spiritualseeker777 · 4 months
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gunsandspaceships · 1 month
Proof that Tony Stark is not an extravert
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Well, I’d bet it’s better results than one could get on YouTube, Twitter, or Reddit, but come on.
I’m going to show you why MCU Tony is certainly not an extravert.
I've already posted some stuff, such as:
Absent-minded Tony
Socially awkward Tony
As you can see, Tony has some issues that hint to us that he’s not always present or outgoing. And now it’s time to gather all these and other things and summarize our findings.
Extraversion: Large social network & Thrive in teams, crowds vs Introversion: Value 1:1 friendships & Favor independence
Tony no doubt knows a lot of people. Because he ran a huge technological company, right. Business partners, military officers, politicians, SHIELD agents, journalists, his staff, etc. Although this doesn’t mean that he communicates with many people regularly, or has many friends. And we know he doesn’t. He never had many friends. Throughout the Infinity Saga, he made a few, like Pepper and Happy. But before IM2 his only friends were Rhodey, J.A.R.V.I.S., and his bots.
He mostly interacted with AIs and robots, especially in his solo movies. This tells us something, doesn’t it? I’ll write a separate post about his childhood, but it is obvious that he was always an outcast: in school, college, before the Avengers, within the Avengers… We don’t really see him as a “gear” in this mechanism. He is most often steps ahead of others or steps aside. None of the Avengers were really his friends, and I’ll write about that too in the future.
Did he try to make more friends? He seemed to think some of the Avengers were. He thought Steve was. Remember this?
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Or Bruce. But Bruce didn't even want to listen to him when Tony needed help.
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And he left him at the end of AoU. But Tony thought he was a friend. Moreover, he considered them all his family.
That’s what he was doing – everyone around him, from assistants to teammates, were considered friends and family members and were treated accordingly. He needed that, not a large social network of "pals" and "buddies" he barely knows.
Let’s illustrate how he felt about people around him:
Deleted scene "Dubai Party" from IM (2008)
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Tony doesn’t really talk to those people. He doesn't feel comfortable shaking their hands or taking anything from them. That's not why he's here, it's an alibi for the mission in Afghanistan. And we see that all this causes him disgust and discomfort.
The Charity Ball - IM (2008)
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And boom - he doesn't know that Christina is talking about Jericho, which Stein sold to the Ten Rings. He thinks she is referring to this event. And he (surprisingly) reveals that he actually has social anxiety. That doesn't sound like an extrovert to me.
Alternate Opening from IM2 shows us Tony, who is trying to avoid going on some kind of dangerous mission. And then we find out that that mission is actually the Expo Opening. He doesn’t look excited that he has to go to the crowd, doesn’t he?
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After that, he makes his way through the crowd of fans, communicating with virtually no one.
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At the Senate hearing, he seems bored. He doesn’t pay much attention to the politicians, asking Pepper about chili, hacking networks, and making fun of Senator Stern.
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After he’s done with Hammer and Stern he shows his public mask to others. We know he is not comfortable with this situation, but he has to deal with it.
At the party "Natalie wears the gauntlet" deleted scene from IM2
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This is what Tony really thinks about these people. He doesn’t like them, doesn’t like this lifestyle. He didn’t want this party in the first place. He doesn’t even understand celebrating birthdays ("The Sub-Orbital Jet" deleted scene, IM2).
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Sounds very introvert-like to me.
He wears sunglasses in public. Because he is uncomfortable when people see his eyes - they cannot hide from them what he wants to hide. And that brings us to the next trait…
Extraversion: Enjoy being a center of attention vs Introversion: Avoid being a center of attention
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He hides behind sunglasses. Most of the time, he only shows his mask to people he considers strangers. When he's the center of attention, it's his mask, not the real Tony.
The real Tony refused to be the commander of the Avengers, despite being their benefactor and providing them with everything. The real Tony didn't go to important public events on behalf of the team, Natasha (WS and CW) did. The real Tony left the Avengers at his Compound and went to live with his family in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. And, again, we can recall what he said about his birthday and parties in general.
