sungsetport · 2 months
Nunca fui de levantar discussões por aqui nem nada disso, e a maioria daqui já pôde notar. Mas eu achei importante trazer isso aqui. Primeiramente, quero dizer que não estou impondo nenhuma regra e muito menos estou aqui pra ensinar ninguém a como publicar uma história, até porque isso não tá nas Diretrizes de Conteúdo do Spirit e, na minha opinião, é uma questão de senso.
Sabemos que tem categorias muito mais populares que outras dentro do Spirit (e eu quero trazer essa atenção principalmente para a categoria "Bandas & Músicos", que é a que eu mais estou inteirado sobre a situação e é a que eu mais consumo), e a gente vê todo dia um projeto diferente surgindo com o intuído de aumentar histórias de um determinado grupo/artista, se esforçando para isso acontecer. Mas é EXTREMAMENTE triste entrar em categorias menores e perceber que as histórias mais populares delas não são, de fato, sobre aquele grupo/artista. E eu digo no sentido de não ter ele como personagem ou assunto principal na história.
Entenda, se na sua história em que o Grupo Bolinhas é o principal, por exemplo, tiver um integrante do Grupo Tracinhos e ele ser citado uma vez de forma superficial como personagem secundário, não faz sentido você colocar a história na categoria do Grupo Tracinhos se quem procura história desse grupo quer ler algo com eles como protagonistas. Ainda mais que na plataforma do Spirit pesquisar por categorias é a melhor ferramenta pra levar o leitor ao seu grupo/artista favorito.
Nesses casos, o melhor jeito de organizar isso é, se você citar o integrante do Grupo Tracinhos como personagem secundário e de pouca relevância na história, coloque o nome do grupo nas tags, isso ajuda a não encher categorias com conteúdos que não pertencem a elas.
De novo: não estou aqui pra impor regras e dizer "é assim que você deve fazer", quem sou eu pra isso. Eu só quero dar um toque porque sei que tem muita gente que faz isso na inocência e sequer tem noção de que isso acaba prejudicando categorias que já tem pouquíssimas histórias. É frustrante de verdade ver uma coisa dessas, e é algo que não é tão difícil de resolver.
Enfim, precisava falar sobre isso depois de ter presenciado algo desse tipo. Considerem isso, e os comentários estão abertos para qualquer um que achar que estou exagerando ou que queira acrescentar algo. Beijos do vico, se cuidem! ❤️
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1mmeee2 · 1 year
You Can't Have Him! (Shawn Hunter x Reader) BMW
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Plot: S4 Ep 21: Shawn is asked to join a teenage cult which effects his relationship with his girlfriend Y/n, but re-thinks his new belief system when Turner is injured. (Pretty long story) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Y/n Pov: "Hey, Shawn ready for our date?" I asked Shawn as I was putting away my books. "Yeah, about that... I need to go." Shawn said suddenly confusing me. "What?" I asked as we have been planning this date for weeks. "It's just, something came up and I need to be there." Shawn said. "Shawn what is this "Important thing"?" I asked. "Actually... Y/n, are you centered?" Shawn asked confusing me. "What?" I asked confused. "Look, there is this amazing group called the center... and this guy who will help you find true meaning and these people find people like you and I to find our place." Shawn explained to me scaring me. "Shawn this sounds like a cult if anything." I said. "No it's not a cult! Y/n... this group will help you... help us!" Shawn said making me worried. "Shawn you can't be in this group." I said. "They said you'd say something like that." Shawn said making me shocked. "Excuse me?" I asked. "They told me how, people would always try to shut the people who are lost." Shawn said. "Shawn you're not lost!" I said getting more annoyed. "How do you know?" Shawn asked softly leaving me conflicted. "I... I need time." I said to Shawn who nodded. "If you consider joining. Just call me." Shawn said creeping me out as I walked off to go home.
After a few days of Shawn leaving school early, always so calm, Cory and I decided to go find Shawn and get him out of there. Before we went in Cory decided to go in first just in case something bad happened and I can go find help.... Or he just wanted to seem brave. Soon it was 5 minutes they were in there making me worried and went in the cult place. "Shawn? Cory?" I called out as I rush down the stairs and saw Shawn and Cory but with the leader then smiling at me creepily. "Welcome to the Center, lost soul." He said making me glare at him. "Shawn we are going." I said holding his hand.
"Ah, is this the other lost soul you mentioned Shawn?" He asked. "Yes... This is my girlfriend Y/n." Shawn said. "I'm not here to join nor stay here. Cory, Shawn let's get going." I said trying to pull Shawn out but he didn't move. "Y/n... I can tell this is hard to see this many changes on your partner... But I think you're gonna like to see what we can do. Nobody judges you who you are, where you come from, everyone here is the same." He said holding Shawn's shoulder letting me to let go. "Can I go in that room?" Cory asked pointing at a door with a star. "Cory!" I said pinching his side. "No, that's the celebrity room." The leader said before walking off. " That is the slickest guy I ever seen!" Cory said to Shawn. "Don't you both see? I'm not a prisoner here. I can leave anytime I want." Shawn said softly. "Okay then, we're going now." I said but then suddenly as Cory and I were about to leave, the lights dimmed revealing the leader on a stage.
"Children of the center.... let's welcome to our family a new life member. Shawn Hunter." The leader said making the crowd clap as Cory and I look at Shawn in shock. "It's fine." Shawn said before going up on stage leaving me in pain. "Let's go Y/n." Cory said as he saw how much pain I was going throw as I'd though, I could make Shawn happy and someone he can belong to.
Soon once Cory and I left, we went to his house to talk to Mr and Mrs Matthews and Mr Feeny. As we all stood at the Matthew's backyard I was sitting on a bench as Mrs. Matthews comforts me while the guys talk about Shawn. "You know guys. I am is best friend and it's like he doesn't hear me... Especially his own girlfriend. I mean why does he have so much faith on this center." Cory said. "All right, let's get in the car and drag him out ourselves." Mr Matthew's said a we all got up to get him. "I'm going with you. I'm well acquainted with the Center, I've been trying to close it down for some time now. This Mr. Mac (The leader) is a frightening man." Mr Feeny said but then I saw Eric and Shawn together.
