. If anything it looks like shimmer only made her more unhinged and also gave her the power, which is never a good combination.
And you see while Vi's convincing her that they could go together that she's wavering. This isn’t planned, everything she does during that tea party is completely unplanned and reactionary to everything around her. Jinx isn’t in control of herself for the majority of this scene. And then Silco dies and that pushes her over the edge.
Who does she blame for her entire life going to hell? For everyone around her dying? Who was indirectly responsible for near everything that went wrong in her life? And Who's out there enjoying their lives and their richness without ever sparing a second thought to Zaun?
Well now they'll know. We'll show them.
Jinx isn't the monster Vi created.
She's the monster Piltover created.
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I never expected you guys to like demon Senjuro so much lol I’m really happy to see that like it was such a random impulse thought but the au has a lot of room for growth
In this post Im gonna establish a few things about what happened to Senjuro and Kyojuro in the events between Senjuro’s “death” and the pillar meeting. I will only cover their relationship and a little bit of Senjuro’s relationship with Tanjiro. The others can come at a different post cause this post is gonna be long lol so I put it under cut cause no one really wants a post to flood their dash
TW: Mentions of death (some are children), mentions of cannibalism (If you’ve seen even the first episode of demon slayer and had no problem, you’re fine with this post. This post is slightly not anime only friendly as I make references to an upper moon and I show a manga only panel as of posting this) Shnjuro gets really depressed but luckily there is no attempted suicide
Senjuro Rengoku
- His class was at the bottom floor and they were cleaning the school (I heard thats a thing in Japan if someone has a better idea on what they’re doing feel free to shoot an ask) when they got attacked
- In canon we dont know his age but I’m gonna guess like 12-14 but in the au he is 13 so he was 12 when he became a demon. A rogue demon attacked Senjuro’s class and Senjuro ran to get help and was fatally injured but still managed run to get help as he was given a nichirin sword and even if it didnt change color he must have known breathing techniques at the very least on a basic level and the demon was too preoccupied with some of the teachers and others trying to kill the demon, of course unaware of what it was except for Senjuro
- Upper moon 4 was sneaking around when he saw the all but dead body of Senjuro and demons really dont have standards for turning people into demons so when he noticed he was alive, turned him into a demon mostly so that if he did find any “evil people” (demon slayers) he could use him as his meat shield alongside his personalities
- When Senjuro woke up as a demon (cause even if he was a breath user he was very inexperienced so Hantengu had no problem making him a demon), he had no memory of his life as a human and looked around trying to find a human to satiate his hunger and saw a human in the distance with someone and began to run to them to satiate his hunger when he felt himself being held back. 
- The spirit of Ruka Rengoku gently held her son back and instructed him to not eat humans as that’s not something he should do and even if Senjuro couldn’t recognize the woman holding him back, he found himself obeying her and running to go to a place to hide from the sun
- From that moment on for a few day he would hop from place to place whether underneath homes, in caves or any place he could find to avoid being seen and to be shielded from the sun and found himself growing sleepy so in the cave he hid in, far away from the place he was last in, he closed his eyes and fell asleep for a year
- When he woke up, he had unwittingly burnt away Muzan’s control of him and was unsure on what to do when Ruka’s spirit appeared again telling him that he needs to find his way home. Senjuro wasn’t actually listening to a lot of what she said except one thing stuck to him. 
- “Senjuro”, he didn’t know what his name was as a demon but the name seem to stick to him and he figured this must be his name (he would of course be correct)
- When he found himself staying with the Kamaboko squad, having been spared despite being a demon due to him not having any form of aggression to them (something they all noticed due to his general demeanor and their enhanced sense) and Tanjiro could smell he hadnt eaten one human and he invited him to join them. He joined Nezuko in her box (she can grow really really tiny if she wants or is tired)
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Kny chapter 85
- He joined for two reasons: One, he was really scared of people and demon slayers especially so when Tanjiro offered him the chance to be able to be safe and hide he took it. Secondly, he wasn’t sure but the smile Tanjiro gave and his warm reassurance reminded of him of someone, when he thought hard he only saw blurry shadows and got a headache so didn’t try to push it
- Tanjiro did ask him in the wisteria house while Zenitsu was chatting with Nezuko and Inosuke was off being Inosuke about his past and Senjuro told him about his brief meetings with a woman with black hair and asks if they’ve met before as he feels familiar
- This is where he gets the idea that the woman with black hair (Ruka) is his mother and Tanjiro guesses that the person that he thinks is Tanjiro must be his father (right on the first part Tanjiro but wrong on the second lol, you tried)
- He wears a cyan yukata with a new hakama pants as the clothes he was previously wearing was the same bloodstained clothes he wore after turning into a demon and Tanjiro didnt want to leave him in that. Tanjiro thought to get him a gag but the idea made Senjuro uncomfortable so Tanjiro made him swear to never eat a single human
- In Mount Nagatumo, he was too scared to jump out to protect Tanjiro like Nezuko but when she gets sliced up he leaves the box to watch her while Tanjiro fights Rui, unfortunately he is caught in Rui’s webs like Nezuko and was saved from it by Nezuko flames (though it did burn him a fair bit, Nezuko would apologize to him for this later)
- Giyuu doesn’t kill Senjuro cause his resemblance to Kyojuro despite the different clothes and demon eyes is clear to anyone who can see and Shinobu also finds herself hesitating but shakes those feelings off as Kyojuro deserves better than to see his little brother as a demon. Luckily Giyuu stops him and Senjuro runs with Nezuko and Tanjiro but is later taken back to the demon slyer corps by a Kakushi who put him and Nezuko back in their box
- When Sanemi stabbed the box, he moved to try and protect Nezuko but the box was too cramped and they both got stabbed despite his efforts. Later when he tries to bait him with his marechi blood, he’s too focused on resisting the blood and on Nezuko who he had grown to see as a sister to care about the wide eyed looks the pillars were giving him.
