easternblocrelics · 5 months
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Komplex Export-Import Budapest 1974
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horseshoemybeloved · 9 months
And maybe I did see this and then manually add a gradient map to 140 frames/photos
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lethimfertilise · 2 months
Good morning,
The world continues to live in two parallels: the US market and the rest ;)
DAP barge at $660pst trade - just a $25pst increase since Monday! Why so? Low inventories at the start of the year plus all this mess with import duties, leading to a lack of imports.
Well, let's set the States aside. I was curious to see how Chinese rumours of urea would have influenced the market.
Rumours say:
1. After March 15th, the fresh CIQ can again be applied for. The CIQ timing is 40 working days.
2. All previously submitted applications are no longer valid.
3. The CIQ period:
1) Before April 30th, 2024, 40 working days.
2) Between May 1st and September 30th, 10 working days.
3) Before March 15th, nothing regarding CIQ can be done.
40 working days is 60 calendar days. Thus, no exports are realistically expected until this May. But the market did react yesterday: derivatives for April both traded down in AG and Brazil.
AG at $356 per metric ton and Brazil at $359pmt. And it's like a $20-25pmt discount to the physical asking levels of today.
If I'm not mistaken, the Nitrogen Fertilizer Association of China is meeting today, so grab some 🍿
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rayansports · 2 years
Rayan Sports
Manufacturer & Exporter
Sports Wears Products
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horax · 9 months
on tap (4.8.2023)
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Heute ist der Internationale Tag des Bieres. Was das soll weiß die Wikipedia in drei knappen Sätzen:
Freunde treffen, um gemeinsam Bier zu genießen.
Die Männer und Frauen zu ehren, welche das Bier brauen und servieren.
Gemeinsam die Biere aller Nationen und Kulturen zu feiern und damit die Welt zu vereinen.
Das sind erfreuliche Gedanken die nicht folgenlos bleiben und zu folgender…
… Schleife führen: Heizpilz, Weizen, Hazy Heidi, IPA, 2 Stout.
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fishfillet · 1 year
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mrssteelvn · 13 days
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MRS Steel - Your Trusted Partner for Sourcing and Importing Steel
Unlock the potential of Vietnamese steel with MRS Steel. We're your trusted partner for sourcing and importing top-quality steel products directly from Vietnam. Our team of seasoned steel specialists boasts an intimate understanding of the market, ensuring you get the perfect steel solutions for your needs. We handle the complexities of import, saving you time, effort, and cost. Contact MRS Steel today – experience the difference!
Located in Vietnam, we specialize in exporting high-quality steel products globally – EU, USA, Canada, and beyond. With over 12 years of experience, we've built a reputation for reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions.
Our extensive network connects you directly with Vietnam's most respected steel brands. This ensures access to the best factories and products that perfectly meet your needs.
MRS STEEL TRADING AND INVESTMENT CO., LTD Address: No.41 Street 37, Van Phuc City, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Hotline: +84 28 3622 3358 Whatsapp: +84 76 911 2358 Email: [email protected]
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aion123 · 21 days
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◆华为HUAWEI wifi6 mesh 3 AX3000 3000M Home LAN Router
◆Delivery in Hong Kong(Need to private me)
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intercontact · 4 months
IMN Business Development
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IMN Business Development / CN-GB-DE-FR-RU-IT-ES-HU / 
日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
Welcome!  We're glad you're here!
First of all we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and attention, connections from all over the world. Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot.
Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication.
Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Business development together. Wish you best of luck!
Information: IMN Business and Investment Opportunities
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amoliinternational · 4 months
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The Rising Demand for Crude Glycerin Worldwide
The global demand for Crude Glycerin is increasing due to its versatile applications. Industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and biofuels seek this byproduct from biodiesel production. With the increasing focus on sustainable products, the role of crude glycerin is expanding in various sectors. Its affordability and eco-friendly nature make it a popular item. We offer the best quality products at competitive prices.
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scotianostra · 11 months
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yuetpo · 2 months
Hongkong Yuetpo Logistics Company Limited
WeChat ID: michael-fungko
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bobateaboo · 1 year
Hello ^-^, so i have a question related to your fic lost and found, if it's no trouble could you tell be a bit about Stencils siblings? I'm not familiar with all the Ink x Error children so I'm a bit lost every time they're mentioned
(also, wow, it's a really good fic, makes me happy every time i see an update)
ok okokok. Export is the oldest still living at the house, he's about 16 years old. It's his job to travel around the multiverse and fix Au's that would otherwise be beyond repair but honestly, he's not the best at it. He's trying really hard ok, he just can't summon screens to edit the code himself like he should. trust me, he's tried EVERYTHING. he works with another one of my ocs, Indigo, borrowing their power to help worlds like he was born to do
Glaze is by @andizoidart and I love him dearly. My mans is lowkey an asshole but that is why we love him. He's blunt as hell and will do whatever he deems necessary to get what he deems important enough for the effort, i.e rescuing Stencil. He's also the ONLY one the twins will listen to. like, Captcha's big ass clunky clothes? Glaze is the only one who can make him change into something else to wash them. and Copic's habit of kind of drugging people? Glaze is always the one who tells him who to go for.
Copic and Captcha are the chaos twins, with Copic not saying a word most of the time and Captcha being known for yelling his head off at everything that makes him mad, which is most things. Copic knows sign language and everything, he just honest to god doesn't see most people as being worth the trouble to talk to. Both of them are still figuring out their magic since they're so young, but Copic has a lot more of a handle on his than Captcha. So much so that he's made FREQUENT use of his ability to put people to sleep, as you've seen in lost and found
Stencil is usually the one taking care of his younger siblings while Export is out (mans can make a grilled cheese sandwich like nobody's business), so things are a tad bit out of wack in the household with him missing
and Bonus it's my personal headcannon that none of the errink kids can solve an actual captcha. they've got half computer brains, if you show them some squiggly letters it's likely they'll just tell you to fuck off
(also Aaaa thank you so much!! that means so much to hear!!! honestly the only reason I've been able to update so frequently is because of the comments I've been getting, so thank you so much)
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dedeashor · 3 months
اليوم العالمي للسرطان 🎗️🌎
4 - فبراير
اليوم العالمي للسرطان الذي يقام كل 4 فبراير هو مبادرة عالمية موحدة يقودها الاتحاد الدولي لمكافحة السرطان (UICC). من خلال رفع الوعي العالمي وتحسين التعليم وتحفيز العمل الشخصي والجماعي والحكومي .
🔺ما هو السرطان؟
السرطان هو مرض يصيب الخلايا في الجسم، مما يؤدي إلى نموها بشكل غير طبيعي وانتشارها إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم.
🔺ما هي أعراض السرطان؟
تختلف أعراض السرطان حسب نوعه، ولكن بعض الأعراض الشائعة تشمل:
تغيرات في الجلد
كتل أو تورم في أي مكان في الجسم
نزيف غير طبيعي
ألم أو إزعاج مستمر
تغيرات في عادات الأمعاء أو المثانة
فقدان الوزن غير المبرر
التعب الشديد
ماذا يمكننا أن نفعل معًا لمحاربة السرطان؟
نشر الوعي حول مرض السرطان وطرق الوقاية منه،
🌹🎗️دعم مرضى السرطان وعائلاتهم
🔴 اليوم العالمي للسرطان
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"اللهم اجعل الكيماوي برداً وسلاماً على مرضى السرطان"
اللهم اشفي جميع مرضي السرطان
اللهم اشفيهم شفاء لا يغادر سقمآ🤲🎗️
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fishfillet · 1 year
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