icarusxxrising · 8 months
So much of the queer community Hates fluidity. Identifying as genderfluid or abrosexual is fine until you actually specify what genders or sexualities you're fluid between then it's "you're not a REAL lesbian" "you're not a REAL girl" etc.
Unironically it's "you can say you're fluid but saying how you're fluid immediately invalidates it" which is backwards ass binary bullshit.
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transfaguette · 9 months
pro gatekeeping arguments usually hinge on this idea that completely non affiliated people are just begging to get in and ruin everything and the only thing stopping them from doing so is rigorous policing and non-stop aggression to the point it overshadows what you even claim to be about in the first place. when in reality almost all of the disagreement is between one group and people that are just slightly different, who are basically claimed to be a slippery slope to Everyone Else.
you are absolutely entitled to gatekeeping like, a private discord server- that’s your right! people might think you’re an asshole, but you can do it. you can’t really gatekeep things that don’t belong to you, though, like identities. you don’t own that. and i think theres probably more benefit to putting the positive progress you want to see into the world than making post after post about how the Really Real Fakers are whats wrong with the world and dividing the community and not your own divisive actions and behaviors.
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everyponie · 10 days
"anti good faith identities" do you know how insane you sound
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ciarspear · 8 months
i could go on for a very long time about how gatekeeping isn't evil like mainstream trans spaces have made it out to be. and it baffles me how the nondysphoric/inclus crowd can go around and say with full-chested confidence that the only thing that makes you trans is identifying as such.
for literally any other identity or subculture, something is required for you to be said identity. gay? you must like other men. lesbian? you must like other women. metalhead? you must listen to metal. words mean things, and to adapt yourself to a word when you do not fit its criteria is, essentially, lying. is it gatekeeping to have hard boundaries on what fits the criteria of trans? yes. but lots of gates exist for important reasons.
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d-parade · 6 months
gender is not self expression
gender is not an aesthetic
i’m not a man because it’s my “self expression”. i’m a man because i feel a disconnect from my sex that isn’t rooted in low self esteem.
edit: many misunderstand. the above statement is an innate disconnect, not a societal disconnect. note the difference.
bigender? you feel like a man and a woman? maybe that’s just attachment to attributes you connect to being a man/ woman in today’s society.
agender? maybe that’s because you’re unsatisfied with the societal attributes attached to being a man/woman.
genderfluid? you have (gasp) fluctuating day to day feelings???????
i’m up for self expression and choosing to be/ look how you want to. but my god that doesn’t make you trans. i mean like 99% of the time it’s literally temporary because your perception, interaction and opinion towards society changes over time.
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Message to young LGBT+ and Queer exclusionists:
If you really cared about the queer community, you'd eventually understand that the history of our rights hasn't been this long-winded so that you can yell at other young people being openly queer online
You don't like the adjectives they identify with? The pronouns? The nouns? That's a shame, leave them alone and stop assisting the enemy by bullying them online
If you think an identity label that's not known outside of Tumblr is a threat to the queer community, I expect to see you actually fighting back against things in the real world that seriously hurt the community
"The problem with the LGBTQ+ community today" is not labels or pronouns on Tumblr or TikTok or Twitter - it's the fact that we're still facing violence, and a huge amount of the next generation are still stuck hiding from the world by spreading online hate instead of spreading the word
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foxfairy06 · 1 year
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TW: mentions of molestation, beating, abuse, grooming, etc.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 6 months
Top three funniest exclus posts I saw
"lesbian is an American term"
"mspec lesbians don't exist I will prove this with a mathematical function"
"mspec lesbians are like vegans who eat meat"
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on a related note, whats the point of ace/mspec/mogai/polyam exclusionism, politically? like whats the end goal? how will it materially benefit the queer people you're supportive of?
ive seen exclusionists say they don't bring their beliefs up when organising irl, because it would distract from the actual political work they're doing. and at that point I'm like, well. it they're irrelevant or even counter-productive, why continue to hold these beliefs? what do they do for the people around you?
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lesbianexclu · 10 months
happy pride month everyone! :3 friendly reminder that
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
lesbians do not like men
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m3l4nch0ly-h1ll · 6 months
Some alloromantics and allosexuals have fluxuating or spiking attraction towards others. Some of them don't experience attraction until they're close with someone. Some experience attraction to someone they aren't close with, etc.
