#failed gifs
minthara · 4 months
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Grab a torch, stay out of the dark, and move fast.
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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robertaramayo · 2 years
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the-aila-test · 3 months
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Wind River ( 2017 ) dir. Taylor Sheridan
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1. Is she a main character? NO actress is non-Native which results in an instant fail.
2. Does this character fall in love with a white man? YES. romantically involved with a white man
3. Does this character end up raped or murdered at any point during the story? YES / YES her attack and assault happen on screen, police find her body
Natalie Hanson from Wind River does not pass The Ali Nahdee Test
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thegoodmorningman · 1 year
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I'm not depressed, you're depressed!
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—what are your objectives with the french team?
"my objective is to score the maximum number of goals to ensure that kylian ... (laughs) doesn't join me in the rankings of top scorers in the next one or two years. ... no, he's going to break all the records"
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d-lanx · 17 days
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afza147 · 3 months
My demon ep15 rant plus 2nd short review
So I still failed to recollect myself so I decide to rant and share some info😅
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So apparently it's the same cinematographer from goblin
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And he was like let's make 2.0 of this traumatic event😂
Next is my question to writernim so why is it the Xmas in my demon is so far away like in ep16..????
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I mean it's so long that from ep13 till ep16 ..like why Xmas so late😂😂
As for gu won..althought he abandon do hee but he still secretly come back to take care of her..but it's just was not right for me..like just be there man.
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But I thought he also suffer too as he can only care and not able to express his thoughts
Plus it's hit me when do hee said the more she loved him, the more she suffered really make me think maybe that's the only way things could happen the way that are.
And she said she the one letting go..
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Does not sit right with me😭😭coz I just think that gu won abandon him😅
And the kiss
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The forgotten saving kiss..I can't believe I forgot about this kiss..the afterward of the kiss shocked me that I forgot about it
Because of the chaos ness of reunion, died, kiss and died again.
So regarding the finale for today..I wonder what makes do hee get up on herself and become a chairwomen again.
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Coz clearly she devastated and also hospitalized .
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I hope it's guwon who cams back and heal her which I thought that's going to be impossible as he's gone forever
Plus she also make a wish afterward which I think will concise in the ultimate question of what her father wishes is (maybe) coz spoiler alert we will know what is the deal do hee father made with palwon/guwon on finale which I think will bring guwon back (maybe) althought the deal already finished
But heck yeah let's just find out today
So yup let's wait for pre release so I can continue my rabbit hole of the unknown😂😅😭
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middle-age-things · 1 year
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x-heesy · 10 months
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Open letter to @staff
With all due respect 🫡
Hier die Definition , als freundliche Erinnerung, eures Jobs:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Seit Eurer feindlichen Übernahme hier, von den derzeitigen Besitzern, ist Dumblr ein widerlicher weltfremder Ort, wo die ausschlachtung des maximalen Profit und unnötige Belanglosigkeiten wie Eurer extrem überteuerten & nutzlosen premium „Services“ 🤦🏽‍♂️ als Priorität gelten & hingegen gleichzeitig die fast überall geltenden Menschenrechte mit den Füßen getreten werden!
& Funktionalität & usability sind seit Eurer Version für ios zum Beispiel seit Version 19.9 alles andere als Updates sondern massive downgrades- alles sehr sehr sehr unprofessional „programmiert“
Eure ethnische Säuberung war nicht nur Menschenrechte verachtend & unmenschlich, sondern speziell für mental kranke Users sogar besorgniserregend & kriminell, dEnn Ihr habt auch eine gewisse Verantwortung diesen Mitmenschen gegenüber = Community 🫶🏽
Und jetzt sind explizit geltende Kunst 🎭 plötzlich erlaubt❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (was ich sehr erfreut in Kenntnis genommen habe) 🫶🏽
Will sagen: Ihr wart von Beginn eures terror Regimes nur GEGEN EURE EIGENEN USER: COMMUNITY= antisozial Deluxe
Dies ist die Definition für euren mothertrucking job
„jemandem oder etwas zustimmen und ihn ermutigen, weil man möchte, dass er, sie oder es Erfolg hat“
& Euren million dollar verschlingenden, panischen und stümperhaften Versuche 🧪 porn bots zu eliminieren, schlug kläglich fehl! (Und dies sehr auf die Kosten der hier vertretenden, einst wunderschönen Vielfalt diverser Kunst Blogs) 🪦
Ich appelliere an euren gesunden Menschenverstand
Bitte macht tumblr wieder zu einem besseren Ort 🫶🏽
Here is the definition, as a friendly reminder, of your job:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Since your hostile takeover here, from the current owners, Dumblr has been a disgusting unworldly place where the exploitation of maximum profit and unnecessary trivia like your extremely overpriced & useless premium "services" 🤦🏽‍♂️ are the priority & at the same time the almost everywhere applicable human rights are trampled on!
