#farrier stuff
parchmentknight · 28 days
unlike other videogames that have introduced me to concepts and aesthetics that i did not really pay attention to before, red dead has simply fortified my childhood-long desire to become a cowboy,, ,
fortunately i live in the Cowboy Province in the Cowboy City and there are horses and rodeos and the cowboy shop by the mall i can go to
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angel-inked · 1 year
If they kept a journal
Because I always want to give characters journals for some reason 😅
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
Tommy Conlon/Riordan
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Venting. Lots and lots of venting and messy drawings (he's trying to work through trauma, leave him be)
Likes journals that are a little on the small side cause it's easier to carry with him
Writing alone in a coffee shop with his headphones on
"I'll slap you" after Brendan tried to look at what he was writing (aka nosey older sibling syndrome)
Writes after fights to calm himself
Shopping lists, schedule for the week, reminders, things he hears people say in public, his commentary on whatever he's watching/listening to, anything and everything
Self-loathing and cocky confidence all in the same paragraph
Writes backward, in circles, with his non dominant hand, or turns the book upside down to amuse himself
The quietest people have the loudest minds
Spaces out in the middle of a sentence/word, he's trying to think but his thoughts tend to get away from him and are often times uncontrollable
Fidgeting with his pen or whatever he's writing with
Tried to make it neat and tidy once, but it didn't last long
can't stand to write in the presence of people he knows, especially his family, although he knows most of his marine buddies will respect his privacy
Starts every journal with the info on his dog tags (which he refuses to take off 99% of the time)
Eddie Brock
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Is a literal journalist!
Rambling in his notes, doodles when bored (same goes for Vemon), daily records, existential crises in great detail
Got Vemon their own journal on the condition that they wouldn't hijack his hand when he was trying to write
Journals via symbiote, Vemon's memory is far better than his "remind me to write that down later,"
Vemon is a literal five-year old with their journal, "Eddie look!"
Sometimes, their minds blend together enough that they write the same thing in unison with each other
It doesn't matter which journal is whose, they're both just as chaotic as the other!
Vemon has chocolate wrappers plastered over most of the pages, and a list of what they call "Eddie things" (it's a list of stuff Eddie likes)
Vemon occasionally calls journals "decorating books"
Vemon definitely loves "wreck this journal"
Happy host (usually!) Means Happy Symbiote
Alfie Solomons
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The rambling of a madman, that's what Tommy Shelby called it anyway. Alfie prefers "Fuckin' work of art" but to each his own
It's basically a more personal business ledger. Lists of allies, potential businesses and business partners, people he wants to get rid of. Meeting schedules (courtesy of Ollie), talking points for said meetings, and God only knows what else he comes up with
The only person beside Alfie himself to see the inside of that book is Ollie, under Alfie's supervision of course
Keeps it in a lockbox with a gun
"You want to see the book? What the fuck are you on about mate?!"
Mostly writes in larger print instead of cursive because his eyes ain't what they used to be, and looking at cursive gives him an eye strain headache
Definitely had rum spilled on it multiple times
Won't deny (at least not to Ollie) that he's thought about putting it in front of someone's head and shooting it
"Sometimes I think I should've shot you the first time I came here" a note written in the book by Tommy Shelby, who, in his defense, was left unsupervised
Writing for a moment, standing up to pace around the room, sits back down, repeat
Messy drawings of Cyril
Farrier (and Collins!)
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Farrier just simply enjoys writing, it's peaceful
Collins often steals the book, flips to a random blank page, and writes little notes/inside jokes for his friend to find later
Pressed flowers, fountain pens, and cigarette smoke
Often writes on his smoke breaks
A growth chart for all the garden plants and a map of what's planted where
Ends his entries with mood indicators, ie (: or ):
Tallies up dogfights between him and Collins to see who gets playful teasing/bragging rights
Started keeping a journal when he first joined RAF, after a chat with an older pilot who told him stories that he said he wrote down "so the good memories would last longer"
Likes to write in his cockpit, it's one of the places he's most comfortable
"There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there aren't any old bold pilots, mate!"
Cloud/brid watching and writing about what he sees
Collins likes to chat with Farrier as he writes, Farrier enjoys the company
They have definitely had conversations by writing notes and passing the book to each other
Detailed sketches of planes, especially spitfires!
Wondering through the woods and forests and documenting his adventure and exploration
Writes about how he'd like a pet but doesn't think he could stand to be away from it so much
Forrest Bondurant
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Fountain pens and scuffed leather bound blank pages drowned in the sent of cigar smoke
Has definitely smacked Howard over the head with it
Poems, philosophy, metaphors, drawings and detailed descriptions of plants and what they can be used for, the different moonshine recipes the brothers use, short stories, bank balance cause he couldn't be bothered to find his legder
Craves his initials into the cover with his pocket knife
Howard calls his journals "a wealth of knowledge"
No matter how tempting, neither Jack nor Howard dare to trifle with their brother's journal
Morning stream of consciousness pages as he drinks his coffee
Sitting at his desk late at night, can't sleep, journaling in his office with a cigar between his lips
Documents the odd (lucid) dreams that he has on occasion, attempting to figure out what they are
Depictions of three wolves, each wolf representing one of the three brothers. Wolves are fiercely protective of their family, just like the brothers
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armoricaroyalty · 2 years
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Ch 2 Part 1 Summary | From the Beginning | Next
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ricco4 · 7 months
Leaving home at 7am and not returning until 10pm makes for one hell of a day…
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Hello! I'm moving to the north of France in a few months and my property has ample space and a barn, so I am considering getting a donkey. Is there anything that you didn't know before buying donkeys or any big obstacles you faced that you didn't expect, even after doing your research? I know you have talked about how finding veterinarians that really care about your donkeys is hard. Is there anything else a potential owner should know?
