#family pack
geekcavepodcast · 11 days
Family Pack Teaser
We need more People-Get-Sucked-Into-Games films.
Family game night goes wrong. A family is sucked into a mysterious card game and transported to a medieval village where they have to fend of werewolves each night.
Based on the board game The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, itself inspired by the party game Werewolf (or Mafia), Family Pack is a comedy starring Jean Reno, Franck Dubosc, Suzanne Clément, Jonathan Lambert, and Gregory Fitoussi. François Uzan directs.
Family Pack hits Netflix in October 2024.
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yearningaces · 2 months
familial love with a werewolf pack?
The term dogpile took on a new meaning at the moment.
Because the damned mutt that dropped onto your back in his fully shifted form not actually hurting you, but certainly pinning you in place.
"Fucking, Ma! Ma, Ferg is doing it again!" You cry out from under the yellow and grey werewolf laying on top of you like a toddler.
Ma, the black fur werewolf, laying just a few feet away doesn't even raise her head while responding, "Ferg, be careful with your packmates."
Ferg just snorts, content to lounge where he is. The arrival of Nadia's pups rushing over to join him doesn't help.
It's Nadia who trots over, lifting each grey and black pup by their scruff and depositing them next to you instead of on top of you after nudging her snout to your cheek in silent greeting. "We must be gentle with our human, young ones."
"yes ma..."
"The human ain't careful with us!" It's Tarvish's voice that barks out next, the dark brown werewolf whining out his complaints, only to get his ear nipped by Da, the white werewolf offering a low growl. "You're a strong lad, 'sides, they keep your instincts sharp. Ya won't ever be surprised if they keep sneaking up on ya, making ya learn how to be more observant."
"Anyone!" You cry out again mostly in dramatic annoyance, shoving uselessly at Ferg's shifted form still splayed on top of you. The werewolf in question who's pretending to sleep with loud fake snoring.
"Depends!" Tarvish calls out to you this time, rising from his spot and slowly meandering over to you. "What's in it for me?"
Your eyes follow the scruffiest werewolf in the pack. "You can have my desserts when we get home tomorrow."
Tarvish huffs in thought. "All o' em?" He clarifies
"For the entire day."
Tarvish steps close enough that you can feel the earth shake slightly with his heavy paws. "... Nah." And with that, he deposits himself against your legs, only further impeding your movement.
There's a few barks of amusement among the clearing in the forest, and this starts an actual dogpile. Nadia laying on her back against your side, paws up in the air as her adoptive pups jump up to rest on her stomach. Da striding over and dropping down near your head, nosing against your cheek before shifting to make room for Ma who settles down similarly to him. She leans her snout down, licking the point of your nose carefully before resting her head on Da's backside.
Meanwhile, you're entirely surrounded by your pack.
Talk about a dogpile
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warandpeas · 6 months
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mcmahonerickson00 · 9 months
استكشف تلفازة.تيفي: عيش تجربة الترفيه الخاصة بك!
