#fake friendship
mycptsdstory · 2 years
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Truth!!! I had friends who turned on me for no reason. I see them, I know they hated me from day one.
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lisa-ernestine · 1 year
Niemand kommt ungestraft davon
Ich habe gelernt zu vergeben, aber nicht zu vergessen, nur so kam ich in meinem Leben ein Stück weiter. Egal was passierte, mein Kopf wurde leichter. Ich hab allen, die mir Leid zugefügt haben verziehen & es half mir meinen Gedanken zu entfliehen. Ob ich ausgelacht, gemobbt, ausgeschlossen, geschlagen, oder missbraucht wurde, es ist mir mittlerweile egal, doch ich erinnere mich bis zu diesem Tag. Auch wenn mich jemand von damals vergisst, erinnere ich mich trotzdem an jedes einzelne Gesicht.
Warum ich mich dazu entschlossen hab? Es ist ganz einfach zu beantworten. Jeder bekommt im Leben seine gerechte Strafe, ob es gut oder schlecht ist, darüber entscheidet nicht das Gericht. Denn das Gericht kann nicht über jeden richten, jeder entscheidet selbst über seine Taten. Wann genau? Ihr müsst nur warten.
Ich hab schon einige Menschen in meiner Vergangenheit gesehen, die das bekamen, was ihnen Zustand. & Ich wünsche niemandem was schlechtes, habe es aber dennoch auch nicht verdient. Nun haben sie alle ihre gerechte Strafe gekriegt. Niemand kommt im Leben ungestraft davon.
-LE (me)
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thatgrrlpoet · 14 days
I thought we weren't strangers
Not after all we'd had
The hours we spent together
The texts and calls
It turns out you were fake
While I tried to be real
With you, I was actual
But with me, you were plastic
We've gone back to strangers
Like that day at the park In elementary
Oblivious to each other
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1d-hp-trash · 11 months
University friends and their hypocrisy really make you question yourself.
Because its 2 am, and the people pleaser in me is wondering what's wrong with me as a human being, super confused cuz wtf did I do to deserve this?
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 9 months
Ahahahahah Stan doesn't want pay just one dollar for making Dean out of jail…..^^
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dragoste-vesnica · 1 year
This is a post about friendship, fake friends and all that s$*#
I used to have a best friend, or at least that’s what I thought. She was there for me whenever it suits her. If there was not in her interest, she just vanished.
So, this is for you, dear “best friend”. Please don’t forget that, even now, when I know exactly how you are, if you’ll ever call me in the middle of the night, crying, I’ll run to you. But, on a second thought, you know what?! You can fuck yourself!
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geceninlotusizisblog · 9 months
Kişiyi öyle bir hâle getirir ki bir zamanlar uğruna ölmeyi göze alacak kadar sevdiği kişiler varlığından nefret etmeye başlar.
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nono-del-reystuff · 2 years
Better an open army than a false friend
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atlantis-just-drowned · 10 months
They are not someone that I don't know anymore. Oh no, gods know that I know them too well. Too well to be fooled again by their little game.
Everyone is rambling about how they became strangers again with people they used to know. But I didn't use to know them. I used to be blinded by their mask. Now I know who they really are. That's why they're no longer in my life.
But it still hurts.
Not their presence. Not their words nor their voice. Not them. But the knowledge that they're just one more name on a dreadful list of people who hurt me, tried to manipulate me or to harm me. What hurts is to know that they weren't the first one, and that they surely won't be the last one. What hurts is to know I'll suffer again, at one time or another. That I can't escape it. That I'll lose friends, again. That I'll be betrayed, triggered, pushed in in my entrenchments again.
What hurts the most is the knowledge that I've been hurt in a similar way in the past, and that I'll be hurt in a similar way in the future.
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From this I go with a friend to an electronic music festival and I meet the one who was my supposed best friend. And I say of course, because after being friends for so long, for him I was an enemy to whore. And all because in her day I did sexual things with her friend before they were a couple.
Well, this "best friend", even though he wanted to screw up my life, there I was, helping him with every problem, listening to his sorrows, etc. What a "best friend" I thought. I admit that I gave him hosts without hands (do not hit, speak directly and be very sincere in my words), but, FUCK, a friend is there to be honest, not to be a hypocrite! I think.
Well, very well, this parasite now wants to talk to me, again, for I don't know how many times now. But this is a long story to tell. In short, the only thing I can say about all this is that it was amusing to see him nervous in his words when he spoke to me, to see his desire to love my friend again, to know that he hates to agree with me when I warned him of the path I was going to take
Well, you know what I tell you? Fuck you! Keep licking your wounds. Keep believing that I will believe all your lies. And, as I told you the last time we met in person to "talk" things (because you were a coward after all that we had to clarify): You go your way and I go mine.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
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Short story under here, press if you want to read.
She wasn’t all that interested in doing anything with her ugh- she hated saying this even in her head- brother but their parents forced them to spend time together.