That's really exciting news! The only donkey-specific advice I can think of is stuff you've probably already encountered if you started doing research, like make sure you find a farrier who is familiar with donkeys, as their hooves are different from horse hooves and should be trimmed differently. And make sure your donkey has a shelter—the llamas hardly ever use the shelter I've built but Pirlouit often spends entire days in there if it's raining. I've read somewhere that unlike horses who have waterproof coats to some extent, donkeys who have evolved as desert animals just get soaked to the bone. But other than that they're quite hardy and can live outside year-round, no need for blankets or anything.
Also a donkey really needs a friend. When I sent the llamas away for a few weeks Pirlouit was miserable and brayed constantly, even though I live right next to his pasture and he sees me every day. A fellow herbivore is probably best for company—I’ve seen chickens amongst the species recommended online but Pirou barely seems to notice my chickens’ existence, I don’t think they’re closely related enough to have any interest in one another. I've also read that donkeys can be hostile to dogs and that's not been my experience, if anything Pirlouit shows saintly patience with Pandolf ! But he's known him since puppyhood and Pan basically lives in the pasture most days, which probably helps.
The biggest ongoing Pirlouit challenge I face concerns his weight, donkeys are really prone to obesity. So unless you get an elderly donkey, make sure you don't feed him the richest type of hay in winter (and give it in small quantities at a time). I recommend using a hay net with small holes so he'll eat more slowly. I've thought of getting a hay ball for Pirlouit, but his pasture is so slopey, the ball would probably end up rolling away at unfair speeds and make him feel persecuted. He's dignified, I don't know if he'd enjoy having to run after his food like some common carnivore.
Other than that donkeys are pretty low-maintenance animals in my experience. My recurring expenses for Pirlouit (other than hay, but he doesn’t need much of it compared to a horse) are a hoof trimming three times a year, a deworming twice a year and a new salt lick every so often, and that's about it. Donkey ownership is only time-consuming in the spring when I have to figure out how to keep him from overeating. Limiting his grazing area by penning him works okay (he just gets a bit lonely)—it helps that he is respectful of fences including very lightweight ones. Which immediately places an animal in the low-maintenance category for me!
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aberrant-angel · 20 days
i agree D&D is overused but the alternatives people suggest are always either just D&D with the label peeled off or something extremely setting- and scenario-specific that you're gonna have to learn an entire new ruleset for just to play a single short campaign in (most people won't do that.) like you need to recommend people who are just starting to broaden their ttrpg horizons stuff like idk Fate or Savage Worlds or something and not like,, an obscure ttrpg you found on itchio about being magical girl farriers that make enchanted horseshoes in an alternate history 18th century France or some shit like that
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i expect your nichest hc's as well my friend
Ah, the price of my folly come back upon me. I shall do this in the hopes that it brings you a little bit of joy whilst you (speedily, I hope) recover from your illness.
Twilight -- I think that he would make a good horse farrier. Like the shoe guy? I HC that he was apprenticing in Ordon before his adventures, and he's just never gotten back to it. But he was good at keeping horses calm and stuff while he takes care of them. I think he's a little less good at the blacksmithing part of it, but hey maybe Four could teach him.
Hyrule -- I have many out there HCs about him. Honestly, he's part of the reason I'm considering whether I should tag BDOR as an AU. But also, I like to lean into his fairy background, I think that his mana potions are just bottles of sparkling sugar water. Legend nearly spits it out when he borrows one, thinking they're actual mana potions.
Time and Wind -- they're connected. I HC that they met in Mario Kart, sometime in Wind's future and Time's past. Yes, this is a crack head canon. Yes, I am aware that neither of their official versions are actually in the games. I do not care. They met, Wind was finally old enough to get his license, and they SHREDDED RUBBER BABY. Time will never tell him before their adventure ends. If I ever tag you in my fic with no other notes at the bottom, know this is what is being referenced.
Wild -- I head canon that the boy has TRAUMA when it comes to his hair. I don't know how niche of a head canon this is, as back in the older days of the fandom I remember seeing it a lot. But I haven't seen a lot of it recently.
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waitingforgodotyaoi · 3 months
this is from David Farrier's webworm, and reiterates something I was already thinking about. whatever you feel about what ghahraman did, I think it's absolutely disgusting how sensationalist and gratuitous the reporting has been on her, all things considered, very minor crime.
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The fervour with which women of colour in politics in are persecuted in the media just goes to show how deeply racist and misogynist this country so often is. for a broadcaster like sean plunket to openly say things like 'coloured young women' and face no consequences is completey vile.
