#excerpt from stories
threewordusername · 4 months
i never wanted you to leave.
six-word poem.
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charmingwinds · 3 months
I read somewhere that the act of peeling oranges for someone is considered love. I found it stupid.
Then one day, I was home after a tiring day and there were oranges sitting on the counter. I knew they had to be eaten that day, a day later, they’d be rotten.
I was just too tired.
I completed my chores, and the oranges were still there, colourful and nudging, hoping I’d pick them up.
I walked past, and found my bed. My head comfortably rested on the pillows.
Those damn oranges.
I got up, sat on the counter and peeled them grudgingly. As I ate in silence, I understood what they meant. It was love alright, not peeling oranges but being taken care of.
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“I want to take my heart off my sleeve, it has grown too heavy.”
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secretlyscribbled · 6 months
"My mind wants to be at peace, my heart to be loved, and my body to be at rest."
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The motif of home is an essential concept to his character. Kaveh describes ‘home’ being different than to that of a ‘house’, as in a house indicates a solitary object, whereas ‘home’ refers to people
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This is explained in the loss of Kaveh’s family resulted in his home becoming a house: “"Home" went from a sanctuary of warmth and light to a cold and lonely hall” (Kaveh Character Story 2).
The concept of a home, then, is particularly important in regard to Alhaitham as Alhaitham invited Kaveh to live in his house after Kaveh sold his family house to pay for the re-building of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. Kaveh, at this point in time, is described to be “homeless”, which is indicative of him not only being without a place to live, but without people which ‘home’ could come into fruition. After meeting Alhaitham for the first time in years after their parting, the concept of ‘home’ is directly related to Alhaitham:
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Upon seeing his family’s house, his old “home”, which he had sold in order to provide the funding to rebuild the Palace of Alcazarzaray, Alhaitham prompts Kaveh to reflect on the pursuit of his ideals, whereafter Kaveh acknowledges that his ideals were not in the wrong, it is his method of achieving them. Kaveh resolves not to give up, and a second chance is presented to him in Alhaitham inviting Kaveh to live with him.
Where Kaveh ‘sees’ his old “home”, the family he no longer belongs to, all he lost due to his regrets, Alhaitham “sees” through Kaveh, understands him, and asks him a question which simultaneously renews his beliefs in his ideals and the future. This passage links Alhaitham’s sense of home to Kaveh, and offers Alhaitham as a home for Kaveh.
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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vomitingwords · 25 days
"Were you frustrated?" he asked.
"I was. And it's beginning to feel like I could've done something different and still gotten the same result," she said while looking down on her weary hands. Tracing the lines on her palms with her shaky fingers. "I could've done something. I could've made a different choice. I could've found another way. I could've turned on a different road. And it's frustrating to know that, even if I did all that, it could still be the wrong choice."
Where were you? // ma.c.a
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excerptsofstories · 5 months
She started walking away from him, and there was a brief look of desperation on his face. "Wait," he called out, hoping she would stay for just a bit longer. "Don't go." She turned around and hesitated, before saying, "It's over. You can tell me a thousand lies. You can say that you've never met anyone like me before. You can laugh at all my jokes and stare at me like I'm the only woman in the world. You can tell me that it's always been me. But at the end of the day, she's the one you go home to. And I finally understand that that's never going to change."
Excerpt from a book I will never write #1425
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blooming-anna-rose · 3 months
“I watch him, and I think, he could be my soulmate.
But I hold myself back, I hold myself steady and let myself wonder if one day we will look back and laugh at our story. If one day we will be drinking coffee in the morning and talk about when we were young and dumb. He will tell me how much harder I made it for us, and I will shrug my shoulders and apologize for my stubbornness. And we will laugh and we will be together in the end.
And then I look down, and look back up to see him staring at me.”
- n.c. // and I hold myself back
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darlingdeathx · 7 days
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threewordusername · 1 month
once again, i feel so empty.
six-word poem.
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mymessyink · 1 year
I’m past fleeting love. I want something serious. The ‘“I want you to be my safety and I’ll be your peace type of love.” A love where we fight for each other - not with each other. A love built on comfort, honesty, reassurance, and consistency. One where holding each other makes the good better and the bad easier. I want the forever type of love with you.
Excerpt from a book I’ll never write
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I want you to want me, damn the consequences.
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adastraetretro · 12 days
"Does it hurt?"
"I'll be okay."
"That isn't what I asked."
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fleurral · 5 days
for someone who loves words, i find it difficult to put my thoughts together. i have so much to say but the alphabets seem to stay alphabets alone—no phrase expressed, no sentence constructed. i wanted it to be coherent. i wanted it to be in-depth. i wanted it to be meaningful yet noncomplex. i want the words to linger and not just touch. stuck and not just hit. absorbed and not just flipped over. however, for someone who loves words, i cannot identify the right words to utter. it feels like no term can justify the feeling i wanted to memorialize. no idiom is that deep. no speech is that articulate. it is like there are not enough words in this world to seize the emotions i bear. though i love words, i am afraid i cannot find the words that are worthy to depict my experiences. with that, i am also afraid that such experiences will remain as memories in my mind—most likely to be forgotten and left behind.
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excerptsofstories · 5 months
One minute you’re 16 thinking that this is the end of your life because you think you can’t deal with what you’re going through right now. Then the next thing you know, you’re almost in your mid-twenties, having the time of your life, living when you thought you’d be dead by now. You never thought you would come this far, but you did. And if no one has told you yet, I’m so proud of you.
Excerpts from a book I will never write #1445
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chuckakot · 1 month
Sometimes, it is rather better not to look back, because I can no longer see you, nor feel you inside my heart, knowing that my heart only beats for nothing and no one, that it is only a physiological function, rather than, beating for someone like you and make me feel sad about things. And sometimes, I wonder, looking at the night sky, and realize that this is the only way— to close my eyes and reimagine you once more and let it go, to let you go, letting the wind take you and far from my sight.
— Chuck Akot, Niente e nessuno
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