sweetcherryharry · 2 days
Begin Again — 05
Synopsis: Harry and Y/N had a secret relationship for almost two years, until they broke up. A year later, she shows up at one of his Love On Tour shows.
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In the City of Angels, Y/N awoke to the gentle caress of the morning sun peeping through the open curtains of Natalie’s apartment blinds. Slowly, her eyelids fluttered, waking up and shaking off the last bits of sleepiness.
As consciousness gradually flooded back to her, the memories of the night before began to resurface. The concert, her unexpected encounter with Harry, and the late-night heart-to-heart with her friends Natalie and Maia had all been overwhelming, to say the least. 
However, now, as the bright daylight filled the room, it all felt like a surreal dream, leaving her questioning the reality of the previous night's experiences.
The three girls were sprawled on the bedroom’s king-sized bed, Natalie curled up on one side of the bed –opposite to Y/N– and Maia, laid in the middle of both, her phone in her hands as she scrolled through her notifications.
The remnants of their sleepover –blankets askew, teacups littering the nightstands– were painting a comforting picture to the intimacy they had shared, the hours spent talking about Y/N's tangled history with Harry.
After their late-night chat at the apartment, Y/N felt the weight of their conversation on her heart like a heavy blanket. She had bared her soul, sharing everything from the thrill of their love to the quiet happiness they once shared and the lingering pain of their breakup. 
Talking about her past with Harry out loud had been a weird mix of relief and vulnerability. It was like the words themselves had dug up buried emotions, setting off a whole new emotional rollercoaster.
“Good morning,” Natalie softly said, her voice breaking the silence. "How are you feeling?"
Y/N forced a small smile. "Tired. Definitely tired. And... I don't know... overwhelmed, I guess?" It was an understatement, but the crazy mix of shock, excitement, and a fear that wouldn't go away was overwhelming and hard to put into words
A light groan escaped Y/N's lips as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The world tilted slightly before finding its balance again. Exhaustion pulled at her body as if she'd run a marathon in her sleep. She closed her eyes, hoping for a moment's respite before facing the day.
"You sure you're okay?" Maia's voice was laced with genuine concern. "You look a little...off."
Natalie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, do you want to eat something? I can cook breakfast for the three of us, maybe even brew some coffee."
Y/N rubbed her temples, the dull ache intensifying into a persistent throb. "I just need...a few minutes," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.  
The bathroom seemed like a sanctuary, a place to gather her scattered thoughts and seek respite from the whirlwind of the past twenty-four hours. As she stumbled across the room, the cool tile beneath her bare feet provided a grounding sensation.
When she shut the bathroom door, her reflection in the mirror was like a reminder of how tough the night was for her. Her eyes were like, puffy and dull, not the sparkly ones she used to have. There were dark circles under her eyes from not sleeping well, thinking about the past and stressing about the future. Even her skin didn't look as good as it usually does, like it had lost all its color.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Y/N mumbled to her reflection, a flicker of wry humor surfacing despite her exhaustion. It was true. In a way, she had seen a ghost –the ghost of her past– and it had shaken her to her core. 
As she splashed her face with cold water, the icy shock briefly reviving her senses, Y/N couldn't help but think about the surreal twist of fate that brought her face to face with Harry. 
His presence, his touch...it had felt like a jolt to the heart, a reminder of the past they shared. And now, even as she tried to process it all, the memory of their late-night conversation in the bathroom replayed in her mind.
A knock startled her back to the present. "Y/N?" Maia's voice, laced with a hint of worry, echoed through the door. "Are you alright in there?"
Y/N dried her face, smoothing a trembling hand over her hair in a futile attempt to reclaim a semblance of composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a minute."
She unlocked the door, trying to school her expression into something resembling normalcy as she faced her concerned friends.  However, their gazes lingered on her reflection in the bathroom mirror, mirroring her own observations of her exhausted appearance.
Natalie, ever the mother hen, gently guided her back towards the bed.  "C'mon, rest for a little bit more. You seriously look like you could use it.”
Y/N let herself be tucked back into bed, the soft sheets a comforting embrace against her battered emotions and aching body. Yet, as Natalie and Maia perched on either side of her, a wave of resistance flickered within her.
"Guys, it's okay, really," she insisted, a hint of defiance in her smile. "I know I look a mess, but I'm alright." She knew they were just looking out for her, but the concerned looks and gentle coaxing brought an unexpected feeling of being coddled.
"We just worry," Maia admitted softly. "It was a crazy night for you."
"Crazy is an understatement," Natalie said, and took a deep breath before talking again, "And I think it's better you discover this news from us than the moment you touch your phone. The whole internet is going crazy about you."
Y/N's eyes widened, sitting up on the bed, both of her friends following, "The internet? Wait, what are you talking about?"
