#fandom discourse? all I have is beans
spagottti · 2 years
*see’s fandom discourse
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Sum beans
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frankingsteinery · 7 months
been sitting on this for awhile because its a bit controversial, but its one of the main reasons i was pushed into the frankenstein fandom space so i figured it was high time to talk about it
ive noticed that theres this general opinion, both among scholars and present in more fandom-y spaces, that victor is somehow effeminate for what are ultimately symptoms of disability (fainting spells, being bedridden, hysteria, etc) as if being physically or mentally ill is something that is inherently feminine. i have read articles published by academics that victor’s sickness is proof of his “femininity,” which is why he wants to take on the traditional part of a woman, that is, childbirth (via creature)
even in general, and not on an academic level, it emerges in jokes or memes all over the place — people poking at victor for being weak, or sick, or a gay little UWU bean sub, because aw hes fainting all the time XD and he’s sooo dramatic! as if these things were somehow both his choice, and somehow innately feminine
so, not only is there this weird link people are attempting to draw between disability and femininity, but also queerness (particularly, ive noticed, being a “bottom” or “sub” — but thats a whole separate can of worms) and femininity. as if being either of these things is inherently girly or cutesy and thus worthy of being made fun of
there comes a point (particularly when these interpretations leak into broader understandings of something via pop culture), where, for lack of a better word, it comes off as fetishizing or romanticizing queerness and/or queer relationships
and while this may seem relatively harmless on the surface and comes off as just thoughtless jokes made in bad taste, it IS serious. not just within the context of frankenstein, but the general premise of the severity that even subconscious reinforcement of detrimental and stereotypical ideas should be treated with. its a slippery slope from jokes to notions that affect you and how you see the world
this is obviously part of a broader problem with the way disability, gender, identity and etc is thought about and taught, which results in people harboring all sorts of these types of underlying prejudices. its just that victor happens to be a particularly good example, wherein he is a feminized man that is ascribed as “weak,” and the attribute “weak” is ascribed to someone who has been historically analyzed as both disabled and queer. this has been reinforced for decades, and i feel like this treatment of his character in this way is so blatantly obvious and runs rampant while it goes nearly entirely unchecked — and also in the case of frankenstein discourse, its often a quadruple whammy (ableism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia)
and the worst part is that it is so often completely unintentional, and the bulk of this sort of content are well-meaning jokes. i genuinely don’t think people do this in bad faith or out of malice, but spreading these concepts even in formats that appear to be harmless (jokes, memes) just contribute to and continue to spread these ideas and stereotypes. its frustrating because its hard to point out and bring attention to without coming off as nitpicky or overly sensitive because this sort of thing is just so SUBTLE, and these beliefs are so gradually learned and then reinforced on a subconscious level
i could go on but for risk of sounding redundant ill digress, however to be clear this is not me saying you cant view victor as transfem, or disabled, or queer (i do!), or to view him as feminine, or etc, but that you should look at the reasons for WHY you think so, and how you or others treat the subject when talking about it.
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taki118 · 3 months
Some tips for Ace/Aro characters in fandom
I've been seeing this discourse again and I dunno I kinda wanna scream my opinions into the void as an older asexual who just tired of this.
There's this weird thought that if a character is Ace/Aro its like you can't ship the character or do sexy things with them and thats not really true, its entirely dependent on the character and you just need to offer them some more thought/care than you would an Allo character/relationship.
(Also you people saying you can't ship this cause one character is ace/aro and totally not cause it directly competes with your preferred ship I see you you ain't sneaky, trying to act holier than thou nonsense)
So you got an Ace/Aro cannon character and are wondering if it's ok to ship them, well here's a question has the character expressed a strong desire to NOT be in a relationship? If yes then yeah don't ship them. IF however their opinion has not been revealed or if they just seem passive then go right ahead you aren't going against the character and plenty of Ace/Aro people do want partnerships.
Now you might be thinking "Oh so I can just do what I normally do with my ships right?" Mhhmmmmm maybe there are aspects to Ace/Aro relationships that don't differ from Allo relationships but there are more that do. You need to really look at your character and how they approach things much more carefully than you would an Allo if you don't want to erase their Ace/Aro-ness. Example say the character is rather touch adverse you shouldn't then depict them clinging to another character instead show affection in tinier ways or show that they are doing this despite their discomfort for the other character.
Another thing to avoid is focusing too much on the relationship, if you go too hard on the not having an interest before this person it can come off like they "Fixed" their ace/aro-ness and kinda borderlines a fetishy area. Avoid statements like "I never felt this way until you" and go for something more casual like "It doesn't matter to me but you do"
And here's the part people really care about ughhhhh sex. Yes Ace/Aro people can have sex some even want sex so depicting an Ace/Aro character doing sexy things isn't necessarily erasure again so long as you depict it with CARE. Again if the character in question has directly stated they are sex repulsed for all that is holy do NOT have them have sex unless you put in a LOT of work into (aka not for those new to this) But if the character is more disinterested then you can have them do sexy things so long as it doesn't cause like a seismic shift in how they view sex, don't make it "Wow this is amazing I never knew" and lean more towards "It wasn't so bad with you" Again it all comes down to the character themselves so like pay attention.
Also try to avoid the who innocent bean thing like they aren't interested therefor they know NOTHING about sex, like yes it depends on the character but if you do this too much and too like cutesy it can come off like a virgin fetish or infantilizing.
Finally yes you can depict Ace/Aro characters in sexy ways (this is more for Ace characters but I wanna cover my bases with people) but again it depends on the character some aces like to look and feel sexy they just don't like sex and others don't want to be sexualized at all, for others its a case by case bases, again if it is something the character would do or hasn't said anything its fair game.
There's no way this covers everything really what important is just learning about Ace/Aro people and putting just a little more effort in when handling them. You can still have fun with them, still ship them, being Ace/Aro is not the death sentence some in fandom make it out to be, it can even lead to different and fun dynamics you hadn't considered or explored before.
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summerongrand · 1 month
Some thoughts on fandom curation ... fueled by caffeine ...
I'm all about curating fandom like I curate my coffee. Both can be deeply personal and communal at the same time. I have an entire pantry cabinet dedicated to coffee: coffee beans, grounds, sauces and syrups, all different kinds of gadgets, different types of coffee, and the different devices used to make a good mason jar of coffee. I'm also the type of person that will go out of the way to try an Instagrammable coffee place.