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anyway, hell country, don't read stuff etc etc
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 7 months
Okay so i have a very serious super duper important question.
What do tau hooves look like? Like genuinely are they cloven? Are they singular hooves? Or do they have multiple toes? What would their footprints look like? Do they have farriers or some equivalent like we have shoe shops?
They have either cloven hooves or hoof-toes, depending on the T'au, with the hoof-toes being a more recent thing. It's never been especially touched on as why, and is likely just aesthetic design differences at GW. Their footprints would... look like the bottom of their feet? Same as any footprint. The shoe stuff is quite interesting, because they're depicted overwhelmingly without any sort of foot protection (or horseshoe equivalent), implying their hooves/feet are tough enough to reliably wander around battlefields and various terrains comfortably.
Do they have farriers or the like? Maybe! It'd make sense for a culture with hooves to have their own thoughts on hoof maintenance and presentation. But, they also might not need it. Maybe T'au have all-terrain, fire and forget giga mountain goat hooves. Hobbit feet on steroids.
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fan-mans · 2 months
So. u said you've got plenty of hcs for our man aran.
and like. mind listing some of those? to accompany narcis ones & stuff? ty!! 👀👀
- erporo
(first hc post here)
Ah ha ha ha ha @erporo
you've unleashed a complete monster!!!
*explodes and drops 4 pages of these where my body once was*
Okay so I'm gonna start with the long, convoluted backstory I gave him plus random life things tee hee
(For the purposes of this story, Aran's gonna use he/him throughout)
He was a bit of a surprise because he was born a bit earlier than expected. His parents were working out of town, on the island of Inis Mór (The largest of the Aran islands) and he ended up being born in some lady's garden on the 7th of April at 4 pm weighing exactly 8 pounds. (Take note of this, it will be important)
After taking him to a hospital, he was cleared for any problems, but as they left, his parents noticed that his birth certificate was messed up and went to get a new one from a hospital in their own county (This detail will be very important later)
Aran grows up on a sheep and goat farm in Donegal with his family. Irish ends up being his first language and he's stubborn on learning English. He learns to dance (Particularly Sean-nós) and play traditional instruments and grows a knack for painting, sculpting and drawing too.
His childhood is pretty normal for a poor farm kid living in a small village of only a few hundred people. He learns a lot about caring for animals and gets a lot of skill around farrier work (Taking care of horse hooves and making/fitting horseshoes). He also grows quite superstitious due to how much his grandmother teaches him and insists that the odd prevalence of 4 and 7 in his life are no mere coincidence.
He gets bullied in school and definitely ostracized by others but he pushes through as normal until he's 14. Only a month into his first year of high school, his grandfather dies out on the field and much of the flock and savings are stolen. His mother also gets seriously sick after having his youngest siblings and can't work for months due to poor care from a nurse.
So, as excited as he was to be in high school, Aran drops out and takes care of his siblings in his mother's place, willing to lose his education for the sake of theirs. During this time, he also gets extra money running errands and babysitting for locals.
During one babysitting gig, a woman who certainly doesn't live in town drops off quite a load of cash and her baby before leaving. She does not return until a year later to drop off another baby. Of course the Ryans are infuriated and end up adopting the boys as their 10th and 11th children respectively.
Aran becomes an extra parent to his siblings as his mother recovers, spending whatever free time he has either helping out or doing odd jobs to keep everyone alive. When his mom is okay again, and their lost flock found, it's been two years and a now 16 year old Aran can't return to school to any reasonable degree. He still has his odd jobs, but he now finds himself with a lot more free time. He ends up honing his art skills and starting a fight club with a gaggle of other kids to relieve stress.
This fight club stumbles into a bit of luck, when a crew of athletes end up stopping into the local pub and causing a scene. Aran and his friends end up using their skills, in part taken from collar and elbow wrestling, and get a handle on the adults and kick them out. Aran is particularly ferocious and his energy catches the attention of the men's manager.
Said manager returns a little while later and hunts all of the kids in the fight down and personally invites them to step into boxing. Aran proves himself as a capable fighter to the manager, taking on a low ranking adult and easily beating him. From there Aran is brought into the boxing world and brings in a healthy amount of money to his family
Of course, all this traveling leads him to coming across a load of interesting people, particularly trans people, and leads him to realize he's a trans man. His family is confused and unsupportive and an extremely angry and stifled Aran, already stressed from his abusive girlfriend, decides to run away at 19.
He ends up hitchhiking his way to Dublin, but there's one problem- he doesn't have a birth certificate
Unfortunately, all those years ago, his parents never got a new one, despite many years of trying and that left poor Aran in legal limbo. 'Luckily' for him, he gets a break when, in return for boxing for a shady group, he's offered a litany of fake documents and get on his way to a career and transitioning.
For 3 years, this is Aran's life, boxing with a fake id and a fake life, transitioning, and paying half his salary to this group. He's comfortable, but he's sad. He misses his family and is growing to hate his employers. So he phones home.
His eldest sister picks up and almost screams when she realizes who it is. They talk about what's happened since he left an make plans to break it to their parents and grandma gently with the rest of their sibling's help.