"Shawn!" I said in relief as I then hugged him tightly which he did back. "Hello Mr. Feeny, Cory, Mr and Mrs Matthews." Shawn said greeting everyone as I then let go. " Shawn, are you all right?" Mrs. Matthews asked. "Of course I am. I'm totally centered." Shawn said making me sigh as he still was strongly into it. "Thanks Eric for bringing him back." Mr. Matthews said to Eric. "Actually I brought Eric back." Shawn said making me chuckle a bit as that was the Eric I knew since I was little.
"Mr. Mac thought that Eric wasn't sincere and was in it for the hugs." Shawn said. "Well yeah." Eric said smiling like nothing was wrong and left to go inside the house. "Well hope you all have a peaceful night. I'm going back to the Center." Shawn said making me grab his hand and looked at him in disbelief. "Wait, whoa, no. No you're not. While you're parents are out of town, you're our responsibility." Mr. Matthews said sternly. "That means you're staying here in this house." Mrs. Matthews said.
"Yeah. Mr Mac told me you people would try to talk me out of my belief." Shawn said making me had enough. "Shawn! Do you hear yourself? We all love you and we all wouldn't want to hurt you." I asked angrily as Mrs. Matthews soon pulled me back before I get too emotional. "He also told me you'd say that." Shawn said leaving me in defeat. "All right, fine. That's enough. Get him in the house and tie him up." Mr Matthews said half joking and half not. "Look Shawn. These aren't believes. This is just a way to escape a life that doesn't have beliefs--"That's a judgment." Shawn said cutting off Feeny. "You damn right it is." Feeny said sternly. "What's wrong with me finding something to believe in?" Shawn asked. "Look Shawn. I'm all for you're search of spirituality, okay? But you don't seem to realize that Mr. Mac is conducting is own search. For lost souls that he can influence and manipulate." Mr. Feeny said. "He said you'd also say that." Shawn said. " Yes. I am sure he has given you a thought of every occasion." Mr Feeny said angrily but then a phone rang from his house making him sigh. "Excuse me." He said before entering his home. "Shawn I know I don't say this often... but Mr. Feeny is right." Cory said. "Why do all of you guys keep attacking what I believe in?" Shawn asked annoyed. "Shawn... why do you believe in this Center so much?" I asked. "What?" Shawn asked. "I mean before this... what did you believe in?" Mr. Matthews asked. "I dunno." Shawn said. "Did you believe in God?" Mr Matthews asked but then I saw My Feeny rush out of his house in distress. "George what is it?" Mr Matthews asked. "Uh... Johnathan Turner... Has been on a motorcycle accident." Mr Feeny said making all of us shocked. "Is he okay?" I asked. "Uh... no he isn't... Alan could you give me a lift to the hospital?" Feeny asked which Mr. Matthews nodded. "We'll all go." Mrs. Matthews said making us all move but I stopped and saw Shawn staying behind. "Shawn?" I asked. "I'll meet you guys there." Shawn said kissing my cheek. "Shawn no please." I said begging. "I said I'll meet you guys there." Shawn said keeping his frustration from exploding at me. "Okay..." I said softly as I followed the group.
- It's been a few hours and the Matthew's, Topanga, Mr. Feeny and I were all sitting in the waiting room as we waited more about Mr. Turner's health. "Where's Shawn?" I heard Topanga asking me making me look up at her. "I don't know." I said. "Well Mr. Turner and Shawn are like brothers... how can he not be here?" Topanga asked. "I don't know." I said but then like the universe somehow heard me, I saw Shawn walking in the waiting room. "Shawn!" Cory said as he and I got up glad to see Shawn but soon our smiles drop as I saw Mr. Mac right behind him. "Mr. Mac..." Cory added as we all watch him looking around the hospital. "Shawn thought I could be of some help. Hello, I'm Philip Mac. Feeny..." Mac said looking at Feeny who was glaring at Mac. "You don't belong here." Mr. Feeny said. "One my children invited me, and as always, I'm here for him, as for any other child who calls for me." Mac said instantly making Eric stand up. "I wanna come back!" Eric said quickly and urgently. "No, no, no." Mac said rejecting Eric as we all knew his intentions. "Shawn he shouldn't be here." I said not liking Mac from the first time I heard of him. "Y/n, I can't face this alone." Shawn said to me. "First of all we're here. Second, your being more and more distant that you're more alone than ever." I said trying to knock some sense into Shawn who's face turned into confusion. "What does that mean?" Shawn asked me. "Shawn... please it's very obvious." Cory said also trying to knock sense into Shawn. "Forgive me?!" The voice of Feeny raised making us all turn and saw Feeny getting up on Mac's face held back by Mr and Mrs. Matthews. "George come on. He's trying to get a rise out of you." Mr. Matthews said before taking his stance. "Look. You're not dealing with gullible little kids here now buddy. You brought Shawn down here and thanks but you should take a hike back to Con Land." Mr Matthew's said before Mr Mac turned to Shawn. "Now do you see how judgmental these people are--" Suddenly Mr. Matthew's pushed back Mr Mac back angrily. "No! You see! A judgment I made a long time ago... Is that Shawn Hunter is the best friend my son ever had... And I'd kill for Shawn Hunter from people... Like you." Mr Matthew's said growling at Mr Mac keeping his stance not backing down anytime soon.