Kyojuro Rengoku (I am so sorry in advance Kyojuro simps I put this man THROUGH IT)
- He had just finished a mission and was going to get another mission when a crow he hadn’t seen work in years came flying to him, obviously panicked telling him how Senjuro’s school was attacked and how no one can find Senjuro among the bodies. The crow was Shinjuro’s
- When he hears that, all the kakushi and other demon slayers present would say they had never seen the flame pillar run so frantically, he only stopped to apologize briefly if he bumped into someone while running but the only thing racing in his mind was his little brother who had no weapon to defend himself with. He forced the image of his brother being nothing but a corpse away only thinking about saving Senjuro
- When he reached the school, he forced himself to calm down. Panicking isn’t going to magically bring Senjuro to him so he needs to keep himself in check because with so many people dead, he’s not the only one concerned over the kids
- There were no survivors on the area that was attacked, the police were there investigating the deaths of the many children and teachers, Kyojuro had to spend time convincing the police he was with them and to be allowed to investigate as well
- With no survivors, he heard from the police that there was a blood trail when they got there and he went to find the trail, when he reached the end of it where there were no traces of Senjuro but since the people there were untrained civilians, Senjuro was the only possible person to have been there
- He spent multiple days searching, Mitsuri was at one point sent to check on him and it was clear he was pushing himself, as days passed by, his composure and bright demeanor were crumbling and he started latching onto any lead to at the very least find the body of Senjuro to take back home but it was becoming clear that he would never find it and a kakushi had to be the one to tell him that his body was likely eaten to the bone or eaten and discarded to either rot away or eaten by someone else
- Kyojuro took a week off, not just because of the grief he felt at that moment but because he needed to check on his father and make sure he would be okay, the man didn’t even face Kyojuro when he came in to visit, he forced himself to not cry in front of his father as he tried to talk to the man who couldn’t even say a word and just drank away even as his eldest son tried to talk to him
- Servants were hired to monitor Shinjuro by Kyojuro as he was concerned about his health both physically and mentally but he did notice how Shinjuro never resisted to being taken care of by the people he hired. They reported to him he could be heard muttering Senjuro’s name and even stares at his room for extended periods of time
- When he made his return, he apologized to the pillars for his behavior the past two weeks (even though no one blamed the man, some even said it was okay if he needed more time, they wouldn’t judge) but whenever he was told that he said he had to be strong to protect the weak so he could be someone that could stop families from ending up like his own
- He was far more determined in killing demons, demon attacks had become personal to him now, whenever he saw a demon eating people he found himself wondering what they must’ve thought in the afterlife as the demon desecrated their bodies
- In the pillar meeting, when he was informed of a swordsman who travelled with not one but two demons, he felt disgust as who knows how many humans they could eat. On the way to the meeting, he couldn’t help but notice Shinobu deliberately avoiding him a bit, Giyuu was doing the same but the man never really talked with them much to begin with
- When he saw Senjuro go out of the box with Nezuko, he felt the smile on his face drop and his heart practically sunk to the core of the earth as he saw the unmistakable hair of a Rengoku and the face was so clearly Senjuro’s despite his eyes having a black sclera and his iris and pupil becoming cat like, the pillars had all turned to see if the flame pillar was alright and he could hear Himejima mutter prayers and Mitsuri was on the verge of tears seeing Senjuro alive but as a demon
- He found himself going into denial until Tanjiro, who had been freed as Obanai left to comfort the distressed love pillar, ran and yelled Senjuro’s name and told him to resist his hunger
- “My sister and the other demon with us are different! They would never eat a human!”