Extraversion: Think out loud vs Introversion: Think before speaking
Tony is not the guy who shares his thoughts with others. He thinks a lot. And he hides most of it from others.
Does he always think before speaking? No, not at all. But that’s his goofy personality, not extraversion.
Extraversion: Energize around people & seek greater stimulation vs Introversion: Recharge, reflect in quiet & Seek less stimulation
As we can see, Tony is not that much of a people person. He avoids gatherings when he can, and doesn’t enjoy them when he can’t. Most of the time he spends in his workshop/lab with his AIs, bots, and sometimes with Bruce, with occasional visits from Pepper and Rhodey. And he is comfortable in this environment.
With the Avengers he doesn’t act like an energy battery. Instead, he is quiet, calm, and just minds his own business. Look at the scenes from AoU:
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At the party he doesn't talk to many people, we see him in a small group of Thor and Maria Hill, and he is, again, pretty quiet.
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In Endgame he lives with just his wife, daughter, chickens, and Gerald the alpaca in a cabin, far from other people and their noise. He has nature around, a big fireplace, and paper books to read by it. This is his happiness. An introvert's dream.
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Conclusion: all the extraversion we see in Tony came from his business training that started when he was a kid. He had to develop a set of skills: communicating with many people, participating in gatherings, selling stuff, running a company, dealing with journalists and politicians. He became the owner of a huge business when he was only 21 years old. Of course, he has skills formed by decades of experience. But we see he doesn’t enjoy doing all this stuff. This is not his comfort zone. His comfort zone is his lab and a few close friends. It's hard to tell from the masks he wears and his skills whether he's an introvert or an ambivert who tends to be introverted, but he's definitely not an extravert.
P.S. This is not a 100% comprehensive review of everything I've seen in the movies. There are many more examples of his introversion in the MCU. But this post is already huge, so if you would like to see more about it – let me know in the comments and I’ll make more detailed posts about each trait.
616 Tony here
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batri-jopa · 7 months
Beware of: The Pale Apparition and its Fluff Of Chaos
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The horror lurks panting in the dark. You can not run, you can not hide. It'll find you and it will... lick you wet.
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Dedication to @notasapleasure and @chrisoels and every other lover of long-dogs and chonky-cats! I wish you enjoy this thing at least half as much as I enjoyed drawing it!😘
My brain is a weird place where demons from Princess Mononoke live next to Dexter's Lab: The Horror and Podkowiński's Frenzy next to worm on a string🤭
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pinkacademic · 1 month
How to Spend Time Alone
One important aspect of looking after yourself is being able to not simply exist on your own, but to genuinely enjoy alone time. For the introverts among you, you’re probably already sorted, but I hope this nonetheless gives you some ideas.
But from an extravert, and for my extroverts, here is An Extravert’s Guide to Alone Time.
1. Surround Yourself With People.
Sounds counterintuitive, I know, but here’s an example of where I am right now: sitting alone at a table in the library cafe. No one is on the seat across from me, so I’m technically “alone,” but I can hear the librarians, I can hear the other patrons- all chattering away.
So I don’t feel alone
- go to that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try
- go to the cinema/ movie theatre
- go to the theatre and sing along at the curtain call
- go to a concert and sing along
(Singing. I’m suggesting you sing lol)
2. Make time Alone as Special as Time with Friends.
Whether you’re in public or at home, out energy into time alone. Don’t just read your book; set up candles and fairy lights, make hot chocolate, and make a little nest of cushions.
Don’t just watch Netflix; make popcorn, put on a face mask, and make a solo sleepover of it.
(PS. You don’t have to do maximum effort every time lol)
Ok, that’s kinda it! Hope that helped even the introverts!!
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characterarc · 27 days
Here's something i strongly believe in: everyone is both introverted and extroverted to some extent.
i picture it like this: you have two "batteries" of mental energy. You need both of them to have at least some juice in them to thrive.