So out of all the boring things she’s not interested in but would probably be good at, her brother gets to pick chess.
You’d think all nerds liked nerd things but here’s the thing. She is not like the other bozos that like tech. Her name is Kendra and she is cooler and smarter than all of the other so called ‘nerds’.
She likes to hack and code, but that doesn’t mean she likes other basic beachballs things.
Ugh, she still can’t believe she got caught cursing and has to censor herself or she’ll be ‘grounded’. Blugh, they can’t control her. She does the controlling around here!
In any case, at least she gets to see her lame ‘brother’ get beat and she has her phone so she can work on the next project outline for her group, the purple dragons.
She bristled at the thought of her arch-nemesis, Otello Von Ryan aka Bootyyyshaker9000 aka Donnie aka the weird kid that girl, April O’ Neil, brought to school one day. He ruined everything!
She was doing so well getting into the Nakamura Vault when he’d had to go ruin it. She got in so much trouble!
Dang. She got distracted and now has to delete the line of code she just typed in.
She looked up to check how bad her brother was getting crush. Eh, same amount as usual.
She went back to her code before testing it. Meh still needs work. Her brother, Jason, who she didn’t bother remembering his name until now- came walk up to her nervously. Good. He needs to know his place.
“Hey Kendra do you want-“, she cuts him off with a swift no.
“Uh… I’ll be right back, I’m-“, she cuts him off again to tell him to get her a caffeinated beverage.
So she was alone again, this time looking at her college applications. Having a recorded hurt her choices but hopefully they won’t brush off her obvious genus and accomplishments.
She groaned in frustration as no one has gotten back to her yet. It was just a little theft okay!?
The shout of check mate made her glance and take a good look at the guy that’s actually on a winning streak.
She vaguely recognized him from somewhere, but it didn’t click until she realized he had the same skin condition as- Oh this will be good….
She put her phone a way and went to introduce herself to her newest victim.
“Hey, I saw you out there. You’re really good at chess huh? Mind showing me a few moves?”, she smiled as nicely as she could.
He looked at her for a moment with a skeptical look before shrugging and explaining a simpler move set for beginners.
“How long have you been playing?”, she asked.
“Longer than I can remember! It’s something me and my twin like to play together.”, she tried not to roll her eyes at the mention of his brother.
“Twin? That’s rare, is he any good?”, she hoped not, she couldn’t stand hearing any sort of bragging about that loser.
“Oh Donnie’s great!”, then he smirked before pointing his hand to himself dramatically, “If only he was good as I! He’s never beaten me once!”
That was surprise, so there’s something he couldn’t do.
“Oh and what about when you first played? You couldn’t have been that good.”, she said looking for something.
“Nah, I was awesome!”, he sweated before looking a way, “might have gotten lucky the first few times before having actual wins…cough.”
She made a coy smirk and raised an eyebrow. She placed both arms in front of her crossed.
“Well, I’m going to get froyo if you want to come?”, she smiled easily.
“Sure!”, he brighten up with a smile.
“Cool, follow me.”, she knew Jason would be coming back any minute now and she needed to ditch him quick.
As they walked a way from the chess matches she introduced her self properly.
“Names Kendra by the way, what about you? Champ.”, she glanced at him.
“Uh Primetime- I mean Neon- uh Leo, just call me Leo. It’s nice to meet you, Kendra. You’re pretty cool.”, he smiled.
She twitched at the genuine tone in his voice but otherwise didn’t react and kept walking, ignoring her phone ringing.
“Shouldn’t you…”, she turned the silence on on her phone.
“Nope! It’s not important, now let me tell how I found this froyo place.”, she replied with a little bit of joy.
(Froyo is Frozen Yogurt by the way.)
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lisa-ernestine · 1 year
Auf nie mehr Wiedersehen
Du & ich waren schon immer beste Freunde. Haben zusammen viel gelacht & noch mehr erlebt. Heute sind wir nur mehr 2 Fremde mit vielen Erinnerungen & es ist nun Zeit zu gehen.
Immer wenn du mich gerufen hast, war ich sofort da, hab immer versucht dich glücklich zu machen, doch jetzt ist alles nicht mehr so, wie es einmal war. Ich hab zugesehen, wie du dich durch Substanzen kaputt gemacht hast. Nun distanziere ich mich davon, es wurde für mich zu einer Last. Fühle mich nicht mehr wohl in deiner Nähe & du nimmst dir die ganze Hand, wenn ich dir meinen kleinen Finger gebe. Du hast dich so sehr verändert & nicht gesehen, wie kaputt du mich machst, denn für dich waren nur mehr Drogen wichtig & du kannst nicht einmal sehen, was du verloren hast. Nun sage ich tschüss, wir werden uns nicht wieder sehen. Wir sind keine Freunde mehr, ich werde jetzt für immer gehen.
