#fall maiden pyrrha au
rainbow-zebra-art · 6 months
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Flat color commission for Soundwave3591! Featuring the Arkos family from his "Mother Maiden" RWBY AU. So here we have adult Jaune, Pyrrha, and their lovely children – Lia (Liakada) and JJ (Jaune Jr.)!
I always loved this family concept, so drawing them all together smiling and happy was such an enjoyable experience. What's not to enjoy here? They all look so fine >w<
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invincibleweasel · 3 months
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rwac96 · 5 months
*Very few things made Pyrrha Nikos angry and feel hate towards a person, Cardin Winchester being one due to his actions and personality; while at this very moment, her ire was focused on a certain Saiyan*
Pyrrha: *scowling* "You thought it was a good idea to test...whatever this is--"
Shallot: "Super Saiyan."
Pyrrha: "ON JAUNE!"
Shallot: "Hey, don't snap at me! He agreed to help me train and perfect the form."
Shallot: "Hey, he has that Aura thing...until it...shattered." *grimaced*
Pyrrha: "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't strangle you!"
Shallot: *blinks* "It wouldn't work." *shrugs his shoulders* "Just sayin'."
Pyrrha: *eyes glow* "I have no idea why Weiss--." *stops, an idea forming in her mind* "--You know what, I should focus my energy on making sure Jaune's okay." *walks off*
Shallot: *blinks* "...Why do I feel like I've set myself up for somethin'?"
*Shallot was busy searching for nachos, smacking his lips*
Shallot: "Man, where is it? I know Ren hid here some--Hnngh!"
*Shallot groans, feeling that someone has grabbed his tail, slowly turning his head to--*
Weiss: *naked* "I suppose you were looking for food."
Shallot: "Oh, no! You're not gettin' me like--"
*The door locking can be heard*
Shallot: *furrowing his brows* "Oh, that conivin'--!"
Shallot: *far away* "PYRRRHAAAAAA!!!"
Pyrrha: "Oh...I am not sorry about that."
STATUS: Failed
REASON FOR FAILURE: Shallot had ticked off a certain (half) Fall Maiden by getting her Knight hurt and making her conspire with Weiss.
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howlingday · 2 months
you dong reeally good yang and blake au keep up at it
First / Second / Previously
"And here we have your dorm, Team JNPR." Professor Port said, waving his hand to the door. "Here, you shall share the adventure that is camaraderie, self-improvement, and dare I say, maybe even romantic pursuits?" He wiggled his bush mustache with a chuckle, though it was only amusing to one student. Two of them blushed and looked away, while the third simply stared with dull eyes. "But there will be enough time for that later. You may awaken at any time prior to your first class, but we expect all students to be in their seats before class begins at eight."
"Eight at night?" Nora bounced off the heels of her rabbit feet.
"Ho ho! That is quite the... terrible idea, actually." Professor Port answered, furrowing his brow in thought. He quickly shook his head. "But no, eight in the morning. Breakfast will be served until seven forty-five." He then opened the door, allowing the students into their new home. "Your scrolls should unlock this door, the same as any teaching faculty member may enter, should the need arise." He stepped away, turning away. "This marks the end of your tour around campus. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. I will leave you four to get settled in."
The large professor then left, leaving the four students alone in their room. The thin, blond boy with a hanging dog tail quickly ran into what was the bathroom. The sounds of retching filled the room, making a proper introduction pretty much impossible. However, this did nothing to stop the other three from making their intros to one another.
"I'm Nora, and this is Ren!" The girl pulled the taller boy closer to her. "We're best friends! Together since we were kids!" She then stopped herself. "Oh, but not together-together, you know?"
"I... guess?" Pyrrha flicked her large, round chinchilla ears. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos."
"Well, we already knew that! Right, Ren?" The tall boy simply hummed in agreement.
"Oh." Pyrrha sighed when suddenly, the bathroom door opened. Shambling out was their leader, a pale and sickly-looking boy. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." He groaned, wiping his forehead. "I just need to take my medicine."
"If you die, can Pyrrha be our leader?"
"Nora!" Ren chided, the first words to come out of his mouth. "I'm very sorry about her. What was your name again?"
"I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc." Suddenly, he got a second wind, standing up straight to look confident. His tail even wagged a little. "Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it."
"Was your puke short and sweet when it rolled off your tongue?" Nora asked, earning another chide and apology from Ren.
Pyrrha simply giggled. "Do you need any help, Jaune? We are partners after all."
"Yeah, we are, huh?" Jaune's tail seemed to wag a bit more.
"Are you sure this is the right person, ma'am?"
"Well, you don't see anyone else, do you, Emerald?" Cinder replied. "Are you Marcus Black?"
The boy heaved heavy breaths as he stood on shaky legs. There was blood all over his shirt and it seemed like every breath was agony for him. He looked up to the two, taller women and answered them.
"No, I'm Mercury. Marcus is my dead." With a light groan, pointing to the burning house behind him. "He was in there."
"Was?" Cinder asked. "Did he leave?"
"Kinda." The boy answered. "He's dead. He's dead and I killed him."
The boy was still in shock, clearly. Not taking any chances, Cinder sent Emerald to the house to confirm. Unfortunately, the boy was right and the assassin they needed was dead inside, buried under a burning support beam. This put a wrench in Cinder's plans, but not for long as she smiled at the boy being tended to by Emerald.
"How would you like to come with us?" Cinder asked, sweetly as a serpent to a mouse. With nowhere else to go, Mercury joined the serpent, and her green-haired friend.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Pyrrha and Penny switch roles; Penny is set to be the Fall Maiden before getting killed, and Pyrrha becomes the Hero of Mantle.