- Senjuro was a good kid, he was innocent, kind and a bit on the timid side. He had helped raise him, he knew Senjuro would never want to harrm a fellow human even when threatened. 
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tea-cat-arts · 3 years
Alright, so a while ago, I made this sorta meme-like post talking about how Diluc is a good person who just makes really terrible life decisions, and one of the responses was something like "the same can be said for Childe," and that kinda got me thinking... can it really?
Before I get into this, I feel like I should say I'm defining a "good person" as. I think a good person is someone who actively tries to do the most good (with whats considered "good" varying depending on the situation) they can for the most amount of people possible at the time.
So, my short answer to the question of "Is Childe just a good person who makes terrible life decisions?": No, he's not. Childe unleashed an evil god that could have drowned all of Liyue. And its not like this was a random, spur of the moment kind of thing- he had been planning this for months. Yes, he knew that there was a chance that Rex Lapis would save everyone, but I can't imagine a good person taking that kind of a risk.
Now for my long answer...
I think Childe used to be a good person and could go back to being a one, but he's so thoroughly convinced himself that he's bad that its become a self fulfilling prophecy.
So, heres the thing about Childe- He is inherently a kind person (He obviously loves his family and takes great care of them, and he treats everyone in a polite/friendly manner), but his experience in the abyss left him with a strong craving for what I would assume to be the adrenaline rush he gets from fighting strong opponents. I don't think he actively seeks to hurt others- he has expressed on multiple occasions that he despises attacking those who don't stand a chance against him, he was pissed about being tricked into attacking Liyue, he actively avoided summoning Osial, he expresses a strong disproval of underhanded tactics, and hell, he even straight up says he hates his job and wants to quit so he can travel the world with you- but his desires often lead to people getting hurt regardless of what his initial intensions are (and we know for a fact that this man is not always the best at keeping control of his emotions). He knows what he's doing is wrong, he doesn't know what else he's supposed to do, and he's clearly not happy about any of this (like, the dude doesn't even have any light in his eyes)
Why do I think he's convinced himself that he's a bad person? Well, he says so himself here at the 1:56 time stamp. Its possible that he stopped thinking he could be a good person when his parents sent him away to the Fatui (idk man, its gotta hurt knowing that you're too much of a monster for even your parents to want you around. Like, this is the Genshin equivalent of a roudy kid being sent to military boarding school), but I don't really have any strong evidence to back up this claim. Assuming this theory is correct, this would have made him isolated, vulnerable, and suggestable. The Fatui took the traits of his that he already saw as bad and only amplified them. Even after that, they still sent him away and didn't want him around. Childe is almost completely isolated and lacks any sort of real companionship. He is just alone with his violent tendencies and has no good influcences around him... well, except-
Being around Teucer obviously brings out a much softer side of him. I think part of it is because Childe himself cares deeply about Teucer and wants the best for his brother, but I think its also because Teucer has such unwavering faith in him. Like, there is no doubt in that kid's mind that Childe is the greatest person in the whole world, so of course he's gonna try and live up to those expectations.
Childe's whole story quest sorta had a theme of trusting others with the vulnerable parts of yourself. Childe trusted the traveler with his brother, he trusted the traveler not to kill him, he trusted the traveler with his weakness- I think that maybe if more people were to start trusting Childe like that, start believing that he could do the right thing, then maybe, just maybe, Childe might try and change himself back into a good person.
He'll always have his violent tendencies, but I think he would be able find a better outlit for them.
Anyways, this theory could all turn out to be total bullshit in the future. Genshin Impact isn't a finished story, and this is just based on all the info I have on Childe as of August 10th, 2021. Feel free to leave your own thoughts in the tags or comments. This has been todays brain rot, see ya later
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darkmagickingdom · 3 years
Gush hours! Tell me your OTPs and why you love 'em
You have opened the floodgates now
I'll only talk about my Disney Villains ones for now because that's all that relates to the blog, but if you want to hear about the ones I have outside of the disney fandom I would be more than happy to gush about those too.
The Lich's Dark Fairytale--aka the Horned King/Maleficent
- Okay, I talked about this one a bit a while ago. But unsurprisingly, I have more to say. So this wasn't my first enemies-to-lovers ship--I think my first one was created at least four years ago, but it's probably closer to six, and even that might be undershooting it--but this was my first "oh they'd try to kill each other, that's spicy" ship.
It started as a thing that wouldn't last, just a way to explore the kind of pairing where they're both trying to kill each other while trying to ignore their less-murdery feelings for each other.