"Alan... he'd love a lawsuit..." Mr. Matthews said holding her husband back softly as Mr Mac fixes his jacket. "I think there's a lot of anger here... and I don't feel this is a healthy environment for Shawn." Mr Mac said. "Look I really--" "You don't respect my philosophy. For kids who feel lonely and lost and have an emptiness in their lives, I'm here to give them a sense of belonging." Mr Mac said making me had enough of this nonsense. "You can't have him. He is not yours to dictate what he should or shouldn't do." I said angrily at Mr Mac making him turn and look at me with a soft gaze. "That's up to Shawn. And in any event there are many more just like him." Mr Mac said and turned back to the parents. "Y/n, come." Topanga said making me turn and saw the two boys gone. "Where did they go?" I asked. "They went inside Mr. Turner's room. I don't think Shawn would've wanted to see all that." Topanga said leading me to the room Mr. Turner was at. - As I stood there in the room, I saw Mr. Turner wrapped in bandages, both legs in a cast, head wrapped up with his heart monitor stable. "Cory I can't be in here it's too intense..." Shawn said breathing heavily. "For all of us Shawn... But this is life this is what's happening right now." Topanga said as Mr. Turner was also our teacher and who were like a father or brother to all of us. "I need Mr. Mac..." Shawn said. "No. He can't help you with this. Shawn what is the matter with you?!" Topanga asked scolding Shawn. "I-I-I don't know! But I can't look at him like this!" Shawn said trying to get out of the room but I instantly grabbed his hand and hugged him tightly. "Shawn! This is a hug! And this is when you hug somebody that you care about! And that you want them to know that! Shawn... I love you so much but you cannot leave here. Mr. Turner took care of you... And he loves you and you love him. Is that real or is Mr Mac and The Center real? You decide, but you cannot go." I said sternly as I knew it was time for Shawn to finally get off his bubble. "We can go." Cory said as he walks over to the door as he and Topanga slowly leaves the room. "Y/n?" Cory called me. "Wait a second..." I said not removing my gaze of Shawn as I heard the door closing. "Shawn... Don't think I don't love you... But... you really need to see Turner. I bet if that was your on the bed... Turner would've stay in this room till you finally got better. And so would Cory, Topanga, Feeny, and Me." I said before hugging Shawn again who hugged me back and soon I kissed him softly and soon felt him kissing back and knew the Shawn I knew was slowly coming back. Once I pulled away I left the room with Shawn and Turner alone. - After a while I finally saw Shawn coming out of the room making everyone including Mr. Mac stand up. "How is he?" Cory asked. "He'll be fine." Shaw said making everyone sigh in relief. "Is that what the doctor said?" I asked as Shawn walked over to me and pecked my lips as he held both my hands. "No... I just know he is." Shawn said before wrapping his arm around me as we both face the group. "Shawn it's obvious you've been in a stressful mood for you and I think it's time you'd come back to The Center." Mac said moving me aside a bit away from Shawn who shook his head. "Yeah, I think so too." Shawn said leaving everyone in shock. "What?" I asked. "I wanna go back, pick up my things and if it's okay... I want to stay with you." Shawn said to the Matthews who nodded. "Yes, it's okay." Mrs. Matthew's said with open arms. "And... I already found my home and center. With her." Shawn said walking over to me tightly as we looked at each other with love. "Shawn I--" "Yeah, I see you right in front of me... And I heard what you have to say, and it's nothin... And if I was an empty person and I didn't have anything to believe in. I might go with you...
because that would be easy... Well... I'm done with easy and I'm done with empty. I'm done with you." Shawn said making me smile.
"Well... We will always be there for you Shawn." Mr. Mac said. "Yeah, I know." Shawn said and soon we watch as he slowly walks away as soon Shawn looks back at me and kissed me again as I finally have my Shawn back.
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letters-to-rosie · 7 months
another fic idea: the timebomb Howl's Moving Castle AU
Ekko's Moving Treehouse!
blatantly inspired by @redrum-alice's FANTASTIC artwork and developed in collaboration with @lullabyes22-blog, because I've been fawning over the art since it was posted and I just knew there had to be a way this could work because it was so cute and the potential just jumped off the page for me
(you've probably seen it but go look at it if you haven't it's so good)
me and Lullabyes have both read the book and seen the movie, so we combined a lot of ideas from both versions, and this is the result so far:
so Silco is the Witch of the Waste lol
Jinx's curse turns her eyes pink (and they stay that way, like Sophie's hair turning white!)
our girl is on a journey of ✨self-discovery✨ and to find her family. Silco does not understand why and just wants her to come home for dinner lol
instead of happening upon Ekko, Jinx goes looking for him because she heard there's a wizard wandering around who helps people
Ekko's castle is a treehouse, and the roots walk!
Jinx: "What a stupid way to treat a tree!" DX (a book line lol)
Jinx keeps arguing with the curse and it weirds Ekko out but she's just arguing with Silco lol
Ekko is a big grump because he gave his heart away to protect it after so much loss 😭
Jinx does not clean his house. she just redecorates. she draws on everything, including the Wall of the Fallen, and Ekko is thisssss close to strangling her at all times but he's promised to help
Jinx: "Ya gotta inject some levity into this narrative!" /casually breaks 4th wall
Silco's henchpeople keep showing up and Ekko fights them off but they're just trying to get Jinx to come back for dinner
Silco: "Discover? What are you discovering? Gold? Dinner's getting cold!"
at some point Jinx will have to cut up Ekko's clothes mwahaha
Ekko has the Slime Meltdown™ because Jinx breaks his hoverboard and he needs to be airborne and free or else there's no point in living
Heimerdinger is Madame Sullivan/Suliman, Ekko's old magic teacher who tells Jinx she's a witch like in the book 🪄
he even has the intro that makes him appear all spooky at first before his furball nature is revealed
maybe instead of giving life to things she animates machines???
they have a cute breakfast scene in Ekko's treehouse where Jinx eats real fruit the first time
Vi leaves a flare lit for Jinx all this time, and Ekko helps her find it
we didn't discuss this, but I think it would be interesting if Vi was Turnip Head, trying to communicate through Jinx throughout the story and maybe pushing her into situations that she doesn't really want (which has to do with how we're imagining the ending; Vander could also be Warwick instead and serve the same purpose???? wait I'm cooking here)
I also want Ajuna to be Michael/Markl lol
the end of the story sees Jinx decide to be true to herself; even though she knows that Silco and Vi both love her, she's gotta do her own thing
despite being super annoying lol she helps Ekko live in the moment and get his heart back, and they fall for each other and it's mushy as hell okay
"She's like very decorative lichen growing on his tree and he can't get rid of her, so by the story's end she's just become part of the natural treescape."
and at the end they keep traveling in the treehouse to see the world and help people and so Jinx can come into her witch powers
probably would be easy to insert all the war themes
Jinx coming into her own and being cute, Ekko learning to love again after this woman just barges into his life, family themes, romance, what more could we want???
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bellacullenvamp · 5 months
Red Moon, a Twilight saga au!
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The Cullens have a new family member. Y/n is only a 2-year-old newborn... Carlisle stopped her life at age 15, and she still doesn't know why.