By all means, curate your Tumblr feed. Fudge with the algo. Make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. If blocking or muting is your cup of joe, then do it!
Where I find this selective curation a bit troubling is what causes people to block. Blocking, again, is great if there's a disconnect between what a blogger writes and what you want to see on your feed. But it can be troubling if the content that causes them to hit the block button is one that calls out inequality against a character they love.
I found out that someone (an active someone in the Chenford space) blocked me because I wrote this post about starting more fandom discussions about gender in the workplace, specifically the challenges that WOC face. I’m baffled that this post about Lucy's struggles triggered them to hit that block button. Nearly 50% of girls and women aged 15-44 in the United States are women of color. That number increases to 100% on The Rookie.
I can understand if someone doesn't know how to participate in this kind of discourse or if they're hesitant to chime in because they don't want to accidentally say something that may be perceived differently than their intentions. We all come from different walks of life and our experiences with people shape who we are. If you do want to engage but don't know how, my DMs are open and they're a safe and judgment-free zone.
It is both eye-opening though and disheartening to see someone actively object to seeing discourse about inequality, discrimination, and racism. This isn't about "wokeness" at all ("woke" and its synonyms are not words that anyone has ever used to describe me). This is about how societal institutions affect a fictional character that you, my blocker, purport to love. It's about engaging in thoughtful discourse to ensure that we don't ignore that same character's identity - again, a character that you purport to love. How can you claim to love a character and actively choose to ignore her struggles?
Anyway, if I spent more time thinking about how I wanted to write this post, it would read a bit differently than it does now. I've also learned that if I spend more time thinking about things, then I lose some of the potency of what I wanted to say.
So I'm just gonna post this thing under the tags, prepare for more misplaced anti-woke blocks, and make some craft coffee.
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Shen Jiu
Born a slave and bought by a toxic household, got out of the situation through a rags-to-riches plotline, started abusing+neglecting his own student in a cycle-of-abuse type of story and ended up a target of said student's revenge plot. Fanfic writers often write him as either a perfect/sad/lawful angel or a ruthless asshole - for most of the story he got replaced by an isekai'd bodysnatcher, so readers don't really have a lot on his characterization beyond what was shown in sidestories/extras.
He’s in the middle of the cycle of abuse and he gave all his loyalty in his lifetime to one man who he couldn’t talk to for more than 5 sentences but who then died trying to save him and then he ate the shards of his sword as a method of suicide.
Shen Jiu was an abused slave with a horrifically tragic backstory who went on to abuse and attempt to kill the protagonist of the original story before the MC (Shen Yuan / Shen Qingqiu) transmigrated into him. He's the embodiment of the cycle of abuse & is misunderstood and villainized by pretty much every character. When he was replaced by Shen Yuan, everyone pretty much went, "yeah, something's up, but I like him better now." He is simultaneously woombified and vilified at all times by the fandom. The discourse is horrid
Angel Dust
Although there are other morally gray Hazbin characters, I think he is the most misrepresented. I think people have a hard time acknowledging that being hypersexual as a result of trauma and just being an asshole in general are not mutually exclusive things. I see people often say he acts the way he does because of his ptsd, while totally ignoring that he's just kinda mean (at least in the beggining) anyway and he can take accountability for that. He gets half of people saying "he's a sexual harasser" without realizing it's a trauma response and he can't help it that he's hypersexual, and others who think he's a helpless smol bean that can do nothing wrong. Both are misrepresenting of his character.
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foxlored · 1 year
Hunter & The Binary of Abuse Victims in Fandom
Warned you all I would be turning this into a full-length essay. I find the way that fandom culture treats fictionalized abuse victims endlessly fascinating, as it's such an interesting microcosm of societal views about abuse at large. The Owl House's fandom has been especially interesting in how its treated the topic, given the fact we have multiple characters that have histories of being abused, or in some way dealing with conflicting parental relationships, lending for definitely a wider array of nuance in discussion. Out of every fandom, this isn't the worst by far.
However, Hunter is definitely the more 'by the numbers' character in that realm of discussion, and one people seem more likely to latch onto and mischaracterize. So, I suppose this is just me trying to examine how exactly this is reflective of larger fandom patterns and so on.
As a quick heads up, this is going to be an essay obviously discussing abuse, but along with that specifically victimblaming, negative views towards abuse victims, etc. Just like, y'know, proceed with caution.
The dichotomy of the 'good' versus 'bad' victim
I'm sure there's a better way to succinctly describe it, but I do not have buzzwords on my side right now, so that's the short of it. A common pattern that seems to be present when discussing abuse is to rationalize why a victim was abused. If no "reason" can be found, then they are a "good victim" who's deserving of respect and sympathy. If something can be found to rationalize it, then the victim is branded as somehow deserving of their abuse. Obviously this isn't true, and the standards are oftentimes very arbitray. Whether a victim "fought back", or "left when they should've", or any number of things they "should've" done are thrown as reasons to blame a victim for their abuse.
But sometimes, miraculously, a victim manages to "win" the sympathy of onlookers (this being much more common for fictional characters than for real people, hooray for double standards and phony activism) and is branded a "good victim". You'd think that this would make things easier, that their trauma will actually be approached from a nuanced lens.... ha, no.
The role of the "good victim" is often one that characterizes them as hyperemotional, defenseless, helpless, essentially painting a caricature of someone who "couldn't defend themselves against their abuser" and is therefore pitiable. In fandom, this came in the form of the "smol bean that must be protected" (sorry to evoke 2016 onto you all), the "sad boi", or as TVtropes puts it: The Woobie. (And whaddya know, Hunter's actually on The Owl House subpage for the trope).
Hunter as a 'Good Victim'
To preface this section, I wouldn't say Hunter's place in this role has always been stable. In the same way that the way its given to real victims is conditional and subject to change, the same occurred in fandom response to Hunter. This was especially prevalent, IMO, around the time of Eclipse Lake's release and the hiatus that followed the end of Season 2A. I'll touch on that more later, but for now we'll be discussing the times in which he IS given fandom sympathy, and what that sympathy really means.
If there's one thing Owl House fans love discoursing about, its the way Hunter is treated in the fandom. I've seen this often played off as "hating neurodivergent* coded characters", but this is by far a bigger issue with the way we discuss abuse victims in fandom, as illustrated in the previous section.