استعمل نفسك للانغماس في رحلة مشوقة مع تلفازة.تيفي، حيث تنتظرك تجارب ترفيهية لانهائية. احصل على جاهزية لاكتشاف عالمٍ من المحتوى المثير والوصول إلى عالمٍ من الاشتراكات الرائعة التي تلبي احتياجات المستخدمين في المغرب. في هذا المقال، سنكشف عن abonnement iptv لباقات IPTV التي تقدمها تلفازة.تيفي، لتعزيز تجربتك في مشاهدة الترفيه كما لم يحدث من قبل. باقة العائلة: مهرجان ممتع من المرح انطلق إلى باقة العائلة، حيث يستعرض لك السحر الخاص بالترفيه العائلي. مع مجموعة متنوعة من القنوات مصممة لكل الأعمار، تعتبر هذه الباقة بوابتك للابتسامات اللانهائية واللحظات التي لا تُنسى. سواء كنت تبحث عن المغامرات المرسومة أو أفلام العائلة الناجحة، أو الرياضة المليئة بالإثارة، تقدم لك باقة العائلة عالمًا ساحرًا سيحتفظ بتسلية الجميع. تأمل واستمتع وصنع ذكرياتٍ لا تُنسى معًا. باقة البداية: أشهِر رحلتك مع IPTV استعد لإشعال رحلتك في عالم IPTV. باقة البداية هي مفتاحك لاستكشاف عالمٍ من الترفيه المثير. استمتِع في مجموعةٍ متنوعةٍ من القنوات المباشرة ومكتبة واسعة من محتوى الفيديو حسب الطلب التي ستنقلك إلى قلب السرد المشوق. من السلاسل المثيرة للإدمان إلى الأفلام المبهرة، كل اختيار هو بوابةٌ إلى عوالمٍ جديدةٍ من الترفيه. بواجهة سهلة الاستخدام وتصفحٍ سلس، تبدأ رحلتك بنقرةٍ واحدة. باقة الأسد: ألهم جرأتك وشغفك إنها وقت الأسد للعبور إلى العالم الكبير والمثير من IPTV. باقة الأسد تجلب لك الحماس والشغف في كل ركنٍ من هذه التجربة الترفيهية. مع تشكيلةٍ مذهلةٍ من القنوات الرياضية والأفلام الحصرية والبرامج المفضلة للمشاهدين، ستشعر بقوة الأسد في كل مشهدٍ وفي كل لحظةٍ. استعد للاستمتاع بأقوى المباريات والتحديات والأفلام التي ستثير حواسك وتأخذك في رحلةٍ حماسية لا تُنسى. باقة الذهب: أخذ لحظاتك الثمينة
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دخولك إلى عالم IPTV لن يكتمل بدون باقة الذهب. اسرق لحظات الترفيه الثمينة واستمتع بمجموعةٍ واسعةٍ من القنوات الحصرية والبرامج المتميزة. سواء كنت من محبي الأفلام، أو عشاق الرياضة، أو مستكشفي الثقافات والأفكار، فإن باقة الذهب تعزز تجربتك في مشاهدة التلفزيون وتأخذك في رحلةٍ مثيرةٍ ومليئة بالتشويق. استعد لتجربةٍ مذهلة تفوق كل توقعاتك واستمتع بكل لحظةٍ منها. باقة Strong 4K: فتح الجمال الحقيقي للتلفاز انغمِس في عالمٍ من الجمال والتفاصيل الدقيقة مع باقة القوة الحقيقية 4K. استعد لمشاهدة مذهلة تفوق كل توقعاتك مع دقة الوضوح العالية. ستحول هذه الباقة تجربتك في مشاهدة الترفيه إلى مغامرةٍ بصريةٍ رائعة. استمتع بألوانٍ زاهية وتفاصيلٍ نابضة بالحياة في كل مشهدٍ تشاهده. قم برفع مستوى رحلتك في الترفيه إلى مستوى جديدٍ من الجمال والجودة مع باقة القوة الحقيقية 4K. في الختام: مع تلفازة.تيفي وباقاتها المميزة من IPTV، تتحدث لك تجربةٌ ترفيهيةٌ لا مثيل لها. انغمِس في عالمٍ من القنوات المباشرة والمحتوى المميز وتجربةٍ سهلة الاستخدام ومستوى عالٍ من الراحة. لمزيدٍ من المعلومات حول باقات IPTV وللاشتراك في الخدمة، تفضل بزيارة موقعنا www.telfaza.television..
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christensendreyer22 · 9 months
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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QUE FAISAIENT LES FEMMES PENDANT QUE L'HOMME MARCHAIT SUR LA LUNE? (2000) dir. Chris Vander Stappen July 1969. After two years spent in Canada, Sacha is back in her small Belgian town with two major news to break to her family only days before the Moon Landing: the first one is that instead of being married (or at least engaged) to a man as they so hoped, she has a Canadian girlfriend! The second is not less of a shocker to the family: instead of graduating as a radiologist in Montréal Sacha has left medical school whereas all the family, despite financial difficulties, has made enormous sacrifices to support her. How will her nearest and dearest react? (link in title)
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contac · 2 years
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sammystep · 2 years
No One Lives Forever- CH18
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
<Previous Chapter    Next Chapter>
Although the brief encounter with the golem has left your trio rattled, you were practically on the hunter’s doorstep so it was decided to go ahead with the plan to investigate. The two blocks to your destination seem to drag on forever, all three of you hyper aware of your surroundings. You and Kakyoin walk side by side down the sidewalks, Jotaro behind you; unwilling to let either of you out of his sight.