Maia and Natalie exchanged concerned glances. "Nat, maybe it's better if…" Maia's voice trailed off, her gaze meeting Y/N's confused expression.
Natalie sighed. "Okay, look, Y/N… You know that Tiktok I took and posted last night? It kinda, sorta…"
"Went viral," Maia finished, unable to suppress a nervous giggle.
Y/N sat up, her heart pounding. "Viral? As in, more than a few likes viral?"
Natalie pulled out her phone, sighing. "Try two million views and counting. People are freaking out about the pretty, mystery girl in the crowd that Harry wouldn't stop looking at."
Maia chimed in, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and concern. “The thing is, many people had posted –from different perspectives– how Harry wouldn’t stop looking at a girl with a green and black outfit at the pit. And, apparently, my video appeared on their for you pages, and saw the girl with that same outfit, and they put two and two together..”
Her voice trailed off as Natalie scrolled through her phone, a frown deepening on her face. "And now there's a comment on my tiktok about a girl that saw you –us– walking backstage last night… And then someone went to your profile and found all your socials, and dug up an old photo dump you posted back in 2021 on Instagram…you know, the one with a sunset?”
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face. The photo. The one with Harry's hand barely visible in the corner. 
Back then, she had asked him if it was okay to post it, and he had said that it was, assuring her that there was no way somebody would know it was him. It was the last picture in the photo dump, and his hand was in the dark corner of it.
But they had been proven wrong.
Her stomach churned, and the bedroom felt like it was spinning.
"That's how they're going to figure it out," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "They're going to know it's me, and then… they're going to go after him."
The weight of realization crashed down on her. This wasn't just a surprise encounter anymore. This was her carefully hidden past about to burst out into the harsh spotlight, threatening to upend her quiet life and unravel the secrets they'd gone to great lengths to protect.
And she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Not just his reaction, but the onslaught he was about to face. His career, built with such care and dedication, was suddenly teetering on the edge. The fans, who loved him unconditionally, were about to discover a chapter of his life he had intentionally kept hidden.  Her heart twisted with a pang of guilt, it was her past that was about to disrupt his world once again.
The specter of Harry's fans, his loyal and fiercely protective Harries, loomed large in her mind. Their passion for him was legendary, and the thought of them –along with the media– turning on him because of their shared past was almost unbearable. The online world could be a cruel place, and the toxicity it could spew was enough to make her nauseous. 
A wave of despair washed over her. She couldn't even bring herself to look at her phone, the source of this impending chaos. It felt like a ticking time bomb, Each notification likely included a countdown toward disaster.
Maia, her eyes wide with concern, reached out tentatively. "Y/N, are you alright?"
Natalie, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, but her voice was softer than usual. “Do you want us to... handle the phone stuff for a while? Block comments, report stuff, turn your account private?"
Their kindness threatened to break the dam of Y/N's composure. She blinked back tears, her voice thick, "I...I don't know what to do.”
Maia sat next to her on the bathroom floor, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a gesture of silent support. "Hey, we'll figure this out. Together."
Natalie moved into action, her practicality a grounding force amidst the swirling emotions. "Coffee? I think we all need a strong cup right now." Standing up, she extended a hand to Y/N. "Come on, let's get out of this bedroom. We can strategize over caffeine."
A shaky nod was Y/N's only response.  Letting Natalie pull her to her feet, she stumbled out of the bedroom like a sleepwalker, the world a blur around her.  The two girls led her to the living room couch, where she collapsed, the exhaustion and emotional whiplash taking their toll.
Maia perched on the coffee table in front of her, her eyes filled with concern. "You look like you could use a blanket," she said softly, draping a cozy throw over Y/N's shoulders.
Natalie returned a few moments later with three steaming mugs. "Extra strong," she announced, handing one to Y/N. "For emergency situations only."
The warmth of the mug seeped into Y/N's hands, a small comfort against the icy dread clutching her heart. She took a tentative sip, the bitterness grounding her to the present moment.
"Okay," Natalie began, a determined glint in her eye, "Let's break this down.  What exactly are we dealing with here?"
Maia chimed in, her tone gentle despite the urgency of the situation.  "The video is getting a crazy amount of views, we know that. And people are starting to piece things together because of the photo, right?"
Y/N sighed. "Yeah. It's only a matter of time before they connect me to...well, to him." She couldn't bring herself to say his name out loud, as if speaking it would make the situation even more real.
"What about Harry?" Natalie probed. "Do you think his team knows about this yet? I mean, it's pretty likely they're monitoring social media..."
Y/N's mouth went dry. She hadn't even considered that. "I-I don't know.” she mumbled.
Maia squeezed her hand. "This must be so overwhelming. No wonder you’re freaking out."