Genre: au! | Angst
Rated: G (Clean for all ages)
Chapter Four. (Continuation)
Volterra is like a time machine. The stone castle transports you to an ancient time. When the folklore tales just started to tell our history.
The place smelled like humidity and richness. As we entered one of the castle gates, another vampire greeted us. As Jasper told me, her name was Jane, and she was a vampire to be feared. Jane Volturi was scouting two vampires. They looked Korean, and one of the vampires was a woman, maybe in her thirties. She had a beautiful, serious face, red lips, and black hair. The other was a male wad maybe around my age, with the same red lips and black hair. They seamed related, and I asked myself, how the girl and her brother had the same fatal end as me.
"Jane always gets the prettier ones," said Aurelius with a bored posture.
I looked down when Jane locked eyes with me. She frightened me more than Carmilla and Constantine. "Let's meet Aro. Heard Marcus was going to be there as well." Jane said while still looking at me. Jasper also told me Jane has a mortal hatred for the Cullens. Since she was not able to kill us a couple years ago.
All of us walked in a dark mysterious hallway. Blood could be smelled from a distant door, screaming in a long distance could be heard. The stone walls made it difficult for me to hear where it came from. We were sent to a room with velvet couches and historical art on the walls. If my hands could sweat they would now.
"What's your name?" The woman Jane scouted asked me.
"Y/n. Yours?" She sat near me. "I'm Naomi and this is my younger brother, Leo. Jane found us in Dublin, while we hunted. And you? Did you came here to join the clan as well? "
Leo had shy eyes, both of his and his sisters eyes were a deep red. I could imagine what they were hunting. "I have my own clan. But I decided to give the Volturi clan a chance," Honesty was not on the menu right now.
Naomi wasn't convinced. However she decided to stay quiet. They did not appear to be newborns, maybe they used to be lonely and needed help hiding from humanity.
We stayed there for three hours. When the midnight hour striked, Jane came along with her twin brother, Alec. I mentally gave thanks for Jasper and his class on the Volturi.
"Welcome to Volterra. All of you are blessed tonight, with the glorious chance of being a part of the clan." Alec said with a royal tone.
"The first test begins now." As soon as Alec finished his introduction, Jane began to torture us with her mind. Her power was incredibly strong, and painful. My insides felt being torn and ripped apart. The pain was to much to handle, then suddenly everything stopped.
"Good play Naomi!" Apparently Naomi had powers. A sixth sense, where she could feel when something went wrong. Actually, I haven't seen because of the pain, but I was the only one being tortured. Naomi felt what Jane was about to do and ran through the door with her brother.
"Maybe this little Cullen is useless, sister," Mocked Alec. Jane smiled and left the room along with a striking laughter.
The door was not locked, but three vampires were standing by it. "I apologize, "Y/n"," said Naomi, as she helped me stand up.
"No need for that. We are here. And we have our own reasons, " I sat on the red velvet couch. Anger filled me, all I wanted was to go home. Hours went by. No one appeared and the three of us were hungry. I was feeling like, a sad, hungry, locked lion inside a zoo.
Suddenly Constantine came in the room, he asked politely to Naomi and Leo to follow him. As he held the door for them, he winked at me.
The door was closed and I left was alone.
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frogzin · 1 year
ELASTIC, wilbur soot.
There's a rubber band on my wrist and I snap it every time I make a mistake.
Did I break a glass? Elastic.
I bought something wrong? Elastic.
Did I make a mistake? Elastic.
I tore the book, spit in the trash, washed a spoon, didn't decorate the map, rubber band. rubber band. rubber band.
My mistakes are punished and the rubber band does its job well.
I found you,
I met you,
I fell in love,
I trusted. And again the rubber band.
The sound of the rubber band cuts the air and turns my flesh alive.
My mistakes are nailed on fire to my burning skin and I no longer know if I control the rubber band or it controls me.
For it becomes part of me now,
It adheres to my skin and I can't see anymore,
I try to pull it out but I can't reach it,
I try to stop it but I can't.
For I keep on making the mistake of falling in love with you again, It's squeezing my skin from the inside, It threatens to eat me up forever
Threatens to suffocate me
Threatens to cut my hand off
Threatens to shut me up, deprive me, hide me and punish me, so I won't make another mistake. Not a single one.
So it persists,
With every mistake,
With every one of them.
I no longer feel my hand, the rubber band is unstoppable, indomitable, unshakable.
So I put another elastic in my other hand, to make up for the mistake of not having put the first one in.
this poem belongs to : Nathália Degang, I just translated it so you can appreciate this amazing work, I made some changes. <3
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k0-r4 · 5 months
help me again pls lord🙏🙏
HII so does anyone like have any like SUPERRRR dark obey me fanfics?? Preferable here on tumblr or like wattpad lmao ao3 is ok too ig but like LORD I NEED SOME ANGST RNNN SO HELP A GIRL OUT PLSS!!😩🙏
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She by Dodie
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Summary: On 4th of July, Yelena finds herself celebrating the weird holiday at the Barton Family farm in Missouri. She can’t understand this feeling deep within her chest whenever she looks at you. Maybe her dreams of having a family may come true and they may start with you.
Warnings: Mention of the Red room 
Word count: 1.8k 
Yelena found herself on the porch of the Barton house, looking out towards the yard. Sam was on the grill arguing with Bucky about who knows, Yelena did like to watch as Sam got under Bucky’s skin. They were cute together. Wanda was helping Laurie set up a picnic table, using her magic to put the table cloth on and the plates with silverware. The red of her magic still amazed Yelena and it kept the younger children entertained for hours. Kate and Cooper were messing with a box of fireworks a little to close to a bomb fire while Sarah and Lila were in the house, preparing the rest of the food. Yelena was a little hesitant to accept the invitation to spend 4th of July with the Bartons. It took Kate, Wanda, and finally Natasha to convince her to come. Natasha slipped that you would be there, spending time with your family after school was done. You were who Yelena was watching. You were entertaining Nathaniel, AJ, and Cass with your powers to keep them out of the way of the adults and away from the fire. You could change into any animal and could use those animal’s abilities as your own. Right now you were a squirrel, climbing up and down the three boys making Lucky and Fanny bark and chase after you. Fanny got you pinned to the ground and you changed back, you laughed at the dog’s confused expression. The sound of your laugh caused Yelena to smile. 