& Functionality & usability have been anything but updates since your version for ios, for example since version 19.9, but massive downgrades - all very, very, very unprofessionally "programmed"
Your ethnic cleansing was not only despicable & inhumane, but also worrying & criminal, especially for mentally ill users, because you also have a certain responsibility towards these fellow human beings = community 🫶🏽
And now explicitly valid art 🎭 is suddenly allowed❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (which I was very pleased to learn) 🫶🏽
Want to say: From the beginning of your terror regime you were only AGAINST YOUR OWN USERS: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
This is the definition of your mother trucking job
"to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed"
& your million dollar gulping, panicky and blundering attempts to eliminate 🧪 porn bots failed miserably! (And this at the expense of the once wonderful variety of diverse art blogs represented here) 🪦
I appeal to your common sense
Please make tumblr a better place again 🫶🏽
Ecco la definizione, come promemoria amichevole, del tuo lavoro:
„Comunità, gruppo di persone che perseguono un obiettivo comune, coltivano interessi comuni, si sentono legati a valori comuni; Comunità (soprattutto l'utente su Internet)“
Dalla tua acquisizione ostile qui, da parte degli attuali proprietari, Dumblr è stato un disgustoso luogo ultraterreno in cui lo sfruttamento del massimo profitto e banalità inutili come i tuoi "servizi" premium estremamente costosi e inutili 🤦🏽‍♂️ sono la priorità e allo stesso tempo il quasi ovunque i diritti umani applicabili vengono calpestati!
& Funzionalità e usabilità sono state tutt'altro che aggiornamenti dalla tua versione per ios, ad esempio dalla versione 19.9, ma enormi downgrade - tutti "programmati" in modo molto, molto, molto poco professionale
La tua pulizia etnica non è stata solo spregevole e disumana, ma anche preoccupante e criminale, soprattutto per gli utenti malati di mente, perché hai anche una certa responsabilità nei confronti di questi altri esseri umani = comunità 🫶🏽
E ora l'arte 🎭 esplicitamente valida è improvvisamente consentita❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (cosa che mi ha fatto molto piacere apprendere) 🫶🏽
Voglio dire: dall'inizio del tuo regime di terrore eri solo CONTRO I TUOI UTENTI: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
Questa è la definizione del lavoro di autotrasporto di tua madre
"essere d'accordo e dare incoraggiamento a qualcuno o qualcosa perché vuoi che lui, lei o lui abbia successo"
e i tuoi tentativi da un milione di dollari di deglutizione, panico e errori per eliminare 🧪 i robot porno sono falliti miseramente! (E questo a scapito della varietà un tempo meravigliosa di diversi blog d'arte qui rappresentati) 🪦
Mi appello al vostro buon senso
Per favore, rendi di nuovo Tumblr un posto migliore 🫶🏽
Aquí está la definición, como un recordatorio amistoso, de su trabajo:
„Comunidad, grupo de personas que persiguen un fin común, cultivan intereses comunes, se sienten comprometidas con valores comunes; Comunidad (especialmente el usuario en Internet)“
Desde su adquisición hostil aquí, de los propietarios actuales, Dumblr ha sido un lugar repugnante fuera del mundo donde la explotación de la máxima ganancia y trivialidades innecesarias como sus "servicios" premium extremadamente caros e inútiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ son la prioridad y al mismo tiempo la ¡casi en todas partes se pisotean los derechos humanos aplicables!
& La funcionalidad y la usabilidad han sido cualquier cosa menos actualizaciones desde su versión para ios, por ejemplo, desde la versión 19.9, sino degradaciones masivas, todas muy, muy, muy poco profesionales "programadas".