Natalie sat forward, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Okay, so, worst-case scenario: this blows up big. Like, international headline big."
Y/N felt a fresh wave of nausea wash over her.  Worst-case scenarios swirled through her mind: relentless paparazzi, vicious internet trolls, the judgmental whisper of strangers. The quiet life she had built so carefully felt like it was crumbling before her eyes.
"But," Natalie continued, a flicker of steel in her gaze, "we're not going to let that happen. We need to be proactive. Strategic."  She turned to Y/N, her voice firm but reassuring. “Can you try to look at your phone? See what’s actually happening? We need to know what we're up against."
Natalie's words hung in the air, a mix of harsh reality and a glimmer of defiant hope. Y/N knew she was right; hiding from the situation wouldn't solve anything.  With a deep breath, she steeled herself. "Yeah, okay. I'll look."
The words felt heavy on her tongue. Taking another sip of coffee for strength, she reached out a shaking hand. "Can you bring me my phone?"
Maia nodded, eyes filled with sympathy. “Of course. Be right back.” She hurried towards the bedroom.
The silence in her absence felt deafening. Y/N stared at the fuzzy patterns of the blanket on her lap, her mind racing.  Natalie was right – they needed to know what they were facing. But did she have the strength to confront the storm head-on?
Maia returned, her usually bubbly demeanor replaced by an expression of surprise.  She held out Y/N's phone, her voice laced with disbelief. "Um, Y/N…"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "What is it?"
Maia held the phone up, the screen illuminated. "Harry's calling you."
A gasp escaped Y/N's lips. Her eyes widened, disbelief etched on her face. Harry's name pulsed against the screen, shining like a star against all the crazy stuff probably going on on social media. 
Every instinct in her body screamed to ignore the call, to shrink back from the inevitable hurricane of questions and consequences. Yet, a defiant flicker of something else sparked within her. She owed him that much, at least.
"W-what do I do?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.
Natalie and Maia exchanged a worried glance. "Well," Natalie began slowly, "you should probably... answer it."
Y/N's hand trembled as she reached for the phone. It felt heavier than she remembered, laden with the weight of a thousand unspoken words and a future teetering precariously on the edge of a knife.  With a deep, shuddering breath, she pressed the answer button.
Her heart hammered in her chest as the line connected. For a brief, agonizing second, all she heard was static and her own ragged breathing. Then, his voice cut through the silence, low and laced with a familiar concern.
hello! i missed you guys <3 i'll try to post more often, since i have much more story ideas i'd love to share with you! if you want to be added to the taglist, please reply to this post!
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @one-sweet-gubler @jjsgirlp4l @lovingmesstuff @gem1712 @tinyhrry @kipperthedog2004 @behindmygreyeyes @theekyliepage @winterrays @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @slutforcoffein @a-strange-familiar @grapejuice-rry @tranquility-moon @tpwksummer @awkwardbisexuall @ameerakane20 @harryspirate  @that-one-little-soybean @voniikg @lovergirl42442 @daydreamingwithaseaview @harrysdaydream22 @lonelyxhabit @obsessed-with-every-book-ever @silenthappyplace @ameerakane20 @hesdebility @lomlhstyles @cookielovesbook-akie @champagneneen @lovergirl42442 @hesdebility @tbsloneely @b-reads-things @awatt31 @walkingfromlondon @snorksquid101 @imtooindecisiveforthisshit @hannah9921 @moonstoneandmoonlight @renatavieira @harrysluvv @daphnesutton @oknothanks26
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From the Wikipedia page on loons
Now with free ready-to-print .png and .tif file
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neverfindmegone · 2 months
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women in films - Emma Stone as Bella Baxter Poor Things  (2023)
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old-anime-refs · 1 year
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Ruin Explorers (1995).
Fam pointing at screen and pressing a button with her finger.
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Anna Nicole Smith, 1998
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beewasdeleted · 25 days
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Welcome to mi little blog! :D
This is just a little, friendly blog that I made to showcase my art and see what the hell Tumblr's got goin' on lol
I have made many friends on this platform and have seen so much talent and humor that have made my day and I wish I can do the same for some if not most of you :).
Expect to see a bunch of random fandoms, "arguements" between me and some of my mooties because that happens sometimes, digital and traditional doodles and sketches, and so much more!