Penny rushed to the CCT Tower at Beacon as grimm and Atlas robots alike started to attack the school. Between her fight with Pyrrha and the grimm attacks right after everyone had started to panic, everything had changed too quickly. She never meant for Pyrrha to get hurt, never meant to cause a panic for those who were watching the tournament, and that woman who spoke and made sure everyone saw Penny and the blood on her swords…
“Penny, where are you going?!” Ruby used her semblance to get ahead of Penny. “We need to help everyone get out of here-” 
“I… I cannot, I need…” Penny sighed and pointed to the tower where Ozpin and Glynda already stood waiting for her. “I need to get to the tower. I cannot explain everything but… this is my purpose. This was the reason I was built, I am sure of it.” 
Ruby nodded and smiled at her friend. “Then I’ll come with you to make sure you stay safe.” 
Penny smiled and continued to rush to the tower, her blades made short work of the grimm and robots that stood in her way. All she had to do was get the maiden powers and she could save Beacon and- she paused as a new grimm appeared on her scans. The ground rumbled as a deafening roar thundered in the air as the wyvern grimm flew through the air above Vale, grimm goo dripped from its wings and body. Penny could only stand in fear as she watched the monstrosity fly above and make its way to the tower. 
Ruby pulled out her scythe and slammed the blade into the nearest grimm and called out to Penny. “Go! I’ll make sure the grimm dont make it!” 
“But Ruby-” 
“I’ll be right behind you!” 
Penny let out a small sigh as she watched Ruby practically dance with her scythe in hand. Even with her experience, the grimm numbers still seemed to infinitely grow. Penny shook her head and rushed to the tower and followed behind the headmaster. 
“We’ll need to hurry,” Ozpin said as he opened the elevator and pressed a button for the loweset, basement floor. “Are you sure you’re ready Penny?” 
“I… I am combat ready…”
Ozpin nodded and took a few breaths as the elevator lowered itself well below the school. Once the doors opened, he rushed to the end of the hallway to make sure the aura transfer machine was ready. “This… will still hurt.” 
Penny nodded and sat down into the open chamber. She took a breath as the chamber closed and the machine started to run. Her body burned as she felt her aura start to mix with Amber’s as the machine ran its course. Then… the burning stopped. 
The transfer began to fail as an arrow pierced Amber’s heart. The aura that had started to mix with Penny separated from her and made its way to the other half. Penny pounded on the glass to let her out as she watched the maiden powers swirl around Cinder. “No!” 
Ozpin finally managed to get the pod open and sighed as he readied himself. “Penny, its time for you to go.” 
“But I can-” 
“You’ll only be in the way.” 
Glynda put a hand on Penny’s shoulder and motioned to the door. “This isnt the place for either of us. Professor Ozpin will hold Cinder off and we’ll make sure everyone else gets out of Beacon.” 
Penny wanted to argue, but the words were stuck in the back of her throat. She wanted to stay to help, but she knew Ozpin was right: even if this was what she was built for, she hadnt been tested to deal with a maiden. At least, not yet. With a quiet sigh, she ran off with Glynda past Cinder. She fought every urge to turn around to fight as she made her way out of the tower. 
Glynda panted behind her. “We need to evacuate everyone-” Her words were interrupted as the elevator behind them was destroyed as Cinder made her way up the shaft to the top of the tower. Pieces of metal started to fall around as she used her semblance to protect herself and Penny. “You need to leave-” 
“No, I will not let Beacon fall!” Penny glared as she targeted Cinder and used the small rockets in her boots to gain a bit of height and latch her swords into the tower. Each sword was used for precise leverage to make her way to the top of the tower. Glass exploded around Penny near the top of the tower as Cinder blasted out the windows and made her way to the grimm wyvern that flew around the top of the tower. With one last heave, she pulled herself into what remained of Ozpin’s office and glared at Cinder. “Stand down.” 
Cinder smirked and turned around, bow in hand as her eyes glowed with the maiden powers. “Do you believe in destiny?” 
*months later* 
Pyrrha took a deep breath and took a few steps forward, arms outstretched to help keep her balance. With each step, she could feel her balance shift, still unused to her new legs. 
“That’s it, just a little further,” Peitro said as he made a few notes on his scroll. “You’re doing well with your recovery.” 
“It still feels surreal to be able to walk again,” Pyrrha quickly regained her balance as she started to wobble. “You really think I’ll be ready to train again?” 
“You’ll be ready in no time.” Pietro coughed and moved his chair to Pyrrha’s side. “Now please sit down so I can run a few diagnostics on your new body.” 
Pyrrha sighed and sat down, her eyes moved to a picture of Pietro and his daughter. “You know she didnt mean to hurt me, right?” 
“I know, but that doesnt change how the rest of Atlas… how the rest of the world saw it. To them, they saw Penny try to kill you and we were lucky to get you out of there when we could. The fact you’re still here is a miracle in of itself.” 
Pyrrha slowly nodded and leaned back as Pietro opened the panel on her chest. “Any idea what happened to her?” 
“Not yet, but as soon as I’m able to rebuild her, I should be able to get access to her core and see exactly what she saw. Though, from the looks of the damage, it wasnt a grimm.” 
“So… now what’s going to happen?” 
“What’s going to happen is that we’re going to come up with a new plan to save Remnant,” General Ironwood said as he stepped into PIetro’s office. “Miss Nikos, its good to see that you’re still alive.” 