‘Your starring sestra.’ Natasha said, sitting on the railing. Yelena scuffed, rolling her eyes. 
‘Like you haven’t been undressing Wanda all day.’ Natasha shrugged looking at her girlfriend. 
‘She looks good.’ Natasha waved at Wanda. The young witch waved back, her cheeks blushing, no doubt reading Natasha’s mind.  
‘Disgusting.’ Yelena mumbled, her attention was brought back to you. You were a German Shepard puppy. Nathaniel was holding you as you attacked his face with kisses. He was shirking, moving his head from side to side trying to dodge you. Finally, he put you down on the ground and changed back, whipping the dirt on your hands on your ripped jeans. ‘Am I allowed to look at her like this? After everything I’ve done. She’s just so nice to look at.’ Natasha smiled at her younger sister.
‘Why don’t you tell her how you feel?’ Yelena looked at Natasha with wide eyes. 
‘No I’d never say a word.’ You were sitting on the grass with Nathaniel, AJ, and Cass in front of you. You were telling them a story. Yelena couldn’t hear what you were saying but you were energetically talking with your hands. A tightness built in Yelena’s chest. It was a feeling that was constant every time she was around you and it was something she’s never felt before. She never imagined a family of her own one day. For a large part of her life, she believed she would never be able to leave the Red Room. But after she was given the red dust, she was reunited with her sister, and together they took down the Red Room for good -anything is possible. Yelena pointed to her chest. ‘There is an ache but it feels oddly good.’
‘Love, sestra . You found love for the first time of your own free will.’
‘She means everything to me.’ Yelena confessed. She was shocked by the words that so easily left her lips. She looked at her sister, waiting for a rejection. But Natasha had a smile on her face.  
‘Tell her,’ Natasha said simply. ‘She is a Barton. She will understand what we’ve been through better than anyone.’ Natasha placed a comforting hand on Yelena’s shoulder and joined her girlfriend at the table. 
Just tell her, Yelena thought, shaking her head. As if it was that easy. Yelena believed that every time you stood next to her you could not be more far apart. It was as if Yelena froze when you were close. She was afraid to say the wrong thing, afraid to push you away. She was still learning how to be a ‘normal’ person. It was why she spent so much of her time with Widows that she freed - they understood the struggle of trying to find their footing in a world that they were deprived off. 
‘She likes you.’ Yelena jumped from the sound. She spun around seeing Lila, who had her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. 
‘It is not good to sneak up on an assassin.’
‘Ex-assassin,’ Lila clarified. ‘Besides, Aunty Nat taught me a lot.’ Lila shrugged like it was no big deal. Yelena cruised in Russian as Lila ran down the steps to join her siblings. She felt someone staring at her, the hairs on her neck were standing up. She glanced around the yard, everyone was busy doing their own thing. Until her eyes landed on you. You were sitting next to Kate, who was talking but your attention wasn’t on the burnette as she was speaking. Yelena’s eyes locked onto yours. You gave her a smile, blushing slightly at being caught, and returned your attention back to Kate. Yelena chuckled, shaking her head. 
Yeah, she means everything to me. 
The problem with it being a holiday and this being your first time home in a while, everyone wanted your attention. Kate took you to the makeshift archery range that Clint built earlier this year. Lila talked your ear off about all the plans she had this summer and a boy she liked in her class. When everyone was eating, your mom nagged you about your plans when the summer was over which caused the entire table to get involved in the conversation. Yelena watched as you tried to disappear into your chair. The sun finally set on the Barton farm and Yelena sat on a blanket, watching Kate, Clint, and Cooper get the firework show ready. You were standing next to Nathaniel, helping him make a s’more. Once the s’more was constructed, you took a bite of it, and handed the rest to your brother. Yelena couldn’t help but wonder what the taste of your lips or how they would feel against hers. Would they taste like a birthday cake from your chap stick? Or story time? Or fall? Yelena almost laughed at how soft she felt because she knew to you she tasted like nothing at all.  
You walked over to her, pointing to the empty spot next to her, asking for permission to sit down. Yelena nodded. You sighed as you sat down and handed her a sparkler. You lit yours with a lighter and used yours to light hers.  
‘How was your first time celebrating the 4th of July?’ You asked her. All the reasons why her day was great died on her lips. 
It was amazing because you were here. 
You are the only reason I came. 
Please see me how I see you. 
‘It’s a weird holiday.’ Yelena said. ‘Was Steve Rogers actually born on July 4th or did they change it when he became Captain America?’ You laughed. 
‘No I think he was born on the 4th. His birth certificate is on display at the museum.’ Yelena rolled her eyes. She found that hard to believe. 
‘Birth certificates are easy to forge.’ 
‘That was such a spy thing to say.’ The sparklers had long since gone out but Yelena kept it in her hand, twirling it between her fingers. You watched with fascination. 
‘Now without the audience of the entire party, what are your plans once the summer is over?’ Yelena found herself asking. You sighed, leaned your head back, and looked at the stars. Yelena followed your gaze up to the stars. It was an amazing view. The air wasn’t as polluted as major cities and there weren't as many lights to obstruct the view of the stars. 
‘I don’t know.’ You finally responded. Yelena almost forgot she asked a question, she became so focused on looking at the stars and listening to the sounds around her. ‘May go back to the city or travel the world. What about you? Any more Widows to save?’ Yelena shook her head. 
‘Natasha suggested I take a break and live my life. So I guess I’m listening to her.’
‘What are you going to do?’ You asked. It was Yelena’s turn to sigh as she moved her fingers through the grass. It was wet from the dew but the feeling helped ground her.  
‘I’m not sure. I’ve always had a mission, a job, or an order to follow. I don’t know what to do with my life.’ A stretch of silence passed between the both of you. It wasn’t awkward, it was comfortable. Yelena could see that you were biting the inside of your cheek  
‘Well,’ you said softly. ‘I could use a travel buddy and my dad may feel better if I was with a trained Black Widow when backpacking around the world.’ For a split second, Yelena wasn’t sure if she heard you correctly.  
‘You want me to come with you?’ You nodded, biting your lip 
‘Unless you don’t want to’ You stuttered out. ‘I mean you seemed like you weren’t sure what to do. And I like hanging out with you even though we don’t do it often. I think it could be fun. Unless you don’t think it would. So please don’t- 
‘I would love to join you.’ Yelena said, cutting you off. Your eyes went wide but you relaxed at her response.  