This is a safe space and I promise that no one is gonna jump you- (maybe)
Feel free to ask questions and such :)
T-c3st/T-c3st supporters
Inc3st/inc3st supporters
NSFW Content Creators
My name's BeeWasDeleted or, as most call me, Bee! I'm a young artist who simply roams the internet and collects mutuals like pokemon. (/aff, I love my mooties <3)
Fun Facts About me :3
I'm Gender Fluid and Pansexual ! (I go by any pronouns)
I write occasionally
I have a pet chinchilla :3
The name Bee was partially derived from MineCraft bees
I'm 5'0"... ;-;
I LOOOVE when ppl draw my Oc/Sona, it makes me giddy lol
I have ADD :)
A part of my Sona is matching with @ender-outlaw (my twin >:D )
I've edited this post like 6 times now-
~✫ ° {TMNT (ROTTMNT + 2012)} || {Haikyuu!} || {BNHA} || {OHSHC} || {Trigun (1998 + Stampede)} || {Ramshackle} || {SK8 The Infinity} || {Saiki K} || {Demon Slayer} || {Marble Hornets} || {Invader Zim} || {Eddsworld} || {Camp Camp} || {TADC} || {Sally Face} || {Creepypasta} || {FNAF} || {Trolls} || {Undertale} ° ✫~
~✫ ° {Digital Art} || {Animation} || {Volleyball} || {Collecting} || {Baking} || {Bees} || {Video Games} || {Horror Genre} ° ✫~
My Sona! :3 (Top - Bottom = Newest - Oldest)
Ref Sheet!
Fanart! (by @m3l0man14c )
Gay Fanart #2 (by @tistic-hellspwn )
Secondary Form Sketch
Little GIF
Family Bonding Video <3 (by @arise-children-angel-is-here )
Fanart #3 (by @m3l0man14c )
Fanart of The Beginning of an Awful Friendship... /j (by @tistic-hellspwn )
Fanart of The Beginning of an Awful Friendship.../j #2 (by @arise-children-angel-is-here )
MY MOOTIES!!!!! <3 (go follow them :3)
@arise-children-angel-is-here @tistic-hellspwnn @sk1nand-b0nes @ghosty-0w0  @amorvincitomnia-14 @m3l0man14c @ender-outlaw @bossbabyfan2 @justmesadlysry @fluffyr0cky  @bepporoniandcheese @nonope69 @c00kietin @sariphantom @doobledouble @meowph-132 @ju1cyfru1t @overthinkingspark-blue   @mikey-rottmnt  @ble3nder @rosekatara  @powercoreact @misopod @diona-98 @kraang5 @autism-criminal @turtles-hurtles-with-gurtles
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bedrock-to-buildheight · 11 months
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What has become of us, my dear?
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neverfindmegone · 3 months
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female awesome meme: (9/10) antagonists: Agatha Harkness » WandaVision
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pinetreedan-wc · 2 months
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RowanTawny Fam
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thefrakkintrinity15 · 3 months
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“I've always been captivated with the idea of justice. It's what attracted me to engineering in the first place. The sense of right and wrong. That I was in control. But the truth is the world is not as simple as we want it to be. It can't just be boiled down into an equation. Especially when it comes to human beings. We are flawed, unpredictable, and full of contradictions. It's taken me most of my life to realize that it's exactly these traits that make us so resilient. That give credence to the improbable idea that anything is possible. Even in the darkest of times. Your Honor, I was always told that we shouldn't let personal feelings cloud our search for the truth. But looking back now, I don't think that's right. Our feelings may not be convenient. They may even slow our progress. But they are also the only way to truly begin to understand the world around us. And the new worlds that await us.”
Margo Madison, 4x10 Perestroika.
To my mind, Margo is regretting not having lived a bit more her life.💔
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allatariel · 28 days
Sergei absently exchanged the blue marker for another colored marker from the tray, began shading in the sine wave. Orange. In lines like strands of hair. Margo’s hair. The memory of it soft through his fingers, of the scent of her hair, her skin, clean and warm, the sweet, strong smell of the brandy on her lips.
He moved to the negative half cycle, the white of the board again alternating through a fall of orange hair. He wondered when her hair had turned white. Did it happen slowly over the last eight years? Had the long, cold, lonely winters she wasn’t used to, hadn’t, couldn’t have prepared for, slowly leached the color from her hair, from her life? She was not meant for a cage, no matter how gilded.
Automatically, he filled in the last positive half cycle, the orange strands thinning and fading as his mind continued to wander and his pressure against the board slackened. Or had her hair turned white all at once in a shock? Was it upon learning of the bombing? Worry for her colleagues? Aleida? Did she blame herself? Was it something that happened after? Something they’d done to her? He froze. Lefortovo…
“Uh, Mr. Bezukhov?”
Slowly, he blinked, the whiteboard and the classroom refocusing around him.
“Mr. Bezukhov?”
Sergei turned, taking in the students behind their desks, their faces, some smirking, most disinterested, a few studious. Right. He had a class to teach. A life she’d paid for with her own. He owed it to her to live it. This thought had sustained him through the years, kept him moving forward, moving on. It didn’t matter that she was alive. It shouldn’t. It couldn’t. 
“So, as you can see, the current is not always constant.”
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