“Oh, right, I never did introduce you… this is General Ironwood.” Pietro moved a bit for Pyrrha to see the General at the doorway. “He uh… he’s the reason you’re still with us today. As soon as he saw what happened to you, he made sure we could get you here to Atlas to save your life. Though… we did have to make a few changes as you’re aware.” 
“I know, and thank you, general.” Pyrrha moved her flesh and blood arm to the mechanical one she had and gently gripped it. “Though, I’m still not sure why you’d want to spend so much time on me.” 
Ironwood slowly made his way to Pyrrha. “Now that Beacon has been destroyed and with Ozpin presumed dead, I think its time I start to be a bit more… open about what’s going on. Namely about why Beacon was attacked.” 
“I’m… I’m not sure I understand…” 
Ironwood nodded and sat down next to Pyrrha and waited for Pietro to close the door before he continued. “The attack on Beacon wasnt an accident. Cinder… works for someone who can control the grimm and is actively seeking to destroy Remnant. Beacon was just the first to come and if we’re going to stand a chance, then Atlas needs to be ready.” 
Pyrrha slowly nodded and looked herself over. “I’m… flattered that you want me but I… I’m not sure I’m ready for anything like that.” 
“We’ll work you up to it. In the meantime, we need someone that can be a beacon of hope in place of Penny’s absence. A way to show that while things are looking like the world is ending, that there is someone who can help defend.” 
“And… what exactly did you have in mind?” 
Pietro smiled and showed his scroll to Pyrrha. “With your permission, I have a few thoughts to help you navigate the battlefield to fight grimm.
Pyrrha smiled a bit as she saw a picture of herself with angel-like wings on her back, a circlet around her forehead similar to the one she lost, and armor in red and green that made her look like a hero from one of the comics she used to read as a child. “And what exactly would I be?” 
“For now, the protector of Mantle,” Ironwood answered. “And once we’re finished with your training, I hope that you’ll take your place as the protector of Remnant.”
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RWBY Fanfic Recommendation List
Fics that have really struck me, vaguely organized by ship and/or topic.
Bumbleby (Blake x Yang)
first off, basically anything by pugoata. She's the goddess-empress of the Bees. I'm gonna give particular props to Banshee, as it was the first longer fic and AU that I read, and it really opened up my mind to what fanfic could be.
You're a Mountain, Full of Glory - a ski/snowboard with amazing characterization and a closing scene that will live rent-free in my head forever, in a good way.
They Can't Steal the Love You're Born to Find - childhood soulmates repeatedly torn apart and reconnecting, with courtroom drama. One of the most angst-ridden Bee fics I've ever read.
Fucking In Love - pornstar AU that gets right to the sex and slow burns the romance. Hot as hell while also full of tenderness and pining.
Midnight Menagerie - exotic dancer, kinda-cyberpunk dystopia AU. Edges you forever with the sex, earns all the angst tags, and we are majorly trusting @kaelidascope when she promises an amazing happy ending.
Bite Me Like You Love Me - one of the hottest Bee smutfics I've ever read.
You and Me - Blake discovers she's pregnant the day Yang goes MIA on a mission and struggles through being a single mother teaching their child about her amazing other mom. Short, happy ending, amazingly sweet.
WhiteRose (Ruby x Weiss)
The Foxtrot - Ruby and Weiss repair their broken lives after the war. It's one of the most popular RWBY fics of all time for a reason.
Can You See My Strings?/Deja Vu - premium mentally ill Weiss escapes from child abuse angst, with a happy ending if you read the sequel.
But Your Voice Used to Be Mine - Weiss escapes abuse to join RBY's punk band whose smash hit she inspired.
Just One Cigarette - Ruby and Weiss have a little meetup roleplay and it's really good.
Faunus Weiss (generally major themes of struggling with internal and external racism)
Craving the Sky - Weiss has painfully concealed her faunus heritage while she tries to earn her father's love. The support of her team, and the love of Blake and Yang (BeesSchnees) help her soar on her own.
Black Swan Theory - faunus Weiss struggles to recover from child abuse and navigate a deeply racist society while building a relationship with Pyrrha (Schneekos).
Clipped Wings - secret faunus Weiss, dealing with racism and abuse from Jacques, this time slow burning towards Pollination.
Melting Glace - Cinder and Neo find love, and no redemption, in the trauma of failing to destroy Beacon. Will make you cheer for them to win by the end.
Rise from the Ashes - Cinder has a Vader moment and saves Ruby from Salem, and Ruby's pure heart helps her heal, and their adversarial relationship turn to affection. Peak RWBY enemies-to-lovers.
Odds & Ends
The Bermuda Triangle - great modern AU BeesSchnees that gets filthy hot at the end.
Midnight Rose - Summer rescues and adopts Cinder out of Atlas. Their relationship, and Cinder coming to love the Xiao Long-Rose family, is beautifully depicted. Still very much ongoing (no ships as of yet).
Fallen Maiden - Jaune dies protecting Pyrrha at Beacon, and the Fall Maiden power remains split. Will Pyrrha's bloody crusade of vengeance consume her? Or, 'Pyrrha goes full Magneto and fucks Cinder up'.
What's In A Name? - Winter and May grow up together, struggling to cope with their feelings for each other against the background of the Atlas aristocracy.
Linked In Life and Love - I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this one. I really, really love the first act, where Team RWBY sees Blake suffering terribly through a surprise heat cycle and decides that they will all "help" her with it. It's sweet and tender and feels legit for them. I'm not a huge fan of where all the series has gone since, but I would invite anyone to judge that for themselves.