( *People use the label interchangably with Autism & ADHD despite the fact Neurodivergency is a vast umbrella that includes PTSD/C-PTSD which Hunter would undoubtedly qualify for. People using the idea of ND-coding, from my experience, typically argue from the angle of Hunter being in some way autistic-coded, I'm not arguing he's not neurodivergent).
The core issue of this discussion is the way that Hunter is denied agency and autonomy from fans because of his abuse. The Huntlow discourse particularly comes to mind, whether or not a person can be ""too traumatized"' to engage in a romantic relationship. I'm not arguing for or against in either capacity, I think both sides did have good intentions and merit to arguments that got strawmanned in order to push ship discourse, but I digress. The point is that Hunter is a character that is reduced to his trauma, and whether intentionally or not, is seen as needing protection.
A healthy support network is good. Having people protect you from an abuser is good. But the way people take this borders on infantalization, often forgetting who they're talking about. Hunter is an extremely competent character, and within the show does as much "protecting" for his friends as he does in needing help. But because his identity is, to fans, intrinsically tied to the abuse he faces, he is in a way forever seen as a permavictim, feeding into this idea of needing to be protected.
When the idea of a 'Good Victim' falls apart
I'd like to take a quick detour here to also focus on that previously mentioned point in time where a lot of nasty victim-blaming sentiment came up, and how people really tend to hate victims of abuse... acting like victims of abuse.
Eclipse Lake was definitely one of Hunter's more noteworthy episodes, giving a better look as to his relationship with Belos, how it impacted his self esteem, and the fact that he really wasn't willing to let go of that. And whew, boy, did that make a LOT of people upset.
Because here was Amity, this character who'd gone through similar struggles, had similar negative thoughts, offering him help and a way to heal. And Hunter rejected that pretty blatantly in favor of pleasing his abuser. I won't explain why people were in the wrong for hating Hunter in that moment, its pretty obvious that of course the traumatized 16 year old wasn't just going to immediately abandoned everything he'd ever known in favor of people that have been, atleast from his POV, pretty fucking mean. (All love to our protagonists though!)
What I'm more interested in talking about is what exactly this means as a reflection of the way we talk about abuse. Because I think a lot of abuse "awareness" is contingent on playing up abusers as these cold, calculating monsters that plan each nice thing they do for their abuse victims as a way to ensnare them further under their control (And okay, in Belos' case that... actually isn't that far off, this is NOT going to be me going on about how "maybe belos wasn't that bad", jesus no). But that rhetoric harms both victims and outsiders.
For victims, it makes it harder to recognize they're being abused, because they don't think their abuser is this overtly manipulative person. Whether that is actually what's going on or not is case-by-case, but either way it makes it a lot harder to recognize when abuse is occurring because they see a human side to their abuser. They know their abuser has good moments that feel genuine to THEM. Meanwhile, to onlookers, and this is what's happening here in the fandom, if an abuser is an irredeemable monster that's lying about everything, then an abuse victim who apologizes for their abuser seems ridiculous.
We as the audience know Belos is a horrible person with no intention to do good. But Hunter DOESN'T know that. And every person who's telling him that's the case are people he has no reason to trust. That period of time where he was villified was based on our complete misunderstanding of what abuse can look like. Which plays into what the "bad victim" is.
Because while a "good victim" must be helpless and lacks any agency, for why else could they be abused, a "bad victim" CHOOSES to be abused. They're "bringing it onto themselves". Because if there is any reason you "could" prevent the abuse, and you don't, that's seen as a moral failing.
So what does this all mean?
I wish I had an actionable plan here, something to say "this is what you need to stop being weird about abuse" but... there really isn't that. This is a pattern that's prevalent in so many fandoms, and something that'll likely keep happening.
All I can say is that the best way to combat this is to be aware of what abuse actually looks like. Not the sensationalized stuff that's on television, I mean stories from real people. Accept that people who've dealt with abuse will have messy, complicated relationships with their abusers, and that they may have done or will do things that don't fit your view of what they "should've done". Trauma puts your brain into a completely different mindset, and it's hard to think rationally. Especially when the person you're dealing with isn't rational either.
Sorry this isn't the most pretty conclusion, or that I likely missed a few points I could've made. This is a tumblr post and I am just one fandomgoer that cares a lot about niche topics.
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hi em! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with frankie <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
well hi gorgeous anna <3
this is, without doubt, the sweetest message i've ever had land in my inbox.
you're spot on - the vibes have been ass lately, but it's people like you that still keep the warm glow about the place. come in, sit down, there's tea or coffee freshly brewed for you and snacks if you want them.
i'm doing okay, thank you. i've had enough going on throughout the days to not be thinking about the shit storm going on here, but it sucks big time to log in and see people you love and admire get put through the wringer. i also can't lie and say i haven't considered moving over to ao3 just to avoid it. it's been really sad to see a minority ruin it for the majority, but i'm hopeful it can be turned around before it's really too late.
i've been extremely fortunate to encounter far more love and kindness than bad vibes, and i really hope you can say the same. your voice is already louder than the nastier ones, simply because you've taken the time out of your day to check on folk and spread some love. i want you to know that so many creators appreciate this, and you. you're a special, lovely wee bean, and are loved and valued just as much.
how are you? i hope you're also taking care of yourself, treating yourself with as much kindness and gentleness as you do others. you deserve it.
i will indeed enjoy my night in with frankie - you sure know the way to a gal's heart hehehe
thank you sweet anna, hope you've had a wonderful day <3
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yiga-hellhole · 10 months
Intro + Masterpost
hallo i am bearie. better known by many names. and i am: normal about that old man
i've been a zelda fan since i was little and have been active in the """fandom""" before but with totk dropping we are now back in full swing. i'm particularly an enthusiast for zelda villains but agitha, midna, impa, urbosa, and the gorons also hold a special place in my heart. my favorites forever are zant and kohga. do i have a type? don't fucking look at me
i don't have time nor patience for fully rendered pieces, but my passion lies in silly and sometimes raunchy comics. expect a lot of doodles. my dedicated art tag is #beararts , and my fic tag is #bearwrites
Twilight Forest, Twilight King directory
TFTK is my self-indulgent home-grown all-organic first-ever fanfiction that i wrote because Hyrule Warriors didn't explore the possible hijinks between Ghirahim and Zant enough for my liking. it's a multi-chapter setting that (mostly) follows the canon events of Hyrule Warriors (2014), but explores unlikely bonds, passionate and heart-rending rivalries, finding love on the battlefield, and Zant playing 4D social chess with everyone he meets. the majority of it is rated Teen for violence and romantic dynamics, but two chapters thusfar are rated Mature for sexual content and graphic depictions of violence. sexual content is always non-explicit, either fade-to-black or allegorical. it's my passion project and all i think about, so please give it a try!