When Aran calls the second time, he gets to have a long conversation with his mom, dad, and grandma- a lot of apologies pass around, everyone cries at least three times, and they're all happy that he's still okay. His parents and grandma finally accept him and offer to bring him home. But there's still the problem of the shady gang that got him his faked documents.
After a bit of planning, Aran heads home, with the leader of the gang in tow, promising a grand gift for all the help he's given Aran.
This is a trap.
Aran leads him into the local pub, where the gang leader is threatened by about a hundred odd people with various weapons. The leader surrenders, accepts some money to keep quiet and not bother Aran anymore and leaves.
Aran, now back home, continues his career, doing fights across nearby towns and occasionally dipping into Galway or Dublin for big fights, giving his money to his family.
From here the WVBA takes quick notice of him. They offer him a job in New York and, seeing the paycheck and line of work, Aran can't bring himself to refuse. So he goes, his documents still fake, and gets the job without a hitch. Of course, he also starts cheating, knowing the ranks of the wvba are filled with cheaters galore, going as far as to steal form the nypd's horses for his weapons.
All this goes fine until one day he slips up in front of his manager, stating his real age instead of the one listed on all of his documents. He backtracks and then resorts to pleading, terrified he's gonna be kicked out of the country but Mr dream is a good guy and not only allows him to stay, but petitions for him to get corrected stuff specifically so he can stay.
^ (this excludes some details but is the main deal)
His entire life revolves around the numbers 7 and 4 (Among other luck symbols). From the moment he was born they were big factors in his life. No one in his family is quite sure why he specifically has such 'luck' but they all have their theories-
His siblings think half of it is a strange, if cool, coincidence while the other is of his own subconscious doing (Such as owning/making/doing things in sets of 4 or 7 exactly)
Mam and da think it's a little supernatural, maybe a little gift of luck from god
His gran is special: she's sure it's the work of faeries and told him as much growing up. Grandad didn't have as strong belief as her but also encouraged said thinking. He liked letting his first grandchild feel special and learn to love the magic in the mundane. Gran firmly believes it's a gift and a blessing that he should appreciate- it's not often that faeries bless humans after all
But not everyone in his family thinks of it so well… While his da's family is more cool headed about all of it, his ma's (Or rather his ma's sister and mother) are very uncool about it
They're kinda fanatic and the type of people who look at shit like Wizard 101 and claim its the work of Satan.
Although his maternal grandma wasn't allowed to see him because of such behavior, his aunt was. The first thing she did when she heard her mother-in-law's theory that he was blessed by faeries, she put little Aran in a box with a bit of iron and left him in a nearby field to die. (Great lady, I know.)
Luckily Aran was found quickly (Exactly 12 minutes later) and his aunt was banned from the house. Aran's aunt and maternal grandma still act as if he's the devil to this day.
His mental health (And generally the mental health of his family) is... so bad. They're the types who are very used to it so they never question things like obvious signs of adhd or autism because it's so normal to them.
Aran himself is really hard to diagnose not only cause he's very wary abt doctors, but because his symptoms are very volatile and all over the place.
Pinning them down under one diagnosis is really hard cause like he's got obsessions/compulsions like he has ocd (Mostly around superstition, luck and 'bad luck')
A phobia of the number 13 and similar symbols of bad luck
Has nightmares and definitely panic attacks around causing himself bad luck and traumatic events in his life He's had bouts of paranoia
And when he's paranoid he also tends to develop delusions and occasionally hallucinate as well (Mostly these come on top of things triggering him or if he hasn't taken good care of himself)
All this on top of adhd and autism
He does get help eventually tho.
As an adult, he has nightmares when left to sleep alone, which is actually from a traumatizing incident where a guy just tried to kidnap him when he was little
Now for other random things:
Very bitter and untrustworthy towards all people because he's been very ostracized by the world, but rich people get the worst of his anger (esp if they're British). This is a HUGE character flaw of his that, with a lot of time and effort he learns to let go of and stop being a shithead.
He can get very defensive and aggressive towards people as a safety mechanism for himself
He gets quite heated in debates, esp politics and history, and has punched people more than once
While aran has a serious sailor's mouth, he actually scolds kids when they swear- big brother instinct
His twin siblings have a similar bit of 'luck' with the number 2- though not to the extent he has
Because of his falsified documents, the age listed on his profile and his weight are both wrong (The wvba in general is shit at keeping proper track of this shit). In reality, he's 200 lbs and 28.
He does not trust doctors at all- he isn't an antivaxxer or anything, but he'd never willingly enter a hospital
Aran likes the smell of irish spring a lot so he wears it
He also likes lucky charms- first ironically but then the marshmallows got to him
He uses 'poggers' as a covert/cutesy nickname for kisses (cause pog in irish means kiss)
Aran would live in a very cluttered, run down apartment, full of knicknacks and posters and covered in his dirty laundry and dog toys
Aran either smells like potatoes beer and fresh cut grass, a sweaty sewer, or peat metal and a nice hint of vanilla- really depends on the day
Believes in zodiac stuff because of his superstition
Aran can fall asleep to pretty much any song sung by a woman with a deep voice (Ex: fast car by tracy chapman) because it reminds him of his mom's singing :)
He has a bit of a nicotine habit, but curbs the effects of cigs when he really needs one by sharing it with someone else
Aran sees the entire world circuit and eventually everyone in branch a as some sort of family
Aran sometimes forgets to eat/doesn't have the energy to cook every so often- so he just makes a big bowl of instant mashed potatoes and eats it in one sitting
Aran named his flail Macha, after an irish goddess of war and death and horses. He loves it to death and treats it as a good luck charm!