Su limpieza étnica no solo fue despreciable e inhumana, sino también preocupante y criminal, especialmente para los usuarios con enfermedades mentales, porque también tiene cierta responsabilidad hacia estos seres humanos = comunidad 🫶🏽
Y ahora el arte explícitamente válido 🎭 de repente está permitido❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (que me complació mucho aprender) 🫶🏽
Quiero decir: desde el comienzo de su régimen de terror, solo estaba EN CONTRA DE SUS PROPIOS USUARIOS: COMMUNITY = antisocial deluxe
Esta es la definición de tu trabajo de camionero madre
"estar de acuerdo y dar aliento a alguien o algo porque quieres que él, ella o eso tenga éxito"
¡y sus intentos de millones de dólares de tragar, entrar en pánico y cometer errores para eliminar 🧪 bots porno fallaron miserablemente! (Y esto a expensas de la maravillosa variedad de diversos blogs de arte representados aquí) 🪦
Apelo a tu sentido común
Por favor, haz de Tumblr un lugar mejor otra vez 🫶🏽
Voici la définition, pour rappel amical, de votre métier :
„Communauté, groupe de personnes qui poursuivent un objectif commun, cultivent des intérêts communs, se sentent attachés à des valeurs communes ; Communauté (en particulier l'utilisateur sur Internet)“
Depuis votre prise de contrôle hostile ici, par les propriétaires actuels, Dumblr a été un endroit surnaturel dégoûtant où l'exploitation du profit maximum et des anecdotes inutiles comme vos "services" premium extrêmement chers et inutiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ sont la priorité et en même temps le presque partout, les droits de l'homme applicables sont bafoués !
& La fonctionnalité et la convivialité ont été tout sauf des mises à jour depuis votre version pour ios, par exemple depuis la version 19.9, mais des rétrogradations massives - toutes "programmées" de manière très, très, très peu professionnelle
Votre épuration ethnique était non seulement ignoble & inhumaine, mais aussi inquiétante & criminelle, surtout pour les usagers malades mentaux, car vous avez aussi une certaine responsabilité envers ces êtres humains = communauté 🫶🏽
Et maintenant, l'art explicitement valide 🎭 est soudainement autorisé ❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (ce que j'ai été très heureux d'apprendre) 🫶🏽
Envie de dire : depuis le début de votre régime de terreur, vous n'étiez que CONTRE VOS PROPRES UTILISATEURS : COMMUNAUTÉ = luxe antisocial
C'est la définition de votre travail de camionneur mère
"être d'accord et encourager quelqu'un ou quelque chose parce que vous voulez qu'il réussisse"
& vos tentatives avalées, paniquées et maladroites d'un million de dollars pour éliminer 🧪 les robots pornos ont échoué lamentablement ! (Et cela au détriment de la variété autrefois merveilleuse de blogs d'art divers représentés ici) 🪦
je fais appel à votre bon sens
S'il vous plaît, faites de tumblr un meilleur endroit à nouveau 🫶🏽
New World by Zap Mama
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macmanx · 1 month
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no points
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violet-evers · 3 months
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I think I was riding adrenaline for almost 2 hrs playing Deep Rock Galactic.
And I failed the fucking mission....
And it was totally not worth it. I had to kill bugs that were so beautiful and get eggs out of this sack and it looked like blood and the noises were so real....
I feel hungover.... I've never played a game this intense that I feel frickin sick and sad.... Those flies were so cute and I couldn't get to the pod 😭 I died trying to go baaackkkk
I know rage quitting is common but is depression quitting a thing?
Oh God I'm gonna have nightmares about those bugs.....
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stayinguplate · 7 months
Guys 😭😭😭
To the person who said “get ice king nails!” I literally loved the idea but I was talking to my mom about it and she said “ oh I’m sorry I wish I told you earlier but the nail people can’t draw “ I told her it was okay but I can’t get ice king nails ! It’s okay tho but simply blue doesn’t look me so I have to do something that looks good my good friend said I look good in purple to so I guess that’s good anyway just wanted to tell you guys that, hope you have a good day night or afternoon 
(More fanfiction coming soon specifically  yandere Betty golb❤️:))
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the-aila-test · 3 months
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Yellowstone ( 2018 ) dir. Taylor Sheridan
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1. Is she a main character? YES, actress is non-Native which results in an instant fail.
2. Does this character fall in love with a white man? YES. married to Kayce Dutton
3. Does this character end up raped or murdered at any point during the story? NO / NO both attempts have been made against this character several times
Monica Dutton from Yellowstone does not pass The Ali Nahdee Test
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Why does mvb hunt humans t???
The therapy didn't work. Dr. Jupiter, you have failed.
All jokes aside, do you want an actual reason? Ok:
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That's the meta reason for why he acts that way. The in-universe reason is... most likely a combination of being bored by hunting animals, wanting to have a human that will never leave him (creepy as hell, I know) and some underlining family trauma.
Mix it all together, and you know that it's the best of both worlds!
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rancidjuno · 8 months
1,2,4,5,7, 34, and 50 from the barrissoka ask but for kenduli 😍
Ty for asking !!(I’d never shut up about them if I could) – for anyone curious this is based on Bailey’s barrissoka ask game! I will try my best to answer these well without too much word vomit <3
How did they fall in love?