‘Cool.’ You watched the fireworks exploding in the sky but felt Yelena looking at you. ‘Do I have something on my face?’ You asked, laughing. Yelena didn’t say anything right away. She was trying to memorize the way the color from the fireworks lit up your face. The way the fire created shadows. You did have something on your face, a little bit of chocolate from that s’more you helped Nathaniel. But Yelena didn’t care. 
‘You are just so nice to look at.’ You looked at Yelena.
‘Lena.’ You say softly. 
‘You mean everything to me.’ Yelena said quickly, before losing her nerve. ‘You smell like lemongrass and sleep which makes me feel safe and reminds me of home. It scares me that I could feel that way about someone. And.’ Before she could finish you surged forward connecting your lips with hers. The sudden impact stunned Yelena. As her brain started to register what was going on, she kissed you back, putting her hands on your waist pulling you closer. You tasted like apple juice and peach with a hint of chocolate from the s'more. It was a taste that Yelena knew she was going to be addicted to. Yelena ended the kiss as she needed to breathe and didn’t want to start making out with you in front of your family. She kept your lips inches from hers and she felt your breath on them. Your lips were a little red as you smiled. ‘What’s got you smiling like that?’ Yelena asked. Your smile only grew bigger. 
‘Just excited to see the world with you and kiss you while we see it.’ Yelena pulled you under her arm, kissing the top of your head. Oh she was excited too.
Who wants to see Yelena and reader travel the world together in a part 2? 
Masterlist (Part 2 has been posted) 
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elithedingdongbell · 3 days
A fanfic of SSKK high-school AU. English isnt my mother tounge nor I'm good at it so I'm sorry if there's any mistake and as I post this I just realised there are so many unnecessary words here but I hope someone will enjoy it regardless.
Chapther one
I hate the sun.
Akutagawa thought to himself as his sister,Gin pushes the curtains aside. She opened the window letting air inside of the room. Akutagawa sighs to himself as the sun shines on his pale skin,he kicks the blanket aside then sits up. "Good morning" akutagawa spoke up his tired gaze averted to his sister who was already dressed up in her school uniform, she gave him a nod of acknowledgement "good morning, brother. I'll get going first I've already made breakfast it's on the kitchen counter. Akutagawa nods taking that information in "thank you and be careful while you're on your way to school" Gin nods then head out. Akutagawa sighs again then lay down on the bed, his head hits the pillow wanting to linger on his bed just for a few more moments before getting up to head to school. Akutagawa then suddenly groans "this is pathetic, I should head to school now..I don't want to be late anyways.." Akutagawa thought to himself as he got out of bed.
Akutagawa was leaning on the kitchen counter as he ate the breakfast made by his dear sister which is a peanut butter sandwich, it was better than nothing. As akutagawa ate in the kitchen he noticed a book resting on the desk. "Ah..right..I forgot I have to return the book today" he swallowed the last bite of the sandwich, he turns on the sink beside him and washes his hands then closes it off he wipes his hands on a towel making sure his hands were dry. He walked over to the desk then picked up the book he glanced at not too long ago, he enjoyed the book sometimes he'll even borrow the book again from the school's library just to read it again since he didn't want to waste his money purchasing it. The book called "the setting sun" by Osamu Dazai, coincidentally Dazai went to the same school as him and he's older than him by a few years. They were detention buddies for a year before the senior stopped being a ruckus. He thought about the interactions they shared, Dazai was really just criticising his writings whenever he wrote, saying "the format is weird, the starting is too exaggerated" and many more criticisms. Akutagawa didn't understand what was wrong with it, he couldn't figure it out, he thought Dazai was just being unreasonable with his insults.Even though he felt that way, he still misses having conversation with the brown haired senior. He wanted to be noticed by him, he wanted his approval for his writings.
Later in school, Akutagawa headed to the library first he went to return the book then he walked to a specific section in the library then started to look around for a book to read, he grabbed a book with a yellow cover. "Huh?" He muttered ,Akutagawa pulled the book but it didn't budge he tugs on it again but it still didn't budge. "What the.." a voice came out from the other side, Akutagawa immediately realised who the timid voice belonged to, Weretiger...his expression changed to annoyance and jealousy then he let go of the book causing the other to fall on the floor. A thud from the other side could be heard then a painful groan. "are you alright, atsushi?" a feminine voice worriedly asked "i'm fine kyouka, no need to worry" Akutagawa could hear the other standing up and brushing his clothes, the black hair boy could already imagine the whole scenario without watching it happening Akutagawa expression darkened as he thought of the timid boy smiling and chuckling nervously with a blush of embarrassment to the young girl. Akutagawa tsked then walked to the other sections of the library to avoid contact with them.
the library tables were quite long and there was only 5 tables in the middle of the library but it could fit a whole classroom of students. Akutagawa sat at the fourth table which was near to the wall, he flipped to the first page of the book there weren't many students so it was quite comfortable until..the weretiger sat at the same table he was sitting at but just at the opposite direction and 5 chairs away from him. Akutagawa tried not to look irritated, he bit his tongue struggling to hold back a sigh or a groan. he looked up from the book that he was reading and secretly glanced at the other, the timid boy always had a smile on even when the petite girl Kyouka explained a book she had read not to long ago. Akutagawa felt suffocated just by the other presscene, the more he thought about how much he hated the timid boy the more he felt irritated by him.Akutagawa looked at the clock on the wall and decided to just head to class.
Akutagawa was the first one in class, he sat at his spot which was beside the window, he waited for the class to start as he stared out the window to observe the scenery outside. There were some students walking in the school and there were some which were hanging out by the gates of the school. Akutagawa looked around carefully and spotted Dazai with the four eyes which his expression brightened. Dazai was messing around with kunikida per usual and he had his signature smirk as always while the letter Kunikida was fuming in flames as he shouted at him while holding a green notebook with the word "ideals" on it. As he observed, one by one his classmates were already coming to class waiting for the class to start as well."Hey Akutagawa, what are you looking at?" a voice came from besides him, Akutagawa was surprised but he didn't show any indication of it. he knew who it was..weretiger, he frowned not even glancing at the letter "fine" bluntly said the boy. Atsushi sat down next to him, he felt the letter's gaze an him but when he glances at the timid boy he has already looked away. Atsushi nervously glances at the other for a couple of time then thought "have i done something wrong to him? why is he always upset whenever i talk with him.." the question has always appeared in his head but he can't seem to find the answer, it was rumored that Akutagawa has a bad attitude and he always starts fights with others, sure he might be intimidating but he can't be that bad right? "maybe he doesn't like talking to others?" Atsushi thought again but he decided to stop for now or else his brain will start to melt into puddles.