Ich bin für dich durch die ganze Stadt gegangen, während du für mich nicht mal in den Zug gestiegen bist. Du hast mich ausgenutzt, manipuliert, mich immer in Schwierigkeiten gebracht. Ich hab mich immer für Dinge entschuldigt, obwohl es nicht mal meine Schuld war. Ich hab dir immer zugehört & dir nie ein Wort über meine Probleme gesagt. Jetzt hast du deine einzige Freundin verloren, denn ich war dir sowieso nicht wichtig. Nur dein Egoismus & deine Meinung war richtig. Trotzdem danke für die ganzen tollen Erinnerungen & die schöne Zeit. Ich gehe jetzt meinen eigenen Weg, nun ist es soweit.
-LE (me)
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ndilhmx · 1 month
It's pretty sad isn't losing a friend who thought was going to stay never leave yet come to realise that they never was your friend, in the first place. We could of have made it to move years however the person we would rather out her controlling manipulating boyfriend first before any of her friends I was one of them. Looking back on some of our old photos also where I am now in life; I'm so fucking glad that I decided to cut you off it was for the better. Sharing a status about jealousy when it was clearly aimed at me not answering back to any of my messages, coming over uninvited just so you could stare at me turning your hand into a fist punch giving me the looks of anger.
Access denied you'll never get the same respect I had for you! Let's not forget all the times when you also used my facial disfigurement to embarrassed me also humiliate me in public. Be gone! 😒
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davidwarner9615 · 5 months
What Is Friendship Counselling? How Does it work?
Friendship is a cherished aspect of our lives, but sometimes, even the closest bonds encounter challenges. Friendship counselling emerges as a valuable resource to navigate these difficulties, providing guidance and support. In this blog post, we'll explore the essence of friendship counselling, offering insights into its workings and the role it plays in fostering healthier relationships.
1: Understanding Friendship Counselling
Friendship counselling is a specialized form of therapy designed to address issues within friendships. It involves seeking professional guidance to navigate challenges, conflicts, or emotional strain that may arise between friends. Much like couples or individual counselling, friendship counselling aims to strengthen the bond and promote a positive and supportive dynamic.
2: How Does Friendship Counselling Work?
Friendship counselling works by providing a safe and non-judgmental space for friends to express their thoughts and feelings openly. A trained counsellor facilitates the sessions, guiding the friends through discussions to uncover underlying issues, enhance communication, and explore constructive solutions. The process often involves:
(i): Identification of Issues: The first step is recognizing and articulating the specific issues or challenges within the friendship, whether it's a communication breakdown, unresolved conflicts, or changing dynamics.
(ii): Communication Enhancement: Counsellors help friends improve their communication skills, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and needs. Effective communication is crucial for building and maintaining strong friendships.
(iii): Exploration of Feelings: Friends are encouraged to explore and express their feelings in a safe environment. This can include addressing hurt, disappointment, or any emotions that may be affecting the friendship.
(iv): Conflict Resolution: If conflicts exist, the counsellor guides friends through a process of resolution, helping them find common ground and implement healthy conflict management strategies.
3: When to Consider Friendship Counselling
Friendship counselling becomes beneficial when friends encounter challenges that they find challenging to address on their own. Consider friendship counselling when:
Communication becomes strained.
Conflicts persist without resolution.
Emotional distance or misunderstandings impact the friendship.
External factors strain the friendship.
4: Friendship Advice and Relationship Counselling
Friendship counselling often involves offering advice on fostering healthier relationships. This advice may include tips on effective communication, setting boundaries, and understanding each other's needs. The goal is to equip friends with the tools to navigate challenges independently and cultivate a more resilient friendship.
5: Navigating Friendship Breakups and Fake Friendships
In some cases, friendship counselling may also address the difficult topics of friendship breakups and fake friendships. Counsellors can provide support in navigating the end of a friendship, processing emotions, and gaining closure. Additionally, they can assist in identifying and addressing signs of fake friendships, empowering individuals to cultivate authentic and meaningful connections.
Friendship counselling is a valuable resource for nurturing and preserving meaningful connections. By understanding its workings and recognizing when to seek support, friends can embark on a journey of growth and strengthened bonds. Whether facing conflicts, communication challenges, or the complexities of friendship dynamics, friendship counselling offers a pathway to a healthier and more fulfilling connection.
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pourmercymercyonme · 10 months
and the problem is, you want me to think you don't hate me, but i was you friend before you'd even talked to any of them. i was the one you talked shit with, i was the one you laughed with, i was the one you hugged. i already know what you say about me. i know you want miles away from you, i know you purposely leave me out everytime you meet, i even know you tell all "our" friends not to mention it. but you want me to act as if i didn't. you want to laugh at how oblivious i am, you want me to be the fool you buried deep inside yourself.
i know i shouldn't think about you anymore. hell, you doing all of this hurt more than you making my boyfriend break up with me. do you want me to suffer? are you bored? do you not like me? when did i went wrong for everything to go this bad? give me an answer, whatever it is i will take it, i swear. hate is a feeling, violence is a choice, but indifference. indifference is a void in my soul.
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