(As I see this getting a decent amount of traffic, I'll just point out that, if it's convinced you [correctly] of my impeccable taste in fanfic, you might want to check out my own RWBY writings)
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falleri-salvatore · 3 months
RWBY AU Prompt:
--There are Four Foundational Families (one in each: Vale, Mistral, Mantle/Atlas and Vacuo) that can be considered Primarchical Royal Families (that is to say: they are Ozlem descendants. This fact is VERY hidden knowledge; so hidden in fact that neither Salem nor Ozpin knew until later on). --The Four Foundational Families share the following characteristics: Incredibly powerful and versatile (as well as hereditary) Semblances, immensely potent and dense Aura (not always vast, this depends on the individual), incredible life force (that is to say, they age slowly, seldom get ill and have much larger than average lifespan), and recessive yet highly persistent Silver Eyes AND Black Blood genes (rarely, some descendants are born with either one or both of these traits being dominant at random). The Schnee and Pendragon (now Arc) families are two confirmed families out of the four. --The Schnee and the Arc families have a longtime friendship with each other (which leads to the Schneeblings and the Arc Siblings being childhood friends). --Cinder was found and adopted by Qrow. Because of the series of events that unfolded prior to this, Qrow was ALMOST persona-non-grata in Atlas (Ironwood, Willow and Ozpin had to call in on a LOT of favors for the "Almost" part). --Weiss (and by extension Winter and Whitley) are childhood friends with Jaune (and his sisters). However, whereas Weiss enrolled in Atlas Prep to follow her sister's footsteps, Jaune studied in Shade Academy, where he met and befriended Pyrrha Nikos (and became her first and best friend, as well as her first love and her friendliest rival). --Saphron, Winter, Cinder and Terra studied in Beacon (Saphron, Winter and Terra came from Atlas Prep, where as Cinder came from Signal) and were on the same team (Team ASBT/Asbestos). Saphron was the leader, Saphron and Terra were partners while Winter and Cinder were partnered. --Winter and Cinder got along like cat-and-dog/ice-and-fire, with Cinder goading and taunting Winter every chance she could and Winter inevitably losing her temper (think of Qrow and Winter's canon dynamic). Cinder disdained Winter (at first) because she thought of her as a spoiled Atlesian princess (and Cinder hated anything to do with Atlas) while Winter detested being compared to a vapid socialite that was common for an Atlesian lady of her age (it was the reason she chose to come to Beacon after all, with Ironwood's endorsement no less, to get away from it all).
--Saphron Arc was pretty much the "Summer Rose/Glynda Goodwitch/Pyrrha Nikos" of her generation; that is to say, she was an unparalleled prodigy among her peers (shame that she, along with Terra, retire from being huntsmen early on). --Because of the different circumstances, Cinder Branwen was made the Fall Maiden instead of Amber (originally, Saphron was the one planned to be made the maiden; however, she declined). Amber, instead, is one of Cinder's bodyguards. --During their time in Beacon: Weiss and Pyrrha are fierce rivals in both love (over Jaune) and combat, and every time they fight, they never fail to destroy the arena. It has gotten to the point that Glynda prohibits them from fighting each other during Combat Class because she dreads having to clean up the mess. --Ozpin and Qrow can't help but reminisce over the fact that Pyrrha's and Weiss' rivalry was like a mix between Summer's and Raven's (fighting over Tai), and Winter's and Cinder's (fundamentally so very very similar that they can't help BUT clash).
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pilot-boi · 5 months
What is Voice au?
It’s an AU where after Jaune awakens his Semblance in Forever Fall (because he did unlock it then, he just didn’t know how to use it until V5) he starts being able to see/hear ghosts through Remnant
It’s built on the fact that his Semblance allows him to connect his Aura to other people, and also from the fact that Joan of Arc (his allusion) could hear voices. Hence the name
Not every death leaves a ghost behind, (violent ones, like from Grimm) and only the ones with unlocked Aura can be clearly understood. Everyone else you can only get their tone of voice, and only VERY rarely actual words
Salem and OG Ozma are also able to see/hear ghosts since ghosts are really just small pieces of magic lingering on Remnant. Ozpin and Oscar can’t see the ghosts though, he’s used up enough magic making the vaults/maidens, Branwen Birds that he’s lost the ability
The ghosts look the same as when they died, regardless of how long it’s been. This usually includes their cause of death still lingering on their body. For example Pyrrha still has an arrow embedded in her chest and Alyx still has bleeding claw marks. Etc. etc.
There’s a lot of stuff under the tag, and a lot more stuff that I have in my notes, but that’s the basics. Enjoy!
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madman479r · 5 months
Jaune has the Grimm Hound AU.
Atop the wrecked tower of Beacon Academy, Pyrrha Nikos, the undefeated champion, lay on her hands and knees, bested by the mysterious woman in red, the instigator of all this chaos, the thief of the Fall Maiden powers.
And her soon to be killer.
Pyrrha glared up at Cinder, she wouldn't beg nor show fear, one last act of defiance. "Do you believe in destiny?" She questioned.
Cinder gave Pyrrha the same look. "Yes." She simply responded and conjured a ebony glass bow, arrow pulled back, ready to be released.
Until a loud commotion made Cinder pause. Knowing Nikos was in no state to fight, Cinder took her eyes off of Pyrrha and looked to the source of the noise, it was coming from the ruined elevator.
It was a loud banging and clanging noise, as if something was climbing up the shaft.