I think for Kenduli that’s an interesting one because, as childhood friends there’s always beenlove there—it’s just it manifesting as romantic that’s more tricky. I go between ideas on this, but keeping things mostly canon compliant I would say Luminara would only allow herself to think of Obi-Wan like that post Barriss’ betrayal. At that point she’s facing the reality that if you want someone to know you care about them sometimes you have to tell them that – and after Barriss, Obi-Wan is probably the person she cares for the most.
That’s not to say they haven’t been together in other forms prior to that, I am very pro the Luminara and Obi-Wan friends-with-benefits arrangement that could have existed from when they are much younger. For Obi-Wan I think it’s more of a steady build than a sudden realisation—he’s got terrible luck (RIP Satine and Qui-Gon) when it comes to the people he loves so I think he’d keep a distance, wait for her to initiate that if she ever wants to. He loves her, and she him, and they always have—but taking that next step is something he’d leave in her hands.
Who fell first?
It’s a similar thing here where there is no strict falling as much as it’s this steady incline of affection and familiarity. That said, I think maybe it manifests more in Luminara first in unconscious ways. For teenaged Luminara, I think my favourite hc is that she has an underlying envy that manifests in ways she wouldn’t understand—for example, when it comes to Satine, she is not jealous of Satine or the relationship that she and Obi-Wan have but potentially of the bond, the closeness that she wouldn’t ever allow herself to have that young. So I guess that could count as falling first? Not that she would know it lol
Obi-Wan knows this, and so he would never push. But hey, maybe if Luminara had been more open before he met Satine they could have gotten together much sooner? So, in conclusion, I think they’ve both been that way all along.
Who would confess first and how?
I’ve written a few versions of this and I think my favourite is when it’s not a confession of love, it’s a confession of possession. And in that case, it would have to be Luminara. She loves her friends, maybe she won’t use that word but Obi-Wan knows that, Quinlan knows that—what the real confession is, the thing that plagues her, is the desire for fidelity, and in turn possession. Friends-with-benefits is fine but it’s when she wants him to herself that confession comes in.
To be clear, I don't mean possession in a: oh my god he's so possessive (Anakin) way! I just mean it in the claiming of something, the claiming of Obi-Wan's fidelity.
Obi-Wan’s played that game before, he felt it for Satine but that didn’t work out—these are feelings he’s been through and understands. And he can’t force Luminara to be okay with those feelings, there are many Jedi who would never be, so it would be his kindness to not say anything until she does.
First kiss, and how would it go?
This one’s fun because it’s another I’ve written a few different ways, but I would say it’s probably when they’re quite young—like the 15-17 age range. It’s pretty harmless, a bit awkward like most first kisses are but it’s not only their first kiss with each other it’s also their first kiss ever so that’s to be expected lol. The safety of having those experiences with each other, who they trust so implicitly, leaves an affection between them that’ll never disappear.
How would their first date go?
I mean, these fools have been going on dates all their lives—their first date was probably a toddler play date lmao. But if we’re talking a proper date date then I think they’d keep it simple. He cooks for her, they just talk for a while, maybe go out for a long walk after. Their daily lives are full of such chaos that the calm of their relationship is incredibly important.
It wouldn’t have been an official date because Luminara’s emotionally constipated and Quinlan probably tagged along but when they’re in their twenties I think they had a bit more of an outgoing taste, like bars and clubs. Maybe that’s me projecting, but the experience of barely being able to think with the music blasting and being surrounded by so many people would probably be something they’d both enjoy at that time. They’ll grow out of that one, though, lol
Who’s more likely to get jealous if someone makes a pass at their partner?
Neither Luminara nor Obi-Wan strike me as particularly jealous people. I mentioned that Luminara has an unconscious jealousy of Obi-Wan’s ability to be open when they’re young but that’s not really targeted at any person other than disappointment in herself. The core of their relationship is an unshakable trust, and because of that neither of them have any concern about the other betraying them in any way.
That said, it definitely depends on how the pass is made. If it’s just a little harmless flirting then I think they’d just find it amusing, maybe even encourage it a little, but if it’s like a physical grabbing or something that clearly makes them uncomfortable then the other would step in. So maybe Obi-Wan, just because Star Wars has lots of sexism (really cool move I hate it), and if anyone ever made an inappropriate pass at Luminara he would shut it down pretty quickly even though she’s very capable of doing it herself. But it’s more concern for her safety than it is jealousy, if that makes sense?
What are some songs/quotes/poems/stories/movies that make you think of Kenduli? I always write and draw to music so there’s a lot of stuff I associate with them even though there’s no real connection. I have Star Wars playlist that is just like by default kenduli songs in my head. Beyond that though, not really! They’re very unique as a pairing to me, and that’s why I like them so much.
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