Ao3 Link
But you can also read it right here on Tumblr!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Tag for chapters, doodles, and other hijinks
Disclaimers/Before You Follow
- please only adults follow because my affection for yigas is ravenous. minors are free to interact with my sfw posts though i don't have the beans for that kind of moderation
- please no spoilers for totk!
- be fucking normal about the gerudo. i know nintie dendo isn't capable of doing so, but you can be
- don't bother following if you get in a lot of shipping discourse (it's fine if i follow you first tho). i dont vibe with proships but i refuse to call myself an ""anti"" either because i love critically enjoying themes like a normal person. even if we ultimately agree i think that stuff is ANNOYING AND PAINFUL ‼️
thats it. feel free to drop by my inbox! my askbox and dms are always open and i'm always happy to discuss (head)canons with you all!!
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wifiwuxians · 3 months
sorry for the late reply! im the songxue anon! just saw your responses a few minutes ago and my gosh, you're really very sweet ;; im sorry to have caused so much of a fuss but thank you for being so compassionate and kind ;; (also i adore that crying xue yang omigosh what are you talking abt how can you think thats not amazing its perfect i love it). also the tags? on your first reply??? people are mean to song lan????? WHO IS MEAN TO SONG LAN??? WHY??? HOW????! i'll be honest, i tend to avoid getting involved with fandom discourse At All Costs bc i dont need that kind of stress in my life, so mainly i just look at fanart and fics i like and stay in my lane so i had no idea there were people who hate on song lan???? like??????????? how????????????????? okay, i love xue yang, he's my baby, but i TOTALLY understand people hating him. he has no rights and he deserved everything bad that happened to him and so much more. i just happen to adore him and wanna spoil my stupid lil meowmeow. like it makes SENSE to be mad at xue yang but like.................................. how can anyone hate song lan?!?! HE DID NOTHING WRONG?????? LITERALLY HE JUST GOT HURT, OVER AND OVER, FOR NO REASON????? im sorry for going on such a tangent over a very short tag you added but im a lil flabbergasted that anyone could hate on Best Boy. also while im going on tangents about tags, your 500 aus are part of what i adore about your art oki. like you have such a wonderful and vivid imagination and the way that you give life to the ideas with your art is breath-taking. even if its a concept i dont think i would enjoy just hearing the idea, when i see your execution i am 100% on board because my gosh you have such a beautiful way of bringing life to things.
and you don't need to apologize for anything btw! it's totally oki to assert boundaries and i really dont speak for anyone other than myself. i just saw a few "dont tag as ship" things and i was like "ahh... oki they prolly wouldnt like me" cuz im an anxious bean and i also dont wanna reveal myself as a gross loser who likes weird ships to one of my fav artists, ya know? so you were 100% just doing the good selfcare thing (which much approval, we stan) and i just got the wrong idea cuz im a nervous weirdo. as for revealing myself i feel a bit embarrassed to do so now after being such a weirdo at you oaeurhgiauehrg but one way or another, your are IS getting reblogged, especially now that i have permission to look at some pieces disrespectfully oiaerhjgohre (not SUPER disrespectfully, just maybe a lil bit of 'they're in love your honor' oki) (a silly random thing but im a bit happy to know you dont hate songxue oijghiouehrg its silly but knowing my favorite 'songxue artist' (not-really-songxue-but-i-totally-see-it) doesnt hate my otp is kinda nice 😊 i thought the irony of it was a bit funny before but i also felt guilty for seeing stuff that your didnt really intend with your art and yeah eoirjgioejrg basically my initial asks were all that struggle so its just kinda nice. its not a very popular ship so its cool when its not disliked, even if its not actively enjoyed. idk if im making sense LOL sorry) ohergiuearhg sorry i feel like i went on a bunch of tangents instead of responding to you properly and i think maybe i have a problem of Talking Too Much so i swear i will really try to keep this one short. i love your art, youre completely valid and wonderful, im doing okay and im really happy you responded to me so kindly despite my strangeness, i think you're neat and you deserve a ton of people showering you with praise cuz damn, you make things great. and i'd like to take a moment to express how you can really influence people with your art: i never even considered wen chao x xue yang before your art and now i think they're a really funny couple, and thats completely bc of how lovely your creations are. please believe in your ability to make people love the things that you love through your beautiful art. be proud of how incredible you are. you make everything a lil brighter just by existing but the fact that you exist and choose to share your beautiful art (and fics, ive read some of them and i Love your writing, its incredible) you make the world a whole lot brighter cuz damn, now i get to look at this stuff and just smile and feel warm inside. so thank you for making my life a lil happier and please be confident in yourself!
okay sorry to put em all together but also i felt it was best so let's begin,
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1- you've caused no fuss at all so don't worry about that!! i just wanted to make sure it wasn't a ships in the night situation LOL i wanted to make sure you got my response! :) (I'M GLAD YOU ENJOY THE MEME LOL) as for song lan meanness, that's what i'm saying THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING and YET! this is why i stay out of the tags all the time. there's just too much shit out there in the world and sometimes i fail at just gritting my teeth and letting people say their thang, and it gets me in trouble... but maaaaaaan i really need to say it's a shame you wanna stay anonymous because i think we'd get on like a house on fire! you've summed up exactly how i feel about both of them + how i wish others reacted to them haha (but no pressure to reveal yourself! just know i think we'd get along)
and as for 500 AUs... i'm so glad 😭 i am an AU machine, i have so many i can't keep track and they bring me so much joy, but i admittedly feel sort of alone in making them haha SO THIS MEANS A LOT!! especially you complimenting my execution like i think i may just melt into a puddle and pass away jfghsjh thank you,, so much
2- but seriously, don't worry about the tag thing, it is 100% a boundary thing and the only time i think i'd dislike someone for it is if they saw i said not to tag it as something in the body of the post and did it anyway! 'cause that's just rude (and then i feel despair bc what else can i do to get people NOT to tag LMAO) it's for my own comfort, i'm not trying to dictate what people can or can't ship or feel, it's just i'd rather not hear about it :p especially when it's not what i drew! but also i'm a favorite artist? 😳
you haven't been a weirdo at all! no pressure to go mask off but please don't let anything be because you think i think you're a weirdo or a loser, ok? it's not true! hooray reblogs my NUTRIENCE.. THANK YOU! (but haha this isn't a 'theyre in love' type of piece but the one i personally look at most disrespectfully is when i drew sl straight up eating xy's flesh off his ribs... i know cannibalism isn't for everyone though and neither is gory imagery! just... sharing... oversharing...)