Only seconds later and her question was answered by the elevator doors being forced open as a large black figure burst forward.
It was a Grimm, but unlike anything Cindet had ever seen, even during her time in the Grimmlands.
It was mostly black but not covered in fur or scales, but a tar like substance, similar to Grimm liquid, the only bone armour it possessed was around its 'face', mostly the short yet wide snout, with its serrated teeth overlapping its jaw.
The Grimm lacked eyes but has canine ears and quill-like spines on its back.
It also stood at an intimidating 8'7", having to crouch slightly while it exited the elevator shaft before unfolding at its full height, its arms reached down to its shins, nearly touching the floor with its white claws.
The Grimm growled threateningly at Cinder as the False Maiden focused on the new type of Grimm. "Behave, creature. You will obey me. She commands you to." Cinder narrowed her eyes at the Grimm, fire emanating from them in a show of dominance.
She expected the Grimm to step back in submission at her show of power.
What she didn't expect was what happened next.
"Oh, shit!" It said... the Grimm said! It spoke!
And then it started to change, becoming smaller as the black substance retreated into something and from the mass came a face Cinder wasn't too familiar with.
But one Pyrrha knew all too well. "Jaune?!" She cried out in fear and confusion. Fear for her partner's life and confusion as to what the hell he was doing with the strange Grimm!
Jaune looked at Cinder with wide eyes and whispered to himself. "Whoa. Where you going? What are you doing?"
What neither Cinder or Pyrrha heard was the voice that replied to Jaune. "This is much worse than I thought. That is a Maiden"
"A Maiden?" Jaune echoed.
"We should leave. Immediately!" The Grimm suggested. "Pyrrha will get over it! Besides, you need to make more friends, anyway. So let's go."
As this was going on, Cinder looked at the weakest student from Beacon like he has lost his mind. Seeing as he was talking to himself, she felt she was justified in thinking that.
"Congratulations to the Maiden for beating Pyrrha and pulling this off. We are leaving." The Grimm forced Jaune to smile, wave and point to the exit.
"Excuse me?" Jaune looked at Cinder, who had spoken. "If you're done being a clown, I was in the middle of-"
"I'll be right with you. All right?" Jaune interrupted her and started talking to himself again, missing her insulted expression. "You need to come out right now. Because I am feeling super, SUPER vulnerable out here."
Cinder spared a look at Pyrrha who looked equally confused.
"I will let you eat her!" Jaune shouted in desperation, gaining Cinder's attention again.
"Promise?" The Grimm asked.
"I promise!" Jaune assured.
"Oh yeah!" And Jaune felt the familiar sensation of the Grimm taking over him, enveloping his body like a protective coat.
Once more, the Grimm stood tall, body posed and ready for a fight as it charged at Cinder.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
So what even is “Renegade Au?”
So people have been wondering what exactly the Renegade Au is, the very short of it is basically “What if Jaune and Cinder bonded during Beacon?” With the exception of a few character changes, the Renegade Au follows closely to the canon story line up until after the Batlle of Haven. (Had to dial Adam WAY back from his original canon writing in order for him to work in this lol In Renegades he’s less of a psychotic abusive ex boyfriend and more like the love child of Prince Zuko and Kevin Eleven.)
This Au was something I used to think about all the time back in the day when Volume Six was just coming out, but I didn’t have the skills or time to write about it. I eventually put it to the back of my mind and eventually was inspired to write JNRZ Au!
The Renegade Au is mentally stored away in eight different parts, and the posts I’ve recently been making with Jaune, Cinder, Adam, and Neo, this takes place in Part 4 smack dab in the middle of the whole story. Now, these are going to be massively edited summaries of the first four parts of the Au, and will be missing a whole lot of certain nuances and important moments, but pretty much give gist of what led up to the formation of the Renegades.
Part 1: Beacon. Jaune and Cinder meet and essentially become friends during the Vytal Festival event of Volume 2 and 3. They have friendly banter, assist each other with training and advice, and even go on a couple of “sort of dates”. Cinder, knowing how this is going to end, makes it clear to Jaune that she's not interested in anything serious. Despite this, they continue to spend time together and almost become intimate at one point. In contrast to the typical Knightfall Beacon narrative, Cinder STILL goes through with the plan, almost blowing it by giving Jaune the “Don’t come to school tomorrow”. The Fall of Beacon still takes place, Pyrrha dies, and Cinder gets annihilated by Ruby's Silver Eyes. The only real major difference is that Jaune is forced to kill Penny on national television instead of Pyrrha. (Does that mean I kinda called it several years in advance???)
Part 2: Wanderers. In this section, the events of Volume 4 and 5 are closely followed as Team RNJR journeys through Mistral while Salem's gang continues their usual schemes. The main focus of this part, however, is on how Jaune and Cinder are coping with the aftermath of the Beacon incident. While Cinder recovers from the effects of the Silver Eyes and trains to master her Maiden powers, she finds that her success is a hollow victory that leaves her with conflicting emotions and a frightening realization that she may never be truly satisfied. On the other hand, Jaune is fixated on the idea of killing Cinder, having honed his Aura-enhancing techniques to the point where he can now start pulling off superhuman strength feats. The story reaches a climax in Part 2 with the Battle of Haven, where Jaune and Cinder engage in a 1v1 fight that tears up an entire wing of the school. Despite ultimately overpowering Jaune, Cinder spares his life, and goes down to the vault to get owned by Raven.