It was a pairing dynamic I didn't really explore before then. Then I ended up liking both characters, their similarities, their shared dynamic--so much that I just had to make it a sincere enemies-to-lovers. And I'm a sucker for villains that have a soft side for someone but are still, y'know, evil. And given how Maleficent's whole thing in her movie is sticking it to the "true love conquers all" trope, I like the idea that a relationship wouldn't magically make her good. Sorry, Jolie, but she's just more fun of a character to me as a bad girl.
I would also love to see someone as gleefully evil as Maleficent try and lift the King out of his bitter and somber little grave. It'd be good to hear him maniacally laugh more often. Or really, at all. Maleficent's come back to life a ton of times, and might not be fully killable, while at least in my personal headcanons, the King can't ever fully die, being able to remain aware and keep his soul in his body no matter how horribly its damaged. So there's none of that immortal's angst that either of them would get from a relationship with a mortal.
I also love seeing characters be ruthlessly protective of one another, and I think these two have great potential for that. They both have potential to get absolutely bloodthirsty on the battlefield, even if Disney never really let us see either of them doing that. But you don't get a reputation like Maleficent's by sitting on a throne all day, and you don't achieve a reputation like the Horned King's by never riding into battle and cutting a few thousands down upon an accursed, blood-soaked blade. In fact, book-accurate depictions of the King have him surprisingly jacked, and looking a lot more battle-ready than his animated counterpart. I like to think that's how he was when he was much younger, before he started rotting. So if it comes down to it, they'll both wreak havoc on a battlefield, or they'll form an impenetrable defense to shield the other. And that is my JAM.
If I had to pick one song for them, it would be Love Me Dead by Ludo. But I have a whole playlist for them tbh.
Cards & Dice--aka Facilier/Oogie
Now this one is just. Fun. These two have such a similar aesthetic and flair for elaborate jazzy song-and-dance numbers (with use of blacklight!) that I just had to have them become friends. And gradually I decided "okay. But what if...they were friends-to-lovers?" And thus, Cards & Dice was born.
Honestly I think they'd be the most fun of my OTPs to play third-wheel to. They'd get up to all kinds of villainous shenanigans, make a TON of enemies, and make a narrow getaway every time.
Also? Considering they're both more nervous on average than the average Disney villain (with Oogie being one of the only ones actively terrified of his hero, and Facilier one of the only ones seen nervous and afraid before his demise) I like to think they could help each other with their respective fears. Facilier standing up to Jack, Oogie standing up to the "Friends" (even if neither are actually powerful enough to win). Oogie just sitting and hearing Facilier out when he's freaked out about how the "Friends" might still be searching for him. Facilier saving the HBIC (that's Head Bug In Charge, aka the Brain Bug, aka the green earwig Santa squished) just in time when the rest of Oogie's body gets destroyed. That's all just so good to me.
And don't get me STARTED on them singing and dancing together, completely stealing the floor every time! They're WONDERFUL, Your Honor.
If I had to pick one song for them, it would be Poker Face by Lady Gaga. But I got like a whole playlist for them in the works lol
Yes, I did just come up with that name. I think it's quite good.
So this one started as like. A joke. A what-if. A "hey, they're the only robots so they oughta stick together". How did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, IT WAS ONLY A KISS
So I am a sucker for the trope where the more chaotic one breaks the orderly one out of their shell and gets them to be less rigid. What if that, but evil?
"Hey boy, how would you like to go from lawful neutral to chaotic evil?"
"I don't suffer from 'I could fix him' disease. I think I could make him worse."
Theirs is like the inverse of the "love makes the bad guy turn good" trope. Love makes the robot disobey his programming, go rogue, and help his girl take over the world.
They're like the evil version of WALL-E and EVE. Except with the roles reversed, because the guy is the one from space who wants to follow his DIRECTIVE while the girl is the one from Earth trying to be like "no dude, check this out, I can control people and stuff all by myself. We should totally rule the world, it'll be awesome."
I usually imagine this pair with humanoid android forms because it's. Kind of hard to get invested in a ship's wheel and a hat. They're both a lot less expressive in their base forms than either WALL-E or EVE, so giving them cool android forms helps. I don't imagine them as super human-looking droids though, cause if they're more obviously robots it looks cooler. Though I DO think Doris deserves a face so she can go >:D sometimes. And AUTO deserves the ability to go >o|
If I had to pick one song for them, it would be Daisy Bell by Harry Dacre. Because they're both HAL 9000 references (Doris a lot less obviously so, but she's still got that one red eye), and evil robots the way HAL was, and that's the song HAL starts singing before he's deactivated. Which in and of itself is a reference to the first speaking/singing computer-generated voice program, IBM704, which famously sang the song Daisy Bell. (there's also a Futurama episode where Bender dates a HAL 9000 reference character, and there's a montage of them doing romantic things set to Bender singing Daisy Bell. For all my fellow Futurama fans out there ;) I'd especially recommend this version, where someone had both the original IBM704 and VOCALOID4 sing the song as a duet. (Because I like the idea of Doris getting a Vocaloid or Vocaloid-like voice if she was able to speak actual words instead of that admittedly really cute droidspeak language from the movie)
There are also plenty of villain ships in this fandom that I've seen that I love (such as FireSerpent--aka Jafar/Hades--, EvilPuppies--aka Grimhilde/Cruella--, and SeaDragon--aka Ursula/Maleficent) but I wanted to talk about only the ones I developed myself, since I think the creators of those ship names would be better equipped to talk about them.