As the bell rang, A man with blond braided hair, grey-ish blue eyes, wearing all black except for the light brown jacket. walked in the classroom perfectly on time to start his history lesson, Mr Verlaine. He smiles as he walked in class elegantly. "good morning class" he spoke with a french accent in his voice. Every single student stood up and bowed as they spoke accordingly "good morning, teacher Verlaine". Verlaine gesture all of them to sit down then he started to teach the class, atsushi spaced out as mr Verlaine teaches when it was almost at the end of the class Verlaine abruptly mention something that caught my attention "there will be a project for this section i just taught, you guys have to choose a classmate to be partners with and i'll give you guys 2 minutes to choose your own partners." Verlaine said with a smile. Atsushi blinks twice and started to look around the room then thought "i could use this opportunity to get to know Akutagawa better" his expression brightened. Akutagawa noticed the other's expression and held back a sour expression, he would rather jump off the window besides him then have to see his face ever again. Akutagawa was just waiting until the teacher paired him up with another student that doesn't have a partner as well because he didn't want to put in the effort of looking for one ,besides why would anyone want to pair up with him anyways his pessimistic mindset thought, Akutagawa glances at the timid kid besides him noticing he was politely declining people's request to partner with him it caused him to raise one eyebrow "wow, that's the most emotion he has shown so far" Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at him with his peripheral vision.
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egkatelyn · 1 year
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I’m honestly not going to use this account other than to post fanfic fanart bc I’m not really using it otherwise lol, anyway have some more Once Upon an Eclipse fanart! This isn’t a specific scene but ehhhhhh it’s whatever, it’s been forever since I’ve attempted lineless art :) Thank you @leeryder for all your amazing work <3333
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chaos-chloe · 7 days
Back Seating in Action-Pezzy
Summary: Chat back seating on a game, inspo from his clip. There will be a link at the bottom of the post. {2nd POV or if you were watching the stream...}
TW: Screaming, cursing, established relationship and a mention of a gun {an emote from Twitch} lmk if I missed anything :)
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“Guys let me show y’all what I see in chat, with back seating.” Pezzy takes off his headset while getting up from his “gamer” chair.
“You’re sitting at your computer having a good time, right?” Pezzy sassily fixes his clothes as he leaves the room while leaving his door cracked slightly for a hot minute.
Then, his girlfriend, Bella slams the door open, while wearing her signature red and plaid, fluffy pjs pants and a muscle tank top, and her hair up in a messy bun, stomping her way to the computer. She slightly trips on his shoes in the walkway and laughs it off, Pezzy walks in behind her watching in suspense to see what she will do. She grabs the mic and starts ranting and screaming into the mic.
“HEY, this is how you do everything! You do this part, You put that pipe here, and the other part there. You need this code, here’s the code by the way. 45826 and then it's these colors {Pink, Purple and Gray}, and this what; and this is what happens at the end of the game ... .That's what happens by the way, but enjoy your game.” Bella cried in pain at the stupidity of chat,  she then moves away from the camera to sit on the edge of Pezzy’s bed. Then Pezzy walks into the middle of the camera frame. He lifts his arm up to his side in an angry questioning state.
“LIKE WHAAAT?!?!” Pezzy screeches as his voice cracks from the stress on his vocal cords.
“Babe, you have really stupid and young people in your chat if this is every stream occurrence.” Bella comments as she shakes her head, laughing in disbelief.
“Oh, trust me baby, I know.” Pezzy snarkily agrees, walking back to his chair putting his headphones back on. 
“Welp, Imma head back to the couch make me a mod for this stream, so i can ban those spoiling fuckers. Just ask for me to help and if anyone else tries or does help I will time them out for 3 minutes or so.” Bella suggested walking away.
“I got you and thank you babes.” Pezzy throws his answer over his shoulder to make sure she heard him clearer. 
“SEE chat, y’all better be careful. She's ruthless and hot, no wonder she's my girlfriend. Unlike y’all fuckers, can’t even get a girlfriend” Pezzy teases his chat while laughing. 
“Be Careful chat, I'm here and lurking. I don't miss my shots, Chat PepegaGun” 
“Now you, assholes are gonna Pet the mods, huh?” Pezzy questioned the chat. 
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backseating in action - Twitch
Pezzy Plush (1ft) – Youtooz Collectibles < GO BUY HIS PLUSH ONLY AVAILABLE FOR 2 WEEKS
I do NOT own the banner/divider, The artwork belongs to the artist which has been linked. Nor do I own Pezzy or any of his content that is all him and his work.
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jaywonofficial · 10 months
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Why do these all go so perfect together?! We truly need a top notch jaywon ff ♡
Maybe some inspiration for a new story?
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confusedkittensposts · 4 months
Look I respect each and every fanfic writer, I am begging you all to not pretend Castiel never rebelled before deciding to help Winchesters
He didn't get lobotomized for centuries for everyone to pretend he was too scared to voice his questions or worse that he never had them
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lawnchairthethird · 2 months
Here's a little thing I've been working on for way too long
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proj-sh4dow · 4 months
Sir Ghaland and poet Espio.
Let ur imagination run wild with the rest
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bellacullenvamp · 6 months
Red moon, a Twilight saga au!
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The Cullens have a new family member. Y/n is only a 2-year-old newborn... Carlisle stopped her life at age 15, and she still doesn't know why.
Genre: au! | Angst
Rated: G (Clean for all ages)
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Chapter Four.
All of the Cullens were dressed for the possible fight. Alice warned us about all of the possible outcomes of tonight. The only good one was the one I accepted to be tested by Aro in Volterra.
Renesmee had no idea today was the day we would possibly never see each other again. None of us wanted to hurt her today. Alice and Edward were more nervous than I thought they would be at this moment. It was like they had a secret between themselves.