He likes horses and goats a lot- they're some of his favorite animals
He's also a not-so-secret fan of cheeseburgers, it's his favorite food lmao
has read homestuck and stans gamzee
Aran has a flip phone for a long time cause in his house the wall phone was the most recent piece of tech they had- so handheld stuff scared him
he still types like an old man
During the off season, he becomes p unrecognizable- letting hair (esp beard) grow out and packing on pounds. He honestly looks indistinguishable from his dad
One of his favorite bands is the dropkick murphys
He doesn't mid bras but he hates underwire and thinks it's evil
He's either a funny drunk or a broody drunk, depending on who he's with
Aran LOVES his beer- he's a bit of a snob about it actually
He's also big on coffee
If you don't think this man wouldn't jump at the chance to roll down a hill and play in a meadow, you're wrong
if he gets the chance to, he'll always make a flower crown
All his siblings have 'm' names except the youngest two, he did as well before he changed it, but he still responds to various nicknames related to his old name
Because of his phobia of the number 13- he used to be scared of sandman
Although he's superstitious around them, he doesn't hate black animals or even think of hurting them like some other people. Instead he'll 'fix' his luck by seeking out a white animal of the same type (Black cat cross his path? Seek out a white cat to pet to fix the luck)
He has a few paces of iron jewelry he takes with him everywhere... just to be safe
he's been arrested more times than he can count- mostly for small things like vandalizing, petty theft, fighting a cop, etc.
One of his favorite stims is tapping his head- it helps him focus
Aran sometimes forgets things he just said, or straight up doesn't register words coming out of his mouth- that 'pretty like my sister' comment was just random word jumble and didn't mean anything
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hard-deckpilots · 4 months
Pairing: Rhett Abbot × Rider! Reader.
Summary: Whilst competing at an international horse show event, Rhett has his eye on a certain rider.
Warnings: Rhett being a gentleman. Kissing. Mentions of falling off horse. I'm not a professional in horse stuff.
Wordcount: 1.73k
Tags: @sebsxphia @briseisgone
Images not mine.
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These days where you spent so much time eventing was your favourite. 5 days straight of competing against other riders. You main areas were horsemanship and show jumping.
Not only did you compete but you watched other people compete. Mostly the cowboys. The rodeo and barrel racing was always an interest of yours.
Day 1:
You had finally gotten Tidus your show horse, settled in his stable at the eventing ground. Preparing your saddle to go warm up in the arena, you placed it on the side of the wall. Tidus nudged your shoulder as you continued to prepare.
"I know boy, we'll get into the arena soon." You spoke softly to the chestnut coloured horse, stroking his maine softly.
Placing the saddle onto Tidus, you put in your riding gear and climbed up onto your horse. Riding out of the stables you rode past others and into the warm up arena. Gently leading through the paddock, you make sure to be aware of who is around you. To the left of you and Tidus, was a gentleman in a red flannel shirt, jeans, leather gloves hanging out his back pocket and a black Stetson.
Tidus being the boy he is, gently nudges the man's shoulder.
"Tidus stop it. I am so sorry." You apologise as you pull the reins away from the gentleman,
"It's no problems. I'm use to it anyways. May I?" The gentleman asking to pet Tidus.
"Of course." You smiled. Watching as the man pats Tidus on the neck. "What eventing you doing?" You asked the mystery cowboy.
"Rodeo and Barrel racing. I bet you do the fancy stuff don't ya with all that get up." The cowboy looked up at you with striking blue eyes. Eyes that literally took your breath away.
"Horsemenship and show jumping... Going there now actually." You smiled. He smiled back at you.
"Rhett." He held his hand up so you could reach it.
"Y/n." You shook his hand. "Rhett... I guess I'll see you later otherwise I'll be late."
"Of course." Rhett smiled. "Good luck out there and I'll see you around." Rhett smiled up at you.
You both said goodbye and you rode to the arena where you started your warm up. Entering the main arena you started your show jumping routine. Managing to complete the set jumps. When finishing Tidus walked around the arena and you saw a distinct black Stetson in the audience. He had a small smile on his lips, which made you blush lightly.
Day 2:
You were in the stable cleaning Tidus, listening to music on a low volume not paying attention to anything but Tidus.
"Well done on the jumping yesterday." A southern voice sounded out making you jump.
"Oh!" You turned around. "Thanks Rhett... We don't have anything today until later this afternoon. You enjoyed the show yeah?" You replied leaning against the stable door.
"It was quite a spectacle I have to say. I'm amazed Tidus can't jump that high. Here... For you." Rhett handed you a flower which appeared to be a dahlia.