Battery A drains when you're alone and charges when you're in social situations.
Battery B drains when you're in social situations and charges when you're alone.
What is different per person is how fast those batteries tend to charge and drain.
Introverts tend to have their battery A drain more slowly and charge more quickly, and their battery B drain more slowly and charge more quickly, while extroverts are the other way around.
For me both of them charge very slowly, but my battery B drains faster than battery A.
So for a long time i thought i was an introvert, but trying to live life as an introvert meant my battery A was always running low. Then I tried to live more like an extrovert but that caused my battery B to completely drain regularly. Now I try to find a balance, to focus on one aspect long enough to charge that battery, but not so long the other gets completely drained.
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polldermodel · 12 days
ben je introvert extravert of ambivert?
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raspberryjampal · 23 days
I love you people, I love you stranger who held the door open for me when I had my arms full, I love you old cart pusher who thanked me for bringing my carts back, I love you little kids that stare at my bright makeup, I love you cashier that got soo happy when I complimented their hair, I love you awkward teenage Coldstone creamery employee that literally squealed after I gave her one of my bracelets, I love you people.
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analvirgo · 3 months
🎤 Perfect Public Speakers 🎤
Loud and Soulful
Crystal Clear
Quickly Short
Intellectual Witty
Warm Gratitude
Silent Crowd:
12. Cancer/Moon (2/5)
11. Pisces/Neptune (2.5/5)
10. Virgo/Chiron (2.5/5)
Noisy Crowd:
9. Capricorn/Saturn (2.5/5)
8. Scorpio/Pluto (3/5)
7. Aquarius/Uranus (3/5)
Cheering Crowd:
6. Taurus/Ceres (3.5/5)
5. Leo/Sun (4/5)
4. Aries/Mars (4.5/5)
🥜Crowd going NUTS 🥜
3. Sagittarius/Jupiter (5/5)
2. Libra/Venus (5/5)
1. Gemini/Mercury (5/5)
(.5 = Maybe*)
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sonch · 1 year
help me resolve my inner conflict. I have this extraverted and talkative friend who believes that sometimes to help someone open up you have to push them a little bit towards it. and sometimes she does that to my shy introverted friend who doesn't necessarily know how to set boundaries. like she would say "tell me about this, tell me your opinion on this, what's you story was like" and so son. SO
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savagechickens · 2 years
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The Sighting.
And more Bigfoot comics.
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ali-labyrinth · 10 months
Introverted people of the world!
please don't kill me, I'm not asking this out of a place of 'extroverts are the norm and we introverts should just adjust'
(ie. we become more drained and our nervous systems are more sustainable to irritation because we are experiencing more hyper vigilance and fight or flight activation than our extroverted counterparts)
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overthinkorsink · 1 year
"introverts are so stimulated by their own thinking that a roomful of noisy people is just too much for them- it drains their energy."
-susan cain
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confusedinfj · 2 years
E = likes to sort, not handle (like a shape sorter vs transformer toy).
I = likes to handle, not sort (prefers the transformer toy to the shape sorter).
Idk what this is, though bubble
Te - likes to sort ideas, not handle them. Does not want to debate and analyse an idea or theory, just wants to judge it, put it in a category, and leave it be.
Ti - likes to handle ideas, not sort them. Is appealed by the idea that you could just make a judgement about something without inspecting it from every angle, analysing and testing it over and over until you know exactly what it is.
Fe - likes to sort feelings, not handle them. Does not want to talk about your feelings for hours and analyze why something upset you, just wants to say how you feel, say if something can be done about it, and move forward.
Fi - likes to handle feelings, not sort them. Is appealed by the idea that you could just label a feeling without inspecting it from every angle, analysing it and talking it through until you know exactly what it is.
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theflannelwitch · 1 year
not introverted or extraverted but another secret third thing
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I am incredibly perplexed and discussed by my daily interactions with people yet I crave social validation and have an incessant need to be liked. There’s no real conclusion to this statement, just something I’ve noticed.
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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