Any time another pedestrian strayed too close or moved too quickly near your little group would have Jotaro growling quietly, his instincts to protect and defend in overdrive. As subtly as you could you reached your hand back to grab onto his sleeve but glance back worriedly when he evades your touch. Instead, he opts to grab onto your hand and you have to position yourself slightly behind Kakyoin as you walk to accommodate his hold on you.
You see the red wolf eye your hands and smirk but he says nothing as you proceed up the stairs to the apartment building.
To say that the building security was lax would imply that they had any security measures in place to comment on. You are able to walk into the main entrance and up the main stairs without encountering any resistance. The three of you loiter for a moment outside the hunter’s door, listening for any movement coming from inside. No sounds or odd smells seemed to be coming from the apartment and you raise an eyebrow at the small pouch Kakyoin produces from his bag. He just grins and shrugs as he pulls out the lockpick gun.
The lock clicks open within seconds and you all quickly make your way into the studio apartment. You let out a sigh of relief at finding the small space empty – almost literally empty besides a mattress on the floor and some overturned milk crates acting as furniture. Clothes are scattered everywhere and you can tell by the smell most are dirty.
There’s no sign of roommates or a significant other, more importantly you can’t detect any odd smells like the smell of magic you had scented on the golem master. The three of you had been prepared to toss the place to find anything that may lead you to your enemy, but with how barren the apartment is you suspect the enemy you encountered on the way here would have been a better source of information.
Jotaro lets out a frustrated grunt as he empties out the slim accordion folder he found in the closet. The only things inside are a birth certificate and an out-of-date phone bill. Jotaro sigs before turning to you and Kakyoin. “This is pointless. We should pick up my car and get back to the apartment.” You both nod and quickly exit, Kakyoin re-locking the door as you leave.
Jotaro takes over the roll of navigator as you emerge onto the street again and inputs your new destination into his phone. You take up the same formation you used on the way here, Kakyoin slightly in front to your right and Jotaro behind you both, though he’s calmed enough to not need the comfort of physically holding onto either of you as you walk. The brief subway ride to the parking garage has you hyper aware of every passenger- every stranger packed into the narrow tube with you, but despite your paranoia you arrive at the parking garage without incident.
“So you live around here? It seems like a nice neighborhood.” You ask as Jotaro leads you to a sleek black BMW.
Jotaro nods as he unlocks the car, “Just around the corner. Gramps and I live in the same building.” You nod as you slide into the back seat, Kakyoin taking shotgun.
“It helps that JoStar Realty owns that building as well.” Your eyebrows raise in surprise, you had kind of forgotten the fact that Joseph’s business owned entire buildings, not just the apartment that had become your group’s headquarters. “Should we stop by and grab anything while we’re here?” Kakyoin suggests as Jotaro starts the car and pulls out of the parking space.
Jotaro hums as he considered the idea, “I’m not sure we should. We’ve already encountered one assassin today. I don’t want to risk another one.” Kakyoin nods and doesn’t question further. “We’ll report back tot the rest of the pack what happened. We’ll get in contact with Polnareff and Lucky too, they might have found something at the other locations.”
The journey back to the apartment is blessedly uneventful, and you keep a look out for any suspicious people or vehicles while Kakyoin texts the pack that you’ve had an encounter, but are all safe and on the way back now. You laugh when the caller ID on the car’s touchscreen almost immediately shows an incoming call from ‘Jiji’ and you catch Jotaro’s exasperated expression in the rearview mirror as he answers. Joseph only calms down when all three of you sound off that you were fine and assure him you are on your way back now.