Some cis people are gender non-conforming or have multiple expressions (masculine, feminine.) Some cis girls like to wear boy's clothes. Some cis boys like to wear girl's clothes. Some cis people don't feel strongly about their bodies- especially when they're autistic.
Stop making things so complex and stop being inclusive of allo cishets. New terms are made to just include them in a community they don't fit the correct criteria for. Stop influencing them and tricking them into thinking they're part of the community just for being diverse.
I understand people like terms to better describe themselves, but plenty of the aromantic and asexual spectrum terms describe allo's too. Aromantic and asexual are strict terms defined as people who don't experience any romantic/sexual attraction at all.
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l0gic1 · 7 months
The Inclusivity Facade
Like the name suggests, ‘inclusionists’ often perceive themselves as the inclusive side. They see themselves as martyrs—morally righteous individuals guided by a one-track goal: to promote “inclusivity” and “compassion” in all areas of life, particularly in LGBTQ+ discourse. Admirable, right?
However, despite what it might seem like on the surface, the core principles of inclusionist rhetoric are not based on actualized inclusion. Instead, they are based around dogma, control, blind acceptance, exclusion (surprise!), and sometimes even abuse. Inclusionists typically spread their value of “inclusivity” by blithely accepting any identities, no matter how contradictory, illogical, or unscientific they may seem. They will claim they believe in inclusivity, yet they are notably exclusionary towards those of different beliefs. They will claim they believe in compassion and understanding, yet they will send death threats or threats of violence to transmedicalists, exclusionists, and others that don't conform to their ideology, tell them to harm or kill themselves, verbally abuse them (cyberbullying), enable their eating disorders, claim false and derogatory things about them, dox them, engage in online harassment campaigns, attempt to silence dissenting opinions through mass-reporting, etc.
As such, the vast majority of inclusionists (it is unfortunately not a small but vocal minority, as one might hope) are as averse to basic human decency as a vampire is to sunlight. The truth is that inclusionists, for the most part, are not really trying to spread “inclusion”. Instead, they use the deceptive veil of “inclusion” as a way to make them seem better than they really are; if you present yourself as someone who stands for such an agreeable ideology (inclusion), people are more likely to perceive you as a virtuous person who stands for virtuous things.
That said, their actions often reveal their true intentions. In reality, inclusionists are quick to label anyone who disagrees with them as intolerant, bigoted, or even evil. They have no interest in understanding different perspectives or engaging in meaningful dialogue. Instead, they resort to unethical, damaging, and even borderline abusive behavior patterns that make a genuinely positive shift in society and online discourse virtually impossible. It becomes readily apparent that their supposed commitment to inclusion is nothing more than a facade to boost their own egos and maintain a false sense of moral superiority.
What inclusionists fail to realize is that inclusion is about creating a space where people feel respected and valued, regardless of their opinions and intrinsic qualities. This doesn't mean one should welcome people who are bigoted or hold harmful views, but rather that creating an environment where differing perspectives can be respectfully challenged and debated is essential to intellectual growth and fostering a culture of critical thinking. Inclusionists should understand that true inclusion involves embracing diversity and allowing for open dialogue, even with those who hold opposing views. It is through respectful engagement and the exchange of ideas that we can foster empathy and understanding and ultimately work towards positive societal change. By excluding individuals solely based on their opinions, we risk perpetuating echo chambers and hindering progress in our collective pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.
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casperthemainecoon · 10 months
Critizeing Transmeds as a Transmed:
Btw some of this is pointed out to radmeds and I know that not all transmeds do this its just that I've seen these problems in the community before:
Stop judging random people online: This is a thing that I've done before and this is the most common thing I see in the transmed community. You don't know someone's entire life or story based on a few photos or videos, just because they look like a cis person claiming to be trans you don't know that. Some people can't transition at the moment because of living somewhere unsafe or anything like that . And btw transition takes time so if someone doesn't seem to be transitioning that isn't always the case. I don't pass at all but I am transitioning because I've gotten a haircut, got a binder, told some people close to me my chosen name and pronouns (although they're not being used at the moment) The best example I could use for this is when I was arguing with someone online because they said they were a trans men yet looked completely female (not even GNC, they looked completely cis) I called them cis and said they weren't trans because they didn't experience dysphoria or a desire to transition and they told me that they DO experience dysphoria (social dysphoria) and desire to transition and the reason why they didn't want to transition at the moment was because they wanted to have biological kids and didn't want to mess up their body until they had at least one biological child which is completely VALID. Every trans person is different and their journey is different. Unless someone straight up says they have no dysphoria and have no desire to transition then don't judge because you don't know them or their life or their current situation.