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perse-persecution · 3 years
more dream smp skin symbolism
I can go on and on about this, and so I will! I’ve already talked about how Tommy, Sam, Dream, and Quackity have skins that highlight who they are, especially in the prison. But it’s not just them that have this, it’s almost everyone in the SMP!
Some characters have stayed fully human throughout the SMP, never gaining wings or scars or anything that was permanent, like Tommy or Tubbo, or even Niki, really. There are others too! (Tubbo really was just hurt emotionally, he stayed human even though he made bad choices, and never really went too far[I’m counting Ghostbur as a human even though he was see-through because it’s Ghostbur. His skin is a ghost.]) And some characters have inhuman traits like wings (this is only Phil but y’know) or horns, or they just don’t have any human attributes on them except for their faces.
And some just have glasses that hide their faces, or roses that change color. Or a mask!
Niki- You might call me out, saying that ‘Niki wanted to murder Tommy with Jack and has no inhuman traits, so your idea is flawed!’ but Niki got over it. Niki is baking again, Jack burned his house down. Niki may not be Tommy, but she’s never gained horns or covered her face.
Jack- Jack has his headset and that comes with glasses, and that hides his eyes. That’s what makes him inhuman to me, and we never see his eyes. He’s always hidden from everyone, even slightly, and he’s not human. His response to Tommy’s death is great and very human, celebrating and then realizing it really wasn’t what he wanted-but then again, he still clawed his way back from hell through pure spite and anger. That is not human.
Eret- Eret has glasses as well, hiding their face, and that plays well into the ‘never meant to be’ bit, but might not work in the long run, but it still does! Eret is still lost in the past, really, trying to make up for it. He’s built a museum and wrote books upon books and apologized so many times, but the glasses are her way of keeping the betrayal with them, always reminding them of the fact. They aren’t human, they’re still trying to make up for battles long gone through keeping the past from being long-gone, and such they are the past.
Hannah- Hannah definitely isn’t human, the roses on her arms changing colors and being attached to her being the main reasons why, though there is still some symbolism even with that. With the Egg, Hannah tried to fix the egg with roses, taking stacks and stacks with her. She tried to give them to it, and was trapped in a hole. The symbolism here is that Hannah uses nature to fix her problems, and fixes the nature that’s wrong (fixing the server!!) and adds to it in ways that pleases her (all the red roses). She tries to fix everything with them, and when they all turn against her she goes with them into the Egg’s control.
Badboyhalo- The devil skin is a bit literal, considering the events of the Egg, but it still works before that too! Bad’s always been the ‘devil’ to Tommy and maybe Quackity I guess, shouting at them when they curse and never playing into some bits. But when the Egg takes control, the red accents on his skin turn white, and that shows that he feels like he’s doing the right thing, that it’s all to help Skeppy, but the devil skin shows that’s it’s not, and he’s the real devil here.
Skeppy- Speaking of Skeppy, he’s always been just a diamond with a derpy face, and that sums up everything that Skeppy did before the Egg perfectly. He’s bright and pretty sharp, in some ways, but but still hilarious and comedic to a fault. Diamond with a derpy face. But then the egg came along, and one, changed his skin from blue to red, and two, got rid of the highlights that made the diamond itself pop. There’s much, much more red on him that any of the server members, Ant, Ponk, and Punz just getting red eyes, and Bad having none at all, the red on him turning white. It makes sense for Skeppy, the one with the most red, to be the most under the Egg’s control, and for Bad, who has no red, to be angry at Skeppy, later, for spending so much time with it. But the highlight removal made Skeppy look just like the Egg. Made him pretty much just fade into it, become one with it. The derpy face is still there, though, symbolizing Bad’s hope for the blue Skeppy to come back, though the rest of Skeppy seems to symbolize the opposite.