Before you know it, you’ve arrived back at the apartment. Joseph and Caesar are already back from their errand and fuss over the three of you for a few moments. Once the older alphas are appeased, all five of you take a seat at the dining table. Avdol has responded to the group text that he and Donna are on their way back as well, and will keep an eye out for suspicious characters.
Jotaro recounts the fight with the golem and its master to the older men and you furrow your brow as you rub the red mark that remains on your hand from the attack. Something is nagging you about what the man had said.
“He was going on about how Dio was going to make him rich for killing us so…” Jotaro pauses as you interrupt him.
“No, that’s not what he said though,” all eyes turn to you and you steel your nerves to continue, “He said Dio ‘would pay for our flesh’. Saying something that specific- I think there’s more to it than just being out to kill us.” Joseph and Caesar both go pale at this new information.
“Kakyoin,” Joseph sets his attention on the redhead, “when you were incapacitated, what exactly happened?”
“Well, I had chased the thief- the golem master- around the corner to an alley. I didn’t see anything off at first but that mud creature appeared out of nowhere and slammed me into the wall. Once I was stuck it morphed to look like me and they both left.” Joseph’s brow furrows as he listens to Kakyoin recall the events.
Caesar is the next one to break the tense silence, “It didn’t harm you otherwise? Not to knock you out or keep you quiet?”
Kakyoin shakes his head and his hand ghosts over his mouth where the faintest of red splotches remain on his skin, “No, it did cover my mouth, but not my nose so it wasn’t trying to suffocate me.”
“He also said something about ‘delivering the best parts’ but…” You’re interrupted by Jotaro finishing the quote.
Polnareff cuts him off as he rips the documents from Avdol’s hands, “Oh, now you are an expert in what I need to do. How could I go against the all knowing advice of a fortune teller? Oh wait, that’s not
Caesar’s face is grim as he nods and explains, “It’s too much to be a coincidence, I think. When we were young,” he waves a hand between himself and Joseph, “I’m sure Joseph has told you some tall tales about the creatures we fought – the Proto-Fae.” Jotaro’s eyes narrow as he nods, trying to figure out where Caesar is going with this information. “Well, part of what they were doing, it wasn’t just the Proto-Fae we had to fight against. They had gathered a following of other creatures and Fae to their side.”
“Unfortunately for a lot of the poor bastards, they didn’t realize what their masters were really up to. You see, they were incredibly powerful creatures, in fact most supernatural creatures today are descendants of the Proto-Fae.” Joseph folds his hands and puts his elbows on the table as he explains. “It’s why we share some traits with other creatures, like both vampires and werewolves are allergic to silver. Or why other creatures are able to shapeshift as well.”
Caesar picks up the tale again from Joseph, “We know Dio has gathered followers like the Proto-Fae did, but… that may not be the only similarity between them.” Joseph’s expression becomes enraged and he grips his own hands tighter as Caesar continues. “For all their tremendous powers they had tremendous appetites to go with them. They would... eat their own followers in order to keep up their strength.”
You feel your breath freeze in your chest and a pit settle in your gut at what Caesar is implying. “You can’t be serious.” Kakyoin states, looking aghast as Joseph nods and speaks.
“Looking at the evidence we have, hunters with gear for kidnapping wolves, attacks from all sorts of supernatural creatures and this most recent attack.” Joseph growls as he slams his fists on the table, “The bastard! He must know about the Proto-Fae and how they gained their power! If he intends to continue…”
“We have to prepare for the worst.” Caesar cuts Joseph off and puts a hand on his shoulder, but you can tell the blond is not faring much better at the prospect of facing another being as cruel as the Proto-Fae from their past.
The conversation is interrupted by the sound of a key turning the lock to the front door. Avdol and Donna enter, arms laden with grocery bags and a large wicker basket cradled in Avdol’s left arm. You and Kakyoin step away from the table and you have to flex your fingers to get rid of the stiffness from keeping your fists clenched so hard during the discussion.