for the aside: no problem! i will say for transparency purposes that my relationship with it IS complicated and that i personally would need it to fit a very uncommon mold (that i do not often see) for me to be like 👍 which is why i tend to stick to my own stuff + what a chosen few friends make when it comes to them in general, but my god you're a rare breed! i've never met anyone who had it as their otp!! you're braver than any US marine because it's such a rarepair it didn't make it into the like top 11 mdzs ships on ao3 or whatever...
3- i love talking though! i really appreciate your messages and i hope this response wasn't a complete jumbled mess ahhh...
thank you so so much for all the lovely praise and encouragement, getting these messages actually helped me break out of my funk a little and do some chores, so know your words do have an impact too! 💕 i need to remember more often that as long as even one person smiles at my work, it will have been worth it. i promise i'm trying ;; sometimes i get caught up in the numbers still and i'm very ashamed of that, but damn, you took time out of your day to let me know that you love and appreciate what i do, and that's honestly made me tear up a little, so THANK YOU AGAIN !! i'm sorry i'm failing at expressing myself and my gratitude properly kgjdklhjkgh (also, thank you for the xuechao support, like THAT's what i call a RAREPAIR! (canned laughter) i really try to spread the joy with those two)
i'm really floundering on how to say thank you well enough so... maybe i can show you some birthday art i made for a friend who also loves xy and sl and xy/chao (which of course now im being nitpicky about but the friend loved it so idc LOL)
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Kim Taehyung
Yes, just finished watching Tae’s vlog where all he did was drive around and listen to music. Got a few things to say...
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From the moment he sat his butt down in that car, I was totally mesmerized, totally enamored, 100% DOWN for him! When he is just Kim Taehyung he is just a normal dude jamming to his tunes while driving down the highway with the window down on an incredibly beautiful day. JUST LIKE US. Except he can call his dentist and without any notice whatsoever, zip in and get a chipped tooth fixed. Yeah, that’s not just like us but anyway. 
Just to get some perspective on his drive, this is one of the points I noticed:
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How far he drove past the tunnels? Who knows, but the driving time between the middle of Seoul, say, the HYBE building for instance, and somewhere past the Semiwon Garden is probably an hour and a half or so? We don’t know where he began, all that is just a wild guess, but the tunnels are recognizable.
His choice of music is outstanding. Going from Troye Sivan to Bing Crosby...please hahahahaha!!! So eclectic. And when Procol Harum started playing, that’s when I totally lost it ...THAT. IS. MY. JAM!!! Well, before BTS that was my jam. That makes me sound much older than I am but I can’t deny my rock music roots. It is what it is. 
The person who writes the captions...seriously...I am coming for your job. You better watch your back. You are me, I am you. Especially when you pointed out the bird poo on the railing. If I was a YouTube reactor, I would be hitting stop and rewatching that moment and going berserk repeatedly...so just be glad I’m into writing this Tumblr blog and not that.
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Just driving around, stopping for a snack then lunch, probably charming the shit out of the restaurant people, stopping for a game of virtual golf and then capping it all off with dinner and an impromptu game of ‘name that tune.’ So if you were sitting in traffic that day and looked over at the car next to you and you see Kim Taehyung jammin’ to his music while driving do you just shit your pants right there and have to turn around and go home or .... we will never know will we?
That was definitely a lot of fun. I am certain the rest of the vlogs will be just as fun to watch. Yes, absolutely cannot wait for Jimin’s. 
When I watch Tae in various content like during this vlog and in other situations like concerts, during other performances and all the variety shows and interviews, I see his personality shine through and I just love him. 
So...here’s the part where I go off the rails...of all the crazy discourse in this fandom, the segment we call the <<cult>> just becomes more and more of an unacceptable aberration to me. It already was very much out of hand with the whole attack on that model dude and the jewelry maker, but looking at the big picture, how can anyone claim to be a fan of Kim Taehyung and treat him the way they do? You can say that it was just a few bad actors in that group but no...they enable each other, they allow their incredibly deceptive intentions to flourish and they are 100% not wanted in the fandom. What they do is beyond shipping. It is destructive manipulation. Anywho...got that out of my system.
That’s not what I was shook about. I was shook about watching this incredibly [did I already use that word? I did, oh well here it is again] incredibly (x4) captivating man just be himself for a little over 52 minutes.
I have to admit...and this will not sit well with some but here is a little TMI... after Jimin and Jungkook, I have an informal and somewhat uncongealed order of preference for the rest of the members: Hobi/Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin/Tae. BUT I LOVE THEM ALL DON’T COME FOR ME.
I absolutely adore all of them. It’s just that my attention is drawn by them in that somewhat fluid order. Tae is in last place a lot. Because of the cult. See what I mean? They are destructive.
[Apologies for being shook momentarily in teh middle of watching it... normally I am a very calm and collected little bean with a very discerning eye.]
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levitatingbiscuits · 8 months
I found your take in the height difference discourse interesting, mainly because I agree, but also because the exact opposite is also true (at least in my experience).
I get the ick a lot of the time Cody is portrayed as the short one in the relationship, mostly due to the connotations that come with being the short one as people have detailed many times before. It’s the exact same problem with Obi Wan being the short one, as in that they’re woobified or even viewed as the submissive one in the relationship or even as the ‘woman’ (and I can’t even begin to get into how many layers of fucked up that is) but what also happens with Cody is it feels a lot more exploitative and sinister than it does with Obi Wan. The difference in their ranks is an interesting thing to explore when it comes to them, but the problem comes when younger or less experienced writers end up portraying them with a power imbalance.
Would canon Obi Wan ever take advantage of anyone, especially in that way? Of course not. But that doesn’t stop some writers. It just feels a lot grosser when Cody is the one being babied, at least to me. Especially since a lot of these people go out of their way to make Obi Wan bigger and more powerful than Cody.