Part 3: Reconciliation. begins right after the Battle of Haven and continues into Volume 6, with a dying Cinder contacting Jaune on his scroll, which she remembers from their time at Beacon. Instead of seeking revenge, Jaune finds Cinder by the riverbed and uses his newly discovered Semblance to heal her. Despite still harboring hatred towards Cinder, Jaune realizes that he felt emptier when he thought she was gone, so he can't bring himself to kill her even when she's at her most vulnerable. In return for saving her life, Cinder offers to help Jaune in any way she can. They make a deal that Cinder will help Jaune find Pyrrha's parents so that he can properly pay his respects and grieve for her passing. Together, they embark on a journey across Mistral, overcoming obstacles and emotional barriers, and having plenty of screaming, crying, and heart-to-heart conversations. Eventually, they find Pyrrha's parents at the southernmost point of Mistral (Instead of Argus this time), where Cinder shares Pyrrha's last words and her own regrets, stopping short of confessing to murdering her. From this moment here, Jaune and Cinder have pretty much given closure to their shared past and have essentially started back at square one.
Part 4: Renegades. This part of the story takes place in Volume 7, specifically during the four or five months skipped over in the original show before Salem's attack on Atlas. It begins with Jaune and Cinder dining in a dive bar for thugs and rogues when news of a record-breaking bounty on their heads, placed upon them by Clay Forester, a creepy and mysterious Grimm Poacher they met and fought during part, who also has a strange fixation on Cinder.bThe entire block erupts into chaos as bounty hunters, criminals, Jaune and Cinder, along with the unexpected aid of Adam Taurus (There to join up with Cinder) and Neo Politan (Originally there to kill Cinder, they cool now though), fight for survival. After the battle, Neo and Adam express their desire for revenge against Team RWBY. Jaune, having just gone on a journey of forgiveness with Cinder, invites them to join him in forming a new team called The Renegades. Despite Cinder's reluctance, they set out on a journey across Mistral, taking jobs for money and supplies while fighting off every bounty hunter, bandit, and monster that stands in their way on their way to Atlas.
Again, this the TL:DR of what’s happened so far in Renegades Au in terms of the posts I’ve shown so far, so there’s a TON of intricate details missing. When I open Asks back up after this Weekend you are all more than welcome to ask me anything you want about this Au.
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novankenn · 11 months
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 2" Interested Parties...
Inspired by @howlingday's weapon posts.
As the trio melded into the flowing crowds of Convention goers, several individuals were watching them intently. Each with a different reason...
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Banshee-44: Are you sure about this?
????: (A Warped and Dark Voice) Yes. Keep trying, he must succumb.
Banshee-44: I guess. Tried twice... third times the charm I guess... who knows really.
The figure, he was speaking too, steps out of the shadows at the rear of Banshee's booth.
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Pumpkin Pete: We must. There is great power with in him, and we MUST prevent those others from gaining his absolute trust.
Banshee-44: Seems pretty normal... but what do I know.
Pumpkin Pete: There is more to him then even he knows... once he embraces us... the world will be his...
Standing next to the AFC (Atlantian Fried Chicken) stall, Emerald watches and plans. She had through various skills heard the trio's conversation. She paid particular attention to Jaune's supposed infatuation with rabbit ears.
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Emerald: I can work with this. A little semblance use and I definitely can get my Blond Goddess back...
Her eyes focus on the golden bracelet upon Jaune's wrist.
Emerald: I just have to get rid of that thing after he changes... then she'll be mine!
Emerald's eyes narrow as she studies the pair of rivals walking next to the man who would become the woman she will spend the rest of her life worshipping...
Emerald: Just have to get ready of those two... maybe Cinder can help me... of course I would have to get rid of her, lest she tries to steal my dearly beloved succubus from me.
At Beacon, Cinder's head suddenly snaps up from studying her plans on her scroll... the power of the Fall Maiden suddenly starting to emerge.
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Mercury: Boss?
Cinder: Someone is scheming behind my back... I can feel it.
Back with at the convention centre, Jaune, Ruby and Pyrrha are standing still looking about at the various booths. Jaune steps away from them as he notices a pair of figures goofing off at their booth.
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Jaune: How about that one?
Pyrrha: I'm not sure... looks a little...
Ruby: Unprofessional.
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lordoftime01 · 1 year
Maiden Jaune AU
Due to the unusual circumstances of the Summer Maiden's powers being split, a few of the rules surrounding them were... more fluid.
Jaune Arc was a little bummed. Lately, his teammate Pyrrha had been so reserved and secretive. When asked about it, she simply smiled and said everything was fine. Though he could tell the smile wasn't genuine, for it never reached her eyes. She was hiding something, but he wasn't about to pry into whatever it was. No, he'd let her tell him when she was good and ready.
Jaune Arc had been walking around the outskirts of the Forever Fall Forst, hoping the fresh air and scenery would help keep his mind off things. They helped, but he was still sad that his partner was keeping something hidden from her team and a little angry at himself. If he were a better team leader, like Ruby, she would have opened up about what was bothering her.
As Jaune was about to turn around and head back towards Beacon, howling pierced the air. Jaune turned around and saw three Beowolves running from the forest. This was bad; he didn't have his weapons on him. He'd have to buy time as he summoned them. Keeping an eye on them, Jaune took out his phone. Expecting such circumstances, their scrolls had a special program on them to where they didn't need to be unlocked to summon their weapons.
That meant he'd have to survive against three Grimm for around the minute it took for his locker to get here. Luckily for him, there wasn't much bone plating on the Beowolves, signifying them as young. Jaune let out a small sigh of relief. He had more of a chance now than he did before.