It takes almost no time to put everything away and you hesitate to go back to your seat at the table to continue the conversation with the older alphas. There is a tremor in your hands and you feel your heart rate spike as Donna links arms with you and leads the way back. You’re not sure you’re ready to face the possibilities of what your fate could have been. Just thinking back to that day in the woods, if you had been run off the road anywhere else, if you hadn’t made the decision to run in the direction you did…
“Y/N.” you open your eyes and are startled to see Jotaro’s eyes so close to yours. When had you sat down? Or closed your eyes for that matter? You’re sitting next to the dark-haired alpha and he’s gripping your forearm in a comforting squeeze. The room has gone quiet and you glance around as you get your breathing under control.
Donna is about to ask what is going on but is stopped by Caesar’s hand on her shoulder and a quick shake of his head. You catch his understanding gaze before a hand on your own shoulder distracts you. You look up from your seat to Kakyoin, who gives you a small smile and a nod before he takes his seat to your left. Avdol puts his hand on your head and ruffles your hair a bit as he passes your seat, your pack providing physical touch and comfort to sow their support. You’re here, safe and with friends. A pack that is willing to defend and protect each other, including you.
Jotaro leans back to give you some space now that you’ve calmed down, and although he removes his hand from your arm he immediately moves to hold onto your knee as he turns back to the table. “Let’s not speculate on what Dio could be doing for now. Gramps,” all eyes turn to Joseph as he sits up straighter in his seat, “what else do you know about our family history with Dio?”
Poor Donna still looks confused and you catch her eye and mouth the word ‘later’ to her from across the table. She nods and focuses back on Joseph as he begins to explain. “Well, its all just hearsay from what my granny told me growing up. Dio was adopted into the Joestar family when he was a abandoned by his father. She was always suspicious though, that he wasn’t human. Weird things used to happen, like he could convince people of things, though she never caught him in an outright lie.” Joseph crosses his arms against his chest and looks down in thought, trying to recall the stories from his youth.
“It all came to a head one night when there was a fire at the manor. Granny didn’t have too many details about what happened afterward, but my grandfather went after Dio as the cause. In the end it was pretty much confirmed Dio was of Fae blood- a changeling.” By the end of Joseph’s exposition Caesar is still as a statue, sharp green eyes focused on his long-time friend.
“Did your granny have any evidence he was Fae though? He could have been some sort of magician?” the blond alpha questions.
Joseph shakes his head at Caesar’s question but doesn’t elaborate as he continues to try and think back to his grandmother’s descriptions. Avdol clears his throat and addresses the question instead. “There may not be definitive proof that he is of Fae blood, but based on Polnareff’s description of his encounter with Dio, I feel confident the stories from the late Mrs. Joestar are true. Bing able to manipulate another supernatural creation like a werewolf, it would be beyond what a normal magician or sorcerer would be able to do.”
Jotaro nods at Avdol “We’ll have to go forward with the assumption that whatever Dio really is, he will be capable of powerful magic.”
Avdol looks pensive for a moment and you catch his gaze on you before he steels himself to continue. “I think I understand now what you were talking about before we arrived. I don’t mean to be insensitive but we really should discuss the possibility of dark magic being used.”
Jotaro’s eyebrows furrow at the older wolf but you try and placate him, “Avdol is right. We have to discuss all the possibilities, even if they’re frightening. I can… if it gets to be too much, I can leave but it needs to be discussed.” You take a deep breath to prepare yourself and turn to Avdol, “We were discussing the possibility that, a reason that wolves are being taken alive could be… that Dio knows about how the Proto-Fae gained power… by eating other creatures.” By the end of your summary, you can feel every hair on your body stand on end and Jotaro’s hand on your knee squeeze gently to get you to stop bouncing your leg.
You hear a faint gasp from Donna but keep your eyes trained on Avdol as he contemplates the new information. Although his eyes widen in surprise, he quickly composes himself and raises his hand to his chin as he thinks it over. “Although I am not a practitioner, I have come across a few dark magic descriptions on how power and energy can be taken from an… unwilling supplier.” Avdol’s brows furrow and his mouth is set in a grim line as he explains. “It is usually referred to as ‘draining’ or ‘consuming’ the magic, I fear these terms may be more literal than I originally gave them credit for.”