To be clear: you are absolutely right, but I just wanted to throw my two cents in. I think any portrayal of a ship has the capacity to be problematic, we just need to be careful we don’t resort to relying on stereotypes or overused tropes that come with shipping dynamics. Cody or Obi Wan being noticeably taller isn’t inherently bad, but the internal biases of the writer are what could potentially make them that way. All rational people know height has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, and it’s strange that we’re gotten to the point where this inevitably ends up being a problem in every single fandom.
Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem. I've never encountered a fan work where Cody is a smol uwu bean, but that could get pretty weird for different reasons. Codywan is a ship I enjoy for the devotion and fluffiness and old married couple/coworkers vibes, so I tend to avoid fic that specifically revolves around the power imbalance or the age difference, which is likely why I've never encountered this.
I have encountered clone fics where the chronological ages and "sheltered" upbringing (for lack of a better adjective) is leaned into HARD, which can give me the ick if they're portrayed as sexy or appealing rather than tragic or an obstacle to romance. Maybe the ultra smol Cody trend is an extension of that?
And yeah, not all exaggerated size differences are problematic. Some of the clones have canonically turned out extremely large due to cloning mishaps, like Wrecker. Often it's just because the writer or artist thinks it's cute. I've read some very interesting fics that lean into the sci-fi body horror aspect of cloning and even how being genetically engineered to be extremely large can be an obstacle to the clones being seen as anything other than weapons. Sometimes fics can discuss epigenetic factors to explain height alterations, which is very plausible because Jango didn't always get adequate nutrition and rest growing up and the clones were all standardized and specifically made to be at his physical peak.
But the fact that these trends keep happening in this fandom makes them worth examining and dissecting. For example, I remember a lot of stormpilot discourse about why Finn was so often depicted as significantly larger and more muscular than uwu smol Poe, when that's not what John Boyega and Oscar Isaac look like. I've even read some Han/Lando fics that did the same thing to Lando, even though you could just write Skyrissian or Solorgana or Lando/Leia or Skysolo if you want a big size difference in your ship. Considering the star wars fandom's history of racism, I think that it's worth examining why it's so often characters of color that this happens to.
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digitalcockroach · 9 months
i think a lot of tumblr has weirdly strong feelings and opinions on Neil Gaiman and Good Omens like it's popular and popular to hate and victim to Tumblr Discourse, there's a loud subset of (usually young but not always uhg) fans that are obnoxious uwu soft bean terminally online types, and there's a a kind of reactionary hatred and criticism for Neil and Gomens itself (and laugh at me if you must but there is some of that coming from a homophobic, transphobic, abliest place. it is not coincidence that these reactionary hate for fandoms is worst when a fandom is predominantly queer and neurodivergent like i get it whatever we all need someone to bully not the point here) and there are PLENTY of things to not like about the man, the show, and the fandom but like
one sentiment i see going around in the wake of s2 is that Neil Gaiman is just a Bad Writer which like. objectively doesn't really add up. in terms of technical skill and success of his work? he's very skilled and respected as a writer, he's considered a master of his craft, he's won awards, yknow? whether the stories he tells are compelling or interesting or important is subjective, hate em all you want, but he is TECHNICALLY a good writer which leads me to my main question
WTF happened to s2 of Gomens????? like i liked s1 enough to watch it 3 or 4 times, i loved the book in high school, i was excited for new content despite my misgivings about extending a completed story! and this is what we get? the major worldbuild hook, an arch-angel thrown out of heaven without his memories now in the care of the angel and demon who saved the world from said arch-angel essentially, is a fucking C plot after fanservice azi/crow flashbacks and a weird uncomfortable not-romance between two random new characters (and this isn't even mentioning the major spoilers for way stupider plot decisions). none of the humans from s1 are there. there's 0 tension (except for in the final cliffhanger scene) bc they just. basically say "nah no you wont" and fix all their problems. literal deus ex machina resolution. the writing is bad, the ACTING is bad in the case of the weird ass Beelzebub recast (WHY would you draw attention to it by mentioning they look different TWICE) who moves like a tiktok teenager and can't lipsynch and oh yeah has a completely different personality. i get that some things were on purpose, i see the hints and foreshadowing for a s3, i get that some ooc-ness of characters is likely to be revealed as part of a bigger plot eventually but y'all. i sat through this Bad season of TV hoping the few interesting and genuinely cute moments would pay off, and they did not. why would i wait for another season of this shit to actually resolve anything?
I'm just fuckin disappointed in it yknow it was a total fanfiction of itself and i have literally read better gomens fic than what s2 did
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
would you say you’re more on the anti feyre or anti nesta side 👀 spill
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Hi lovely 💕 I know you want me to play devil’s advocate and I don’t want to be boring, but genuinely neither. I have both tags blocked and I desperately wish that we as a fandom could move away from the discourse altogether 😩 I don’t want to contribute to it at all.
I WILL say that Feyre is my favorite Archeron sister and Feysand is my favorite ship. I’m the youngest too and I see a lot of myself in Feyre and also a lot of my older sister in Nesta. Very similar dynamics and even as adults we don’t speak very much but I would still ride at dawn Anthony Bridgerton style if anyone said so much as a bad thing about her.
I am here for one reason and one reason only, and that is to gush with strangers over the internet about how much we love our problematic little beans 😍 I am not, and I never will be, here to focus energy on things I hate or to die on some stupid fictitious moral high ground.
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praemonitor · 2 years
I'm feeling a lot better today, almost at my 100%. Thank you for your kind wishes.
Mi first draw to the fic? General of the First Order, Armitage Hux. I'm obsessed with that bastard, or rather, with the potential of what the canon could have had given to us, but finally didn't.
At first was a little bit daunting reading a 4 chapter unfinished fic with > 75k word count, but I decided to give it a go. I was engrossed with chapter 1 and 2, but what made me 150% invested in the story was minisode III, with all regarding the Finalizer and the quest of it's people for survival; it was amazing with the way you describe it, the tension, the urgency, the despair without failing into defeatism (Hux being a boss indeed.).
I remembered being pretty happy when I saw the update for minisode V (the mission on Naboo is one I re-read regularly), and I literally SCREAMED when a saw the update for minisode VI (I was at the office. I threw a glass of water to the floor to cover my fangirling from my coworkers XD) Needless to say, that that minisode grabbed me by the throat and will never let me go.