"Oh... Thank you so much Rhett." You blushes taking the flower from him and smelling it.
"Where's your stable by the way?" You asked Rhett continuing to smell the flower,
"Just down there, see where that older gentleman is farriering. That's my stable." Rhett smiled "Is it okay if I see you later? I've got barrel racing in half and hour."
You smiled and nodded. Then decided to be brave. Leaning over the stable door on your tip toes you kissed his cheek softly. And this time it was for him to blush.
"Good luck Rhett."
He smiled and tipped his hat then walked off. Roughly half an hour later you hear hooves trotting down the paddock path. You look up and see Rhett on a beautiful grey horse, his Stetson still on with a blue flannel and a padded jacket. His leather gloved hands holding the reins.
You smiled and walked down to the arena to watch him. The barrel racing was incredibly amazing to you, the speed Rhett sent his horse round the barrels. As he finished he saw you standing off to the side and rode over to you, placing his Stetson on top of your head.
Afterwards you kept his Stetson on, and went to find him.
"Hey cowboy." You smiled. He looked up and smiled at you.
"You know... I think I'm falling for you Y/n." Rhett spoke as he looked at you, his eyes portraying more emotion than his face.
"I think I am as well." You smiled. Rhett took of the Stetson on your head, and pulled you gently by your waist and kissing you gently.
You kissed back and you both stayed behind the stables kissing.
"wow... You're a good kisser." Rhett spoke with a schoolboy smile,
"So are you... Not just a cowboy are you?" You smiled back giving him another kiss.
Day 3:
You walked down to Rhett's stable in the morning before you got ready, and saw him working on his horse.
"Morning cowboy." You spoke softly,
"Good morning fancy." He smiled back at you as he worked on his horse dart.
"I made something for you by the way. It's probably stupid..." You held out a bracelet made out of twine which you braided. Rhett looked at it and smiled and let you put it on his wrist.
"Thank you fancy." Rhett spoke kissing your cheek. "Good luck for your show jumping today." He continued making sure you knew he'd be there.
He watched as you prepared and walked you and Tidus to the arena, then took a seat near the gate. Watching as you done jumps, Rhett watched you and Tidus jump and then the next thing he knew you was on the floor.
Rhett didn't think as he jumped the fence and ran over to you.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" Rhett asked as he came over to you,
"Grab Tidus... Make sure he's okay please." You responded sounded winded. Rhett nodded and gently grabbed the reins of Tidus and calmed the horse down.
After a few minutes you managed to get back up and take the reins from Rhett. His hand laid on the small of your back, leading you out of the arena and to the medics. The medics checked you out, and said you had a sprained wrist. They wrapped it up and sent you on your way.
Rhett walked you and Tidus back to your stable. Doing all the work for you.
"You okay fancy?" Rhett asked softly,
"Sore but I'll be okay... What's horse riding without falling off aye?" You smiled softly at his concern.
Rhett kisses the top of your head. And he let you lead him to the room you stayed in, and layed together for the night. Eventually you fell asleep on him.
Day 4:
You and Rhett had spent the night together. This to you both felt right.
"Rhett... Where do you live?" You asked softly whilst still laying against him,
"Dayton in Wyoming." Rhett replied. "What about you?"
"We live closer to each other than I thought. I'm in Wyola in Montana." You smiled up at him. "Only 30 minutes from each other."
Rhett smiled down at you and kissed the top of your head. Neither of you had competitions today, which you were glad about as the tumble you took yesterday shook you.
"Do you wanna go look at the shops?" You asked,
"Sure." Rhett replied. Both you and Rhett got changed and walked around the shops set up. You walk past a stand selling leather riding boots.
"Oh... These are nice." You looked over them and checked the length of them against your leg.
"You wear these?" Rhett raised an eyebrow. "I could buy like 5 hay bails for this price." He spoke as he checked the price.
"Unlike you cowboy. When doing horsemanship competitions both I and Tidus have to be in the smartest condition when showing the judges." You smiled teasing Rhett a bit.
"Understandable miss/ Mr fancy." He smiled back as he couldn't believe the price of the riding boots. He looked at another shop with you, which were leather gloves.
"Those are nice." You spoke,
"I got a pair." Rhett smiled showing you his gloves which have been worn through. You rolled your eyes and kept them in mind.
Day 5:
It was the final. The final day you'd get to see Rhett. You had your horsemanship competitions during the day, before having to pack away. Your wrist was in a brace but you braved through it.
Rhett watched you as though you had enchanted him. The horsemanship was something different he hadn't really watched before. All the competitors finished and the judges were calling out the top 3. Rhett sat there with his fingers crossed, hoping you at least made it to the top 3. And when your name was read out last, he cheered so loudly and was smiling at you brightly.
Your face was tearful in a good way when you rode out of the arena, and he helped you off Tidus.
"You won! You won the championship Y/n." He cheered, twirling you in his arms.
"I done it!" You smiled burying your head into the crook of Rhett's neck. The two of you celebrated for a while and then it came time to say goodbye.
"I made something so we could match." Rhett spoke placing a twine bracelet on your good wrist. You smiled up at him.