You nearly jump out of your seat in surprise at the strangled gasp from behind you. You’d been so focused on Avdol that you hadn’t heard Polnareff and Lucky quietly slip through the front door. Polnareff’s bag drops to the floor by his feet as he clenches his eyes shut and runs his hand though his hair and tugs harshly. Memories of the news articles you saw about the small Canadian town flash in your mind and you can’t imagine having to suddenly relive that sort of trauma.
“I knew… Dammit, I was right there and I did nothing!” You hold still as you see Polnareff’s body shift with barely controlled power. “Of course, the only information he would have would be because he was responsible for the massacre!” Polnareff shouts and rips his hand from his head, silver strands falling to the floor. “And I did nothing to avenge them. And now it repeats.” A few tears leak from Polnareff’s eyes and your heart surges at the sight of your packmate so upset.
Jotaro rises from his seat at the table and approaches the silver wolf. “We won’t let it happen again Polnareff. We are going to stop him, no matter what he’s up to.” Jotaro’s words seem to spark a determination in Polnareff as he growls but nods to the alpha.
“You’re right Jotaro, but we have to act now. Right now! No more waiting around for clues and information to come to us… we need to hunt him down this minute. Every moment we wait is a moment wasted.” Polnareff backs away from the group as Avdol stands as well and makes his way over.
“And where would we go Polnareff? With too little planning we make it easy to fall into one of their traps. We aren’t facing only one opponent in this situation.” Polnareff’s eyes widen and he hastily reaches for his bag at his feet. He fumbles with the contents for a moment before pulling a few papers and a journal out.
“The hunters! We found where they were planning to rendezvous and make the exchange with Dio’s direct reports. If we leave now, we can be there by nightfall!” Polnareff’s excitement unfortunately doesn’t seem to be contagious as Jotaro and Avdol take the papers from him and leaf through them.
Avdol is the first to speak again, shaking his head. “Even if they previously planned to meet here, we can’t be sure it’s safe. If we rush in too boldly, we only make ourselves targets.”
Polnareff growls loudly in response, “You’ve become too cautious with your age, Avdol. Mabey you don’t understand, or care, but lives are on the line here! I must have revenge for my family- and the others that have been sacrificed to this monster!”
“You think that I don’t care about the lives lost to this madman?” Avdol shouts back and your hair stands on end again from the tense energy in the room, all you can do is wait and watch the explosion unfold. Avdol continues with a growl, “You are the blind one here Polnareff, your need for vengeance clouds your judgement. Of course, I care for the innocents involved in this, but we need to do our best to protect ourselves, not add our own lives to the casualties. You need to consider…”
Polnareff cuts him off as he rips the documents from Avdol’s hands, “Oh, now you are an expert in what I need to do. How could I go against the all knowing advise of a fortune teller? Oh wait, that’s not your ability, is it?” Joseph growls in Avdol’s defense and Polnareff surveys the room of angry and tense faces. “Fine, I see how it is…”
“Polnareff, wait. You can’t…” Lucky puts his hand out to reach for the silver haired man’s shoulder, but is cut off by a sharp slap to his hand and a growl. Polnareff says nothing more as he marches out the front door.
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Author's Note:
Long time no see! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, turns out my love of video games will supersede my ability to write until I get it out of my system. The addiction is real y'all. Anyway, let me know what you think!
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icleanedthisplate · 2 years
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Grilled Chicken Family Pack w/Empanadas (Sweet Corn, Spinach, Pulled Flank)(Shared all). Buenos Aires Grill & Café. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.21.2022.
NOTE TO SELF: At first I was really happy with this meal, but then I realized I was mostly happy about it because it was easy to order and pick up (because this restaurant is right beside my office). The taste, however, didn't do much for me. Still, for the convenience factor and value, I would be willing to try it again.
Currently ranked 20th of 24 January meals.
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sudden-stops-kill · 3 years
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99 cans
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retrocgads · 3 years
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UK 1983
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themancorialist · 4 years
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Henry Square, Greater Manchester. 
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