I came in for the terrible, uptight, brilliant and damaged Armitage, with the plus incentive of getting gingerpilot. I don't want to start waxing poetry about Poe, because I wouldn't have enough characters left on this ask, but that man? *Sigh* live rent free in my heart since TFA
BUT! all of this gushing for this two, is no a disparage for the Reylo. Canon Raylo never got my disapproval, but also never got me beyond "they're kinda cute together. That could be interesting" But their dinamic in the first of the new is richer a deeper, and a really absorbing facet of the story.
And your take and expansion of the secondary characters? They are everything. I wish Kes was my father (mine is not bad, but is in no way in Kes league. In. No. Way); Dopheld and Kaydel are (sometimes murderous) precious beans who deserve everything good in the galaxy; THE KNIGHTS OF REN, ALL OF THEM (TRoS made them dirty, is all I gonna say), I'm so pleased of how you tied them to the canon in their identities that I cannot believe how attached I am to them; and the Xionos, for better or for worse (fuck Hamada), and all of those from the Colossus and Resistance.
Everything in this story in rich, complex, and spellbinding, made with care, love and passion, like a intricate trapestry full of colors, forms a storys, open to us to appreciate and be in awe at.
Happy Star Wars and may the force be with you. Always
You've brightened my whole day, thank you so much for this message! I'm so excited you have a special place in your heart for Minisode III -- its "haunted ghost story" vibe was really fun to write. And I also loved writing Kes and Hux's dialogue in Minisode VI, what with the political dynamics between the Resistance/New Republic and the First Order as they learn to work together.
And of course, Dopheld Mitaka and Kaydel Ko Connix grabbed their very own side plot and ran with it, so good for them!! I have a very disorganized text document full of scene ideas for Rey and Ben, Poe and Hux, Mitaka and Connix... maybe someday those will see the light of day?? Right now they're an incoherent jumble of words, haha.
Honestly and truly, thank you so much for reaching out. The past year has been rough for me writing-wise. I've actually been trying to write an original novel, which should be fun and exciting, but I keep doubting my creative ability, convinced my plot ideas and original characters are no good.
Further fueling my anxiety, the novel I want to write revolves around controversial real-world topics that are really important to me personally, but I dread the thought of not doing these topics justice and unintentionally triggering online discourse. It really doesn't help that I sit on the sidelines of fandoms I love (i.e. Star Wars, Our Flag Means Death), watching fic writers and fan artists get harassed for any missteps -- real or perceived. It breaks my heart and leaves me too scared to write anything for fear of accidentally causing offense.
Which is all super frustrating because I LOVE writing. So thank you again for your kindness, support, and enthusiasm, and for reminding me why I love writing so much. Have an amazing day!!
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delightfuldevin · 10 months
Taglist!! (More tags to be added as needed)
#devin speaks - talk tag
#king sad sack - vent tag (I’ll try not to vent here too often; I don’t consider this the place for that)
#devin’s gaming logs - talking about games I’m playing (will be warned for spoilers)
#answered the thing - ask tag
#here and queer - LGBTQ+ tag (positivity; I don’t do discourse)
#happy tag - things that make me happy/feel good/cheer me up
#funney tag - things that make me laugh
#important tag - things that I think are important/want to remember
#wishlist - things I want to buy
#hornytimes - nsfw tag (minors/ageless blogs better not interact with those posts or you WILL be blocked)
#art tag - my art
#anitag - my animations (this tag might be empty for a while cause motivation is a bitch ;-;)
#fic tag - my writing (again, might be empty for a while lol)
#prompts - writing/drawing prompts I’d like to do (may include ask games, if ever I do those?)
#random art - art by other people that doesn’t include my kins, synpaths, or F/Os
Note: non-self ship fandom related interests are on my multifandom blog @theamazingworldoffandoms (just reblogs over there; my creative stuff stays here)
#aes - aesthetic tag **
#cool beans - science stuff
#animalia - animals **
#mushies - mushrooms
#super mario headcanons
#cookie run headcanons
#animalia and #mushies are only for real images; drawn images go in #random art
Self Ship/Kin Stuff:
#from the white void <3 - gush tag
#kin tag - me (my kins) **
#syntag - me (my synpaths) **
#sonas tag - me (my self inserts) **
#hearttag - my otherhearts **
#faves tag - my F/Os **
#kiddos tag - my kid F/Os (they’re still tagged under #faves tag, they just get a tag all to themselves as well cause there’s so many of them lol)
#self ship tag - me (my kins, synpaths, or sonas) and my F/Os interacting with each other, as well as anything related to self shipping in general
#other’s self ship - other people’s self ship content
#other - posts that aren’t categorized in any of the other tags (posts in this tag may be given a new tag in the future if enough of the same type of post shows up)
Tags marked with ** are general tags that are further categorized. I added the specific tags under the cut if you’re interested, just cause I love showing off my tags haha (Tag organization is genuinely very fun to me which is why I have all of them listed. The most important ones are all above, so don’t worry about reading these specific ones if you don’t care lol)
#beside the seaside - beach/ocean/tropical
#forest fairy melody - forests
#waterfall - rainy
#falling for fall - autumn
(More to be added)
#reptilia - reptiles (includes snakes so be warned of that, actually it’s probably mainly snakes)
#aves - birds
#mammalia - mammals
#aquatica - any water dwelling creature (mainly cause I didn’t want to accidentally tag a freshwater animal as “sea dwellers” haha; accuracy is important in organization :3)
#phibs - amphibious fellows
#kin tag
#big red - Mario
#bonedaddy - Jack
#vibrant summer - Mango
#the eel deal - Frye
#comic - Sans
#first class fire demon - Calcifer
#sunnydrop - Sun
#sonas tag
#eggs and rice - main sona
#chocolate eclair - Super Mario
#trail mix - Pokemon
#poprocks - Sonic
#apple cider - Kirby
#fruit salad - MLP
#saltwater taffy - Splatoon
#candy corn - Deltarune
#pumpkin puree - Cookie Run
#black licorice - Hollow Knight
#spooky scary skeletons - skeletons