Technoblade- Techno has always been an anarchist in royals garb, and throughout everything on the server it shows that he has one goal (anarchy) and he will do everything to get it, even be used as a tool and ‘just as the blade’ (the Red Banquet) (also being in royals garb). He’s inhuman because though he has had character development, from mocking Quackity at his execution setup even though it was, like, his execution setup, to complimenting Sam on the prison, even though he knew it was a trap. Even though he claims to be closed off, he’s become such great friends with Ranboo and cares too much about Carl and his wolves than he says he does. He calls Dream a sentimentalist, but even though he knew he would be getting out of the prison, he still gave hope to Dream by means of the toilet. That shows another part of his inhuman-ness. He’s a pig. Pigs are friendly, sensitive, and intelligent, according to Google, and this fits Techno well. He tries to give hope to Dream, was friends with Tommy, is friends with Phil, Ranboo, and Niki, and that goes into the next bit. Sensitive. Technoblade is very sensitive to being used just as the blade, and it goes vice versa as well. He was genuinely touched when the Syndicate through him a birthday party and Ranboo gave him the new axe to replace his last one. He’s also very intelligent, using a Totem to get out of death and collecting mass amounts of withers ‘just for decoration...for now’.
Ranboo- Ranboo is pretty easy, like c’mon. Enderwalk and Ranboo, the white side and the black side. Easy. BUT WAIT. THERE’S MORE. The white side is more commonly as the friendly side (even though enderwalk is just Ranboo with different motivations) and yet the white side has a red eye, a color that literally gets people riled up. It shows that even when Ranboo is not in Enderwalk, he’s not happy-go-lucky. There’s something dangerous with him, and Wilbur picked up on this! He didn’t want to talk to Ranboo, comparing him to ‘the weird neighbor kid’ who ‘had something in his basement’ and was ‘going to put a spatula right through my skull!’. There’s something off about Ranboo even when he’s not Enderwalking, and that’s shown by his red eye and what people like to refer to as tear scars on that side of his face (even though the enderman side would be the one burned by it) But speaking of Enderwalk, the black side has a green eye, Tubbo’s color, and the color that is used as friendship a lot. It shows that, for Ranboo, Enderwalk isn’t some evil being, he isn’t plotting to kill people, he might be meeting with Dream, but so was Techno! And he’s not inherently evil. And Wilbur adores Dream! And Ranboo stated that he wasn’t inherently evil. Enderwalk is just Ranboo with different motivations. He was Enderwalking through the whole Disc War finale, holding his fourth book, but made no move to help Dream-but he made no move to help Tommy and Tubbo. (Enderchest was also in Dream’s possession vault, so Ranboo obviously wasn’t fully trustworthy to Dream) He stared up at Dream as he rose to go to prison, but that was it. And Enderwalk Ranboo was also at the Banquet! He was holding an axe at some point (maybe when the lava came down, I can’t remember) but he never interfered. He was just up on the balcony. Ranboo wouldn’t interfere either, he’d be to scared too, he’s a people pleaser. Techno, Quackity, and Purpled aren’t. Enderwalk isn’t Ranboo in what he does, as Ranboo doesn’t really remember it, but they are the same in their reasonings and how and when they would do something.
Phil- Phil had wings in the first moments when he joined the server, and then protected Wilbur with them and so they were damaged. Phil had a very warped idea of what had gone on before he came through Wilburs lies, and I feel his inhuman-ness spans from that, and the fact the he kept that warped idea and went too far with it. He thought that Wilbur didn’t want L’manburg to exist, because he thought that Wilbur won the election, and so even after he was dead, and after the whole Butcher Army, Phil’s instinct (as well as Techno’s) was to just blow it up, get rid of it, because that was what his son wanted and it would send a message to the people. He said himself, to Jack, that he started blowing up countries when he was forced to kill his own son, but he could have stepped away there, because Wilbur really wasn’t the constant in the situation. Wilbur hadn’t chosen to blow up the country because he didn’t like it anymore, he was going to blow it up because Schlatt ruined it for him, and that Phil didn’t understand. That’s why he’s inhuman, since he chose to kill Wilbur, he wasn’t forced. Phil’s gone against peer pressure and orders before when he saw that they were wrong, and that was also by a relative, Fundy. He loopholed his way out of house arrest, he could have jumped away from Wilbur, or just put him in stone so he wouldn’t die. He’s inhuman because he made choices that were because of events that didn’t exist, because he was living in an alternate world, really.
Wilbur- Wilbur doesn’t have inhuman features. A clear face, no scars, and a beanie. His jacket and morals have rotted in the dark, but he’s still pretty human, though his opinions on Dream and L’manburg change every second. The white streak in his hair is supposed to represent stress, I think, and well, it’s Wilbur. He made a fancy revolutionary outfit and never washed it once, because he was too devoted to L’manburg to let go of it, or anything connected to it, for a single second. Then came Pogtopia, where he ditched everything in favor of clothes that blended in with the cave walls. He insulted the revolutionary outfit, and kept the trench coat until he died. Then, Revivebur had the bandage across his arm because he ran to the train too fast, showing how desperate Wilbur was to get out from death. He’s changed so much, and his changes are real, unlike Dream’s, as Dream has kept the same skin, but Wilbur hasn’t. He’s changed physically, and has gotten more and more torn outfits every time.