"Well I got something for you as well.... Here." You held out brand new leather riding gloves, the ones Rhett had noticed the day before.
"Y/n... You didn't have to...." Rhett looked at you with admiration. Rhett held the gloves and then noticed a note inside. He opened it and noticed it was your name and number and address.
"Text me?" You asked softly.
"I'll call you every day... Is that okay?" Rhett responded. You nodded and kisses him on the lips softly.
He smiled and kissed back.
"Make sure you look after that wrist okay?"
"I will. I'll come visit you at the ranch one day. It's only a thirty minute drive, so we don't have too far do we."
Rhett kisses your forehead again and gave you one of his hoodies to keep with you. You hugged before you went your separate ways. And on the way home all your mind could think about was him.
The Cowboy.
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armoricaroyalty · 8 months
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The lab promised results in two days, once they received the DNA samples. Mary had dedicated the last eighteen months of her life to the search for Kelly, and it was almost anti-climactic to know that they'd have their answer by the end of the week. Mary would have to find a new project.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: remember Kelly? She's still hiding out in Aducia! Thanks to @ardeney-sims for continuing to host her.
Pineview Manor / Aducia
[driving rain] [rain pattering outside] MARY | Let's see...K. Farrier, apartment 321. Jackpot. [door creaks open] MARY | [enters the apartment, looks around] [phone buzzing] MARY | [over the phone] Hello? Roz? ROSALIND | Hey babe. You're on speaker, I'm washing my face. MARY | [over the phone] That explains the echo. ROSALIND | How was your day? Any progress? MARY | [over the phone] I found her. ROSALIND | [over the phone] Really? You found her? MARY | I am literally standing in her apartment right now. ROSALIND | [over the phone] You're absolutely sure? MARY | [offscreen] Yeah. She's got pictures and stuff up. She seems like a nice mom. The apartment is kinda run down, but it's clean and she's got lots of toys and books. ROSALIND | I don't care. Find something for the DNA test and get out of there! MARY | [over the phone] Don't you want to know your nephew's being taken care of? ROSALIND | Until and unless the DNA test is positive, he's not my nephew. MARY | Hm. How about a toothbrush? ROSALIND | [over the phone] Perfect. Grab it and get out. MARY | Okay. His name is Arthur, by the way. ROSALIND | Arthur? Hmph. She thinks she's clever, doesn't she? MARY | [over the phone] Maybe. Could be that she just liked the name. ROSALIND | I think she knows exactly what she's doing. MARY | ...other than that, how was your day, babe? ... Who's writing a book? MARY | I dunno. My first thought is that it's not a good thing. All that stuff about your Mom in her last book....d'you really want all your dirty laundry out there? MARY | ...we should talk about it once we're both in Uspana, but I think Theo's giving you good advice. Greene will play nice to an extent, but you have no idea who she's talking to or what she might dig up. MARY | ...yeah, wire-tapping is a crime, but people break the law all the time. KELLY | ...? KELLY | The weirdos are out tonight, Arthur. ARTHUR | Weirdos? KELLY | Mhmmm. Big weirdos.
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ricco4 · 10 months
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The heat is going to murder me 💀
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funforahermit · 3 months
It's funny how being a fan of Rhys Darby has led me to become a fan of a lot of his friends as well. That's never happened to me before, with any of my other crushes, and I don't really know what's different this time?? Maybe it means that I just really have a thing for kiwis, who knows 'xD But let's see -
There's Jonno Roberts of course, absolute comedic GENIUS, pipes like you wouldn't believe, actor par excellence, and sexy as fuck. His on screen chemistry with Rhys is off the charts, even better than Rhys and Taika imo (controversial opinion alert 'xD), but I find that I also enjoy watching Jonno on his own. And the little bit I know of his personal life is endearing as heck, not least because he's a firm trans ally.
David Farrier, irresistable mixture between fearless journalist and complete mess! Dark Tourist, Tickled, Mister Organ - those are all deeply fascinating documentaries, and I can never decide if I want him to tell me more about the deepest darkest secrets of humanity or if I want him to get the hell out of there and stay away from danger for god's sake 'xD Lately I've been going through his podcast Flightless Bird, and just... everything he talks about is really interesting and compelling. And yes, the accent helps, I admit that. Also, bonus points for being a fellow bisexual ���
Jemaine Clement!!! God he's hot. Like is it just me or is he just..... SO hot. Like damn. I'm sure I could also talk at length about his talent, but I am kind of distracted. Fuck.
Bret McKenzie: I adore his solo album Songs Without Jokes, I listened to it so many times when it came out, and now all the songs are part of my permanent playlist. I love them to bits.
The last two together, obviously, are the best duo ever and I can't get enough of their songs or their comedy.
Steve Wrigley! Now I'm not gonna lie, I'm not the biggest fan of his stand-up and for the longest time I couldn't understand why Rhys would insist on touring with him and make him his opening act all the time. But I get it now. I've grown to love him for the amazing friend that he is, and for looking after Rhys so perfectly - even if some of his jokes make me go a bit :/ (The Ohakune airport story is hilarious though!)