The Volturi newborns came in a black SUV car."Are they too young to walk?" Mocked Emmet.
They were the prettiest vampires ever. The four left the car at the same time. Their red piercing eyes exclaimed monstrosity and their clothes said gothic Victorian ages.
"Hello. Cullens," said the vvampire girl. Her blond hair was long and with a straight fringe, she had a young-looking face, maybe was transformed in her eighteen years of age? "My name is Carmilla, and we were sent to meet the new vampire girl of yours." Her tone was educated but didn't mean hospitality.
"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." His tone was formal. That made Carmilla smile.
"And these are my brothers, Constantine, Aurelius, and Valentino". Her Italian accent did not deny her homeland.
"Where is the half-human girl? We would also want to meet her."
Constantine was tall and the most Italian-looking man I had ever seen. He seemed to be only twenty, and the other brothers as well. His English where almost without an accent and his hair was chin-length. His tone was sensual with no need.
"Unfortunately, during her child months, we could not make it for the visit. Other important missions appeared." Valentino added. Valentino Volturi otherwise had long luscious hair. He was tan, slender, and looked like a runway model.
"Unfortunately, She could not make it. Maybe if you all send a message she could be here for your prestigiousness." Edward was royal enough to make a sarcastic comment on such a request.
"Alice could not tell?" Said Carmilla with the same tone. Apparently, she was the leader of the small clan. Before any other comments could be said I presented myself.
"I thought I was the most important task of your mission? Here I am! "Y/n", nice to meet you."
"Of course, my dear. You are of enormous importance for Aro, my lord." Valentino said while kissing my hand. I stayed stiff the whole time. Jasper told me that most Volturi vampires had powers. "Relax, my dear. I don't behold Aro's powers."
"As you all know. I presume, of course. Aro wants to meet your "new family member" as you may call yourselves." That was the first and only sentence that Aurelius spoke that whole night. He certainly looked the most unimpressed with that situation.
The Cullens looked at me. All I could say was, "Take me to meet Aro.""
Carmilla looked like she was having a blast. The situation was or sure fun for her."How boring." Constantine exhaled and walked to the car. Opened the door and waved his hand in an inviting sign.
I let the Cullens know it was not a goodbye but a see you soon.
I would never choose the Volturi clan, no matter how many temptations they would offer me.
Inside the car smelled like expensive perfume and blood. Carmilla sat by my left side and Constantine by my right side. Aurelius drove us with a classical tune as a background. By the knowledge Edward gave me it was Lacrimosa by Mozart. Valentino waved to Carlisle as he looked at me. His sadness will be in my memory forever.
Carmilla was smiling while caressing my hair, her arms were around my neck. "Aros's testing will only endure three days... Alice could not realize that because we decided at this moment. If you were wondering, my love... " Constantine had the most hypnotizing eyes. Looking at him felt like looking at the most sleep-inducing feeling I ever had. "And that's my power, love."
"If I had encountered you before Carlisle. Be sure I would have transformed you myself." Carmilla whispered in my ear.
After a couple other investments they gave me, they realized I wasn't going to give in. And I think that bored them out. So I finally could be left in peace. The hours went by and the airport of Port Angeles never came in sight.
Carmilla asked for my fake documents, so I gave her. Constantine grabbed my bags as soon as we came to the airport. Looks like only the two of them were paying attention to me. Aurelius and Valentino were on their phone the whole time. Looks like, there would be other two vampires to be presented to Aro. I wonder who would be them, and who was scouting them to Volterra.
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🍃🌹I feel like this could help my Mutal Writers🌹🍃
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Author's note: Writing can be entertaining and a way to let that creativity from your mind flow. For some, it can even be a coping mechanism. However, you can even get burnt out from things that you enjoy. That's okay! And it is, in fact, normal! Believe it or not, even professionals get writer's block; it's part of the writing process to help you think outside the box or different perspective.
Sources to help with writer's block:
How has my writing process been? How do I tend to do writing?:
Let me use one of my drafts as an example! Important understanding: When figuring out how to eliminate your own writer's block or write your fanfictions. It's prevalent to see how others write or their working process and feel discouraged when their way doesn't work for you. So here is some context about myself before I show you my writing process and why it works for me. While it may not work for others.
I am an Autistic 19-year-old (20 in 4 months, Jesus fucking Christ..), Transman. Working a full-time job and made this blog a side project and hobby. While being polyamorous, I am also Ace! So this will bleed into my writing without me knowing.
I've found ways to help me write are being in places where other people are working too; this is why you can often spot them in local coffee shops. Seeing a lot of college students and genius people working on their laptops and being productive tends to help me do the same!
Whereas, if I stayed in my room, I find it's much easier to get distracted or begin to procrastinate.
My actual writing process, Using one of my drafts as an example:
Draft in Question: "Shotgunning" Stoner Wally West x Male Reader
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The title, content warning, author's notes, and summary are great places to start. It can help you understand where to take the fanfiction, no matter how long it's been since you opened the draft.
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Don't be afraid if you don't know exactly where to start! There is no rule saying you have to start at the beginning of the fanfiction; if you have an idea of part of it, then you can start from there. Once you write that part, make a paragraph about how the situation gets to that point. Doing the same after the section.
The 2 purpose rule:
"When re-reading to edit, there must be 2 reasons for the edit that furthers the plot."
As someone that creates something, we often become our most prominent critic by deleting an entire paragraph because we believe it's not good enough. This is where we can become burnt out or discouraged about our writing abilities. By doing this, you are limiting your editing and, in return, limiting your stress about getting it " just right."
An expectation of this rule is to make sure the work is easy to follow. Write as much as you can, then step back from it for an hour or two, Then re-read it and write for better clarity. Only allow yourself to do this once or twice after finishing the fanfiction. Then press post! Post it before your anxiety tells you to keep editing or "Let's change this one thing first.". No! You're done, post or schedule it, and go to the next draft!
I hope this helped someone that's struggling with some things. If the draft seemed interesting, check out my blog or more posts! I also reblog others' works; check out my reblog master list!
Have a fanfiction idea that you don't have time to write yourself? Request it! My request/ ask inbox is always opened!
Tags: @prismuffin @n0cturna1-m3 @gatorbites-imagines
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