Jaune didn't get to think much longer as the first Beowolf lunged at him. Its claws raised and swiped down at him. Jaune rolled out of the way right as it brought its claw down. He didn't have much time to think as another one lunged at him. Its teeth bared. It had much better luck than the first one and could nick his shoulder. Ducking and dodging was the best that Jaune could do when his locker landed behind him.
"Alright, I feel much better." Jaune muttered as he took his battle stance, shield up, one foot shifted backward so that the shield was covering most of his body, and his sword held just behind his shield. Taking a calming breath, Jaune was about to go on the offensive when something felt... wrong. He didn't know how to explain it, but it felt like a fire had started in his very soul. The sensation started small but quickly grew in intensity until his entire body felt like it were on fire.
"AAAUUURRRGGGHHH!!!" Jaune screamed at the top of his lungs, dropping his weapons and collapsing into a ball. The pain was intense, and he thought he would die. The beowolves thought their prey was incapacitated and went in for the kill. As they started running toward Jaune, he started glowing; it was subtle initially but quickly grew in intensity. This wasn't like Aura, where the light was like a ball of light. No, this was like a fire.
With one final scream, an explosion of dust, wind, and fire erupted from Jaune and vaporized the Beowlves just as they were about to land on him. The light died down, and the last thing Jaune remembered before falling into unconsciousness was Nora's voice
"Jaune...JAUNE! Hang in there."
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kamen20ghost · 10 months
Fate x RWBY au idea
Some of the characters become heroic spirits and sentient class cards and end up in the hands of past version of people in there world. Like jaune is a saber servant and end up as pyrrha servant and he’s tries everything in his power to stop her form repeating what his pyrrha did.
Pyrrha: “in ozpin office as he talks about maidens and is about to ask her for her help only for her to wince as the voice of her servant who she call saber.( he didn’t giver her his name and has a has a rusted knight mask on his face.)
Jaune/saber: Don’t even accept that parasites request it will lead you to your death like many before you!
Ozpin: “ looks at the young huntress as she looks like she in pain like some one is screaming in her ear.” Is something wrong miss nikos?
Pyrrha: “in her mind was wondering why saber was so agains ozpin since the first time she saw him but sighs.” Sorry headmaster just bin feeling there a lot on my plate with this news drop.” Pyrrha said half truthfully as thanks to saber she has saw some of his memories and saw some of the things he bin through like the fall of beacon and destruction of Altus. 
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rwac96 · 7 months
Spartan's Lament (RWBY AU)
The Jabberwalker growled as it walked on all fours, it jerked from left to right. The Afteran Predator growls as it stalks through the tall grass of a nearby settlement. The monster muttered one word, an adversary it had encountered some time ago. An opponent that would stand in the way of its purpose. Its tail flicked at the thought of its opponent; a warrior in rusted armor with a broken blade and rusted shield, that sported twin crescent moons.
"K-Knight," The Jabberwalker growled, picking up its foe's scent. "Knight!" It raises its twitching claw, preparing to strike down the interloper.
But, instead, it was pushed down to the ground on its back. The monster twitched and jittered, looking up to see an oxidized spear; green rust with some semblance of copper. Then, it became surrounded by a black aura, much to the Walker's confusion. But, the creature sniffs the air, growling lowly.
"S-Spartan!" The Walker then spots the lance returning to its owner, who caught it easily, the black aura disappearing. "Spartan!"
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The armored woman gripped her lance in her right hand, holding an identical oxidized shield with the left. Sporting an oxidized, hypolite helmet, she glared at the Afteran with a pair of emerald irises. Long, red hair fell from behind; some grey can be seen in it. She takes a deep breath, beginning to circle around the Jabberwalker. The Spartan crouches down as the reptilian-lupine beast sprints towards her, then lunges for attack. It was met with a harsh shield bash courtesy of the armored woman, who then tossed it. It cries out in pain as it is struck again, falling down onto the earth as the shield returns to its owner.
"Leave," the armored woman spoke with command, pointing her lance at the dark violet beast. "Now!"
The Walker hissed in protest, raising both claws, not taking the Spartan's warning to heart. The redhead simply sighed, as she then charged toward the beast. Once more, she tosses her lance at the Walker, which smacks the weapon away. She raises her right hand, glowing black, calling back the spear. The Walker sprints toward the redhead, slashing its left claw at her, only to be blacked by the shield. Staggering back and groaning in pain, The Walker was met with a jab to its chest its opponent. She pulls her lance out of the creature's chest, only to jab it repeatedly; causing the monster to roar.
"Back!" She raises her shield, slamming it against the beast's grey masque. "Back, damn you!"
Clutching at one of the wounds, the beast turns around and limps away from the warrior. The Huntress exhaled lowly, turning around to a village in the distance. A village made of paper, a place she has come to call home since falling into this strange land. She begins the long walk back, many thoughts running through her mind. It has been decades since she and the Knight found themselves practically stranded, sent back due to that damned Clock Fruit. The first months after that incident, she was angry with her partner. But, more importantly, she was angry with herself. Angered at the amber-eyed 'Maiden', and angered at the silver-eyed brat, whose plan went wrong.
At this moment, since they found this village filled with paper-like beings called 'Paper Pleasers', they were the protectors of these innocents. But, innocents who always seemed to get themselves into trouble. The Spartan felt like a slave for all of her life, a slave to destiny, a slave to her status as a famed gladiator and celebrity status, a slave to the Old Man's crusade against his scorned lover, and now, a slave to a seemingly suicidal species. As she reached the bridge, she grabbed a hold of her helmet, removed it, and looked down at it.