Not everyone has to medically transition or do all the surgeries: This is more directed to the radmeds of the community and I know it is a small minority but I would still like to point it out. Anyways, as I mentioned before, EVERY TRANS PERSON IS DIFFERENT which means that their transition journey will be different. That would include some people not deciding to medically transition. Someone may not medically transition for many reasons, they may already have features of their desired gender and pass with just social transition, their dysphoria isn't that severe and they already feel comfortable with just social transition, etc. Now for surgeries, there are some trans people that will medically transition by taking hormones but they don't want to have any surgeries and that is completely valid. Again, no trans person is the same and people will have their reasons not to get any surgeries. Some trans people will be fine just binding/tucking and don't desire top or bottom surgery, some don't have dysphoria with certain parts of their body and don't need top or bottom surgery (for FTMs with no top dysphoria would probably mean they already have a small chest or no chest at all which is valid for them not to want top surgery), some people just don't want to risk surgery complications, some trans people already pass without surgery and don't feel the need to have surgery, etc. Transmeds belive that to be trans one must have gender dysphoria and a desire to transition and transition is different for everyone, some will only socialally transition, some will medically transition without having any surgeries, some will medically transition and have some surgeries, some will have all the surgeries and everyone's transition journey is VALID :)
Stop supporting right winged transmed creators like Blaire White just because they have a good point sometimes: The right hates ALL trans people, even us transmeds trust me I've tried arguing with transphobes using transmed logic and they were still transphobic. People like Blaire White not only makes the transmed community look bad because she is the root of most transmed stereotypes and strawman arguments (like how all transmeds are miserable, all transmeds are right winged cis bootlickers, all transmeds hate non binary people although Kalvin is also somewhat responsible for that stereotype) but also people like Blaire White have a lot of internalized transphobia as they side with the right which we all know that most of them are transphobic TERFS and transmeds shouldn't associate with these people as they still don't realize that transphobes are after all of us and you can't be a "good" trans person in their eyes. Just because these right winged transmed creators have good takes sometimes doesn't make them a good representation of our community, these people are usually fuelled by negativity which leads me to my next point
Just be more positive guys: Everytime I go on the truscum subreddit all I see is just vent after vent after vent and people complaining about tucutes. Although I do belive that trans safe spaces should allow people to vent, Jesus Christ its all I see, no wonder tucutes think we're all miserable. It wouldn't hurt us to be a little more positive, yea I understand being trans isn't the most positive thing ever, I get it gender dysphoria fucking sucks. But try to focus more on the positives of your life, like how you had a pretty nice day, you passed well today, how therapy is going really well for you, etc. We should have a community where people feel safe to be sad and vent but let's try to be a little more lighthearted :)
And that's all I can think of for now, if you disagree or think I've missed anything I am definitely up for debate and discussion :)
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everyponie · 18 days
exclusionists are no better than the LGB without the T alliance. Yall are cousins. You go hand in hand.
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gloaming-sometimes · 10 months
exclusionists fucking confuse me lol. like yea sure, you can say someones not queer or deny their queer identity's validity or try to exclude them from your measly part of the community but do you really think thats gonna change how queerphobes see them? or for that matter how they see you in comparison to them? i almost guarantee that if they were to see even the most "normal" queer next to an unapologetically queer person they would hate us the same. they might give you empty platitudes but its only to manipulate and weaponize you against your own community. and that "privilege" they grant you is conditional, limited and never really existed to begin with. queer was never a box you fit into, it is everything the box rejects.
(for the record this post is open to responses from exclusionists, just be respectful and dont hold ill-intent or you're getting blocked)
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