#made of stardust - stars
#faves tag
#cuddle monster - Bowser
#wingman ghost - King Boo
#peachy - Peach
#flower power - Daisy
#my rose - Rosalina
#baby boy - Bowser Jr
#sporty boi son - Larry
#star child - Morton
#venny’s little princess - Wendy
#tol insane son - Iggy
#bad boy son - Roy
#smol clown son - Lemmy
#classy and sassy son - Ludwig
#lil rabbid son - Spawny
#starry rabbid daughter - Rosebud
#right hand bro - Luigi
#my lovely minions - Bowser’s minions
#fruity pie - Pitaya
#phantom bleu - Roguefort
#pretty petal - Cherry Blossom
#little red - Cherry
#sourpuss - Lemon
#poppy - Popcorn
#little miss rebel - Currant Cream
#party pal - Birthday Cake
#voila! - Cinnamon
#cookie of class - Eclair
#miss moonlight - Moonlight
#brightest star in the sky - Shining Glitter
#razzle dazzle - Raspberry Mousse
#my sweet archer - Wind Archer
#lil sailor child - Peppermint
#smol ink child - Squid Ink
#lil magician daughter - Cream Puff
#chess twins - Chess Choco
#rice cake daughter - Moon Rabbit
#spooky and sparkly daughter - Pumpkin Pie
#robotics child - Strawberry Crepe
#toy time daughter - Lollipop
#dreamy conductor daughter - Milky Way
#pasta daughter - Fettuccine
#uncle caviar - Captain Caviar
#scholar sis - Blueberry Pie
#lizard bro - Dinosour
#fashion sis - Sour Belt
#surfer bro - Soda
#peppy sis - Cheerleader
#spicy bro - Peperoncino
#spicy nephew - Habanero
#goldie - Ananas
#water type - Lotus
#tanny - Rambutan
#vel - Red Velvet
#The One - Churro
#freezing hot princess - Blaze
#chaos control - Shadow
#shiny sis - Rouge
#mc princess - Pearl
#dj hyperfresh - Marina
#cold blooded bandit - Shiver
#hype manta storm - Big Man
#sea star - Callie
#boss lady - Marie
#nenie - Annie
#best clown buddy - Marx
#uncle meta - Meta Knight
#poyo - Kirby
#princess of the night - Luna
#dragon child - Smolder
#griffin son - Gallus
#sunsis - Sunset Shimmer
#honey - Red
#chalk daughter - Susie
#spade nephew - Lancer
#grillbae - Grillby
#showtime - Rory
#stardust - Whitney
#moonflower - Ione
#blush - Pinky
#uncle apollo - Apollo
#hoppity - Sasha
#rrr-owch - Lucky
#ragdoll queen - Sally
#finest trick or treaters - Lock, Shock, and Barrel
#voidheart - the Hollow Knight
#blessed daughter - Joni
#uncle six eyes - the Hunter
#pk bat son - Ness
#pk snake son - Lucas
#flower crown child - Crona
#plasma twins - Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder
#auntie bayo - Bayonetta
#four elements disaster - Rubilax
#auntie eclipsa - Eclipsa Butterfly
#uncle glob - Globgor
#uncle clay - Clay
#vegetable fam - Goku, Vegeta, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale, and Broly
#misc cc - anyone without a tag
It’s very obvious which one of these tag groups made me have to put it under a cut fbchcfghcghvjvhnv
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I get so annoyed at the comparisons of Lokius to fluffy ship Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens) because they have nothing in common. And there really should be more fic exploring the abusive dynamics of Lokius. And ok, I admit I don't like cutesy ships like Ineffable Husbands much either way, but it's such a shame Lokius has so little tasty fucked up content and most fics are boring fluff. And people like OW so much they hardly ever make Mobius the perpetrator. I've seen fics were Ravonna made them do it or another Loki (usu. President) or EVEN TVA!Loki were the perpetrators and those options just rub me the wrong way. Lokius fandom is so quick to make Ravonna irredeemable (but not pure bean Mobius) and the power imbalance is not on the favor of the Lokis (the abuse and literal torture excused from Mobius while Sylvie gets called abusive for calling Loki a clown and trying to complete her life's mission... smdh).
The main issue, I think, is that "the Discourse" is so fraught and neverending that people either hate Mobius and everything connected to him and so they won't write about him anyway or they're on the defensive and don't want to cede what they see as too much ground to hostile takes. (They're not the only ones doing this but this is today's topic and I don't want to digress as much as I usually do.) That plus - the bane of my own existence in so many fandoms tbh - if you're into something enough to identify/be seen as "a shipper" of it then you probably favour fluffier takes on that ship. Which is valid of course, etc etc, but it means there's not many fic people around who are willing to spend the necessary time and effort on Dark Lokius. I mean, I'm fairly into the idea and I still haven't (really) made any fic of it so I am Part Of The Problem myself (I do have a couple of in-theory-WIPs but I have a lot of half-written fics and they won't all get finished). With me that's partly because I fear the reader glancing at the rest of my fic in that fandom and going "oh well OF COURSE she doesn't like lokius and wants it to be Wrong and Fucked Up," even though I fuck up a lot of pairings that I am very into.
Of course with me not being into fluff generally the dominance of that genre here means I read less lokius than I otherwise would and so the problem sort of self-perpetuates.
(Side-note on Ravonna, the comics canon (such as it has been relayed to me) seems to have massively influenced fandom's takes on her because I don't think she was even all that evil on the show? You could take her "brb off to find Free Will" as her having rejected the system and planning to bring it down some other way - which indeed I did until I was told no she's just a baddy. As Mobius's superior she's presumably more awful but what we see doesn't necessarily prove that. (Also there's only 22 - 22!!! - Mobius/Ravonna fics on AO3 and I have to ask HOW THE FUCK?? because I definitely detected a vibe there and refuse to accept that nobody else did. They had a vibe!!!))
BUT I DID DIGRESS LIKE I SAID I WOULDN'T. Added to all that is that the sylki and lokius shippers have become set against each other so again nobody wants to give anyone any extra ammunition for "actually your ship sucks" takes on tumblr by spending "too much" time on the nastier subtexts.
Um... well, the tl;dr is just that varying strands of The Discourse tend to push people away from spending much or any time on the darker lokius readings and that's a damn shame because as of this moment the pairing is tagged in 3,426 fics on AO3 and I feel like that means it could easily cope with a few more stories where it's to some degree fucked up. Bring on the Stockholm Syndrome, damn it, there's more than enough fluff to make it all better with afterwards :D
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