"How long can I keep this up?" Pyrrha Nikos asked herself, "How long can we keep this up?" She lifted her head up to the blonde knight in rusted armor, pulling a ruby Paper Pleaser from one of the sharp stones.
Then, she looked up to the black sky, seeing four lights coming down. Red, White, Violet, and Yellow; colors that they waited years to see again. Then, the thought of the Walker came to Pyrrha's mind, the Red Prince. Though it had been years since Atlas' Fall, Pyrrha still resented the four, who stranded them in this demented Fairy Tale, who left them to play the roles of the Rusted Knight and the Tarnished Spartan, who left them with a selfish and cruel child known as Alyx. The same child who poisoned her beloved, who listened to that damned cat.
"How...How long can those four stay alive in this mad place?"
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(based on the 'Tarnished Spartan' images by @davidellisartworkstuff)
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howlingday · 1 year
For your Hades AU did Ozpin know he had a deity walking around his academy. Or was that something he only found out after beacon fell
"Jaune Arc, report to the Headmaster's office." A voice called on the PA system. "Jaune Arc, report to the Headmaster's office."
"Ooh~!" Nora cooed. "Our leader's in trouble~!"
"Nora." Ren chided.
"You aren't really, are you?" Pyrrha asked. "After what happened in the Forever Fall."
"I'm sure it's fine." Jaune chuckled. "It's probably team leader stuff." Jaune then swallowed a lump as he turned away. "At least, I hope it is."
Jaune passed by fellow students and a few faculty members. The former glanced his way, and some staring at the back of his head as he walked by. The teachers who kept their eyes did little more than shrug. Once he arrived at the elevator, Professor Goodwitch stood in front, as if to greet him.
"Uh, going up?" Jaune offered a sheepish grin.
"I was just coming down." She said. "You seem to have a knack for catching the Headmaster's attention. Something you have in common with Team RWBY." By her tone, this wasn't a compliment.
"Uh, I guess the Headmaster likes me." Jaune timindly chuckled.
"Mm." She then passed by him, allowing him access to the elevator.
The door slid shut, leaving Jaune alone with three options. The first was the intended top floor destination. The second was the open door choice, in which he could ignore the summons and return to his team, and his life at Beacon. The third and final option was the one most interesting to him; a "broken" button leading to the lower reaches of the tower. Where she was resting.
Against his better desires, he pressed the button to the top floor. The cradle shuddered, then lifted into the air. Jaune looked out through the wall, as if it were glass, and watched the souls far below shrink away. He found Team RWBY in their dorm, classes having recently been let out. His team moved down the halls, making their way back to the dorm. They must have stayed behind to wait for him, before heading back to their temporary home.
"Mr. Arc?" A voice called to him. He turned to the open doors, and found the Headmaster seated at his desk in his office of clockwork gears. "Or is it Lord Jaune still?" Jaune huffed and entered the large room.
"Just Jaune is fine for now." Jaune said, his tone having shifted from his awkward teen persona. "Do you prefer Headmaster, Ozpin, or Ozma?"
"Oz is fine." The Headmaster replied.
"Ha ha, no." Jaune shook his head. "We're not that close."
"Even after all the times we've met?"
"Especially after all the times we met." Jaune huffed. "Unless you learned your lesson." The man shifted behind his desk uncomfortably. It was slight, and almost unseen by mortal eyes. "I guess not." Jaune tapped the floor with the end of his shoe. "Especially with who you have locked in the basement."
"What are you doing, Ozma?" Jaune placed his hands on the desk. "Why the hell is the Fall Maiden locked away like a sleeping princess?"
"She is on life support-"
"For a fatal wound that will never heal." Jaune leaned closer. "She needs to die."
"And doing so will grant Salem the Maiden's power."
Jaune was silent. He stood straight once more, before turning away with a puff of air through clenched teeth. Gods were not as all knowing as most of the mortals believed. That didn't mean they enjoyed being outwitted.
"You could warn the people. Rally an army against her."
"Doing so would only damn those very souls to the Grimm." Ozpin argued. And we both know you don't want that."
"I'm not in the mood for games, Ozma."
"Neither am I." The Headmaster shook his head. "That is why I called you here. I thought your name would only be known to those who would meet you when their time is done."
"Normally, yes." Jaune sighed. "But there's something wrong. The balance between life and death is off. There's something, or someone upsetting the balance with magic. That's why I'm here."
"And you believe I am involved in this?"
"Maybe." Jaune glared at him. "You do have a living corpse in your basement."
"Amber is being kept alive with science, not magic."
"Right." Jaune nodded, seriously at first, then mockingly. "And magic is science we don't understand, yadda yadda yadda." He sighed. "But if there's anybody who understood either, it would be the one of two people left on Remnant who still used magic."
"And seeing as Salem is unavailable."
"More untrackable." Jaune corrected. "Her soul has become too corrupted for me to find. That's why I came to find the man who is much more trackable."
"Mm." He nodded. "Then that explains why you're here."
"And now I have another reason." Before he could be asked more, Jaune towered over Ozpin as he stood next to him. He moved with such blinding speed, Ozpin could not react fast enough to stop him. "Let her go."
"I can't." He sighed. "With her killer still alive and unknown, we cannot risk Salem growing more powerful. We need a vessel for the Fall Maiden's power."
"Alright." Jaune's eyes narrowed. "And who exactly did you have in mind?"
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
This has probably definitely been said before but
Au where Pyrrha and Jaune get half of the Fall Maiden’s power each
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