Dan Schreiber - NOT a kiwi! 'xD Amazing brain, amazing way with words, amazing spirit of adventure, amazing sense of humour. One of these days I'm gonna listen to all his other podcasts (beside the Cryptid Factor I mean), just haven't found the time yet.
I feel like this is an uncomplete list, but I gotta go and do some real life stuff now.. Just wanted to say that I love them!! And I've got Rhys to thank for knowing them at all.
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
While I know it’s generally bad for leaks to happen (unless they are intentionally encouraged by the developer, and yes this seems to be a thing, as Mark Darrah himself even mentioned in the past), and there’s no real point in overanalyzing something that is pre-Alpha footage from over a year ago (!!)... I’m just glad it didn’t contain some major spoilers story wise, because I wouldn’t know how to avoid them until whenever this game actually releases. 😂 I’d like to know as little as possible about the story and the characters going into it.......
........That being said.. I’m a hypocrite, I couldn’t resist and took a tiny little peek 😂(and if you don’t wanna know anything until there’s something official, I completely understand, just don’t read any further now!), so all I want to say is
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HOLY SHIT GUYS This seems legit and we are probably looking at the very first glimpse of REAL (pre-Alpha) DA4 gameplay footage after EIGHT flippin years, which means this game is REAL, it’s actually happening, it’s a real game that’s playable and everything and ahhhh!!! Weisshaupt?? Davrin?? A dragon?? Darkspawn?? Purple stuff??? DID YOU SEE THAT HAIR ANIMATION THOUGH??
Ahem. Okay, so with the first wave of euphoria out of the way now, how are we feeling about THIS
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Hmmmmm 👀👀👀
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Seems like the spirit of Joplin lives on after all?? 👀👀👀
I’ve already seen plenty of people speculating and while we should take everything with a grain of salt here of course, there was a comment on a reddit post by another (supposed) playtester that confirmed “Rook” to be indeed the protagonist’s name/title! 👀 And while this could be of course just a placeholder name for whatever it’ll actually end up being, there could be a lot to derive from this!
- As people have pointed out, “Rook” does sound a lot like a code/spy name, much like Charter, Butler, Farrier or any of Leliana’s spies
- Rook being also a type of crow, fitting in perfectly with the bird themed names like Hawke
- In slang, it’s ALSO another word for “swindler” or “deceiver”, which also reminds me a lot of how there was a Lord of Fortune in Tevinter Nights who used the name “Hollix” as part of their disguise during a mission (which btw was actually the name of Dorian’s mother’s pet nug lol)
So all of this considered, and assuming that the leaked footage might have been part of the very beginning of the game (and how the leaker seemed to suggest that Grey Warden is just one of multiple factions you can choose from!), can I just say that my speculation about how DA4 might start off with an infiltration mission of one of four factions (Grey Warden/Antivan Crow/”Veil Jumper”/Tevinter.. something), while playing as a “spy” (/Lord of Fortune?? 👀) under the alias “Rook”, might actually turn out to be true after all??? (°ロ°)
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I mean.. it could just end up being a simple “choose your class/faction” at the start and that’s it 😂, but either way, if we get something resembling different “origin stories”, like depending on which faction you choose, the game starts off with a different mission (similar to what Cyberpunk did?), I think that would be an awesome concept! (Not setting any expectations here though! 😌 The game might start off at Weisshaupt no matter which faction you choose!)
But back to topic, the rook being of course also a piece in a game of chess, which was depicted on the cover of Mark Darrah’s red “Joplin” book first seen in 2016!
Which in turn also of course immediately takes us back to the amazing mind chess game between Solas and Iron Bull, referencing a real game that happened in 1851 known as “The Immortal Game”. While people have been taking Solas sacrificing most of his pieces as well as his queen (Flemythal) only to then strike the final blow and win by moving the bishop (mage) as foreshadowing and also a perfect respresentation of how both Solas and Iron Bull think and strategize, what’s interesting to note, is that it’s the turn in which Bull takes Solas’ rook that ultimately seals Solas’ win in the end. 
Now, this could mean absolutely nothing of course, but with this new information from the leaks, maybe there’s more to it than we think. 👀
Then there’s also the link to Solas’ final Tower tarot card of course...
Other than that, I just think it’ll be really cool to have a chess themed aesthetic for DA4 following the tarot card theme of DAI! Or just the idea of having a “game of minds” like the Immortal Game rather than just relying on “brute force” with an antagonist like Solas, that requires a certain level of strategic thinking and consideration from us in how we act/make decisions to outwit him, would make a lot of sense to me!
(Or we might as well reference that one Simpsons episode with the “human chess board” and cover both brute force AND strategic thinking lmaoo)
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Or, even better, let us do something like the flippin “logic chess” mechanic from that glorious Ace Attorney spin off game lmaooo
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Let’s bombard Solas with some hard hitting arguments. lmao
I will say though that, if “Rook” does actually end up being the title/name of our next protagonist, I’m once again very curious how the hell they’re gonna make this work in the localized versions, if they do attempt to translate the name literally. Let us pray that they’ll just stick to English for this one, or else the multiple meanings of the term will be completely lost in translation. lol Can’t wait to play as flippin “Turm” in German or “Tour” in French. 😂
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