Ponk- He has a face mask that hides everything but his eyes, and I feel that shows his way of making sure you never know if he’s joking about something or not. He joked about how much time Sam spent with him, even though Sam hated the egg, and still tried to keep a keycard even after Sam was going to chop of his arm (and did so) for them. He has a chaotic nature to everyone, trying to prank Foolish right now and wearing red contacts only so the Eggpire would leave him alone. He made a Road Trip joke as his toast at the Banquet, and it was totally in character! His mouth being hidden makes it so that he can be joking and you’ll never see it coming.
Schlatt- The-the guy has horns. He’s a goat. Loud, (the EMPEROR of the GREAT NATION) cross eyed, (Schlatt is drunk for his introduction and his death, he is totally cross eyed). I’ve also seen people put him down as a ram, and that reckless ‘they want me to get them president, I’ll be my OWN president!’ and then tearing down the walls, executing Wilbur and Tommy, things that were so surprising and came out of nowhere they just about-they jus-they just rammed into us head on! He’s inhuman because he wants to be powerful (the BIg Man Gym) and wants to use the people around him to show his power, and is so reliant on them that he has no power at all.
Fundy- He’s a fox, and ha been compared as a ‘backbiter’ and ‘foxheart’ many times, and while those are viable ways to go, other parts on his skin, earlier, show some other things. In L’manburg, Fundy was the only person who had a different outfit from the others (at that time) and didn’t get any position in L’manburg at the end of the war, just being called Wilbur’s ‘little champion’. He had a crayon suit, and wasn’t respected by Wilbur at all, and when Schlatt came along and finally seemed to recognize him as someone who was valuable, Fundy shed the revolutionary garb quick, burning and building and leaving Niki quick as well. He might not be constantly switching his skin, like Wilbur, but after L’maburg he never was on aside for long enough to get a uniform other than L’manburg, his regular skin, and the aprons for the Butcher Army. He’s a fox that switches boat, and that makes him inhuman because everyone else is firmly on a side, against sides as a whole, or the thing everyone hates and is on his own side (Which is Dream).
Karl- Karl is very human, as he has a funky sweater and a normal human skin. But that skin changes when he gets back from time travelling, and when he is in the Tales. He’s like a chameleon, his skin fitting the environment in the Tales and the Inbetween, but the important bit is that when he gets back to the present he’s a very bright, multicolored blob. In the Inbetween he has an all white skin, in the Other Side it’s all black, and in the Masquerade specifically he kept to blues and purples, I think, as those were the colors his mask was. Him being a chameleon in the Tales also fits well with how he just fits right into the story, like an added fisherman, or a cameraman, or just another guest-the only ones he doesn’t fit in with are the ones that are closely tied with the real present. The Haunted mansion had Connor and Glatt in it, and Karl really just interrupted their fun. In The City That Went Mad, Karl was the narrator, and The City That Went Mad has been mentioned SO many times, Quackity being a descended from Helga and Ponk being descended from Jack the potato farmer. In the present, Karl stayed with Schlatt through the Pogtopia era after being the judge of the debate, and I have no idea why other than because he didn’t know what to do.
Purpled- Purpled is pretty much implied to be an alien, but for all skin measures he looks perfectly human, ignoring that everything he wears, and his eye color, is purple. I like Purpled, and the fact that he switched sides the same way Punz did, and used almost the same words Punz did, but he’s still so much different and more human? In a way? Than Punz, in how he reacts to being called a hero by Foolish, or joining Pogtopia the second he was going to be killed, since Manburg didn’t line up to his ideals anyways. Purpled isn’t the hero, he’s really just a background character for most of the lore, coming up a couple of times, but he’s not really too important, and he and Quackity know this, Quackity used it against him to try and get him to join Las Nevadas! He tries his best to be a hero and always falls short, not being able to save Foolish, having to join Las Nevadas, and that’s what makes him inhuman, because he’s trying. He tries his best to be the good guy, unlike Tommy, really, right now. Tommy knew breaking into the prison to kill Dream wasn’t the right thing to do, he said it himself! Tommy said he didn’t want to be a hero in response to Techno, but he’s still the protagonist. Purpled is trying, and we’re starting now to see that in full, and see how inhuman he really is because it’s not paying off.
Punz- Punz is like Purpled, until he’s not. He was hired to Manburg to fight for Schlatt and he did! He did fight for Schlatt, and had no qualms with it. He betrayed Dream to help Tommy and Tubbo, and then joined the Egg. He’s not the most human character, despite looking it, and he’s quite inhuman in the fact that he’s never been the hero. He was bribed by Tommy to help give him pearls and blaze rods in the first disc skirmish, and now was bribed to save them from Dream one last time! Punz wouldn’t do that if Tommy hadn’t given him money, he would have stayed neutral, and I feel that shows his inhuman-ness.
I’ll be doing Puffy, Connor, Calahan (maybe), Alyssa (maybe), Antfrost, and others as well as some more analyses soon!
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missnight0wl · 3 years
ngl I thought that maybe the Rakepick we encountered in the Sunken Vault (or Vault!Rakepick lol) could have been R's Metamorphagus all along because the impersonation is just so. Generic one-note cocky villain, which might be an impression that someone would go for if they only knew of Rakepick rather than knowing her directly...
But then I remembered that Vault!Jacob was also there, and it stands to reason that he could also be R's Metamorphagus, and unless they have two (which is unlikely, as they emphasise how rare metamorphagi are) it means that there can only be one.
UNLESS the Metamorphagus (god that's a mouthful) has a Time Turner and showed up first as Jacob, then rewound time and showed up as Rakepick meaning that they're BOTH the Metamorphagus!!! *insert spiderman pointing meme*
I've connected the dots except i haven't but also we've not had time turner fanservice yet so we can't put anything past jamcity 👀
All right, this might be one of the most convoluted time-travelling plots I’ve heard about, but you know what? I like it. I really do! :D It’s pretty silly, yet quite intriguing, and with the right execution, it could be simply entertaining. You made me smile with this idea :)
That being said, I think it also might be a bit too complicated for Jam City. It’s a very valid point that we didn’t have Time Turner fanservice yet, and I do expect it to appear at some point, but… I don’t know. I feel like they might try to do it in a more similar way to as it was in the books, meaning that something will happen, and MC will later discover that they’ve done it themselves etc. That’s just my hunch, though. Who knows what Jam City is really capable of.
Still, I didn’t abandon the idea that vault!Rakepick might’ve not been Rakepick at all – they’d just have to use a Polyjuice Potion. As you pointed out, her behaviour was ridiculous and simply out-of-character. Admittedly, the same can be said about Rakepick in the Portrait Vault, but the version in the Sunken Vault was somehow worse. And I keep thinking about her claiming to not remember Rowan’s name – which is so bullshit. She obviously did it purely to upset MC, but… Rakepick wouldn’t do it like that. She knew Rowan for two years, so she’d use that knowledge to hit MC super hard emotionally. I mean, she was pulling that emotional strings in the Portrait Vault! Taunting Merula about her parents? Saying she’d leave Jacob to rot anyway? And now, the best she could come up with was: “I didn’t bother to learn their name”? Bitch, please. Unless, of course, it was someone else who knows shit about Rowan, so it really was the best they could think of to upset MC.
Also, I think it goes along with the Rogues theory, Rakepick being compromised, and even with a Polyjuice Potion. As I mentioned previously while discussing this idea in general, R would want to use Rakepick’s appearance because MC already knew about her being their member, so they didn’t risk revealing anyone else’s identity. But consider this: R finds out that Patricia staged the meeting where MC learnt about the mole, perhaps even that she suggested the kid should Polyjuice into her. Now they want to bring her down, yet she manages to escape. Still, they can ruin her reputation even more than it was already tarnished by using her appearance. And how ironic would it be if they also used a Polyjuice Potion for that – the very same tool she used to betray them.
One last question here would be why R needed to send another member if they already had vault!Jacob (who, in this scenario, is the Metamorphmagus). Well, while impersonating Jacob has its advantages like having MC’s trust, there are also some limitations. For example, vault!Jacob couldn’t act “too evil”, if necessary, to not blow his cover. Besides, Rakepick’s presence had a pretty big emotional influence on MC which, in my opinion, can be seen when we decide about her fate. If you choose to trap Rakepick (which I see as a more “emotional” option), MC says: “Now she’s trapped… forever”. But if you choose to turn her in to the authorities (which I see as a more “rational” option), MC later says about the Vault:
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It’s a shame we didn’t return to it, at least yet, but I still find it super interesting that in the rational option MC is aware that their solution is not permanent. And the thing is that in both cases they use the very same spell to seal the Vault! In other words, in the more emotional reaction – caused by Rakepick’s presence – MC didn’t even notice that they hadn’t fully solved the situation, and that means they wouldn’t even think that R might simply walk into the Sunken Vault and do whatever they want. And wouldn’t it make sense that it was R’s plan all along?
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